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Dose-response of photocontrolled phycobiliprotein formationwas studied with two types of Tolypothrix tenuis cells havingdifferent content of photoreversible pigment (PRP) of Scheibe[cf. Scheibe (1972) Science 176: 1037]. PRP was not detectablein cells grown in a medium rich in nitrogen source under weakred light (normal cells) while the content was much larger (morethan 10 times) in cells incubated in light under nitrogen-deficientconditions [nitrogen-deficient cells, cf. Ohki and Fujita (1979)Plant & Cell Physiol. 20: 1341]. Both cells were found toform phycoerythrin (PE) in the dark after a short green illumination,while red illumination suppressed its formation. The amount of PE formation depended on the dose of green orred preillumination. Despite a large difference in content ofPRP of Scheibe, the dose-response of PE formation induced bygreen light was almost the same in both types of cells. Suppressionby red light in normal cells required a dose larger than thatin nitrogen-deficient cells. The results indicate that PRP ofScheibe formed during the incubation under nitrogen-deficientconditions does not act as the photoreceptor in photocontrolof PE formation. (Received September 29, 1980; Accepted January 6, 1981)  相似文献   

Action of near UV to blue light on photocontrol of phycoerythrin(PE) and phycocyanin (PC) formation was investigated with non-photobleachedTolypothrix tenuis and Fremyella diplosiphon; this study wasdone to evaluate the proposition of Haury and Bogorad [(1977)Plant Physiol., 60: 835] that near UV to blue light is as effectiveas green and red light for photocontrol of PE and PC formationin blue-green algae and that lack of the blue effect in previousexperiments was due to destruction of blue-absorbing pigment(s)by the photobleaching treatment involved in the experimentalmethod. In our present work, light effect was measured in heterotrophiccultures incubated in darkness following brief exposure to differentwavelengths of light. Results indicated that (1) near UV to blue light was not effectivefor induction of PE formation either in T. tenuis or in F. diplosiphon,and (2) PC formation was induced by near UV light at 360 nmbut not by blue light at 460 nm. These features are identicalwith those previously reported for photobleached cells but notwith those reported by Haury and Bogorad for non-photobleachedcells. We conclude that photobleaching treatment does not haveany influence on the action of near UV to blue light. Actionat 390 and 460 nm observed by Haury and Bogorad probably resultedfrom light effects other than photocontrol, e.g., the actionof photosynthesis. (Received December 18, 1981; Accepted April 8, 1982)  相似文献   

Phycoerythrin (PE) formation in the dark induced by green preilluminationwas studied with the cyanobacterium Tolypothrix tenuis (IAMM29) with special attention to the localization of newly synthesizedPE. The initial synthesis of PE in the dark after preilluminationwas much faster than the formation of thylakoids indicated byChi increase. However, the amount of PE synthesized in thedark was far less than that needed for a complete change ofall phycobilisomes (PBS's) to the PBS containing PE at the maximumamount. These features give rise to questions as to whetherthe PE synthesized in the dark is located uniformly in everyPBS of every cell, or het-erogeneously in limited number ofcells, or PBS's newly divided or formed during the initial periodof the dark incubation. To solve the question, PE formationin individual cells was followed by a microscopic fluorometry,and at the same time, PE content in fractionated PBS was determined.Results indicated that (1) PE synthesis was induced uniformlyin every cell even by a limited dose of green light, and (2)PE was found in almost all PBS's. These results are interpretedas that newly synthesized PE is assembled in existing PBS, andthus, formation of PE-PBS induced by green light does not necessarilyrequire a new assembly of PBS. However exchange between PE andphycocyanin in peripheral rods of existing PBS probably occursat least in the initial phase of PE synthesis induced by greenlight. (Received August 16, 1990; Accepted February 27, 1991)  相似文献   

  1. The formation, in the dark, of phycoerythrin in the preilluminatedcells of a blue-green alga, Tolypothrix tenuis, was investigatedwith special reference to its nitrogen metabolism.
  2. On incubatingthe pre-illuminated algal cells under a darkaerobiccondition,and with nitrate as N-source, the formation of phycoerythrinoccurs after an induction period of about 5 hours. No time-lagis observed in the nitrate-uptake by the organism. Similar resultsare obtained with nitrite, ammonia, urea and arginine as N-sources.
  3. The above stated formation of phycoerythrin is suppressedbysubstances such as chloramphenicol and p-fluorophenylalanine,substances known to be potent inhibitors of protein-synthesis.
  4. On the basis of these findings, it was inferred that therearetwo consecutive processes involved in the dark-formationofphycoerythrin in the pre-illuminated cells: (i) uptake andconversionof exogenous nitrogen sources into some intermediarynitrogenouscell substances, and (ii) synthesis of the pigment-proteinfromthese substances.
(Received June 27, 1960; )  相似文献   

The in vivo presence of the photoreversible pigment found byScheibe was examined with Tolypothrix tenuis before and afterphotobleaching. Crude protein extracts obtained from the cellsbefore photobleaching showed no photoreversible absorption changes.However, distinct photoreversible absorption changes were observedin crude protein extracts obtained from the cells after photobleaching.Results indicate that photobleaching caused the formation ofphotoreversible pigment(s) in vivo. Fractionation by brushitecolumn chromatography revealed that two photoreversible chromoproteinswere present in the latter extracts. One was eluted at the samefraction as allophycocyanin and showed a green minus red differencespectrum identical with that of Scheibe's photoreversible pigment(5), that of phycochrome c of Bj?rn and Bj?rn (2), and thatof our guanidine-HCl-treated allophycocyanin (7). The otherchromoprotein was found in the phycocyanin fraction and showeda green minus red difference spectrum resembling that of ourguanidine-HCl-treated phycocyanin (7) and that of the phycochromea of Bj?rn and Bj?rn (2). Results indicate that the photoreversiblechromoproteins present in cells after photobleaching were transformedin vivo from phycobiliproteins during the treatment. Re-evaluationof the photobiological role of these chromoproteins is necessary. (Received June 5, 1979; )  相似文献   

  1. Previous studies have shown that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), apparently chlorophyll-less cells with profoundly degeneratedplastids—referred to as "glucose-bleached cells—areproduced either in the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleachedcells are incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, an active formation of chlorophylloccurs after a certain lag period under illumination, whilein darkness a very small amount of chlorophyll is formed atabout the same time as in the light. The stimulating effectof light on the chlorophyll formation is not appreciably affectedwhen the photosynthetic CO2-fixation of greening algal cellsis blocked by the addition of CMU. In the present study, itwas further found that the light-enhanced chlorophyll formationproceeds, although at a somewhat lower rate, under aerationof CO2-free air. All the experiments in this work were doneunder these non-photosynthetic conditions to exclude any influenceof photosynthates.
  2. The effect of light (from daylight fluorescentlamps) on thechlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleachedalgal cells wassaturating at about 1,000 lux. Blue light wasfound to be mosteffective; yellow, green and red light followingin the orderof decreasing effectiveness.
  3. When the bleachedalgal cells were illuminated for a short periodin the lag phaseof chlorophyll formation and subsequently incubatedin darkness,there occurred an appreciable enhancement of chlorophyllformationin the dark. When the short illumination was appliedat differenttimes of the lag phase, the enhancement was inducedto almostthe same extent. But the longer the duration of theilluminationduring the lag phase, the greater was the enhancementof chlorophyllformation in the subsequent dark incubation.In such experimentsblue light was most effective and red lightleast, as it wasthe case in the experiments of continuous illumination.An intervenientillumination of the bleached cells at lowertemperatures orunder the atmosphere of N2 produced little orno enhancementof the chlorophyll formation in the subsequentdark incubation.
  4. Based on these results, it was concluded that the light enhancementof chlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleached algal cellsis mediated by a non-chlorophyllous photoreceptor(s), absorbingmaximally blue and yellow light, and that a light-induced changeof the photoreceptor is immediately followed by a certain dark(temperaturedependent and aerobic) process(es) which is connected,directly or indirectly, to the chlorophyll synthesis.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

When dark grown cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 mutantwere exposed to continuous light, an immediate transformationof small amounts of protochlorophyll(ide), which had been presentin the dark grown cells, to chlorophyll was observed. Afterthis, there was a slow accumulation of chlorophyll lasting for2.5-3 hr before the start of exponential synthesis. Initialaccumulation of chlorophyll was distinctly slower at a highlight intensity (13,000 lux) than it was at moderate intensitiesof light (2,000–5,000 lux). However, the exponential synthesisof chlorophyll started after the same 2.5–3 hr of illumination. A brief pre-illumination of cells followed by incubation indarkness was effective in promoting chlorophyll synthesis undersubsequent continuous illumination at high, as well as moderatelight intensities. Pretreatment alleviated retardation of theinitial chlorophyll accumulation by light of high intensity.The promoting effect of preillumination on chlorophyll synthesiswas sufficient, even when a light impulse as short as 10 secwas given. However, the effect was dependent on length of thedark period after the short pre-illumination. The full extentof this effect was observed when the dark period was about 2.5–3hr long. Further dark incubation gradually decreased the effect. On the basis of these findings, it is assumed that a factor(s)responsible for promotion of chlorophyll (or chloroplast) synthesisin the process of greening of dark grown cells is produced duringthe dark period after a brief pre-illumination, and that thefactor is turned over at a relatively fast rate. The possiblenature of the presumed factor is discussed in relation to chloroplastdevelopment. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Kobe University, Nada-ku, Kobe, Japan. (Received August 18, 1970; )  相似文献   

Summary 5-Hydroxy indole-3-acetic acid promoted the growth (increase in dry weight) of Anacystis nidulans, Chlorogloea fritschii, Phormidium foveolarum, Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis. 5-Hydroxy tryptamine stimulated the growth of Chlorogloea fritschii and Nostoc muscorum. Phenyl-acetic acid promoted the growth of Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis. Tryptophol stimulated the growth of Chlorogloea fritschii, it failed to stimulate the growth of Nostoc muscorum. Isatin promoted the growth of Anacystis nidulans and Chlorogloea fritschii 2, 3, 5-triidobenzoic acid inhibited the growth of Anacystis nidulans, Chlorogloea fritschii, Phormidium foveolarum, Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis.  相似文献   

Dark-grown cells of a mutant strain of Chlorella regularis containedchlorophyll a and protochlorophyll, phytyl ester of protochlorophyllide.Under illumination, protochlorophyll was quantitatively anddirectly converted into chlorophyll a. The photoconversion wasdependent on light intensity and temperature and proceeded ina cell-free preparation. The pathway of chlorophyll formation found in the mutant cellsis entirely different from that from protochlorophyllide byway of chlorophyllide a, which is generally observed in greenplants. 1Present address: Division of Biology, Medical College of Miyazaki,Miyazaki 889-16, Japan. 2Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, The NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Ibaragi 300-21, Japan. (Received October 24, 1975; )  相似文献   

  1. The formation of phycobilin pigments in a blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis was investigated with special reference to the effectsof preillumination with colored lights.
  2. It was discoveredthat the algal cells are capable of formingphycobilin pigmentsin the dark, if they have been previouslyilluminated for severalhours in the presence of CO2.
  3. The color of light applied inthe later period of preillumination(chromatic illumination)was found to affect the ratio of phycoerythrinto phycocyaninformed in the subsequent dark period. A greenlight acceleratesthe dark-formation of phycoerythrin, a redlight that of phycocyanin,and the two lights counteractingwith each other in their effects.
  4. These directive effects of the "chromatic illumination" canbe accomplished within a very short period, for instance, in3 minutes if it is preceded by sufficient "preillumination"with an incandescent or day light fluorescent light. The reactionsoccurring during the period of chromatic illumination does notrequire the presence of CO2 and the aerobic condition.
  5. Thealga can be grown heterotrophically when supplied with casaminoacids and glucose. Under such a condition the alga forms phycocyanintogether with chlorophyll and carotenoids, but not phycoerythrin.
  6. On the basis of the results obtained, a tentative scheme forthe biosynthesis of phycobilin pigments in the alga was proposed,assuming the light-induced formation of unknown precursors whichare converted into phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in the subsequentdark period.
(Received July 4, 1960; )  相似文献   

Compositions of pigments and polypeptides of pale green membranesthat had been isolated from dark-grown cells of a chlorophyll-deficientmutant of Chlorella kessleri were investigated. They containedChl a in a level corresponding to about 1% of that present inthe thylakoid membranes isolated from autotrophically grownwild-type cells and a trace amount of chlorophyllide a, butneither Chl b nor carotenoids. The polypeptide profile of themutant membranes was similar to that of membranes isolated fromwild-type cells that were grown in the dark. Neither the chlorophyll-bindingsubunits of PSI nor the apoproteins of LHCP were detected bySDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis. However, the light-minus-darkdifference spectrum of the mutant membranes revealed the presenceof the reaction-center chlorophyll of PSI (P700) at a molarratio of 190 chlorophyll (Chl a plus Chlide a) per P700. P700was more stable than Chl a and Chlide a in the light so thatprolonged illumination led to a decline in the Chl/P700 ratioto 24. The initial rate of P700 photooxidation in the mutantmembranes was comparable to that in CP1 isolated from the dark-grownwild-type cells. Under illumination with strong light, the initialrate was decreased in parallel to the decrease in Chl/P700 ratio.The results suggest that most of Chi present in the mutant membranescan transfer excitation energy to P700. (Received March 13, 1998; Accepted August 7, 1998)  相似文献   

Summary The effect of potential precursors of Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on the growth (increase in dry weight) of Anacystis nidulans, Chlorogloea fritschii, Phormidium foveolarum, Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis have been investigated under as sterile conditions as possible.Tryptamine showed a marked stimulation of growth indicating its possible conversion to IAA. Tryptophan at a hormonal concentration promoted growth in only 1 species, Chlorogloea fritschii. Indole stimulated the growth of Chlorogloea fritschii, Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis. Anthranilic acid promoted the growth of Nostoc muscorum, it failed to stimulate the growth of Chlorogloea fritschii. Anthranilonitrile promoted the growth of Nostoc muscorum and Chlorogloea fritschii. -Alanine promoted the growth of Nostoc muscorum, Tolypothrix tenuis and Chlorogloea fritschii at hormonal concentrations.  相似文献   

The transbilayer redistribution of spin-labeled phospholipid analogues (SL-PL) with choline, serine, and ethanolamine head groups (PC, PS, and PE, respectively) was studied on intact disc vesicles of bovine rod outer segment membranes in the dark and after illumination. Redistribution was measured by the extraction of spin-labeled lipid analogues from the outer leaflet of membrane using the bovine serum albumin back-exchange assay. In the dark, PS was distributed asymmetrically, favoring the outer leaflet, whereas PC and PE showed small if any asymmetry. Green illumination for 1 min caused lipid head group-specific reorganization of SL-PL. Extraction of SL-PS by bovine serum albumin showed a fast transient (<10 min) enhancement, which was further augmented by a peptide stabilizing the active metarhodopsin II conformation. The data suggest a direct release of 1 molecule of bound PS per rhodopsin into the outer leaflet and subsequent redistribution between the two leaflets. SL-PE and SL-PC showed more complex kinetics, in both cases consistent with a prolonged period of reduced extraction (2 phospholipids per rhodopsin in each case). The different phases of SL-PL reorganization after illumination may be related to the formation and decay of the active rhodopsin species and to their subsequent regeneration process.  相似文献   

In etiolated cotyledons of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv.Aonagajibai), preillumination with a short pulse of red lighteliminated the lag phase and stimulated Chl formation in thelinear phase during subsequent continuous illumination. Thistwofold effect was clearly distinguishable by varying the lengthsof the dark periods after preillumination. Pretreatment of excisedcotyledons with BA, GA3 ethylene, or IAA stimulated Chl formationduring subsequent illumination. The effects of BA and GA3 seemedindependent of both kinds of red light effects. However, ethyleneand IAA interacted with red light in increasing the rate ofChl formation during the linear phase. This may provide someclue to the red light action on Chl formation through its probablestimulation of ethylene production. (Received June 7, 1978; )  相似文献   

The formation of Chl-protein complexes (CPs) in cucumber cotyledonsduring a dark period after a brief illumination was studied.SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the P700-Chl a-protein complex(CP1) and Chl a-protein complex of the PS II core (CPa) increased,with a concomitant decrease in the light-harvesting Chl a/6-proteincomplex of PS II (LHCII), during 24-h dark incubation of cotyledonsafter 6h of continuous illumination. In agreement with theseresults, curve analysis revealed that spectral components characteristicof CP1 and CPa increased while those of Chi b decreased duringthe dark incubation. Since Chl is not synthesized in the dark,Chl must be released from LHCII and re-incorporated into CP1and CPa. The amounts of apoproteins of CP1 and 43 kDa protein(one of the apoproteins of CPa) increased during the dark incubation,and the increase could be inhibited by chloramphenicol (CAP).CP1 did not increase in the dark when tissues were incubatedwith CAP which inhibited the synthesis of apoproteins of CP1,indicating that CP formation by Chl redistribution needs newlysynthesized apoproteins. The decrease in LHCII apoproteins duringdark incubation was inhibited by CAP probably because Chl wasnot removed from LHCII by apoproteins of CP1 and CPa, whosesynthesis was blocked by the presence of CAP. When intermittently-illuminatedcotyledons containing a little LHCII were incubated with CaCl2in the dark, Chl b and LHCII apoproteins accumulated with thedisappearance of 43 kDa protein; Chl of 43 kDa protein may beutilized for LHCII formation. We concluded that Chl moleculesonce bound with their apoproteins are redistributed among theapoproteins. (Received October 17, 1990; Accepted December 6, 1990)  相似文献   

Effects of an inserted dark incubation on light-induced chlorophyllsynthesis in dark grown Chlamydomonai reinhardtii y-1 cellswere studied. Chlorophyll synthesis in cells with the interposeddark incubation proceeded faster than that in cells withoutthe dark incubation when it was inserted within 2.5 hr afterthe onset of illumination. Within this limit, the longer theinitial illumination given, the shorter was the length of darkincubation required to obtain a maximum rate of chlorophyllsynthesis. However, when the dark incubation was provided laterthan 2.5 hr, the rate of subsequent chlorophyll synthesis wasreduced. Since cells responded to the dark treatment in differentmanners before and after the 2.5 hr point, this time was designatedas the transition point. This 2.5 hr period corresponds to thelength of the regular lag phase in chlorophyll synthesis undercontinuous illumination. Based on these results, the nature of the previously postulatedpromoting factor (P-factor) in chlorophyll synthesis is discussed. (Received June 13, 1972; )  相似文献   

Effects of protein synthesis inhibitors, CAP and CHI, on diegreening of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 cells, particularlyon die P-factor formation (19) in the early phase, were studied.Chlorophyll synthesis in the normal greening process, whichis divided into three phases, was strongly inhibited by bothantibiotics, although the inhibition by CAP was weaker in themiddle and late phases. The development of potential for rapidchlorophyll formation (P-factor formation) that takes placein dark-grown cells during dark incubation following brief illuminationwas completely blocked by CHI, but not by CAP. A "CHI-sensitive"period for the P-factor formation was restricted to the initial30 min during the dark incubation following brief illumination(10 min). This initial 30-min period appeared to correspondto the time of protochlorophyll(ide) formation which was inhibitedby CHI. Light-dependent conversion of protochlorophyll(ide) to chlorophylland also the subsequent protochlorophyll(ide) synthesis, whichis "CHI-sensitive" seem to be prerequisite for the inductionof P-factor synthesis. A possible control mechanism involvedin the early phase of the greening process in y-1 cells is discussed. (Received February 12, 1976; )  相似文献   

Carotenoid photobleaching induced by photosystem II action wasstudied using membrane fragments of the blue-green alga Anabaenavariabilis. Special attention was paid to the action of O2. Carotenoid photobleaching elicited by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) depended on O2. However, the addition of H2O2, sodiumsilicotungstate or potassium ferricyanide (Ferri), an electronacceptor for reaction center II action, removed the O2-dependency.These results indicate that O2 acts as the electron acceptorfor this reaction. When both CGCP and Ferri were present, a short illumination(0.25 sec) caused a rapid photobleaching followed by a slowrecovery in the subsequent dark period. The spectrum of theabsorption decrease in the light was identical with that ofthe absorption increase in the subsequent dark, indicating thata reversible process is involved in the carotenoid photobleaching.The size in the dark recovery relative to the light bleachingbecame larger under anaerobic conditions and smaller under higherpartial pressure of O2. The reuslts were interpreted as indicatingthat O2 does not function in the primary process including areversible bleaching step, but is involved in the slow and irreversiblebleaching process. (Received April 3, 1978; )  相似文献   

Light-induced formation of chlorophyll in "etiolated" cellsof Chlorella protothecoides was studied under various experimentalconditions, (i) Two different types of enhancing effect of lightwere demonstrated: a "long-term" effect lasting for many hoursafter a relatively short illumination of etiolated cells anda "short-term" effect disappearing in a few hours after illumination,(ii) Addition of ALA caused enhancement of chlorophyll synthesisin etiolated cells in darkness as well as in light; the ALA-enhancedrate of dark chlorophyll synthesis, however, was much lowerthan the rate in light without added ALA. ALA was replaceablewith succinic acid plus glycine in light, but not in the dark,for enhancement of chlorophyll formation, (iii) Adding glucose,fructose, galactose, glycerol or acetate—at concentrationsmuch lower than those previously shown to induce "bleaching"of green algal cells-caused a more or less marked suppressionof light-induced greening in etiolated cells, (iv) Added glucosealmost instantaneously and completely stopped chlorophyll synthesisin light as well as in darkness either with or without addedALA. On the basis of these and other results, a tentative schemeis presented for the enhancing effects of light and the suppressiveeffects of glucose on chlorophyll formation in algal cells. (Received April 1, 1970; )  相似文献   

Planktonic algae submitted to vertical mixing with a short periodicitycommute many times a day from low to high irradiance levels.To study the influence of this light periodicity, two diatoms,Skeletonema coslatum and Nitzschia turgiduloides, were cultivatedunder alternating conditions of 2 h light/2 h dark (2 h/2 h),simulating vertical mixing in the natural environment. Two otherlight regimes were used: continuous light (CL) and alternatecycles of 12 h light/12 h dark (12 h/12 h). Products synthesizedin the dark by S.costmum during 60 s incubation for 2 h/2 hculture or during 5 min for 12 h/12 h culture were determined.They were essentially sugars, malate, aspartate and glyceratefor 2 h/2 h cells and 12 h/12 h cells taken at the beginningof the light period. In contrast, 12 h/12 h cells taken duringthe darkness or in the middle of the light period and set inthe dark synthesized only amino acids. Our results corroborateprevious reports on dark CO2 fixation via phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase (PEPCKase, enzyme allowing the fixation of CO2on PEP and the synthesis of amino acids) with involvement ofa substrate synthesized during the light period, but demonstratethat incorporation also occurs by the C-3 pathway (pathway responsiblefor the major CO2 fixation in the light) in the very early stagesof the dark period. Another important result highlighted bythis study is the appreciable rate of dark fixation: on average6.7, 8.3 and 12.7% of photosynthesis at saturating photon fluxdensity for N.turgiduloides cultivated under 2 h/2 h, CL and12 h/12 h regime respectively and nearly 12% for S.costatumin the 2 h/2 h light regime. Variation of dark fixation wasinvestigated as a function of hour in the two species. Skeletonemacostatum cells submitted to the 2 h/2 h cycle show a constantrate of light-independent assimilation throughout the day. Bycontrast, both N.turgiduloides grown under the 12 h/12 h or2 h/2 h regime and S.costatum cultured under the 12 h/12 h cycleundergo fluctuations in the rate of dark fixation over the light/darkcycle. The mean dark fixation rate is controlled by the lengthof the photoperiod or the frequency of light fluctuations, dependingon species. We argue that this phenomenon must be taken intoconsideration in primary production calculations. Dependingon whether they are synthesized at the beginning or at the endof the light period, products are somewhat different and therate of fixation varies. This leads us to suggest that the pathwayof dark fixation may be regulated by at least two factors: amountof available substrate and enzyme (RuBPCase and PEPCKase) activityand/or amount.  相似文献   

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