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马三梅  王永飞  叶秀粦   《广西植物》2006,26(4):392-394
对广州地区水蔗草在不同季节的无融合生殖胚囊和有性生殖胚囊频率进行了研究。结果表明:无融合生殖胚囊和有性生殖胚囊的频率在不同季节差异十分显著。两年中,无融合生殖胚囊出现的频率分别在冬季和夏季最高。  相似文献   

Summary In breeding for multiple trait value functions, the existence of genotype-by-environment interaction effects can vastly complicate the designation of optimum sets of genotype-environment pairings into Target Populations of Environments. In this paper it is shown that even in the absence of any changes in genotypic ranking over environments on a trait-by-trait basis, it is possible to generate changes in genotypic ranking in value in different environments. This is shown to be true even for linear value functions in a case example in pine breeding.Published as paper No. 9570 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7601, USA  相似文献   

The host genetic influence on the fecundity of Schistosoma mansoni was studied by measuring egg excretion and accumulation of eggs in the tissues of two inbred strains of mice. The two strains, NIH/Ola and CBA/Ca, differed in both parameters. Egg excretion after infection in the NIH/Ola reached a maximum and declined earlier than was the case for the CBA/Ca mice. More eggs accumulated in the gut and lungs of CBA/Ca, while the NIH/Ola had more eggs in the liver by 100 days post-infection. Statistical analysis of both tissue eggs and faecal eggs, using a robust, non-parametric method, indicated that there is significant evidence for a density dependent reduction in fecundity of worms in more heavily infected animals. We conclude that both the genetic constitution of the murine host and the intensity of infection affect the fecundity of Schistosoma mansoni worms.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of apomictic plant species often detect more genotypic variation than predicted from their assumed reproductive mode. The two most commonly invoked mechanisms to explain these high levels of variation are recombination, via facultative sexuality, and mutation. The potential for sexual reproduction in the facultative apomict Hieracium pilosella (Asteraceae) was determined at three field sites by artificially pollinating with the closely related, but morphologically distinct, H. aurantiacum. The level of genotypic variation at the three sites was recorded using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs). There was a significant, positive relationship between the measured potential for sexual reproduction and population genotypic variability, indicating that sex has played a role in the structuring of these populations; however, a causal relationship cannot be stated because of the use of regression. We also applied the recently developed method of compatibility analysis. Compatibility analysis can determine, using the occurrence of "character incompatibilities," whether patterns of variation observed in populations are most parsimoniously explained by mutation or recombination. Compatibility analysis also indicated that sexual reproduction had played a role in generating genotypic diversity in these populations. Combining these different types of data may give a greater understanding of the potential for the generation of genotypic diversity in facultative apomictic populations.  相似文献   

We comprehensively analyze the cytonuclear effects of generalized mixed mating, including all combinations of selfing, outcrossing, and apomixis, the asexual production of seeds. After first deriving the time-dependent solutions for nonrandom associations (disequilibria) between a diallelic cytoplasmic marker and the alleles and genotypes at a diploid nuclear locus, we delimit all possible dynamical behaviors and the conditions under which each occurs. As in standard mixed mating systems, all disequilibria ultimately decay to zero except when outcrossing is absent, in which case permanent disequilibria result if the allelic association is initially nonzero. When at least some outcrossing is present, any initial allelic association decays at a constant geometric rate, whereas genotypic disequilibria may first increase in magnitude or change sign. Although selfing and apomixis tend to retard the decay of disequilibria (or approach to equilibrium) and often to the same extent, apomixis can have a stronger effect under some conditions. We also determine the dynamics of cytonuclear disequilibria in specific examples that may be of particular interest for empirical studies of hybrid zones. The results suggest several practical guidelines for experimental design and data analysis and show how the cytonuclear disequilibrium dynamics under mating system alone furnish a quantitative baseline for null hypotheses against which to test for the presence of other evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

在水蔗草花序发育时期对花序喷施0.05g/L 2,4-D后.对水蔗草的花粉育性、结实率和无融合生殖的频率进行研究,结果表明:用0.05g/L 2,4-D处理,花粉育性和结实率与对照均没有明显的差异;无融合生殖的频率比对照显著下降。  相似文献   

We develop a cytonuclear framework for tetraploid populations in which a diallelic nuclear marker exhibits tetrasomic inheritance. This system requires two separate parameterizations, with six cytonuclear disequilibria (nonrandom associations) in tetraploid individuals and four in their diploid gametes. Double reduction during meiosis adds further complexity by causing gametic output to vary with the distance of the nuclear locus from the centromere. We derive and analyze dynamical solutions for the disequilibria under generalized mixed mating, with any combination of apomixis, selfing, and outcrossing, with and without double reduction. As in comparable diploid systems, all disequilibria ultimately decay to zero, unless nuclear and cytoplasmic alleles are nonrandomly associated and outcrossing is absent, in which case permanent associations result. Selfing and apomixis retard the decay of disequilibria (or approach to equilibrium), and often to the same extent. In contrast, double reduction can accelerate the loss of tetraploid cytonuclear associations, but only negligibly in hybrid zones, and this loss is never faster than in diploids. Only in the absence of allelic associations or outcrossing is the asymptotic approach to equilibrium differentially affected by apomixis and selfing or slower under tetrasomic than disomic inheritance. To facilitate empirical applications, we also examine tetraploid hybrid zone dynamics and offer practical guidelines for experimental design and data analysis, showing how the consequences of the mating system alone provide a valuable baseline for drawing evolutionary inferences from the observed patterns of cytonuclear associations.  相似文献   

The environment and the genotype in polymorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is argued that polymorphism is a useful broad term applicable to all forms of discontinuous variation affecting the same stages of development within populations. This unqualified term is particularly applicable when the fact of variation is known, but its causation is not known. The term "genetically determined polymorphism" is proposed for those polymorphisms where the genotype is paramount in morph determination, and where the environment is of little, if any importance (e.g. blood groups). Where the environment interacts with the genotype to elicit a particular morph the term "environmentally cued polymorphism' is apposite. Genetically determined polymorphisms result from discontinuously distributed, but continuously active genetic material, whilst environmentally cued polymorphisms appear to depend on universally distributed, but differentially active genetic resources.
Environmentally cued polymorphism produces morphs congruent with current ecological conditions, and in fluctuating or alternating environments it avoids the worst effects of selection for the previously existing conditions. In fluctuating environments genetically determined polymorphism is a particularly costly method of achieving adaptation.  相似文献   

Individuals naturally vary in the severity of infectious disease when exposed to a parasite. Dissecting this variation into genetic and environmental components can reveal whether or not this variation depends on the host genotype, parasite genotype or a range of environmental conditions. Complicating this task, however, is that the symptoms of disease result from the combined effect of a series of events, from the initial encounter between a host and parasite, through to the activation of the host immune system and the exploitation of host resources. Here, we use the crustacean Daphnia magna and its parasite Pasteuria ramosa to show how disentangling genetic and environmental factors at different stages of infection improves our understanding of the processes shaping infectious disease. Using compatible host-parasite combinations, we experimentally exclude variation in the ability of a parasite to penetrate the host, from measures of parasite clearance, the reduction in host fecundity and the proliferation of the parasite. We show how parasite resistance consists of two components that vary in environmental sensitivity, how the maternal environment influences all measured aspects of the within-host infection process and how host-parasite interactions following the penetration of the parasite into the host have a distinct temporal component.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies showed that ♀♀ ofTrichogramma embryophagum (Hartig) andT. semblidis (Aurivillius) when offered an alternative of young and old eggs of the grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella Oliv., prefer ovipositing into young eggs. The fecundity of ♀♀ that are simultaneously offered both young and old eggs was lower in comparison to ♀♀ offered only young eggs (inspite of the fact that in both variants young eggs were in excess). The results suggest that old eggs can inhibit the oviposition of some species ofTrichogramma.   相似文献   

Simple formulae are developed which define the effective size (Ne) of populations with overlapping generations, and their use is illustrated using data from a squirrel population. Two mating systems are considered, the random union of gametes and monogamy, in combination with age-independent fecundity. In the simplest case of age-independent (type 2) survivorship in a population of N adults, Ne = N/(2-T-1) where T is the generation time. As T increases, Ne declines asymptomatically to N/2. A generalization of this result (Ne = N/[1 + k-1-T-1], where k influences survivorship) shows that given type 1 survivorship (k greater than 1) this decline in Ne is less severe. A biased sex ratio results in Ne differing between the two mating systems; however, in both systems, a sex ratio bias resulting from survival differences has much less influence on Ne than a sex ratio bias resulting from recruitment differences. Low fecundity can increase Ne, but realistic levels of variation among breeding individuals (Poisson or greater) negate the effect. The effect on Ne of variation resulting from the presence of non-breeders is also considered.  相似文献   

The early-life developmental environment is instrumental in shaping our overall adult health and well-being. Early-life diet and endocrine exposure may independently, or in concert with our genetic constitution, induce a pathophysiological process that amplifies with age and leads to premature morbidity and mortality. Recently, this has become known as ‘programming’ but is akin to ‘maternal effects’ described for many years in the biological sciences and is defined as any influence that acts during critical developmental windows to induce long-term changes in the organisms'' phenotype. To date, such delayed maternal effects have largely been characterized in terms of susceptibility to cardiovascular or metabolic disease. Here, we review evidence from experimental animal species, non-human primates and man for an effect of the early-life nutritional environment on adult fecundity and fertility. In addition, using a database of pedigree sheep, we also specifically test the hypothesis that being born small for gestational age with or without post-natal growth acceleration directly programmes fertility. We conclude that there is a lack of compelling evidence to suggest pre-natal undernutrition may directly reduce adult fecundity and fertility, but may exert some effects secondarily via an increased incidence of ‘metabolic syndrome’. Possible effects of being born relatively large on subsequent fecundity and fertility warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

The influence of variation in female fecundity on effective population size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the relationship between effective population size (Ne) and the number of adults in a population (N) is important for predicting genetic change in small populations. In general, Ne is expected to be close to N/2, i.e. in the range N/4-3N/4, provided that the powerful effect of population bottlenecks on reducing Ne is factored out (using the harmonic mean of N). However, some very low published estimates of Ne/N(< 0.1) raise the possibility that other factors acting to reduce Ne have been underestimated. Here one such factor, variation in female fecundity, is investigated. Its effect on Ne depends on the standardized variance in fecundity (per breeding season), a measure that is generally independent of mean fecundity. Empirical estimates of this standardized variance from 16 animal studies yielded an average value of 0.44, and a maximum value less than 1.5. To investigate the effect of such values, three kinds of fecundity variation were modelled: random (seasonal): individual; and age-related. Fixed individual differences among females reduce Ne the most. However, to reduce Ne to N/10, the resulting standardized variance must usually be 10 or more. Random differences need to be even larger to achieve the same reduction. One possible mechanism, the random loss of whole families, requires very high family mortality (90% or more). The third model, fecundity that increases linearly with age, is ineffective at causing a marked decrease in Ne. Given the finding that very unusual conditions are required to reduce Ne below Ne/10, low estimates of Ne/N need to be examined critically: the lowest published ratio, for a natural population of oysters, was found to be questionable because of possible immigration into the population by cultivated oysters.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual conflict can fuel evolutionary change and generate substantial reproductive costs. This was tested here by measuring the fitness of focal individuals across multiple generations using an experimental framework. We manipulated sexual conflict through high versus low exposure of females to males across a four-generation pedigree of Drosophila melanogaster, and assessed fitness in 1062 females and 639 males. We used the animal model to estimate (1) genotype by sexual conflict environment interactions for female fitness and (2) indirect benefits gained through sons and daughters. Some female genotypes achieved higher fitness under low, in comparison to high, conflict and vice versa. We found a consistent 10% reduction in female fitness under high conflict, regardless of maternal history. Following high exposure, females produced sons with increased, but grandsons with decreased, fitness. This opposing effect suggests no consistent fitness gains through sons for females that mated multiply. We saw no indirect benefits through daughters. Our pedigree was based exclusively on maternal links; however, maternal effects are unlikely to contribute significantly unless expressed across multiple generations. In sum, we quantified a significant sexual conflict load and a female genotype by sexual conflict interaction that could slow the erosion of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Ferenci T 《Heredity》2008,100(5):446-452
The spread of beneficial mutations through populations is at the core of evolutionary change. A long-standing hindrance to understanding mutational sweeps was that beneficial mutations have been slow to be identified, even in commonly studied experimental populations. The lack of information on what constitutes a beneficial mutation has led to many uncertainties about the frequency, fitness benefit and fixation of beneficial mutations. A more complete picture is currently emerging for a limited set of identified mutations in bacterial populations. In turn, this will allow quantitation of several features of mutational sweeps. Most importantly, the 'benefit' of beneficial mutations can now be explained in terms of physiological function and how variations in the environment change the selectability of mutations. Here, the sweep of rpoS mutations in Escherichia coli, in both experimental and natural populations, is described in detail. These studies reveal the subtleties of physiology and regulation that strongly influence the benefit of a mutation and explain differences in sweeps between strains and between various environments.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Some of the differences between various techniques of cold testing corn have been examined. No significant difference was found between the results of cold testing by exposing grains to temperatures between 3° and 20°C after 0 and 2 days pre-treatment at 20°C (Erratic results are reported for the mortality induced by exposure of pre-germinated grains to 0°C).2. Mortality in the cold test increased with time of exposure up to 10 days (the longest period involved in the experiments). Varietal differences between Wisconsin 275 and Virginian White Horsetooth became more pronounced with increased period of exposure.3. There was relatively little change in mortality between the cold tests conducted at 3° and 8°C compared to the large change between 8° and 15°C. It is suggested that the temperature of the test should be standardised within the lower range, where small uncontrolled variations in temperature will have least effect on the tests. Attention is called to the fluctuation in soil temperature which may be caused by variations in atmospheric humidity in a constant temperature room.4. Comparison of cold tests made (a) in jam jars of soil with subsequent sowing of the grains in damp sand at a higher temperature with (b) tests involving grain treated in boxes of soil in which the grains remainin situ through all phases of the test, reveal no differences due to these contrasted procedures.  相似文献   

Both developmental nutrition and adult nutrition affect life‐history traits; however, little is known about whether the effect of developmental nutrition depends on the adult environment experienced. We used the fruit fly to determine whether life‐history traits, particularly life span and fecundity, are affected by developmental nutrition, and whether this depends on the extent to which the adult environment allows females to realize their full reproductive potential. We raised flies on three different developmental food levels containing increasing amounts of yeast and sugar: poor, control, and rich. We found that development on poor or rich larval food resulted in several life‐history phenotypes indicative of suboptimal conditions, including increased developmental time, and, for poor food, decreased adult weight. However, development on poor larval food actually increased adult virgin life span. In addition, we manipulated the reproductive potential of the adult environment by adding yeast or yeast and a male. This manipulation interacted with larval food to determine adult fecundity. Specifically, under two adult conditions, flies raised on poor larval food had higher reproduction at certain ages – when singly mated this occurred early in life and when continuously mated with yeast this occurred during midlife. We show that poor larval food is not necessarily detrimental to key adult life‐history traits, but does exert an adult environment‐dependent effect, especially by affecting virgin life span and altering adult patterns of reproductive investment. Our findings are relevant because (1) they may explain differences between published studies on nutritional effects on life‐history traits; (2) they indicate that optimal nutritional conditions are likely to be different for larvae and adults, potentially reflecting evolutionary history; and (3) they urge for the incorporation of developmental nutritional conditions into the central life‐history concept of resource acquisition and allocation.  相似文献   

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