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In this study, perstractive fermentation of intracellular Monascus pigments in nonionic surfactant micelle aqueous solution had been studied. The permeability of cell membrane modified by nonionic surfactant might have influence on the rate of export of intracellular pigments into its extracellular broth while nearly no effect on the final extracellular pigment concentration. However, the solubilization of pigments in nonionic surfactant micelles strongly affected the final extracellular pigment concentration. The solubilization capacity of micelles depended on the kind of nonionic surfactant, the super‐molecule assembly structure of nonionic surfactant in an aqueous solution, and the nonionic surfactant concentration. Elimination of pigment degradation by export of intracellular Monascus pigments and solubilizing them into nonionic surfactant micelles was also confirmed experimentally. Thus, nonionic surfactant micelle aqueous solution is potential for replacement of organic solvent for perstractive fermentation of intracellular product.  相似文献   

The production of red pigments and citrinin by Monascus purpureus CCT3802 was investigated in submerged batch cultures performed in two phases: in the first phase, cells were grown on glucose, at pH 4.5, 5.5 or 6.5; after glucose depletion, pH was adjusted, when necessary, to 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0 or 8.5, for a production phase. The highest total red pigments absorbance of 11.3 U was 16 times greater than the lowest absorbance and was achieved with growth at pH 5.5, followed by production at pH 8.5, which causes an immediate reduction of the intra cellular red pigments from 75% to 17% of the total absorbance. The lowest citrinin concentration, 5.5 mg L−1, was verified in the same culture while the highest concentration, 55 mg L−1, was verified in cultures entirely carried out at pH 5.5. An alkaline medium, besides promoting intra cellular red pigments excretion, strongly represses citrinin synthesis.  相似文献   

Although the extractive biotransformation in two-phase partitioning systems have been studied extensively, such as the water–organic solvent two-phase system, the aqueous two-phase system, the reverse micelle system, and the room temperature ionic liquid, etc., this has not yet resulted in a widespread industrial application. Based on the discussion of the main obstacles, an exploitation of a cloud point system, which has already been applied in a separation field known as a cloud point extraction, as a novel two-phase partitioning system for biotransformation, is reviewed by analysis of some topical examples. At the end of the review, the process control and downstream processing in the application of the novel two-phase partitioning system for biotransformation are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of penicillin G by immobilized penicillin acylase in a nonionic surfactant mediated cloud point system was presented. The effect of the operation parameters on equilibrium pH of this enzymatic hydrolysis process without pH control was examined. A relatively high equilibrium pH in cloud point system without pH control can be obtained. The feasibility of recycling utilization of the nonionic surfactant, a novel green solvent, was also investigated experimentally. Enzymatic hydrolysis of penicillin G in a discrete semi-batch mode, which simulates a semi-continuous process, envisages a completely eco-friendly, sustainable and efficient process for production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid.  相似文献   

Veratryl alcohol (VA) at higher concentration stimulated the lignin peroxidase (LiP)-catalyzed oxidation of phenolic compounds remarkably. This novel phenomenon was due to its competition with the phenols for the active site of the enzyme and to the high reactivity of the formed cation radical of VA (VA+*) which resulted in an additional oxidation of the phenols. The influence of the nonionic surfactant Tween 80 on the VA-enhanced LiP-catalyzed oxidation of phenols depended on its concentration. At lower concentration it had a small synergetic effect but at higher concentration it decreased the initial rate. Studies of the capillary electrophoretic behavior of LiP in the presence of Tween 80 showed that this effect was caused by the surfactant aggregation on LiP which, at higher surfactant concentrations, might impede the access of VA to its binding site on LiP and, consequently, the VA+* formation.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida) Y-9在氨氧化过程中主动调节胞外和胞内pH稳态机制。【方法】在初始pH为7.19和9.40的硝化培养基中培养Y-9生长48 h,利用代谢组学对比分析Y-9氨氧化过程中的显著差异代谢产物并预测解离常数(pKa);结合转录组学对比分析Y-9氨氧化过程中的显著差异调控基因。【结果】Y-9在初始pH为7.19的相对酸性条件下,产生麦芽糖醇提高胞外pH;通过上调脱氨酶、脱亚胺酶和阳离子转运相关基因在相对酸性环境中的表达来维持细胞内pH稳定性。在初始pH为9.40的碱性条件下,产5-氨基戊酸3和草氨酸等有机酸及酸性物质降低胞外pH;通过调控NADH脱氢酶、细胞色素、ATP合酶和氨基酸转运相关基因的表达来维持细胞内酸度,应对碱性环境。【结论】本研究结果首先发现了Y-9具有稳定胞外pH的能力,探讨了其胞内pH稳态机制,拓展了对微生物与环境相互作用的认知,为进一步认识微生物脱氮过程中系统pH稳定机理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A downstream process strategy for a whole microbial transformation to produce l-phenylacetylcarbinol (PAC) in a nonionic surfactant Triton X mediated cloud point system was developed. By application of a Winsor I microemulsion, the product and the nonionic surfactant in the microbial transformation broth was separated successfully. Then the nonionic surfactant was recovered with a Winsor II microemulsion. In a single stage Winsor I microemulsion extraction process, the product recovery ratio 76.9% and the nonionic surfactant recovery ratio 66.5% were achieved. A discrete countercurrent extraction operation was also carried out to improve the separation efficiency. Finally, character of the recovery nonionic surfactant was also examined.  相似文献   

Based on amino-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry data on the Rhizopus homothallicus lipase extracted using solid (SSF) and submerged state fermentation (SmF) methods, we previously established that the two enzymes were identical. Differences were observed, however, in terms of the specific activity of these lipases and their inhibition by diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate (E600). The specific activity of the SSF lipase (10,700 μmol/min/mg) was found to be 1.2-fold that of SmF lipase (8600 μmol/min/mg). These differences might be the result of residual Triton X-100 molecules interacting with the SSF lipase. To check this hypothesis, the SmF lipase was incubated with submicellar concentrations of Triton X-100. The specific activity of the lipase increased after this treatment, reaching similar values to those measured with the SSF lipase. Preincubating SSF and SmF lipases with E600 at a molar excess of 100 for 1 h resulted in 80% and 60% enzyme inhibition levels, respectively. When the SmF lipase was preincubated with Triton X-100 for 1 h at a concentration 100 times lower than the Trition X-100 critical micellar concentration, the inhibition of the lipase by E600 increased from 60% to 80%. These results suggest that residual detergent monomers interacting with the enzyme may after the kinetic properties of the Rh. homothallicus lipase.  相似文献   

Kim DH  Kim SH  Jung KW  Kim MS  Shin HS 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(18):8646-8652
The effect of initial pH from 5.0 to 9.0 on H2 fermentation of food waste was investigated. In this batch experiment, however, unlike previous studies for initial pH, operational pH was maintained at 5.0 by the addition of alkaline solution. Although the period for pH drop from the initial values to 5.0 was less than one-tenth of the entire fermentation, this short period significantly affected the H2 production performance. At initial pH 6.0-9.0, successful H2 yield of 1.3-1.9 mol H2/mol hexoseadded was achieved with a peak value at pH 8.0. The H2 yield achieved at initial pH 8.0 was corresponded to the 8.13% of total energy content in the substrate. At initial pH 5.0, the smallest butyrate production, but the highest ethanol production was detected, indicating unfavorable conditions for H2 production. There was no significant relationship between total required amount of alkaline solution and initial pH values.  相似文献   

pH值对D-核糖发酵的影响及补料发酵的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了不同 pH值对D 核糖产量的影响。发酵初期pH自然下降时有利于菌体生长 ,菌体生长对数期较长 ,菌体质量浓度最高可达 15 .3g/L ;发酵中后期 pH值控制在 7.0时有利于D 核糖的持续合成 ,同时对D -核糖的流加补料发酵进行了初步研究 ,最终使菌体质量浓度最高达到 2 0 .1g/L ,D 核糖产量达到了 6 2 .5g/L。  相似文献   

Effects of nonionic surfactant on enzymatic hydrolysis of used newspaper   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Effects of five types of nonionic surfactant having a polyoxyethylene glycol (POG) group on enzymatic hydrolysis of used newspaper were studied. The surfactants examined in this work always enhanced the saccharification. The optimum surfactant concentration was 0.05% (wt/substrate wt) in the case of POG(21) sorbitane oleic ester. Among the surfactants, POG phenyl ether types showed the highest enhancement effect, for example, with two times higher conversion at 80 h than that without surfactant. Using POG nonylphenyl ether series, the effects of surfactant were considered from the point of the HLB (hydrophile-lypophile balance) value. The GFC (gel filtration chromatography) analysis of free enzyme quantity were also done to study the effect of surfactant on enzyme adsorption onto substrate. As the HLB value increased, the free enzyme quantity and the conversion both increased. It appears that surfactants help the enzyme to desorb from the binding site on the substrate surface after the completion of saccharification at that site.  相似文献   

pH及流加葡萄糖对酵母分批发酵生产谷胱甘肽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在5 L的发酵罐中研究了pH及流加葡萄糖对酵母分批发酵生产谷胱甘肽(GSH)的影响。实验考察了不同浓度的流加葡萄糖和不同的恒pH值的分批发酵对于酵母生产GSH产量的变化。实验结果表明,当pH值控制为5.0,流加葡萄糖流速为5g.L-1.h-1,连续流加30 h,可使GSH产量最高,与之前未流加葡萄糖和控制pH相比,其产量提高了6倍。  相似文献   

APS是一种由新近分离的蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)菌株S1分泌产生的新型抗真菌环状多肽。研究了不同的离子对菌株S1发酵生产APS的影响,结果表明,阳离子如K^ ,Na^ ,Al^3 对S1产素APS的产生有促进作用,而Ca^2 ,Fe^2 ,Mg^2 表现出抑制作用,有离子中H2PO4^-,HPO^2-4,对产素的产生具有较强的抑制作用,其它阴离子表现出中性作用,在S1发酵的过程,加入浓度为0.2%-0.8%Tween20和10-100u/mL的青霉素G能够增加APS的效价。  相似文献   

【背景】矿区废渣堆重金属污染严重,废渣堆分布着一些耐重金属的微生物。【目标】探究重金属胁迫对真菌生长及发酵液pH的影响。【方法】从金川矿区废渣堆采集土样,分离培养具有产酸能力的真菌,采用形态学与分子生物学技术鉴定这些菌株,并测定其产酸能力及其对Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)和Zn~(2+)的耐受性。【结果】形态学及18S rRNA基因序列分析获得黑曲霉ZJ-I (Aspergillus niger ZJ-I)和产黄青霉ZJ-V (Penicilium chrysogenum ZJ-V)两个产酸菌株。未加重金属培养时,与不接种真菌对照相比,上述2个菌株的发酵液pH分别下降0.58和0.69;添加重金属处理后,随着重金属浓度的增加,pH变化幅度变小,不同浓度Pb~(2+)使A.nigerZJ-I发酵液pH值分别下降0.53、0.39、0.34和0.39,使P. chrysogenum ZJ-V发酵液pH值分别下降0.21、0.23、0.14和0.09;不同浓度Cd~(2+)使A. niger ZJ-I发酵液pH值分别下降0.75、0.43、0.39和0.32,使P. chrysogenum ZJ-V发酵液pH值分别下降0.62、0.46、0.38和0.49;不同浓度Zn~(2+)可使A.nigerZJ-I发酵液pH分别下降0.87、0.61、0.57和0.43,使P. chrysogenum ZJ-V发酵液pH分别下降1.1、0.34、0.44和0.49;低浓度的Zn~(2+)对菌株A.niger ZJ-I和P. chrysogenum ZJ-V产酸都有促进作用,低浓度的Cd~(2+)对A. niger ZJ-I产酸有促进作用。当Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+)与Pb~(2+)的浓度分别超过200、400、2 000 mg/L时,3种不同浓度的重金属对菌株A. niger ZJ-I的抑制率达到80%以上,抑制效果显著;当Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+)与Pb~(2+)浓度分别超过200、1 000、2 000 mg/L时,3种不同浓度的重金属对菌株P.chrysogenumZJ-V抑制率达到80%以上,抑制效果显著。【结论】两株真菌均具有产酸能力和一定的重金属耐受性,菌株P. chrysogenum ZJ-V发酵液产酸性能与重金属耐受能力都要优于ZJ-I,菌株ZJ-V具备潜在的淋洗重金属污染土壤的能力。  相似文献   

The ATP synthase is known to play important roles in ATP generation and proton translocation within mitochondria. Here, we now provide evidence showing the presence of functional ecto‐ATP synthase on the neuronal surface. Immunoblotting revealed that the α, β subunits of ATP synthase F1 portion are present in isolated fractions of plasma membrane and biotin‐labelled surface protein from primary cultured neurons; the surface distribution of α, β subunits was also confirmed by immunofluorescence staining. Moreover, α and β subunits were also found in fractions of plasma membrane and lipid rafts isolated from rat brain, and flow cytometry analysis showed α subunits on the surface of acutely isolated brain cells. Activity assays showed that the extracellular ATP generation of cultured neurons could be compromised by α, β subunit antibodies and ATP synthase inhibitors. pHi (intracellular pH) analysis demonstrated that at low extracellular pH, α or β subunit antibodies decreased pHi of primary cultured neurons. Therefore, ATP synthase on the surface of neurons may be involved in the machineries of extracellular ATP generation and pHi homoeostasis.  相似文献   

Transmembrane acid–base fluxes affect the intracellular pH and unstirred layer pH around a superfused biological preparation. In this paper the factors influencing the unstirred layer pH and its gradient are studied. An analytical expression of the unstirred layer pH gradient in steady state is derived as a function of simultaneous transmembrane fluxes of (weak) acids and bases with the dehydration reaction of carbonic acid in equilibrium. Also a multicompartment computer model is described consisting of the extracellular bulk compartment, different unstirred layer compartments and the intracellular compartment. With this model also transient changes and the influence of carbonic anhydrase (CA) can be studied. The analytical expression and simulations with the multicompartment model demonstrate that in steady state the unstirred layer pH and its gradient are influenced by the size and type of transmembrane flux of acids and bases, their dissociation constant and diffusion coefficient, the concentration, diffusion coefficient and type of mobile buffers and the activity and location of CA. Similar principles contribute to the amplitude of the unstirred layer pH transients. According to these models an immobile buffer does not influence the steady-state pH, but reduces the amplitude of pH transients especially when these are fast. The unstirred layer pH provides useful information about transmembrane acid–base fluxes. This paper gives more insight how the unstirred layer pH and its transients can be interpreted. Methodological issues are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the effect of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) on the intracellular and extracellular pH of a saline solution of a test-microorganisms Bacillus subtilis. The cytoplasmatic pH was determined by means of a flow cytometry with the fluorescent probe 5(and 6-)-carboxyfluorescein ester (cFSE). The physiological suspension of cells with the addition of the probe was first exposed to high pressure CO(2) for 5 min at different temperatures. The flow cytometry analysis indicated an intracellular depletion inside the cell caused by the action of CO(2), down to 3, the depletion being dependent on inactivation ratio. In addition, the extracellular pH was determined theoretically by means of the statistical associated fluid theory equation of state (SAFT EOS): it was demonstrated that CO(2) under pressure dissolves into liquid phase and acidifies the medium down to 3 at 80 bar and 303.15K. The results show a strong influence between extracellular and intracellular pH, and lead to the conclusion that a strong reduction of the pH homeostasis of the cell can be claimed as one of the most probable cause of inactivation of CO(2) pasteurization.  相似文献   

Abstract In a previous study, it was shown that the fungal toxin fusicoccin (FC) is able to stimulate the in vivo phosphorylation of a 33 KDalton polypeptide (33 KP) independently of protein synthesis. Here we show that the stimulation by FC of both proton efflux and 33 KP phosphorylation are strongly enhanced when the external medium contains K+ or Na+, suggesting that the two phenomena are related. The stimulatory effect of FC is higher in unbuffered than in buffered media; moreover, in the absence of FC, 33 KP is more phosphorylated at an acidic than at a basic pH of the medium, suggesting that the effect of FC may depend, to a certain extent, on the acidification of the free space caused by FC-promoted proton efflux. Treatments reported to alter the intracellular pH influence 33 KP phosphorylation even more strongly than the external pH does. The acidifying agents isobutyric acid and trimethylacetic acid decrease 33 KP phosphorylation, while the alkalinizing agents, ammonia and procaine, increase it. FC partially counteracts the inhibition by the weak acids, whereas the stimulatory effect of FC is not additive with that of the weak bases. The results indicate that 33 KP phosphorylation senses both the external and internal pH. The stimulatory effect of cytoplasm-alkalinizing treatments, which mimics that of FC, agrees with the reported capacity of FC to cause cytoplasmic alkalinization, following activation of the plasmalemma proton pump.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was conducted to study the adsorption behaviour of a nonionic surfactant adsorbed on low-rank coal. Owing to the complicated chemical component and structure of the coal surface, a modified graphite surface with hydroxyl, carboxyl, and carbonyl groups was utilised for a representation of the subbituminous coal surface model. The compositions of the hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups on the coal surface were found to be at a proportion of 25:3:5 according to the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results. The interaction of nonylphenol ethoxylate with 8 ethylene oxide groups (NPEO-8) using this coal model in an aqueous phase was then simulated. It was revealed that the nonionic surfactant molecules were adsorbed at the interface between water and coal. This agminated structure of the surfactant molecules on the surface of the coal demonstrated an attachment of the surfactant ethoxylate groups to these solid surfaces and an extension of the remaining hydrophobic portions into the solution. Therefore, a coal surface with greater hydrophobicity was created. The dynamic properties of the water molecules characterised through self-diffusion coefficients indicate greater water mobility resulting from the existence of NPEO-8.  相似文献   

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