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Three appetitive conditioning experiments with rats examined temporal discrimination learning within Pavlovian conditioning trials. In all experiments, the duration of a feature white noise stimulus signaled whether or not a subsequent 10-s target tone would be reinforced. In Experiment 1, the feature durations were 4 and 1 min. For one group of rats (Group 4+/1−), 4 min of noise signaled that the tone would be reinforced and 1 min of noise signaled that the tone would not be reinforced. A second group (Group 1+/4−) was trained with the reverse contingency. The results showed a clear asymmetry in temporal discrimination learning: rats trained with 4+/1− (Long+/Short−) learned the discrimination readily (responding more in the tone on reinforced than on nonreinforced trials), whereas rats trained with 1+/4− (Short+/Long) did not. In Experiment 2, the feature durations were shortened to 60 and 15 s. Due to strong excitatory conditioning of the 15-s feature, the reverse asymmetry was observed, with the Short+/Long− discrimination learned more readily than the Long+/Short− discrimination. However, Experiment 3 demonstrated that the original Long+/Short− advantage could be recovered while using 60− and 15-s feature durations if the excitatory conditioning of the feature was reduced by including nonreinforced feature trials. The results support previous research involving the timing of intertrial intervals and are consistent with the temporal elements hypothesis which holds that the passage of time is encoded as a series of hypothetical stimulus elements.  相似文献   

The measurement of time is fundamental to the perception of complex, temporally structured acoustic signals such as speech and music, yet the mechanisms of temporal sensitivity in the auditory system remain largely unknown. Recently, temporal feature detectors have been discovered in several vertebrate auditory systems. For example, midbrain neurons in the fish Pollimyrus are activated by specific rhythms contained in the simple sounds they use for communication. This poses the significant challenge of uncovering the neuro-computational mechanisms that underlie temporal feature detection. Here we describe a model network that responds selectively to temporal features of communication sounds, yielding temporal selectivity in output neurons that matches the selectivity functions found in the auditory system of Pollimyrus. The output of the network depends upon the timing of excitatory and inhibitory input and post-inhibitory rebound excitation. Interval tuning is achieved in a behaviorally relevant range (10 to 40 ms) using a biologically constrained model, providing a simple mechanism that is suitable for the neural extraction of the relatively long duration temporal cues (i.e. tens to hundreds of ms) that are important in animal communication and human speech.  相似文献   

The ‘rapid temporal processing’ and the ‘temporal sampling framework’ hypotheses have been proposed to account for the deficits in language and literacy development seen in specific language impairment and dyslexia. This paper reviews these hypotheses and concludes that the proposed causal chains between the presumed auditory processing deficits and the observed behavioural manifestation of the disorders are vague and not well established empirically. Several problems and limitations are identified. Most data concern correlations between distantly related tasks, and there is considerable heterogeneity and variability in performance as well as concerns about reliability and validity. Little attention is paid to the distinction between ostensibly perceptual and metalinguistic tasks or between implicit and explicit modes of performance, yet measures are assumed to be pure indicators of underlying processes or representations. The possibility that diagnostic categories do not refer to causally and behaviourally homogeneous groups needs to be taken seriously, taking into account genetic and neurodevelopmental studies to construct multiple-risk models. To make progress in the field, cognitive models of each task must be specified, including performance domains that are predicted to be deficient versus intact, testing multiple indicators of latent constructs and demonstrating construct reliability and validity.  相似文献   

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The anterior forebrain (AF) pathway of songbirds has an essential but poorly understood function during song learning, a process requiring auditory experience. Consistent with a role in processing auditory information, two nuclei of the AF, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and Area X (X), contain some of the most complex auditory neurons known. In adult zebra finches, these neurons are strongly selective for both spectral and temporal properties of song: They respond more robustly to the bird's own song (BOS) than to songs of conspecific individuals, and they respond less well to BOS if it is played in reverse. lMAN and X neurons of young finches early in the process of song learning (30–45 days of age) are also song responsive, but lack the song and order selectivity present in adult birds. By an intermediate stage of learning (60 days), when birds have experience of both tutor song and their own developing (plastic) song, AF neurons have significant song and order selectivity for both tutor song and BOS (in this case, plastic song). The degree of BOS selectivity is still less than that found in adults, however. In addition, neurons at 60 days are heterogenous in their preference for BOS versus tutor song: Most prefer BOS, some prefer tutor song, and others respond equally to both songs. The selectivity of adult AF auditory neurons therefore arises rapidly during development from neurons that are initially unselective. These neurons are one of the clearest examples of experience-dependent acquisition of complex stimulus selectivity. Moreover, the neural selectivity for both BOS and tutor song at 60 days raises the possibility that experience of both songs during learning contributes to the properties of individual AF neurons. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 694–709, 1997  相似文献   

Pavlovian fear or threat conditioning, where a neutral stimulus takes on aversive properties through pairing with an aversive stimulus, has been an important tool for exploring the neurobiology of learning. In the past decades, this neurobehavioral approach has been expanded to include the developing infant. Indeed, protracted postnatal brain development permits the exploration of how incorporating the amygdala, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus into this learning system impacts the acquisition and expression of aversive conditioning. Here, we review the developmental trajectory of these key brain areas involved in aversive conditioning and relate it to pups' transition to independence through weaning. Overall, the data suggests that adult‐like features of threat learning emerge as the relevant brain areas become incorporated into this learning. Specifically, the developmental emergence of the amygdala permits cue learning and the emergence of the hippocampus permits context learning. We also describe unique features of learning in early life that block threat learning and enhance interaction with the mother or exploration of the environment. Finally, we describe the development of a sense of time within this learning and its involvement in creating associations. Together these data suggest that the development of threat learning is a useful tool for dissecting adult‐like functioning of brain circuits, as well as providing unique insights into ecologically relevant developmental changes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the efficiency of a motor skill learning method intended to promote learning course personalization through an increase in cognitive processing deployment in motor-handicapped persons. Thirty-three secondary school students volunteered to participate in an archery motor skill learning session, 11 motor-handicapped (MH1) and 11 able-bodied (AB) teenagers following a standard learning method, and 11 motor-handicapped teenagers following a cognitive enriched learning method (MH2) based on the use of an individually written and illustrated document. The results showed that MH1 displayed lower performances than AB, both in terms of the mental representations of the movements expected and performed and of efficiency of the movement. On the other hand, MH2 performances were higher than MH1 for all these parameters, and similar to those of AB at the end of the learning session. Personalization of the learning course allowed optimization of the learning potential in motor-handicapped teenagers to resolve the difficulties inherent to their handicap.  相似文献   

Eight pigeons were trained to peck an illuminated target key on discrete-trial fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement by food. Four birds were exposed to a feature-short (FS) task where a feature light signaled shortening of the forthcoming target-outcome interval from 30 to 15s, while the other four birds were exposed to a feature-long (FL) task where a feature light signaled extension of the forthcoming target-outcome interval from 15 to 30s. The discrimination performance measured by differential temporal distributions of pecks between featured and non-featured target trials suggested that the target-food temporal map was under conditional control of the feature light in both groups. The FS discrimination was more difficult to learn than the FL discrimination. This FS inferiority implies that our birds did not resort on the simple temporal discrimination by timing from the trial onset. The simple temporal discrimination account was also negated by the finding that increasing the feature-target gap did not have a predicted effect on the response distribution.  相似文献   

Mimicry occurs when one species gains protection from predators by resembling an unprofitable model species. The degree of mimic–model similarity is variable in nature and is closely related to the number of traits that the mimic shares with its model. Here, we experimentally test the hypothesis that the relative salience of traits, as perceived by a predator, is an important determinant of the degree of mimic–model similarity required for successful mimicry. We manipulated the relative salience of the traits of a two-trait artificial model prey, and subsequently tested the survival of mimics of the different traits. The unrewarded model prey had two colour traits, black and blue, and the rewarded prey had two combinations of green, brown and grey shades. Blue tits were used as predators. We found that the birds perceived the black and blue traits to be similarly salient in one treatment, and mimic–model similarity in both traits was then required for high mimic success. In a second treatment, the blue trait was the most salient trait, and mimic–model similarity in this trait alone achieved high success. Our results thus support the idea that similar salience of model traits can explain the occurrence of multi-trait mimicry.  相似文献   

The carcinogenicity of drugs can have a serious impact on human health, so carcinogenicity testing of new compounds is very necessary before being put on the market. Currently, many methods have been used to predict the carcinogenicity of compounds. However, most methods have limited predictive power and there is still much room for improvement. In this study, we construct a deep learning model based on capsule network and attention mechanism named DCAMCP to discriminate between carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic compounds. We train the DCAMCP on a dataset containing 1564 different compounds through their molecular fingerprints and molecular graph features. The trained model is validated by fivefold cross-validation and external validation. DCAMCP achieves an average accuracy (ACC) of 0.718 ± 0.009, sensitivity (SE) of 0.721 ± 0.006, specificity (SP) of 0.715 ± 0.014 and area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.793 ± 0.012. Meanwhile, comparable results can be achieved on an external validation dataset containing 100 compounds, with an ACC of 0.750, SE of 0.778, SP of 0.727 and AUC of 0.811, which demonstrate the reliability of DCAMCP. The results indicate that our model has made progress in cancer risk assessment and could be used as an efficient tool in drug design.  相似文献   

We live in a dynamic and changing environment, which necessitates that we adapt to and efficiently respond to changes of stimulus form (‘what’) and stimulus occurrence (‘when’). Consequently, behaviour is optimal when we can anticipate both the ‘what’ and ‘when’ dimensions of a stimulus. For example, to perceive a temporally expected stimulus, a listener needs to establish a fairly precise internal representation of its external temporal structure, a function ascribed to classical sensorimotor areas such as the cerebellum. Here we investigated how patients with cerebellar lesions and healthy matched controls exploit temporal regularity during auditory deviance processing. We expected modulations of the N2b and P3b components of the event-related potential in response to deviant tones, and also a stronger P3b response when deviant tones are embedded in temporally regular compared to irregular tone sequences. We further tested to what degree structural damage to the cerebellar temporal processing system affects the N2b and P3b responses associated with voluntary attention to change detection and the predictive adaptation of a mental model of the environment, respectively. Results revealed that healthy controls and cerebellar patients display an increased N2b response to deviant tones independent of temporal context. However, while healthy controls showed the expected enhanced P3b response to deviant tones in temporally regular sequences, the P3b response in cerebellar patients was significantly smaller in these sequences. The current data provide evidence that structural damage to the cerebellum affects the predictive adaptation to the temporal structure of events and the updating of a mental model of the environment under voluntary attention.  相似文献   

A classification is presented to structure divergent empirical findings on temporal mechanisms of the brain. Proceeding from our time experiences of simultaneity, nonsimultaneity, temporal order, duration, and the subjective present, a classification of thresholds is established that marks distinct processes involved in time perception and the temporal control of movements. On the basis of this classification, evidence has been collected that suggests that perception and action share common timing mechanisms. Furthermore, brain structures involved in temporal aspects of behavior on different time scales have been identified-namely, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and circumscribed cortical regions. Another question under debate concerns the representational mode in which time is represented in the brain; models suggest neuronal oscillations or interval-based mechanisms.  相似文献   

The paper by Melchers, Shanks, and Lachnit (2007) reviews the available evidence suggesting that there is flexible processing, such that some associative learning tasks can be solved either configurally or elementally. We find the evidence provocative but limited in its demonstrated generality and silent with respect to the theoretical mechanisms that might regulate the alleged flexibility of processing. Further research is invited to determine the scope of the variation involved and how best to account for it. At present, theories, either elemental or configural, that include mechanisms to shift the weight assigned to component stimuli appear to be potential candidates for embracing the data.  相似文献   

Murakoshi K  Saito M 《Bio Systems》2009,95(2):150-154
We propose a neural circuit model of emotional learning using two pathways with different granularity and speed of information processing. In order to derive a precise time process, we utilized a spiking model neuron proposed by Izhikevich and spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP) of both excitatory and inhibitory synapses. We conducted computer simulations to evaluate the proposed model. We demonstrate some aspects of emotional learning from the perspective of the time process. The agreement of the results with the previous behavioral experiments suggests that the structure and learning process of the proposed model are appropriate.  相似文献   

A neural model proposes how entorhinal grid cells and hippocampal place cells may develop as spatial categories in a hierarchy of self-organizing maps (SOMs). The model responds to realistic rat navigational trajectories by learning both grid cells with hexagonal grid firing fields of multiple spatial scales, and place cells with one or more firing fields, that match neurophysiological data about their development in juvenile rats. Both grid and place cells can develop by detecting, learning and remembering the most frequent and energetic co-occurrences of their inputs. The model''s parsimonious properties include: similar ring attractor mechanisms process linear and angular path integration inputs that drive map learning; the same SOM mechanisms can learn grid cell and place cell receptive fields; and the learning of the dorsoventral organization of multiple spatial scale modules through medial entorhinal cortex to hippocampus (HC) may use mechanisms homologous to those for temporal learning through lateral entorhinal cortex to HC (‘neural relativity’). The model clarifies how top-down HC-to-entorhinal attentional mechanisms may stabilize map learning, simulates how hippocampal inactivation may disrupt grid cells, and explains data about theta, beta and gamma oscillations. The article also compares the three main types of grid cell models in the light of recent data.  相似文献   

Understanding the reproductive parameters of endangered primate species is vital for evaluating the status of populations and developing adequate conservation measures. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the reproductive parameters of wild white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), based on demographic data collected over an 8‐year period in the Nongguan Karst Hills in Chongzuo County, Guangxi, China. From 1998 to 2002, a total of 133 live births were recorded in the population based on systematic censuses. Births occurred throughout the year, but the temporal pattern was highly correlated with seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall, with the birth peak coinciding with the dry and cold months of November–March. The average birthrate was 0.47±0.13 births per female per year and mortality for infants younger than 20 months was 15.8%. From 1998 to 2006, 14 females gave birth to 41 infants in four focal groups. The average age at first birth for female langurs was 5–6 years (n=5) and the interbirth interval (IBI) was 23.2±5.2 months (median=24.5 months, n=27). Infants are weaned at 19–21 months of age. The IBI for females with infant loss before weaning was significantly shorter than those for females whose infants survived. It appears that birth seasonality in the white‐headed langurs is influenced by seasonal changes in food availability. The timing of conceptions was found to coincide with peak food availability. The reproductive parameters for white‐headed langurs reported here are quite similar to those reported for other colobine species. One major difference is our observation of lower infant mortality in Trachypithecus. Am. J. Primatol. 71:558–566, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reading familiar words differs from reading unfamiliar non-words in two ways. First, word reading is faster and more accurate than reading of unfamiliar non-words. Second, effects of letter length are reduced for words, particularly when they are presented in the right visual field in familiar formats. Two experiments are reported in which right-handed participants read aloud non-words presented briefly in their left and right visual fields before and after training on those items. The non-words were interleaved with familiar words in the naming tests. Before training, naming was slow and error prone, with marked effects of length in both visual fields. After training, fewer errors were made, naming was faster, and the effect of length was much reduced in the right visual field compared with the left. We propose that word learning creates orthographic word forms in the mid-fusiform gyrus of the left cerebral hemisphere. Those word forms allow words to access their phonological and semantic representations on a lexical basis. But orthographic word forms also interact with more posterior letter recognition systems in the middle/inferior occipital gyri, inducing more parallel processing of right visual field words than is possible for any left visual field stimulus, or for unfamiliar non-words presented in the right visual field.  相似文献   

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