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Microbial lipase preparations from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) were immobilized by multipoint covalent attachment on Toyopearl AF-amino-650M resin and the most active and thermal stable derivatives used to catalyze the transesterification reaction of babassu and palm oils with ethanol in solvent-free media. For this, different activating agents, mainly glutaraldehyde, glycidol and epichlorohydrin were used and immobilization parameters were estimated based on the hydrolysis of olive oil emulsion and butyl butyrate synthesis. TLL immobilized on glyoxyl-resin allowed obtaining derivatives with the highest hydrolytic activity (HAder) and thermal stability, between 27 and 31 times more stable than the soluble lipase. Although PFL derivatives were found to be less active and thermally stables, similar formation of butyl butyrate concentrations were found for both TLL and PFL derivatives. The highest conversion into biodiesel was found in the transesterification of palm oil catalyzed by both TLL and PFL glyoxyl-derivatives.  相似文献   

Recombinant fuculose 1-phosphate aldolase (FucA) from E. coli has been immobilized by multipoint covalent attachment to glyoxal-agarose gels. Experiments, varying the main parameters that control the immobilization process (surface density of aldehyde groups, temperature, pH), were carried out. An immobilization yield of 80–90% and FucA retained activity on immobilized derivative of 10–20% can be achieved when pH?10, 20°C and 200?µmoles?cm?3 of aldehyde groups was used. The observed activity loss in the immobilization process might be related to the fact that the complex quaternary structure of the enzyme could not be maintained. A short contact-time enzyme support is required to obtain high ratio of active to total immobilized enzyme.

A highly loaded derivative of immobilized FucA (65?AU?cm?3 of support) has been prepared to use in aldol condensation reactions. Reactions catalyzed by these aldolases involve the use of non-conventional media because of substrate solubility. For instance, the condensation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and Z-amino-propanal, Z-(R)-alaninal and Z-(S)- alaninal in highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsions gave synthetic yields of 40, 25 and 29% respectively.  相似文献   

Recombinant fuculose 1-phosphate aldolase (FucA) from E. coli has been immobilized by multipoint covalent attachment to glyoxal-agarose gels. Experiments, varying the main parameters that control the immobilization process (surface density of aldehyde groups, temperature, pH), were carried out. An immobilization yield of 80-90% and FucA retained activity on immobilized derivative of 10-20% can be achieved when pH 10, 20°C and 200 µmoles cm-3 of aldehyde groups was used. The observed activity loss in the immobilization process might be related to the fact that the complex quaternary structure of the enzyme could not be maintained. A short contact-time enzyme support is required to obtain high ratio of active to total immobilized enzyme.

A highly loaded derivative of immobilized FucA (65 AU cm-3 of support) has been prepared to use in aldol condensation reactions. Reactions catalyzed by these aldolases involve the use of non-conventional media because of substrate solubility. For instance, the condensation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and Z-amino-propanal, Z-(R)-alaninal and Z-(S)- alaninal in highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsions gave synthetic yields of 40, 25 and 29% respectively.  相似文献   

The present study compares the results of three different covalent immobilization methods employed for immobilization of lipase from Candida rugosa on Eupergit® C supports with respect to enzyme loadings, activities and coupling yields. It seems that method yielding the highest activity retention of 43.3% is based on coupling lipase via its carbohydrate moiety previously modified by periodate oxidation. Study of thermal deactivation kinetics at three temperatures (37, 50 and 75 °C) revealed that the immobilization method also produces an appreciable stabilization of the biocatalyst, changing its thermal deactivation profile. By comparison of the t1/2 values obtained at 75 °C, it can be concluded that the lipase immobilized via carbohydrate moiety was almost 2-fold more stable than conventionally immobilized one and 18-fold than free lipase. The immobilization procedure developed is quite simple, and easily reproduced, and provides a promising solution for application of lipase in aqueous and microaqueous reaction system.  相似文献   

Covalent immobilization of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase on glyoxyl-agarose beads promotes a very high stabilization of the enzyme against any distorting agent (temperature, pH, organic solvents). For example, the optimized immobilized preparation preserves 90% of initial activity when incubated for 22 h in 30% ethanol at pH 7 and 40 degrees C. Other immobilized preparations (obtained via other immobilization protocols) exhibit less than 10% of activity after incubation under similar conditions. Optimized glyoxyl-agarose immobilized preparation expressed a high percentage of catalytic activity (70%). Immobilization using any technique prevents enzyme inactivation by air bubbles during strong stirring of the enzyme. Stabilization of the enzyme immobilized on glyoxyl-agarose is higher when using the highest activation degree (75 micromol of glyoxyl per milliliter of support) as well as when performing long enzyme-support incubation times (4 h) at room temperature. Multipoint covalent immobilization seems to be responsible for this very high stabilization associated to the immobilization process on highly activated glyoxyl-agarose. The stabilization of the enzyme against the inactivation by ethanol seems to be interesting to improve cyclodextrin production: ethanol strongly inhibits the enzymatic degradation of cyclodextrin while hardly affecting the cyclodextrin production rate of the immobilized-stabilized preparation.  相似文献   

It has been found that lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) is able to aggregate into bimolecular structures (MW around 66 kD) even at moderate enzyme concentrations. At very low enzyme concentrations and in the presence of detergents, the same enzyme displayed a unimolecular structure with a molecular weight of 33 kD. Both enzyme structures displayed different functional properties. First, the bimolecular structure was much more stable than the unimolecular species (the bimolecular structure maintained over 80% of initial activity after 72 hours at 45 degrees C, while the unimolecular structure retained only around 30% of initial activity after 4 hours of incubation under the same experimental conditions); and the bimolecular form presented a higher optimal T. Second, the unimolecular form showed a much lower K(M) for ethyl butyrate than the bimolecular form. Third, the interfacial activation in biphasic substrate-aqueous milieu was higher for the bimolecular form. Fourth, the unimolecular structure was less active but much more enantioselective than the unimolecular species in the model reaction used. It is proposed that the bimolecular aggregates of PFL might be formed by two open lipase molecules (mutual interfacial activation), in intimate contact, and that the bimolecular form represents an example of "pseudo-quaternary" structure.  相似文献   

The lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) has been immobilized on glyoxyl-octyl agarose and compared to the enzyme immobilized on octyl-agarose. Thus, PFL was immobilized at pH 7 on glyoxyl-octyl support via lipase interfacial activation and later incubated at pH 10.5 for 20 h before reduction to get some enzyme-support covalent bonds. This permitted for 70% of the enzyme molecules to become covalently attached to the support. This biocatalyst was slightly more stable than the octyl-PFL at pH 5, 7 and 9, or in the presence of some organic solvents (stabilization factor no higher than 2). The presence of phosphate anions produced enzyme destabilization, partially prevented by the immobilization on glyoxyl-octyl (stabilization factor became 4). In contrast, the presence of calcium cations promoted a great PFLstabilization, higher in the case of the glyoxyl-octyl preparation (that remained 100% active when the octyl-PFL preparations had lost 20% of the activity). However, it is in the operational stability where the new biocatalyst showed the advantages: in the hydrolysis of 1 M triacetin in 60% 1.4 dioxane, the octyl biocatalyst released >60% of the enzyme in the first cycle, while the covalently attached enzyme retained its full activity after 5 reaction cycles.  相似文献   

The surface carboxylic groups of penicillin G acylase and glutaryl acylase were chemically aminated in a controlled way by reaction with ethylenediamine via the 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylamino-propyl) carbodiimide coupling method. Then, both proteins were immobilized on glyoxyl agarose. In both cases, the immobilization of the chemically modified enzymes improved the enzyme stability compared to the stability of the immobilized but non-modified enzyme (by a four-fold factor in the case of PGA and a 20-fold factor in the case of GA). The chemical modification presented a deleterious effect on soluble enzyme stability. Therefore, the improved stability should be related to a higher multipoint covalent attachment, involving both the lysine amino groups and also the new amino groups chemically introduced on the enzyme. Moreover, the lower pK(a) of the new amino groups permitted to immobilize the enzyme under milder conditions. In fact, the aminated proteins could be immobilized even at pH 9, while the non-modified enzymes could only be immobilized at pH over 10.  相似文献   

The molecular weight of traicylglycerol lipase (EC from Pseudomonas fluorescens is estimated to be approx. 33 000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis and Sephadex G-75 gel filtration. The lipase appears to be a single-chain protein and contains neither sugar nor lipid. The enzyme has a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of 3.06, an intrinsic viscosity of 3.0 g/ml and a partial specific volume of 0.730 g/ml, with an isoelectric point of pH 4.46. Amino acid analysis showed that the enzyme contained few sulfur-containing amino acid residues with no disulfide links. The N-terminal residue of the enzyme was found to be alanine and optical rotation dispersion analysis showed that about 20% of the enzyme structure was in a helicla configuration.  相似文献   

Soluble enzyme-carbohydrate conjugates have been prepared by coupling trypsin, α-amylase, and β-amylase to cyanogen bromide activated dextran. All three conjugates are more stable to heat than the respective native enzymes. Loss of trypsin activity by autolytic digestion is also decreased by attachment of carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Raw-starch-digesting enzyme (RSDA) was immobilized on Amberlite beads by conjugation of glutaraldehyde/ polyglutaraldehyde (PG)-activated beads or by crosslinking. The effect of immobilization on enzyme stability and catalytic efficiency was evaluated. Immobilization conditions greatly influenced the immobilization efficiency. Optimum pH values shifted from pH 5 to 6 for spontaneous crosslinking and sequential crosslinking, to pH 6-8 for RSDA covalently attached on polyglutaraldehyde-activated Amberlite beads, and to pH 7 for RSDA on glutaraldehyde-activated Amberlite. RSDA on glutaraldehyde-activated Amberlite beads had no loss of activity after 2 h storage at pH 9; enzyme on PG-activated beads lost 9%, whereas soluble enzyme lost 65% of its initial activity. Soluble enzyme lost 50% initial activity after 3 h incubation at 60 degrees C, whereas glutaraldehyde-activated derivative lost only 7.7% initial activity. RSDA derivatives retained over 90% activity after 10 batch reuse at 40 degrees C. The apparent Km of the enzyme reduced from 0.35 mg/ml to 0.32 mg/ml for RSDA on glutaraldehyde-activated RSDA but increased to 0.42 mg/ml for the PG-activated RSDA derivative. Covalent immobilization on glutaraldehyde Amberlite beads was most stable and promises to address the instability and contamination issues that impede the industrial use of RSDAs. Moreover, the cheap, porous, and non-toxic nature of Amberlite, ease of immobilization, and high yield make it more interesting for the immobilization of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Sepabeads-EP (a new epoxy support) has been utilized to immobilize-stabilize the enzyme penicillin G acylase (PGA) via multipoint covalent attachment. These supports are very robust and suitable for industrial purposes. Also, the internal geometry of the support is composed by cylindrical pores surrounded by the convex surfaces (this offers a good geometrical congruence for reaction with the enzyme), and it has a very high superficial density of epoxy groups (around 100 micromol/mL). These features should permit a very intense enzyme-support interaction. However, the final stability of the immobilized enzyme is strictly dependent on the immobilization protocol. By using conventional immobilization protocols (neutral pH values, nonblockage of the support) the stability of the immobilized enzyme was quite similar to that achieved using Eupergit C to immobilize the PGA. However, when using a more sophisticated three-step immobilization/stabilization/blockage procedure, the Sepabeads derivative was hundreds-fold more stable than Eupergit C derivatives. The protocol used was as follows: (i) the enzyme was first covalently immobilized under very mild experimental conditions (e.g., pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C); (ii) the already immobilized enzyme was further incubated under more drastic conditions (higher pH values, long incubation periods, etc.) in order to "facilitate" the formation of new covalent linkages between the immobilized enzyme molecule and the support; (iii) the remaining epoxy groups of the support were blocked with very hydrophilic compounds to stop any additional interaction between the enzyme and the support. This third point was found to be critical for obtaining very stable enzymes: derivatives blocked with mercaptoethanol were much less stable than derivatives blocked with glycine or other amino acids. This was attributed to the better masking of the hydrophobicity of the support by the amino acids (having two charges).  相似文献   

Glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase (GA), an industrially relevant enzyme, has been immobilized onto very different supports, including glyoxyl agarose, heterofunctional epoxy Sepabeads, glutaraldehyde and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) activated supports. Immobilization onto amino-epoxy Sepabeads rendered the most thermo stable preparation of GA, with a half-life time eight times higher than the soluble enzyme, keeping 80% of the enzyme activity. Several parameters that affect the enzyme-support interaction (pH and incubation time) were studied. It was found that after immobilization onto amino-epoxy Sepabeads, incubation at alkaline pH and low temperature exerted dramatic stabilizing effects, increasing the half-life time of the derivative 130 times with respect to the soluble enzyme, while keeping unaltered its intrinsic activity. The loading capacity of the amino-epoxy Sepabeads proved to be very good with a maximum load of 62 mg of protein per g of support with 85 IU/g at 25 degrees C and 200 IU/g at 37 degrees C which makes it a biocatalyst of possible industrial application.  相似文献   

The neutral lipase from the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, marketed under the trade name LpL-200S, has been crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis from 35% n-propanol at pH 8.5. The crystals are monoclinic prisms and are of space group C2 with a = 91.00 A, b = 47.17 A, c = 35.21 A and beta = 121.43 degrees. There is one molecule of the protein as the asymmetric unit of the crystals. The diffraction pattern extends to at least 1.6 A resolution and the crystals are extremely robust in terms of X-ray exposure.  相似文献   

Summary A thermostable lipase gene from Pseudomonas fluorescens SIK W1 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 using expression vector pTTY2. The amount of lipase produced by E. coli BL21 with pTTY2 was more than 40% of the total cell proteins when induced with isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside. The lipase was produced as inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of E. coli. They were solubilized by 8 m urea and refolded into biologically active form. The refolded lipase showed high thermostability; the time required for 90% inactivation of the enzyme (D-value) was 4 h at 95°C and the increment of temperature to reduce heating times by 90% (z d value) was 76°C.Offprint requests to: J. S. Rhee  相似文献   

Here we describe an advanced polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, the compatible ends ligation inverse PCR (CELI-PCR) for chromosome walking. In CELI-PCR, several restriction enzymes, which produce compatible cohesive ends, were used to digest target DNA simultaneously or sequentially to produce DNA fragments of suitable size. DNA fragments were then easily circularized and PCR amplification could be carried out efficiently. The previous limitations of inverse PCR were overcome, such as unavailable restriction sites, poor template DNA circularization, and low amplification efficiency. Therefore, successive chromosome walking was performed successfully. Our work, isolating a 11,395-bp fragment from Gossypium hirsutum, was presented as an example to describe how CELI-PCR was carried out.  相似文献   

The performance of a crude extract lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescensin esterification was evaluated in microaqueous, biphasic and surfactant-enriched biphasic systems containing various amounts of water (from almost no water to pure water). The results showed a strong negative influence of the water content on the thermodynamic equilibrium of the reaction in biphasic systems. From a kinetic point of view, the enzyme was more efficient in systems involving a water/organic solvent interface (4 times in the biphasic system, 12 times in the surfactant-enriched biphasic system).  相似文献   

Lipase (triacylglycerol lipase, EC has been purified from Pseudomonas fluorescens wild strain by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and octyl-Sepharose CL-4B. The yield was 21% and the specific activity of the purified enzyme 4780 U/mg protein. It showed a Mr of about 45 x 10(4) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme is active over a wide pH range and at 50-55 degrees C.  相似文献   

Summary High concentration production of an extracellular enzyme, lipase, was achieved by a fed-batch culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens. During the cultivation, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration wwre maintained at 23°C, 6.5 and 2–5 ppm, respectively. Olive oil was used as a carbon source for microbial growth. To produce lipase effectively the specific feed rate of olive oil had to be maintained in a range of 0.04–0.06 (g oil) · (g dry cell)-1 · h-1. The CO2 evolution rate was monitored to estimate the requirement of olive oil. The ratio of feed rate of olive oil to the CO2 evolution rate was varied in the range of 20–60 g oil/mol CO2. The higher value of the ratio accelerated microbial growth, but did not favour lipase production. Once the high cell concentration of 60 g/l had been achieved, the ratio was changed from 50 to 30 g oil/mol CO2 to accelerate the lipase production. By this CO2-dependent method a very high activity of lipase, 1980 units/ml, was obtained. Both the productivity and yield of lipase were prominently increased compared with a conventional batch culture.  相似文献   

The psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens is a milk contaminant known to secrete a lipase that is a nuisance for the dairy industry but may have a biotechnological interest. Strain MFO secretes this enzyme upon induction under various conditions. Regardless of the inducer and growth temperature, a single enzyme is produced. However, optimal production occurs when the culture is grown at 17.5° C. Other exported proteins (an extracellular protease and two periplasmic phosphatases) have previously been shown to display exactly the same optimal temperature of production. In contrast, constitutive cell-bound esterase and cytochrome oxidase are produced at a roughly constant rate regardless of the growth temperature. The relevance of these results are discussed in terms of multifunctional regulation and interest for the dairy industry. Correspondence to: N. Orange  相似文献   

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