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Histone genes: not so simple after all   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
R W Old  H R Woodland 《Cell》1984,38(3):624-626

Tree‐ring analysis is often used to assess long‐term trends in tree growth. A variety of growth‐trend detection methods (GDMs) exist to disentangle age/size trends in growth from long‐term growth changes. However, these detrending methods strongly differ in approach, with possible implications for their output. Here, we critically evaluate the consistency, sensitivity, reliability and accuracy of four most widely used GDMs: conservative detrending (CD) applies mathematical functions to correct for decreasing ring widths with age; basal area correction (BAC) transforms diameter into basal area growth; regional curve standardization (RCS) detrends individual tree‐ring series using average age/size trends; and size class isolation (SCI) calculates growth trends within separate size classes. First, we evaluated whether these GDMs produce consistent results applied to an empirical tree‐ring data set of Melia azedarach, a tropical tree species from Thailand. Three GDMs yielded similar results – a growth decline over time – but the widely used CD method did not detect any change. Second, we assessed the sensitivity (probability of correct growth‐trend detection), reliability (100% minus probability of detecting false trends) and accuracy (whether the strength of imposed trends is correctly detected) of these GDMs, by applying them to simulated growth trajectories with different imposed trends: no trend, strong trends (?6% and +6% change per decade) and weak trends (?2%, +2%). All methods except CD, showed high sensitivity, reliability and accuracy to detect strong imposed trends. However, these were considerably lower in the weak or no‐trend scenarios. BAC showed good sensitivity and accuracy, but low reliability, indicating uncertainty of trend detection using this method. Our study reveals that the choice of GDM influences results of growth‐trend studies. We recommend applying multiple methods when analysing trends and encourage performing sensitivity and reliability analysis. Finally, we recommend SCI and RCS, as these methods showed highest reliability to detect long‐term growth trends.  相似文献   

The influence of circadian rhythms on memory has long been studied; however, the molecular prerequisites for their interaction remain elusive. The hippocampus, which is a region of the brain important for long‐term memory formation and temporary maintenance, shows circadian rhythmicity in pathways central to the memory‐consolidation process. As neuronal plasticity is the translation of numerous inputs, illuminating the direct molecular links between circadian rhythms and memory consolidation remains a daunting task. However, the elucidation of how clock genes contribute to synaptic plasticity could provide such a link. Furthermore, the idea that memory training could actually function as a zeitgeber for hippocampal neurons is worth consideration, based on our knowledge of the entrainment of the circadian clock system. The integration of many inputs in the hippocampus affects memory consolidation at both the cellular and the systems level, leaving the molecular connections between circadian rhythmicity and memory relatively obscure but ripe for investigation.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome: so simple yet so complex.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondria possess a small set of genes that are essential for respiratory function. This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of mitochondrial gene organization and expression. These studies illustrate a remarkable diversity among eukaryotic lineages and an impressive complexity of events needed to achieve nuclear-mitochondrial harmony.  相似文献   

Darwin provided a great unifying theory for biology; its visual expression is the universal tree of life. The tree concept is challenged by the occurrence of horizontal gene transfer and—as summarized in this review—by the omission of viruses. Microbial ecologists have demonstrated that viruses are the most numerous biological entities on earth, outnumbering cells by a factor of 10. Viral genomics have revealed an unexpected size and distinctness of the viral DNA sequence space. Comparative genomics has shown elements of vertical evolution in some groups of viruses. Furthermore, structural biology has demonstrated links between viruses infecting the three domains of life pointing to a very ancient origin of viruses. However, presently viruses do not find a place on the universal tree of life, which is thus only a tree of cellular life. In view of the polythetic nature of current life definitions, viruses cannot be dismissed as non-living material. On earth we have therefore at least two large DNA sequence spaces, one represented by capsid-encoding viruses and another by ribosome-encoding cells. Despite their probable distinct evolutionary origin, both spheres were and are connected by intensive two-way gene transfers.  相似文献   

The dynamic properties of cellular protein polymers such as microtubules and microfilaments depend to a large extent on the cell's capacity to modify rapidly the exchange rate between polymerized and unpolymerized pools of subunits. Until quite recently the dynamic nature of intermediate filaments was underestimated because of their biochemical stability in vitro and a paucity of studies on their characteristics in vivo. However, the recent studies described in this review show that the karyoskeletal and cytoskeletal structures that assemble from many intermediate filament proteins possess the properties expected of dynamic protein polymer networks.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) GTP-binding proteins are among the best-characterized members of the Ras superfamily of GTPases, with well-established functions in membrane-trafficking pathways. A recent watershed of genomic and structural information has identified a family of conserved related proteins: the Arf-like (Arl) GTPases. The best-characterized Arl protein, Arl2, regulates the folding of beta tubulin, and recent data suggest that Arl1 and Arf-related protein 1 (ARFRP1) are localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where they function, in part, to regulate the tethering of endosome-derived transport vesicles. Other Arl proteins are localized to the cytosol, nucleus, cytoskeleton and mitochondria, which indicates that Arl proteins have diverse roles that are distinct from the known functions of traditional Arf GTPases.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 28 juniper tree-ring sites sampled over the last decades by several research teams in the Tien Shan and Karakorum mountains of western central Asia. Ring-width chronologies were developed on a site-by-site basis, using a detrending technique designed to retain low-frequency climate variations. Site chronologies were grouped according to their distance from the upper timberline in the Tien Shan (∼3,400 m a.s.l.) and Karakorum (∼4,000 m), and low- and high-elevation composite chronologies combining data from both mountain systems developed. Comparison of these elevational subsets revealed significant coherence (r = 0.72) over the 1438–1995 common period, which is inconsistent with the concept of differing environmental signals captured in tree-ring data along elevational gradients. It is hypothesized that the uniform growth behavior in central Asian juniper trees has been forced by solar radiation variations controlled via cloud cover changes, but verification of this assumption requires further fieldwork. The high-elevation composite chronology was further compared with existing temperature reconstructions from the Karakorum and Tien Shan, and long-term trend differences discussed. We concluded that the extent of warmth during medieval times cannot be precisely estimated based on ring-width data currently available.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats of the genus Rousettus produce click sonar signals, using their tongue (lingual echolocation). These signals are often considered rudimentary and are believed to enable only crude performance. However, the main argument supporting this belief, namely the click’s reported long duration, was recently shown to be an artifact. In fact, the sonar clicks of Rousettus bats are extremely short, ~50–100 μs, similar to dolphin vocalizations. Here, we present a comparison between the sonar systems of the ‘model species’ of laryngeal echolocation, the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), and that of lingual echolocation, the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus). We show experimentally that in tasks, such as accurate landing or detection of medium-sized objects, click-based echolocation enables performance similar to laryngeal echolocators. Further, we describe a sophisticated behavioral strategy for biosonar beam steering in clicking bats. Finally, theoretical analyses of the signal design—focusing on their autocorrelations and wideband ambiguity functions—predict that in some aspects, such as target ranging and Doppler-tolerance, click-based echolocation might outperform laryngeal echolocation. Therefore, we suggest that click-based echolocation in bats should be regarded as a viable echolocation strategy, which is in fact similar to the biosonar used by most echolocating animals, including whales and dolphins.  相似文献   

Understanding responses of forests to increasing CO2 and temperature is an important challenge, but no easy task. Tree rings are increasingly used to study such responses. In a recent study, van der Sleen et al. (2014) Nature Geoscience, 8, 4 used tree rings from 12 tropical tree species and find that despite increases in intrinsic water use efficiency, no growth stimulation is observed. This challenges the idea that increasing CO2 would stimulate growth. Unfortunately, tree ring analysis can be plagued by biases, resulting in spurious growth trends. While their study evaluated several biases, it does not account for all. In particular, one bias may have seriously affected their results. Several of the species have recruitment patterns, which are not uniform, but clustered around one specific year. This results in spurious negative growth trends if growth rates are calculated in fixed size classes, as ‘fast‐growing’ trees reach the sampling diameter earlier compared to slow growers and thus fast growth rates tend to have earlier calendar dates. We assessed the effect of this ‘nonuniform age bias’ on observed growth trends and find that van der Sleen's conclusions of a lack of growth stimulation do not hold. Growth trends are – at least partially – driven by underlying recruitment or age distributions. Species with more clustered age distributions show more negative growth trends, and simulations to estimate the effect of species’ age distributions show growth trends close to those observed. Re‐evaluation of the growth data and correction for the bias result in significant positive growth trends of 1–2% per decade for the full period, and 3–7% since 1950. These observations, however, should be taken cautiously as multiple biases affect these trend estimates. In all, our results highlight that tree ring studies of long‐term growth trends can be strongly influenced by biases if demographic processes are not carefully accounted for.  相似文献   

Chinopoulos C 《FEBS letters》2011,585(9):1255-1259
In various pathologic circumstances depolarized mitochondria are thought to precipitate cell death by avidly consuming cytosolic ATP. However, for as long as the inner mitochondrial membrane remains intact the reversal potentials of the adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) and that of F(0)-F(1) ATP synthase are strategically positioned so that they oppose import of cytosolic ATP into the matrix of respiration-impaired mitochondria. This arrangement also seems to protect against a hysteretic consumption of cytosolic ATP accumulating in the mitochondrial matrix, in view of the depolarization caused by inhibition of F(0)-F(1) ATP synthase by the endogenous protein IF1, yielding fast ANT reversal rates.  相似文献   

To tree or not to tree   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The practice of tracking geographical divergence along a phylogenetic tree has added an evolutionary perspective to biogeographic analysis within single species. In spite of the popularity of phylogeography, there is an emerging problem. Recurrent mutation and recombination both create homoplasy, multiple evolutionary occurrences of the same character that are identical in state but not identical by descent. Homoplasic molecular data are phylogenetically ambiguous. Converting homoplasic molecular data into a tree represents an extrapolation, and there can be myriad candidate trees among which to choose. Derivative biogeographic analyses of 'the tree' are analyses of that extrapolation, and the results depend on the tree chosen. I explore the informational aspects of converting a multicharacter data set into a phylogenetic tree, and then explore what happens when that tree is used for population analysis. Three conclusions follow: (i) some trees are better than others; good trees are true to the data, whereas bad trees are not; (ii) for biogeographic analysis, we should use only good trees, which yield the same biogeographic inference as the phenetic data, but little more; and (iii) the reliable biogeographic inference is inherent in the phenetic data, not the trees.  相似文献   

The measures of compositional nonrandomness to be discussed as to their physical significance and to their power of detecting evolutionary significant variations are (see article)(pi a priori probability for amino acid i, ni its number of occurrences in a protein of length L). As a concrete example, the pi are here supposed to represent equal frequencies of all non-stop codons. For each quantity, four levels are defined: The base level, with optimal (i.e. minimal nonrandomness) composition, admitting non-integer values of ni; the integer level with optimal integer composition; the noise level, represented by a typical random cain; and the real protein level. On all these levels, S, which is the measure with the most direct physical sense, shows the smoothest behavior with the smallest relative fluctuations and thus the highest resolution.  相似文献   

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