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Ethanol yields were 2.1 (P = 0.06) to 2.3 (P = 0.01) times higher in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) reactions of microcrystalline cellulose when cellulase was physisorbed on silica nanoparticles compared to enzyme in solution. In SSF reactions, cellulose is hydrolyzed to glucose by cellulase while yeast simultaneously ferments glucose to ethanol. The 35°C temperature and the presence of ethanol in SSF reactions are not optimal conditions for cellulase. Immobilization onto solid supports can stabilize the enzyme and promote activity at non-optimum reaction conditions. Mock SSF reactions that did not contain yeast were used to measure saccharification products and identify the mechanism for the improved ethanol yield using immobilized cellulase. Cellulase adsorbed to 40 nm silica nanoparticles produced 1.6 times (P = 0.01) more glucose than cellulase in solution in 96 h at pH 4.8 and 35°C. There was no significant accumulation (<250 μg) of soluble cellooligomers in either the solution or immobilized enzyme reactions. This suggests that the mechanism for the immobilized enzyme's improved glucose yield compared to solution enzyme is the increased conversion of insoluble cellulose hydrolysis products to soluble cellooligomers at 35°C and in the presence of ethanol. The results show that silica-immobilized cellulase can be used to produce increased ethanol yields in the conversion of lignocellulosic materials by SSF.  相似文献   

In this study ethanol was produced from corn stover pretreated by alkaline and acidic wet oxidation (WO) (195 degrees C, 15 min, 12 bar oxygen) followed by nonisothermal simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). In the first step of the SSF, small amounts of cellulases were added at 50 degrees C, the optimal temperature of enzymes, in order to obtain better mixing condition due to some liquefaction. In the second step more cellulases were added in combination with dried baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at 30 degrees C. The phenols (0.4-0.5 g/L) and carboxylic acids (4.6-5.9 g/L) were present in the hemicellulose rich hydrolyzate at subinhibitory levels, thus no detoxification was needed prior to SSF of the whole slurry. Based on the cellulose available in the WO corn stover 83% of the theoretical ethanol yield was obtained under optimized SSF conditions. This was achieved with a substrate concentration of 12% dry matter (DM) acidic WO corn stover at 30 FPU/g DM (43.5 FPU/g cellulose) enzyme loading. Even with 20 and 15 FPU/g DM (corresponding to 29 and 22 FPU/g cellulose) enzyme loading, ethanol yields of 76 and 73%, respectively, were obtained. After 120 h of SSF the highest ethanol concentration of 52 g/L (6 vol.%) was achieved, which exceeds the technical and economical limit of the industrial-scale alcohol distillation. The SSF results showed that the cellulose in pretreated corn stover can be efficiently fermented to ethanol with up to 15% DM concentration. A further increase of substrate concentration reduced the ethanol yield significant as a result of insufficient mass transfer. It was also shown that the fermentation could be followed with an easy monitoring system based on the weight loss of the produced CO2.  相似文献   

The cellulase, Spezyme CP from Genencor, widely used for the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of cellulose to ethanol, contained substances inhibitory to the growth of Klebsiella oxytoca P2, emphasising the need to check for inhibition effects in SSF experimentation. Also, the preparation contained enough -glucosidase activity to prevent cellobiose accumulation in SSF with a conventional non-cellobiose fermenting yeast: this finding is relevant to attempts to evaluate novel recombinant cellobiose-fermenting microbial strains.  相似文献   

Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) widely used in submerged state could be effective in solid state. Solid state SSF was first compared with solid-state separate hydrolysis and fermentation on ethanol production. Ethanol yield using solid-state separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) in 5 days was only half of that in solid state SSF in 3 days. In solid state SSF, the ethanol concentration using temperature cycling (10 h at 37°C followed by 15 min at 42°C) reached 5.2% which was 2 times higher than that observed at 37°C within 72 h. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) widely used in submerged state could be effective in solid state. Solid state SSF was first compared with solid state separate hydrolysis and fermentation on ethanol production. Ethanol yield using solid state separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) in 5 days was only half of that in solid state SSF in 3 days. In solid state SSF, the ethanol concentration using temperature cycling (10 h at 37 degrees C followed by 15 min at 42 degrees C) was 2 times that using constant 37 degrees C within 72 h, reached 5.2%.  相似文献   

Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP), which integrates enzyme production, saccharification and fermentation into a single process, is a promising strategy for effective ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials because of the resulting reduction in utilities, the substrate and other raw materials and simplification of operation. CBP requires a highly engineered microbial strain capable of hydrolyzing biomass with enzymes produced on its own and producing high-titer ethanol. Recently, heterologous production of cellulolytic enzymes has been pursued with yeast hosts, which has realized direct conversion of cellulose to ethanol. Specifically, the development of cell surface engineering, which provides a display of cellulolytic enzymes on the yeast cell surface, facilitates effective biomass hydrolysis concomitantly with ethanol production. On the other hand, the difference in optimum temperature between saccharification and fermentation is a drawback of efficient ethanol production in the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). The application of thermotolerant yeast strains engineered to the SSF process would overcome the drawback by performing hydrolysis and fermentation at elevated temperature. In this review, we focus on the recent advances in the application of thermotolerant yeast to CBP and SSF of lignocellulosic material to ethanol. The development of thermotolerant and ethanologenic yeast strains with the ability to hydrolyze lignocellulosic materials is emphasized for high-temperature CBP.  相似文献   

In ethanol production from cellulose, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentative conversion may be performed sequentially (separate hydrolysis and fermentation, SHF) or in a single reaction vessel (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, SSF). Opting for either is essentially a trade-off between optimal temperatures and inhibitory glucose concentrations on the one hand (SHF) vs. sub-optimal temperatures and ethanol-inhibited cellulolysis on the other (SSF). Although the impact of ethanol on cellobiose hydrolysis was found to be negligible, formation of glucose and cellobiose from cellulose were found to be significantly inhibited by ethanol. A previous model for the kinetics of enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis was, therefore, extended with enzyme inhibition by ethanol, thus allowing a rational evaluation of SSF and SHF. The model predicted SSF processing to be superior. The superiority of SSF over SHF (separate hydrolysis and fermentation) was confirmed experimentally, both with respect to ethanol yield on glucose (0.41 g g?1 for SSF vs. 0.35 g g?1 for SHF) and ethanol production rate, being 30% higher for an SSF type process. High conversion rates were found to be difficult to achieve since at a conversion rate of 52% in a SSF process the reaction rate dropped to 5% of its initial value. The model, extended with the impact of ethanol on the cellulase complex proved to predict reaction progress accurately.  相似文献   

It was confirmed that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation are effective for accelerating enzymatic saccharification of cellulose. In this work, the effects of ethanol on the saccharification of tissue paper by Trichoderma cellulase (Meicelase CEPB) have been investigated. The following results were obtained. (1) Saccharification was inhibited by at least 0.2M ethanol. (2) Less than 4M ethanol did not affect the enzymatic activities of beta-glucosidase and endoglucanase (C(x)) at all. The thermal stability of endoglucanase was not also varied by ethanol. (3) It is suggested that ethanol depresses the adsorption of exoglucanase on cellulose. (4) The rate expression of saccharification of cellulose in the presense of ethanol is proposed. (5) The inhibititory effect of ethanol was found to become more significant in the later stages of the reaction than just the initial stage.  相似文献   

The efficient biological conversion of all the available sugars in biomass residues to fuels and chemicals is crucial to the efficiency of any process intended to compete economically with petrochemical products. Both hemicellulose- and cellulose-derived carbohydrates from wood and agricultural wastes can be converted to 2,3-butanediol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. This approach results in improved butanediol yields and process productivities, and also enables biomass substrates, after a simple pretreatment (steam-explosion), to be directly used for efficient butanediol production.  相似文献   

Ethanol was produced using the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) method with macroalgae polysaccharide from the seaweed Saccharina japonica (Sea tangle, Dasima) as biomass. The seaweed was dried by hot air, ground with a hammer mill and filtered with a 200-mesh sieve prior to pretreatment. Saccharification was carried out by thermal acid hydrolysis with H(2)SO(4) and the industrial enzyme, Termamyl 120 L. To increase the yield of saccharification, isolated marine bacteria were used; the optimal saccharification conditions were 10% (w/v) seaweed slurry, 40 mM H(2)SO(4) and 1 g dcw/L isolated Bacillus sp. JS-1. Using this saccharification procedure, the reducing sugar concentration and viscosity were 45.6 ± 5.0 g/L and 24.9 cp, respectively, and the total yield of the saccharification with optimal conditions and S. japonica was 69.1%. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation was carried out for ethanol production. The highest ethanol concentration, 7.7 g/L (9.8 ml/L) with a theoretical yield of 33.3%, was obtained by SSF with 0.39 g dcw/L Bacillus sp. JS-1 and 0.45 g dcw/L of the yeast, Pichia angophorae KCTC 17574.  相似文献   

Yeast to be used in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of lignocelluloses materials has to be prepared in a separate cultivation step. The effects of the cultivation procedure on the performance of SSF of steam pretreated softwood were studied in the current work. The yeast used in the SSF was either directly commercially available Baker's yeast (as packaged yeast) or the same strain of yeast produced from the hydrolysate obtained in the pretreatment of the softwood material. A second strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TMB3000, isolated from spent sulphite liquor, was also compared with the commercial Baker's yeast. The strains were tested in SSF at substrate loads of 3, 5 and 8% dry weight of water insoluble material. Final ethanol yields were above 85% of the theoretical (based on the available hexoses) in all cases, except for the package yeast for the 8% substrate load, in which case the final yield was less than 65%. The cultivation procedure was found to have a significant impact on the performance during SSF, as well as in small-scale fermentations of hydrolysate liquor without solid material. The Baker's yeast cultivated on the hydrolysate from the steam pretreatment had in all cases a higher productivity, in particular at the highest substrate load. Cultivated Baker's yeast had a slightly higher productivity than TMB3000. The results suggest that the adaptation of the yeast to the inhibitors present in the medium is an important factor that must be considered in the design of SSF processes.  相似文献   

The development of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of starch to ethanol (SSFSE) by genetically modified microbial strains has been studied intensively [M.M. Altintas, B. Kirdar, Z.Ï. Önsan, K.Ö. Ülgen, Cybernetic modelling of growth and ethanol production in a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain secreting a bifunctional fusion protein, Process Biochem. 37 (2002) 1439–1445; G. Birol, Z.Ï. Önsan, B. Kirdar, S.G. Oliver, Ethanol production and fermentation characteristics of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains grown on starch, Enzyme Microb. Technol. 22 (1998) 672–677; F. Kobayashi, Y. Nakamura, Effect of repressor gene on stability of bioprocess with continuous conversion of starch into ethanol using recombinant yeast, Biochem. Eng. J. 18 (2004) 133–141; F. Kobayashi, Y. Nakamura, Mathematical model of direct ethanol production from starch in immobilized recombinant yeast culture, Biochem. Eng. J. 21 (2004) 93–101; M.M. Altintas, K.Ö. Ülgen, B. Kirdar, Z.Ï. Önsan, S.G. Oliver, Improvement of ethanol production from starch by recombinant yeast through manipulation of environmental factors, Enzyme Microb. Technol. 31 (2002) 640–647; K.Ö. Ülgen, B. Saygili, Z.Ï. Önsan, B. Kirdar, Bioconversion of starch into ethanol by a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain YPG-AB, Process Biochem. 37 (2002) 1157–1168]. Saccharomyces cerevisiae YPB-G strain secretes a bifunctional fusion protein containing enzymatic activity of the B. subtilis alpha-amylase and of the Aspergillus awamori glucoamylase [M.M. Altintas, B. Kirdar, Z.Ï. Önsan, K.Ö. Ülgen, Cybernetic modelling of growth and ethanol production in a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain secreting a bifunctional fusion protein, Process Biochem. 37 (2002) 1439–1445], and therefore is distinguished in relation to SSFSE step. In this work we have used the experimental data, presented in the paper [M.M. Altintas, B. Kirdar, Z.Ï. Önsan, K.Ö. Ülgen, Cybernetic modelling of growth and ethanol production in a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain secreting a bifunctional fusion protein, Process Biochem. 37 (2002) 1439–1445] to develop two-hierarchic-level unstructured mathematical model describing kinetics of direct bioconversion of starch to ethanol. The first level has modeled enzymatic hydrolysis of starch to glucose by bifunctional protein and the second level includes utilization and bioconversion of glucose to ethanol by yeasts. The second level has unified the enzymatic degradation of starch, and glucose metabolization to ethanol by microorganisms. The response surface analysis was used to develop the rates models. A hybrid genetic algorithm and a decomposition approach were used in the nonlinear parameters identification procedure. The proposed model demonstrated excellent flexibility for different operational conditions of SSFSE process, and can be used successfully to describe microbial physiology of genetically modified strains.  相似文献   

The data on ethanol-water vapor-liquid equilibrium in the presence of cellulase enzyme, nutrients, yeast, and rice straw indicated a substantial increase in ethanol concentration in vapor phase at reduced pressures. Maximum relative volatility of ethanol in the presence of added components is approximately twice that of a pure ethanol-water system. The equation correlating the activity coefficient and ethanol concentration in the liquid phase adequately represents the equilibrium behavior.  相似文献   

Economic optimization of the production of ethanol by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) requires knowledge about the influence of substrate and enzyme concentration on yield and productivity. Although SSF has been investigated extensively, the optimal conditions for SSF of softwoods have yet not been determined. In this study, SO2-impregnated and steam-pretreated spruce was used as substrate for the production of ethanol by SSF. Commercial enzymes were used in combination with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The effects of the concentration of substrate (2% to 10% w/w) and of cellulases (5 to 32 FPU/g cellulose) were investigated. SSF was found to be sensitive to contamination because lactic acid was produced. The ethanol yield increased with increasing cellulase loading. The highest ethanol yield, 68% of the theoretical based on the glucose and mannose present in the original wood, was obtained at 5% substrate concentration. This yield corresponds to 82% of the theoretical based on the cellulose and soluble glucose and mannose present at the start of SSF. A higher substrate concentration caused inefficient fermentation, whereas a lower substrate concentration, 2%, resulted in increased formation of lactic acid, which lowered the yield. Compared with separate hydrolysis and fermentation, SSF gave a higher yield and doubled the productivity.  相似文献   

A study was taken up to evaluate the role of some fermentation parameters like inoculum concentration, temperature, incubation period and agitation time on ethanol production from kinnow waste and banana peels by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using cellulase and co-culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae G and Pachysolen tannophilus MTCC 1077. Steam pretreated kinnow waste and banana peels were used as substrate for ethanol production in the ratio 4:6 (kinnow waste: banana peels). Temperature of 30°C, inoculum size of S. cerevisiae G 6% and (v/v) Pachysolen tannophilus MTCC 1077 4% (v/v), incubation period of 48 h and agitation for the first 24 h were found to be best for ethanol production using the combination of two wastes. The pretreated steam exploded biomass after enzymatic saccharification containing 63 gL−1 reducing sugars was fermented with both hexose and pentose fermenting yeast strains under optimized conditions resulting in ethanol production, yield and fermentation efficiency of 26.84 gL−1, 0.426 gg −1 and 83.52 % respectively. This study could establish the effective utilization of kinnow waste and banana peels for bioethanol production using optimized fermentation parameters.  相似文献   

In cellulosic ethanol production, use of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) has been suggested as the favorable strategy to reduce process costs. Although SSF has many advantages, a significant discrepancy still exists between the appropriate temperature for saccharification (45-50 °C) and fermentation (30-35 °C). In the present study, the potential of temperature-shift as a tool for SSF optimization for bioethanol production from cellulosic biomass was examined. Cellulosic ethanol production of the temperature-shift SSF (TS-SSF) from 16 w/v% biomass increased from 22.2 g/L to 34.3 g/L following a temperature shift from 45 to 35 °C compared with the constant temperature of 45 °C. The glucose conversion yield and ethanol production yield in the TS-SSF were 89.3% and 90.6%, respectively. At higher biomass loading (18 w/v%), ethanol production increased to 40.2 g/L with temperature-shift time within 24 h. These results demonstrated that the temperature-shift process enhances the saccharification ratio and the ethanol production yield in SSF, and the temperature-shift time for TS-SSF process can be changed according to the fermentation condition within 24 h.  相似文献   

The simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of pretreated sugar cane leaves to produce ethanol using a cellulolytic enzyme complex from Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL-Y-132 was optimized. Enzymic saccharification parameters were evaluated prior to SSF studies. A 92% conversion of 2·5% substrate (alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreated) to sugars was achieved at 50°C and pH 4·5, using T. reesei cellulase (40 FPU/g substrate), in 48 h. The pretreated substrate was then subjected to an SSF process using the cellulase complex and S. cerevisiae cells. Optimization of the SSF system is described.  相似文献   

A cascade type of fermentation, designated the cascade simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (CSSF), was studied to convert corn stover derived pentose and hexose to ethanol with reduced enzyme input. In detail, each step of CSSF utilizes two sequential SSF phases operating on pentose and hexose, i.e., pentose conversion using xylanase, endo-glucanase, and recombinant Escherichia coli (KO11) with minimal glucose conversion in the first phase SSF, and hexose conversion in the second phase SSF using cellulase, β-glucosidase, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (D(5)A). In this cascade scheme, multiple stages of 1st and 2nd phase SSF were performed in series; enzymes are recycled from the fermentation broth of the last stage for the use of the next stage. This bioconversion process yielded up to 60% of the theoretical maximum ethanol yield based on the total sugars in untreated corn stover, while enzyme loadings were reduced by 50% (v/v) and the final ethanol concentration reached 27 g/l.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is described for the simultaneous saccharification and ethanol fermentation (SSF) of sago starch using amyloglucosidase (AMG) and Zymomonas mobilis. By introducing the degree of polymerization (DP) of oligosaccharides produced from sago starch treated with -amylase, a series of Michaelis-Menten equations were obtained. After determining kinetic parameters from the results of simple experiments carried out at various substrate and enzyme concentrations and from the subsite mapping theory, this model was adapted to simulate the SSF process. The results of simulation for SSF are in good agreement with experimental results.List of Symbols g/g rate coefficient of production - max 1/h maximum specific growth rate - E %, v/w AMG concentration - G 1 mmol/l glucose concentration - G c mmol/l glucose concentration consumed - G f mmol/l glucose concentration formed - G n mmol/l n-mer maltooligosaccharide concentration - K i g/l ethanol inhibition constant for ethanol production - K g mmol/l glucose inhibition constant for glucose production - K p mmol/l glucose limitation constant for ethanol production - K x mmol/l glucose limitation constant for cell growth - K m,n mmol/l Michaelis-Menten constant for n-mer oligosaccharide - k e %, v/w enzyme limitation constant - k es proportional constant - k max, n 1/s maximal velocity for n-mer digestion - k s g/l substrate limitation constant - m s g/g maintenance energy - MW n g/mol molecular weight of n-mer oligosaccharide - P g/l ethanol concentration - P 0 g/l initial ethanol concentration - P m g/l maximal ethanol concentration - Q pm g/(g · h) maximum specific ethanol production rate - S n mmol/h branched n-mer oligosaccharide concentration - S 0 g/l initial starch concentration - S sta g/l starch concentration - S tot g/l total sugar concentration - V max, n 1/h maximum digestion rate of n-mer oligosaccharide - V 0 g/(l · h) initial glucose formation rate - X g/l cell mass - X 0 g/l initial cell mass - Y p/s g/g ethanol yield - Y x/s g/g cell mass yield  相似文献   

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