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Both the acoustic variability of a distractor sequence and the degree to which it violates expectations are important determinants of auditory distraction. In four experiments we examined the relative contribution of local auditory changes on the one hand and expectation violations on the other hand in the disruption of serial recall by irrelevant sound. We present evidence for a greater disruption by auditory sequences ending in unexpected steady state distractor repetitions compared to auditory sequences with expected changing state endings even though the former contained fewer local changes. This effect was demonstrated with piano melodies (Experiment 1) and speech distractors (Experiment 2). Furthermore, it was replicated when the expectation violation occurred after the encoding of the target items (Experiment 3), indicating that the items'' maintenance in short-term memory was disrupted by attentional capture and not their encoding. This seems to be primarily due to the violation of a model of the specific auditory distractor sequences because the effect vanishes and even reverses when the experiment provides no opportunity to build up a specific neural model about the distractor sequence (Experiment 4). Nevertheless, the violation of abstract long-term knowledge about auditory regularities seems to cause a small and transient capture effect: Disruption decreased markedly over the course of the experiments indicating that participants habituated to the unexpected distractor repetitions across trials. The overall pattern of results adds to the growing literature that the degree to which auditory distractors violate situation-specific expectations is a more important determinant of auditory distraction than the degree to which a distractor sequence contains local auditory changes.  相似文献   

Consecutive repetition of actions is common in behavioral sequences. Although integration of sensory feedback with internal motor programs is important for sequence generation, if and how feedback contributes to repetitive actions is poorly understood. Here we study how auditory feedback contributes to generating repetitive syllable sequences in songbirds. We propose that auditory signals provide positive feedback to ongoing motor commands, but this influence decays as feedback weakens from response adaptation during syllable repetitions. Computational models show that this mechanism explains repeat distributions observed in Bengalese finch song. We experimentally confirmed two predictions of this mechanism in Bengalese finches: removal of auditory feedback by deafening reduces syllable repetitions; and neural responses to auditory playback of repeated syllable sequences gradually adapt in sensory-motor nucleus HVC. Together, our results implicate a positive auditory-feedback loop with adaptation in generating repetitive vocalizations, and suggest sensory adaptation is important for feedback control of motor sequences.  相似文献   

Expectancy for an upcoming musical chord, harmonic expectancy, is supposedly based on automatic activation of tonal knowledge. Since previous studies implicitly relied on interpretations based on Western music theory, the underlying computational processes involved in harmonic expectancy and how it relates to tonality need further clarification. In particular, short chord sequences which cannot lead to unique keys are difficult to interpret in music theory. In this study, we examined effects of preceding chords on harmonic expectancy from a computational perspective, using stochastic modeling. We conducted a behavioral experiment, in which participants listened to short chord sequences and evaluated the subjective relatedness of the last chord to the preceding ones. Based on these judgments, we built stochastic models of the computational process underlying harmonic expectancy. Following this, we compared the explanatory power of the models. Our results imply that, even when listening to short chord sequences, internally constructed and updated tonal assumptions determine the expectancy of the upcoming chord.  相似文献   

Spliceosomal introns are noncoding sequences that separate exons in eukaryotic genes and are removed from pre-messenger RNAs by the splicing machinery. Their origin has remained a mystery in biology since their discovery because intron gains seem to be infrequent in many eukaryotic lineages. Although a few recent intron gains have been reported, none of the proposed gain mechanisms can convincingly explain the high number of introns in present-day eukaryotic genomes. Here we report on particular spliceosomal introns that share high sequence similarity and are reminiscent of introner elements. These elements multiplied in unrelated genes of six fungal genomes and account for the vast majority of intron gains in these fungal species. Such introner-like elements (ILEs) contain all typical characteristics of regular spliceosomal introns (RSIs) but are longer and predicted to harbor more stable secondary structures. However, dating of multiplication events showed that they degenerate in sequence and length within 100,000 years to eventually become indistinguishable from RSIs. We suggest that ILEs not only account for intron gains in six fungi but also in ancestral eukaryotes to give rise to most RSIs by a yet unknown multiplication mechanism.  相似文献   

Selection tasks in which simple stimuli (e.g. letters) are presented and a target stimulus has to be selected against one or more distractor stimuli are frequently used in the research on human action control. One important question in these settings is how distractor stimuli, competing with the target stimulus for a response, influence actions. The distractor-response binding paradigm can be used to investigate this influence. It is particular useful to separately analyze response retrieval and distractor inhibition effects. Computer-based experiments are used to collect the data (reaction times and error rates). In a number of sequentially presented pairs of stimulus arrays (prime-probe design), participants respond to targets while ignoring distractor stimuli. Importantly, the factors response relation in the arrays of each pair (repetition vs. change) and distractor relation (repetition vs. change) are varied orthogonally. The repetition of the same distractor then has a different effect depending on response relation (repetition vs. change) between arrays. This result pattern can be explained by response retrieval due to distractor repetition. In addition, distractor inhibition effects are indicated by a general advantage due to distractor repetition. The described paradigm has proven useful to determine relevant parameters for response retrieval effects on human action.  相似文献   

This report presents data from two versions of the task switching procedure in which the separate influence of stimulus repetitions, response key repetitions, conceptual response repetitions, cue repetitions, task repetitions, and congruency are considered. Experiment 1 used a simple alternating runs procedure with parity judgments of digits and consonant/vowel decisions of letters as the two tasks. Results revealed sizable effects of stimulus and response repetitions, and controlling for these effects reduced the switch cost. Experiment 2 was a cued version of the task switch paradigm with parity and magnitude judgments of digits as the two tasks. Results again revealed large effects of stimulus and response repetitions, in addition to cue repetition effects. Controlling for these effects again reduced the switch cost. Congruency did not interact with our novel “unbiased” measure of switch costs. We discuss how the task switch paradigm might be thought of as a more complex version of the feature integration paradigm and propose an episodic learning account of the effect. We further consider to what extent appeals to higher-order control processes might be unnecessary and propose that controls for feature integration biases should be standard practice in task switching experiments.  相似文献   

Representation of sequence similarity by dot matrix plots is a method widely used for comparing biological sequences. The user is presented with an overall view of similarity between two sequences. Computation of this plot has been reconsidered here. An improvement is proposed through the preprocessing of the data into an automation recognizing the word structure of a sequence. The main advantage of this approach is to systematically eliminate the repetitions during word comparison. Simple heuristics are also considered to greatly speed up pattern matching. As a result, large sequences are handled very efficiently. This is illustrated by a comparison of large genomic DNA. The algorithm has been implemented in an interactive application on a microcomputer.  相似文献   

The existence of a specialized imitation module in humans is hotly debated. Studies suggesting a specific imitation impairment in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) support a modular view. However, the voluntary imitation tasks used in these studies (which require socio-cognitive abilities in addition to imitation for successful performance) cannot support claims of a specific impairment. Accordingly, an automatic imitation paradigm (a 'cleaner' measure of imitative ability) was used to assess the imitative ability of 16 adults with ASD and 16 non-autistic matched control participants. Participants performed a prespecified hand action in response to observed hand actions performed either by a human or a robotic hand. On compatible trials the stimulus and response actions matched, while on incompatible trials the two actions did not match. Replicating previous findings, the Control group showed an automatic imitation effect: responses on compatible trials were faster than those on incompatible trials. This effect was greater when responses were made to human than to robotic actions ('animacy bias'). The ASD group also showed an automatic imitation effect and a larger animacy bias than the Control group. We discuss these findings with reference to the literature on imitation in ASD and theories of imitation.  相似文献   

Complex training is the method of coupling heavy and light loads into an organized sequence with the aim of facilitating postactivation potentiation. Anecdotal evidence has supported the use of complex training sequences, but scientific studies investigating the effects of sequencing isometric loads with dynamic muscle actions have been limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a preconditioning sequence of maximal isometric knee extensions on performance standards in selected dynamic whole-body exercise. Fourteen track and field athletes (23 +/- 5.7 years; 71.53 +/- 6.93 kg; 172.6 +/- 5.8 cm) were randomly assessed in selected whole-body exercises (drop and countermovement jumps, 5-second cycle sprint, knee extension) following a sequence of maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC; 3 repetitions of 3 seconds or 3 repetitions of 5 seconds) or in the absence of prior loading (control). Electromyographic (EMG) assessments of muscle activity were also made during the knee extension assessment. Significant (p < or = 0.05) increases in jump height (5.03%), maximal force (4.94%), and acceleration impulse (9.49%) were observed in the drop jump following 3 repetitions of 3-second MVC only. Knee extension maximal torque was also significantly increased (6.12%) following the 3-second MVC. No significant changes in countermovement jump or cycle sprint measures were observed for any of the experimental conditions. Though adaptations were found, changes in EMG activity were not significantly different for any of the experimental conditions. These data indicate that performing a sequence of repeated maximal isometric knee extensions (3 repetitions of 3 seconds) prior to selected dynamic exercise (< or =0.25 seconds) may have favorable effects on performance beyond standards achieved without prior heavy loading.  相似文献   

Yue Lin  Uta Berger  Ming Yue  Volker Grimm 《Oikos》2016,125(8):1153-1161
Size inequality in plant populations is a ubiquitous feature that has received much attention due to ecological and evolutionary implications. The mechanisms driving size inequality were mainly attributed to different modes of competition (symmetric versus asymmetric), while the potential effects of different modes of facilitation (symmetric versus asymmetric) to this pattern have not yet been fully explored. We employed an individual‐based model to explore the relative roles of both competition and facilitation simultaneously along an environmental stress gradient. Special emphasis was given to the assessment of symmetric facilitation (plants receive benefit from each other equally or proportionally to benefactors’ sizes) and asymmetric facilitation (beneficiary plants receive benefits from benefactor plants that are higher than proportional to the benefactors’ size) in altering plant size inequality. We found that independent of the particular mode of competition, symmetric facilitation generally increased size inequality, whereas asymmetric facilitation decreased it. This pattern was consistent along the stress gradient. Because of their different effects on size inequality, symmetric facilitation accelerated self‐thinning, whereas asymmetric facilitation delayed the onset of density‐dependent mortality, promoting survival under intermediate stress conditions. We compared our model predictions with both 1) a previous modelling study focusing on the effect of (symmetric) facilitation on the size inequality, and 2) re‐analysed data from a published experiment generating asymmetric facilitation of plants against enhanced ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B). Whereas our model predictions and the results of the empirical experiment were consistent, we found that previous theoretical results that solely relied on symmetric facilitation need to be re‐adjusted. Our study showed that combinations of different modes of competition and facilitation can alter size inequality in different ways and with important consequences for the onset of density‐dependent mortality during population development. Explicitly considering different modes and mechanisms of interactions (both facilitation and competition) will improve mechanistic understanding in plant ecology.  相似文献   

Excitability of the corticospinal pathway increases during observation of an action. However, how corticospinal excitability changes during observation of sequential actions in the course of acquiring novel skills (observational learning) remains unexplored. To investigate this, we used a previously unpracticed sequence of ten hand postures. Participants were asked to repeat observation and replication of the sequence. This block of observation and replication was repeated 5 times. During observation of a given hand posture (OK sign), motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation were recorded from hand muscles. In experiment 1, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position of the sequence. Almost all participants could replicate the OK sign only at the 5th block of the experiment. MEP amplitude was greater than that in the control, and decreased with the stages. This suggested that during observational learning of sequential hand postures MEP changed with the progress of the learning. To evaluate this idea, we performed two additional experiments. In experiment 2, the OK sign appeared in the 2nd position. Almost all participants replicated the OK sign even in the 1st block. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. In experiment 3, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position, but the order of other signs was randomized in every stage. Many participants were not able to replicate the OK sign even during the 5th block of the experiment. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. These results suggest that: (1) During observational learning modulation of corticospinal excitability is associated with the learning process. (2) Corticospinal excitability decreases as learning progresses.  相似文献   

Contagious yawning is a form of response facilitation found in humans and other primates in which observing a model yawning enhances the chance that the observer will also yawn. Because contagious yawning seems to be more easily triggered when models are conspecifics or have a strong social bond with the observer, it has been proposed that contagious yawning is linked to empathy. A possible way to test this hypothesis is to analyze whether individuals’ responses differ when they observe models yawning or performing different involuntary (i.e., nose wiping, scratching) and voluntary (i.e., hand closing, wrist shaking) actions that are not linked to empathy. In this study, we tested the four great ape species with two different setups by exposing them to a human experimenter repeatedly performing these actions online, and video-recorded conspecifics repeatedly performing these actions on a screen. We examined which behaviors were subject to response facilitation, whether response facilitation was triggered by both human models and video-recorded conspecifics, and whether all species showed evidence of response facilitation. Our results showed that chimpanzees yawned significantly more when and shortly after watching videos of conspecifics (but not humans) yawning than in control conditions, and they did not do so as a response to increased levels of anxiety. For all other behaviors, no species produced more target actions when being exposed to either model than under control conditions. Moreover, the individuals that were more “reactive” when watching yawning videos were not more reactive when exposed to other actions. Since, at least in chimpanzees, (1) subjects only showed response facilitation when they were exposed to yawning and (2) only if models were conspecifics, it appears that contagious yawning is triggered by unique mechanisms and might be linked to empathy.  相似文献   

Unilateral movements are mainly controlled by the contralateral hemisphere, even though the primary motor cortex ipsilateral (M1(ipsi)) to the moving body side can undergo task-related changes of activity as well. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate whether representations of the wrist flexor (FCR) and extensor (ECR) in M1(ipsi) would be modulated when unilateral rhythmical wrist movements were executed in isolation or in the context of a simple or difficult hand-foot coordination pattern, and whether this modulation would differ for the left versus right hemisphere. We found that M1(ipsi) facilitation of the resting ECR and FCR mirrored the activation of the moving wrist such that facilitation was higher when the homologous muscle was activated during the cyclical movement. We showed that this ipsilateral facilitation increased significantly when the wrist movements were performed in the context of demanding hand-foot coordination tasks whereas foot movements alone influenced the hand representation of M1(ipsi) only slightly. Our data revealed a clear hemispheric asymmetry such that MEP responses were significantly larger when elicited in the left M1(ipsi) than in the right. In experiment 2, we tested whether the modulations of M1(ipsi) facilitation, caused by performing different coordination tasks with the left versus right body sides, could be explained by changes in short intracortical inhibition (SICI). We found that SICI was increasingly reduced for a complex coordination pattern as compared to rest, but only in the right M1(ipsi). We argue that our results might reflect the stronger involvement of the left versus right hemisphere in performing demanding motor tasks.  相似文献   

A package for the creation and processing of multiple sequencealignment is described. There is no limit on the lengths ofthe processed nucleotide or amino acid sequences, and the numberof sequences in the alignment is also unlimited. The main groupsof functions are: a semi–automatic alignment editor; awide set of functions for technical processing of alignments;nucleotide alignment mapping and translation; and similaritysearch functions. A user-friendly interface and a set of generallyused file actions provide a special operational subsystem foreveryday tasks  相似文献   

When viewers search for targets in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream, if two targets are presented within about 500 msec of each other, the first target may be easy to spot but the second is likely to be missed. This phenomenon of attentional blink (AB) has been widely studied to probe the temporal capacity of attention for detecting visual targets. However, with the typical procedure of AB experiments, it is not possible to examine how the processing of non-target items in RSVP may be affected by attention. This paper describes a novel dual task procedure combined with RSVP to test effects of AB for nontargets at varied stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs). In an exemplar experiment, a target category was first displayed, followed by a sequence of 8 nouns. If one of the nouns belonged to the target category, participants would respond ‘yes’ at the end of the sequence, otherwise participants would respond ‘no’. Two 2-alternative forced choice memory tasks followed the response to determine if participants remembered the words immediately before or after the target, as well as a random word from another part of the sequence. In a second exemplar experiment, the same design was used, except that 1) the memory task was counterbalanced into two groups with SOAs of either 120 or 240 msec and 2) three memory tasks followed the sequence and tested remembrance for nontarget nouns in the sequence that could be anywhere from 3 items prior the target noun position to 3 items following the target noun position. Representative results from a previously published study demonstrate that our procedure can be used to examine divergent effects of attention that not only enhance targets but also suppress nontargets. Here we show results from a representative participant that replicated the previous finding.   相似文献   

Infants'' sensitivity to social or behavioral contingency has been examined in the field of developmental psychology and behavioral sciences, mainly using a double video paradigm or a still face paradigm. These studies have shown that infants distinguish other individuals'' contingent behaviors from non-contingent ones. The present experiment systematically examined if this ability extends to the detection of non-humanoids'' contingent actions in a communicative context. We examined two- to three-year-olds'' understanding of contingent actions produced by a non-humanoid robot. The robot either responded contingently to the actions of the participants (contingent condition) or programmatically reproduced the same sequence of actions to another participant (non-contingent condition). The results revealed that the participants exhibited different patterns of response depending on whether or not the robot responded contingently. It was also found that the participants did not respond positively to the contingent actions of the robot in the earlier periods of the experimental sessions. This might reflect the conflict between the non-humanlike appearance of the robot and its humanlike contingent actions, which presumably led the children to experience the uncanny valley effect.  相似文献   

Chersi F  Ferrari PF  Fogassi L 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27652
The inferior part of the parietal lobe (IPL) is known to play a very important role in sensorimotor integration. Neurons in this region code goal-related motor acts performed with the mouth, with the hand and with the arm. It has been demonstrated that most IPL motor neurons coding a specific motor act (e.g., grasping) show markedly different activation patterns according to the final goal of the action sequence in which the act is embedded (grasping for eating or grasping for placing). Some of these neurons (parietal mirror neurons) show a similar selectivity also during the observation of the same action sequences when executed by others. Thus, it appears that the neuronal response occurring during the execution and the observation of a specific grasping act codes not only the executed motor act, but also the agent's final goal (intention).In this work we present a biologically inspired neural network architecture that models mechanisms of motor sequences execution and recognition. In this network, pools composed of motor and mirror neurons that encode motor acts of a sequence are arranged in form of action goal-specific neuronal chains. The execution and the recognition of actions is achieved through the propagation of activity bursts along specific chains modulated by visual and somatosensory inputs.The implemented spiking neuron network is able to reproduce the results found in neurophysiological recordings of parietal neurons during task performance and provides a biologically plausible implementation of the action selection and recognition process.Finally, the present paper proposes a mechanism for the formation of new neural chains by linking together in a sequential manner neurons that represent subsequent motor acts, thus producing goal-directed sequences.  相似文献   

Stimulant abuse continues to be a problem, particularly for women. There is increasing preclinical and clinical evidence showing that the hormone progesterone attenuates the behavioral effects of cocaine, and this effect is primarily observed in females. The purpose of the present study was to determine if progesterone would also alter the behavioral effects of another stimulant, oral d-amphetamine (AMPH) in women. Eighteen normal non-drug abusing women completed eight outpatient sessions over two menstrual cycles. During the follicular phase of each cycle, women were administered AMPH (0, 10, 20 mg); in one cycle they were pretreated with oral micronized progesterone (200 mg) and in another cycle they were pretreated with placebo progesterone. Each session, participants completed a range of tasks including subjective measures of abuse liability, cognitive performance tasks, and behavioral measures of impulsivity and risk-taking. AMPH produced dose-related increases in positive subjective effects and these effects were enhanced by progesterone pretreatment. AMPH alone, or in combination with progesterone, had little effect on performance or behavioral measures of impulsivity. These results are in contrast with previous studies showing that progesterone attenuates the subjective response to cocaine and nicotine. Additional studies are needed to explore the modulatory role of progesterone on the effects of AMPH to determine whether progesterone has any clinical utility for AMPH abuse.  相似文献   

It is well established that mood influences many cognitive processes, such as learning and executive functions. Although statistical learning is assumed to be part of our daily life, as mood does, the influence of mood on statistical learning has never been investigated before. In the present study, a sad vs. neutral mood was induced to the participants through the listening of stories while they were exposed to a stream of visual shapes made up of the repeated presentation of four triplets, namely sequences of three shapes presented in a fixed order. Given that the inter-stimulus interval was held constant within and between triplets, the only cues available for triplet segmentation were the transitional probabilities between shapes. Direct and indirect measures of learning taken either immediately or 20 minutes after the exposure/mood induction phase revealed that participants learned the statistical regularities between shapes. Interestingly, although participants from the sad and neutral groups performed similarly in these tasks, subjective measures (confidence judgments taken after each trial) revealed that participants who experienced the sad mood induction showed increased conscious access to their statistical knowledge. These effects were not modulated by the time delay between the exposure/mood induction and the test phases. These results are discussed within the scope of the robustness principle and the influence of negative affects on processing style.  相似文献   

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