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Reduction of d -fructose to d -mannitol by whole-cell biotransformation with recombinant resting cells of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC13032 requires the coexpression of mdh and fdh , which encode mannitol and formate dehydrogenases, respectively. However, d -mannitol formation is limited by the uptake of d -fructose in its unphosphorylated form, because additional expression of the sugar facilitator from Zymomonas mobilis resulted in a significantly increased productivity. Here we identified similarities of the myo -inositol transporters IolT1 and IolT2 of C. glutamicum to the sugar facilitator of Z. mobilis . The myo -inositol transporter genes were both individually overexpressed and deleted in recombinants expressing mdh and fdh . Biotransformation experiments showed that the presence and absence, respectively, of IolT1 and IolT2 significantly influenced d -mannitol formation, indicating a d -fructose transport capability of these transporters. For further evidence, a C. glutamicum Δ ptsF mutant unable to grow with d -fructose was complemented with a heterologous fructokinase gene. This resulted in restoration of growth with d -fructose. Using overexpressed iolT1, mdh and fdh , d -mannitol formation obtained with C. glutamicum was 34.2 g L−1, as opposed to 16 g L−1 formed by the strain overexpressing only mdh and fdh , showing the suitability of myo -inositol transporters for d -fructose uptake to obtain d -mannitol formation by whole-cell biotransformation with C. glutamicum .  相似文献   

Purified fractions of cytosol, vacuoles, nuclei, and mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae possessed inorganic polyphosphates with chain lengths characteristic of each individual compartment. The most part (80–90%) of the total polyphosphate level was found in the cytosol fractions. Inactivation of a PPX1 gene encoding ~40-kDa exopolyphosphatase substantially decreased exopolyphosphatase activities only in the cytosol and soluble mitochondrial fraction, the compartments where PPX1 activity was localized. This inactivation slightly increased the levels of polyphosphates in the cytosol and vacuoles and had no effect on polyphosphate chain lengths in all compartments. Exopolyphosphatase activities in all yeast compartments under study critically depended on the PPN1 gene encoding an endopolyphosphatase. In the single PPN1 mutant, a considerable decrease of exopolyphosphatase activity was observed in all the compartments under study. Inactivation of PPN1 decreased the polyphosphate level in the cytosol 1.4-fold and increased it 2- and 2.5-fold in mitochondria and vacuoles, respectively. This inactivation was accompanied by polyphosphate chain elongation. In nuclei, this mutation had no effect on polyphosphate level and chain length as compared with the parent strain CRY. In the double mutant of PPX1 and PPN1, no exopolyphosphatase activity was detected in the cytosol, nuclei, and mitochondria and further elongation of polyphosphates was observed in all compartments.  相似文献   

Fumarase (EC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (Brevibacterium flavum) ATCC 14067 was purified to homogeneity. Its amino-terminal sequence (residues 1 to 30) corresponded to the sequence (residues 6 to 35) of the deduced product of the fumarase gene of C. glutamicum (GenBank accession no. BAB98403). The molecular mass of the native enzyme was 200 kDa. The protein was a homotetramer, with a 50-kDa subunit molecular mass. The homotetrameric and stable properties indicated that the enzyme belongs to a family of Class II fumarase. Equilibrium constants (K(eq)) for the enzyme reaction were determined at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, resulting in K(eq)=6.4, 6.1, and 4.6 respectively in phosphate buffer and in 16, 19, and 17 in non-phosphate buffers. Among the amino acids and nucleotides tested, ATP inhibited the enzyme competitively, or in mixed-type, depending on the buffer. Substrate analogs, meso-tartrate, D-tartrate, and pyromellitate, inhibited the enzyme competitively, and D-malate in mixed-type.  相似文献   

The cell wall of Corynebacterium glutamicum contains a mycolic acid layer, which is a protective nonpolar barrier similar to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The exchange of material across this barrier requires porins. Porin B (PorB) is one of them. Recombinant PorB has been produced in Escherichia coli, purified, crystallized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction, yielding 16 independent molecular structures in four different crystal forms at resolutions up to 1.8 Å. All 16 molecules have the same globular core, which consists of 70 residues forming four α-helices tied together by a disulfide bridge. The 16 structures vary greatly with respect to the 29 residues in the N- and C-terminal extensions. Since corynebacteria belong to the group of mycolata that includes some prominent human pathogens, the observed structure may be of medical relevance. Due to the clearly established solid structure of the core, the native porin has to be oligomeric, and the reported structure is one of the subunits. An α-helical porin in a bacterial outer envelope is surprising because all presently known structures of such porins consist of β-barrels. Since none of the four crystal packing arrangements was compatible with an oligomeric membrane channel, we constructed a model of such an oligomer that was consistent with all available data of native PorB. The proposed model is based on the required polar interior and nonpolar exterior of the porin, on a recurring crystal packing contact around a 2-fold axis, on the assumption of a simple Cn symmetry (a symmetric arrangement around an n-fold axis), on the experimentally established electric conductivity and anion selectivity and on the generally observed shape of porin channels.  相似文献   

Abstract Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase is present in crude extracts of Corynebacterium glutamicum grown on both glucose and lactate. Preparation of PEP carboxykinase free from interfering PEP carboxylase and oxaloacetate decarboxylase showed an absolute dependence on divalent manganese and IDP for activity in the oxaloacetate (OAA) formation. Other diphosphate nucleotides could not substitute for IDP. The enzyme activity displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics for the substrates PEP, IDP, KHCO3, OAA and ITP with a K m of 0.7 mM, 0.4 mM, 12 mM, 1.0 mM, and 0.5 mM, respectively. At the optimum pH of 6.6, 850 nmol of OAA were formed per min per mg of protein. ATP inhibited PEP carboxykinase in the OAA forming reaction for 60% at 0.1 mM, indicating that the enzyme mainly functions in gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

Fumarase (EC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (Brevibacterium flavum) ATCC 14067 was purified to homogeneity. Its amino-terminal sequence (residues 1 to 30) corresponded to the sequence (residues 6 to 35) of the deduced product of the fumarase gene of C. glutamicum (GenBank accession no. BAB98403). The molecular mass of the native enzyme was 200 kDa. The protein was a homotetramer, with a 50-kDa subunit molecular mass. The homotetrameric and stable properties indicated that the enzyme belongs to a family of Class II fumarase. Equilibrium constants (K eq) for the enzyme reaction were determined at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0, resulting in K eq=6.4, 6.1, and 4.6 respectively in phosphate buffer and in 16, 19, and 17 in non-phosphate buffers. Among the amino acids and nucleotides tested, ATP inhibited the enzyme competitively, or in mixed-type, depending on the buffer. Substrate analogs, meso-tartrate, D-tartrate, and pyromellitate, inhibited the enzyme competitively, and D-malate in mixed-type.  相似文献   

The pentanol isomers 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol represent commercially interesting alcohols due to their potential application as biofuels. For a sustainable microbial production of these compounds, Corynebacterium glutamicum was engineered for producing 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol via the Ehrlich pathway from 2-keto-3-methylvalerate and 2-ketoisocaproate, respectively. In addition to an already available 2-ketoisocaproate producer, a 2-keto-3-methylvalerate accumulating C. glutamicum strain was also constructed. For this purpose, we reduced the activity of the branched-chain amino acid transaminase in an available C. glutamicum l-isoleucine producer (K2P55) via a start codon exchange in the ilvE gene enabling accumulation of up to 3.67 g/l 2-keto-3-methylvalerate. Subsequently, nine strains expressing different gene combinations for three 2-keto acid decarboxylases and three alcohol dehydrogenases were constructed and characterized. The best strains accumulated 0.37 g/l 2-methyl-1-butanol and 2.76 g/l 3-methyl-1-butanol in defined medium within 48 h under oxygen deprivation conditions, making these strains ideal candidates for additional strain and process optimization.  相似文献   

A high L-asparaginase (L-asparagine amidohydrolase: EC activity was found under conditions of lysine overproduction in cultures of Corynebacterium glutamicum. L-Asparaginase was purified 98-fold by protamine sulphate precipitation. DEAE-Sephacel anion exchange, ammonium sulphate precipitation and Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. The asparaginase protein was subjected to PAGE under non-denaturing conditions, identified by an in situ reaction and eluted from the gel in an active form. The estimated Mr from gel filtration and SDS-PAGE was 80,000. The L-asparaginase activity was inhibited by the L-asparagine analogue 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline. Neither D-asparagine nor L-glutamine was a substrate for the enzyme. L-Asparaginase was produced constitutively: its role may be that of an overflow enzyme, converting excess asparagine into aspartic acid, the direct precursor of lysine and threonine.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - l-Valine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) essential for animal health and important in metabolism;...  相似文献   

We report here the function of L-serine O-acetyltransferase (SAT) from the glutamic acid-producing bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. Based on the genome sequence of C. glutamicum and the NH(2)-terminal amino-acid sequence, the gene encoding SAT (cysE) was cloned and expressed in C. glutamicum. Deletion analysis of the 5'-noncoding region showed a putative -10 region ((-27)TTAAGT(-22) or (-26)TAAGTC(-21)) and a possible ribosome-binding site ((-12)AGA(-10)) just upstream from the start codon. We found that the SAT activity was sensitive to feedback inhibition by L-cysteine, and that SAT synthesis was repressed by L-methionine. Further, cysE-disrupted cells showed L-cysteine auxotrophy, indicating that C. glutamicum synthesizes L-cysteine from L-serine via O-acetyl-L-serine through the pathway involving SAT and O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase in the same manner as Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Regulatory properties of chorismate mutase from Corynebacterium glutamicum were studied using the dialyzed cell-free extract. The enzyme activity was strongly feedback inhibited by l-phenylalanine (90% inhibition at 0.1~1 mm) and almost completely by a pair of l-tyrosine and l-phenylalanine (each at 0.1~1 mm). The enzyme from phenylalanine auxotrophs was scarcely inhibited by l-tyrosine alone but the enzyme from a wild-type strain or a tyrosine auxotroph was weakly inhibited by l-tyrosine alone (40~50% inhibition, l-tyrosine at 1 mm). The enzyme activity was stimulated by l-tryptophan and the inhibition by l-phenylalanine alone or in the simultaneous presence of l-tyrosine was reversed by l-tryptophan. The Km value of the reaction for chorismate was 2.9 } 10?3 m. Formation of chorismate mutase was repressed by l-phenylalanine. A phenylalanine auxotrophic l-tyrosine producer, C. glutamicum 98–Tx–71, which is resistant to 3-amino-tyrosine, p-aminophenylanaine, p-fluorophenylalanine and tyrosine hydroxamate had chorismate mutase derepressed to two-fold level of the parent KY 10233. The enzyme in C. glutamicum seems to have two physiological roles; one is the control of the metabolic flow to l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine biosynthesis and the other is the balanced partition of chorismate between l-phenylalanine-l-tyrosine biosynthesis and l-tryptophan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum grows on a variety of carbohydrates and organic acids as single or combined sources of carbon and energy. Here we show the ability of C. glutamicum to grow on ethanol with growth rates up to 0.24 h(-1) and biomass yields up to 0.47 g dry weight (g ethanol)(-1). Mutants of C. glutamicum deficient in phosphotransacetylase (PTA), isocitrate lyase (ICL) and malate synthase (MS) were unable to grow on ethanol, indicating that acetate activation and the glyoxylate cycle are essential for utilization of this substrate. In accordance, the expression profile of ethanol-grown C. glutamicum cells compared to that of glucose-grown cells revealed an increased expression of genes encoding acetate kinase (AK), PTA, ICL and MS. Furthermore, the specific activities of these four enzymes as well as those of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) were found to be high in ethanol-grown and low in glucose-grown cells. Growth of C. glutamicum on a mixture of glucose and ethanol led to a biphasic growth behavior, which was due to the sequential utilization of glucose before ethanol. Accordingly, the specific activities of ADH, ALDH, AK, PTA, ICL and MS in cells grown in medium containing both substrates were as low as in glucose-grown cells in the first growth phase, but increased 5- to 100-fold during the second growth phase. The results indicate that ethanol catabolism in C. glutamicum is subject to carbon source-dependent regulation, i.e., to a carbon catabolite control.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive bacterium, has been widely used for the industrial production of amino acids, such as glutamate and lysine, for decades. Due to several characteristics – its ability to secrete properly folded and functional target proteins into culture broth, its low levels of endogenous extracellular proteins and its lack of detectable extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activity – C. glutamicum is also a very favorable host cell for the secretory production of heterologous proteins, important enzymes, and pharmaceutical proteins. The target proteins are secreted into the culture medium, which has attractive advantages over the manufacturing process for inclusion of body expression – the simplified downstream purification process. The secretory process of proteins is complicated and energy consuming. There are two major secretory pathways in C. glutamicum, the Sec pathway and the Tat pathway, both have specific signal peptides that mediate the secretion of the target proteins. In the present review, we critically discuss recent progress in the secretory production of heterologous proteins and examine in depth the mechanisms of the protein translocation process in C. glutamicum. Some successful case studies of actual applications of this secretory expression host are also evaluated. Finally, the existing issues and solutions in using C. glutamicum as a host of secretory proteins are specifically addressed.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive soil bacterium belonging to the mycolic acids-containing actinomycetes, is able to use the lignin degradation products ferulate, vanillate, and protocatechuate as sole carbon sources. The gene cluster responsible for vanillate catabolism was identified and characterized. The vanAB genes encoding vanillate demethylase are organized in an operon together with the vanK gene, coding for a transport system most likely responsible for protocatechuate uptake. While gene disruption mutagenesis revealed that vanillate demethylase is indispensable for ferulate and vanillate utilization, a vanK mutation does not lead to a complete growth arrest but to a decreased growth rate on protocatechuate, indicating that one or more additional protocatechuate transporter(s) are present in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

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