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Gómez  José M. 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(2):287-297
This study investigates the effect of microhabitat and seed burial on the main demographic processes operating during the early recruitment of Quercus ilex, such as postdispersal seed predation, seed germination, and seedling emergence, survival and growth. The effect of burial was positive over all the processes analysed in this study, since predation rate was lower (63.6% vs. 88%), whereas germination (53.1% vs. 21.8%) and emergence (32.0% vs. 5.5%) were higher for buried acorns. The quality of some microhabitats remained similar throughout the stages and processes studied. Thus, afforestation provided especially suitable microhabitats for oak establishment, since seed predation was lower, while germination, emergence and seedling survival were higher, than in any other microhabitat. By contrast, the quality of some microhabitats, such as open sites and Holm oaks, differed between recruitment stages. Acorns in open sites escaped predation and germinated easily, but most seedlings died due to summer drought. Similarly, although acorns under Holm oaks can germinate and survive drought, they cannot survive to postdispersal predators. This uncoupling results in a post-dispersal change in the spatial distribution of Q. ilex recruits. Furthermore, there were significant interactions between burial and microhabitat for some demographic processes. The recruitment was in afforestations high irrespective of burial, suggesting that burial is not as beneficial in high-quality habitats as it is in lower-quality ones. An accurate understanding of plant recruitment requires the determination not only of the direct effects of limiting factors but also the potential interactions occurring between them.  相似文献   

Abstract. European Mediterranean landscapes have undergone changes in structure in recent years as a result of widespread agricultural land abandonment and cessation of silvicultural regimes. Studies concerning the regeneration dynamics of dominant forest species have become critical to the prediction of future landscape trends in these changing forest stands. Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Q. pubescens (downy oak) are considered to be the terminal point of secondary succession in extensive areas of the Mediterranean region. Recent studies, however, have suggested the existence of recruitment bottlenecks in oak genet populations as a result of current management regimes. In this study, we present evidence of the successful establishment of Q. ilex and Q. pubescens in Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) woodlands. We investigate the distribution patterns and spatial relationships among oak recruits and resident pines. Established P. halepensis is randomly distributed throughout the study area. Oak seedlings are positively associated with pine trees, suggesting that P. halepensis individuals provide safe sites for oak genet recruitment. We show that spatial patterns of recruitment are in agreement with the general model of spatial segregation described for other Mediterranean plant communities, with seeder species colonizing large openings after disturbance, followed by a more aggregated recruitment of resprouter species.  相似文献   

Question: Insufficient tree regeneration threatens the long‐term persistence of biodiverse Mediterranean open oak woodlands. Could shrubs, scarce due to decades of management (clearing and ploughing), facilitate holm oak recruitment at both acorn and seedling stages? Location: Open oak woodlands in Central Spain. Methods: Plots with four acorns were planted: (1) under the canopy of the spiny shrub Genista hirsuta, (2) in a small cage, protecting against ungulates, (3) in a shaded cage, protecting against ungulates and sun, and (4) in open grassland. Sets of these four treatments were spatially grouped according to a randomised block design, with 16 blocks near (< 10 m) and 16 away from (> 20 m) parent trees to test for distance‐related survival. Plots were regularly checked for seed removal. After emergence one seedling per plot (97 in total) was selected and its survival monitored. Results: Three months after sowing, 199 of 512 acorns were removed, predominantly by rodents. Acorn removal occurred at each treatment but was highest under shrubs. Eight months after sowing, seedling survival was highest under shrubs (50%), followed by shaded cages (16%), open grassland (4%) and cages (0%). Main mortality cause was drought (90%), killing most seedlings between June and July. No seedlings died from ungulate browsing. Conclusion: Shrubs demonstrated clear net facilitative effects for Quercus ilex recruitment, despite higher seed removal. Shading appears the crucial factor facilitating seedling survival. We therefore propose that lack of shrubs contributes largely to tree recruitment failure in Mediterranean open woodlands; management should aim at conserving shrubs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Quercus ilex (holm oak) coppice forests belong to the most representative communities in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Due to the high sprouting potential of holm oak after coppicing, the dynamics of recruitment of new individuals in existing populations has been largely overlooked. In these forests, the density of seedlings increases in old stands, as a result of the remarkable increase in the recruitment of 1-yr and 2-yr old seedlings, probably due to better environmental conditions for germination. Older seedlings show a tendency towards increasing survival under some degree of canopy closure, since their density appears to be higher just before complete canopy closure takes place. Nevertheless, the reduced growth of seedlings in older stands due to low light levels causes age distributions of holm oak seedlings to change drastically, with saplings older than 15 yr becoming very unusual in these stands. Therefore, a bottleneck of recruitment appears at this sapling stage and prevents vigorous regeneration just before thinning. Present conditions of genet density and management tend to prevent population renewal. Dynamics of the seedling bank reinforce the role of gap formation through small or large scale perturbations in population turnover.  相似文献   

Rambal  S. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):147-153
A boundary line analysis of the scatterplot relating pre-dawn leaf water potential to pre-dawn minus minimum leaf water potential was applied to study the efficiency of the Mediterranean evergreen oak species to buffer the effects of variability in water resources. The results are discussed in term of stomatal regulation and changes in soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance of water flow, both induced by changes in leaf water potential. For this purpose, we used data for leaf water potential measured in three stands of Quercus ilex across a soil water availability gradient in Southern France, and two others obtained in California and Arizona for Quercus turbinella and Portugal for Quercus coccifera. A classification of plant responses from mesic to xeric sites is proposed.  相似文献   

Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) coppices, widespread around the Mediterranean basin, are probably the result of 5 000 years of prolonged human disturbance of the original Quercus pubescens Willd. (downy oak) forests. Since disturbance has almost ceased in recent years, a question arises as to the development of these coppices: will the Q. pubescens forests return, or will Q. ilex remain the dominant species? To investigate the phenomenon, we analyzed the first stages, i.e. germination of the two species in holm oak coppices. Our experiments show that both species germinated better in coppices than in clearings or clear-cuts. Moreover, Q. pubescens appears to be slightly favored above Q. ilex and it is suggested auto-allelopathy is involved, at least partially inhibiting the germination of Q. ilex.  相似文献   

Sabaté  Santiago  Sala  Anna  Gracia  Carlos A. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):297-304
Spatial and temporal changes in canopy nutrient content were studied in 1988 and 1989 in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex ssp. ilex L. forest in north-eastern Spain. Sampling was conducted in parallel at two sites which represent endpoints along a slope gradient within a small catchment (ridge top at 975 m and valley bottom at 700 m). Deeper soils resulted in significantly higher N and P concentrations, and N content on a leaf area basis at the valley bottom site. In contrast, K concentration in leaves was significantly higher at the ridge top site, where soil K concentration was also higher. At both sites, N and P content on a leaf area basis was highest at the top of the canopy, where leaf area is highest. N resorption efficiency decreased from top to bottom of the canopy. Results suggested a minor role of shaded leaves as nutrient storage sites. Lower P resorption efficiency was found at the ridge top site. Seasonal changes of P and N concentration on a leaf area basis suggest P replenishment, and to a lesser degree N, during periods of lower growth activity due to low temperatures, but coinciding with higher water availability (autumn-early spring period). Thus, N and P resorption from the remaining foliage in the canopy took place, and to a larger degree at the valley bottom site, coinciding with a slightly higher leaf area index and productivity at this site.  相似文献   

The effect of an extended drought (from 1992 to 1995) on water relations was assessed on evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) in a dehesa ecosystem (Seville, Southern Spain). Diurnal and seasonal transpiration patterns were analysed at leaf (porometry) and whole-tree level (sap flow), focusing on the relationship between tree transpiration rates (Et) and potential evapotranspiration rates (PET). Daily maximum Et varied over the year, becoming higher between May and August, and lower between November and April. Annual Et (169 – 205 mm y–1) accounted for less than 40 % of annual rainfall. The prolonged drought did not affect the water relations of the Q. ilex, mainly due to strong stomatal regulation avoiding the loss of water. Stomatal control was found in all seasons, although it was stronger in summer. This behaviour leads to low water consumption and low Et/PET ratios throughout the year (0.05 to 0.27).  相似文献   

In Central-Western Spain, forests and woodlands composed of Quercus sp. support outstanding levels of biodiversity, but there is increasing concern about their long-term persistence due to a lack of regeneration. We hypothesize that this regenerative lack is operating on a large geographic scale; that there are differences in the abundance of regeneration between three oak species; that oak regeneration is governed mainly by forest management and structure; and that shrubs act as important physical protectors of seedlings and saplings. We analyzed whether densities of oak seedlings and saplings in several size classes were related to stand-structure, understory, and physiographic variables potentially affecting regeneration. Data collected at a regional level (1 km × 1 km grid) by the Spanish Forest Inventory were evaluated from 2,816 plots. Results revealed that regeneration failure was common for all size categories, from small seedlings to large saplings, and for the three oak species studied, especially the evergreens. Of the Quercus ilex, Q. suber, and Q. pyrenaica plots studied, 49%, 62%, and 20% were lacking any small seedlings, and 82%, 96%, and 56% did not have any large saplings, respectively. Regeneration was positively correlated with tree cover and density, especially of small and medium-sized trees, and negatively correlated with the presence of large trees, indicating that regeneration failure is mostly associated with more open, uniform, and/or aged woodlands. Regeneration densities of Q. ilex and Q. suber were positively correlated with all understory variables, suggesting that the presence of pioneer shrubs represent a major safe site for early tree recruitment, independent from specific shrub species.  相似文献   

  • Tree species distribution, and hence forest biodiversity, relies on the reproductive capacity of trees, which is currently affected by climate change. Drought‐induced pollen sterility could increase as a consequence of more intense and more frequent droughts projected for temperate and Mediterranean regions, and threaten the sexual regeneration of trees in these regions. To evaluate this possibility, we examined the effect of long‐term partial rainfall exclusion (?27% precipitation) on male reproductive development in holm oak, Quercus ilex , one of the most important and widespread tree species of the Mediterranean region.
  • We examined anther area, pollen production, pollen abortion as well as viable pollen production in control and dry treatments. Microscopic examinations revealed significant differences in pollen development between trees in the dry and the control treatments, even though anthesis occurred before the onset of annual drought.
  • Our results demonstrate that anthers collected from Q. ilex trees in the dry treatment, which experienced long‐term increased drought stress especially during the summer, were the same size as anthers in the control treatment, but displayed 25% pollen abortion and almost 20% reduction in pollen production. Subsequently, the number of viable pollen grains in anthers from dry treatment was 35% less than in control.
  • These results suggest a carry‐over effect of drought stress on pollen production that could reduce the reproductive success of Q. ilex . The results have broad implications for better understanding of the determinants of tree reproduction by masting and anticipate the outcomes of expected drought increase in the Mediterranean on forest dynamics.

Ferran  A.  Vallejo  V. R. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):239-246
Forest floor regeneration after fire in a holm oak forest was studied in a chronosequence in Catalonia (NE Spain). The sampled area represented situations of high fire disturbance because of the frequency of wildfires and the high impact of erosive processes. Forest floor bulk samples from the L, F and H layers were taken in 5 burned plots, aging from 0 to 35 years. They were analyzed for dry standing weight, and organic carbon and N content.Plant cover reached almost 100% two years after the fire. During the first 20 years, shrubs and herbs had the highest surface covering, and thereafter, holm oaks became dominant.Holm oak litterfall stabilized by the fourth year after burning.The major shrub species which were present in the chronosequence had two different patterns with respect to nitrogen: 1) a low litter C/N ratio (i.e. nitrogen fixing species); 2) a high litter C/N ratio.The litter decay coefficients were relatively high, allowing for a rapid structuration and formation of the L and F layers after the fire. Indeed, 95% of the maximum steady standing weight accumulates in 8–9 years. The pattern of cover in the different strata influenced the lateral distribution and variable accumulation of the forest floor layers and determined different turnover rates.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean basin, precipitation is expected to decline as a consequence of climate change. The response of a Quercus ilex forest in southern France to such a decline in water availability was studied using a 4-year throughfall exclusion experiment. Seasonal courses of sap flow and leaf water potential were obtained from 2004 to 2007 and used to characterize tree water relations in a control and a dry treatment. The experiment reduced the average precipitation input to the soil by 29%, and resulted in a 23% reduction in annual transpiration. Soil water potential was significantly lower in the dry treatment only during summer drought, but transpiration was reduced all year round even during well-watered periods. Despite a tight stomatal control over transpiration, whole-tree hydraulic conductance was found to be lower in the trees growing in the driest conditions. This reduction in water transport capacity was observed jointly with a reduction in leaf transpiring area. Canopy leaf area decreased by 18% in the dry treatment as a consequence of the throughfall exclusion, which was found to validate the ecohydrological equilibrium theory.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several widespread tree species of temperate forests, such as species of the genus Quercus, produce recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) seeds. However, the ecological significance of seed desiccation sensitivity in temperate regions is largely unknown. Do seeds of such species suffer from drying during the period when they remain on the soil, between shedding in autumn and the return of conditions required for germination in spring?


To test this hypothesis, the Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest was used as a model system. The relationships between the climate in winter, the characteristics of microhabitats, acorn morphological traits, and the water status and viability of seeds after winter were then investigated in 42 woodlands sampled over the entire French distribution of the species.

Key Results

The percentages of germination and normal seedling development were tightly linked to the water content of seeds after the winter period, revealing that in situ desiccation is a major cause of mortality. The homogeneity of seed response to drying suggests that neither intraspecific genetic variation nor environmental conditions had a significant impact on the level of desiccation sensitivity of seeds. In contrast, the water and viability status of seeds at the time of collection were dramatically influenced by cumulative rainfall and maximum temperatures during winter. A significant effect of shade and of the type of soil cover was also evidenced.


The findings establish that seed desiccation sensitivity is a key functional trait which may influence the success of recruitment in temperate recalcitrant seed species. Considering that most models of climate change predict changes in rainfall and temperature in the Mediterranean basin, the present work could help foresee changes in the distribution of Q. ilex and other oak species, and hence plant community alterations.  相似文献   

The species diversity indices and the species abundance distribution of Ouercus ilex L. woods in Veneto, Italy were studied. The results are as follows: 1. The Menhinicht s index, Shannont s index, Brillouin’s index, Simpsont s index Piulout s evenness, V′ evenness of PIE, V evenness of PIE, Mclntosh evenness could be used to study the diversity of O. ilex woods in Veneto. They showed that from the area of Lago ki Garda, to Foci del Tagliamento, Bosco Nordio, and Colli Euganei, the value of species diversity indices decreased gadually. 2. The geometric series of species abundance distribution dould be used best to study the diversity of O. ilex woods, and the log-normal distribution of species abundance distribution could also be a good index used to study did. The results of the study of species abundance distribution were the same as those of species diversity indices. 3. Diversity did not always increase in succession. In the earlier stage of succession, the diversity usually was relatively large owing to the invasion of many species and the lack of dominance. In the subsequent stage, the diversity was relatively minimized as the dominance increases. In the late stage, the diversity would increase as the structure of community became complicated and the number of species increased.  相似文献   

Mediterranean tree species have evolved to face seasonal water shortages, but may fail to cope with future increases in drought frequency and intensity. We investigated stem radial increment dynamics in two typical Mediterranean tree species, Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), a drought-avoiding species, and holm oak (Quercus ilex), a drought-tolerant species, in a mixed forest and on contrasting slope aspects (south- and north-facing). Intra- and inter-annual growth patterns were modelled using the VS-Lite2 model for each tree species and slope-aspect. Both species showed a bimodal growth pattern, with peaks coinciding with favourable conditions in spring and autumn. A bimodal growth pattern is always observed in P. halepensis, while in Q. ilex is facultative, which suggests different strategies adopted by these species to cope with summer drought. More specifically, trees on south-facing slope showed a more evident bimodal pattern and more intra-annual density fluctuations. In recent decades, the intensity of both growth peaks has diminished and drifted away due to the increased summer drought. The VS-Lite2 model reveals a niche partitioning between both species. Differences in growing season’s length and timings of growth peaks in both species are relevant for their coexistence and should be considered for estimating mixed-forest responses under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Gratani  L.  Marzi  P.  Crescente  M. F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):155-161
The annual course of vegetative growth of the most representative species of a Quercus ilex L. forest in Castelporziano (Latium, Italy) was studied through periodical analysis of selected ecophysiological leaf indexes, for the period 1987–1990. The results demonstrate that the local climate facilitates continuous vegetative activity of the sclerophyllous species without a latent phase. The variable morphology of sun and shade leaves of Q. ilex illustrates the plant's response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced reduction of leaf gas exchange entails a complex regulation of the plant leaf metabolism. We used a combined molecular and physiological approach to understand leaf photosynthetic and respiratory responses of 2‐year‐old Quercus ilex seedlings to drought. Mild drought stress resulted in glucose accumulation while net photosynthetic CO2 uptake (Pn) remained unchanged, suggesting a role of glucose in stress signaling and/or osmoregulation. Simple sugars and sugar alcohols increased throughout moderate‐to‐very severe drought stress conditions, in parallel to a progressive decline in Pn and the quantum efficiency of photosystem II; by contrast, minor changes occurred in respiration rates until drought stress was very severe. At very severe drought stress, 2‐oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex gene expression significantly decreased, and the abundance of most amino acids dramatically increased, especially that of proline and γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) suggesting enhanced protection against oxidative damage and a reorganization of the tricarboxylic cycle acid cycle via the GABA shunt. Altogether, our results point to Q. ilex drought tolerance being linked to signaling and osmoregulation by hexoses during early stages of drought stress, and enhanced protection against oxidative damage by polyols and amino acids under severe drought stress.  相似文献   

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