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To preserve biodiversity and ecosystem functions in a globally changing world it is crucial to understand the effect of land use on ecosystem processes such as pollination. Floral colouration is known to be central in plant-pollinator interactions. To date, it is still unknown whether land use affects the colouration of flowering plant communities. To assess the effect of land use on the diversity and composition of flower colours in temperate grasslands, we collected data on the number of flowering plant species, blossom cover and flower reflectance spectra from 69 plant communities in two German regions, Schwäbische Alb (SA) and Hainich-Dün (HD). We analysed reflectance data of flower colours as they are perceived by honeybees and studied floral colour diversity based upon spectral loci of each flowering plant species in the Maxwell triangle. Before the first mowing, flower colour diversity decreased with increasing land-use intensity in SA, accompanied by a shift of mean flower colours of communities towards an increasing proportion of white blossom cover in both regions. By changing colour characteristics of grasslands, we suggest that increasing land-use intensity can affect the flower visitor fauna in terms of visitor behaviour and diversity. These changes may in turn influence plant reproduction in grassland plant communities. Our results indicate that land use is likely to affect communication processes between plants and flower visitors by altering flower colour traits.  相似文献   

放牧对草原植物功能性状影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能性状的表达和植被环境适应性相关,植物功能性状之间的权衡变化体现了植物在放牧胁迫下资源的重新整合和获取.本文总结了放牧干扰下植物功能性状表达的差异性,着重将放牧干扰与植物功能性状相结合,介绍了植物功能性状的变异来源是植物遗传特征与环境过滤相互协调的结果,归纳了放牧对植物营养性状、繁殖性状的影响,以及植物可以通过调...  相似文献   

放牧对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
研究了不同放牧强度对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响。结果表明,在牧压梯度上,不同的植物表现出不同的生态适应对策,贝加尔针茅种群随着牧压的增加,种群株丛破碎化、小型化,羊草耐牧性较强,在中牧阶段生产力最高。群落初级生产力随着放牧强度的增加逐渐下降。较大的放牧压力下,群落中适口性差、耐牧的杂类草植物渐趋增加。而在更大的放牧压力下,群落逐步被耐牧的小丛生禾草、旱生小苔草、小灌木和灌木所替代。草地群落的稳定性随着放牧强度增加逐渐降低。放牧干扰对群落植物多样性和生产力及其稳定性的影响是不同步的,不对称的。植物群落初级生产力对放牧干扰的响应更迅速,变化更剧烈。  相似文献   

Effects of herbivores on grassland plant diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of herbivores in controlling plant species richness is a critical issue in the conservation and management of grassland biodiversity. Numerous field experiments in grassland plant communities show that herbivores often, but not always, increase plant diversity. Recent work suggests that the mechanisms of these effects involve alteration of local colonization of species from regional species pools or local extinction of species, and recent syntheses and models suggest that herbivore effects on plant diversity should vary across environmental gradients of soil fertility and precipitation.  相似文献   

The earth is facing a worldwide decline in biodiversity, with land-use change identified as one of the most important drivers. There is evidence that the loss of diversity has a significant impact on ecosystem functioning. Earlier research focused on species richness, but more recent, functional and phylogenetic diversity came into the picture as the stronger determinants of ecosystem processes. The effects of increasing land-use intensity on functional (FD) and phylogenetic diversity (PD), however, are still poorly understood. We studied how FD and PD are affected by land-use intensity in temperate plant communities. Our results show that land-use intensity has a clear impact on species richness, but also affects functional and phylogenetic diversity. Intensive agricultural areas fail to support high and sustainable levels of functional and phylogenetic diversity. These results highlight the need for the protection of biodiversity in nature reserves and the conservation of areas with extensive agricultural practices. Because species richness may influence the measures of functional and phylogenetic diversity, we compared the observed FD and PD values with random values generated with a matrix-swap null model. The observed discrepancy between species loss and the loss of FD and PD calls for an integrated approach to biodiversity conservation, in which the different components of biodiversity are considered together.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that plant diversity declines more quickly in exotic than native grassland plots, which offers a model system for testing whether diversity decline is associated with specific plant traits. In a common garden experiment in the Southern Great Plains in central Texas, USA, we studied monocultures and 9-species mixtures of either all exotic or all native grassland species. A total of 36 native and exotic species were paired by phylogeny and functional group. We used community-level measures (relative abundance in mixture) and whole-plant (height, aboveground biomass, and light capture) and leaf-level traits (area, specific leaf area, and C:N ratio) to determine whether trait differences explained native-exotic differences in functional group diversity. Increases in species’ relative abundance in mixture were correlated with high biomass, height, and light capture in both native and exotic communities. However, increasing exotic species were all C4 grasses, whereas, increasing native species included forb, C3 grass and C4 grass species. Exotic C4 grasses had traits associated with relatively high resource capture: greater leaf area, specific leaf area, height, biomass, and light capture, but similar leaf C:N ratios compared to native C4 grasses. Leaf C:N was consistently higher for native than exotic C3 species, implying that resource use efficiency was greater in natives than exotics. Our results suggest that functional diversity will differ between grasslands restored to native assemblages and those dominated by novel collections of exotic species, and that simple plant traits can help to explain diversity decline.  相似文献   

3种常见草原草本植物的再生能力随土地利用强度的变异在人工管理的草原上,植物种群受到放牧、刈割和施肥的强烈选择。以往的许多研究表明,这可能会导致性状平均值的进化性变化,但是人们对响应土地利用的表型可塑性的进化了解甚少。在本研究中,我们旨在阐明表型可塑性(特别是在生物量去除后的再生能力)与草原管理强度本身及其时间变化水平之间的关系。我们通过野外同质园实验,检测了来自高强度刈割和放牧地点的植物是否在生物量去除后有更强的再生能力。我们选用了源自欧洲温带草原的3种常见的植物物种,其种子材料来自沿土地利用强度梯度的58–68个种群,对应的土地利用方式由粗放式管理(仅有轻度的放牧)过渡到非常集约式管理(多达每年4次收割)。研究结果表明,3个物种当中的两种在刈割后的再生能力存在显著的种群差异。虽然再生能力的变异与种群原生地的平均土地利用强度无关,但是我们发现长叶车前(Plantago lanceolata)的再生能力与土地利用强度的时间变化相关。在过去11年中,经历了较小环境条件变化的植物在刈割之后有较强的生殖生物量再生能力。因此,尽管平均的放牧和刈割强度可能不会对再生能力造成选择,但是土地利用所导致的环境异质性的时间稳定性可能会造成某些物种再生能力的进化。  相似文献   

A geostatistical approach using replicated grassland sites (10 m × 10 m) was applied to investigate the influence of grassland management, i.e. unfertilized pastures and fertilized mown meadows representing low and high land-use intensity (LUI), on soil biogeochemical properties and spatial distributions of ammonia-oxidizing and denitrifying microorganisms in soil. Spatial autocorrelations of the different N-cycling communities ranged between 1.4 and 7.6 m for ammonia oxidizers and from 0.3 m for nosZ-type denitrifiers to scales >14 m for nirK-type denitrifiers. The spatial heterogeneity of ammonia oxidizers and nirS-type denitrifiers increased in high LUI, but decreased for biogeochemical properties, suggesting that biotic and/or abiotic factors other than those measured are driving the spatial distribution of these microorganisms at the plot scale. Furthermore, ammonia oxidizers (amoA ammonia-oxidizing archaea and amoA ammonia-oxidizing bacteria) and nitrate reducers (napA and narG) showed spatial coexistence, whereas niche partitioning was found between nirK- and nirS-type denitrifiers. Together, our results indicate that spatial analysis is a useful tool to characterize the distribution of different functional microbial guilds with respect to soil biogeochemical properties and land-use management. In addition, spatial analyses allowed us to identify distinct distribution ranges indicating the coexistence or niche partitioning of N-cycling communities in grassland soil.  相似文献   

Higher plant diversity reduces nitrate leaching by complementary resource use, while its relation to leaching of other N species is unclear. We determined the effects of plant species richness, functional group richness, and the presence of specific functional groups on ammonium, dissolved organic N (DON), and total dissolved N (TDN) leaching from grassland in the first 4 years after conversion from fertilized arable land to unfertilized grassland. On 62 experimental plots in Jena, Germany, with 1–60 plant species and 1–4 functional groups (legumes, grasses, tall herbs, small herbs), nitrate, ammonium, and TDN concentrations in soil solution (0–0.3 m soil layer) were measured fortnightly during 4 years. DON concentrations were calculated by subtracting inorganic N from TDN. Nitrogen concentrations were multiplied with modeled downward water fluxes to obtain N leaching. DON leaching contributed most to TDN leaching (64 ± SD 4% of TDN). Ammonium leaching was unaffected by plant diversity. Increasing species richness decreased DON leaching in the fourth year. We attribute this finding to enhanced use of DON as a C and N source and enhanced mineralization of DON by soil microorganisms. An increase of species richness decreased TDN leaching likely driven by the complementary use of nitrate by diverse mixtures. Legumes increased DON and TDN leaching likely because of their N\(_{2}\)-fixing ability and higher litter production. Grasses decreased TDN leaching because of more exhaustive use of nitrate and water. Our results demonstrate that increasing plant species richness decreases leaching of DON and TDN.  相似文献   

区域土地开发利用明显影响植物多样性,因此探讨和分析其影响机理和规律显得非常重要。本文以晋中盆地为研究对象,选取林地、内陆滩涂、果园、墓地、田坎及公路用地共6种土地利用类型(简称地类)随机抽取样地,然后在样地上设置调查样方,采用Jaccard相似性指数、Gleason丰富度指数对调查数据进行处理,分析了地类对植物多样性的影响。结果表明:墓地与田坎的群落植物物种组成相似性最高,Jaccard相似性指数值为0.552;果园与公路群落植物物种组成相似性最低,Jaccard相似性指数为0.216;各种地类上植物的Gleason丰富度指数算术平均值大小依次为墓地田坎内陆滩涂林地果园公路用地;t-检验结果显示,林地与内陆滩涂、林地与果园、林地与墓地、内陆滩涂与果园、墓地与田坎之间的植物物种丰富度差异未达到显著水平,而其他地类两两之间的差异均达到了显著水平。人为干扰强度不同是造成不同地类植物多样性差异的主要原因,研究结果为今后合理利用土地、采取有效措施保护生物多样性提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Seed mass is one of the most important plant traits. It is strongly related to plant fitness and life-history strategy, and is one of the key determinants of the ability of plants to spread and thus to respond to changing environments. While substantial empirical work has been devoted to understanding seed-mass variation across species, we know less about seed-mass variation within species, its geographical and ecological differentiation, and the degree to which it is influenced by environmental change. Here, we studied intraspecific variability in seed mass of six common grassland plants (Arrhenatherum elatius, Bromus hordeaceus, Cerastium holosteoides, Heracleum sphondylium, Trifolium repens and Veronica chamaedrys) across three regions in Germany and a broad range of land-use types and intensities. We found substantial seed-mass variation among regions, populations, and individuals within all of the studied species. In five species, seed mass had a strong and consistent geographic component, and in three species we found significant effects of land use – fertilisation, grazing intensity or mowing frequency – on seed mass. In several species, land use and geographic region not only affected mean seed mass, but also the variability of seed mass within populations. Our study demonstrates that seed mass is geographically and ecologically differentiated in common grassland species. It is likely that both phenotypic plasticity and genetic factors contribute to this differentiation. Our results also show that seed mass is a highly variable trait with typically around 10-fold variation within species.  相似文献   

Understanding the interplay between land-use change, species diversity and ecosystem function is critical for the prediction of global change impacts on ecosystem services. Biodiversity experiments with artificial species assemblages have shown that community-scale species richness may affect ecosystem productivity and spatial stability. However, the use of synthetic communities with controlled levels of species density for biodiversity experiments has been criticised and their relevance for natural communities has been questioned. Here, we use a land-use change experiment to investigate the biodiversity effects on production within managed, upland grasslands. We examine species diversity and productivity at both the small plant-neighbourhood scale (14×14 cm) and the field scale (15 m×25 m) for two land-use trajectories under field conditions: intensification through fertilisation, and extensification through the cessation of mowing. Both intensification and extensification were associated with a decrease in species number, but the magnitude of this decrease was greater at the small scale. Extensification was associated with a decrease in small-scale productivity whereas intensification had no significant effect on small-scale productivity. Effects of land-use treatments on biomass production were mediated by variation in small-scale species number; species number showed a significant positive relationship with small-scale productivity within each land-use treatment. Furthermore, species number was associated with a decrease in the variance of small-scale green biomass. In contrast, no species diversity effects were found on productivity at the field scale. Instead, field-scale species diversity decreased with increase in the total above-ground biomass (green biomass+litter). This study demonstrates that biodiversity effects can be observed under field conditions at the small scale and may play an important role for ecosystem functioning and stability even in low-diversity plant communities.  相似文献   

This study investigates the importance of spatial landscape characteristics and habitat management on the condition of calcareous grassland in the North Down Natural Area, Kent UK. We used a digitised map of the study area containing shapefiles of all the habitats including 82 patches of calcareous grassland together with management information for each patch and data on the presence and abundance of a range of calcareous grassland indicator plant species. We defined habitat condition by presence of indicator species and used classification trees to generate models with rules for predicting habitat condition from the landscape spatial characteristics and management information. We also applied the same method to investigate the factors affecting presence or diversity of three ecological groups of positive indicator species and dominance of a negative indicator species. All the models except one showed good classification accuracy and high kappa statistic. Favourable habitat condition was predicted by presence of different types of grazing management, presence of woodland around patches of calcareous grassland and shape complexity. These results indicate that calcareous grassland in favourable condition is management-dependent but also located in less intensively managed landscapes. Unfavourable habitat condition was predicted by threat factors such as lack of management and high incidence of arable or improved grassland around patches of calcareous grassland, indicating nutrient enrichment and habitat degradation. Some of these factors also predicted high diversity of the different ecological species groups. The value of this method for predicting habitat condition and species diversity from baseline ecological data for conservation monitoring at the landscape level is emphasised.  相似文献   

草食动物采食对草地植物多样性和生态系统功能的影响机制是放牧生态学研究的核心问题。该研究以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗荒漠草原的长期放牧控制实验为平台, 从既有草地植物多样性和动物偏食性两个层面系统地研究了荒漠草地植物多样性对草食动物采食的响应机制。结果显示: 1)荒漠草地植物对草食动物采食呈现4种响应模式: 放牧“隐没种”、放牧“敏感种”、放牧“无感种”、“绝对优势种”; 2)在群落尺度上, 物种多样性指数随放牧强度增加而减少, 与不放牧小区相比, 重度放牧(HG)与适度放牧(MG)小区植物多样性均下降, 且这一规律同样适用于功能群多样性, 灌木半灌木这一功能群内物种多样性对放牧干扰较敏感; 3)在草地既有植物的基础上, 以不放牧小区为参考系, 草食动物对植物功能群偏食性的排序为: 一二年生草本(AB) >多年生杂类草(PF) >灌木半灌木(SS) >多年生禾草(PG), 且偏食性物种主要分布于AB和PF中; 4)植物多样性与动物偏食性基本呈显著负相关关系(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   

A growing food demand and advanced agricultural techniques increasingly affect farmland ecosystems, threatening invertebrate populations with cascading effects along the food chain upon insectivorous vertebrates. Supporting farmland biodiversity thus optimally requires the delineation of species hotspots at multiple trophic levels to prioritize conservation management. The goal of this study was to investigate the links between grassland management intensity and orthopteran density at the field scale and to upscale this information to the landscape in order to guide management action at landscape scale. More specifically, we investigated the relationships between grassland management intensity, floral indicator species, and orthopteran abundance in grasslands with different land use in the SW Swiss Alps. Field vegetation surveys of indicator plant species were used to generate a management intensity proxy, to which field assessments of orthopterans were related. Orthopteran abundance showed a hump‐shaped response to management intensity, with low values in intensified, nutrient‐rich grasslands and in nutrient‐poor, xeric grasslands, while it peaked in middle‐intensity grasslands. Combined with remote‐sensed data about grassland gross primary productivity, the above proxy was used to build landscape‐wide, spatially explicit projections of the potential distribution of orthopteran‐rich grasslands as possible foraging grounds for insectivorous vertebrates. This spatially explicit multitrophic approach enables the delineation of focal farmland areas in order to prioritize conservation action.  相似文献   

The rate at which a plant species is attacked by invertebrate herbivores has been hypothesized to depend on plant species richness, yet empirical evidence is scarce. Current theory predicts higher herbivore damage in monocultures than in species-rich mixtures. We quantified herbivore damage by insects and molluscs to plants in experimental plots established in 2002 from a species pool of 60 species of Central European Arrhenatherum grasslands. Plots differed in plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 60 species), number of functional groups (1, 2, 3, 4), functional group and species composition. We estimated herbivore damage by insects and molluscs at the level of transplanted plant individuals (“phytometer” species Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense, Rumex acetosa) and of the entire plant community during 2003 and 2004. In contrast to previous studies, our design allows specific predictions about the relative contributions of functional diversity, plant functional identity, and species richness in relation to herbivory. Additionally, the phytometer approach is new to biodiversity-herbivory studies, allowing estimates of species-specific herbivory rates within the larger biodiversity-ecosystem functioning context. Herbivory in phytometers and experimental communities tended to increase with plant species richness and the number of plant functional groups, but the effects were rarely significant. Herbivory in phytometers was in some cases positively correlated with community biomass or leaf area index. The most important factor influencing invertebrate herbivory was the presence of particular plant functional groups. Legume (grass) presence strongly increased (decreased) herbivory at the community level. The opposite pattern was found for herbivory in T. pratense phytometers. We conclude that (1) plant species richness is much less important than previously thought and (2) plant functional identity is a much better predictor of invertebrate herbivory in temperate grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

季节性调控资源添加对半干旱草原物种多样性与生态系统功能的影响在资源富集的条件下,物种丰富度、群落地上生产力以及群落稳定性的季节变化通常被忽视。本研究致力于探究在干旱区草原,资源添加如何在生长季的不同月份影响物种丰富度、群落地上生产力及其稳定性。我们在内蒙古草原设置了为期3年的资源添加(氮添加-N、水添加-W以及水、氮共同添加-NW)实验,利用季节性取样的方法,去检验资源添加(水、 氮)对物种丰富度、群落地上生产力及其稳定性的影响,并通过构建结构方程模型分析资源添加调控不同月份与整个生长季群落稳定性的内在机制及其相对重要性。研究结果表明,资源添加在整体上未改变5与6月的群落地上生产力,而氮与水氮共同添加显著提高了7与8月的群落地上生产力。资源添加在整体上未改变物种丰富度、物种异步性与群落稳定性。氮添加与水氮共同添加提高了7与8月的群落地上生产力,主要源于其增加了多年生丛生禾草的地上生产力。结构方程模型分析表明:在生长季前期与整个生长季,物种异步性是决定群落稳定性的主要机制;在生长季后期,多年生丛生禾草的稳定性是驱动群落稳定性的主要因子。我们的研究证明:在半干旱草原,季节与资源的有效性可以交互影响群落地上生产力及其稳定性。这些发现对于半干旱草原的季节性可持续管理具有重要意义,以期减轻土地利用与全球变化带来的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract Grazing on transplants of a grass, a forb and a tree was examined in low-diversity grassland and more diverse heath in Australia's Snowy Mountains. Transplants were surrounded by 2 mm mesh netting. In one grassland plot, grazers (probably soil invertebrates) attacked 40–90% of tree and forb seedlings but no grass seedlings. In heath, which had about half the grass cover of grassland, grazers consumed grasses but not trees or forbs. The results suggest that grazers can depress diversity in grassland by attacking species other than grass. In heath, they may promote diversity by attacking only grass and releasing other species from competition.  相似文献   

The response of species numbers and density of Collembola to manipulation of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 species) and number of plant functional groups (grasses, legumes and non-legume herbs) was studied in an experimental grassland at the Swiss BIODEPTH site (Lupsingen, Switzerland) in October 1997. Plant species richness or number of plant functional groups did not affect total diversity of Collembola, however, the number of Collembola species increased in the presence of legumes and the grass Trisetum flavescens . The abundance of Protaphorura armata increased but that of Hypogastruridae/Neanuridae significantly decreased with increasing number of plant functional groups. Other groups including the herbivorous Symphypleona did not respond to plant species richness and plant functional groups. Possibly, Hypogastruridae/Neanuridae species are weak competitors declining in density if the density of other Collembola groups increase. In general, the effect of the number of plant functional groups on the densities of collembolan taxa was stronger than that of plant species richness. Changes in Collembola density and diversity in part was likely caused by increased soil microbial and fine root biomass in treatments with higher plant functional group diversity. The presence of legumes resulted in an increase in the densities of total Collembola, Symphypleona/Neelipleona and Isotomidae indicating that they benefited from the high litter quality and the increased microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of legumes. The results suggest that microbivorous soil invertebrates are controlled by food quality rather than quantity. Furthermore, they indicate that presence of certain plant species and functional groups may be more important for collembolan community structure than the diversity of plant species and functional groups per se.  相似文献   

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