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By 1996 an inventory of Mexican cladocerans hadrecorded 48 species of which 22 belonged toChydoridae, Macrothricidae and Ilyocryptidae.Unfortunately, most of the surveys were made beforeresearchers knew that these crustaceans are notentirely cosmopolitan. For this reason and the lack ofdeposited type material, many of these records aredoubtful and need detailed analyses. In this study,material from 18 water bodies located in theNeovolcanic Province of Mexico is analyzed andcompared with the literature. Also, males of Camptocercus dadayi Stingelin and Leydigialeydigi (Schoedler) and new records Eurycercus longirostris Hann and Biaperturaintermedia (Sars) are described. Half of thetotal number of species recorded are American endemicsand represents a mixture of the North and SouthAmerican fauna, suggesting that Mexico constitutes atransition between Nearctic and Neotropicalzones.  相似文献   

A new species of trichosomoidid nematode, Huffinanela canadensis n. sp., is described from the skin of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Vancouver Island (Clayoquot Sound region), British Columbia, Canada, on the basis of the morphology of the adult worms and their eggs in the host's tissue and the biological characters. The species is characterized mainly by the shape and structure of the fully developed eggs (absence of surface envelope, surface with transverse ridges), by their small size (48-63 x 24-27 microm), and by the site of infection (skin). Besides Huffmanela huffmani, this is the second Huffmanela species in which adult worms are known in addition to the eggs from the host's tissues (most Huffmanela spp. have been described only from their conspicuous eggs occurring in various tissues of fishes). Adults of H. canadensis differ morphologically from those of H. huffmani, mainly in the structure of the male caudal end and in the distinctly elevated anterior vulvar lip of the female.  相似文献   

Between 2013 and 2019, 63 presumed Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha sampled primarily in the Strait of Georgia (0.63% of total sample) were identified as potential Chinook–Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) hybrids by the presence of anomalous microsatellite genotypes. Their hybrid origin was confirmed by single nucleotide polymorphism amplification of two species‐specific amplicons. Mitochondrial DNA indicated that most of these fish resulted from the hybridization of Coho salmon females and Chinook salmon males. Although no diagnostic external features were identified, several individuals displayed an abnormal scale arrangement on the caudal peduncle. One hybrid juvenile examined for meristics exhibited a pyloric caeca count intermediate between published values for Chinook and Coho salmon. Most hybrids originated in the Cowichan River during the 2014 brood year. Their prevalence in the watershed is a naturally occurring event, likely exacerbated by prolonged low water levels which limit habitat and delay Chinook salmon spawning, in addition to the differential abundance of the parental species. This research is the first to document ongoing natural hybridization (Chinook–Coho salmon crosses) and link it to habitat and climatic changes, and includes the identification of eight F1 adults and two juvenile backcross or F2 hybrids. The potential negative impacts of hybridization, particularly in Coho salmon through potential introgression, warrant hybrid identification as an ecosystem monitoring tool within a survey program.  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution, susceptibility to viral infection and genetic diversity of Vibrio spp. in the coastal waters and sediments of British Columbia during summer (July and August). Abundances of presumptive Vibrio spp. ranged from 1.5 to 346 ml(-1) within the water column (1-291 m); whereas, abundances at the water-sediment interface were much higher (up to approximately 3 x 10(4)Vibrio spp. cc(-1)), and decreased with sediment depth (down to 30 cm). The genetic diversity of Vibrio spp. isolates was not tied to the location from which they originated and was only influenced in a minor way by the type of environment. However, the environment had a greater effect on phage-typing patterns. Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from environments with high abundances of cells (sediments and oysters) were generally more susceptible to viral infection than those from the water column which were highly resistant. Therefore, although Vibrio spp. were widespread in the areas investigated, the results show that there is segregation of bacterial host strains in different environments, under differing selection pressures, which ultimately will affect in situ phage production.  相似文献   

The Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Ontario were reviewed in the context of recently studied material, primarily from insect surveys conducted by the University of Guelph Insect Collection (Ontario, Canada). Aleochara daviesi Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Agaricomorpha websteri Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Atheta (Microdota) alesi Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Dinaraea backusensis Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., and Strigota obscurata Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n. are described as new to science. We also report 47 new Ontario records and 24 new Canadian records. Callicerus rigidicornis (Erichson) and Alevonota gracilenta (Erichson) are newly reported from North America as adventive species. A checklist, with Canadian distributions by province, of the 224 species of Aleocharinae known from Ontario is given. The following species are placed in subjective synonymy with Dexiogyia angustiventris (Casey): (Dexiogyia asperata (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia abscissa (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia tenuicauda (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia intenta (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia alticola (Casey) syn. n.). The following species are placed in subjective synonymy with Acrotona subpygmaea (Bernhauer): (Acrotona avia (Casey) syn. n., Acrotona puritana (Casey) syn. n.). Lectotypes are designated for Thiasophila angustiventris Casey, Thiasophila asperata Casey, Ischnoglossa intenta Casey, Oxypoda rubescans Casey, Chilopora americana Casey, Chilopora fuliginosa Casey, Coprothassa smithi Casey, Atheta subpygmaea Bernhauer, Colpodota puritana Casey, Strigota seducens Casey, Trichiusa compacta Casey, Trichiusa hirsuta Casey and Trichiusa robustula Casey.  相似文献   

C. W. Carpenter  F. E. Bryans 《CMAJ》1965,92(4):160-170
Between 1955 and 1962, 145 maternal deaths were reported in the Province of British Columbia. One hundred of them were due to obstetrical causes. Of these deaths, hemorrhage was by far the commonest cause (40 cases), followed in frequency by vascular accidents (23 cases), infections (17 cases), toxemia (10 cases), anesthetic deaths (five cases), and other causes (five cases). Significant avoidable factors were noted in 80%. Indirect obstetrical deaths accounted for 29 cases, or 20% of all maternal mortalities. The most frequently encountered causes of indirect obstetrical deaths were cardiac (nine cases) and vascular accidents (six cases). Avoidable factors were considered to be present in 19 of the 29, an incidence of 65%.When all deaths were considered together, 72% were felt to have significant avoidable factors when judged against an academic standard. It was also apparent that some 40% to 50% of deaths were intimately involved with social factors.  相似文献   

New specimens from the Pacific coast of Panama provide the opportunity to redescribe Pyura lignosa Michaelsen, 1908. The status of this species and of three other similar pyurids ( P. vannamei nomen novum, P. cadamostoi sp. nov., and P. shiinoi Tokioka, 1949) is examined, and all four species are identified, described, and compared.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty eight species of parasite are listed from 36 species of freshwater fish from Britain and Ireland, and notes on their distribution are provided. A list of hosts together with the parasites recorded from them is also given. Although almost twice as many species are listed as in the most recent published reference list, the parasite fauna of Britain appears to be considerably poorer in number of species than that of mainland Europe, and that of Ireland poorer still. The distribution of most species, apart from two endemic species and a very few which have clearly been introduced into Britain in recent years from America or the mainland of Europe, appears to show no peculiarities and is probably contiguous with that of their hosts.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(1):69-82
Shoot dynamics and morphology were studied in co-occuring intertidal populations of Zostera japonica Aschers. and Graebn. and Ruppia maritima L. s.l. in southwestern British Columbia. Repeated mapping and examination of cohorts of shoots (ramets) in permanent plots on a gradient in elevation showed that the appearance and loss of shoots, age structure, survivorship and leaf and rhizome dimensions were all affected by position on the gradient. For both species, the area having the greatest exposure t o air had fewer shoots and a greater percentage of shoots flowering early in the season. The duration of vegetative growth in R. maritima was the same regardless of elevation, while plants of Z. japonica at high elevation initiated and ended flowering and entered a quiescent overwintering state earlier than plants at lower elevation.  相似文献   



Asthma-related health resource use and costs may be influenced by increasing asthma prevalence, changes to asthma management guidelines, and new medications over the last decade. The objective of this work was to analyze direct asthma-related medical costs, and trends in total and per-patient costs of hospitalizations, physician visits, and medications.


A cohort of asthma patients from British Columbia (BC), Canada, was created. Asthma patients were identified using a validated case definition. Costs for hospitalizations, physician visits, and medications were calculated from billing records (in 2008 Canadian dollars). Trends in total and per-patient costs over the study period were analyzed using Generalized Linear Models.


398,235 patients satisfied the asthma case definition (mid-point prevalence 8.0%). Patients consumed $315.9 million (M) in direct asthma-related health resources between 2002 and 2007. Hospitalizations, physician visits, and medication costs accounted for 16.0%, 15.7% and 68.2% of total costs, respectively. Cost of asthma increased from $49.4 M in 2002 to $54.7 M in 2007. Total annual costs attributable to hospitalizations and physician visits decreased (−39.8% and −25.5%, respectively; p<0.001), while medication costs increased (+38.7%; p<0.001).


This population-based analysis shows that the total direct cost of asthma in BC has increased since 2002, mainly due to a rise in asthma prevalence and cost of medication. Combination therapy with inhaled corticosteroids/long-acting beta-agonists has become a significant component of the cost of asthma. Although billing records capture only a fraction of the true burden of asthma, the simultaneous increase in medication costs and reductions in hospitalization and physician visit costs provides valuable insight for policy makers into the shifts in asthma-related resource use.  相似文献   

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