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P A Whitson  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1987,26(20):6502-6507
The lactose repressor protein was chemically modified with 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxal. Arginine reaction was quantitated by either amino acid analysis or incorporation of 14C-labeled phenylglyoxal. Inducer binding activity was unaffected by the modification of arginine residues, while both operator and nonspecific DNA binding activities were diminished, although to differing degrees. The correlation of the decrease in DNA binding activities with the modification of approximately 1-2 equiv of arginine per monomer suggests increased reactivity of a functionally essential residue(s). For both reagents, operator DNA binding activity was protected by the presence of calf thymus DNA, and the extent of reaction with phenylglyoxal was simultaneously diminished. This protection presumably results from steric restriction of reagent access to an arginine(s) that is (are) essential for DNA binding interactions. These experiments suggest that there is (are) an essential reactive arginine(s) critical for repressor binding to DNA.  相似文献   

Several N-substituted maleimides containing substituents of varying bulkiness and polarity were synthesised and tested for antimicrobial and cytostatic activity. Neutral maleimides displayed relatively strong antifungal effect minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs in the 0.5-4 μg ml(-1) range); their antibacterial activity was structure dependent and all were highly cytostatic, with IC(50) values below 0.1 μg ml(-1). Low antimicrobial but high cytostatic activity was noted for basic maleimides containing tertiary aminoalkyl substituents. Chemical reactivity and lipophilicity influenced antibacterial activity of neutral maleimides but had little if any effect on their antifungal and cytostatic action. N-substituted maleimides affected biosynthesis of chitin and β(1,3)glucan, components of the fungal cell wall. The membrane enzyme, β(1,3)glucan synthase has been proposed as a putative primary target of N-ethylmaleimide and some of its analogues in Candida albicans cells.  相似文献   

Modification of the lysine residues in the lactose repressor protein has been carried out with trinitrobenzenesulfonate. Reaction of lysine residues at positions 33, 37, 108, 290, and 327 was observed. Inducer binding was increased by modification with this reagent, while both nonspecific DNA binding and operator DNA binding were diminished, although to differing degrees. The loss in operator DNA binding capacity was complete with modification of approximately 2 equiv of lysine per monomer. The extent of reaction was affected by the presence of both sugar and DNA ligands; binding activities of the modified protein and reaction pattern of the lysines were perturbed by these ligands. The presence of operator or nonspecific DNA during the reaction protected against specific and nonspecific DNA binding activity loss. This protection presumably occurs by steric restriction of reagent access to lysine residues which are essential for both nonspecific and operator binding interactions. Lysines-33 and -108 were protected from modification in the presence of DNA. These experiments suggest that the charge on the lysine residues is important for protein interaction with DNA and that steric constraints for operator DNA interaction with the protein are more restrictive than for nonspecific DNA binding. In contrast, inducer (isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactoside) presence partially protected lysine-290 from modification while significantly enhancing reaction at lysine-327. Conformational alterations consequent to inducer binding are apparently reflected in these altered lysine reactivities.  相似文献   

T J Daly  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5474-5478
A monomeric mutant lactose repressor protein (T-41), containing serine at position 282 in place of tyrosine [Schmitz, A., Schmeissner, U., Miller, J. H., & Lu, P. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 3359-3366], has been purified by a series of chromatographic and precipitation methods. The molecular weight of the mutant as determined by gel filtration was approximately 40,000. The inducer equilibrium binding constant for the mutant was comparable to that of the tetrameric wild-type repressor at pH 7.5, whereas operator DNA binding was not detectable. In contrast to wild-type repressor, equilibrium and kinetic rate constants for inducer binding to the monomer were largely independent of pH; thus, the quaternary structure of the wild-type repressor is required for the pH-associated effects on inducer binding. Although ultraviolet absorbance difference spectra indicated that inducer binding to T-41 protein elicited different changes in the environment of aromatic residues from those generated in wild-type repressor, the shift in the fluorescence emission maximum in response to inducer binding was similar for T-41 and wild-type repressors. Similarity in 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid binding to monomer and tetramer suggests that this fluorophore does not bind at subunit interfaces. Modification of Cys-281 with methyl methanethiosulfonate was observed at low molar ratios of reagent per T-41 monomer (4-fold). This result is in contrast to data observed for tetrameric wild-type repressor which requires high molar ratios for this cysteine to react. We conclude that Cys-281, adjacent to the site of the T-41 mutation, is located on the surface of the monomer in this region crucial for subunit interaction.  相似文献   

C A Royer  G Weber  T J Daly  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1986,25(25):8308-8315
Dissociation of lac repressor tetramer by high hydrostatic pressures was monitored with intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. With the assumption of complete dissociation to monomer, tryptophan polarization data gave delta V a approximately 170 mL/mol and the concentration for 50% tetramer dissociation, C1/2, was 3.8 X 10(-8) M. Upon addition of inducer, the calculated delta V a increased to approximately 220 mL/mol and the C1/2 decreased to approximately 1 X 10(-8) M, a free energy difference of approximately 0.7 kcal. These results indicate a modest stabilization of the tetramer by the presence of inducer. Monitoring the average energy of tryptophan emission demonstrated that tetramer dissociation takes place over the same range of pressures as evidenced by the polarization data and IPTG dissociation can be more or less superimposed upon tetramer dissociation depending upon the ligand concentration used. Although the two transitions cannot be separated entirely, the delta V a for the region of the pressure dependence dominated by ligand dissociation was 69 mL/mol, an unexpectedly large value. For tetramer modified with methyl methanethiosulfonate, subunit dissociation was shifted to much higher pressures and IPTG dissociation did not occur. The delta V a for subunit association was calculated as approximately 160 mL/mol, and the C1/2 was 3.5 X 10(-9) M. Interactions at the subunit interface of the modified protein are apparently stronger than in the unmodified protein. The absence of inducer dissociation from the MMTS-modified tetramer by the application of high hydrostatic pressure suggests that the volume change for inducer binding to the modified protein is much smaller than that observed for the unmodified repressor.  相似文献   

Reaction of the lactose repressor protein from Escherichia coli with high molar excesses (up to 800 fold) of tetranitromethane resulted in modification of tyrosine residues in the amino-terminal and core regions of the molecule. Tyrosines 7 and 17 exhibit significant reactivity at low levels (5-10 fold molar excess) of tetranitromethane. The loss of operator binding activity upon nitration at these low concentrations of reagent indicates involvement of these two tyrosines in the binding process. Inducer binding activity was maintained at approx. 90% of unreacted repressor for all excesses of reagent studied. Addition of inducer to the repressor prior to reaction resulted in decreased modification of tyrosines in the core region, but anti-inducers did not affect the reaction significantly. The effect of inducers on the pattern of reaction apparently reflects the conformational change which occurs upon binding of these ligands. Acetylation of the repressor protein with N-acetylimidazole modified lysines and tyrosines with complete loss of operator binding activity and retention of 75-80% of inducer binding activity.  相似文献   

The core protein produced by mild proteolytic digestion of lactose repressor protein has been purified from native repressor by chromatography on phosphocellulose. The core protein isolated in this manner binds to operator DNA with an apparent dissociation constant of 10(-7) M, and the observed binding is decreased by the presence of inducer. Competition studies with nonspecific DNA indicate that the binding species in the core protein preparations is neither intact lactose repressor nor mixed tetramers containing varying numbers of intact NH2-terminal regions. This conclusion is supported by experiments designed to measure the rate of dissociation of the core protein from the operator DNA. Calculations based on the assumption that the isolated core protein binds similarly to the corresponding region in intact repressor protein indicate that the core region contributes approximately 40 to 50% of the energy of binding to operator DNA. Furthermore, the change in operator affinity upon inducer binding to core accounts for a minimum of 60% of the free energy change in binding to operator observed for the native protein. The demonstration that core protein binds to operator DNA requires a re-evaluation of the various models for repressor binding to DNA. A possible model based on the available information is presented.  相似文献   

J K Barry  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1999,38(20):6520-6528
Lactose repressor protein, regulator of lac enzyme expression in Escherichia coli, maintains its structure and function at extremely low protein concentrations (<10(-)12 M). To examine the unfolding and dissociation of this tetrameric protein, structural transitions in the presence of varying concentrations of urea were monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and functional activities. The spectroscopic data demonstrated a single cooperative transition with no evidence of folded dimeric or monomeric species of this protein. These spectroscopic transitions were reversible provided a long incubation step was employed in the refolding reaction at approximately 3 M urea. The refolded repressor protein possessed the same functional and structural properties as wild-type repressor protein. The absence of concentration dependence expected for tetramer dissociation to unfolded monomer (M4 <--> 4U) in the spectral transitions indicates that the disruption of the monomer-monomer interface and monomer unfolding are a concerted reaction (M4 <--> U4) that may occur prior to the dissociation of the dimer-dimer interface. Thus, we propose that the unfolded monomers remain associated at the C-terminus by the 4-helical coiled-coil structure that forms the dimer-dimer interface and that this intermediate is the end point detected in the spectral transitions. Efforts to confirm the existence of this species by ultracentrifugation were inhibited by the aggregation of this intermediate. Based upon these observations, the wild-type fluorescence and CD data were fit to a model, M4 <--> U4, which resulted in an overall DeltaG degrees for unfolding of 40 kcal/mol. Using a mutant protein, K84L, in which the monomer-monomer interface is stabilized, sedimentation equilibrium results demonstrated that the dimer-dimer interface of lac repressor could persist at higher levels of urea than the monomer-monomer interface. The tetramer-dimer transition monitored using this mutant repressor yields a DeltaG degrees of 20.4 kcal/mol. Using this free energy value for the dissociation process of U4 <--> 4U, an overall free energy change of approximately 60 kcal/mol was calculated for dissociation of all interfaces and unfolding of the tetrameric lac repressor, reflecting the exceptional stability of this protein.  相似文献   

Evidence for leucine zipper motif in lactose repressor protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Amino acid sequence homology between the carboxyl-terminal segment of the lac repressor and eukaryotic proteins containing the leucine zipper motif with associated basic DNA binding region (bZIP) has been identified. Based on the sequence comparisons, site-specific mutations have been generated at two sites predicted to participate in oligomer formation based on the three-leucine heptad repeat at positions 342, 349, and 356. Leu342----Ala, Leu349----Ala, and Leu349----Pro have been isolated and their oligomeric state and ligand binding properties evaluated. These mutant proteins do not form tetramers but exist as stable dimers with inducer binding comparable with the wild-type protein. Apparent operator affinities for lac repressor proteins with mutations in the proposed bZIP domain were significantly lower than the corresponding wild-type values. For these dimeric mutant proteins, the monomer-dimer equilibrium is linked to the apparent operator binding constant. The values for the monomer-monomer binding constant and for the intrinsic operator binding constant for the dimer cannot be resolved from measurements of the observed Kd for operator DNA. Further studies on these proteins are in progress.  相似文献   

Amino acid alterations were designed at the C terminus of the hinge segment (amino acids approximately 51-59) that links two functional domains within lactose repressor protein (LacI). Gly was introduced between Gly(58) and Lys(59) to generate Gly(58+1); Gln(60) was changed to Gly or Pro, and up to three additional glycines were inserted following Gln(60) --> Gly. All mutant proteins exhibited purification behavior, CD spectra, assembly state, and inducer binding properties similar to wild-type LacI and only small differences in trypsin proteolysis patterns. In contrast, significant differences were observed in DNA binding properties. Gly(58+1) exhibited a decrease of approximately 100-fold in affinity for O(1) operator, and sequential Gly insertion C-terminal to Gln(60) --> Gly resulted in progressively decreased affinity for O(1) operator, approaching nonspecific levels for insertion of >/=2 glycines. Where sufficient affinity for O(1) operator existed, decreased binding to O(1) in the presence of inducer indicated no disruption in the allosteric response for these proteins. Collectively, these results indicate that flexibility and/or spacing between the core and N-terminal domains did not significantly affect folding or assembly, but these alterations in the hinge domain profoundly altered affinity of the lactose repressor protein for its wild-type target sequence.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for the lactose repressor protein have been purified from three mouse hybridoma cell lines, and ascitic fluids from five other cell lines producing repressor antibodies have been assayed for immunoglobulin subclass and antigenic specificity. The chymotryptic core region (amino acids 57-360) of the repressor reacted with all antibodies examined, while no reaction with the NH2-terminal domain (1-56) could be detected. All of the purified antibodies and ascitic fluids reacted with the carboxyl-terminal fragment (amino acids 281-360) produced by cyanylation and base-catalyzed cleavage at the cysteine residues. Although none of the purified antibodies associated with native, tetrameric lac repressor, reaction was observed with repressor which had been denatured or dissociated into monomers by treatment with low levels of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Additionally, a mutant repressor which exists as a monomer in solution reacted with the antibodies in the absence of any denaturing treatments. These data indicate the carboxyl-terminal region is inaccessible in the intact repressor tetramer and further suggest that denaturation/dissociation of a protein during the initial immunologic challenge may result in the production of monoclonal antibodies to antigenic areas of the protein which are not exposed in the native conformation.  相似文献   

Chemical and recombinant methods have continued to complement one another in the synthesis of protein analogues. Chemical methods remain particularly valuable when non-coded modifications are to be introduced, although it has been accepted since the commercialization of semisynthetic human insulin that they can also be used effectively for coded changes, in certain cases. The main objective of all such operations is not methodological, but is the production of molecules for practical use and further study. This goal has been reached frequently by chemical means during the past year.  相似文献   

A series of N-substituted maleimides was shown to effectively inactivate bremazocine binding to δ opioid receptors. Apparent second order rate constants for inactivation increased with increasing size of the N-substituent: N-methyl < N-ethyl < N-butyl < N-phenylmaleimide. It is suggested that the positive chain length effect is attributed to nonpolar interactions with the receptor in the vicinity of the reactive group. Binding to μ and δ opioid receptors was equally sensitive to inactivation by (2-aminoethyl)methanethiosulfonate; the [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl] and (2-sulfonatoethyl) derivatives were less active. Site-directed mutagenesis of the μ opioid receptor indicated that Cys159, Cys190, Cys235, Cys292, or Cys321, residing in transmembrane domain 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively, werenot the site of modification. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eric J. Simon.  相似文献   

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