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Detection of Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent protein labeled targets is a valuable strategy for measurement of protein-protein interactions and other intracellular processes. Despite the utility of FRET, widespread application of this technique to biological problems and high-throughput screening has been limited by low-contrast measurement strategies that rely on the detection of sensitized emission or photodestruction of the sample. Here we report a FRET detection strategy based on detecting depolarized sensitized emission. In the absence of FRET, we show that fluorescence emission from a donor fluorescent protein is highly polarized. Depolarization of fluorescence emission is observed only in the presence of energy transfer. A simple detection strategy was adapted for fluorescence microscopy using both laser scanning and wide-field approaches. This approach is able to distinguish FRET between linked and unlinked Cerulean and Venus fluorescent proteins in living cells with a larger dynamic range than other approaches.  相似文献   

Molecular imaging methods to visualize myriad biochemical processes in bacteria have traditionally been dependent upon molecular biology techniques to incorporate fluorescent biomolecules (e.g., fusion proteins). Such methods have been instrumental in our understanding of how bacteria function but are not without drawbacks, including potential perturbation to native protein expression and function. To overcome these limitations, the use of fluorescent small-molecule probes has gained much attention. Here, we highlight examples from the recent literature that showcase the utility of small-molecule probes for the fluorescence imaging of bacterial cells, including electrophilic, metabolic, and enzyme-activated probes. Although the use of these types of compounds for bacterial imaging is still relatively new, the selected examples demonstrate the exciting potential of these critical tools in the exploration of bacterial physiology.  相似文献   

The modern theory of lipid membrane structure incorporates the concept of lateral stress profile. The latter represents the forces that act on any solute inside the membrane. We used this concept to propose two lipid probes that introduce minimal distortions into the lipid bilayer packing: the surface pressure isotherms and volt-potentials of the pure and mixed (probe-containing) lipid monolayers are equal. The probes represent a FRET pair. They are applicable in lipid transfer and vesicle fusion experiments.  相似文献   

Fluorescence imaging is increasingly used to probe protein function and gene expression in live animals. This technology could enhance the study of pathogenesis, drug development, and therapeutic intervention. In this article, we focus on three-dimensional fluorescence observations using fluorescence-mediated molecular tomography (FMT), a novel imaging technique that can resolve molecular function in deep tissues by reconstructing fluorescent probe distributions in vivo. We have compared FMT findings with conventional fluorescence reflectance imaging (FRI) to study protease function in nude mice with subsurface implanted tumors. This validation of FMT with FRI demonstrated the spatial congruence of fluorochrome activation as determined by the two techniques.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to image tumor-associated lysosomal protease activity in a xenograft mouse model in vivo using autoquenched near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) probes. NIRF probes were bound to a long circulating graft copolymer consisting of poly-L-lysine and methoxypolyethylene glycol succinate. Following intravenous injection, the NIRF probe carrier accumulated in solid tumors due to its long circulation time and leakage through tumor neovasculature. Intratumoral NIRF signal was generated by lysosomal proteases in tumor cells that cleave the macromolecule, thereby releasing previously quenched fluorochrome. In vivo imaging showed a 12-fold increase in NIRF signal, allowing the detection of tumors with submillimeter-sized diameters. This strategy can be used to detect such early stage tumors in vivo and to probe for specific enzyme activity.  相似文献   

If two fluorescent dyes with different binding or fluorescence specificities are used simultaneously to stain DNA or chromosomes, the ratio of their fluorescent signals can provide information about base composition or base analogue substitution. Energy transfer between such dye pairs, possible if the fluorescence spectrum of one overlaps the absorption spectrum of the other, can modify observed fluorescence. Microfluorometric measurements were used to document the occurrence of energy transfer between quinacrine or 33258 Hoechst as energy donor and ethidium or 7-aminoactinomycin D as acceptor when used jointly to stain cytologic preparations of human metaphase chromosomes. Use of 7-aminoactinomycin D, a dye with G-C binding specificity, as energy acceptor permitted the identification of human chromosome regions presumptively enriched for clusters of A-T base pairs, based on the resistance of A-T specific fluorescence, from quinacrine or 33258 Hoechst, to energy transfer dependent quenching. The results provide information about basic structural features of metaphase chromosomes, and the associated methodology may prove useful in accentuating specific fluorescent polymorphic chromosome regions.  相似文献   

Highly tumor selective near-infrared (NIR) pH-activatable probe was developed by conjugating pH-sensitive cyanine dye to a cyclic arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (cRGD) peptide targeting α(v)β(3) integrin (ABIR), a protein that is highly overexpressed in endothelial cells during tumor angiogenesis. The NIR pH-sensitive dye used to construct the probe exhibits high spectral sensitivity with pH changes. It has negligible fluorescence above pH 6 but becomes highly fluorescent below pH 5, with a pK(a) of 4.7. This probe is ideal for imaging acidic cell organelles such as tumor lysosomes or late endosomes. Cell microscopy data demonstrate that binding of the cRGD probe to ABIR facilitated the endocytosis-mediated lysosomal accumulation and subsequent fluorescence enhancement of the NIR pH-activatable dye in tumor cells (MDA-MB-435 and 4T1/luc). A similar fluorescence enhancement mechanism was observed in vivo, where the tumors were evident within 4 h post injection. Moreover, lung metastases were also visualized in an orthotopic tumor mouse model using this probe, which was further confirmed by histologic analysis. These results demonstrate the potential of using the new integrin-targeted pH-sensitive probe for the detection of primary and metastatic cancer.  相似文献   

Techniques for investigation of exogenous small interfering RNA (siRNA) after penetration of the cell are of substantial interest to the development of efficient transfection methods as well as to potential medical formulations of siRNA. A FRET-based visualization method including the commonplace dye labels fluorescein and tetramethylrhodamin (TMR) on opposing strands of siRNA was found compatible with RNA interference (RNAi). Investigation of spectral properties of three labelled siRNAs with differential FRET efficiencies in the cuvette, including pH dependence and FRET efficiency in lipophilic environments, identified the ratio of red and green fluorescence (R/G-ratio) as a sensitive parameter, which reliably identifies samples containing >90% un-degraded siRNA. Spectral imaging of siRNAs microinjected into cells showed emission spectra indistinguishable from those measured in the cuvette. These were used to establish a calibration curve for assessing the degradation state of siRNA in volume elements inside cells. An algorithm, applied to fluorescence images recorded in standard green and red fluorescence channels, produces R/G-ratio images of high spatial resolution, identifying volume elements in the cell with high populations of intact siRNA with high fidelity. To demonstrate the usefulness of this technique, the movement of intact siRNA molecules are observed after introduction into the cytosol by microinjection, standard transfection and lipofection with liposomes.  相似文献   

DNA interaction with cholesterol at various lipid concentrations has been investigated by the fluorescent probes method. It has been shown that the intensity of acridine orange fluorescence in the DNA-cholesterol complex decreases at 24 micrograms/ml cholesterol and at 45 micrograms/ml it increases. The number of binding sites and the degree of polarization of fluorescence change simultaneously. Binary mechanism of cholesterol binding with DNA has been suggested: surface binding takes place at low concentrations, intercalation--at high lipid concentrations.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a major modulator of neural functions. Since NO is a gaseous molecule with very short half-life, the spatial distribution of NO and its relationship to neuronal activity are difficult to resolve. Non-invasive and direct visualization of NO in neuronal tissues had been hampered by the lack of a suitable method to identify NO directly. A fluorescent indicator, which directly detects NO under physiological conditions, would be advantageous. Several indicators for direct detection of NO have been developed, which react with NO by forming a fluorescent complex. However, some of these dyes have cytotoxic properties or have been found to be rather unspecific under certain conditions. Fortunately, some of the indicators, which change their fluorescent pattern in the presence of NO, appear to be promising for the visualization of NO. Since little is known about the spatial spread and the temporal aspects of NO release after a specific stimulus, the use of the specific and non-toxic fluorescent NO indicators could provide a potentially powerful tool to study these aspects of NO release in neuronal tissues in vitro and in vivo. Such measurements, especially in combination with electrophysiological recordings, would greatly further NO research. In addition, based on their fluorescent pattern, these NO-sensitive dyes can be distinguished from the calcium-sensitive dye Fura-2, which allows NO-imaging together with calcium-imaging. This article summarizes recent advances and current trends in the visualization of NO in living neuronal tissues.  相似文献   

A number of quantitative three-dimensional tomographic near-infrared fluorescence imaging techniques have recently been developed and combined with MR imaging to yield highly detailed anatomic and molecular information in living organisms (1, 2). Here we describe magnetic nanoparticle based MR contrast agents that have a near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) that is activated by certain enzymes. The probes are prepared by conjugation of arginyl peptides to cross-linked iron oxide amine (amino-CLIO), either by a disulfide linkage or a thioether linker, followed by the attachment of the indocyanine dye Cy5.5. The NIRF of disulfide-linked conjugate was activated by DTT, while the NIRF of thioether-linked conjugate was activated by trypsin. Fluorescent quenching of the attached fluorochrome occurs in part due to the interaction with iron oxide, as evident by the activation of fluorescence with DTT when nanoparticles that have less than one dye attached per particle. With a SC injection of the probe, axillary and brachial lymph nodes were darkened on MR images and easily delineated by NIRF imaging. The probes may provide the basis for a new class of so-called smart nanoparticles, capable of pinpointing their position through their magnetic properties, while providing information on their environment by optical imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Bending of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is associated with many important biological processes such as DNA-protein recognition and DNA packaging into nucleosomes. Thermodynamics of dsDNA bending has been studied by a method called cyclization which relies on DNA ligase to covalently join short sticky ends of a dsDNA. However, ligation efficiency can be affected by many factors that are not related to dsDNA looping such as the DNA structure surrounding the joined sticky ends, and ligase can also affect the apparent looping rate through mechanisms such as nonspecific binding. Here, we show how to measure dsDNA looping kinetics without ligase by detecting transient DNA loop formation by FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer). dsDNA molecules are constructed using a simple PCR-based protocol with a FRET pair and a biotin linker. The looping probability density known as the J factor is extracted from the looping rate and the annealing rate between two disconnected sticky ends. By testing two dsDNAs with different intrinsic curvatures, we show that the J factor is sensitive to the intrinsic shape of the dsDNA.  相似文献   

One of the biochemical "hallmarks" of malignancy is enhanced tumor glycolysis, which is primary due to the overexpression of glucose transporters (GLUTs) and the increased activity of mitochondria-bound hexokinase in tumors. Easy methods for assessing glucose utilization in vitro and in vivo should find widespread application in biological and biomedical studies, as illustrated by the adoption of FDG PET imaging in medicine. We have recently synthesized a new NIR fluorescent pyropheophorbide conjugate of 2-deoxyglucose (2DG), Pyro-2DG, as a GLUT-targeted photosensitizer. In this study, we have evaluated the in vivo uptake of Pyro-2DG and found that Pyro-2DG selectively accumulated in two tumor models, 9L glioma in the rat and c-MYC-induced mammary tumor in the mouse, compared to surrounding normal muscle tissues at a ratio of about 10:1. By simultaneously performing redox ratio and fluorescence imaging, a high degree of correlation between the PN/(Fp+PN) redox ratio, where PN denotes reduced pyridine nucleotides (NADH) and Fp denotes oxidized flavoproteins, and the Pyro-2DG uptake was found in both murine tumor models, indicating that Pyro-2DG could serve as an extrinsic NIR fluorescent metabolic index for the tumors. The fact that only a low level of correlation was observed between the redox ratio and the uptake of Pyro-acid (the free fluorophore without the 2-deoxyglucose moiety) supports the hypothesis that Pyro-2DG is an index of the mitochondrial status (extent of PN reduction) of a tumor.  相似文献   

The complexes designed in this work combine the sequence-specific binding properties of helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motifs with intercalating cyanine dyes. Thermodynamics of the Hin recombinase and Tc3 transposase DNA-binding domains with and without the conjugated dyes were studied by fluorescence techniques to determine the contributions to specific and nonspecific binding in terms of the polyelectrolyte and hydrophobic effects. The roles of the electrostatic interactions in binding to the cognate and noncognate sequences indicate that nonspecific binding is more sensitive to changes in salt concentration, whereas the change in the heat capacity shows a greater sensitivity to temperature for the sequence-specific complexes in each case. The conjugated dyes affect the Hin DNA-binding domain by acting to anchor a short stretch of amino acids at the N-terminal end into the minor groove. In contrast, the N-terminal end of the Tc3 DNA-binding domain is bound in a well-ordered fashion to the DNA even in the absence of the conjugated dye. The conjugated dye and the DNA-binding domain portions of each conjugate bind noncooperatively to the DNA. The characteristic thermodynamic parameters of specific and nonspecific DNA binding by each of the DNA-binding domains and their respective conjugates are presented.  相似文献   

V V Didenko 《BioTechniques》2001,31(5):1106-16, 1118, 1120-1
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is widely used in biomedical research as a reporter method. Oligonucleotides with a DNA backbone and one or several chromophore tags have found multiple applications as FRET probes. They are especially advantageous for the real-time monitoring of biochemical reactions and in vivo studies. This paper reviews the design and applications of various DNA-based probes that use FRET The approaches used in the design of new DNA FRET probes are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the fluorescence and hybridization of multiply-labeled DNA probes which have the hydrophilic fluorophore 1-(straightepsilon-carboxypentynyl)-1'-ethyl- 3,3,3', 3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine-5,5'-disulfonate (Cy3) attached via either a short or long linker at the C-5 position of deoxyuridine. We describe the effects of labeling density, fluorophore charge and linker length upon five properties of the probe: fluorescence intensity, the change in fluorescence upon duplex formation, the quantum yield of fluorescence (Phif), probe-target stability and specificity. For the hydrophilic dye Cy3, we have demonstrated that the fluorescence intensity andPhifare maximized when labeling every 6th base using the long linker. With a less hydrophilic dye, a labeling density this high could not be achieved without serious quenching of the fluorescence. The target specificity of multiply-labeled DNA probes was just as high as compared to the unmodified control probe, however, a less stable probe-target duplex is formed that exhibits a lower melting temperature. A mechanism that accounts for this destabilization is proposed which is consistent with our data. It involves dye-dye and dye-nucleotide interactions which appear to stabilize a single-stranded conformation of the probe.  相似文献   

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