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Mature plant density and fruit production were monitored in the main population of four successive cohorts of the endangered winter annual Anthemis chrysantha (Asteraceae) in southeastern Spain. Experiments were conducted with artificial rainfall and a wind tunnel to determine the temporal and spatial dispersal pattern of the species and the relationship with rain and wind.  相似文献   

Despite impressive efforts at clearing stands of invasive Australian Acacia species in South Africa, insufficient attention has been given to understanding the role of seed banks in the invasiveness and long-term persistence of populations. We review information on seeds of these species, considering seed production, seed rain, and the dynamics of seeds in three layers: leaf litter, and upper and lower seed banks in the soil. Many factors affect the accumulation and susceptibility to destruction of seed banks and thus the opportunities for intervention to reduce seed numbers for each of these components. Reduction of seed banks is crucial for the overall success of the multi-million dollar management initiatives against these species. Classical biological control of buds, flower and young pods has reduced the seed production of many Australian acacias in South Africa. Fire can be applied to reduce seed numbers in the leaf litter and upper seed bank in some cases, although there are serious problems associated with high fire intensities in dense acacia stands. Other options, e.g. soil inversion and solarisation, exist to exercise limited reduction of seed numbers in some situations. There is little prospect of meaningful reduction of seed numbers in the lower seed bank. Preventing the accumulation of seed banks by limiting seed production through biological control is by far the most effective means, and in almost all cases the only practical means, of reducing seed numbers. This must be an integral part of management strategies. Several invasive Australian acacias are already under effective biological control, and further work to identify additional potential agents for all the currently invasive species and potentially invasive alien species is the top priority for improving the efficiency of management programmes.  相似文献   

Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

We used Jurinea cyanoides as a model plant species to ask the question whether sheep play a dual role in enabling the establishment of a rare species (1) by epizoochorous transport of diaspores and (2) by influencing post-dispersal processes. We carried out two field experiments in sand grassland (Jurineo–Koelerietum glaucae) in the northern upper Rhine valley, Germany. In the first one, we attached diaspores to the fleeces of sheep and assessed retention time, seed shadow, seedling emergence and establishment. In the second one, diaspore displacement by sheep trampling was investigated.It could be shown that establishment of J. cyanoides is possible after sheep-epizoochorous dispersal, but is severely limited by several factors. First, retention time is mostly short (only 18% of the diaspores remained in the fleeces >2 h). Thus, the seed shadow is concentrated around the place of attachment (mostly <5 m distance, maximum 17 m). Second, seedling emergence of dispersed achenes is severely limited by above-ground granivory (99%). Third, establishment is limited by seedling mortality (68%) due to summer drought. The seedlings germinated from achenes that had been incorporated into the soil (or into deeper parts of the bryophyte layer). The second experiment showed that sheep trampling significantly enhanced the incorporation of achenes into the soil compared with controls. Our study gives evidence that sheep can play a dual role: diaspore transport and facilitation of establishment by trampling.  相似文献   

Sexual and vegetative reproduction of clonal plants phenotypically differ in dispersal distance, in the phenology of offspring production and establishment, and in the success of establishment. We applied a combination of analytical and of spatially explicit individual-based simulation modelling to calculate long-term fitness. We predicted optimal clonal plant life histories in a parameter space spanned by stolon number, stolon internode length, and relative allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction. For a given allocation to sexual reproduction and number of stolons, fitness was optimised for rather short internode lengths under small disturbances, and for the longest possible internodes under larger disturbances. A trade-off between length and number of vegetative spacers drew parameters away from their unrestricted optima. Now, intermediate length and number of spacers led to maximum fitness under large disturbances. Simultaneous trade-offs between sexual and vegetative reproduction and between the length and number of spacers could also lead to fitness optima at intermediate parameter values, depending on the success of seedling establishment. We demonstrated that spatial habitat structure (1) selects for an efficient use of available space either by optimum internode length or by investment into seeds, which disperse farther than vegetative spacers, and (2) leads to an interaction between trade-offs. We conclude, that dispersal distance, i.e. a spatial life-history component, and trade-offs must be included in considerations on adaptive evolution of clonal life histories.  相似文献   

Dichrorampha odorata (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a moth from Jamaica whose larvae bore into, and kill, the shoot tips of the invasive alien plant, Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson (Asteraceae). This study reports aspects of the biology of D. odorata, and also determined the host specificity (larval and adult no-choice trials) of the moth. Adults were short lived (ranging from 2 to 7 days), with females laying a mean of 15.4 eggs. Eggs took 9 days to hatch, larvae 20–23 days to develop and the pupal stage lasted 11–12 days, giving an overall lifecycle period of 41–45 days. Larval no-choice tests using 34 asteraceous test species indicated that only C. odorata could sustain complete development of D. odorata to adulthood, although there was slight initial boring 14 test species (plus chromolaena). Results from the adult nochoice trials, in which seven test-plant species were exposed to D. odorata, were consistent with those from larval trials, with larval damage, pupae and adults of D. odorata recorded from only C. odorata. This confirmed that only C. odorata is a suitable host for D. odorata in South Africa. Permission has subsequently been granted for the release of D. odorata in South Africa, thus making it the first shoot-tip attacking agent to be released against C. odorata. It is hoped that in the field, high levels of damage by the moth will reduce the height and therefore competitiveness of C. odorata, thereby contributing to the success of biological control of this plant.  相似文献   

Several Australian Acacia species have become highly invasive in a number of ecologically sensitive areas of South Africa. Many have useful attributes that, to an extent, have hampered biocontrol efforts by restricting potential agents to those reducing seed production whilst not affecting vegetative growth. The outcome of the introduction of a seed-feeding weevil, Melanterius servulus, against Acacia cyclops in 1994, was assessed by investigating the plant’s reproductive phenology, as well as levels of damage caused by the beetles. The study provided essential information on host/agent interactions and, on the build up and spread of populations of the agent. Seed damage is commonly as high as 90% (exceptionally it reaches 100%), and dispersal rates of the beetles on average is almost 2 km per year. The consistently high levels of seed damage achieved hold promise for the future of the program, however, its ultimate success will be further enhanced through the integration of biological control with other manual clearing operations that are currently employed on a large scale in South Africa.  相似文献   

Sericothrips staphylinus was released as a biological control agent for Ulex europaeus in New Zealand and Hawaii following tests on ca. 80 plant species which showed it was narrowly oligophagous. To determine the suitability of S. staphylinus for release in Australia, further host specificity tests were conducted on 38 species and cultivars of Australian plants. These tests confirmed that S. staphylinus would feed only on U. europaeus in Australia and, following formal approval, was released in Tasmania during January 2001. To develop an optimal release strategy for S. staphylinus under Australian conditions, a field trial based on an earlier New Zealand study was conducted by replicating releases of 10, 30, 90, 270 and 810 adults. Results showed that population growth, reproduction rate and the number of S. staphylinus recovered 14 months after release can be non-linear functions of release size and establishment could be achieved with as few as 10 thrips. As S. staphylinus is easily cultured ca. 250 thrips were chosen as the minimum number for release because, based on a negative binomial model, this release size produced close to the maximum population growth. Surveys in early 2007 recovered S. staphylinus from 80% of 30 sites in Tasmania, the post release period ranging from 1 to 6 years. However, densities were low (<1 thrips/cm of tip growth) with no evidence of visible plant damage. The maximum dispersal range was 180–250 m after 38 months. At all the other sites, dispersal was estimated at less than 120 m. It is possible that S. staphylinus populations are still in the lag phase of their establishment before starting to increase rapidly and disperse. However, the survey results support a recent Tasmanian study which indicated that S. staphylinus is a sedentary, latent species characterised by steady densities and low levels of damage to its host plant. Its efficacy as a biological control agent on gorse may be restricted primarily by ‘bottom up’ effects of plant quality limiting its rate of natural increase and an inability of the thrips to reach large, damaging populations under field conditions.  相似文献   

基于个体的空间显性模型和遥感技术,以互花米草为例,模拟了自1997到2010年的种群扩张动态,揭示了土地利用变化与潮间带高程的影响;并通过全局敏感性分析揭示了种子扩散、成体存活率、有性和无性繁殖等种群统计学特征对互花米草种群扩张的相对重要性。研究结果发现:1)有性繁殖与无性繁殖共同决定互花米草种群快速扩张;2)潮间带高程和土地利用变化显著影响模型预测的精度,对互花米草种群扩张有非常重要的影响;3)成体存活率与种子长距离扩散是影响互花米草种群扩张速度最重要的因素;无性繁殖比有性繁殖对种群扩张的影响更大;种子长距离扩散比本地扩散更为重要,同时,小概率的种子长距离扩散事件对种群扩张有非常重要的影响。为了经济有效地控制外来入侵植物的扩张,应该抑制种子的长距离扩散和移除种子长距离扩散形成的位于入侵前沿的小斑块。  相似文献   

During the last decade, despite strenuous efforts to develop new models and compare different approaches, few conclusions have been drawn on their ability to provide robust biodiversity projections in an environmental change context. The recurring suggestions are that models should explicitly (i) include spatiotemporal dynamics; (ii) consider multiple species in interactions and (iii) account for the processes shaping biodiversity distribution. This article presents a biodiversity model (FATE‐HD) that meets this challenge at regional scale by combining phenomenological and process‐based approaches and using well‐defined plant functional groups. FATE‐HD has been tested and validated in a French National Park, demonstrating its ability to simulate vegetation dynamics, structure and diversity in response to disturbances and climate change. The analysis demonstrated the importance of considering biotic interactions, spatio‐temporal dynamics and disturbances in addition to abiotic drivers to simulate vegetation dynamics. The distribution of pioneer trees was particularly improved, as were all undergrowth functional groups.  相似文献   

Kosteletzkya virginica, a perennial halophyte, is native to the American salt marsh. It was introduced into China as a potential species to improve tideland and develop ecologically sound saline agriculture. The experimental results in the fields over 10 years indicated that K. virginica adapts excellently to the tidal flat habitats in China's east coast, with multiple ecobenefits such as landscape beautification, revegetation and providing food source for targeted wildlife or migratory birds. Seed yields of unselected mixed and bred lines were 621 kg/ha and 957 kg/ha, respectively. Oil contents in the seeds of the unselected mixed and bred lines were 17.536% and 20.64%, respectively. The unsaturated fatty acids (70.134%) in the seed oil predominated over the saturated ones (29.866%). Seed oil of K. virginica could produce a high quality biodiesel, of which the unsaturated C18 content of the main part was about 68.62% and sulfur content was 0.0003%. Cetane No. and flash point were both higher than those of diesel fuel, and rust class of steel was lower than that of diesel fuel. These indicate that K. virginica could be used as an agroecoengineering species for alternative agricultural production and for revegetation of salt-affected tidal flats in China's east coast.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was introduced into French Polynesia as a biological control agent to control the invasive plant feeding pest Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). The short-distance dispersal of G. ashmeadi was monitored as part of the biological control program. G. ashmeadi showed exponential dispersal capacity with 47 m/day being a minimum estimate of its natural rate of spread at high host densities (>150 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) in urbanized areas at sea level, which were characterized by a high diversity of exotic ornamental plants. This rate of spread contrasted starkly with almost nonexistent establishment and dispersal where host densities were very low (<2 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) at high elevation (800 m) with relatively undisturbed native vegetation. Survey results across different altitudes revealed an effect of vegetative diversity and host density on the measurable mobility and establishment of G. ashmeadi. In contrast, no significant influence of wind direction was found on G. ashmeadi dispersal rate or direction. Survey results for G. ashmeadi from French Polynesia suggest that the best release establishment strategies for classical biological control of H. vitripennis are: (1) many small releases where host density is high, or (2) larger and fewer releases where host densities are low.  相似文献   

A theoretical model explaining the average DNA content in cells of in vitro cultures as a function of concentration of auxin 2,4-D in medium is provided. The model assumes influence of auxin on the functioning of the main G1/S and G2/M control points of the cell cycle. Theoretical results are compared to experimental data obtained from the callus cultures of Allium sativum and Allium cepa conducted during 18 months. Adaptation of the model to explanation of the shape of the dose–response curves is suggested and successfully verified for the example of Nicotiana tabacum cultures.  相似文献   

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