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We observed the emergence of an antigen-specific Lyt-2+ suppressor T cell after the i.v. injection of tubular antigen-derivatized lymphocytes into mice already immunized to produce interstitial nephritis. The auto-induction of these suppressor T cells effectively attenuated both the expression of renal injury and a delayed-type hypersensitivity response to tubular antigen. This suppressive effect was also genetically restricted by gene products in I-J and Igh-1. Although this suppressor system had a marked inhibitory effect on the nephritogenic effector cell repertoire, there was no diminution of titers of antibodies to the tubular basement membrane. Our results demonstrate a protective role for antigen-specific suppressor cells in autoimmune renal injury, and the strategy for their induction may have important therapeutic implications for other immune-mediated disorders.  相似文献   

The experiments presented in this report describe the biochemical and functional characteristics of a soluble Th cell factor (ThF) which can induce a nephritogenic effector T cell repertoire producing autoimmune interstitial nephritis. The ThF is Ag-specific, I-A-restricted, and comprises two chains noncovalently linked as a heterodimer. One chain at approximately 78,000 Mr is related to the TCR/Id and expresses a framework determinant (14-30) common to Ag-binding factors, and the other chain at approximately 82,000 Mr is I-A+. Together these chains can replace their parent cell by providing cognate help to precursor effector T lymphocytes in the presence of accessory cells, tubular Ag, and IL-2.  相似文献   

Class II-specific allogeneic cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) consist of two types of cells, i.e., Lyt-2+L3T4- and Lyt-2-L3T4 T cells. The Lyt-2+L3T4- class II-specific CTL population constitutes a conspicuous exception to the general correlation observed between the class of major histocompatibility complex antigen recognized and the type of accessory molecules expressed by T cells. In order to examine the specificity of such an exceptional T cell population, CTL clones were established by limiting dilution of a bulk CTL line developed in an I region incompatible combination of mouse strains, B10.QBR anti-B10.MBR. These CTL lines showed single genetic specificity indicating their clonal nature with respect to CTL activities. Lyt-2+L3T4- (2+4-), Lyt-2-L3T4+ (2-4+) and Lyt-2-L3T4- (2-4-) clones were obtained. Among many CTL clones showing a spectrum of genetic specificities, 2+4- and 2-4+ clones with apparent I-Ak-specificity, were studied further and four lines of evidence confirmed their class II specificity: 1) genes encoding the target antigen for these CTL clones were mapped within the I-A subregion by simple genetics; 2) an I-Ak-specific monoclonal antibody readily blocked specific cytolysis by these clones; 3) the clones failed to react with cells expressing mutated I-Ak antigens; and 4) a B cell tumor transfected with alpha- and beta-chain genes of I-Ak was specifically lysed by these CTL clones. These data therefore establish the existence of Lyt-2+ CTL with genuine class II specificity. All 2-4+ CTL were sensitive to the blocking effect of an antibody to L3T4, whereas none of the 2+4- class II-specific CTL were sensitive to blocking by an anti-Lyt-2 antibody, indicating that class II-specific CTL with "wrong phenotype" is not dependent on the function of the accessory molecule. Besides true class II-specific CTL clones, 2+4- clones with a spectrum of genetic specificities were obtained, including clones recognizing a combination of an I-Ak product and the Kb molecule. Two 2-4- clones were also specific for the combination of Kb + I-Ak. These clones most likely recognize an allogeneic class II antigen in the context of a class I antigen and therefore would more appropriately be included in the class I-restricted T cell population.  相似文献   

Because mice susceptible to interstitial nephritis use different effector T cells than nonsusceptible mice, we analyzed the differentiation process of the effector T cell repertoire by using an in vitro culture technique. In the presence of helper T lymphocytes, accessory cells, IL 2, tubular antigen, and precursor effector cells, both Lyt-2+ nephritogenic effector cells and L3T4+ nonnephritogenic effector cells can be initially induced in both susceptible and nonsusceptible strains within 3 days of culture. In nonsusceptible mice, however, the Lyt-2+ nephritogenic cell is inhibited from further development and disappears, whereas in susceptible mice, its presence is preserved with a resulting effect of tissue destruction. This selection of effector T cell preference is regulated by I-J+ T lymphocytes which are co-functionally expressed with effector cell expansion. Unlike precursor effector lymphocytes, however, the maturation of the regulatory process requires a subset of I-J+ accessory cells and structurally intact tubular antigen. Our findings indicate, therefore, that both susceptible and nonsusceptible mice have the potential for the expression of interstitial nephritis, but nonsusceptible mice are formally protected from autoimmunity by the regulation of lymphocyte preference.  相似文献   

Two methods were investigated for studying the binding of radiolabeled hybridoma T cells to antigen (Ag) and H-2 products for which they bore receptors. In both cases hybridoma T cells were labeled with tritiated thymidine. In one method labeled cells were added to adherent splenic cells prepulsed with antigen, and the mixture was incubated overnight at 37 degrees C before nonadherent cells were gently washed away. The percent of adherent hybridoma T cells was then estimated by harvesting the adherent monolayers and measuring tritium counts bound. In a second method radiolabeled hybridoma T cells were added to adherent antigen-pulsed B cell lymphomas or hybridomas for between 15 min and 1 hr at 37 degrees C before removal of nonadherent cells and harvesting of the adherent monolayers. In both cases binding was both antigen- and I-region specific. In the second case binding was also rapid; significant binding could be measured after 15 min incubation. These techniques were used to study subclones of one of our T cell hybridomas that were thought by a functional assay (interleukin 2 release) to have lost receptors for Ag/H-2. It was found that subclones of the hybridoma that no longer secreted interleukin 2 in response to Ag/H-2, even though they continued to secrete interleukin 2 in response to concanavalin A, also no longer bound specifically to Ag-pulsed monolayers of the appropriate H-2 type. This confirmed the idea that these subclones had lost the ability to synthesize receptors for Ag/H-2. It is hoped that assays of this type will be useful in the future for the study of Ag/H-2 receptors on T cells.  相似文献   

Murine allogeneic cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs), including long-term bulk CTL lines, were induced in I-region-incompatible combinations of strains in vitro in order to study the phenotypes of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-specific CTLs, as well as the possible functional involvement of accessory cell interaction molecules such as Lyt-2 and L3T4. This report shows that class II-specific allogeneic CTL populations consist of two types of T cells. Lyt-2+L3T4- (2+4-) and Lyt-2-L3T4+ (2-4+), in variable proportions depending on the strain combination, that in vitro bulk CTL lines with each of these phenotypes can be established, that the killing function of 2-4+ CTL is sensitive to the blocking effect of anti-L3T4 antibodies, suggesting functional involvement of this molecule in the CTL-target interaction, that anti-Lyt-2 antibodies fail to block killing by 2+4- cells, suggesting that such CTLs do not utilize this molecule in their killing function, and that while I-A-specific CTLs of both phenotypes are detectable, 2-4+ cells could not be detected among I-E-specific CTL populations.  相似文献   

In the present study we observed that long-term cultures of tubular antigen-reactive L3T4+ T cells from immune SJL mice are able to adoptively transfer interstitial nephritis by 12 wk after i.v. injection. Lesions that develop under these conditions generally occur in the absence of anti-tubular basement membrane antibody formation. These cultured T cell lines are I-A restricted, require L3T4-associative interactions, and are tubular antigen specific, but do not share the phenotype, function, or H-2-restriction characteristics of Lyt-2+ nephritogenic effector T lymphocytes. Rather, our L3T4+ T cell lines, and phenotypically similar lymphocytes harvested from renal infiltrates, are inducers of this Lyt-2+ effector T cell repertoire. Such effector T cells, typically found in immune lymph nodes 4 to 7 days after immunization, can be induced in vitro within 5 days and will acutely transfer disease within another 5 days when placed under the kidney capsule. These findings collectively indicate that the time course for optimal effector cell differentiation and potential expression is relatively short. The immunologic inertia we previously observed between immunization or i.v. adoptive transfer and the development of cellular lesions, therefore, seems to reside in other systemic or interactional events beyond the timely formation of effector T cells.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with TNP-specific Lyt-1+, 2- T cell-derived, antigen-binding proteins (PCI-F) released by T cells sensitized by skin painting with picrylchloride. The resulting antiserum (anti-PCI-F) bound to PCI-F and TNP-specific factors that suppressed delayed hypersensitivity (TSF) known to be comprised of PCI-F and Lyt-2+ -derived polypeptides released by cells sensitized by injection of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBSF). Anti-PCI-F bound to T lymphocytes and 68,000 to 72,000 m.w. T cell surface proteins but not B cells on their surface proteins. Anti-PCI-F bound to both Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ T cells and surface proteins. A comparison of anti-PCI-F with anti-TSF indicates that anti-TSF contains specificity for Ly-2+ T cell-derived components of TSF and T cells not present in anti-PCI-F. The possibility of multiple isotypes of T cell receptors and antigen-binding molecules is discussed.  相似文献   

Peripheral lymph node cells from C3H mice that were fed and injected with bovine serum albumin (REG cells) demonstrate an impaired proliferative response to antigenic stimulation in vitro compared to cells from mice only injected with BSA. To determine whether suppressor cells contributed to this enterically induced impairment of systemic T cell responses, REG cells were pretreated with various monoclonal antibodies and complement (C), and were then co-cultured with antigen-reactive indicator T cells (IND) from parenterally immunized mice. Proliferation of IND cells [( 3H]thymidine uptake) was suppressed only if REG cells were treated with anti-Lyt-2 and C before co-culture. The ability of anti-Lyt-1 plus anti-Lyt-2 and C treatment to abrogate suppression suggested that the suppressor effect was due to an Lyt-1+, 2- REG cell. Suppression was independent of Lyt-2+ IND cells, and was observed at different antigen concentrations, cultivation times, and cell densities. The cells responsible for suppressor activity were radiosensitive, nylon wool nonadherent, and antigen specific. These data suggest that an Lyt-1+, 2- T cell could be an important component in mediating enterically induced regulation of systemic T cell responses.  相似文献   

The i.v. injection of parental T cells into F1 hybrid mice can result in a graft-vs-host (GVH)-induced immune deficiency that is Ag nonspecific and of long duration. The effect of the GVH reaction (GVHR) on the host's immune system depends on the class of F1 MHC Ag recognized by the donor cells. To determine the role of different subsets of donor-derived T cells in the induction of GVHR, donor spleen cells were negatively selected by anti-T cell mAb and C, and the cells were injected into F1 mice that differed from the donor by both class I and II MHC Ag or by class I or class II MHC only. The induction of GVHR across class I + II differences was found to require both L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ parental cells. Induction of GVHR across a class II difference required only L3T4+ parental T cells in the combination tested [B6-into-(B6 x bm12)F1]. In contrast, B6 Lyt-2+ cells were sufficient to induce GVHR across a class I difference in (B6 x bm1)F1 recipients. In addition, a direct correlation was observed between the cell types required for GVH induction and the parental T cell phenotypes detected in the spleens of the GVH mice. The number of parental cells detected in the unirradiated F1 hosts was dependent upon the H-2 differences involved in the GVHR. Induction of a class I + class II GVHR resulted in abrogation of both TNP-self and allogeneic CTL responses. In contrast, induction of a class II GVHR resulted in only a selective loss of TNP-self but not of allogeneic CTL function. Unexpectedly, the induction of a class I GVHR also resulted in the selective loss of the TNP-self CTL response. Thus, these class I and class II examples of GVH both result in the selective abrogation of L3T4+ Th cell function. The data are discussed in terms of respective roles of killer cells and/or suppressor cells in the induction of host immune deficiency by a GVHR, and of the selective deficiency in host Th cell function induced by different classes of GVHR.  相似文献   

The effector T cell repertoire in experimental interstitial nephritis was examined in a variety of susceptible and nonsusceptible mice. We observed that L3T4+ effector T cells in disease-susceptible mice disappear soon after immunization in preference to the emergence of Lyt-2+ effector cells. These latter cells respond with delayed-type hypersensitivity to tubular antigen in the context of H-2K. Such cells also express idiotypes (RE-Id) shared with kidney-bound alpha TBM-Ab that are regulated by an interactional effect of genes in Igh-1 and H-2K. These Lyt-2+ effector cells can be removed from renal infiltrates, and the transfer of similar cells under the renal capsule of naive mice results, within 5 days, in local interstitial nephritis. Nonsusceptible mice, however, not having these immune response genes, produce either L3T4+, Lyt-1+, RE-Id- effector T cells, which only respond to tubular antigen in the context of I-A, or Lyt-2+, RE-Id- T cells, which may lack very fine specificity. These findings suggest that susceptible mice carry a unique set of immune response genes that promote a T cell selection process that operates after induction, during the differentiation and development of disease-producing effector T cells.  相似文献   

This report defines a methodology for the production and characterization of an antigen-specific, monoclonal T cell hybrid-derived suppressor T cell factor (TsF) that suppresses the passive transfer of 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) contact hypersensitivity. Fusion of T cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice tolerized with syngeneic DNP-spleen cells to BW 5147 thymoma cells resulted in several hybrids that constitutively produce a soluble regulatory molecule. One of these hybrids, 26.10.2, was subsequently cloned, and its soluble factor was characterized with respect to its antigen specificity, biochemical nature, MHC restriction pattern, and identity of its target cell. 26.10.2 TsF suppresses the passive transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) mediated by DNP- but not trinitrochlorobenzene- or oxazalone-primed DTH T cells (TDH) after a 1 hr incubation at 37 degrees C. In contrast, 26.10.2 TsF had no suppressive effect on secondary in vitro DNP-specific T cell proliferative responses. 26.10.2 TsF therefore represents an antigen-specific factor with effector (efferent-acting) function. The monoclonal TsF was shown to consist of a two-chain, disulfide-bonded molecule, and to bear a receptor(s) specific for DNP and determinants encoded by the I region of the H-2 complex. Effector suppressive activity of 26.10.2 TsF was restricted by Class I H-2Dd determinants. One cellular target of this monoclonal factor was shown to be the DNP-specific TDH cell, because DNFB-primed lymph node cells from cyclophosphamide-pretreated donors (lacking Ts-auxiliary (Ts-aux) cells) were efficiently suppressed. The TsF appears to focus on passively bound, TDH receptor-associated, DNP-Class I determinants, as suggested by the observation that freshly prepared, but not overnight cultured, DNP-specific TDH cells were susceptible to suppression.  相似文献   

Monoclonal T helper (TH) cell populations were employed to study the mechanism of activation of the Lyb-5+ B cell subpopulation in T cell-dependent antibody responses in vitro. It was demonstrated that monoclonal T cell populations were sufficient to help rigorously T-depleted unprimed (B + accessory) cells for direct plaque-forming cell responses to trinitrophenyl- (TNP) conjugated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). The activation of several lines of cloned (H-2b X H-2k)F1 TH cells was antigen (KLH) specific and H-2 restricted. Individual clones were restricted to H -2b, H-2k, or unique (H-2b X H-2k)F1 encoded determinants. Under the experimental conditions employed, responses mediated by cloned TH cells were found to result in the activation of the Lyb-5+ B cell subpopulation. The activation of Lyb-5+ B cells by cloned TH cells did not require covalent linkage of carrier and hapten, and responses could be stimulated in the presence of free KLH plus TNP conjugated to an irrelevant carrier. The H-2 restriction of TH cell function was shown to reflect a requirement for T cell recognition of determinants expressed by accessory cells, whereas no requirement existed for restricted T cell recognition of B cells. These findings suggest that the help provided by monoclonal TH cells, once activated, was both antigen nonspecific and H-2 unrestricted. Consistent with this interpretation, it was found that the supernatant of antigen-stimulated TH cells provided antigen-nonspecific help to T-depleted spleen cells. Thus, these results demonstrate that the activation of Lyb-5+ B cells by antigen-specific and H-2-restricted monoclonal TH cell populations is itself antigen nonspecific and H-2 unrestricted.  相似文献   

The nonobese diabetic mouse is a model of spontaneous type I diabetes mellitus. It is possible to induce diabetes in young, irradiated nonobese diabetic mice by using adoptive transfer of splenocytes or splenic T cells obtained from diabetic donors. This study demonstrates that the induction of diabetes in the adoptive transfer system is dependent on both the L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ subsets of T cells. Neither of these T cell subsets alone mediates the development of severe insulitis or diabetes when adoptively transferred to young, irradiated recipients. In addition, we show that both the L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ subsets must be obtained from diabetic donors in order to transfer diabetes; neither subset can be replaced with cells obtained from young, nondiabetic donors.  相似文献   

Joint inflammations were induced in mice by cloned MT4+ Lyt-2- T cells specific for methylated bovine serum albumin. This was done either by intra-articular or by i.v. administration of the cloned T cells, together with local injection of the antigen. Local rechallenge with methylated bovine serum albumin several weeks after waning of the joint inflammation caused a flare-up reaction. The inflammations were quantified by a 99mTc-uptake method and examined histologically. The arthritis induced by the cloned T cells showed aspects of a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction characterized by an intense infiltrate which resembles the inflammation in the human rheumatoid joint. The data presented show that joint inflammations can be induced by T cells only and that, after waning, reexposition to the original antigen can induce a flare-up reaction. The data suggest a central role of T cells in the induction and the exacerbations observed in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

After immunization of B6 mice with the syngeneic retrovirus-induced T cell leukemia/lymphoma FBL-3, two major tumor-specific proliferative T cell clonotypes were derived. T cell clones derived from long-term lines propagated by in vitro culture with irradiated tumor cells and syngeneic spleen cells were exclusively of the Lyt-2+ phenotype. Such clones were cytolytic, retained their proliferative phenotype indefinitely when expanded by repeated cycles of reactivation and rest, and recognized a tumor-specific cell surface antigen in association with class I MHC molecules. This tumor cell antigen was not present on nontransformed virus-infected cells. Class II MHC-restricted MT4+ clones specific for the viral antigen gp70 were derived from lymph node T cells of FBL-3 tumor-immune mice only by in vitro culture with purified Friend virus in the presence of syngeneic splenic APC. Once derived, however, such clones could be stimulated in the presence of FBL-3 tumor cells and syngeneic spleen cells, demonstrating the reprocessing of tumor-derived gp70 antigen by APC in the spleen cell population. In contrast, no reprocessing of the tumor cell surface antigen by splenic APC for presentation to the class I MHC-restricted T cell clones could be demonstrated. Evidence is presented that FBL-3 T leukemia/lymphoma cells function as APC for Lyt-2+ class I MHC-restricted clones, and that no concomitant recognition of Ia molecules is required to activate these clones. Both Lyt-2+ and MT4+ clones were induced to proliferate in the presence of exogenous IL2 alone, but this stimulus failed to result in significant release of immune interferon. In contrast, antigen stimulation of both clones resulted in proliferation as well as significant immune interferon release. Immune interferon production is not required for the generation of MHC-restricted cell-mediated cytolytic function.  相似文献   

A T-suppressor (Ts) cell line of CD8 phenotype was isolated from spleens of SJL/J mice that had recovered from experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by injection of MBP-activated T cells. The Ts cell line inhibited the proliferation of MBP-sensitized T cells in vitro. Addition of recombinant IL-2 enhanced the Ts-mediated suppression. Adoptively transferred Ts line was able to downgrade EAE in mice subsequently challenged with MBP-activated T cells. The mechanism of suppression appeared to involve neither direct cytolysis of the effector T cells nor the production of a soluble suppressor factor. The findings suggest an in vivo role for suppressor T cells in the regulation of EAE.  相似文献   

The present studies investigate the effector role of lymphocytes in guinea pigs with an interstitial nephritis. Several observations were made relative to a number of functions expressed by these cells. The results of adoptive cell migration studies suggest that a subpopulation of T cells in nephritic animals traffic renotropically to either normal or damaged kidneys on transfer. Similar lymphocytes were also tested in vitro for direct effector function by utilizing target kidney cell monolayers in a cell-mediated cytotoxicity assay. The kinetics of the observed cytotoxic response were studied over the life span of nephritic animals. Optimal target-cell lysis occurred 12 to 17 days after sensitization, simultaneous with the onset of active histopathologic changes. The cytotoxicity was stoichiometrically titratable and relatively specific for fetal kidney tissue. In addition, cells from the spleen or lymph nodes of diseased animals effectively suppressed this cytotoxic response. These findings demonstrate that a diverse population of T lymphocytes are both capable of damaging the renal interstitium as well as modulating effector-cell functions on a regional basis with the immune system.  相似文献   

Semimature dendritic cells (smDCs) can induce autoimmune tolerance by activation of host antigen-specific CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cells. We hypothesized that donor smDCs injected into recipients would induce effector T-cell hyporesponsiveness by activating CD4+CD25+Treg cells, and promote skin allograft survival. Myeloid smDCs were derived from C57BL/6J mice (donors) in vitro. BALB/c mice (recipients) were injected with smDCs to generate antigen-specific CD4+CD25+Treg cells in vivo. Allograft survival was prolonged when BALB/c recipients received either C57BL/6J smDCs prior to grafting or C57BL/6J smDC-derived CD4+CD25+Treg cells post-grafting, and skin flaps from these grafts showed the highest IL-10 production regardless of rapamycin treatments. Our findings confirm that smDCs constitute an independent subgroup of DCs that play a key role for inducing CD4+CD25+Treg cells to express high IL-10 levels, which induce hyporesponsiveness of effector T cells. Pre-treating recipients with donor smDCs may have potential for transplant tolerance induction.  相似文献   

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