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Sex differences in running economy (gross oxygen cost of running, CR), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), anaerobic threshold (Than), percentage utilization of aerobic power (% VO2max), and Than during running were investigated. There were six men and six women aged 20–30 years with a performance time of 2 h 40 min over the marathon distance. The VO2max, Than, and CR were measured during controlled running on a treadmill at 1° and 3° gradient. From each subject's recorded time of running in the marathon, the average speed (v M) was calculated and maintained during the treadmill running for 11 min. The VO2 max was inversely related to body mass (m b), there were no sex differences, and the mean values of the reduced exponent were 0.65 for women and 0.81 for men. These results indicate that for running the unit ml·kg–0.75·min–1 is convenient when comparing individuals with different m b. The VO2max was about 10% (23 ml·kg–0.75·min–1) higher in the men than in the women. The women had on the average 10–12 ml·kg–0.75·min–1 lower VO2 than the men when running at comparable velocities. Disregarding sex, the mean value of CR was 0.211 (SEM 0.005) ml·kg–1·m–1 (resting included), and was independent of treadmill speed. No sex differences in Than expressed as % VO2max or percentage maximal heart rate were found, but Than expressed as VO2 in ml·kg–0.75·min–1 was significantly higher in the men compared to the women. The percentage utilization of f emax and concentration of blood lactate at v M was higher for the female runners. The women ran 2 days more each week than the men over the first 4 months during the half year preceding the marathon race. It was concluded that the higher VO2max and Than in the men was compensated for by more running, superior CR, and a higher exercise intensity during the race in the performance-matched female marathon runners.  相似文献   

Patellofemoral pain is common amongst recreational runners and associated with altered running kinematics. However, it is currently unclear how sex may influence kinematic differences previously reported in runners with patellofemoral pain. This case-control study aimed to evaluate lower limb kinematics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain during running. Lower limb 3D kinematics were assessed in 20 runners with patellofemoral pain (11 females, 9 males) and 20 asymptomatic runners (11 females, 9 males) during a 3 km treadmill run. Variables of interest included peak hip adduction, internal rotation and flexion angles; and peak knee flexion angle, given their previously reported association with patellofemoral pain. Age, height, mass, weekly run distance and step rate were not significantly different between groups. Mixed-sex runners with patellofemoral pain were found to run with a significantly greater peak hip adduction angle (mean difference = 4.9°, d = 0.91, 95% CI 1.4–8.2, p = 0.01) when compared to matched controls, but analyses for all other kinematic variables were non-significant. Females with patellofemoral pain ran with a significantly greater peak hip adduction angle compared to female controls (mean difference = 6.6°, p = 0.02, F = 3.41, 95% CI 0.4–12.8). Analyses for all other kinematic variables between groups (males and females with/without PFP) were non-significant. Differences in peak hip adduction between those with and without patellofemoral pain during running appear to be driven by females. This potentially highlights different kinematic treatment targets between males and females. Future research is encouraged to report lower limb kinematic variables in runners with patellofemoral pain separately for males and females.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of endurance training on physiological characteristics during circumpubertal growth, eight young runners (mean starting age 12 years) were studied every 6 months for 8 years. Four other boys served as untrained controls. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and blood lactate concentrations were measured during submaximal and maximal treadmill running. The data were aligned with each individual's age of peak height velocity. The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max; ml.kg-1.min-1) decreased with growth in the untrained group but remained almost constant in the training group. The oxygen cost of running at 15 km.h-1 (VO2 15, ml.kg-1.min-1) was persistently lower in the trained group but decreased similarly with age in both groups. The development of VO2max and VO2 15 (l.min-1) was related to each individual's increase in body mass so that power functions were obtained. The mean body mass scaling factor was 0.78 (SEM 0.07) and 1.01 (SEM 0.04) for VO2max and 0.75 (SEM 0.09) and 0.75 (SEM 0.02) for VO2 15 in the untrained and trained groups, respectively. Therefore, expressed as ml.kg-0.75.min-1, VO2 15 was unchanged in both groups and VO2max increased only in the trained group. The running velocity corresponding to 4 mmol.l-1 of blood lactate (nu la4) increased only in the trained group. Blood lactate concentration at exhaustion remained constant in both groups over the years studied. In conclusion, recent and the present findings would suggest that changes in the oxygen cost of running and VO2max (ml.kg-1.min-1) during growth may mainly be due to an overestimation of the body mass dependency of VO2 during running.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of speed on leg stiffness and joint kinetics in human running   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The goals of this study were to examine the following hypotheses: (a) there is a difference between the theoretically calculated (McMahon and Cheng, 1990. Journal of Biomechanics 23, 65-78) and the kinematically measured length changes of the spring-mass model and (b) the leg spring stiffness, the ankle spring stiffness and the knee spring stiffness are influenced by running speed. Thirteen athletes took part in this study. Force was measured using a "Kistler" force plate (1000 Hz). Kinematic data were recorded using two high-speed (120 Hz) video cameras. Each athlete completed trials running at five different velocities (approx. 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5 m/s). Running velocity influences the leg spring stiffness, the effective vertical spring stiffness and the spring stiffness at the knee joint. The spring stiffness at the ankle joint showed no statistical difference (p < 0.05) for the five velocities. The theoretically calculated length change of the spring-mass model significantly (p < 0.05) overestimated the actual length change. For running velocities up to 6.5 m/s the leg spring stiffness is influenced mostly by changes in stiffness at the knee joint.  相似文献   

Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), generally accepted as a valid method for measuring state and change of aerobic fitness, was repeatedly measured in 93 males and 107 females 5 times over a period of 8 years. A direct measurement was made using a treadmill running test with constant speed (8 km/hr) and increasing slope. Oxygen uptake was analyzed continuously by an open-circuit technique. The reproducibility of VO2 max estimated from interperiod correlations resulted in high test-retest correlations of approximately 0.9 in both males and females. Inspection of the longitudinal data from the multiple-longitudinal design with four measurements in three cohorts did not reveal confounding effects, such as time of measurement effects, cohort effects, and drop-out effects. A comparison of the longitudinal data evaluated over four years with data from a comparable control group that was measured once during the four-year period also failed to show any testing effects. In 40% of the males and 50% of the females no leveling-off in VO2 max could be demonstrated; that is, there was an increase of more than 150 ml in the last stage of running. A comparison of subjects who showed leveling-off with those who showed no leveling-off supports the idea that in the age range 12-23 years leveling-off is not a prerequisite for reaching a true VO2 max. Repeated measurement of VO2 max, using a maximal running test on a treadmill appears to be a reliable method to describe the individual development of aerobic fitness in males and females in the age range 12-23 years.  相似文献   

Physical anthropological research was codified in the United States with the creation of the American Association of Physical Anthropology (AAPA) in 1929. That same year, a study began in yellow springs, Ohio, with a goal of identifying “what makes people different.” The approach used to answer that question was to study the growth and development of Homo sapiens. The resulting study, the Fels Longitudinal Study, is currently the longest continuous study of human growth and development in the world. Although the AAPA and the Fels Longitudinal Study have existed as separate entities for more than 80 years now, it is not surprising, given the relationship between anatomical and developmental research, there has been considerable overlap between the two. As the field of physical anthropology has blossomed to include subdisciplines such as forensics, genetics, primatology, as well as sophisticated statistical methodologies, the importance of growth and development research has escalated. Although current Fels Longitudinal Study research is largely directed at biomedical questions, virtually all findings are relevant to physical anthropology, providing insights into basic biological processes and life history parameters. Some key milestones from the early years of the AAPA and the Fels Longitudinal Study are highlighted here that address growth and development research in physical anthropology. These are still held as fundamental concepts that underscore the importance of this line of inquiry, not only across the subdisciplines of physical anthropology, but also among anthropological, biological, and biomedical inquiries. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cycles II and III of the Health Examination Survey included measurements of the skinfolds of over 14,000 individuals 6 through 17 years of age, statistically weighted to provide an accurate national probability sample. Analyses of the triceps and subscapular skinfolds of Negroes and whites are reported here, utilizing the median in preference to the mean. Females of either racial group have thicker skinfolds at all ages studied. Whites have greater median triceps thicknesses than Negroes of the same sex and age, but there are no differences between the two racial groups in the subscapular. Since, between all but one pair of adjacent ages in males, from 12 years on, the median triceps fold decreases, but the estimated cross-sectional are of fat increases, it is strongly recommended that reductions in triceps thickness not be automatically interpreted as meaning a loss of subcutaneous fat. Since greater skewness is found in the subscapular distributions in whites, but not in the triceps, it is suggested that racial differences in triceps thickness at these ages occurs from the operation of hereditary factors, while differences in the subscapular skinfold arise from environmental causes.  相似文献   

The Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis originates from Asia and has established invasive populations worldwide. Recent population genetic studies trace their invasion routes and demonstrate that bottlenecks in population size have reduced their genetic diversity. Consequently, phenotypical differences are highlighted between native and invasive populations. Among phenotypical traits, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) might reflect the geographical origin of a lady beetle, especially because of their genetic basis. The present study investigates whether (i) the CHC profiles qualitatively and quantitatively differ between females of H. axyridis from native and invasive populations and (ii) males discriminate females from native and invasive populations using CHC profiles. CHCs are solvent‐extracted before being quantified and identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In total, 17 CHCs are detected from female elytra, including six alkanes, three polyunsaturated and eight monounsaturated alkenes. The total quantity of CHCs differs among the populations, with lady beetles from Tai'an (China) displaying higher CHC concentrations than lady beetles from Gembloux (Belgium) and from Beijing (China) populations. Multivariate analyses detect differences in CHC qualitative profiles, with females from Tai'an being different from the two other populations. Finally, behavioural assays show that females originating from the native Tai'an population are less preferred by males, whereas females from the invasive population are mounted more often. The behavioural assays suggest that CHCs are not involved in discrimination of mating partners based on their origin.  相似文献   

While much is known about the ecological and functional morphology of feeding in lower vertebrates, studies of elasmobranch feeding over ontogeny are broadly lacking. In this study, the ontogeny of feeding behavior and morphology were investigated in neonatal and young-of-the-year leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata using morphometric measurements of growth and high-speed videography in a longitudinal study. Five food types were used during filming sessions to facilitate differentiation of modulation and variation over ontogeny. Functional aspects of muscle and buccal volume scaling were investigated through dissection. Growth over ontogeny was shown to influence numerous kinematic variables, while intra- and inter-individual variability was the dominant factor affecting feeding behavior. Modulation of feeding behavior based on food size and elusiveness was present for timing variables and predator motion during the strike, but not for food motion or the relative extent of buccal expansion. Allometric growth occurred in all aspects of external cranial morphology measured, resulting in a shallower head profile, anterior displacement of the mouth, and relatively larger jaw musculature over ontogeny. While the degree to which morphology constrains or enhances behavior cannot be directly quantified, variability in behavior greatly exceeds variability in morphology over early ontogeny. Maintenance of a behaviorally and morphologically versatile feeding apparatus throughout ontogeny is proposed to enhance the exploitation of resources and facilitate a diverse diet in T. semifasciata under variable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary An animal mating system characterized by male-male competition and active searching for sexually receptive females was modelled to study how varying sex ratio and spatiotemporal distribution of receptive females can affect the variance in male mating success (i. e. potential for sexual selection) in males. The temporal distribution of female receptivity periods appeared to be the variable that had the most pronounced effect on the potential for sexual selection in males. The potential for sexual selection increased monotonically as the degree of asynchrony of female reproduction increased. Female spatial distribution and sex ratio were important only when female reproduction was asynchronous. Then, the potential for sexual selection in males was at its peak when females were overdispersed in space and the sex ratio was female biased. Some of the results derived from the model analysis contrast with predictions from previous studies. The deviating results are most likely caused by different assumptions about modes of mate acquisition in males.  相似文献   

朱玉鑫  姚顺波 《生态学报》2021,41(9):3331-3342
为探讨生态环境与经济发展间的协调程度,选取2000、2005、2010和2015年4期的陕西省107个县(区)数据,利用单位面积生态系统服务价值和人均GDP构建环境经济协调度指数。结合空间自相关分析和空间杜宾模型等方法,分析了环境经济协调度指数的时空演变特征及驱动因素。研究表明:(1)从时间上看,陕西省环境经济协调度指数整体呈现缓慢下降趋势;从空间上看,大部分县(区)已处于基本协调和中度协调状态,并形成了陕北地区优于陕南地区,陕南地区优于关中地区的空间格局。(2)陕西省环境经济协调度指数具有显著的空间正相关性,高高集聚和低低集聚效果比较明显。(3)退耕还林工程、城镇化水平、产业结构、降水量是提升协调度指数的关键因素,气温则是制约协调度发展的约束要素。未来应因地制宜实施差异化的发展战略,以实现环境与经济协调发展。  相似文献   

The prevalence of absentee herd ownership in Africa's pastoral areas is increasing. Its presence has important implications both for local resource management systems and for research programs that address pastoral ecology and related topics. This paper examines patterns of absentee herd ownership in the Baringo District of northern Kenya. This region has been the source of much debate regarding herder mismanagement of range lands. Three categories of absentee herd owners are discussed in the paper: (1) ranchers, (2) livestock traders, and (3) townsmen. It is suggested that the blame for some of the apparent resource mismanagement in the region may lie more with actors in these categories than with the pastoralists themselves. Data collected during an 18-month period in 1980–1981 on pastoral ecology, grazing patterns, and tenure institutions are presented in support of the argument. The paper concludes with a comparative analysis of contemporary resource management strategies in pastoral Africa, emphasizing that: (1) the Baringo case is not an isolated anomaly, and (2) a new orientation toward pastoral studies is warranted.  相似文献   

方创林  余丹林 《生态学报》1999,19(6):767-774
柴达木盆地作为我国下世纪重点开发地区之一,对其资源合理开发利用不仅对青海省经济发展有着举足轻重的作用,而且对缩小东西部发展差距、支援西藏、巩固国防有着不可估量的作用。以对盆地的实地考察为基础,运用SD模型对盆地资源开发和经济同生态环境协调发展弹性方案进行试验调控,得出追求经济发展为主目标的发展型方案、追求资源与生态环境保护为目标的保护型方案和追求人口、资源、环境和经济社会协调发展为主目标的协调型发  相似文献   

Genetic correlations of the wing form and the relative wing length between females and males were estimated in the oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus, by calculating the correlation between the sexes of the proportion macropterous or the mean relative wing length in full-sib families obtained from different wing forms of parents emerged in a high density population. There was a significantly positive genetic correlation between the sexes in both the proportion macropterous and the mean relative wing length. However, the appearance rate of macropters tended to be much lower in males than in females under the rearing conditions which promote the appearance of macropters. This was evident especially in the offspring of brachypterous parents. These indicated that in C. saccharivorus the wing polymorphism of males is not a simple result of the genetic correlation of wing morphology between the two sexes. It was considered that both of the female and male fitness advantages to wing reduction, as well as the genetic correlation between the sexes, would influence the evolution of wing polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

The divergence in reproductive features and hybrid fertility patterns between two chromosomal races (2 n  = 40, 40St, and 2 n  = 22, 22Rb) of the house mouse in Tunisia were re-assessed on a larger sample of wild and laboratory-bred individuals than studied hitherto. Results showed that litter sizes were significantly smaller in 40St than in 22Rb mice, contrary to previous analyses. This suggests that variation in litter size between the two chromosomal races is more likely related to selective and/or environmental factors acting locally than to interracial reproductive trait divergence. However, the significantly reduced litter size of F1 hybrids compared with parental individuals was confirmed, and further highlighted a sex difference in hybrid infertility, as F1 females produced fewer litters and of smaller size than males. Histological analyses of F1 and backcrosses showed a breakdown of spermatogenesis in males and a significantly reduced primordial follicle pool in females. The degree of gametogenic dysfunction was not related to the level of chromosomal heterozygosity per se , but a significant effect of two Rb fusions on follicle number was observed in hybrid females. These results suggest that genetic incompatibilities contribute to primary gametogenic dysfunction in hybrids between the chromosomal races in Tunisia.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 407–416.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to identify the onset predictors of a change in chewing ability over a 3‐year period in the frail elderly. Methods: The subjects were frail elderly people living in southern Japan. Data were collected at baseline (n = 92) and 3 years later (n = 60). The dependent variable was a change in self‐rated chewing ability. The independent variables were age, gender, number of present teeth, dentition, maximum bite force (evaluated using a pressure‐sensitive foil), basic activities of daily living, self‐rated general health status, higher level of competence (evaluated using Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology index), cognitive status (evaluated by revised Hasegawa Dementia Rating scale), and quality of life (evaluated using Philadelphia Geriatric Center morale scale) at baseline. To identify the most reliable predictors, bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed, with the change of chewing ability as the dependent variable. Results: Bivariate analysis showed the change in chewing ability was significantly associated with general health status (p < 0.01), number of present teeth (p < 0.05) and maximum bite force (p < 0.01). Backward logistic regression analysis revealed that the most reliable predictor of a change in chewing ability at 3 years was general health status (odds ratio = 6.35, 95% CI = 1.69–23.88). Conclusion: The present findings suggest that general health status at baseline produces a change in chewing ability.  相似文献   

Movements for the recognition and official establishment of particular languages in India, among the many hundreds that have been identified and classified by linguists, grammarians, and census takers, have been prominent and recurring features of politics in the subcontinent for a century-and-a-half. These movements have invariably been competitive in character, demanding preference for one, and displacement of other, actual or potential rivals. Further, they have sometimes been associated with hostile and venomous characterizations of both a rival language and its speakers, leading to intercommunal/interethnic violence. Despite the turbulent history of such movements in modern India, viable compromises have been reached concerning the status of the multiplicity of Indian languages and their hierarchical ordering for various purposes. These compromises, however, have profound consequences for the life chances, including the empowerment and disempowerment, of all India’s citizens. These consequences have only recently begun to attract scholarly attention.  相似文献   



To determine whether breech presentation is an independent risk factor for neonatal morbidity, mortality, or long-term neurologic morbidity in very preterm infants.


Prospective population-based cohort.


Singletons infants without congenital malformations born from 27 to 32 completed weeks of gestation enrolled in France in 1997 in the EPIPAGE cohort.


The neonatal and long-term follow-up outcomes of preterm infants were compared between those in breech presentation and those in vertex presentation. The relation of fetal presentation with neonatal mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes was assessed using multiple logistic regression models.


Among the 1518 infants alive at onset of labor included in this analysis (351 in breech presentation), 1392 were alive at discharge. Among those eligible to follow up and alive at 8 years, follow-up data were available for 1188 children. Neonatal mortality was significantly higher among breech than vertex infants (10.8% vs. 7.5%, P = 0.05). However the differences were not significant after controlling for potential confounders. Neonatal morbidity did not differ significantly according to fetal presentation. Severe cerebral palsy was less frequent in the group born in breech compared to vertex presentation but there was no difference after adjustment. There was no difference according to fetal presentation in cognitive deficiencies/learning disabilities or overall deficiencies.


Our data suggest that breech presentation is not an independent risk factor for neonatal mortality or long-term neurologic deficiencies among very preterm infants.  相似文献   

Heat-shock protein 27 (HSP27) is a chaperone molecule that plays a critical role in the refolding and activity of several proteins responsible for cancer cell drug toxicity. Upregulation of HSP27 is associated with decreased drug sensitivity as well as poorer survival in gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies. It is, therefore, possible that HSP27 may be of value in the assessment of prognostic and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of GI cancers. Pharmacological and biological inhibitors of HSP27 enhance tumor cell chemosensitivity. This review summarizes the potential role of HSP27 in chemotherapy drug resistance and the therapeutic potential of HSP27 inhibitors as a novel strategy in the treatment of GI cancers.  相似文献   

Terrestrial locomotion occurs via the hierarchical links between morphology, kinematics, force, and center-of-mass mechanics. In a phylogenetically broad sample of seven lizard species, we show that morphological variation drives kinematic variation, which, in turn, drives force variation. Species with short limbs use a short stride–high frequency strategy when running at steady-speed and to change speeds. This link between morphology and kinematics results in relatively small vertical forces during the support phase of the stride cycle. Conversely, species with long limbs use a long stride–low frequency strategy, resulting in large vertical forces during the support phase. In view of these findings, we suggest that limb length may predict locomotor energetics in lizards because energetics are largely determined by vertical forces and stride frequency. Additionally, we propose an energetic trade-off with both long- and short-limbed species paying the most energy to move, whereas intermediate-limbed species move using less energy. Finally, when these traits are mapped onto a lizard phylogeny, we show that locomotor functional morphology exhibits both deep phylogenetic effects and contemporary patterns of evolutionary convergence. Overall, the present study provides a foundation for testing hypotheses regarding the integration and evolution of functional traits in lizards and animals in general.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 634–651.  相似文献   

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