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A two-state hopping model was proposed to study the permeation of ion channel.The Nemst equation in equilibrium and the Michaelis-Menten relation in steady state were derived from the two-state kinetic model.The currentvoltage relationship obtained in the symmetrical solutions case was linear when the applied potential was less than 100 mV,which met Ohm's law.The conductance-concentration relationship exhibited the saturation property.Moreover,the characteristic time reaching the steady state of the KcsA channel was also discussed.  相似文献   

采用两态跳跃模型研究离子通道的通透机制,从两态动力学方程得到了平衡态下的能斯特方程、稳态条件下的米氏动力学关系。得出:若电压小于100mV,电导-电压关系是线性的;在电流-浓度关系中,电流具有饱和特性。这些与实验结果是一致的。此外,还讨论了钾离子通道到达稳态前的暂态过程,并用特征时间来描述这一过程。发现采用两态跳跃模型用较少的参数就可以说明离子通透的机制。  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction data were collected from frozen crystals (100 degrees K) of the KcsA K(+) channel equilibrated with solutions containing barium chloride. Difference electron density maps (F(barium) - F(native), 5.0 A resolution) show that Ba(2+) resides at a single location within the selectivity filter. The Ba(2+) blocking site corresponds to the internal aspect (adjacent to the central cavity) of the "inner ion" position where an alkali metal cation is found in the absence of the blocking Ba(2+) ion. The location of Ba(2+) with respect to Rb(+) ions in the pore is in good agreement with the findings on the functional interaction of Ba(2+) with K(+) (and Rb(+)) in Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (Neyton, J., and C. Miller. 1988. J. Gen. Physiol. 92:549-567). Taken together, these structural and functional data imply that at physiological ion concentrations a third ion may interact with two ions in the selectivity filter, perhaps by entering from one side and displacing an ion on the opposite side.  相似文献   

The ion selectivity of the bacterial potassium channel KCSA is explained upon comparing the energy characteristics of the interaction of cations (Li+, Na+, K+) with atoms of the selectivity filter of the protein pore. Quantum-chemical calculations reveal a deeper potential well for potassium ions, which accounts for preferred K+ permeation. It is shown that the conventional methods with AMBER, CHARMM, OPLS force fields in standard parametrization as well as partial re-parametrization give incorrect estimates of ion energy distribution in the channel.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium channels are six-transmembrane (S1-S6) proteins that form a central pore domain (4 x S5-S6) surrounded by four voltage sensor domains (S1-S4), which detect changes in membrane voltage and control pore opening. Upon depolarization, the S4 segments move outward carrying charged residues across the membrane field, thereby leading to the opening of the pore. The mechanism of S4 motion is controversial. We have investigated how S4 moves relative to the pore domain in the prototypical Shaker potassium channel. We introduced pairs of cysteines, one in S4 and the other in S5, and examined proximity changes between each pair of cysteines during activation, using Cd2+ and copper-phenanthroline, which crosslink the cysteines with metal and disulphide bridges, respectively. Modelling of the results suggests a novel mechanism: in the resting state, the top of the S3b-S4 voltage sensor paddle lies close to the top of S5 of the adjacent subunit, but moves towards the top of S5 of its own subunit during depolarization--this motion is accompanied by a reorientation of S4 charges to the extracellular phase.  相似文献   

目的:研究脂肪胺类的新型钾通道开放剂(KCO)埃他卡林(Ipt)和氰胍类的KCO吡那地尔(Pin)对大鼠心血管ATP-敏感性钾通道(KATP)的亚基SUR1、SUR2、Kir6.1和Kir6.2等在mRNA水平的调节作用。方法:SD大鼠给药1周后处死并取组织,提取总RNA,利用反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)研究以上基因在mRNA水平的改变。结果:与正常对照相比,心脏组织中,Ipt和Pin对KATP的4个亚基在mRNA水平均无显著影响;主动脉平滑肌上,Ipt对4个亚基的mRNA表达无显著影响,但Pin可显著上调SUR2的mRNA表达;尾动脉平滑肌上,Ipt对Kit6.1/Kit6.2、Pin对SUR2/Kir6.1均有显著下调的作用。结论:心肌、大动脉平滑肌和小动脉平滑肌KATP基因表达的调控不同,Ipt选择性调节小动脉平滑肌Kit6.1/Kit6.2;Ipt对心血管KATP基因表达的调节作用不同于Pin。  相似文献   

The selectivity filter of K(+) channels is comprised of a linear queue of four equal-spaced ion-binding sites spanning a distance of 12A. Each site is formed of eight oxygen atoms from the protein. The first three sites, numbered 1-3 from the extracellular side, are made of exclusively main-chain carbonyl oxygen atoms. The fourth site, closest to the intracellular side, is made of four main-chain carbonyl oxygen atoms and four threonine side-chain hydroxyl oxygen atoms. Here we characterize the effects of mutating the threonine to cysteine on the distribution of ions in the selectivity filter and on the conduction of ions through the filter. The mutation influences the occupancy of K(+) at sites 2 and 4 and it reduces the maximum rate of conduction in the limit of high K(+) concentration. The mutation does not affect the conduction of Rb(+). These results can be understood in the context of a conduction mechanism in which a pair of K ions switch between energetically balanced 1,3 and 2,4 configurations.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated K+ channel, Kv2.1, conducts Na+ in the absence of K+. External tetraethylammonium (TEAo) blocks K+ currents through Kv2.1 with an IC50 of 5 mM, but is completely without effect in the absence of K+. TEAo block can be titrated back upon addition of low [K+]. This suggested that the Kv2.1 pore undergoes a cation-dependent conformational rearrangement in the external vestibule. Individual mutation of lysine (Lys) 356 and 382 in the outer vestibule, to a glycine and a valine, respectively, increased TEAo potency for block of K+ currents by a half log unit. Mutation of Lys 356, which is located at the outer edge of the external vestibule, significantly restored TEAo block in the absence of K+ (IC50 = 21 mM). In contrast, mutation of Lys 382, which is located in the outer vestibule near the TEA binding site, resulted in very weak (extrapolated IC50 = approximately 265 mM) TEAo block in the absence of K+. These data suggest that the cation-dependent alteration in pore conformation that resulted in loss of TEA potency extended to the outer edge of the external vestibule, and primarily involved a repositioning of Lys 356 or a nearby amino acid in the conduction pathway. Block by internal TEA also completely disappeared in the absence of K+, and could be titrated back with low [K+]. Both internal and external TEA potencies were increased by the same low [K+] (30-100 microM) that blocked Na+ currents through the channel. In addition, experiments that combined block by internal and external TEA indicated that the site of K+ action was between the internal and external TEA binding sites. These data indicate that a K+-dependent conformational change also occurs internal to the selectivity filter, and that both internal and external conformational rearrangements resulted from differences in K+ occupancy of the selectivity filter. Kv2.1 inactivation rate was K+ dependent and correlated with TEAo potency; as [K+] was raised, TEAo became more potent and inactivation became faster. Both TEAo potency and inactivation rate saturated at the same [K+]. These results suggest that the rate of slow inactivation in Kv2.1 was influenced by the conformational rearrangements, either internal to the selectivity filter or near the outer edge of the external vestibule, that were associated with differences in TEA potency.  相似文献   

KcsA: it's a potassium channel   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Ion conduction and selectivity properties of KcsA, a bacterial ion channel of known structure, were studied in a planar lipid bilayer system at the single-channel level. Selectivity sequences for permeant ions were determined by symmetrical solution conductance (K(+) > Rb(+), NH(4)(+), Tl(+) > Cs(+), Na(+), Li(+)) and by reversal potentials under bi-ionic or mixed-ion conditions (Tl(+) > K(+) > Rb(+) > NH(4)(+) > Na(+), Li(+)). Determination of reversal potentials with submillivolt accuracy shows that K(+) is over 150-fold more permeant than Na(+). Variation of conductance with concentration under symmetrical salt conditions is complex, with at least two ion-binding processes revealing themselves: a high affinity process below 20 mM and a low affinity process over the range 100-1,000 mM. These properties are analogous to those seen in many eukaryotic K(+) channels, and they establish KcsA as a faithful structural model for ion permeation in eukaryotic K(+) channels.  相似文献   

The four arginine-rich S4 helices of a voltage-gated channel move outward through the membrane in response to depolarization, opening and closing gates to generate a transient ionic current. Coupling of voltage sensing to gating was originally thought to operate with the S4s moving independently from an inward/resting to an outward/activated conformation, so that when all four S4s are activated, the gates are driven to open or closed. However, S4 has also been found to influence the cooperative opening step (Smith-Maxwell et al., 1998a), suggesting a more complex mechanism of coupling. Using fluorescence to monitor structural rearrangements in a Shaker channel mutant, the ILT channel (Ledwell and Aldrich, 1999), that energetically isolates the steps of activation from the cooperative opening step, we find that opening is accompanied by a previously unknown and cooperative movement of S4. This gating motion of S4 appears to be coupled to the internal S6 gate and to two forms of slow inactivation. Our results suggest that S4 plays a direct role in gating. While large transmembrane rearrangements of S4 may be required to unlock the gating machinery, as proposed before, it appears to be the gating motion of S4 that drives the gates to open and close.  相似文献   

鲁黎明 《广西植物》2010,30(4):531-533
通过对4个不同钾营养效率的烤烟品种的根皮层细胞质膜内向跨膜钾电流进行全细胞记录,研究钾营养效率不同的烤烟基因型的钾离子通道的特性。结果表明,NC89的电流密度(pA/pF)最高,约为-80;其次是农大202及净叶黄,其电流密度分别为-60及-50;NC2326的电流密度在四个基因型中最小,大约-40。结果表明,烤烟根皮层细胞质膜跨膜内向钾电流的大小,与基因型对K+亲和力及吸收能力的大小,以及烤烟基因型钾营养效率高低有着密切的关系,可以作为一个比较可靠的参考鉴定指标,指导K+营养高效的基因型的筛选与鉴定。  相似文献   

We develop a simplified model of themultiply occupied Kcsa-like selectivityfilter based on the best availablestructural data. The existence of hierarchyof motions in the selectivity filter isshown. Fast fluctuations of the ion-iondistances may be considered adiabaticallydecoupled from the slow diffusive motion ofthe ions' center of masses. The latter canbe considered as a quasi-particle, called aquasi-ion, moving in an effectivepotential. In the Kcsa-like selectivityfilter occupied by three ions the effectivepotential allows free barrier-lessdiffusional motion of the quasi-ions. Theconcept of the quasi-ions performing iontranslocation through the channel may bevital in explaining barrier-less `knock-on' conduction postulated for real channels.  相似文献   

目的:明确线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道对正常和缺血脑线粒体渗透性转变的作用。方法:实验采用分光光度法,在分离的线粒体上分别观察两种线粒体钾通道激动剂对正常与缺血脑线粒体肿胀的影响。结果:在正常脑线粒体,diazoxide与NSl619能有效抑制由钙诱导的线粒体氏20下降,但其效应可被atractyloside所阻断。与正常相比,缺血损伤后的脑线粒体在钙离子诱导下线粒体A520下降较快,diazoxide与NS1619仍可抑制由钙诱导的线粒体A520下降,其作用同样为atractykxside所阻断。结论:线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道激活在离体条件均具有保护脑线粒体的作用,其作用可能是通过影响线粒体通透性转变而实现。  相似文献   

Shim JW  Yang M  Gu LQ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(5):1027-1034
Chlorella virus-encoded membrane protein Kcv represents a new class of potassium channel. This 94-amino acids miniature K(+) channel consists of two trans-membrane alpha-helix domains intermediated by a pore domain that contains a highly conserved K(+) selectivity filter. Therefore, as an archetypal K(+) channel, the study of Kcv may yield valuable insights into the structure-function relationships underlying this important class of ion channel. Here, we report a series of new properties of Kcv. We first verified Kcv can be synthesized in vitro. By co-synthesis and assembly of wild-type and the tagged version of Kcv, we were able to demonstrate a tetrameric stoichiometry, a molecular structure adopted by all known K(+) channels. Most notably, the tetrameric Kcv complex retains its functional integrity in SDS (strong detergent)-containing solutions, a useful feature that allows for direct purification of protein from polyacrylamide gel. Once purified, the tetramer can form single potassium-selective ion channels in a lipid bilayer with functions consistent to the heterologously expressed Kcv. These finding suggest that the synthetic Kcv can serve as a model of virus-encoded K(+) channels; and its newly identified properties can be applied to the future study on structure-determined mechanisms such as K(+) channel functional stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Voltage‐gated K+ channels co‐assemble with auxiliary β subunits to form macromolecular complexes. In heart, assembly of Kv7.1 pore‐forming subunits with KCNE1 β subunits generates the repolarizing K+ current IKS. However, the detailed nature of their interface remains unknown. Mutations in either Kv7.1 or KCNE1 produce the life‐threatening long or short QT syndromes. Here, we studied the interactions and voltage‐dependent motions of IKS channel intracellular domains, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer combined with voltage‐clamp recording and in vitro binding of purified proteins. The results indicate that the KCNE1 distal C‐terminus interacts with the coiled‐coil helix C of the Kv7.1 tetramerization domain. This association is important for IKS channel assembly rules as underscored by Kv7.1 current inhibition produced by a dominant‐negative C‐terminal domain. On channel opening, the C‐termini of Kv7.1 and KCNE1 come close together. Co‐expression of Kv7.1 with the KCNE1 long QT mutant D76N abolished the K+ currents and gated motions. Thus, during channel gating KCNE1 is not static. Instead, the C‐termini of both subunits experience molecular motions, which are disrupted by the D76N causing disease mutation.  相似文献   

Liu SQ  Zang WJ  Li ZL  Sun Q  Yu XJ  Luo HL  Zhu SM 《生理学报》2005,57(1):21-26
研究显示,山莨菪碱预处理不改变高钾引起的兔主动脉环收缩,但可明显减弱去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline,NA)、组织胺或5-羟色胺引起的收缩,且其减弱作用不受去除血管内皮影响。本实验观察了几种钾通道阻断剂对山良菪碱松弛:NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的影响。结果表明,1、3、10μmol/L山莨菪碱作用8min,可使0.01μmol/L NA预收缩的兔主动脉环松弛(P<O.01)。10mmol/L,CsCl、1mmol/L 4-氨基吡啶、10μmol/L BaCl2、10μmol/L格列本脲、3μmol/L charybdotoxin和3μmol/L蜂毒明从分别与0.0lμmol/L NA同时加入,可增强后者收缩兔主动脉环的作用(P<0.01)。10、30mmol/L CsCl或10、30mmol/L 4-氨基吡啶存在时,10μmol/L山茛菪碱对NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的松弛作用减弱,松弛率与对照组比较分别有极显著差异(P<0.01);10、30μmol/L BaCl2,10、30μmol/L格列本脲,3μmol/L charybdotoxin或3μmol/L蜂毒明肽存在时,山莨菪碱对NA预收缩的兔主动脉环的松弛作用不受影响(P>O.05)。本研究表明,电压激活的钾通道阻断剂抑制山莨菪碱松弛NA预收缩的兔主动脉平滑肌,初步提示血管平滑肌细胞膜上电压激活的钾通道参与山莨菪碱扩血管作用。  相似文献   

Summary Permeability ratios for pairs of monovalent cations permeating the two potassium systems proposed for the giant axon of the crabCarcinus maenas (M. E. Quinta-Ferreira, E. Rojas & N. Arispe,J. Membrane Biol. 66:171–181, 1982b) were estimated from measurements of the reversal potential of the currents under voltage-clamp conditions. With K+ inside the axon, permeability ratios from the reversal potential of the currents through the late channel are:P Rb/P K=0.9, /P K<0.2 andP Cs/P K=0.18. With Cs+ inside the ratios are:P K/P Cs=8.7,P Rb/P Cs=7.1 and /P Cs=2.4. The analysis of the inward currents carried by Rb+ or NH 4 + showed similar reversal potentials for the early transient component and the late sustained component. Whence, the sequence of permeabilities for the two types of potassium channels is:P K>P Rb> >P Na=P Cs. The time constants for the activation of the two components recorded either in K-, Rb-, or NH4-artificial seawater are twice as large as the corresponding time constants measured in Na-artificial seawater.  相似文献   

细胞外Ba~(2 )对内向整流钾通道的阻断作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
实验采用双微电极电压箝 (TEV)法研究Ba2 对非洲爪蟾卵母细胞表达的内向整流钾通道 (IRK1)的阻断作用。细胞外Ba2 浓度分别为 0 ,1,3 ,10和 10 0 μmol/L ,K 浓度分别为 10和 90mmol/L ,可见快速开通道阻断剂Ba2 对IRK1的瞬间电流 (施加电压后 1ms)的阻断作用依赖Ba2 、K 、时间和电压 ;但对IRK1的开关特性几乎无影响 ,IRK1对之不通透。三级指数拟合的结果表明 :细胞外Ba2 低浓度 ( 1和 3 μmol/L)时 ,Ba2 与K 相互竞争同一结合位点 ,随着Ba2 浓度的增加 ,时间常数不增加但拟合的权数却呈浓度依赖性增加 ,所以失活过程随Ba2 浓度的增加越来越快 ;细胞外Ba2 高浓度 ( 10和 10 0 μmol/L)时 ,时间常数随Ba2 浓度的增加而减少 ,拟合的权数却呈浓度依赖性减少 ,失活过程也越来越快 ,说明Ba2 作用位点由通道的表面进入了通道更深的部位。上述结果提示 ,Ba2 对IRK1的阻断存在两种不同的机制。细胞外K 浓度为 90mmol/L和Ba2 浓度为 3 0 μmol/L时 ,Mg2 或Mn2 可与Ba2 争夺结合位点 ,随着Mg2 或Mn2 浓度增加 ,失活过程逐渐减缓 ,Ba2 在通道中的结合点也逐渐离开通道 ,Mg2 能而Mn2 不能进入通道较深处阻断通道 ,说明IRK1中有多离子阻断形式  相似文献   

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