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Using immunodepletion of cyclin E and the inhibitor protein p21WAF/CIP1, we demonstrate that the cyclin E protein, in association with Cdk2, is required for the elongation phase of replication on single-stranded substrates. Although cyclin E/Cdk2 is likely to be the major target by which p21 inhibits the initiation of sperm DNA replication, p21 can inhibit single-stranded replication through a mechanism dependent on PCNA. While the cyclin E/Cdk2 complex appears to have a role in the initiation of DNA replication, another Cdk kinase, possibly cyclin A/Cdk, may be involved in a later step controlling the switch from initiation to elongation. The provision of a large maternal pool of cyclin E protein shows that regulators of replication are constitutively present, which explains the lack of a protein synthesis requirement for replication in the early embryonic cell cycle.  相似文献   

Regulation of DNA replication machinery by Mrc1 in fission yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Faithful replication of chromosomes is crucial to genome integrity. In yeast, the ORC binds replication origins throughout the cell cycle. However, Cdc45 binds these before S-phase, and, during replication, it moves along the DNA with MCM helicase. When replication progression is inhibited, checkpoint regulation is believed to stabilize the replication fork; the detailed mechanism, however, remains unclear. To examine the relationship between replication initiation and elongation defects and the response to replication elongation block, we used fission yeast mutants of Orc1 and Cdc45--orp1-4 and sna41-928, respectively--at their respective semipermissive temperatures with regard to BrdU incorporation. Both orp1 and sna41 cells exhibited HU hypersensitivity in the absence of Chk1, a DNA damage checkpoint kinase, and were defective in full activation of Cds1, a replication checkpoint kinase, indicating that normal replication is required for Cds1 activation. Mrc1 is required to activate Cds1 and prevent the replication machinery from uncoupling from DNA synthesis. We observed that, while either the orp1 or the sna41 mutation partially suppressed HU sensitivity of cds1 cells, sna41 specifically suppressed that of mrc1 cells. Interestingly, sna41 alleviated the defect in recovery from HU arrest without increasing Cds1 activity. In addition to sna41, specific mutations of MCM suppressed the HU sensitivity of mrc1 cells. Thus, during elongation, Mrc1 may negatively regulate Cdc45 and MCM helicase to render stalled forks capable of resuming replication.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNAs 1 (3234 bases) and 2 (2865 bases) have been determined, completing the primary structure of the 8200 base tripartite BMV genome. cDNA clones covering 99% of BMV RNA1 and a full-length cDNA clone of BMV RNA2 were isolated in the course of this work. Extensive sequence homology and known interaction with several proteins suggest that the 3' ends of the BMV RNAs are the major regulatory regions of the genome. Smaller regions at the 5' ends of RNAs 1 and 2 show strong homology to each other and lesser homology to RNA3. These and other features of the sequences are discussed in relation to replication, regulation and evolution of the BMV genome.  相似文献   

Base substitution of the ori region of simian virus 40 leads to plaque morphology mutants with markedly decreased DNA replication. Second-site mutations within the simian virus 40 T antigen gene suppress the plaque phenotype and replication defect of base-substituted ori mutants. Two second-site mutations have been mapped to a small segment of the T antigen gene, just beyond the distal splice junction. DNA sequence analysis revealed a single missense change in this segment of the T antigen gene of each of these second-site revertants, leading to a change in codon 157 in one case and codon 166 in the other. The mutant T antigens displayed relaxed specificity for the ori signal, i.e., they can function with several variously modified ori sequences, including those with small nucleotide deletions or insertions that are inactive for replication when coupled with wild-type T antigen. Thus a region of T antigen has been identified that appears to be intimately involved in vivo in binding to the ori sequence to initiate viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

Complex viruses that encode their own initiation proteins and subvert the host’s elongation apparatus have provided valuable insights into DNA replication. Using purified bacteriophage SPP1 and Bacillus subtilis proteins, we have reconstituted a rolling circle replication system that recapitulates genetically defined protein requirements. Eleven proteins are required: phage-encoded helicase (G40P), helicase loader (G39P), origin binding protein (G38P) and G36P single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB); and host-encoded PolC and DnaE polymerases, processivity factor (β2), clamp loader (τ-δ-δ′) and primase (DnaG). This study revealed a new role for the SPP1 origin binding protein. In the presence of SSB, it is required for initiation on replication forks that lack origin sequences, mimicking the activity of the PriA replication restart protein in bacteria. The SPP1 replisome is supported by both host and viral SSBs, but phage SSB is unable to support B. subtilis replication, likely owing to its inability to stimulate the PolC holoenzyme in the B. subtilis context. Moreover, phage SSB inhibits host replication, defining a new mechanism by which bacterial replication could be regulated by a viral factor.  相似文献   

The origin of replication for the viral strand of bacteriophage M13 DNA is contained within a 507 base-pair intergenic region of the phage chromosome. The viral strand origin is defined as the specific site at which the M13 gene II protein nicks the duplex replicative form of M13 DNA to initiate rolling-circle synthesis of progeny viral DNA. Using in vitro techniques we have constructed deletion mutations in M13 DNA at the unique AvaI site which is located 45 nucleotides away on the 3' side of the gene II protein nicking site. This deletion analysis has identified a sequence near the viral strand origin that is required for efficient replication of the M13 genome. We refer to this part of the intergenic region as a "replication enhancer" sequence. We have also studied the function of this sequence in chimeric pBR322-M13 plasmids and found that plasmids carrying both the viral strand origin and the replication enhancer sequence interfere with M13 phage replication. Based upon these findings we propose a model for the mechanism of action of the replication enhancer sequence involving binding of the M13 gene II protein.  相似文献   

Surges of serum Abs after immunization and infection are highly specific for the offending Ag, and recent studies demonstrate that vaccines induce transient increases in circulating Ab-secreting cells (ASCs). These ASCs are highly enriched but not universally specific for the immunizing Ag, suggesting that a fraction of these ASCs could arise from polyclonal bystander stimulation of preexisting memory cells to unrelated Ags. This model is proposed to explain maintenance of long-lived serological memory in the absence of Ag exposure. To test this model, we measure the ability of respiratory syncytial virus and influenza virus infection or immunizations to influenza virus, tetanus toxoid, hepatitis B Ag, and human papillomavirus to stimulate bystander memory cells specific for other major environmental Ags that represent a large fraction of the preexisting memory B compartment. Bystander or nonspecific ASC responses to respiratory syncytial virus and tetanus could not be detected above the background levels in healthy adults, despite the presence of circulating memory B cells specific for the corresponding Ags. Nonspecific ASC responses in the healthy subjects and cord blood samples were similar. In contrast, both vaccination and infection induce massive expansion of circulating Ag-specific ASCs without significant increases in the frequencies of ASCs against unrelated Ags. Hence, nonspecific stimulation of memory B cells is unlikely to contribute to the mechanisms of long-term serological memory against major human pathogens. Additionally, high specificity of circulating ASCs after antigenic challenge highlights the diagnostic value of interrogating ASCs as an ideal single-time-point diagnostic immune surrogate for serology during acute infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 genome nuclear import is mediated by a central DNA flap   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  

Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), a member of the genus Bocaparvovirus of the family Parvoviridae, causes acute respiratory tract infections in young children. Well-differentiated pseudostratified human airway epithelium cultured at an air-liquid interface (HAE-ALI) is an ideal in vitro culture model to study HBoV1 infection. Unique to other parvoviruses, bocaparvoviruses express a small nonstructured protein NP1 of ~25 kDa from an open reading frame (ORF) in the center of the viral genome. NP1 plays an important role in viral DNA replication and pre-mRNA processing. In this study, we performed an affinity purification assay to identify HBoV1 NP1-inteacting proteins. We identified that Ku70 and RPA70 directly interact with the NP1 at a high binding affinity, characterized with an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 95 nM and 122 nM, respectively. Furthermore, we mapped the key NP1-interacting domains of Ku70 at aa266-439 and of RPA70 at aa181-422. Following a dominant negative strategy, we revealed that the interactions of Ku70 and RPA70 with NP1 play a significant role in HBoV1 DNA replication not only in an in vitro viral DNA replication assay but also in HBoV1-infected HAE-ALI cultures. Collectively, our study revealed a novel mechanism by which HBoV1 NP1 enhances viral DNA replication through its direct interactions with Ku70 and RPA70.  相似文献   

M Méchali  S Kearsey 《Cell》1984,38(1):55-64
We examined the controversial question concerning DNA sequences required for replication in Xenopus eggs. First we used yeast to isolate ARS elements from the Xenopus genome. They show a striking sequence homology with the yeast ARS consensus sequence. The cloning vector and the ARS-containing plasmids replicate equally after injection into Xenopus eggs. Second, we compared a wide range of DNA templates from procaryotes and eucaryotes. All DNA molecules tested replicate as monomeric molecules, and the efficiency is proportional to their size for templates between 4 and 12 kb. Third, we re-examined two reports of replication origins from the Xenopus genome. In both cases, the vector and the recombinant molecules replicate equally under all conditions tested. The apparent lack of sequence specificity for replication in Xenopus eggs does not prevent the injected molecule from being under cellular temporal control of replication. These results are compared with those from yeast.  相似文献   

Essential DNA sequence for the replication of Rts1.   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Y Itoh  Y Kamio    Y Terawaki 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1153-1160
The promoter sequence of the mini-Rts1 repA gene encoding the 33,000-dalton RepA protein that is essential for replication was defined by RNA polymerase protection experiments and by analyzing RepA protein synthesized in maxicells harboring mini-Rts1 derivatives deleted upstream of or within the presumptive promoter region. The -10 region of the promoter which shows homology to the incII repeat sequences overlaps two inverted repeats. One of the repeats forms a pair with a sequence in the -35 region, and the other forms a pair with the translation initiation region. The replication origin region, ori(Rts1), which was determined by supplying RepA protein in trans, was localized within 188 base pairs in a region containing three incII repeats and four GATC sequences. Dyad dnaA boxes that exist upstream from the GATC sequences appeared to be dispensable for the origin function, but deletion of both dnaA boxes from ori(Rts1) resulted in reduced replication frequency, suggesting that host-encoded DnaA protein is involved in the replication of Rts1 as a stimulatory element. Combination of the minimal repA and ori(Rts1) segments, even in the reverse orientation compared with the natural sequence, resulted in reconstitution of an autonomously replicating molecule.  相似文献   

Cryptophytes are a group of unicellular algae with chlorophyll c-containing plastids derived from the uptake of a secondary (i.e., eukaryotic) endosymbiont. Biochemical and molecular data indicate that cryptophyte plastids are derived from red algae, yet the question of whether or not cryptophytes acquired their red algal plastids independent of those in heterokont, haptophyte, and dinoflagellate algae is of long-standing debate. To better understand the origin and evolution of the cryptophyte plastid, we have sequenced the plastid genome of Rhodomonas salina CCMP1319: at 135,854 bp, it is the largest secondary plastid genome characterized thus far. It also possesses interesting features not seen in the distantly related cryptophyte Guillardia theta or in other red secondary plastids, including pseudogenes, introns, and a bacterial-derived gene for the tau/gamma subunit of DNA polymerase III (dnaX), the first time putative DNA replication machinery has been found encoded in any plastid genome. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that dnaX was acquired by lateral gene transfer (LGT) in an ancestor of Rhodomonas, most likely from a firmicute bacterium. A phylogenomic survey revealed no additional cases of LGT, beyond a noncyanobacterial type rpl36 gene similar to that recently characterized in other cryptophytes and haptophytes. Rigorous concatenated analysis of 45 proteins encoded in 15 complete plastid genomes produced trees in which the heterokont, haptophyte, and cryptophyte (i.e., chromist) plastids were monophyletic, and heterokonts and haptophytes were each other's closest relatives. However, statistical support for chromist monophyly disappears when amino acids are recoded according to their chemical properties in order to minimize the impact of composition bias, and a significant fraction of the concatenate appears consistent with a sister-group relationship between cryptophyte and haptophyte plastids.  相似文献   

Genomes of Spiroplasma citri strains have rearranged frequently during their evolution, partly due to multiple integrated sequences of spiroplasma viruses. To understand better the role of viral sequences in genome evolution, we examined available nucleotide sequences of viruslike elements in the S. citri chromosome. Comparison of integrated and nonintegrated sequences of spiroplasma virus SpV1-C74 DNA suggested that it is an encapsidated form of the circular transposition intermediate belonging to an insertion sequence (IS3) family member. One SpV1-C74 viral DNA fragment was identified as interrupting the remains of a DNA adenine modification methylase gene. A viral DNA insertion of SpV1-R8A2 B DNA had hallmarks of having suffered an internal deletion by a site-specific recombination system. Homologous recombination likely was responsible for several deletions within viral DNA. A homologous recombination event was inferred between part of a viral DNA insertion and a similar chromosomal sequence. Dispersed sequences from SpV1-like C4 open reading frames (ORFs) were identified as involved in a complex deletion-inversion event. Thus, SpV1-like sequences likely have altered spiroplasma genomes by inserting within active genes, destroying their function, by providing targets for site-specific recombination, by mediating deletions of sequences adjacent to their integration sites, and by providing targets for homologous recombination, leading to inversions.  相似文献   

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