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Ash in composting of source-separated catering waste   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Our earlier experiments in small composters (220 l) indicated the favourable effect of ash from co-incineration of sorted dry waste on the composting of catering waste. The aim of this new study was to clarify further, at a scale of 10 m3, the feasibility of using similar ash as an additive in composting. Source-separated catering waste was mixed with bulking agent (peat and wood chips) and fuel ash from a small (4 MW) district heating power plant. Three compost mixes (CM) were obtained: CM I with 0%, CM II with 10% and CM III with 20 wt.% of fuel ash. These three different mixes were composted in a 10-m3 drum composter as three parallel experiments for 2 weeks each, from January to April 2000. After drum composting, masses were placed according to mixing proportions in separate curing piles. The catering waste fed to the drum was cold, sometimes icy. Even then the temperature rapidly increased to over 50 degrees C. In CM III, the temperature rose as high as 80 degrees C, and after the first week of composting the temperature was about 20 degrees C higher in the CMs II and III than in the CM I. It also improved the oxygen concentrations at the feeding end of the drum and obviously prevented the formation of H2S. No odour problems arose during the composting. Addition of ash increased the heavy metal contents of the composting masses, but the compost was suitable for cultivation or green area construction. Ash clearly decreased the loss of total nitrogen in a time span of 2 years. The lower amounts of nitrogen mean that the amounts applied per hectare can be greater than for normal composts. Measured by mineralization, the breaking down of the organic matter was more rapid in the CM III than in the CM I. Humic acid increased steadily during first 12 months composting, from the initial 39 mg/g organic matter to 115 and 137 mg/g in CMs II and III. Measured by temperature, mineralization and humification the addition of ash appeared to boost the composting. Ash had also other beneficial effects on composting it improved the availability of oxygen in compost mass during the drum composting phase and reduced the formation of odorous gases, especially H2S.  相似文献   

In the present study, concentration levels and dissipation of modern pesticides during composting and digestion at full-scale plants were followed. Of the 271 pesticides analyzed, 28 were detected. Within the three windrows studied, total concentrations were between 36 and 101mugperkg of dry matter (d.m.) in input materials and between 8 and 20mugkgd.m.(-1) in composts after 112 days of treatment. Fungicides and among them triazoles clearly dominated over other pesticides. More than two-thirds of all pesticides detected in the input materials showed dissipation rates higher than 50% during composting, whilst levels of most triazoles decreased slightly or remained unchanged. The investigation on semi-dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion suggests that pesticides preferentially end up in presswater after solid-liquid separation.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study investigates changes in microbiological and physicochemical parameters during large-scale, thermophilic composting of a single batch of municipal organic waste. The inter-relationships between the microbial biomass and community structure as well as several physicochemical parameters and estimates of maturation were evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analyses of signature fatty acids with the phospholipid fatty acid and ester-linked methods showed that the total microbial biomass was highest during the early thermophilic phase. The contribution of signature 10Me fatty acids from Actinobacteria indicated a relatively constant proportion around 10% of the microbial community. However, analyses of the Actinobacteria species composition with a PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis approach targeting 16S rRNA genes demonstrated clear shifts in the community structure. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that compost quality, particularly maturity, is linked to the composition of the microbial community structure, but further studies in other full-scale systems are needed to validate the generality of these findings. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The combination of signature lipid and nucleic acid-based analyses greatly expands the specificity and the scope for assessing the microbial community composition in composts. The results presented in this study give new information on how the development of the compost microbial community is connected to curing and maturation in the later stages of composting, and emphasizes the role of Actinobacteria in this respect.  相似文献   

Earlier studies indicated that the activity in the initial phase of composting may be reduced when the temperature rises too fast under low pH conditions. A compost reactor experiment on household waste was designed to test whether the degradation time could be reduced by actively preventing the temperature from rising until the pH had reached a certain value. This experiment was performed by monitoring pH in the condensate from the cooled compost gas. The results from 3 + 3 runs with and without temperature control confirmed our hypothesis and a considerable reduction in composting time was achieved. One possible explanation for the results is that the microbes active in the low pH phase are hampered by high temperature. The abrupt rise in pH when the fatty acids are consumed seems to be a good marker of the point when temperature control can be discontinued.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to document whether addition of lime or increased amount of bulking agent would ensure, efficiently, a predictable composting process in acidic SSOW applicable in full scale plants. The results show that both lime addition and increasing the amount of bulking agent relative to waste support the development of high-rate respiration in composting. Both strategies are considered efficient in establishing desired microbial composting processes of acid household waste. Reduction in the content of different organic acids and loss on ignition were higher when more bulking agent was used compared with adding 5% lime to the acidic SSOW. Respiration was completely repressed in samples with 10% lime, where pH remained high. In addition fat and protein seem to degrade faster with increasing amount of bulking agent.  相似文献   

The viability of mixtures from manure and agricultural wastes as composting sources were systematically studied using a physicochemical and biological characterization. The combination of different parameters such as C:N ratio, free air space (FAS) and moisture content can help in the formulation of the mixtures. Nevertheless, the composting process may be challenging, particularly at industrial scales. The results of this study suggest that if the respirometric potential is known, it is possible to predict the behaviour of a full scale composting process. Respiration indices can be used as a tool for determining the suitability of composting as applied to manure and complementary wastes. Accordingly, manure and agricultural wastes with a high potential for composting and some proposed mixtures have been characterized in terms of respiration activity. Specifically, the potential of samples to be composted has been determined by means of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and the dynamic respirometric index (DRI). During this study, four of these mixtures were composted at full scale in a system consisting of a confined pile with forced aeration. The biological activity was monitored by means of the oxygen uptake rate inside the material (OURinsitu). This new parameter represents the real activity of the process. The comparison between the potential respirometric activities at laboratory scale with the in situ respirometric activity observed at full scale may be a useful tool in the design and optimization of composting systems for manure and other organic agricultural wastes.  相似文献   

Experiments on food waste composting under the temperate and dry conditions of Mexico City showed that the waste stabilized faster (within 2 months) if an accelerator (chopped orange peel and carrot bagasse) was used. The relatively cool and humid conditions prevailing during similar experiments in Xalapa City inhibited decomposition, and stabilization of waste, with or without accelerator, was generally slower than in Mexico City. However, addition of wood chips as a bulking agent greatly improved composting in Xalapa, leading to stabilization in just 35 days.Use of the accelerator increases the initial C/N ratio in the waste. This permits rapid utilization of any easily degradable sugars, which in turn supports rapid multiplication of mesophilic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Thermophilic composting of food waste   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A laboratory reactor was designed to study the effects of operating parameters (air suction rate, seeding and agitation) on the composting process of a synthetic food waste made of dog food. Experimental results showed that the synthetic food waste could be composted within 4 days and the final compost passed the maturity tests. In most cases except those with 32% of seeding, the process involved two major stages of composting. The two peak temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees C occurred at 8-12th hour and 50-65th hour, respectively. Operating parameters that converted the most volatile solids and carbons in the feedstock were as follows: 1.6 l air/kg dry solid-min of air suction rate, 32% of seeding and 50% of agitation time.  相似文献   

Effects of compositions on food waste composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chang JI  Hsu TE 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(17):8068-8074
The objective of this work was to provide a method of predicting important parameters (composting time, highest temperature, final and lowest pH values, cumulative CO(2) evolution, and percentages of material losses) that characterized the composting process of synthetic food waste in terms of weight fractions of protein and fat. Experimental results showed that final products of all 12 experimental runs passed multiple maturity tests. Quadratic equations obtained by the multi-regression analysis were also developed for quick estimation. The models were tested for real kitchen waste and the agreements between experimental and predicted results were fair.  相似文献   

This paper presents results obtained on the evaluation of static composting process aimed at bioremediation of the hazardous solid olive mill waste (OMW). The static composting process carried out in gas-permeable polyethylene bags followed the fluctuating temperature and oxygen profiles similar to those seen in aerated composting systems. Static composting resulted in apparent increases and decreases in values for total nitrogen and C:N ratios respectively during the process. The amount of nitrogen (>3%) in the composting end product was in agreement with the Italian legislation (Decreto Legislativo 29 aprile 2010, n. 75) specification for nitrogen fertilizer. A gradual decrease in polyphenols during the storage of compost resulted in a non-phytotoxic composted organic matter high in humic substances. Different respirometric tests also stated high biological stability of the end compost product.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastes exacerbate environmental problems in Mediterranean countries. These wastes are highly phytotoxic and contain phenolic compounds, lipids and organic acids. They also contain high percentages of organic matter and a vast range of plant nutrients that could be reused as fertilizers for sustainable agricultural practices. In this paper, recent research on composting wastes of 2-phase and 3-phase olive mills is reviewed, concentrating on factors affecting composting such as bulking agents, aeration strategy, physicochemical characteristics (duration of the thermophilic phase, moisture content, organic matter, volatile solids, total organic carbon, water soluble carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, potassium, C/N ratio, phenols and the humification process), and phytotoxicity. The review highlights the effects of composting operational factors (bulking agent, additives, and aeration strategy) on the physicochemical characteristics of the final compost, and the production of a good quality soil amender or fertilizer.  相似文献   

Plastic recycling is a legal requirement and can yield environmental benefits. In the Netherlands, there is a complex network of various collection methods, separation centers, sorting centers and reprocessors. The first step of the recycling system, separating plastics from other waste, can occur within households (source-separation) or in separation centers (post-separation), making a difference in collection channel choice and technology requirements. The purpose of this paper is to provide decision support on choosing the most suitable combination of separation methods in the Netherlands. Decision support is given through optimized reverse logistics network design which makes the overall recycling system more efficient and sustainable, while taking into account the interests of various stakeholders (municipalities, households, etc.). A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, which minimizes both transportation cost and environmental impact, is used in this network design. The research follows the approach of scenario study; the baseline scenario is the current situation and other scenarios are designed with various strategic alternatives. Modeling is conducted by using a graphical optimization tool IBM LogicNet Plus 7.1. Comparing these scenarios, the results show that the current network settings of the baseline situation is efficient in logistics terms but has a potential to adapt to strategic changes, depending on the assumptions regarding availability of the required processing facilities to treat plastic waste. In some of the tested scenarios, a separate collection channel for Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles is cost efficient and saves carbon emission. Although the figures differ depending on the separation method choices of municipalities, our modeling result of all the tested scenarios shows a saving of more than 25 % carbon emission compared to the current network.  相似文献   

Microbial characterization during composting of municipal solid waste   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
This study investigates the prevailing physico-chemical conditions and microbial community; mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi, bacterial spores, Salmonella and Shigella as well as faecal indicator bacteria: total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal Streptococci, present in a compost of municipal solid waste. Investigations were conducted in a semi-industrial pilot plant using a moderate aeration during the composting process. Our results showed that: (i) auto-sterilization induced by relatively high temperatures (60–55°C) caused a significant change in bacterial communities. For instance, Escherichia coli and faecal Streptococci populations decreased, respectively, from 2×107 to 3.1×103 and 107 to 1.5×103 cells/g waste dry weight (WDW); yeasts and filamentous fungi decreased from 4.5×106 to 2.6×103 cells/g WDW and mesophilic bacteria were reduced from 5.8×109 to 1.8×107 bacteria/g WDW. On the other hand, the number of bacterial spores increased at the beginning of the composting process, but after the third week their number decreased notably; (ii) Salmonella disappeared completely from compost by the 25th day as soon as the temperature reached 60°C; and (iii) the bacterial population increased gradually during the cooling phase. While Staphylococci seemed to be the dominant bacteria during the mesophilic phase and at the beginning of the thermophilic phase, bacilli predominated during the remainder of the composting cycle. The appearance of gram-negative rods (opportunistic pathogens) during the cooling phase may represent a serious risk for the sanitary quality of the finished product intended for agronomic reuse. Compost sonication for about 3 min induced the inactivation of delicate bacteria, in particular gram-negatives. By contrast, gram-positive bacteria, especially micrococcus, spores of bacilli, and fungal propagules survived, and reached high concentrations in the compost.  相似文献   

Summary The municipal solid waste of Rome, processed by the Dano plant, has been studied in the stabilization phase. During the different composting stages the following were determined: pile temperature, pH, moisture content, microbiological counts on compost extract and on other media, and mycological investigations. Twenty four days in January were necessary for the compost stabilization.  相似文献   

Microbial community changes during start-up operation of flowerpot-using fed-batch reactors for composting of household biowaste were studied by quinone profiling, rRNA-targeted fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and cultivation methods. Total and plate counts of bacteria and quinone contents in the reactors increased sharply with time during the start-up period. These increase patterns had two phases; the first increase occurred during 3-4 weeks from the start of waste loading and the second increase was found during the subsequent 4 weeks. The microbial biomass was temporally reduced between the two succession phases. Ubiquinones predominated at the beginning of operation but decreased sharply with time, whereas partially saturated menaquinones became predominant at the fully acclimated stage. These data indicated that the major constituents of microbial populations changed from ubiquinone-containing Proteobacteria to Actinobacteria during the period of operation. Neighbour-joining dendrograms constructed based on the quinone profile data suggested that at least one month is required to establish a stable community structure with the Actinobacteria predominating. The characteristic population shift in the start-up process was also demonstrated by FISH probing and 16S rDNA sequence comparisons of bacterial strains isolated.  相似文献   

Microbiological degradation of pesticides in yard waste composting.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Changes in public opinion and legislation have led to the general recognition that solid waste treatment practices must be changed. Solid-waste disposal by landfill is becoming increasingly expensive and regulated and no longer represents a long-term option in view of limited land space and environmental problems. Yard waste, a significant component of municipal solid waste, has previously not been separated from the municipal solid-waste stream. The treatment of municipal solid waste including yard waste must urgently be addressed because disposal via landfill will be prohibited by legislation. Separation of yard waste from municipal solid waste will be mandated in many localities, thus stressing the importance of scrutinizing current composting practices in treating grass clippings, leaves, and other yard residues. Yard waste poses a potential environmental health problem as a result of the widespread use of pesticides in lawn and tree care and the persistence of the residues of these chemicals in plant tissue. Yard waste containing pesticides may present a problem due to the recalcitrant and toxic nature of the pesticide molecules. Current composting processes are based on various modifications of either window systems or in-vessel systems. Both types of processes are ultimately dependent on microbial bioconversions of organic material to innocuous end products. The critical stage of the composting process is the thermophilic phase. The fate and mechanism of removal of pesticides in composting processes is largely unknown and in need of comprehensive analysis.  相似文献   

Rotary drum composting of vegetable waste and tree leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High rate composting studies on institutional waste, i.e. vegetable wastes, tree leaves, etc., were conducted on a demonstration-scale (3.5 m3) rotary drum composter by evaluating changes in some physico-chemical and biological parameters. During composting, higher temperature (60–70 °C) at inlet zone and (50–60 °C) at middle zone were achieved which resulted in high degradation in the drum. As a result, all parameters including TOC, C/N ratio, CO2 evolution and coliforms were decreased significantly within few days of composting. Within a week period, quality compost with total nitrogen (2.6%) and final total phosphorus (6 g/kg) was achieved; but relatively higher final values of fecal coliforms and CO2 evolution, suggested further maturation. Thus, two conventional composting methods namely windrow (M1) and vermicomposting (M2) tried for maturation of primary stabilized compost. By examining these methods, it was suggested that M2 was found suitable in delivering fine grained, better quality matured compost within 20 days of maturation period.  相似文献   

Two compost piles were prepared, using two ventilation systems: forced ventilation and ventilation through mechanical turning. The material to compost was a mixture of orange waste, olive pomace, and grass clippings (2:1:1 v/v). During the composting period (375 days), samples were periodically taken from both piles, and the enumeration of fungi, actinomycetes, and heterotrophic bacteria was carried out. All studied microorganisms were incubated at 25 and 55 °C after inoculation in appropriate growth media. Fungi were dominant in the early stages of both composting processes; heterotrophic bacteria proliferated mainly during the thermophilic stage, and actinomycetes were more abundant in the final stage of the composting process. Our results showed that the physical and chemical parameters: temperature, pH, moisture, and aeration influenced the variation of the microbial population along the composting process. This study demonstrated that composting of these types of wastes, despite the prolonged mesophilic stage, provided an expected microbial variation.  相似文献   

Microbial community dynamics in a flowerpot-using solid biowaste composting (FUSBIC) process were monitored seasonally by quinone profiling and conventional microbiological methods. The FUSBIC system, which consisted of three flowerpots (14 L or 20 L capacity) with 5-6 kg each of a soil-compost mixture (SCM) as the primary reactors, was loaded daily with household biowaste from November 1998 to October 1999. The monthly average waste reduction rate was 88.2% for the 14-L system and 92.5% for the 20-L system on a wet weight basis. The direct total microbial count detected in the 14-L primary reactors ranged from 4.5 to 9.6x10(11) cells.g(-1) of dry wt of SCM, and the viable count of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria recovered on agar plates at 28 degrees C varied from 1.9 to 5.7x10(11) CFU.g(-1) of dry wt. The quinone content of SCM samples from the 14-L and 20-L systems ranged from 160 to 353 nmol.g(-1) of dry SCM. Ubiquinones, unsaturated menaquinones, and partially saturated menaquinones constituted 15.0-36.4, 14.8-22.0, and 41.8-61.6 mol% of the total content, respectively. The major quinone types detected were usually MK-8(H(2)), MK-9(H(2)), and Q-10. Variations in quinone profiles were evaluated numerically by using two parameters, the dissimilarity index (D) and microbial divergence index (MD(q)). The upper limit of seasonal changes in the microbial community structure was about 30% as expressed by D values. The MD(q) values calculated ranged from 18 to 22. A significant positive correlation was found between seasonal temperature and bacterial populations containing partially saturated menaquinones. These results indicated that the FUSBIC system contained highly diverse microbial populations that fluctuated to some extent depending on seasonal temperature. Members of the Actinobacteria were suggested to be the major constituents of the total population present.  相似文献   

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