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链霉菌基因转移的方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴胜  夏焕章 《生物工程进展》2002,22(1):91-94,83
本文介绍了用于链霉菌基因转移的各种方法,涉及原生质体转化,电穿孔,接合转移和噬菌体转导,对影响链霉菌基因转移的各种因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

夏焕章  吴胜 《微生物学报》2002,42(2):181-185
研究了黑暗链霉菌的基因转移系统,探索了通过PEG介导的原生质体转化、接合转移向黑暗链霉菌中转入外源DNA的可能性。多次尝试用质粒pIJ702转化黑暗链霉菌9904原生质体均未成功。对原生质体进行“热处理”后转化、利用单链DNA转化等都不能将质粒导入黑暗链霉菌中,表明黑暗链霉菌对外源DNA有很强的限制修饰作用。利用接合转移将具有oriT的大肠杆菌链霉菌穿梭质粒pHZ132转入大肠杆菌ET12567(pUZ8002)中,获得供体菌ET12567(pUZ8002,pHZ132)。将供体菌与预萌发的黑暗链霉菌9904的孢子进行接合转移,成功地将pHZ132转入黑暗链霉菌9904中。质粒pHZ132经黑暗链霉菌自身修饰后也可转入黑暗链霉菌9904菌株的原生质体中,转化率约为103/μg DNA(pHZ132)。  相似文献   

为消除链霉菌11371内源性质粒对pIJ702的限制,以提高pIJ702转化率,确定11371基因工程宿主菌。采用种内接合转移的方法对链霉菌11371衍生菌U3和P2、P5、P7进行内源性质粒的消除。获得接合转移子U3-P7-6,具有转化外源质粒的能力,转化率为17~20个/100个菌,为链霉菌11371转化体系构建、克隆基因结构、功能鉴定和基因定位等研究提供生物材料。  相似文献   

【目的】链霉菌(Streptomyces)X335是从西藏高原活拉山口分离到的,其中含有一个大小为4.3 kb的环型质粒pDYM4.3k。克隆、测序和分析pDYM4.3k,以及鉴定复制和接合转移的基因。【方法】通过克隆和引物延伸获得pDYM4.3k的全序列,利用比对分析推测基因的功能,通过Southern杂交检测复制中间体,利用平板杂交实验证明接合转移功能。【结果】克隆和测序获得了全长为4346 bp的pDYM4.3k序列,预测仅有3个基因,其中1个基因与链霉菌主要接合转移基因同源,另外2个为功能未知。鉴定新的基因orf1及其上游的约300 bp构成了质粒的基本复制区域。检测到质粒存在单链的复制中间体,表明它以滚环方式进行复制。实验证明pDYM4.3k在变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyces lividans)中具有接合转移功能。【结论】质粒pDYM4.3k可以滚环方式进行复制和在链霉菌之间进行接合转移。这是目前报道的最小的、具有游离复制和接合转移功能的链霉菌质粒。  相似文献   

质粒在大肠杆菌和链霉菌和FR-008之间的属间接合转移   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
邓子新  周秀芬 《遗传》1994,16(6):7-10
tIJ8154是由链枪菌一大肠杆菌双功能穿梭载体pGM160衍生而来的.本文报道这个质粒从携带RP4的大肠杆菌细胞中向革兰氏阳性细菌一链霉菌FR-008中的转移.从两种宿主中分别提取质粒DNA,进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳,发现pIJ8154的结构在两种亲缘关系甚远的宿主中均是稳定的,这种接合转移的方法已经成为向链霉菌FR-008中转移基因的一种手段.  相似文献   

通常细菌间环型质粒在接合转移过程中,单链质粒DNA在质粒内部“oriT”接合转移起始位点发生缺刻.随后,打开的单链质粒DNA通过细胞膜的Ⅳ型分泌系统转移到受体菌中.但是,链霉菌中的接合型线型质粒带有游离3′端,5′端与末端蛋白结合,因而不能以细胞-细胞间方式转移单链缺刻DNA.报道了变铅青链霉菌线型质粒SLP2衍生的环型质粒,与SLP2一样可以高频高效接合转移,并鉴定了接合转移功能区.质粒有效的接合转移功能区包含6个共转录的基因,分别编码一个Tra样的DNA转移酶、胞壁水解酶、2个膜蛋白(可以与ATP结合蛋白相互作用)和一个功能未知的蛋白质.从SalⅠR-/M-向SalⅠR/M宿主转移的质粒频率下降表明,线型和环型的质粒都是以双链的形式转移的.上述研究结果表明SLP2衍生的线型质粒和环型质粒以相似的与细胞膜/胞壁功能相关的机理进行接合转移.  相似文献   

链霉菌原生质体的再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(续1998年第33卷第1期第41页)3原生质体的再生链霉菌原生质体的再生是指经去壁的原生质体在高渗的再生培养基上,一方面再生出原有的细胞壁,恢复菌丝原来的完整形态,另一方面恢复细胞的生理功能,保证细胞萌发、生长和分裂。原生质体再生过程有以下几个步骤...  相似文献   

链霉菌原生质体的制备   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
原生质体是细胞去除了坚韧细胞壁后对渗透压极为敏感的球质体,最外层是裸露的细胞质膜,失去了细胞壁的原生质体,染色体DNA在诱变剂作用下,更易引起死亡突变,敏感性提高。菌种的敏感性越高,诱发突变的机会越大。因此,用原生质体代替孢子、菌丝细胞作为诱变育种的...  相似文献   

大线性质粒pHZ1000,pHZ1001在链霉菌咱间的接合转移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

生物制药是21世纪发展最为迅猛的高科技产业之一,为了培养产业需求的生物制药技能型人才,不少职业院校都开设了生物技术制药专业。笔者在该专业微生物学课程中探究开发“大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)-链霉菌(Streptomyces albus)之间质粒接合转移实验”,旨在通过专业理论紧密结合实训操作,使学生熟悉大肠杆菌与链霉菌的生长条件,系统掌握不同培养基的配制、无菌操作、质粒转化、接合转移及实验废弃物的回收与处理等实验操作技能,锻炼团队意识,提升专业技能与职业能力。  相似文献   

Streptomyces natalensis produces the antifungal polyene macrolide pimaricin. Genetic manipulation of its biosynthetic genes has been hampered by the lack of efficient gene transfer systems. We have developed a gene transfer system based on intergeneric conjugation from Escherichia coli. Using this approach, we managed to attain transformation efficiencies of 1 x 10(-4) exconjugants per recipient when using self-replicating vectors such as pHZ1358. The use of integrative vectors such as pSET152 or pSOK804 resulted in significantly lower efficiencies. Site-specific integration or the use of self-replicating plasmids did not affect pimaricin production or the essential functions of S. natalensis. Use of DNA methylation proficient E. coli donor strains resulted in no transformants, indicating the presence of methyl-specific restriction systems in S. natalensis. This methodology will enable easier manipulation of the genes responsible for pimaricin biosynthesis, and could prove valuable for the generation of new designer polyene macrolides with better antifungal activity and pharmacological properties. As an example of the validity of the method, we describe the introduction of Supercos-1-derived cosmid vectors into S. natalensis in order to promote gene replacements by double crossover recombination.  相似文献   

The transfer of genetic information by transformation, conjugation and transduction in bacteria occurs frequently in nature. These diverse gene transfer mechanisms in bacteria are the result of evolution and are not linked to reproduction as in eukaryotic organisms. In this review, gene transfer in bacteria will be considered from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

The optimal pH conditions for efficient transformation of protoplasts and intact cells were established in avermectin high-producing mutants, ATCC31780 and L-9. Among all factors tested, protoplast buffer pH was elucidated as the most important factor influencing transformation efficiency. The optimal pH of the protoplast buffer for the regeneration of ATCC31780 was 6.5, and using this condition, 4.5 × 106 transformants per g of pIJ702 were produced. At pH 6.3, the maximal number of L-9 transformants was 1.6 × 105 per g of the same plasmid. However, the protoplasting process decreased avermectin productivity to half or one-sixth of ATCC31780 or L-9, respectively. To avoid the productivity loss, electroporation of intact cells without lysozyme treatment was developed for these mutant strains even though this method was approximately 100-fold less efficient. In this method, the initial pH of culture medium was elucidated as a critical factor and optimized for both transformation efficiency and avermectin productivity.  相似文献   

【背景】Streptomyces sp. OUCMDZ-3434分离自山东青岛栈桥浒苔样品,其次级代谢产物Wailupemycin类化合物具有良好的α-糖苷酶抑制活性,但产量很低,影响了其进一步研发。【目的】建立海洋来源链霉菌Streptomyces sp. OUCMDZ-3434菌株的遗传转化系统,通过阻断全局性调控基因wblA探究Wailupemycin类化合物产量变化。【方法】以p SET152为载体,采用大肠杆菌-链霉菌属间接合转移策略建立了Streptomycessp.OUCMDZ-3434的遗传转化方法。采用PCR-Targeting策略构建了wblA基因阻断突变株,通过HPLC分析野生型和突变株发酵产物的差异并对表型差异进行显微形态观察。【结果】建立了Streptomyces sp. OUCMDZ-3434遗传转化系统,构建了wblA基因阻断突变株,与野生株相比,突变株发酵产物中Wailupemycin G产量提高了3倍,同时丧失了产生孢子的能力。【结论】在Streptomycessp.OUCMDZ-3434中wblA对Wailupemycin类化合物生物合成起到了负调控作用,同时参与调控孢子形成,本研究为采用遗传改造策略提高Wailupemycin G产量提供了参考。  相似文献   

Foreign gene delivery into monocotyledonous species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monocotyledonous plants are generally more recalcitrant to genetic transformation than dicotyledonous species. The absence of reliable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation methods and the difficulties associated with the culture of monocotyledonous tissues in vitro are mainly responsible for this situation. Until recently, the genetic transformation of monocotyledons was essentially performed by direct transfer of DNA into regenerable protoplasts or intact cells cultured in vitro, via polyethylene glycol treatment, electroporation or particle bombardment. Since 1990, the use of particle gun technology has revolutionized the genetic engineering of monocotyledonous species, allowing transformation to be more independent of the in vitro culture requirements. Today, at least one genotype of each major monocotyledonous crop species, including cereals, can be genetically transformed.  相似文献   

Summary Techniques for transforming intact tissues of cereals were evaluated for their efficacy in transforming immature embryos and Type II callus of maize (Zea mays L.). The techniques used were particle bombardment, tissue electroporation, tissue electrophoresis, and silicon carbide fibers. Each method was assessed in terms of transient β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression. High levels of GUS expression were observed in A188 Type II callus using both tissue electroporation and particle bombardment, with means of 417.8 and 954.5 blue expression units (beu) per g fresh weight (FW) callus, respectively. Only particle bombardment resulted in high transient gene expression in immature embryos, with a mean transformation frequency of 34.8 b.e.u. per embryo. Very low levels of GUS expression were achieved with silicon carbide-mediated gene transfer, even when employing tissues used in the original publication (Black Mexican Sweet suspension cells). GUS expression was not obtained following tissue electrophoretic gene delivery.  相似文献   

Gene transfer by electroporation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electroporation of cells in the presence of DNA is widely used for the introduction of transgenes either stably or transiently into bacterial, fungal, animal, and plant cells. A review of the literature shows that electroporation parameters are often reported in an incomplete or incorrect manner, forcing researchers to rely too much on a purely empirical trial and error approach. The goal of this article is to provide the reader with an understanding of electrical circuits used in electroporation experiments as well as physical and biological aspects of the electroporation process itself. Further, a simple paradigm is provided which unites all electroporation parameters. This article should be particularly useful to those new to the technique.  相似文献   

吸水链霉菌(Streptomyces hygroscopicus)ATCC29253能够产生非常丰富的次级代谢产物,除了雷帕霉素外,还可以分泌尼日利亚菌素、洋橄榄叶素、六烯类抗生素等多种具有生物活性的物质,具有重要的研究价值和应用前景。【目的】而建立高效的遗传操作系统是研究该链霉菌相关代谢产物合成机理和构建基因工程菌株的基础。【方法】我们测试了不同培养基及供体菌对吸水链霉菌及其它链霉菌接合转移效率的影响。【结果】我们发现酪蛋白水解物和镁离子能显著提高S.hygroscopicus ATCC29253接合转移效率。通过随机组合试验,筛选出最佳的MgCl2和酪蛋白水解物浓度组合,使得S.hygroscopicus ATCC29253接合转移效率达到1.5×10-4。同时我们还发现酪蛋白水解物可以明显改变S.lividans、S.albus、S.avermitilis的接合转移效率。【结论】本研究首次发现酪蛋白水解物不光对S.hygroscopicus ATCC29253接合转移有作用,对其它常用的链霉菌如S.lividans、S.albus、S.avermitilis等的接合转移效率都有显著的影响。  相似文献   

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