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The cellular bases of resistance to the African trypanosomes were examined in inbred mice. As part of these studies, reciprocal bone marrow cell transplants were performed between H-2 compatible mice which differ in relative resistance to Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infection. Survival times, parasitemias and IgM antibody responses to the surface antigen of the infecting variant type were measured in these semiallogeneic bone marrow chimeras. Relatively resistant C57BL/10 mice, intermediate A.By mice, and least resistant C3H.SW mice that were reconstituted after lethal irradiation with syngeneic bone marrow cells displayed resistance and immunity characteristic of the homologous donor strain. When C57BL/10 mice were reconstituted with C3H.SW mouse bone marrow cells they retained the ability to produce antibodies to trypanosome surface antigen but the antibody titers were significantly reduced. Control of parasitemia and mean survival time were reduced in these chimeras, but differed significantly from C3H.SW mice. A.By mice that received cells from C57BL/10 donors exhibited antibody responses and survival times similar to the C57BL/10 mice. Survival times of A.By mice given syngeneic cells or C3H.SW cells were the same, but the antibody responses of A.By mice given C3H.SW cells were lower than those of A.By mice given syngeneic cells. C3H.SW mice reconstituted with C57BL/10 bone marrow cells were capable of making antibodies and controlling parasitemia, in marked contrast to the absence of such responses in C3H.SW mice reconstituted with syngeneic cells. Survival times, however, were indistinguishable from those of C3H.SW mice given syngeneic cells. Thus, resistance to T. b. rhodesiense was shown for the first time to depend on donor bone marrow derived cells as well as upon radiation-resistant cells/factors associated with host genetic background. Also, parasite-specific IgM antibody responses seem to be regulated by a mechanism which does not depend on bone marrow derived cells alone, and the presence of such immune responses is not linked to survival time.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Field Plot Technique. By W arren H. L eonard and A ndrew G. C lark .
The Chemistry and Toxicology of Insecticides. By H arold H. S hepard .
An Outline of Diseases of Cereal and Forage Crop Plants of the Northern Part of the United States. By J ames G. D ickson .
Diseases of Vegetable Crops. By J. C. W alker .
The Nematode Parasites of Plants Catalogued under their Hosts. By T. G oodey .
Vegetable Crops. By H. C. THOMPSON.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1994,126(1):169-173
Book reviewed in this article:
Water Deficits: Plant Responses from Cell to Community , Ed. by J. A. C. S mith & H. G riffiths .
The Biology of Fungi , Sixth Edition. By C. T. I ngold and H. J. H. J.H udson .
Ecophysiology of Fungi. By R. C. C ooke and J. M. W hipps .
GLIM for Ecologists. Methods in Ecology. By M ichael J. C hawley .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Die Fusarien. By H. W. W ollenweber and O. A. B einking .
Biological Processes in Tropical Soils. By A. S teven C okbet .
Problems in Soil Microbiology. By D. W ard C utler and Lettice M. Crump.
Limnology. By P. S. W elch .
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith .
Heredity and the Ascent of Man. By C. C. H urst .
A Text-book of Mycology. By E. A. B essey .
The Arachnida. By T. H. S avory .
Garden Science. By J ohn G rainger .
Plant Physiology. By M eieion T homas .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(3):545-559
Book Reviewed in this article:
Phloem Transport in Plants. By A. S. C rafts and C. H. C risp .
Introduction to the Fine Structure of Plant Cells. By M yron C. L edbetter and K eith R. P orter .
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology No. 25. Control Mechanisms of Growth and Differentiation. Ed. by D. D. D avies and M. B alls .
Plant Lipid Biochemistry. By C. H itchcock and B. W. N ichols .
Cell Respiration. By W. O. J ames .
Prediction and Measurement of Photosynthetic Productivity.
Fortschritte der Botanik , Vol. 32. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , P. S itte and H. Z iegler .
Stoffwechselphysiologie der Pflanzen. By G. R ichter .
Pflanzenphysiologie. By D. H ess .
Moleculare Grundlagen der Entwicklung. By H. M ohr and P. S itte .
The Diversity of Green Plants. By P eter B ell and C hristopher W oodcock .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. Ed. by C. R. M etcalfe . Vol. V. Cyperaceae. By C. R. M etcalfe .
Soil Micro-organisms. By T. R. G. G ray and S. T. W illiams .
Des Ovules aux Graines. By M. F avre -D uchartre .
Ecology of Leaf Surface Micro-organisms. Ed. by T. F. P reece and C. H. D ickinson .
Fungal Genetics. By J. R. S. F incham and P. R. D ay .
Étude du Mode de Reproduction: Apomixie Facultative du Point de Vue de la Génétique des Populations. (Study of Facultative Apomixis from the View-point of Population Genetics). By J. P erèns .
Drawings of British Plants ; Part XXVIII: Hydrocharitaceae, Orchidaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Plants of Hong Kong. By S. L. T hrower .
An Atlas of Plant Structure , Vol. 1. By B rian B racegirdle and P atricia H. M iles .
Bioiléctricité, Quelques Problèmes. By S. M eylan .
Studying the Past by Pollen Analysis. By R. G. W est .
The Mysterious Origin of Flowering Plants. By K enneth R. S porne .  相似文献   

Manual of Vegetable-Garden Diseases. By C harles C hupp , A.B., Ph.D.
Fungous Diseases of Fruit-Trees and their Remedial treatment. By G. H. C unningham
A Synopsis of the Families and Genera of Nematoda. By H. A. B aylis and R. D aubney .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1966,65(3):405-415
The Morphology of Gymnosperms . By K. R. S porne
The Rice Blast Disease
An Account of the Herbaria of the Department of Botany in the University of Oxford . By H ermia N. C lokie
Chemical Microbiology . By A nthony H. R ose
Pflanzenschutzmittel-Rückstände . By H ans M aier -B ode
The State and Movement of Water in Living Organisms . Edited by G. E. F ogg
Teach Yourself Genetics . By R. J. B erry
Floral Biology . By M ary S. P ercival
Vascular Plants: Form and Function . By F. B. S alisbury and R. V. P arke
Nonvascular Plants: Form and Function . By W. T. D oyle
The Molds and Man . By C lyde M. C hristensen
Spore Liberation . By C. T. I ngold  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1950,49(3):421-429
Book reviewed in this article:
Plant and Soil Water Relationships. By P aul J. K ramer .
Vegetable Gums and Resins. By F. N. H owes .
Principles of Human Genetics. By C urt S tern .
Experimental Studies on the Nature of Species. III. Environmental Responses of Climatic Races of Achillea. By J. C lausen , D. D. K eck , W. H. H iesey .
Mountains and Moorlands. By W. H. P earsall .
Spät-und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nördlich der Alpen. Erster Band: Allgemeine Waldgeschichte. By F ranz F irbas .
Biology. An Introduction to Medical and other Studies. By P. D. F. M urray , M.A., D.Sc.
The Fig. By I ra J. C ondit . Foreword by W alter T. S wingle .
American Wild Flowers. By H arold N. M oldenke .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cacao. By Dr C. J. J. VAN HALL. 2nd edition.
Chromosomes and Plant-breeding. By C. D. DARLINGTON.
Recent Advances in Agricultural Plant Breeding. By H. HUNTER and H. MARTIN LEAKE, with, a Foreword by Sir ROWLAND H. BIFFEN.
Recent Advances in Botany. By E. C. BARTON-WRIGHT.
Atlas der Krankheiten der landmrtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Mit aus-fuhrlichen Textheften.
The Farm and the Nation. By Sir JOHN RUSSELL.
The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern Africa. By J. M. WATT and M. G. BREYER-BRANDWIJK.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1956,55(1):136-144

《The New phytologist》1935,34(2):156-162
Books Review in this article:
Scolt Head Island. Edited by J. A. S teers .
Une Relique de la Sapinière Méditerranéenne, le Mont Babor Monographic de ľAbies numidica Lann. Étude de Sylviculture, de Dendrologie et ďEntomologie forestière. A. B arbey .
A Textbook of General Botany for Colleges and Universities. 3rd edn. By R ichard M. H olman and W ilfrid W. R obbins .
A Laboratory Guide for a Course in General Botany. By L ee B onar , R ichard M. H olman and L ucille R oush .
Identification of the Commercial Timbers of the United States By H. P. B rown and A. J. P anshin .
Commercial Fertilisers; Their Sources and Use. By G. H. C ollings .
Commercial Flower Forcing. By A. L aurie and L. C. C hadwick .
An Introduction to Plant Biochemistry. By C. C. S teele .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1940,39(2):234-238
Book reviewed in this article
Intermediate Botany. By L. J. F. B rimble .
Encyclopédie Mycologique , XI. Les Fusarium et Cylindrocarpon de l'Indochine. By F. B ugnicourt .
Earth's Green Mantle. By S. W. M angham .
Experiments in Plant Physiology. By W. E. L oomis and C. A. S hull .
An Introduction to Botany, with special reference to the structure of the flowering plant. By J. H. P riestley and L orna I. S cott .
The Medieval Fenland. By H. C. D arby .
The Draining of the Fens. By H. C. D arby .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1976,77(1):289-299
Book Reviwed in this article:
The History of the British Flora. By Sir H arry G odwin .
The Euphorbiaceae of Borneo. By H. K. A iry S haw .
Ecology of Plants in the Tropics. (Studies in Biology No. 58, Institute of Biology.) By D aniel H. J anzen .
Pacific Plant Areas. Volume 3. Ed. by M. M. van B algooy .
The Liverworts of New Zealand. By K. W. A llison and J ohn C hild .
Paleoecology of Terrestrial Plants. Basic principles and techniques. By V. A. K rasilov .
Plant Propagation , 3rd edn. By H udson T. H artmann and D ale E. K ester .
The Lytic Compartment of Plant Cells. By PH. M atile .
Plant Pathogenesis. By H. W heeler .
Phytotronics in Agricultural and Horticultural Research. Ed. by P. C houard and N. de B ilderling .
Phytoplankton. By A. D. B oney .
Krankheiten und Schädlinge an Getreide und Mais. By C. B uhl .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(6):1245-1251
Book Reviewed in this article:
Ecology of Soil Fungi. By D. M. G riffin .
Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Vegetation. By H. W alter .
Shoot Organization in Vascular Plants. By K. J. D ormer .
The Biology and Chemistry of the Umbelliferae. Ed. by V. H. H eywood .
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria. By M. A. T ribe and P. A. W hittaker .
Plant Metabolism. By H. E. S treet and W. C ockburn .
L'thylene Metabolisme et Activite Metabolique. By C hon -T on P han .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1965,64(2):346-353
Glossary of the British Flora . By H. G ilbert -C arter
Recent Advances in the Embryology of Angiosperms . Edited by P. M aheshwari
The Geography of the Flowering Plants . By R onald G ood
Genetics and Breeding of Rice , By M. F. C handraratna
Coastal Vegetation . By V. J. C hapman
Phytochemistry . Edited by H. R. A rthur
Die Pilze. By E rnst G aumann
Manometric Techniques . By W. W. U mbreit , R. H. B urris and J. F. S tauffer  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1970,69(3):887-901
Books reviewed in this article:
Speciation in Tropical Environments . Ed. by R. H. L owe -M c C onnell .
Determination of Angiosperm Families by means of a Punched-Card System . By B. H ansen and K. R ahn.
Numerical Taxonomy . Ed. by A. J. C ole.
Flowers of Europe—a Field Guide . By O. P olunin.
Spring Flora of Minnesota, including Common Cultivated Plants . By T homas M orley.
The Early Development of Irish Society: the Evidence of Aerial Photography . By E. R. N orman and J. K. S. S t J oseph.
Plant Pathology . By G. N. A grios.
Mycological Studies honoring John N. Couch . Ed. by W. J. K ock.
Common Edible Mushrooms . By C lyde M. C hristensen .
Fungal Parasitism . By B rian J. D everall.
The Algae—A Review . By G. W. P rescott .
An Introduction to the Principles of Plant Physiology , By W. S tiles and E. C. C ocking .
Perspectives in Phytochemistry . Ed. by J. B. H arborne and T. S wain .
Introduction to Plant Physiology . By J acob L evitt .
Root Growth . Ed. by W. J. W hittington .
Statistics and Experimental Design . By G eoffrey M. C larke .
Ecological Aspects of the Mineral Nutrition of Plants . Ed. by I. H. R orison et al.
Evolution and Phylogeny of Flowering Plants . By J. H utchinson .  相似文献   

List of Recorded Cotton Insects of the World. By H. H argreaves , A.R.C.S, D.I.C.
The Potato. A Survey of its History and of Factors Influencing its Yield, Nutritive Value and Storage. By W. G. B urton
The Spread of Virus Diseases in the Potato Crop. By J. P. DONCASTER and P. H. GREGORY
Les Richesses de la Mer. By N oel B oudarel  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cotton and its Production. By W. H. J ohnson
Cotton. By H. B. B rown
Economic Biology for Students of Social Science. Part I. Harmful and Useful Animals. By P hilippa C. E sdaile
Genetics in Relation to Agriculture. By E. B. B abcock and R. E. C lausen  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(2):601-605
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. By A. J. E. S mith .
Atlas of Ferm of the British Isles. Ed. by A. C. J ermy , H. R. A rnold , L ynne F arrell and F. H. P erring .
Barley. By D. E. B riggs .
The Potato Crop: the Scientific Basis for Improvement. Ed. by P. M. H arris .
Plant Anatomy. Part I. Cells and Tissues. 2nd Edition. By E lizabeth G. C utter . Edward Arnold:
Isolation of Plant Growth Substances. Ed. by J. R. H illman .
The Selenastrum capricornutum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design, Application, and Data Interpretation Protocol. By W illiam E. M iller , J oseph C G reene and T amotsu S hiroyama .
Algen: Einführung in die Phykologie. By C hristiaan van D en H oek  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1966,65(2):259-265
Organization and Evolution in Plants . By C. W. W ardlaw
Spring Wildflowers of the San Francisco Bay Region . By H elen K. S harsmith
The Mineral Nutrition of the Rice Plant
Nutritional Values in Crops and Plants . By W erner S chuphan
The Identification of Flowering Plant Families . By P. H. D avis and J. C ullen
Morphologic Encyclopedia of Palynology; An International Collection of Definitions and Illustrations of Spores and Pollen . By G erhard O. W. K remp
Biological Statistics: An Introduction . By S. C. P earce
The Evolution of Biology . By M. J. S irks and C onway Z irkle  相似文献   

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