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Transgenic tobaccoNicotiana tabacum L. var. SR1) plants that over-express theEscherichia coli trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene(otsA) synthesized small amounts of trehalose (<400 μg g-1 leaf) while non-transformants produced no detectable trehalose. Some transgenic plants expressing a high level ofotsA exhibited stunted growth and morphologically altered leaves. We tested F22 homozygous plants devoid of phenotypic changes to determine their physiological responses to dehydration and salinity stresses. All transgenic plants maintained better leaf turgidity under a limited water supply or after treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Furthermore, fresh weight was maintained at higher levels after either treatment. The initial leaf water potential was higher in transgenic plants than non-transformants, but, in both plant types, was decreased to a comparable degree following dehydration. When grown with 250 mM NaCl, transgenic plants exhibited a significant delay in leaf withering and chlorosis, as well as more efficient seed germination. Our results suggest that either trehalose or trehalose-6-phosphate can act as an osmoprotective molecule without maintaining water potential, in contrast to other osmolytes. Furthermore, both appear to protect young embryos under unfavorable water status to ensure subsequent germination.  相似文献   

We investigated the role that manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), an important antioxidant enzyme, may play in the drought tolerance of rice. MnSOD from pea (Pisum sativum) under the control of an oxidative stress-inducible SWPA2 promoter was introduced into chloroplasts of rice (Oryza sativa) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to develop drought-tolerant rice plants. Functional expression of the pea MnSOD in transgenic rice plants (T1) was revealed under drought stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000. After PEG treatment the transgenic leaf slices showed reduced electrolyte leakage compared to wild type (WT) leaf slices, whether they were exposed to methyl viologen (MV) or not, suggesting that transgenic plants were more resistant to MV- or PEG-induced oxidative stress. Transgenic plants also exhibited less injury, measured by net photosynthetic rate, when treated with PEG. Our data suggest that SOD is a critical component of the ROS scavenging system in plant chloroplasts and that the expression of MnSOD can improve drought tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

Wang L  Li X  Chen S  Liu G 《Biotechnology letters》2009,31(2):313-319
Leymus chinensis is an important grassland perennial grass. However, its drought tolerance requires to be improved. LEA (late embryogenesis abundant) genes are believed to confer resistance to drought and water deficiency. Using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, a wheat LEA gene, TaLEA 3 , was integrated into L. chinensis. The transgenic lines showed enhanced growth ability under drought stress during which transgenic lines had increased the relative water content, leaf water potential, relative average growth rate, but decreased the malondialdehyde content compared with the non-transgenic plant. Thus, transgenic breeding is an efficient approach to enhance drought tolerance in L. chinensis.  相似文献   


Key message

We report for the first time that expression of potato PR10a gene in faba bean causes enhanced tolerance to drought and salinity.


Grain legumes such as soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) are staple sources of protein for human and animal nutrition. Among grain legumes, faba bean is particularly sensitive to abiotic stress (in particular osmotic stress due to lack of water or enhanced soil salinity) and often suffers from severe yield losses. Many stress responsive genes have been reported with an effect on improving stress tolerance in model plants. Pathogenesis-related proteins are expressed by all plants in response to pathogen infection and, in many cases, in response to abiotic stresses as well. The PR10a gene isolated from the potato cultivar Desiree was selected for this study due to its role in enhancing salt and/or drought tolerance in potato, and transferred into faba bean cultivar Tattoo by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system based upon direct shoot regeneration after transformation of meristematic cells derived from embryo axes. The transgene was under the control of the constitutive mannopine synthase promoter (p-MAS) in a dicistronic binary vector, which also contained luciferase (Luc) gene as scorable marker linked by internal ribosome entry site elements. Fertile transgenic faba bean plants were recovered. Inheritance and expression of the foreign genes were demonstrated by PCR, RT-PCR, Southern blot and monitoring of Luciferase activity. Under drought condition, after withholding water for 3 weeks, the leaves of transgenic plants were still green, while non-transgenic plants (WT) wilted and turned brown. Twenty-four hours after re-watering, the leaves of transgenic plants remained green, while WT plants did not recover. Moreover, the transgenic lines displayed higher tolerance to NaCl stress. Our results suggested that introducing a novel PR10a gene into faba bean could be a promising approach to improve its drought and salt tolerance ability, and that MAS promoter is not only constitutive, but also wound-, auxin/cytokinin- as well as stress-inducible.  相似文献   

通过构建融合番茄RuBP羧化酶小亚基转运肽基因(rbcS-3)和CAT基因编码阅读框(ORF)的双元表达载体,采用农杆菌介导的叶圆盘转化法将融合基因转入烟草,使其能够定向导入叶绿体中发挥作用。在含有50mg/L潮霉素的培养基上筛选获得转CAT烟草30多个株系,并对其进行了分子生物学的验证和生理指标的检测。对获得的抗性植株用PCR、RT-PCR、植株总蛋白Western blot和叶绿体蛋白Western blot分析表明,目的基因已经整合到烟草基因组中,并能正常表达,且在叶绿体rbcS-3转运肽的作用下能定向进入叶绿体中。对转基因植株生理指标的检测发现,在20% PEG6000模拟干旱条件下,野生型烟草的相对电导率提高幅度为43.4%,而转CAT植株的相对电导率仅提高8.8%,表明在干旱胁迫下转CAT烟草的质膜透性小于野生型烟草;经20% PEG6000处理后,野生型和转CAT基因烟草的叶绿素含量都下降,下降幅度分别为68.0%和20.4%;另外,经20% PEG6000处理的野生型烟草叶片的Fv/Fm下降幅度为5.3%,而转CAT基因烟草叶片的Fv/Fm下降幅度0.9%,这些结果表明,在叶绿体中过量表达CAT对干旱胁迫下的细胞质膜、叶绿素和PSⅡ具有一定的保护作用。此外,经150 μmol/L百草枯处理后发现,处理3h后,野生型烟草和转CAT烟草的相对电导率分别比对照提高67.9%和13.5%,而野生型和转CAT烟草的Fv/Fm都下降,降幅分别为23.7%和3.9%,这表明在百草枯氧化胁迫下转CAT烟草的质膜和PSⅡ的损伤程度都小于野生型烟草。总之,豌豆CAT基因在烟草叶绿体中过量表达,提高了转基因烟草的抗旱性和抗氧化性。  相似文献   

Betaine as one of osmolytes plays an important role in osmoregulation of most high plants. Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase C BADH) is the second enzyme involved in betaine biosynthesis. The BADH gene from a halophite, Atriplex hortensis, was transformed into rice cultivars by bombarment method. Totally 192 transgenic rice plants were obtained and most of them had higher salt tolerance than controls. Among transgenic plants transplanted in the saline pool containing 0.5% NaCl in a greenhouse, 22 survived, 13 of which set seeds, and the frequency of seed setting was very low, only 10% . But the controls could not grow under the same condition. The results of BADH ac-tivity assay and Northern blot showed that the BADH gene was integrated into chromosomes of transgenic plants and expressed.  相似文献   

Exposure of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings to a high temperature (42°C) for 24 h resulted in a significant increase in tolerance to drought stress. To try to determine the mechanisms of acquisition of tolerance to drought stress by heat shock, the rice small heat-shock protein gene, sHSP17.7, the product of which was shown to act as molecular chaperones in vitro and in vivo in our previous study, was overexpressed in the rice cultivar “Hoshinoyume”. Western and Northern blot analyses showed higher expression levels of sHSP17.7 protein in three transgenic lines than in one transgenic line. Drought tolerance was assessed in these transgenic lines and wild-type plants by withholding water for 6 days for evaluation of the ability of plants to continue growth after water-stress treatments. Although no significant difference was found in water potential of seedlings between transgenic lines and wild-type plants at the end of drought treatments, only transgenic seedlings with higher expression levels of sHSP17.7 protein could regrow after rewatering. Similar results were observed in survival rates after treatments with 30% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3640 for 3 days. These results suggest that overproduction of sHSP17.7 could increase drought tolerance in transgenic rice seedlings.  相似文献   

Liu X  Hua X  Guo J  Qi D  Wang L  Liu Z  Jin Z  Chen S  Liu G 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(7):1275-1280
Tocopherol cyclase (VTE1, encoded by VTE1 gene) catalyzes the penultimate step of tocopherol synthesis. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing VTE1 from Arabidopsis were exposed to drought conditions during which transgenic lines had decreased lipid peroxidation, electrolyte leakage and H(2)O(2) content, but had increased chlorophyll compared with the wild type. Thus VTE1 can be used to increase vitamin E content of plants and also to enhance tolerance to environmental stresses.  相似文献   

World food security is increasingly dependent on continuous crop improvement and, in particular, the development of crops with increased drought and salinity tolerance. The completed genomic sequence of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the development of whole-genome microarrays, together with increasing repositories of publicly available data and data analysis tools, have opened new avenues to genome-wide systemic analysis of plant stress responses. Here we outline examples of how this full-genome expression profiling can contribute to our understanding of complex stress responses and the identification and evaluation of novel transgenes that could hold the key to the development of commercially viable and sustainable crop plants.  相似文献   

We conducted a genetic yeast screen to identify Thermo-tolerance genes (TTOs) in maize kernel cDNA library. During the screening, we identified a maize clone (TTO6) that seemed to confer elevated heat tolerance in comparison to control cells. TTO6 cDNA (GenBank accession no. AY103785) encodes an 11-kDa protein which is 69% similarity to the Arabidopsis GASA4 gene. To further examine heat tolerance in Arabidopsis, we functionally characterized the GASA4 gene and found that heat induced GASA4 expression. Constitutive expression of GASA4 in Arabidopsis led to elevated heat tolerance in transgenic lines. Interestingly, endoplasmic reticulum chaperone expression analysis suggests that GASA4 influences BiP gene expression during heat stress.  相似文献   

The barley HVA1 gene, encoding a member of the group 3 late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, has previously been introduced into spring wheat cv. Hi-Line to determine its effect on drought tolerance (Sivamani E, Bahieldin A, Wraith JM, Al-Niemi T, Dyer WE, Ho T-HD, Qu R (2000) Improved biomass productivity and water use efficiency under water deficit conditions in transgenic wheat constitutively expressing the barley HVA1 gene. Plant Sci 155, 1–9). T4 progeny from six independent transgenic events (lines 111/1, 1/1, 11/2, 84, 765 and 1201) were tested in nine field experiments over six cropping seasons. In the first two seasons, the total biomass per plot and the grain yield per plot of line 111/1 were higher than those of line 1/1, and higher than those of the wild-type control in the second season. The grain yield per plot of line 11/2 was significantly lower than that of the transgenic lines 111/1 and 1/1 in the third season, and this line was not tested further. In the fourth season, the plant height and grain yield per plot of line 111/1 were significantly higher than those of the wild-type control. Under dryland conditions in the fifth season, line 111/1 showed significantly greater plant height, total biomass per plot and grain yield per plot than the wild-type control in at least two of the four locations, as well as across locations. In the sixth season, newly developed transgenic lines 1201 and 765 significantly overyielded the two original transgenic lines 111/1 and 1/1, the non-expressing transgenic line 84 as well as the wild-type control in the three yield attributes and leaf water measurement, namely relative water content (RWC). This result coincided with the rate of HVA1 transgene expression of the different genotypes. Differences in total seed storage protein concentrations between the transgenic lines and the wild-type control within or across environmental conditions were insignificant. These field trials show that the HVA1 gene has the potential to confer drought stress protection in transgenic spring wheat.  相似文献   

In the previous experiment, we isolated and characterized glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) gene of the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju. Expression levels of the GPD gene in the mycelia of P sajor-caju was significantly increased by exposing the mycelia to abiotic stresses, such as salt, cold, heat, and drought. We also showed that GPD confers abiotic stress resistance when introduced into yeast cells. The survival rate of the transgenic yeast cell that harbored the GPD gene was significantly higher when the yeast cells were subjected to salt, cold, heat, and drought stresses, compared with the yeast that was transformed with the pYES2 vector alone. In order to investigate the functional role of the P. sajor-caju GPD gene in higher plant cells, the complete P. sajor-caju GPD cDNA was fused into the CaMV35S promoter and then introduced into potato plants. Putative potato transformants were screened by using PCR. Twenty-one transformants were further analyzed with RT-PCR to confirm the expression of P. sajor-caju GPD. A RT-PCR Southern blot analysis revealed that 12 transgenics induced the P. sajor-caju GPD gene expression. A bioassay of these transformants revealed that the P. sajor-caju GPD gene was enough to confer salt stress resistance in the potato plant cell system. Results showed that P. sajor-caju GPD, which was continuously expressed in transgenic potato plants under normal growing conditions, resulted in improved tolerance against salt loading.  相似文献   

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