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The hypothesis that outcrossers are competitively superior to close relatives with specialized genetic systems was tested. Interspecific competition between three closely related Oenothera species was examined in common garden environments. Oenothera grandis, an obligate outcrosser, is competitively superior to its derivative, O. laciniata, an obligate chromosomal heterozygote. Both of these species are superior to O. mexicana, a closely related facultative selfer. These relationships were consistent over two levels of density stress. Therefore, in this species triad, the outcrosser has a competitive advantage over its close relatives with derived breeding systems.  相似文献   

Acidic auxin in tomato fruit at various developmental stageswas examined by paper chromatography and Avena curvature test. Auxin activity of the fruit extracts was detected only in thesame Rf zone as that of authentic IAA with four solvent systems,i.e., isopropanol-ammonium hydroxide-water 10:1:1 v/v, n-butanol-ammoniumhydroxide-water 25:1:5 v/v, ethanol-water 7:3 v/v and n-butanol-aceticacid-water 4:1:1 v/v. Auxin content of fruit was the highest on the seventh day afteranthesis, when the two-celled proembryo began to grow rapidlyand the endosperm consisted of multi-cells. The second peakof auxin activity occurred on the 30th day, when the embryo,which consisted of the cotyledons, hypocotyl, and radicle, finishedits most rapid growth. No auxin activity was detected in theripe fruit. Auxin contents in fruit on the fifth, seventh, and tenth daysafter anthesis were lowered by a 4 hr high temperature treatmentat 40 given 0–3 days after anthesis. The nature of tomato auxin and its possible role in the fruitdevelopment were discussed. (Received June 30, 1966; )  相似文献   

农业生产是一个利用太阳辐射能的系统。依靠农田生态系统,提高其对物质与能量的转化效率,就能提高单位面积产量。农田生态系统功能效率的高低与它的结构状况密切相关。因此,研究调节农田生态系统结构是很重要的。因为系统的结构决定着系统的整体功能。从世界农业发展史看,农田生态的结构总是由简单趋向复杂,经营由粗放走向精细,产量则逐  相似文献   

Different patterns of resistance to six pathotypes of Melampsora lini were detected in 11 populations of Linum marginale distributed across two metapopulations. The two metapopulations (mountains and plains of New South Wales, Australia) differed in the annual cycle of disease development, which barely overlapped, and in the growth cycle and mating system of the host. Host populations in the mountains metapopulation were highly inbred, whereas those on the plains showed appreciable levels of outcrossing. Within each metapopulation there was significant variation among component populations in (1) levels of host resistance to individual pathogen isolates; (2) mean levels of resistance to all six isolates; (3) the number of resistance phenotypes present and the evenness of their distribution within the population; and (4) the average number of pathogen lines to which individual hosts were resistant. A more limited comparison of pathogen populations from the two metapopulations (two from each) found greater similarities in the structure of populations and particular virulence frequencies within, rather than among, the two metapopulations. Differences in host outcrossing rates between the two metapopulations are reflected in marked differences in the overall level of resistance, its partitioning within and among populations, the number and distribution of resistance phenotypes in the two areas, and the level of polymorphism for specific virulence factors in the pathogen, with the plains metapopulation showing consistently higher values. However, these differences were not significant. In general, variation for all parameters was just as great among populations within a metapopulation as between the two metapopulations.  相似文献   

A new, single-spored mycetozoan, Schizoplasmodium cavostelioides, was isolated from dead plant materials collected in New Zealand, Australia, Ceylon, North Carolina, and Florida. Its vegetative stage consists of thin, colorless plasmodia that grow vigorously in culture with an unidentified yeast (or yeast and bacterium). Prior to sporulation the plasmodium breaks up into multinucleate prespore cells which develop immediately into simple fruiting bodies, each consisting of a single multinucleate spore on a short stalk. Under proper conditions a gas bubble appears on one side of the spore, enlarges and bursts, thus discharging the spore. Upon germination the spore releases a single small, multinucleate Plasmodium.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the effects of microwaves (MW) emitted by cellular phones (CPs) on peripheral blood parameters and birth weights of rats. Thirty-six albino rats were divided into four groups, male (n = 6) and female sham-exposed groups (n = 12) and male (n = 6) and female experimental groups (n = 12). No blood parameters differed following exposure (p > 0.05). The birth weight of offspring in the experimental group was significantly lower than in the sham-exposed group (p < 0.001). No significant differences were observed between rectal temperatures of rats in the sham and experimental groups (p > 0.05). The specific absorption rate (SAR) was found to be 0.155 W/kg for the experimental groups. All parameters investigated were normal in the next generation of rats (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

Meiosis in homosporous ferns allows chromosomes to pair within homoeologous sets rather than restricting pairing to homologs; this allows homozygous spore mother cells to give rise to genetically heterogeneous meiospores. It is envisioned that such a meiotic system has evolved in homosporous ferns in response to a life cycle which allows the attainment of total homozygosity in one generation of selfing.  相似文献   

生于蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)和波罗栎(Q.Dentata)上的齿裂菌属一新种,即异襄齿裂菌(Coccomycesdimorphus)。该种因子囊同时以两种状态存在而明显区别于齿裂菌属其它成员。主、副模式标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

Baxter , ROBERT W. (U. Kansas, Lawrence.) A new cordaitean stem with paired axillary branches. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(3) : 163-169. Illus. 1959.—A cordaitean stem tip from the middle Pennsylvania of Kansas is described as a new species, Mesoxylon birame sp. nov. The most distinctive feature of the new species is the presence of paired branches in the axil of each leaf. The possibility that these twin branches represent axes of Cordaianthus cones is discussed.  相似文献   

检查细菌呼吸方式和运动性的一管多用鉴定培养基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自行研制一种检查细菌呼吸方式和运动性的一管多用鉴定细菌用培养基,可通过穿刺接种,37℃24~48h培养后在同一支高层培养基判定好氧性、厌氧性及运动性,经过接种临床常见40个菌属120个菌株的试验结果表明,该培养基有很好的实用性。其配方组成合理,材料易得,成本不高,质量稳定,使用简单,判定容易,可以省去厌氧菌培养检查器材和试剂,有助于提高细菌鉴定工作效率和质量。  相似文献   

作者等于1954年3月开始断续采捕蚊虫,至1955年10月,共得蚊虫27种。排列如下:  相似文献   

毕志树  李泰辉   《广西植物》1986,(3):193-199
本文根据Henri Romagnesi(1967)的分类系统就作者在广东地区所采集到的红菇属Russula33个种作了分类上的研究。其中新种1种即广东红菇Russula guangdongensis Bi & T.H.Li,sp.nov.,新变种一种即小小红菇Russula minutula var.minor Bi var.nov.和12种国内新记录种。文中有新种及新变种的形态描述及微观图,分种及所属亚组的检索表。  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the Protosteliida (Mycetozoa), Ceratiomyxella tahitiensis, was isolated from dead plant material—var. tahitiensis from Tahiti and var. neotropicalis from Brazil and Colombia. The sporocarps have deciduous spores borne singly on slender hollow stalks; zoocysts with anteriorly flagellate planonts are produced. The trophic stage is comprised of uninucleate to plurinucleate amoeboid cells and reticulate plasmodia; the uninucleate cells become flagellate in water. The prespore cells and spores are plurinucleate. Sexuality has not been demonstrated. Var. tahitiensis has globose spores and produces its zoocysts just after spore germination, whereas var. neotropicalis has subglobose spores and forms zoocysts later in the life cycle. The species is thought to show phylogenetic relationships with Ceratiomyxa, which was recently transferred to the Protosteliida by Olive.  相似文献   

A new lyginopterid pollen organ is described based upon specimens occurring in a single coal ball from the Providence, Kentucky locality. Seven to nine beaked sporangia are fused together at their proximal ends forming a common synangial chamber; synangia are joined together in clusters of two or three. In situ prepollen is similar to Cyclogranisporites and Verrucosisporites sporae dispersae. The thick exine has a lamellate nexine and a prominent alveolate sexine.  相似文献   

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