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Paternal contribution: new insights and future challenges   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
It has been widely held that all that fathers essentially contribute to the next generation is half their genome. However, recent progress towards understanding biological processes such as sperm maturation and fertilization now indicates that the paternal contribution has been underestimated. To tackle some of the misconceptions surrounding the paternal contribution, the factors that are actually delivered by the sperm at fertilization and their potential developmental functions will be discussed using data from humans and animal models. Although still in their infancy, the practical applications of using sperm RNAs have already emerged in reproductive medicine as markers that are indicative of successful vasectomy. They are also beginning to appear in the forensic sciences and, within the next decade, might appear in the environmental sciences.  相似文献   

Complete understanding of how neuropeptides operate as neuromodulators and neurohormones requires integration of knowledge obtained at different levels of biology, including molecular, biochemical, physiological and whole organism studies. Major advances have recently been made in the understanding of the molecular basis of neuropeptide action in invertebrates by analysis of data generated from sequencing the genomes of several insect species, especially that of Drosophila melanogaster. This approach has quickly led to the identification of genes encoding: (1) novel neuropeptide sequences, (2) neuropeptide receptors and (3) peptidases that might be responsible for the processing and inactivation of neuropeptides. In this article, we review our current knowledge of the biosynthesis, receptor interaction and metabolic inactivation of the arthropod neuropeptide, proctolin, and how the analysis and exploitation of genome sequencing projects has provided new insights.  相似文献   

Bioinspired engineering based on biosonar systems in nature is reviewed and discussed in terms of the merits of different approaches and their results: biosonar systems are attractive technological paragons because of their capabilities, built-in task-specific knowledge, intelligent system integration and diversity. Insights from the diverse set of sensing tasks solved by bats are relevant to a wide range of application areas such as sonar, biomedical ultrasound, non-destructive testing, sensors for autonomous systems and wireless communication. Challenges in the design of bioinspired sonar systems are posed by transducer performance, actuation for sensor mobility, design, actuation and integration of beamforming baffle shapes, echo encoding for signal processing, estimation algorithms and their implementations, as well as system integration and feedback control. The discussed examples of experimental systems have capabilities that include localization and tracking using binaural and multiple-band hearing as well as self-generated dynamic cues, classification of small deterministic and large random targets, beamforming with bioinspired baffle shapes, neuromorphic spike processing, artifact rejection in sonar maps and passing range estimation. In future research, bioinspired engineering could capitalize on some of its strengths to serve as a model system for basic automation methodologies for the bioinspired engineering process.  相似文献   

Plants dwelling at the base of biological food chain are of fundamental significance in providing solutions to some of the most daunting ecological and environmental problems faced by our planet. The reductionist views of molecular biology provide only a partial understanding to the phenotypic knowledge of plants. Systems biology offers a comprehensive view of plant systems, by employing a holistic approach integrating the molecular data at various hierarchical levels. In this  review, we discuss the basics of systems biology including the various ‘omics’ approaches and their integration, the modeling aspects and the tools needed for the plant systems research. A particular emphasis is given to the recent analytical advances, updated published examples of plant systems biology studies and the future trends.  相似文献   

Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a common congenital malformation that is characterised by a failure to divide the forebrain into left and right hemispheres and is usually accompanied by defects in patterning of the midline of the face. HPE exists in inherited, autosomal dominant (familial) forms and mutation-associated sporadic forms, but environmental factors are also implicated. There are several features of HPE that are not well understood, including the extremely variable clinical presentation, even among obligate carriers of familial mutations, and the restriction of structural anomalies to the ventral anterior midline, despite association with defects in signal transduction pathways that regulate development of many additional body structures. The new animal models described in this review may help unravel these puzzles. Furthermore, these model systems suggest that human HPE arises from a complex interaction between the timing and strength of developmental signalling pathways, genetic variation and exposure to environmental agents.  相似文献   

The concept of flexibility has attracted considerable interest in the last 25 years in the context of manufacturing. This paper develops a framework for thinking about flexibility in the context of making decisions about the design and operation of systems in either manufacturing or service environments. Three different aspects of flexibility are defined: prior flexibility, state flexibility and action flexibility, and the issues in the measurement of flexibility are discussed. The use of flexibility ideas by industry in manufacturing and services is reviewed and key contributions to the academic literature are summarized. Major issues and insights arising from a focus on flexibility are discussed. The paper concludes with some challenges for future research.  相似文献   

Pyomelanin is a brown-black phenolic polymer and results from the oxidation of homogentisic acid (HGA) in the L-tyrosine pathway. As part of the research for natural and active ingredients issued from realistic bioprocesses, this work re-evaluates the HGA pigment and makes an updated inventory of its syntheses, microbial pathways, and properties, with tracks and recent advances for its large-scale production. The mechanism of the HGA polymerization is also well documented. In alkaptonuria, pyomelanin formation leads to connective tissue damage and arthritis, most probably due to the ROS issued from HGA oxidation. While UV radiation on human melanin may generate degradation products, pyomelanin is not photodegradable, is hyperthermostable, and has other properties better than L-Dopa melanin. This review aims to raise awareness about the potential of this pigment for various applications, not only for skin coloring and protection but also for other cells, materials, and as a promising (semi)conductor for bioelectronics and energy.  相似文献   

Joffe MM  Yang WP  Feldman H 《Biometrics》2012,68(1):275-286
In principle, G-estimation is an attractive approach for dealing with confounding by variables affected by treatment. It has rarely been applied for estimation of the effects of treatment on failure-time outcomes. Part of this is due to artificial censoring, an analytic device which considers some subjects who actually were observed to fail as if they were censored. Artificial censoring leads to a lack of smoothness in the estimating function, which can pose problems in variance estimation and in optimization. It also can lead to failure to have solutions to the usual estimating functions, which then raises questions about the appropriate criteria for optimization. To improve performance of the optimization procedures, we consider approaches for reducing the amount of artificial censoring, propose the substitution of smooth for indicator functions, and propose the use of estimating functions scaled to a measure of the information in the data; we evaluate performance of these approaches using simulation. We also consider appropriate optimization criteria in the presence of information loss due to artificial censoring. We motivate and illustrate our approaches using observational data on the effect of erythropoietin on mortality among subjects on hemodialysis.  相似文献   

With the development of high throughput sequencing and single-cell genomics technologies, many uncultured bacterial communities have been dissected by combining these two techniques. Especially, by simultaneously leveraging of single-cell genomics and metagenomics, researchers can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of obtaining whole genome information from complex microbial communities, which not only allow us to identify microbes but also link function to species, identify subspecies variations, study host-virus interactions and etc. Here, we review recent developments and the challenges need to be addressed in single-cell metagenomics, including potential contamination, uneven sequence coverage, sequence chimera, genome assembly and annotation. With the development of sequencing and computational methods, single-cell metagenomics will undoubtedly broaden its application in various microbiome studies.  相似文献   

Stomatal biology: new techniques, new challenges   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  

Tumor metastasis: mechanistic insights and clinical challenges   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Steeg PS 《Nature medicine》2006,12(8):895-904

Pullulan: biosynthesis,production, and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pullulan is a linear glucosic polysaccharide produced by the polymorphic fungus Aureobasidium pullulans, which has long been applied for various applications from food additives to environmental remediation agents. This review article presents an overview of pullulan’s chemistry, biosynthesis, applications, state-of-the-art advances in the enhancement of pullulan production through the investigations of enzyme regulations, molecular properties, cultivation parameters, and bioreactor design. The enzyme regulations are intended to illustrate the influences of metabolic pathway on pullulan production and its structural composition. Molecular properties, such as molecular weight distribution and pure pullulan content, of pullulan are crucial for pullulan applications and vary with different fermentation parameters. Studies on the effects of environmental parameters and new bioreactor design for enhancing pullulan production are getting attention. Finally, the potential applications of pullulan through chemical modification as a novel biologically active derivative are also discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of proteins is a predominant, reversible post-translational modification. It is central to a wide variety of physiological responses and signaling mechanisms. Recent advances have allowed the global scope of phosphorylation to be addressed by mass spectrometry using phosphoproteomic approaches. In this perspective, we discuss four aspects of phosphoproteomics: the insights and implications from recently published phosphoproteomic studies and the applications and limitations of current phosphoproteomic strategies. Since approximately 50,000 known phosphorylation sites do not yet have any ascribed function, we present our perspectives on a major function of protein phosphorylation that may be of predictive value in hypothesis-based investigations. Finally, we discuss strategies to measure the stoichiometry of phosphorylation in a proteome-wide manner that is not provided by current phosphoproteomic approaches.  相似文献   

Secreted reporters detected in body fluids (blood, serum or urine) have shown to be simple and useful tools for ex vivo real-time monitoring of in vivo biological processes. Here we explore the most commonly used secreted blood reporters in experimental animals: secreted alkaline phosphatase, soluble marker peptides derived from human carcinoembryonic antigen and human chorionic gonadotropin, as well as Gaussia luciferase. We also comment on other recently discovered secreted luciferases and their potential use as blood reporters for multiplexing applications.  相似文献   

王四宝  刘润进 《微生物学通报》2020,47(11):3777-3779
2020年9月联合国环境规划署发布《全球生物多样性展望-5》(GBO-5)报告,助力世界实现协商一致的愿景——到2050年“与自然和谐相处”。其实,原本地球上的所有生物都是相互依存、互惠共生于地球村的,尽管存在少数“坏分子”。但由于人类的贪婪,过度扩张才导致地球“千疮百孔”的面貌,严重威胁到人类文明可持续发展。通过最近20年的研究,互惠共生微生物(mutualistic symbiotic microbes,MSM)从其丰富的群落多样性到种质新资源、从多种多样的生理生态功能到作用机制、从基础探究到新技术研发,为实现人与自然和谐相处的愿景提供了新机遇,同时也面临新挑战。令人可喜的是,中国在MSM研究领域取得了令世人瞩目的成果。《微生物学通报》于2020年11期特别推出了“互惠共生微生物专栏”,旨在展现中国MSM研究的最新进展和成果,促进生物共生学的发展壮大。  相似文献   

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