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Parrotia persica C.A. Meyer (Persian ironwood) is a deciduous tree of the family Hamamelidaceae, native to northern Iran and endemic to the Alborz Mountains. The study objectives were to assess the current status and distribution of Persian ironwood by characterizing four forest stands where the tree was either a dominant or co-dominant species. Species richness within the stands varied from 3 to 16 woody species and from 9 to 27 understory species. Basal area varied between 37 m2/ha and 77 m2/ha and tree density varied from 320 to 367 stems/ha. Parrotia persica represented 63-86% of the relative dominance and 41-100% of the relative density. In non-pure P. persica stands, other important tree species include Fagus orientalis and Carpinus betulus. Parrotia persica regenerates mainly by sprouts and coppicing. Conservation of relict forests, such as the Persian ironwood forests of the Alborz Mountains, is of particular concern because they represent the only natural occurrence of this species in the world. Anthropogenic disturbance, in the form of timber harvesting, livestock grazing, and clearing forest land for agriculture appear to be the largest threats to Parrotia persica's future.  相似文献   

Coffee agroforestry systems (CAFS) are often considered to be species-rich, potentially contributing to the conservation of indigenous trees. To investigate the conservation capacity of a Kenyan CAFS, all tree species on 62 smallholder coffee farms (covering 39 ha in total) in the Aberdare Mountains of Central Kenya were recorded. In total, 6,642 trees of 59 species were enumerated, with a mean density of 256 trees per ha and a mean species richness of 11.2 species per farm. Indigenous species represented 63 % of the richness but only 31 % of the abundance. For individual farms, as expected, farm size had a positive correlation with tree species richness, but more interestingly there was a negative correlation with tree density. Cluster analysis based on densities of the 18 most important species (defined by an importance value index) revealed two groups of farms: one cluster represented small farms (mean size = 0.4 ha) with high tree species diversity and individual density, particularly of indigenous trees; the other cluster represented large (mean size = 1 ha) and less diverse farms with low tree densities, particularly regarding indigenous species. Tree individuals were unevenly distributed within farms, being more frequent in living fences (38 % of all individuals), the garden zone (20 %) and in coffee plots (18 %). The relative occurrence of indigenous species was also uneven, being greater in living fences and the garden zone. Most adult trees (83 %) were planted, but only 46 % of seedlings were, revealing the active removal of volunteer seedlings by farmers as trees mature. Surveyed coffee farms harboured 20 % of the 135 tree species of the potential natural vegetation for the region, but only 3.6 % of the on-farm tree individuals belonged to the most valuable types of dominant and forest vegetation. Thus, although a source of significant tree cover and heterogeneity at landscape level, the value of these CAFS as circa situm reservoirs of forest tree species is questionable.  相似文献   

In southern Bahia, Brazil, cabrucas are the traditional agroforests in which cacao trees are planted under thinned-out native forests. To analyze the role of cabrucas in tree species conservation, we inventoried the non-cocoa trees in 1.0 ha plots of cabruca in 16 cocoa farms and compared our results with a similar survey undertaken in the early 1960s in the same region to analyze the long term changes. We also interviewed 160 cocoa farmers to investigate their preferences for species and the main practices used in managing shade trees. The cabrucas showed high levels of tree diversity for an agroforestry system (Shannon index ranging from 2.21 to 3.52) and also high variation in structure and composition among the different farms. Forest specialist trees accounted for most species (63.9%) in the survey and were among the species most preferred by the farmers, although we found evidence that some of these trees are gradually being replaced by other species. Our results indicate that cabrucas are poor substitutes for undisturbed forests in terms of tree species richness, but their presence in human-altered landscapes is of utmost importance to the conservation of forest tree species as they increase overall heterogeneity and may serve as ecological corridors, additional habitats, and buffer zones.  相似文献   

Summary Seed availability is a major factor limiting the recruitment of rain forest to cleared land, but little is known about the composition of the soil seed bank under different reforestation pathways. We quantified changes in the viable soil seed bank following rain forest clearing and pasture establishment and subsequent reforestation in subtropical eastern Australia. Major reforestation pathways in the region include planting of a diverse suite of native trees for ecological restoration purposes, autogenic regrowth dominated by the non‐native tree Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) and management of this regrowth to accelerate the development of a native tree community. These pathways differ considerably in cost: restoration plantings are expensive, autogenic regrowth is free, whilst managing regrowth generally costs much less than restoration plantings. We surveyed five sites within each of three reforestation pathways as well as reference sites in remnant rain forest and pasture. The composition of the seed bank was determined by germinating plants from soil samples collected from each site. Germinants were classified into several functional groups according to life form, origin, dispersal mode and successional stage. The majority of functional groups varied significantly in abundance or richness between rain forest and pasture sites. Most of the functional groups that varied between rain forest and pasture were restored to values similar to rain forest by at least one of the three reforestation pathways examined. The species richness of native woody plants in the soil seed bank was slightly higher in restoration plantings than in autogenic or managed regrowth; nevertheless, the species richness and abundance of native woody plants and vines were higher in the seed bank of autogenic regrowth than pasture, and both attributes were enhanced by the management of regrowth sites. The results of this study show that autogenic regrowth can make an important contribution to rain forest restoration at a landscape scale. The optimal reforestation approach or mix of approaches will depend on the desired rate of recovery and the resources available for restoration.  相似文献   

Forest restoration uses active management to re-establish natural forest habitat after disturbance. However, competition from early successional species, often aggressively invasive exotic plant species, can inhibit tree establishment and forest regeneration. Ideally, restoration ecologists can plant native tree species that not only establish and grow rapidly, but also suppress exotic competitors. Allelopathy may be a key mechanism by which some native trees could reduce the abundance and impact of exotic species. Allelopathy is a recognized tool for weed management in agriculture and agroforestry, but few studies have considered how allelopathic interactions may aid restoration. Here we introduce the “Homeland Security” hypothesis, which posits that some naïve exotic species may be particularly sensitive to allelochemicals produced by native species, providing a tool to reduce the growth and impacts of invasive exotic species on reforestation. This article explores how exploiting allelopathy in native species could improve restoration success and the re-establishment of natural successional dynamics. We review the evidence for allelopathy in agroforestry systems, and consider its relevance for reforestation. We then illustrate the potential for this approach with a case study of tropical forest restoration in Panama. C4 grasses heavily invade deforested areas in the Panama Canal watershed, especially Saccharum spontaneum L. We measured the effect of leaf litter from 17 potential restoration tree species on the growth of invasive C4 grasses. We found that leaf litter from legume trees had a greater inhibitory effect on performance of S. spontaneum than did litter from non-legume trees. However, allelopathic effects varied greatly among species within tree functional groups. Further evaluation of intra- and inter-specific interactions will help to improve our selection of restoration species.  相似文献   

Plantation forests have been expanding in many tropical and subtropical environments. Howerver, even when they replace less wildlife friendly land uses such as pastures and annual crops, the biodiversity levels of pristine natural habitats often have not been recovered. Here we addressed how the landscape context of plantation forests located in South-eastern Brazil affects species richness and community resilience of medium and large size mammals. The area covered by native habitat fragments surrounding plantation forests is positively related to functional richness, including the presence of species more vulnerable to extinction in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the degree of aggregation of plantation forest stands is negatively related to more vulnerable species. No primates were recorded in our seven plantation forest sites (ranging from 272 to 24,921 ha), even when they were seen in native habitat fragments adjacent to commercial tree stands. Two invasive species (Sus scrofa and Lepus capensis) were recorded in four plantation forest sites. The impoverishment of fauna in plantation forests is due to two factors. First, plantation forests generally are structurally simplified habitats when compared to highly diverse tropical forests. Secondly, the isolation from habitat fragments which act as source of individuals in the landscape precludes the establishment of individual in plantation forest. We also highlighted the management practices to improve the complexity of vegetation in commercial tree stands should be taken cautiously, insofar as reduced productivity per area entails a greater demand for land. Thus, an alternative would be intensify the management of the commercial tree stands for wood production together with the restoration of adjacent areas set aside to conservation and native habitat fragments protection.  相似文献   

川西不同树种人工林对土壤涵水能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评价青藏高原东缘不同树种造林对土壤涵水能力的影响,选择立地条件与营林方式相同的4种人工林(连香树(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、落叶松(Larix kaempferi)和华山松(Pinus armandii))为研究对象,以落叶阔叶灌丛为对照,比较造林恢复28 a后不同人工林土壤孔隙度及持水性的变化,结合林地凋落物贮量及细根生物量等参数,试图揭示造成不同人工林地土壤涵水能力及潜力差异化的因素。结果显示:营造油松和华山松纯林不仅没能有效改善土壤孔隙状况,反而加剧了土壤涵水功能的退化。相反,连香树和落叶松在代替次生落叶灌丛造林后,土壤容重显著下降,孔隙度增加且小孔隙比例升高,持蓄水能力提高。凋落物及细根特性是不同林地土壤持水性能差异的重要因素。综合分析表明,在对退化生态系统进行造林恢复时,应尽量避免营造高密度针叶纯林,应结合种植有助于土壤结构改良的落叶或阔叶树种。  相似文献   

Monoculture plantations with rapidly growing trees are often used for reforestation schemes on abandoned land. There is evidence that in some cases, reforestation facilitates forest succession toward natural species composition. However, the success of a scheme varies according to site conditions, and systematic investigations are required for adaptive management. Monoculture plantations were used to reforest abandoned pastures at the study site in Hokkaido, northern Japan. At the study site—a 40-year-old nonnative larch (Larix kaempferi) plantation—the effects of thinning and deer-browsing exclusion treatments on the demography of understory saplings were analyzed to achieve appropriate management planning for reforestation. After deer-browsing exclusion, saplings of various species became established, and species composition corresponded closely to that of a natural conifer–broadleaved mixed stand. Saplings of shade-tolerant species, such as Abies sachalinensis and Acer mono, were abundant. Thinning influenced the demography of saplings over an 8-year period and significantly affected the height growth rate of A. sachalinensis saplings, which show strong variations in response to varying light conditions. There were also negative effects of thinning, such as increased mortality and decreased height growth rate of broadleaved saplings, the growth of which was suppressed by facilitated growth of A. sachalinensis. Thus, treatments used for reforestation must take into account differences in demographic traits of tree species by including long-term monitoring.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2006,26(3):195-205
Integration of shelter forest and herbage into a silvo-pastoral system with sustainable management can improve the ecological and economic sustainability of shelter forest in coastal China. Sustainable management of tree density and forage grasses planting was studied by establishing five experimental treatments through selective logging of the forest. The tree density at the five treatments was 5.00, 2.50, 1.67, 1.25, and 1.00 ind./100 m2, respectively. The density of 1.25 ind./100 m2 (Treatment 4) is the best for introduced forage plants (Sorghum sudanense, Lolium multiflorum, and Medicago sativa) and mature Populus to integrate into a silvo-pastoral system, while the density of 1.00 ind./100 m2 (Treatment 5) is the best for the native grass (Setaria faberi and Arthraxon pricnode) and mature Populus. The planting experiment presented the best combination of planting practices (seed amount, planting depth, and fertilizer amount) for each introduced grass. The silvo-pastoral system has been run successfully for 3 years and has been very profitable for the local farmers. In the silvo-pastoral system, simple cultivation practices change the local dominant species of grasses. Furthermore, a new result is found about tree–grass interaction that change of tree density can alter species of forage plants under trees.  相似文献   

In the sub-humid part of Burkina Faso, population growth, migrations and new marketing opportunities have induced rapid land-use changes and social reorganization, leading to new approaches to natural resource management. The objective of this study was to evaluate tree biodiversity parameters in agroforestry parklands (scattered trees in crop land) as population increases and fallows become shorter. Out of about 100 tree species existing in the area, and 50 commonly found in traditional parklands, only 3 indigenous and 2 non-native species hold a significant importance for farmers, all for their fruits. No indigenous tree species are planted, but a few are protected when clearing the land. Planted cashew nut orchards develop rapidly and are seen as a land tenure guarantee and an important source of income. Given these facts, the perspectives for tree biodiversity management in farmers’ land may appear bleak. Yet, the importance given by farmers to specific tree products demonstrates that trees do play a part in land development and farmers’ strategies. Existing practices of farmers show potential for improved land-use and spatial patterning of the land, as revealed by emerging parklands and orchards. Our data do not confirm common statements that migrant farmers do not manage the land as sustainably as native farmers do. Rather than trying to conserve tree biodiversity as it is, researchers and developers should identify with farmers the complementarities between trees and farms and promote tree biodiversity through existing practices.  相似文献   

By the end of 1990s when China initiated a 10-year mangrove reforestation project, the mangrove forest area had decreased from 250,000 to 15,000 ha. Over 80% of current Chinese mangroves are degraded secondary forests or plantations. As an initial restoration and reforestation effort, Sonneratia apetala, a native of India, Bengal and Sri Lanka, was introduced in 1985 to Dong Zhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve in Hainan Island from Bengal. It has then been introduced into other places since 1991. However, the further use of the species is becoming increasingly controversial as there are emerging signs that it may become invasive in certain locations. A comprehensive evaluation of the species’ condition in China regarding benefits and risks is critically needed. Here, we map the introduction and dispersal routes and monitor the growth of S. apetala in China from 1985 to 2006. S. apetala grows fast and performs well in the introduced 2300 ha muddy beaches area. It greatly improves the soil fertility and shows a suite of suitable characteristics as a pioneer restoration species. Currently, no natural invasion of S. apetala has been observed in the northern mangrove area. However, invasion into natural forests does occur in southerly locations such as Shenzhen, Zhanjiang and Dong Zhaigang. In these locations, S. apetala exhibits invasive characteristics such as overgrowth and high spreading ability that evidently affects local mangrove ecosystem structure and function. While the species clearly offers some benefits at some locations where it cannot naturally invade, it appears harmful to other native mangrove species, posing a major practical problem to both ecologists and land managers. This situation will be similar to previously imported non-native and invasive intertidal wetland species, Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass), with similar results and problems.  相似文献   

Reforestation has large potential for mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. Native mixed‐species plantings have a higher potential to reverse biodiversity loss than do plantations of production species, but there are few data on their capacity to store carbon. A chronosequence (5–45 years) of 36 native mixed‐species plantings, paired with adjacent pastures, was measured to investigate changes to stocks among C pools following reforestation of agricultural land in the medium rainfall zone (400–800 mm yr?1) of temperate Australia. These mixed‐species plantings accumulated 3.09 ± 0.85 t C ha?1 yr?1 in aboveground biomass and 0.18 ± 0.05 t C ha?1 yr?1 in plant litter, reaching amounts comparable to those measured in remnant woodlands by 20 years and 36 years after reforestation respectively. Soil C was slower to increase, with increases seen only after 45 years, at which time stocks had not reached the amounts found in remnant woodlands. The amount of trees (tree density and basal area) was positively associated with the accumulation of carbon in aboveground biomass and litter. In contrast, changes to soil C were most strongly related to the productivity of the location (a forest productivity index and soil N content in the adjacent pasture). At 30 years, native mixed‐species plantings had increased the stability of soil C stocks, with higher amounts of recalcitrant C and higher C : N ratios than their adjacent pastures. Reforestation with native mixed‐species plantings did not significantly change the availability of macronutrients (N, K, Ca, Mg, P, and S) or micronutrients (Fe, B, Mn, Zn, and Cu), content of plant toxins (Al, Si), acidity, or salinity (Na, electrical conductivity) in the soil. In this medium rainfall area, native mixed‐species plantings provided comparable rates of C sequestration to local production species, with the probable additional benefit of providing better quality habitat for native biota. These results demonstrate that reforestation using native mixed‐species plantings is an effective alternative for carbon sequestration to standard monocultures of production species in medium rainfall areas of temperate continental climates, where they can effectively store C, convert C into stable pools and provide greater benefits for biodiversity.  相似文献   

High‐diversity reforestation can help jumpstart tropical forest restoration, but obtaining viable seedlings is a major constraint: if nurseries do not offer them, it is hard to plant all the species one would like. From 2007 to 2009, we investigated five different seed acquisition strategies employed by a well‐established tree nursery in southeastern Brazil, namely (1) in‐house seed harvesters; (2) hiring a professional harvester; (3) amateur seed harvesters; or (4) a seed production cooperative, as well as (5) participating in a seed exchange program. In addition, we evaluated two strategies not dependent on seeds: harvesting seedlings from native tree species found regenerating under Eucalyptus plantations, and in a native forest remnant. A total of 344 native tree and shrub species were collected as seeds or seedlings, including 2,465 seed lots. Among these, a subset of 120 species was obtained through seed harvesting in each year. Overall, combining several strategies for obtaining planting stocks was an effective way to increase species richness, representation of some functional groups (dispersal syndromes, planting group, and shade tolerance), and genetic diversity of seedlings produced in forest tree nurseries. Such outcomes are greatly desirable to support high‐diversity reforestation as part of tropical forest restoration. In addition, community‐based seed harvesting strategies fostered greater socioeconomic integration of traditional communities in restoration projects and programs, which is an important bottleneck for the advance of ecological restoration, especially in developing countries. Finally, we discuss some of the limitations of the various strategies for obtaining planting stocks and the way forward for their improvement.  相似文献   



Ecological restoration is critical for recovering biodiversity and ecosystem services, yet designing interventions to achieve particular outcomes remains fraught with challenges. In the extensive regions where non‐native species are firmly established, it is unlikely that historical conditions can be fully reinstated. To what degree, and how rapidly, can human‐dominated areas be shifted via restoration into regimes that benefit target species, communities or processes?


We explore this question in a >20‐year‐old reforestation effort underway at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge in montane Hawaii. This large‐scale planting of Acacia koa trees is designed to secure populations of globally threatened bird species by transitioning the site rapidly from pasture to native forest.


We surveyed all forest birds in multiple corridors of young planted trees, remnant corridors of mature trees along gulches and at sites within mature forest. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach, we identified which factors (distance from forest, habitat type and surrounding tree cover) had the most important influence on native and exotic bird abundance in the reforestation area.


We found that 90% of native and exotic bird species responded quickly, occupying corridors of native trees approximately a decade after planting. However, native and exotic forest birds responded to markedly different characteristics of the reforested area. Native bird abundance was strongly predicted by proximity to mature forest and remnant corridors; conversely, exotic bird abundance was best predicted by overall tree cover throughout the area reforested.

Main conclusions

Our results demonstrate that large‐scale tree planting in corridors adjacent to mature forest can catalyse rapid recovery (both increased abundance and expanded distribution) of forest birds and that it is possible to design reforestation to benefit native species in novel ecosystems.

For management and conservation strategies in the long term is necessary to know the species distribution and main biophysical aspects that determine the structure and dynamics of the forest. The aim of this work was to determine the potential and current spatial distribution of Gonopterodendron sarmientoi, an emblematic and endangered tree species of the Dry Chaco. A further aim was to superimpose the distribution of G. sarmientoi, with the zonation in the current Territorial Planning of Native Forests (OTBN, its acronym in Spanish) to provide basic information for conservation and management of the species. For this, a Maxent model was developed to quantify the relationship between G. sarmientoi occurrence and key environmental variables (including water, topography, and climate as a variables). G. sarmientoi’s habitat was mainly influenced by precipitation variables, and secondarily by temperature variables. Considering the OTBN defined by the local forest authority, of the current area of G. sarmientoi (2,477,009 ha), the majority (57.9%) corresponded to the yellow category (forest areas with medium conservation value) and only 10.6% to the red category (high conservation value). It is important to note that around 600,686 ha (24.3%) of native forest with G. sarmientoi is in the green category (low conservation value) subject to change in land use, and 178,107 ha was uncategorized forest (7.2%). For effective management and conservation strategies, the current habitat distribution map of G. sarmientoi provides decision-makers an opportunity to review and adjust the native forests zoning at a provincial scale within the framework of the OTBN, mainly the green category (legal deforestation) with the occurrence of the endangered G. sarmientoi.  相似文献   

Urban forests help regulating flow of ecosystem services and are efficient to sequester atmospheric carbon. Tree carbon stock in urban forests and green spaces can help improving human well-being. Nagpur being one of the fastest growing urban agglomerate in India that has faced rapid loss of green spaces in last three decades. Present study assessed tree biomass carbon storage potential of a historically conserved large (67.41 ha) Seminary Hills Reserve forest of Nagpur. A total of 150 quadrats of 100 m2 were laid to understand the vegetation structure and tree biomass storage. Overall structure and composition of the forest was assessed while, non-destructive biomass estimation was carried out using tree volume eqs. A total of 27 tree species belonging to 12 plant families were observed from the forest with only 6 tree species being dominant and remaining 21 being rare in occurrence. The maximum tree carbon storage was observed in dominant tree species of Hardwickia binata (76.30 t C ha?1) followed by 17.04 t C ha?1 in Tectona grandis and 1.19 t C ha?1 in Boswellia serrata. Carbon stock in other co-dominant species was reported in Terminalia bellirica (76.57 kg C ha?1), Gardenia resinifera (1118.6 g C ha?1) and Terminalia arjuna (84.8 g C ha?1). Total carbon stock of dominant tree species present in Seminary Hills urban forest was 94.53 ± 39.6 t C ha?1. The study intends to bring focus ecosystem benefits from Urban Forests in growing urban sprawls of India and the need to include their vital role in urban planning.  相似文献   

Bottomland hardwood forests in the southcentral United States have been cleared extensively for agriculture, and many of the remaining forests are fragmented and degraded. During the last decade, however, approximately 75,000 ha of land—mainly agricultural fields—have been replanted or contracted for replanting, with many more acres likely to be reforested in the near future. The approach used in most reforestation projects to date has been to plant one to three overstory tree species, usually Quercus spp. (oaks), and to rely on natural dispersal for the establishment of other woody species. I critique this practice by two means. First, a brief literature review demonstrates that moderately high woody species diversity occurs in natural bottomland hardwood forests in the region. This review, which relates diversity to site characteristics, serves as a basis for comparison with stands established by means of current reforestation practices. Second, I reevaluate data on the invasion of woody species from an earlier study of 10 reforestation projects in Mississippi, with the goal of assessing the likelihood that stands with high woody species diversity will develop. I show that natural invasion cannot always be counted on to produce a diverse stand, particularly on sites more than about 60 m from an existing forest edge. I then make several recommendations for altering current reforestation practices in order to establish stands with greater woody species diversity, a more natural appearance, and a more positive environmental impact at scales larger than individual sites.  相似文献   

The effect of leaf nitrogen (N) on the photosynthetic capacity and the light and temperature response of photosynthesis was studied in the ecologically similar annuals Chenopodium album (C3) and Amaranthus retroflexus (C4). Photosynthesis was linearly dependent on leaf N per unit area (Na) in both species. A. retroflexus exhibited a greater dependence of photosynthesis on Na than C. album and at any given Na, it had a greater light saturated photosynthesis rate than C. album. The difference between the species became larger as Na increased. These results demonstrate a greater photosynthetic N use efficiency in A. retroflexus than C. album. However, at a given applied N level, C. album allocated more N to a unit of leaf area so that photosynthetic rates were similar in the two species. Leaf conductance to water vapor increased linearly with Na in both species, but at a given photosynthetic rate, leaf conductance was higher in C. album. Thus, A. retroflexus had a greater water use efficiency than C. album. Water use efficiency was independent of leaf N in C. album, but declined with decreasing N in A. retroflexus.  相似文献   

In several tropical regions of the world, formerly widespread forests have been reduced to scattered remnants, and many tree species are becoming increasingly endangered. Knowledge on the population status of rare species is essential to inform conservation efforts and, in particular, the use of native species for reforestation projects stemming from emerging land-use strategies. We studied 20 mostly red-listed native species in remnant forests on five limestone-, four volcanic- and one ultramafic site(s) across the Visayas in the Philippines, with 40 plots being assessed at each site. Seventeen of the species showed a median density of less than two trees per hectare, with ten species showing median densities of zero due to low species frequency, although some had higher local densities. One species (Dracontomelon edule) was not encountered at all, while two other species (Dipterocarpus validus and Dracontomelon dao) were only encountered as singletons. Six species were confined to limestone sites and showed associations with other better-known limestone specialists. The other study species occurred at both site types. Four of the species showed significant relationships between stem density, soil pH and stand basal area. The particular rarity of the majority of the species calls for immediate conservation measures to be adopted to protect species and associated remnant forests. In addition to legal measures such as the designation of remnant forests as protected areas, we recommend the establishment of mixed native forest stands giving due regard to the species associations and site characteristics identified in this study.  相似文献   

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