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Tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), a potent cytokine mainly secreted by macrophages exerts pleiotropic effects on different cell types. However, the intracellular mediators of its action are not yet well characterized. To get an insight into endogenous cytoprotective mechanisms, we developed an in vitro model based on cultured cardiomyocytes treated with TNF- at which we examined gene expression of heat shock proteins (HSP-27, HSP-70 and ubiquitin). Cardiomyocytes were isolated from the hearts of 18 day old fetal mice by enzymatic dissociation and grown in minimum essential medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. Spontaneously contractile cells were serum deprived for 24 h and treated with TNF- (25 ng/ml) for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 h After each incubation, cells were processed to extract total proteins for Western and total RNA for Northern blot analyses. TNF- induced arrhythmias and cessation of spontaneous contractions in a concentration and time dependent manner. Steady state (ubiquitin) or undetectable mRNA levels (HSP-27, HSP-70) were drastically induced (> 4 fold for all three genes vs untreated control cells) by TNF-, reaching maximal values between 6–8 h of stimulation. Thereafter, the expression of these stress genes declined but remained elevated as compared to control. By Western blot analysis, we found increased multiple bands of ubiquitin protein conjugates in TNF-a treated cells whereas no significant change in HSP-27 protein accumulation until 12 h was observed as compared to control. 24 h of TNF- incubation resulted in partial cellular necrosis. Our results indicate that TNF- induces in cardiomyocytes transiently gene expression for cytoprotective molecules like HSP-27, HSP-70 and ubiquitin, suggesting these stress proteins to participate in subsequent defense mechanisms, for example in postischemic myocardial recovery. (Mol Cell Biochem 160/161: 217–224, 1996)  相似文献   

On the basis of the evidence of the enhanced susceptibility to kainate-induced seizures in young rats fed a zinc-deficient diet for 4 weeks, the relationship between zinc release from hippocampal neuron terminals and seizure susceptibility was studied in young rats fed the zinc-deficient diet for 2 weeks. Timm’s stain, with which histochemically reactive zinc in the presynaptic vesicle is detected, was not attenuated in mossy fibers and other areas in the hippocampus after 2-week zinc deprivation, whereas the attenuation was observed after 4-week zinc deprivation. Extracellular zinc concentration was not also decreased after 2-week zinc deprivation, unlike the case after 4-week zinc deprivation. To check the capacity for zinc release from neuron terminals after 2-week zinc deprivation, the hippocampus was excessively stimulated with 100 mM KCl. The increase in extracellular zinc concentration of zinc-deficient group was significantly more than that of control group. These results suggest that zinc release from hippocampal neuron terminals is not affected by 2-week zinc deprivation. On the other hand, the latency in myoclonic jerks of zinc-deficient group was significantly shorter than in the control group after treatment with kainate, while the latency in clonic convulsions was not different between the two groups. Intracellular fura-2 signal, a calcium indicator, was significantly higher in the hippocampal CA3 areas of zinc-deficient group 4 s after delivery of kainate to dentate granule cells. These results suggest that susceptibility to kainate-induced seizures is altered prior to the decrease in extracellular zinc concentration and zinc release from neuron terminals in zinc-deficient young rats. The alteration of calcium signaling seems to be involved in the susceptibility in zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

A simple, isotropic, elastic constitutive model for the spongy tissue in lung is formulated from the theory of hypo-elasticity. The model is shown to exhibit a pressure dependent behavior that has been interpreted in the literature as indicating extensional anisotropy. In contrast, we show that this behavior arises naturally from an analysis of isotropic hypo-elastic invariants and is a result of non-linearity, not anisotropy. The response of the model is determined analytically for several boundary value problems used for material characterization. These responses give insight into both the material behavior as well as admissible bounds on parameters. The model predictions are compared with published experimental data for dog lung.  相似文献   

Properties of lung parenchyma in distortion.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study offers a basis for evaluating and developing models of stress-strain behavior of the lung in distortion. Tensile forces were applied along three axes to cubes of dog lung parenchyma. With axially symmetrical force-loading, expansion was reasonably symmetrical and pressure-volume relationships were reasonably conventional in range, hysteresis, and time-dependent behavior. When the force load was changed on one axis only, that axis appeared more compliant than it did during symmetrical loading and the other axes changed length in the opposite sign. Similar distortion was apparent at the alveolar level. Data for five specimens over a range of applied loads are filed with the National Auxiliary Publications Service; graphical examples are presented herein. Relationship among the compliances for symmetrical and asymmetrical loadings were consistent with elastic theory. We derived the elastic coefficients, bulk and Young's moduli, and Poisson's ratio from the data. Poison's ratio was about 0.30 in air-filled specimens, but was lower (0.16-0.24) and increases with stress in saline-filled specimens.  相似文献   

Elasticity of excised dog lung parenchyma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Nosocomial infections often cause lethal pneumogenic sepsis. Information on early bacteria-host interaction in the lung is limited. In the present study, mice were sacrificed 60 min and 4 h after Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection to investigate lung morphology by using electron microscopy and light microscopy. After 1 h, bacteria were found in the alveoli partly in contact with surfactant. Alveolar macrophages were seen with up to 10 intracellular bacteria close to protrusions of alveolar epithelial type I cells and the gas/blood barrier. A rare but surprising finding was bacteria and even replicating bacteria in alveolar epithelial type II cells (AEII). No bacteria were seen in capillaries. Neither engulfment of bacteria by neutrophils nor structural damage of the pulmonary barrier was visible. After 4 h, many neutrophils were found within the capillaries, but also in the alveolar space. Thus, we hypothesize that, in early stages of infection, the uptake of PA even by single AEII can influence the course of the disease.  相似文献   

On the basis of the evidence that the excitability of hippocampal glutamatergic neurotransmitter system is enhanced by dietary zinc deficiency, the response of amygdalar neurotransmitter system was checked in young rats fed a zinc-deficient diet for 4 weeks. Extracellular zinc concentration in the amygdala, which was measured by the in vivo microdialysis, was almost the same as that in the hippocampus and decreased by zinc deficiency. Extracellular zinc concentration in the amygdala was increased both in the control and zinc-deficient rats by stimulation with 100 mM KCl, suggesting that the increase in extracellular zinc in the amygdala, as well as that in the hippocampus, is linked with neuronal depolarization. In amygdalar extracellular fluid, the basal glutamate concentration was not significantly different between the control and zinc-deficient rats and was increased to almost the same extent between them by stimulation with 100 mM KCl, unlike more increase in extracellular glutamate concentration in the hippocampus in zinc deficiency. On the other hand, the basal GABA concentration in the amygdalar extracellular fluid was significantly lower in zinc-deficient rats and was not increased both in the control and zinc-deficient rats by stimulation with 100 mM KCl. These results suggest that GABAergic neurotransmitter system is critically impaired in the amygdala of young rats after 4-week zinc deprivation.  相似文献   

Although it has been known for more than 50 years that zinc (Zn) deficiency regularly and consistently causes anorexia in many animal species, the basic mechanism(s) that cause this phenomenon still remain(s) an enigma. The following studies describe feeding behavior in the early stages of zinc deficiency in the rat model. In one experiment, we used computerized feeding monitors that measured the intake of individual rats at 10-min intervals over 24-hr periods. Male rats were acclimated to the cages and fed a Zn-adequate egg-white-based diet, or a similar diet with <1.0 mg Zn/kg. Food intake was monitored for seven, consecutive 24-hr periods. The 24-hr food intake pattern of the Zn-deprived rats did not differ from the controls; they simply ate less food, mainly during the night hours, with no differences between groups during the day. Although Zn-deprived rats ate less food than controls, the percentage of total diet consumed during night and day did not differ between groups. In another experiment, we simultaneously offered male rats three isocaloric diets with different macronutrient compositions and with or without adequate Zn, and measured the amount of each diet selected during seven, 24-hr periods. The three diets contained either 57% protein from egg white, 30% fat from soybean oil, or 80% carbohydrate from a combination of starch, hydrolyzed starch, and sucrose. For the first four days on experiment, rats selected similar amounts of each diet. Then the Zn-deprived rats began to select only 50% as much of the protein diet as the controls. Similar results were obtained when the data were expressed on the basis of each macronutrient as a percentage of the total diet selected. Zn-deprived rats selected a diet that contained 8% protein, 73% carbohydrate, and 6% fat while the Zn-adequate rats selected 12% protein, 69% carbohydrate, and 6% fat. Fat intake was not affected by Zn-deprivation. The results confirm our previous findings, and are discussed in terms of Zn-deprivation blunting the pathways of signal transduction that involve the peptide hormones known to affect food intake regulation.  相似文献   

A finite element model of mammalian lung parenchyma is used to study the effect of large non-uniform distortions on lung elastic behaviour. The non-uniform distortion is a uni-axial stretch from an initial state of uniform pressure expansion. For small distortions, the parenchymal properties are linearly isotropic and described by two elastic moduli. However, for large distortions, the parenchyma has anisotropic non-linear elastic properties described by five independent elastic moduli dependent on the degree of distortion; they are computed for a range of distortions and initial pressures. Ez, the Young's modulus in the direction of stretch, increases significantly with distortion (epsilon(z)) while Ex, the Young's modulus in the plane perpendicular to the stretch, is approximately constant. The greater the initial pressure, the bigger the difference between the two moduli at larger distortion strains. The shear modulus G(xz) is approximately independent of degree of distortion except at the highest initial pressure. The Poisson's ratio, nu(xz) is approximately constant with distortion strain for lower initial pressures, but increases significantly with epsilon(z) at higher pressures. Model predictions of the relation between G(xz) and initial uniform inflation pressure show a good correlation with reported experimental data for small distortion strains in a range of species. The model also exhibits similar behaviour to the experimentally measured uni-axial large deformations of a tri-axially pre-loaded block of parenchyma (Hoppin et al., 1975, Journal of Applied Physiology 39, 742-751).  相似文献   

Interdependence between airways and thelung parenchyma is thought to be a major mechanism preventing excessiveairway narrowing during bronchoconstriction. Because theelastance of the lung increases during bronchoconstriction, the lung'stethering force could also increase, further attenuatingbronchoconstriction. We hypothesized that the bulk () and shearmoduli (µ) of the lung increase similarly during bronchoconstriction.To test this hypothesis, we excised rabbit lungs and measured the lungvolume, pulmonary elastance, , and µ at transpulmonary pressuresof 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 cmH2O usingpressure-volume curves, slow oscillations of the lung, and anindentation test. Bronchoconstriction was induced by nebulizingcarbachol by using small tidal-volume ventilation to preventhyperinflation. The measurement of  and µ was repeated aftercarbachol treatment. After carbachol treatment, the increase in  wassignificantly greater than that in µ. The estimated value for µ was~0.5 × transpulmonary pressure both before and after carbachol treatment. These datasuggest that the tethering effect of the lung parenchyma, which servesto attenuate bronchoconstriction, is not significantly increased duringcarbachol administration unless there is hyperinflation.  相似文献   

The strain energy for the air-filled lung is calculated from a model of the parenchymal microstructure. The energy is the sum of the surface energy and the elastic energies of two tissue components. The first of these is the peripheral tissue system that provides the recoil pressure of the saline-filled lung, and the second is the system of line elements that form the free edges of the alveolar walls bordering the alveolar ducts. The computed strain energy is consistent with the observed linear elastic behavior of parenchyma and the data on large deformations around blood vessels.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid reduces airway reactivity to inhaled bronchoconstrictor agents in man and guinea pigs. The precise mechanism(s) responsible for this effect are unknown, but in both species an acute indomethacin treatment reverses the action of the ascorbic acid. To determine if ascorbic acid promotes prostanoid synthesis and/or inhibits degradation, human lung parenchymal slices (100–200mg) were incubated for 60 minutes in oxygenated Tyrode's solution alone or with sodium ascorbate (0.001M–1M) and/or methacholine (1μM–100μM) and/or indomethacin (0.17μM–17μM). Aliquots of the incubation medium were assayed by radioimmunoassay for PGE2, PGF, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF. Ascorbic acid increased the accumulation of all four prostanoids in the incubation medium, especially thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF. This stimulatory effect of ascorbic acid was concentration-dependent and was inhibited by indomethacin. We conclude that ascorbic acid can alter prostanoid generation by human lung tissue and this effect may, in part, explain its antibronchoconstrictor activity in man.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid reduces airway reactivity to inhaled bronchoconstrictor agents in man and guinea pigs. The precise mechanism(s) responsible for this effect are unknown, but in both species an acute indomethacin treatment reverses the action of the ascorbic acid. To determine if ascorbic acid promotes prostanoid synthesis and/or inhibits degradation, human lung parenchymal slices (100-200 mg) were incubated for 60 minutes in oxygenated Tyrode's solution alone or with sodium ascorbate (0.001 M-1 M) and/or methacholine (1 microM-100 microM) and/or indomethacin (0.17 microM-17 microM). Aliquots of the incubation medium were assayed by radioimmunoassay for PGE2, PGF2 alpha, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. Ascorbic acid increased the accumulation of all four prostanoids in the incubation medium, especially thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. This stimulatory effect of ascorbic acid was concentration-dependent and was inhibited by indomethacin. We conclude that ascorbic acid can alter prostanoid generation by human lung tissue and this effect may, in part, explain its antibronchoconstrictor activity in man.  相似文献   

Isolation of inclusion bodies from rabbit lung parenchyma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mitochondrial-plus-lysosomal fraction of rabbit lung parenchyma was studied by equilibrium density centrifugation in continuous sucrose density gradients (specific gravity 1.035 to 1.250). High concentrations of lysosomal marker enzymes were found both in a broad band at density 1.15–1.18, a density typical for lysosomes, and in a band at density 1.06–1.07. This light density band also had the highest specific activity of phospholipid, which thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography showed to be primarily lecithin with a high content of palmitic acid residues. Electron microscopy of material from the light density band showed a homogeneous array of particles which bear a strong resemblance to the inclusion bodies of the type II alveolar epithelial cell as seen in electron micrographs of rabbit lung tissue sections. These data suggest that the light density band is an isolation of intact type II alveolar epithelial cell inclusion bodies, which previous studies have implicated as the storage site of the phospholipid moiety of pulmonary surfactant.  相似文献   

Pressure-volume measurements and the punch indentation test are used to obtain the bulk modulus (kappa) and the shear modulus (mu) of lung parenchyma of air- and liquid-filled rabbit lungs. Plots of kappa and mu vs. transpulmonary pressure obtained from these measurements indicate that there is very little difference between the elastic behavior of the air- and liquid-filled lung, suggesting that the mechanism of resisting deformation in both cases is similar. On the other hand, from plots of kappa and mu vs. lung volume, it appears that the elastic moduli are higher in the air-filled lung than in the liquid-filled lung at the same volume. These differences, referred to as kappa gamma and mu gamma, as well as the difference in transpulmonary pressures (P gamma), are presumably due to the additional elastic recoil of the air-filled lung provided by alveolar surface tension (gamma). No conclusion could be reached about the shape of the kappa gamma vs. P gamma curve. However, the mu gamma vs. P gamma relationship appears to be approximately linear, with a slope of approximately 0.5. This result agrees qualitatively with the model (T. A. Wilson and H. Bachofen, J. Appl. Physiol. 52: 1064-1070, 1982) in which the part of the parenchyma that provides P gamma is pictured as mechanically analogous to an open cell liquid foam, having mu gamma = 0.4P gamma (J. Appl. Mech. Trans. ASME 51: 229-231, 1984), but it is statistically significant only at high lung volumes.  相似文献   

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