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14C-labelled polar lipids (monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol [MGDG], digalactosyl-diacylglycerol [DGDG], phosphatidylcholine [PC] and phosphatidylglycerol [PG]), purified from Vigna unguiculata leaves, were used as substrates to study the lipolytic activities of Vigna unguiculata leaf extracts. Analysis of the radioactive degradation products revealed the presence of at least three enzyme activities contributing to the hydrolysis of the four main leaf membrane lipids: Lipolytic acyl hydrolase (LAH) activities responsible for the deacylation of galactolipids and phospholipids, phospholipase D (PLD, EC activity which gives rise to phosphatidic acid, and as suggested by the presence of diacylglycerols in minor quantities after phospholipid hydrolysis, phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PAP, EC and/or phospholipase C (PLC, EC activity. Under the conditions described in the present paper, the presence of phospholipase A (PLA1, EC and PLA2, EC activities remains hypothetical, due to the absence of lysophospholipids. LAH and PLD were partially soluble and partially associated with the membranes. When Vigna unguiculata plants were submitted to drought, the enzymatic degradation of galactolipids and phospholipids increased. The stimulation of lipolytic activities was greater in the drought-sensitive cultivar of Vigna unguiculata (cv. 1183) than in the drought-tolerant (cv. EPACE-1) one. In cv. 1183, MGDG- and DGDG-LAH activities in the membrane fractions were dramatically stimulated at a rather moderate water deficit (?0.75 MPa). A sharp increase in membrane phospholipolytic activities was also observed at mild drought stress (?1.2 MPa). In contrast, in cv. EPACE-1, the stimulation of lipolytic activities was less drastic and occurred at lower leaf water potentials (below ?1.2 MPa for galactolipases, and below ?1.4 MPa for phospholipases). Our results confirm the presence in leaves of higher plants of a very active LAH acting on galactolipids, whereas PLD is the main enzyme responsible for the degradation of phospholipids, particularly when plants are submitted to drought stress. The differences in stimulation of lipolytic activities between the two Vigna cultivars was in accordance with the different levels of membrane lipid degradation shown previously and could explain their different capacity to sustain drought.  相似文献   

A cDNA (Vupat1) encoding a predicted 43 kDa protein was isolated from drought-stressed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves. It has homology with patatin, a potato tuber storage protein with lipolytic acyl hydrolase activity. The recombinant protein VUPAT1 expressed in the baculovirus system displays preferentially galactolipid acyl hydrolase activity. Phospholipids are very slowly hydrolyzed and apparently triacylglycerols are not deacylated. Vupat1 promoter contains putative drought-inducible sequences. Northern blots showed that gene expression is stimulated by drought stress and is more pronounced in a drought-sensitive cultivar than in a drought-tolerant one. An involvement in drought-induced galactolipid degradation is proposed for VUPAT1.  相似文献   


Key message

Cowpea cultivars differing in salt tolerance reveal differences in protein profiles and adopt different strategies to overcome salt stress. Salt-tolerant cultivar shows induction of proteins related to photosynthesis and energy metabolism.


Salinity is a major abiotic stress affecting plant cultivation and productivity. The objective of this study was to examine differential proteomic responses to salt stress in leaves of the cowpea cultivars Pitiúba (salt tolerant) and TVu 2331 (salt sensitive). Plants of both cultivars were subjected to salt stress (75 mM NaCl) followed by a recovery period of 5 days. Proteins extracted from leaves of both cultivars were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) under salt stress and after recovery. In total, 22 proteins differentially regulated by both salt and recovery were identified by LC–ESI–MS/MS. Our current proteome data revealed that cowpea cultivars adopted different strategies to overcome salt stress. For the salt-tolerant cultivar (Pitiúba), increase in abundance of proteins involved in photosynthesis and energy metabolism, such as rubisco activase, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase (Ru5PK) (EC, glycine decarboxylase (EC and oxygen-evolving enhancer (OEE) protein 2, was observed. However, these vital metabolic processes were more profoundly affected in salt-sensitive cultivar (TVu), as indicated by the down-regulation of OEE protein 1, Mn-stabilizing protein-II, carbonic anhydrase (EC and Rubisco (EC, leading to energy reduction and a decline in plant growth. Other proteins differentially regulated in both cultivars corresponded to different physiological responses. Overall, our results provide information that could lead to a better understanding of the molecular basis of salt tolerance and sensitivity in cowpea plants.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins (LTP) facilitate transfer of lipids between membranes in vitro. Up to now, they have been found to be localized basically in the plant cell wall and in compartments linked to lipid metabolism, such as glyoxysomes. Accordingly, LTP are considered to be involved in the plant defence against pathogen microbes and lipid metabolism. We herein show, by immunoelectron microscopy, that besides the cell wall, LTP are localized in the lumen of organelles which we suggest to be the protein storage vacuoles, as well as in vesicles similar to the lipid-containing ones and in the extracellular space of Vigna unguiculata seeds. To further characterize these organelles, we performed subcellular fractionation of membranes isolated from imbibed seeds on a sucrose-density gradient. The analysis of these fractions revealed that the lightest membrane vesicles, derived probably from PSV, contain LTP, α-TIP and K+ independent PPiase, but not γ-TIP and K+ stimulated PPiase. The presence of LTP and vicilins (typical storage protein) in the lumen of these vesicles was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Taken together, the data suggest that the intracellular LTP in the V. unguiculata seeds are localized in protein storage vacuoles and in lipid-containing vesicles.  相似文献   

Although much information is available concerning the effect of senescence on cell proteolytic activities, few reports are devoted to the impact of drought stress. Our aim was to study the influence of water deficit on the cell proteolytic potential, and to determine whether or not it could be used as a physiological parameter for screening varieties for tolerance to drought. We have used Phaseolus and Vigna species differing in their senstivity to water deficit: V. unguiculata L. Walp. cv. EPACE (resistant), V. unguiculata L. Walp. cv. IT83D (moderately senstive) and P. vulgaris L. cv. Carioquinha (sensitive). The plants were subjected to controlled water conditions. Proteolytic activities were assayed using azocasein in the case of leaf extracts and [14C]-methylated casein in the case of cell compartments: soluble fraction, membrane fraction and isolated, purified chloroplasts. The results indicate that the leaf extracts contained 3 groups of proteinases with optimum pH at 4.5, 5-6 and 8.5 for the Vigna cultivars and 5.0, 6.5 and 9.0 for the Phaseolus cultivar. The sensitive P. vulgaris Carioquinha showed higher caseinolytic activities than the other tow cultivars in response to water deficit. As regards cell fractions, proteolytic activities were determined for pH values of 4.5, 6.0 and 9.0. In soluble fractions of stressed plants, proteolytic activities increased at all the pH values tested; this clearly correlated with the drought sensitivity level of the plants, especially at pH 4.5. The same phenomenon was observed in the case of membranes and purified chloroplasts of the sensitive cultivar. Under drought stress, the proteolytic potential of the cell increased especially in the vaculoar sap (soluble fraction). The higher activities observed for all the cell compartments in the sensitive cultivar could be responsible, at least partly, for the rapid degradation of leaf and chloroplast proteins under drought. The use of [14C]-methylated casein and soluble cell fractions seem to allow a clear differentiation between cultivars with respect to the drought tolerance at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) and Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna) mutants in which hydrogenase (hup) activity was affected were constructed and analyzed. Vigna unguiculata plants inoculated with the Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna) hup mutant showed reduced nitrogenase activity and also a significant decrease in nitrogen content, suggesting a relevant contribution of hydrogenase activity to plant yield.  相似文献   

Cucumber seedlings were drought-stressed or inoculated with Pseudoperonospora cubensis. After 3 or 6 d the intercellular fluids of treated cucumber leaves were extracted and analyzed. Protein contents increased after pathogen inoculation and a 27-kD protein was found in intercellular fluids (Figs.1, 7). Both 27 kD proteins were purified from the intercellular fluids of cucumber leaves after drought stress or pathogen inoculation by SDS-PAGE and electro-elution protocol respectively (Fig.2, 3). Purified proteins from drought-stressed and P. cubensis infected seedlings were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and their peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) results were obtained (Figs.4, 5). The PMF results were compared with protein database using the software Profound. The results show that the 27 kD proteins from seedlings after drought stress and after P. cubensis infection were the same protein, i.e. an acidic chitinase (Tables 1, 2; Fig.6). The activities of chitinase in the intercellular fluids of cucumber leaves after pathogen inoculation and in those drought stress were also analyzed. Results showed that both treatments induced the increase in chitinase activity (Fig.8), which indicated that chitinase may be involved in the protection of cucumber plant against both pathogen attack and water stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The presence of connate foliaceous stipules of primary leaves and their inheritance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotype EC394736 is reported for the first time. METHODS: The development of foliaceous stipules (FS) and their persistence were examined throughout the growth and developmental stages of the plants of the genotype EC394736. The shape, size, colour, texture and other parameters were examined in the field during the period 15-50 d after sowing. The area of FS was measured using image analysis software. The inheritance of FS was studied by making a cross between the genotype EC394763 with rudimentary stipules (RS) and the genotype EC394736, which has connate foliaceous stipules of primary leaves. The presence or absence of FS in plants of the F1, F2 and F3 generations was recorded. KEY RESULTS: The stipules developed along with the primary leaves in the genotype EC394736. One stipule of each primary leaf fused with the adjacent stipule of the other primary leaf forming a foliaceous structure. These stipules persisted on the plants for >50 d, even after the primary leaves had withered off. The F1 plants showed an absence of FS indicating the rudimentary stipules to be dominant over foliaceous stipules. The F2 segregation into 15 (RS) : 1 (FS) indicated that duplicate recessive genes controlled the presence of the FS. This was confirmed from the segregation pattern in the F3 generation. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of FS is a unique feature in cowpea genotype EC394736 and duplicate recessive genes govern it. The FS can be used as a morphological marker for identification of cowpea varieties.  相似文献   

Although ascorbic acid (AA) is a high-abundance metabolite, relatively little is known about the factors controlling its accumulation in leaves. To address this issue, we examined the role of l -galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH), the enzyme which catalyses the last step of this pathway, in the control of AA content under optimal and stress conditions. In a range of species, no clear relationship between AA content and leaf GalLDH protein and activity was found under optimal growth conditions. To explore the effect of drought stress on GalLDH activity and protein content, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was selected for detailed analysis, using two cultivars that differ in their constitutive AA level. In well-watered plants, the AA content of cv Buck Chambergo (BCH) was over twice that of cv Cooperativa Maipún (CM) but dehydroascorbic acid content was similar in both cv. In agreement with this, dehydroascorbate reductase and glutathione reductase activities were higher in cv BCH than in cv CM, indicating a higher capacity for AA regeneration. Neither leaf DHA content nor activities of AA regenerating enzymes were modified by drought. Although drought caused a substantial increase in GalLDH protein and activity in the low AA cv CM, this treatment had no effect on these parameters in cv BCH. Notably, leaf AA content was unaffected by drought in either cv. These results suggest that GalLDH protein and activity cannot be used as an indicator for changes in the capacity for ascorbate biosynthesis and that AA biosynthesis is constrained by other factors under stress. This can be explained by the importance of regeneration in maintaining AA levels and possibly also by redox regulation of GalLDH.  相似文献   

In contrast to cereals or other crops, legumes are known to acidify the rhizosphere even when supplied with nitrates. This phenomenon has been attributed to N2 fixation allowing excess uptake of cations over anions; however, as we have found previously, the exposure of the shoot to illumination can cause rhizosphere acidification in the absence of N2 fixation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). In this study, we examined whether the light-induced acidification can relate to photosynthetic activity and corresponding alterations in cation-anion uptake ratios. The changes of rhizosphere pH along the root axis were visualized using a pH indicator agar gel. The intensity of pH changes (alkalization/acidification) in the rhizosphere was expressed in proton fluxes, which were obtained by processing the images of the pH indicator agar gel. The uptake of cations and anions was measured in nutrient solution. The rhizosphere was alkalinized in the dark but acidified with exposure of the shoots to light. The extent of light-induced acidification was increased with leaf size and intensity of illumination on the shoot, and completely stopped with the application of photosynthesis inhibitor. Although the uptake of cations was significantly lower than that of anions, the rhizosphere was acidified by light exposure. Proton pump inhibitors N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodimide and vanadate could not stop the light-induced acidification. The results indicate that light-induced acidification in cowpea seedlings is regulated by photosynthetic activity, but is not due to excess uptake of cations.  相似文献   

Using chlorophyll (chl) fluorescence imaging, we studied the effect of mild (MiDS), moderate (MoDS) and severe (SDS) drought stress on photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry of 4-week-old Arabidopsis thaliana. Spatio-temporal heterogeneity in all chl fluorescence parameters was maintained throughout water stress. After exposure to drought stress, maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (F(v)/F(m)) and quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Φ(PSΙΙ)) decreased less in the proximal (base) than in the distal (tip) leaf. The chl fluorescence parameter F(v) /F(m) decreased less after MoDS than MiDS. Under MoDS, the antioxidant mechanism of A. thaliana leaves seemed to be sufficient in scavenging reactive oxygen species, as evident by the decreased lipid peroxidation, the more excitation energy dissipated by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and decreased excitation pressure (1-q(p)). Arabidopsis leaves appear to function normally under MoDS, but do not seem to have particular metabolic tolerance mechanisms under MiDS and SDS, as revealed by the level of lipid peroxidation and decreased quantum yield for dissipation after down-regulation in PSII (Φ(NPQ)), indicating that energy dissipation by down-regulation did not function and electron transport (ETR) was depressed. The simultaneous increased quantum yield of non-regulated energy dissipation (Φ(NO)) indicated that both the photochemical energy conversion and protective regulatory mechanism were insufficient. The non-uniform photosynthetic pattern under drought stress may reflect different zones of leaf anatomy and mesophyll development. The data demonstrate that the effect of different degrees of drought stress on A. thaliana leaves show spatio-temporal heterogeneity, implying that common single time point or single point leaf analyses are inadequate.  相似文献   

Cowpea is an important crop for subsistence farmers in arid regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. Efforts to develop cultivars with improved productivity under drought conditions are constrained by lack of molecular markers associated with drought tolerance. Here, we report the mapping of 12 quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with seedling drought tolerance and maturity in a cowpea recombinant inbred (RIL) population. One hundred and twenty-seven F8 RILs developed from a cross between IT93K503-1 and CB46 were screened with 62 EcoR1 and Mse1 primer combinations to generate 306 amplified fragment length polymorphisms for use in genetic linkage mapping. The same population was phenotyped for maintenance of stem greenness (stg) and recovery dry weight (rdw) after drought stress in six greenhouse experiments. In field experiments conducted over 3 years, visual ratings and dry weights were used to phenotype drought stress-induced premature senescence in the RIL population. Kruskall–Wallis and multiple-QTL model mapping analysis were used to identify QTL associated with drought response phenotypes. Observed QTL were highly reproducible between stg and rdw under greenhouse conditions. Field studies confirmed all ten drought-response QTL observed under greenhouse conditions. Regions harboring drought-related QTL were observed on linkage groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 accounting for between 4.7 and 24.2% of the phenotypic variance (R 2). Further, two QTL for maturity (R 2 = 14.4–28.9% and R 2 = 11.7–25.2%) mapped on linkage groups 7 and 8 separately from drought-related QTL. These results provide a platform for identification of genetic determinants of seedling drought tolerance in cowpea. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Histological studies were conducted on cowpea pods fed upon by the coreoid pod-sucking bugs, Anoplocnemis curvipes (Fabricius), Clavigralla tomentosicollis St?l, C. shadabi Dolling, Riptortus dentipes (Fabricius) and Mirperus jaculus (Thunberg). Various degrees of tissue and cellular disruption were apparent, especially in the brachysclereids. They were manifested in terms of plasmolysis, cell enlargement and cell wall disintegration depending on the coreoid species involved. The feeding site and its periphery had all the cells of the brachysclereids plasmolysed, with the parenchyma having broken cell walls in the case of A. curvipes. Riptortus dentipes and M. jaculus showed similar patterns of feeding activity but less extensive levels of damage. The Clavigralla spp., however, caused cell enlargement in the brachysclereids, and broken cell walls in both the brachysclereids and the parenchyma. Damage symptoms were observed in cells far away from the feeding sites of the bugs, suggesting the possibility of sucrase activity which has been reported to cause osmotic pump feeding in the Coreidae.  相似文献   

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