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The successful development of Plasmodium in Anopheles mosquitoes is governed by complex molecular and cellular interactions that we are just beginning to understand. Anopheles immune system has received particular attention as genetic evidence points clearly to its critical role in eliminating the majority of parasites invading the midgut epithelium. Several factors regulating Plasmodium development have been identified and tentatively assigned to the individual steps leading to mosquito immune reactions; non-self-recognition, signal modulation, signal transduction and effector mechanisms. Detailed knowledge of these steps and their underlying molecular mechanisms may offer novel perspectives to abort Plasmodium development in the vector. Here, we summarize our current knowledge of mosquito innate immunity highlighting both, recent advances and areas where additional research is required.  相似文献   

Innate immune-related gene expression in the major disease vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae has been analyzed following infection by the malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei. Substantially increased levels of mRNAs encoding the antibacterial peptide defensin and a putative Gram-negative bacteria-binding protein (GNBP) are observed 20-30 h after ingestion of an infected blood-meal, at a time which indicates that this induction is a response to parasite invasion of the midgut epithelium. The induction is dependent upon the ingestion of infective, sexual-stage parasites, and is not due to opportunistic co-penetration of resident gut micro-organisms into the hemocoel. The response is activated following infection both locally (in the midgut) and systemically (in remaining tissues, presumably fat body and/or hemocytes). The observation that Plasmodium can trigger a molecularly defined immune response in the vector constitutes an important advance in our understanding of parasite-vector interactions that are potentially involved in malaria transmission, and extends knowledge of the innate immune system of insects to encompass responses to protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

The insect myosuppressins (X1DVX2HX3FLRFamide) are neuropeptides that generally block insect muscle activities. We have used the genomic sequence information from the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Genome Project to clone a G protein-coupled receptor that was closely related to the two previously cloned and characterized myosuppressin receptors from Drosophila [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 9808]. The mosquito receptor cDNA was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and was found to be activated by low concentrations of Anopheles myosuppressin (TDVDHVFLRFamide; EC50, 1.6 x 10(-8)M). The receptor was not activated by a library of 35 other insect neuropeptides and monoamines, including neuropeptides that resembled myosuppressin in their C-terminal moiety, such as PDRNFLRFamide (Anopheles FMRFamide-3), other Anopheles FMRFamide peptides, or neuropeptide F-like peptides, showing that the receptor was quite selective for myosuppressin. These results also showed that the myosuppressin receptor needs a much larger portion than the C-terminal FLRFamide sequence for its activation. The insect myosuppressins are often grouped together with the insect FMRFamides under the name FaRPs (FMRFamide-related peptides). However, this is not justified anymore, because the insect myosuppressin receptor/ligand couple is both functionally and evolutionarily fully unrelated to the insect FMRFamide receptor/ligand couple. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the molecular identification of a mosquito neuropeptide receptor.  相似文献   

Severe injury causes a dramatic host response that disrupts immune homeostasis and predisposes the injured host to opportunistic infections. Because Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize conserved microbial Ags and endogenous danger signals that may be triggered by injury, we wanted to determine how injury influences TLR responses. Using an in vivo injury model, we demonstrate that injury significantly increased TLR2- and TLR4-induced IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha production by spleen cells. This influence of injury on TLR reactivity was observed as early as 1 day after injury and persisted for at least 7 days. The outcome of similar studies performed using TLR4-mutant C57BL/10ScN/Cr mice revealed that TLR2 responses remained primed, thus suggesting that injury-induced priming can occur independently of endogenous TLR4 signaling. Increased TLR4 reactivity was also observed in vivo, because LPS-challenged injured mice demonstrated significantly higher cytokine expression levels in the lung, liver, spleen, and plasma. Macrophages and dendritic cells were the major source of these cytokines as judged by intracellular cytokine staining. Moreover, ex vivo studies using enriched macrophage and dendritic cell populations confirmed that T cells did not contribute to the enhanced TLR2 and TLR4 responses. The results of flow cytometry studies using TLR2- and TLR4-MD-2-specific Abs indicated that injury did not markedly alter cell surface TLR2 or TLR4-MD-2 expression. Taken together, these findings establish that injury primes the innate immune system for enhanced TLR2- and TLR4-mediated responses and provides evidence to suggest that augmented TLR reactivity might contribute to the development of heightened systemic inflammation following severe injury.  相似文献   

The over-replicating wMelPop strain of the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis has recently been shown to be capable of inducing immune upregulation and inhibition of pathogen transmission in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In order to examine whether comparable effects would be seen in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, transient somatic infections of wMelPop were created by intrathoracic inoculation. Upregulation of six selected immune genes was observed compared to controls, at least two of which (LRIM1 and TEP1) influence the development of malaria parasites. A stably infected An. gambiae cell line also showed increased expression of malaria-related immune genes. Highly significant reductions in Plasmodium infection intensity were observed in the wMelPop-infected cohort, and using gene knockdown, evidence for the role of TEP1 in this phenotype was obtained. Comparing the levels of upregulation in somatic and stably inherited wMelPop infections in Ae. aegypti revealed that levels of upregulation were lower in the somatic infections than in the stably transinfected line; inhibition of development of Brugia filarial nematodes was nevertheless observed in the somatic wMelPop infected females. Thus we consider that the effects observed in An. gambiae are also likely to be more pronounced if stably inherited wMelPop transinfections can be created, and that somatic infections of Wolbachia provide a useful model for examining effects on pathogen development or dissemination. The data are discussed with respect to the comparative effects on malaria vectorial capacity of life shortening and direct inhibition of Plasmodium development that can be produced by Wolbachia.  相似文献   

The induction of type I (alphabeta) IFN following virus infection is necessary for the stimulation of effective antiviral host defense. In fibroblasts, a subset of primary genes (including those encoding IFN-beta and IFN-alpha4) are induced directly by intracellular dsRNA generated by the virus during its replication. These primary type I IFNs induce expression of IFN regulatory factor (IRF)-7, required for production of a second cascade of IFN-alpha subtypes and the further establishment of a complete antiviral state. Previously, we had reported on a role for Fas-associated death domain-containing protein (FADD) in the control of TLR-independent innate immune responses to virus infection. Our data in this study demonstrate that FADD is not only required for efficient primary gene induction, but is also essential for induction of Irf7 and effective expression of secondary IFN-alphas and other antiviral genes. Ectopic overexpression of IRF-7 partially rescued dsRNA responsiveness and IFN-alpha production, and a constitutively active variant of IRF-7 displayed normal activity in Fadd(-/-) murine embryonic fibroblasts. MC159, a FADD-interacting viral protein encoded by the molluscum contagiosum poxvirus was found to inhibit dsRNA-activated signaling events upstream of IRF-7. These data indicate that FADD's antiviral activity involves regulation of IRF-7-dependent production of IFN-alpha subtypes and consequent induction of secondary antiviral genes.  相似文献   

When exposed to a human host, Anopheles gambiae started probing 4 h post-eclosion, but 95% successfully blood-fed by 16-20 h with maximal blood volumes of 5- 10 microl per female. When fed sugar, the 95% feeding was not observed until 36-40 h post-eclosion; sugar meals appeared to interfere with blood meals. Similarly in An. atroparvus, maximum volumes were 10 microl when starved but only 6 microl when fed sugar. This species did not bite before 2 d, and 95% biting was by 4 d. Given single blood meals to water-kept An. gambiae, a threshold body size for oogenesis was detected. With wing lengths below 2.8 mm, eggs never matured, but when sugar-fed, females of all sizes matured eggs including the synthesis of maternal deposits. Although sugar feeding interfered with blood feeding, more lipid was transferred to the yolk. In water-kept An. atroparvus only 5% of the females produced eggs. When sugar-fed for 4 d, all females matured eggs, so in this species sugar feeding appeared to be essential for oogenesis. An. gambiae always took multiple blood meals, tested at any time after the first ones, leading to 120 mature eggs/female. Yolk composition was 3.9 mcal protein and 3.8 mcal lipid/oocyte when kept on water, but 2.8 meal protein and 4.3 mcal lipid/oocyte with intermittent sugar meals, thus marking a surprising flexibility in synthesis of yolk protein and lipid that strongly depends on additional carbohydrates sources. Only 80% of water-fed An. atroparvus re-fed 2 d after a first blood meal with small females taking three blood meals but they still showed reduced fecundity. Only the large water-fed females matured eggs, with blood volumes higher than 9-12 microl. When fed sugar, the blood meal input was reduced, but oogenesis was possible, whereas water-fed females required three blood meals to reach the caloric level comparable to pre-feeding sugar-fed females. Water-fedAn. gambiae could survive on daily blood meals alone, but survival was further extended by intermittent sugar meals. When offered a blood donor daily, there was a behavioral difference. Females maintained alone showed a more or less regular 3 d feeding and oviposition activity, while females kept in groups fed daily followed a daily oviposition pattern, suggesting gonotrophic discordance.  相似文献   

Lynd A  Lycett GJ 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31552
Functional genetic analysis in Anopheles gambiae would be greatly improved by the development of a binary expression system, which would allow the more rapid and flexible characterisation of genes influencing disease transmission, including those involved in insecticide resistance, parasite interaction, host and mate seeking behaviour. The Gal4-UAS system, widely used in Drosophila melanogaster functional genetics, has been significantly modified to achieve robust application in several different species. Towards this end, previous work generated a series of modified Gal4 constructs that were up to 20 fold more active than the native gene in An. gambiae cells. To examine the Gal4-UAS system in vivo, transgenic An. gambiae driver lines carrying a modified Gal4 gene under the control of the carboxypeptidase promoter, and responder lines carrying UAS regulated luciferase and eYFP reporter genes have been created. Crossing of the Gal4 and UAS lines resulted in progeny that expressed both reporters in the expected midgut specific pattern. Although there was minor variation in reporter gene activity between the different crosses examined, the tissue specific expression pattern was consistent regardless of the genomic location of the transgene cassettes. The results show that the modified Gal4-UAS system can be used to successfully activate expression of transgenes in a robust and tissue specific manner in Anopheles gambiae. The midgut driver and dual reporter responder constructs are the first to be developed and tested successfully in transgenic An. gambiae and provide the basis for further advancement of the system in this and other insect species.  相似文献   

The immune system of invertebrates can mount different responses, including melanotic encapsulation and several antibacterial defense mechanisms. Variation of the efficacies of these responses is generally considered to be a product of the evolutionary pressure on each response due to infection by parasites. However, potential interactions and trade-offs among the different responses of the immune system could constrain the evolutionary potential of each response. In a natural population of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, we measured the genetic association between the melanization response and an antibacterial response in two environmental qualities (well-fed and undernourished larvae). In both environments the two immune responses were positively genetically correlated: in full-sib families that were most likely to melanize a bead, injected bacteria were most likely to be cleared. Thus, our data do not support the idea of a trade-off among different outcomes of the invertebrate immune system, but rather that some families are overall immunologically superior to others.  相似文献   

Summary Oogenesis has been followed with the electron microscope in 2 strains of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, from the emergence of the adult (oocytes at leptonema) till shortly before the oocytes are ready for oviposition. After pachynema the chromosomes form a karyosphere and a fibrous capsule develops around it. Work on other mosquitoes suggests that the capsule may be related to the synaptonemal complexes. Both Anopheles strains contain at some time an extrachromosomal (not DNA-containing) body comparable to the karyosphere in size. Clusters of granules are present at the surface of the nucleolus and free in the nucleoplasm. Tentative results indicate that they may contain DNA. During oogenesis the nucleolus becomes very large, mainly because of proliferation of the nucleolonema. Towards the end of oocyte development the nucleus assumes the large canoe-shape also seen in Aedes and Culex. Nucleolonema traverse the entire nucleus, and modified granular clusters are found throughout.  相似文献   

Tissue injury, hypoxia and significant metabolic stress activate innate immune responses driven by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and other proinflammatory cytokines that typically increase damage surrounding a lesion. In a compensatory protective response, erythropoietin (EPO) is synthesized in surrounding tissues, which subsequently triggers antiinflammatory and antiapoptotic processes that delimit injury and promote repair. What we refer to as the sequelae of injury or disease are often the consequences of this intentionally discoordinated, primitive system that uses a "scorched earth" strategy to rid the invader at the expense of a serious lesion. The EPO-mediated tissue-protective system depends on receptor expression that is upregulated by inflammation and hypoxia in a distinctive temporal and spatial pattern. The tissue-protective receptor (TPR) is generally not expressed by normal tissues but becomes functional immediately after injury. In contrast to robust and early receptor expression within the immediate injury site, EPO production is delayed, transient and relatively weak. The functional EPO receptor that attenuates tissue injury is distinct from the hematopoietic receptor responsible for erythropoiesis. On the basis of current evidence, the TPR is composed of the β common receptor subunit (CD131) in combination with the same EPO receptor subunit that is involved in erythropoiesis. Additional receptors, including that for the vascular endothelial growth factor, also appear to be a component of the TPR in some tissues, for example, the endothelium. The discoordination of the EPO response system and its relative weakness provide a window of opportunity to intervene with the exogenous ligand. Recently, molecules were designed that preferentially activate only the TPR and thus avoid the potential adverse consequences of activating the hematopoietic receptor. On administration, these agents successfully substitute for a relative deficiency of EPO production in damaged tissues in multiple animal models of disease and may pave the way to effective treatment of a wide variety of insults that cause tissue injury, leading to profoundly expanded lesions and attendant, irreversible sequelae.  相似文献   

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