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Summary The structure of the neurohypophysis of Poecilia latipinna (green molly, sailfin molly) was studied with the electron microscope. Profile diameters of neurosecretory granules in the non-myelinated neurohypophysial nerve fibres were measured and mathematically corrected for error due to section thickness. Six different types of nerve fibres could be distinguished by statistical classification of their granules and by other ultrastructural features. One fibre-type (type B) contained granules with a mean diameter of 85 nm, and the other five types (types Ala, Alb, A2, A3 and A4) all contained granules with mean diameters greater than 100 nm. Synaptic contacts were observed between type B fibres and all the adenohypophysial cell-types, although in the case of the ACTH cells the synapses were separated from the cell membrane by a continuous double basement membrane. Type A fibres were observed to contact the cells of the proximal pars distalis and pars intermedia, but did not form synapses. However, synapses occurred between type A fibres and pituicytes, and between type A fibres and the pericapillary basement membrane in the interior of the neurohypophysis. The possible roles of the different types of nerve fibres in controlling the adenohypophysial cells are discussed in the context of evidence from other teleosts.We thank Mr. W.A. Thomson and Mr. D.I. Hollingworth for technical assistance, and Dr. D.I.C. Pearson (Department of Physics, University of Nancy, Nancy, France) for advice on mathematical analysis and computer programs. The work was carried out during the tenure of an S.R.C. Research Studentship by T.F.C.B.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural appearances of the cell types are described in the pars distalis of common (Pacific) dolphins, Delphinus delphis. Tentative functions are assigned to these cells and discussed in relation to some of the known adaptations of these mammals to a marine environment.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative ultrastructural morphometric studies were made on the prolactin cells of Poecilia latipinna adapted to freshwater (FW), one-third seawater (1/3 SW) and full-strength seawater (SW), and at various times after transfers between 1/3 SW and FW.In fully-adapted fish the rates of prolactin (PRL) synthesis and PRL release are inversely related to environmental salinity. During adaptation to a new salinity the two rates are temporarily uncoordinated, with release increasing or decreasing more readily than synthesis. Synthesis appears to take 30 h or longer to come into balance with the increased release rate following transfer from 1/3 SW to FW, and 72 h or longer to adjust to the reduction in release rate that follows the reverse transfer. The excess PRL granules that accumulate in the latter situation appear to be removed by lysosomal digestion. As in other teleosts, in fish adapted to the external medium the size of the stored PRL granules is inversely related to external salinity, but this relationship breaks down during adaptation to a new salinity.The stellate cells which penetrate between the PRL cells are more prominent, more extensively ramified, and appear more metabolically active in FW-adapted fish than in the other groups. These cells seem to be closely related in function to the secretory activity of the PRL cells.We thank Mr. W.A. Thomson and Mr. D.I. Hollingworth for technical assistance and Dr. D.I.C. Pearson (Department of Physics, University of Nancy, Nancy, France) for advice on mathematical analysis and computer programs. The work was carried out during tenure of an S.R.C. Studentship by T.F.C. Batten  相似文献   

Summary A morphometric model providing detailed quantitative information on the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysial endocrine cells has been developed for Poecilia latipinna. The model consists of various morphological components quantified in terms of volumes, surfaces or numbers. For prolactin and growth hormone cells, appropriate results are expressed relative to the average volume of that cell type. The difficulties of quantifying EM data on pituitary glands, together with the various sources of error to which the data are clearly open, have been discussed. Some practical applications of quantitative EM to problems in fish pituitary research are outlined.I thank Dr. J.N. Ball for supplying the fish and Mr. L. Ethridge for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Light- and electron-microscopic autoradiographic studies of pituitaries of the molly Poecilia latipinna, after their incubation with tritiated serotonin, revealed the presence of labelled cells in the proximal pars distalis, together with cell processes or nerve fibres throughout all regions of the gland except the prolactin cell zone. The serotonincon-centrating cells and most of the fibres contained small dense-cored vesicles, but some labelled fibres contained larger granules similar in ultrastructure to those of vasotocinergic fibres.This work was supported by a SERC studentship to DJG and SERC grant GR/6379-06 to Professor J.N. Ball  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative morphometric studies with the electron microscope were made on the prolactin cells of wild freshwater sailfin mollies taken in Florida in August at four different times of day. The results indicate a circadian rhythm in the prolactin cell, the period of highest synthetic activity being from midday to evening, as indicated by the condition of nucleus, Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and by the incidence of granule release profiles. No circadian changes were detected in the ACTH cells.Several distinct sites of prolactin granule release were recognised. However, there was no conclusive evidence of granule release by any mechanism other than classical exocytosis.We thank Mr. W. Thomson for technical assistance and Ann Grier for help in collecting the fish. T.F.C. Batten is in receipt of an S.R.C. Research Studentship.  相似文献   

Females can choose a male independently of other females' matepreferences, or they can copy the mate choice of other females.Alternatively, mate-choice copying and independent mate choicecan interact if females assess male traits when deciding whetheror not to copy. We investigated how mate-choice copying interactswith a preference for large males in the sailfin molly (Potecilialatipinna). Sailfin molly females exhibited a preference forlarger males. They also copied the mate choice of other femaleswhen males were of similar body length. Females did not copy,however, when males differed substantially in body length. Ourresults show that conspecific mate copying occurs in the sailfinmolly but does not override a preference for larger males.  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of parturient harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) is divisible into three distinct zones based on the major cellular components of the different regions. A clear zonation is lacking in neonate seals, the medial basophilic wedge and the anterior gonadotrophic were small and difficult to identify. Five cell types were identified based on cytological characteristics: somatotrophs, mammotrophs, thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs and stellate cells; corticotrophs could not be identified, with any certainty, in any of the preparations, nor could the gonadotrophs be classified into LH, FSH, and ICSH cells.The pars intermedia enlarged during the early post-partum period and was large in the parturient females.Abbreviations Used LH luteinizing hormone - FSH follicle stimulating hormone - ICSH interstitial cell stimulating hormone - PAS periodic acid-Schiff We wish to thank Mrs. Lucy Lin for her technical assistance. The work was supported by grants-inaid of research to J.F.L. and K.R. from the National Research Council of Canada and a grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation to K.R.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the secretory cells of the adenohypophysis of juvenile sockeye salmon was investigated. Pituitary glands were collected from immature fish transferred experimentally to sea water and subsequently returned to fresh water. The rostral pars distalis contained three cell types: ACTH cells, prolactin cells, and non-secretory cells. The prolactin and non-secretory cells were joined together in the form of follicles by desmosomes and they both had cilia and microvilli projecting into the follicle lumen. Various follicular structures such as lumen, multivesicular structures, and peripheral basement membrane are discussed as possible sites of prolactin cell granule release. The columnar ACTH cells were found at the junction of the rostral pars distalis and the neurohypophysis. The cytoplasmic granules in these cells were characteristically separated from their limiting membrane by a clear space. Multivesicular structures were also found in association with this cell type. The caudal pars distalis also contained three cell types: one acidophil (putative somatotrop) and two basophils (putative thyrotrops and gonadotrops), all of which were similar to those described in adult fish. The pars intermedia contained only one cell type. They appeared to be active cells and were characterized by containing membrane-bounded granules similar to those found in the ACTH cells. Changes in ambient salinity had no apparent effect on any cell type described.The work was supported by a grant in aid of research from the National Research Council of Canada. We wish to thank Mr. R. Lindsay, Mr. C. Cooper, and Mr. G. Longworth for their technical assistance. We would also like to thank Mr. S. Killick of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission for his assistance in the collection of fish and Dr. H. Cook for his helpful discussion of the project. This paper is No. 058 in the University of Guelph Migration Series.  相似文献   

Summary The caudal neurosecretory complex of poeciliids has previously been shown to be innervated by extranuclear and intrinsic serotonergic projections. In the present study, immunohistochemical techniques were used to characterize fibers originating from serotonin neurons intrinsic to the caudal spinal cord. Bipolar and multipolar neurons were oriented ventromedially, and contained numerous large granular vesicles. Three types of serotonergic fibers were distinguished based on their distribution and morphology. Intrinsic Type-A fibers branched into varicose segments near the ventrolateral surface of the spinal cord and contacted the basal lamina beneath the leptomeninges. Type-B fibers coursed longitudinally to enter the urophysis, where they diverged and terminated around fenestrated capillaries. Labelled vesicles in Type-A and Type-B terminals were the same size as those in labelled cells and in unlabelled neurosecretory terminals in the urophysis. Type-C small varicose fibers branched within the neuropil of the caudal neurosecretory complex. Serotonin may be secreted into the submeningeal cerebrospinal fluid, the urophysis, and the caudal vein by Type-A and Type-B fibers, whereas, Type-C fibers may be processes of serotonergic interneurons in the neuroendocrine nucleus. The possibility that urotensins I and II or arginine vasotocin were colocalized in the processes of the intrinsic serotonin neurons was investigated immunohistochemically. The negative results of these experiments suggest that serotonin-containing neurons may represent a neurochemically distinct subpopulation in the caudal neurosecretory complex.  相似文献   

Summary Granular hormone-producing cells and agranular cells (stellate cells, including giant and pericavitary cells) were electron microscopically studied in the hypophysis of the small spotted dogfish (Scyllium canicula) up to several months after hatching. Comparisons of results obtained in embryos, newly hatched fish and adults show an increase of the mean granule diameter in the four major endocrine cell types. Small granule cells which are present in all lobes are especially numerous in the ventral lobe. The structures observed in certain cavity boundary cells suggest a role in resorption and transport.  相似文献   

通过研究黑玛丽Poecilia latipinna精子包破裂的过程和影响因素、精子运动的情况及影响因素,结果发现,当精液用Hank’s平衡盐溶液(HBSS)稀释约5 min后精子包开始破裂,约12 min后全部破裂。释放出的精子暂时处于休眠状态,约50 min后,处于HBSS稀释液中的精子会被激活。应用计算机辅助精子分析系统对黑玛丽精子在不同pH和不同温度下HBSS中的精子运动百分数、运动时间和平均运动速率进行观察。在pH7~8的中性或弱碱性溶液中,精子运动活力较强;而在酸性(pH<7)或碱性较强(pH>9)的溶液中,精子的运动活力都会降低。在不同温度下的HBSS中精子的活力不同,精子在低温(4℃)条件下的运动时间显著长于在室温(20℃)条件下,但运动速度较慢。本研究初步探讨了黑玛丽的精子包特性以及pH和温度对精子运动活力的影响,旨在对黑玛丽等卵胎生鱼类的人工授精,以及生殖生物学特性等的研究提供更丰富的基础资料。  相似文献   

Summary The anterior pituitary of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The cells of the adenohypophysis are arranged in follicles surrounded by connective tissue. Five cell types containing granules and one agranular cell type were identified. At the present state of the study the function of these cells remains open to discussion.This study was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Grant no. 4070) and the Stiftungs- und Förderungsgesellschaft der Paris Lodron-Universität in Salzburg. The authors are grateful to the Director of the Biological Station in Drøbak (Norway), Amanuensis Finn Walvig, for procuring the material  相似文献   

Female mate-copying has been shown to occur between heterospecifics:female sailfin mollies Poecilia latipinna copy the choice oftheir gynogenetic associates, Amazon mollies P. formosa. Femalemate-copying thus contributes to the maintenance of this asexual-sexualspecies complex by providing an advantage to male sailfin molliesthat mate with Amazon females; because of mate-copying thesemales increase their attractiveness to conspecific females.Here we show that male mate-copying, an unreported phenomenon,also occurs and that it can reverse male preferences for conspecificfemales. Male mate-copying should also contribute to the maintenanceof gynogens and might be advantageous in allowing males a meansto rapidly assess female receptivity although sometimes resultingin heterospedfic matings.  相似文献   

Several workers have suggested that multilocus multilocus variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) based 'DNA fingerprints' are not useful in detecting differentiation among outbred populations. They suggest that the extremely high mutation rates and complexity associated with multilocus VNTR fragments make detection of interpopulation differences against a background of extremely high intrapopulation variation unlikely. This paper shows that DNA fingerprinting with the multilocus VNTR probes (GACA)4 and (CT)9 reveal significant population differences in VNTR frequencies between Florida and Georgia populations of the outbred, abundant and vagile fish species Poecilia latipinna. Differences in mutation rates among some VNTR loci may account for the ability to detect interpopulation differentiation with these probes. These results suggest that appropriate species/probe combinations would allow investigations of population structure on a microgeographical scale even in outbred species with multilocus VNTR probes where less-sensitive techniques have failed.  相似文献   

Summary The normal skin of the pleuronectid fish, Hippoglossoides elassodon, is described by light and electron microscopy. The epidermis consists of 5 to 9 layers of cells, the majority of which are squamous cells and the minority mucous cells. The squamous cells are characterized by numerous desmosomes and associated cytoplasmic filaments. The mucous cells accumulate mucous droplets in vacuoles of Golgi origin and are observed apparently in the process of releasing their content at the free surface. The dermis consists of alternating lamellae composed of typical collagen fibers. Pigment cells are of three types: melanophores, iridophores (guanophores), and lipophores.This work was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-08158 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Summary The principal pancreatic islets of the teleost Scorpaena scropha are found ultrastructurally to contain four different kinds of parenchymal cells, viz. 1-(= D), 2-, -and agranular cells. The -cells show considerable variations in the shape of the secretory granules. A peculiar feature is that many of these granules are composed of fibrillar subunits, often in parallel arrangement. All -granules are surrounded by membranes and between the membrane and the granule core there is a moderately wide electron lucent space. The electron density of the cytoplasm in the -cells varies somewhat. The 2-cells possess typical secretory granules with an electron dense core and a closely applied membrane. The secretory granules in the 1-cells show also a closely applied membrane but a less dense core. Also in the -cells the electron opacity of the cytoplasm varies. The agranular cells are mainly characterized by low cytoplasmic electron density, narrow cisterns of endoplasmic reticulum and sometimes a laminated Golgi complex. Small immature secretory granules are occasionally seen in the cytoplasm of these cells. The significance of the fibrillar -granules remains obscure.This work was supported by grants from the Nordic Insulin Fund, the Town of Umeå, the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No. B69-12X-718-04A), and by a postdoctoral fellowship from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary Using the electron-microscopic immunogold method, vasotocin, isotocin, somatostatin (SRIF), gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (LHRH) and corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF)-like immunoreactivities were localized in separate neurosecretory fibres in the pituitary of a teleost fish Poecilia latipinna. Antigenicities were preserved in sections of conventionally fixed tissue, except in the case of LHRH and CRF-like substances which were sensitive to osmium postfixation. Under the same fixation conditions, ultrastructural differences were observed between the 5 fibre types, and morphometric analysis of their granule sizes revealed significant differences in mean diameter except between vasotocin and isotocin fibres.Terminal-like regions of each type were identified on blood vessels, glial cells or other fibres in the neurohypophysis, on the basement lamina of the adenohypophysis, or directly on adenohypophysial endocrine cells. The fibres containing the two neurohypophysial hormones, originating from separate preoptic perikarya, were intermingled with, and may form endings near all the adenohypophysial cell types except those secreting prolactin. Although both types had similar mean granule diameters, the granules in the vasotocin fibres (mean 135 nm) were markedly less electron dense than those in the isotocin fibres (mean 140 nm). SRIF-immunoreactive fibres (mean 101 nm) appeared to form synapse-like endings on the somatotrophs, and a few thyrotrophs in the proximal pars distalis, and near the pars intermedia cells. An LHRH-positive type (mean 103 nm) contacted only the gonadotrophs of the proximal pars distalis. The rarer CRF-like fibres (mean 116 nm) appeared to project mainly towards the pars intermedia, but a few appeared to terminate rostrally near the adrenocorticotrophic cells.The significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the direct neurosecretory control of adenohypophysial function in teleosts.  相似文献   

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