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Lysosome-mediated ligand degradation is known to shape morphogen gradients and modulate the activity of various signalling pathways. We have investigated the degradation of Wingless, a Drosophila member of the Wnt family of secreted growth factors. We find that one of its signalling receptors, Frizzled2, stimulates Wingless internalization both in wing imaginal discs and cultured cells. However, this is not sufficient for degradation. Indeed, as shown previously, overexpression of Frizzled2 leads to Wingless stabilization in wing imaginal discs. We show that Arrow (the Drosophila homologue of LRP5/6), another receptor involved in signal transduction, abrogates such stabilization. We provide evidence that Arrow stimulates the targeting of Frizzled2-Wingless (but not Dally-like-Wingless) complexes to a degradative compartment. Thus, Frizzled2 alone cannot lead Wingless all the way from the plasma membrane to a degradative compartment. Overall, Frizzled2 achieves ligand capture and internalization, whereas Arrow, and perhaps downstream signalling, are essential for lysosomal targeting.  相似文献   

Wingless transduction by the Frizzled and Frizzled2 proteins of Drosophila.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wingless (Wg) protein is a founding member of the Wnt family of secreted proteins which have profound organizing roles in animal development. Two members of the Frizzled (Fz) family of seven-pass transmembrane proteins, Drosophila Fz and Fz2, can bind Wg and are candidate Wg receptors. However, null mutations of the fz gene have little effect on Wg signal transduction and the lack of mutations in the fz2 gene has thus far prevented a rigorous examination of its role in vivo. Here we describe the isolation of an amber mutation of fz2 which truncates the coding sequence just after the amino-terminal extracellular domain and behaves genetically as a loss-of-function allele. Using this mutation, we show that Wg signal transduction is abolished in virtually all cells lacking both Fz and Fz2 activity in embryos as well as in the wing imaginal disc. We also show that Fz and Fz2 are functionally redundant: the presence of either protein is sufficient to confer Wg transducing activity on most or all cells throughout development. These results extend prior evidence of a ligand-receptor relationship between Wnt and Frizzled proteins and suggest that Fz and Fz2 are the primary receptors for Wg in Drosophila.  相似文献   

In cell culture assays, Frizzled and Dfrizzled2, two members of the Frizzled family of integral membrane proteins, are able to bind Wingless and transduce the Wingless signal. To address the role of these proteins in the intact organism and to explore the question of specificity of ligand-receptor interactions in vivo, we have conducted a genetic analysis of frizzled and Dfrizzled2 in the embryo. These experiments utilize a small gamma-ray-induced deficiency that uncovers Dfrizzled2. Mutants lacking maternal frizzled and zygotic frizzled and Dfrizzled2 exhibit defects in the embryonic epidermis, CNS, heart and midgut that are indistinguishable from those observed in wingless mutants. Epidermal patterning defects in the frizzled, Dfrizzled2 double-mutant embryos can be rescued by ectopic expression of either gene. In frizzled, Dfrizzled2 mutant embryos, ectopic production of Wingless does not detectably alter the epidermal patterning defect, but ectopic production of an activated form of Armadillo produces a naked cuticle phenotype indistinguishable from that produced by ectopic production of activated Armadillo in wild-type embryos. These experiments indicate that frizzled and Dfrizzled2 function downstream of wingless and upstream of armadillo, consistent with their proposed roles as Wingless receptors. The lack of an effect on epidermal patterning of ectopic Wingless in a frizzled, Dfrizzled2 double mutant argues against the existence of additional Wingless receptors in the embryo or a model in which Frizzled and Dfrizzled2 act simply to present the ligand to its bona fide receptor. These data lead to the conclusion that Frizzled and Dfrizzled2 function as redundant Wingless receptors in multiple embryonic tissues and that this role is accurately reflected in tissue culture experiments. The redundancy of Frizzled and Dfrizzled2 explains why Wingless receptors were not identified in earlier genetic screens for mutants defective in embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

The highly conserved Wnt family of growth factors is essential for generating embryonic pattern in many animal species [1]. In the fruit fly Drosophila, most Wnt-mediated patterning is performed by a single family member, Wingless (Wg), acting through its receptors Frizzled (Fz) and DFrizzled2 (Dfz2). In the ventral embryonic epidermis, Wg signaling generates two different cell-fate decisions: the production of diverse denticle types and the specification of naked cuticle separating the denticle belts. Mutant alleles of wg disrupt these cellular decisions separately [2], suggesting that some aspect of ligand-receptor affinity influences cell-fate decisions, or that different receptor complexes mediate the distinct cellular responses. Here, we report that overexpression of Dfz2, but not Fz, rescues the mutant phenotype of wgPE2, an allele that produces denticle diversity but no naked cuticle. Fz was able to substitute for Dfz2 only under conditions where the Wg ligand was present in excess. The wgPE2 mutant phenotype was also sensitive to the dosage of glycosaminoglycans, suggesting that the mutant ligand is excluded from the receptor complex when proteoglycans are present. We conclude that wild-type Wg signaling requires efficient interaction between ligand and the Dfz2-proteoglycan receptor complex to promote the naked cuticle cell fate.  相似文献   

Here we report the identification of Dfz3, a novel member of the Frizzled family of seven-pass transmembrane receptors. Like Dfz2, Dfz3 is a target gene of Wingless (Wg) signalling, but in contrast to Dfz2, it is activated rather than repressed by Wg signalling in imaginal discs. We show that Dfz3 is not required for viability but is necessary for optimal Wg signalling at the wing margin.  相似文献   

The endocytic pathway and formation of the Wingless morphogen gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Controlling the spread of morphogens is crucial for pattern formation during development. In the Drosophila wing disc, Wingless secreted at the dorsal-ventral compartment boundary forms a concentration gradient in receiving tissue, where it activates short- and long-range target genes. The glypican Dally-like promotes Wingless spreading by unknown mechanisms, while Dynamin-dependent endocytosis is thought to restrict Wingless spread. We have utilized short-term expression of dominant negative Rab proteins to examine the polarity of endocytic trafficking of Wingless and its receptors and to determine the relative contributions of endocytosis, degradation and recycling to the establishment of the Wingless gradient. Our results show that Wingless is internalized via two spatially distinct routes: one on the apical, and one on the basal, side of the disc. Both restrict the spread of Wingless, with little contribution from subsequent degradation or recycling. As previously shown for Frizzled receptors, depleting Arrow does not prevent Wingless from entering endosomes. We find that both Frizzled and Arrow are internalized mainly from the apical membrane. Thus, the basal Wingless internalization route must be independent of these proteins. We find that Dally-like is not required for Wingless spread when endocytosis is blocked, and propose that Dally-like promotes the spread of Wingless by directing it to lateral membranes, where its endocytosis is less efficient. Thus, subcellular localization of Wingless along the apical-basal axis of receiving cells may be instrumental in shaping the Wingless gradient.  相似文献   

The cell surface receptor Notch is required during Drosophila embryogenesis for production of epidermal precursor cells. The secreted factor Wingless is required for specifying different types of cells during differentiation of tissues from these epidermal precursor cells. The results reported here show that the full-length Notch and a form of Notch truncated in the amino terminus associate with Wingless in S2 cells and in embryos. In S2 cells, Wingless and the two different forms of Notch regulate expression of Dfrizzled 2, a receptor of Wg; hairy, a negative regulator of achaete expression; shaggy, a negative regulator of engrailed expression; and patched, a negative regulator of wingless expression. Analyses of expression of the same genes in mutant N embryos indicate that the pattern of gene regulations observed in vitro reflects regulations in vivo. These results suggest that the strong genetic interactions observed between Notch and wingless genes during development of Drosophila is at least partly due to regulation of expression of cuticle patterning genes by Wingless and the two forms of Notch.  相似文献   

Wingless (Wg)/Wnt has been proposed to exert various functions as a morphogen depending on the levels of its signalling. Therefore, not just the concentration of Wg/Wnt, but also the responsiveness of Wg/Wnt‐target cells to the ligand, must have a crucial function in controlling cellular outputs. Here, we show that a balance of ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation of the Wg/Wnt receptor Frizzled determines the cellular responsiveness to Wg/Wnt both in mammalian cells and in Drosophila, and that the cell surface level of Frizzled is regulated by deubiquitylating enzyme UBPY/ubiquitin‐specific protease 8 (USP8). Although ubiquitylated Frizzled underwent lysosomal trafficking and degradation, UBPY/USP8‐dependent deubiquitylation led to recycling of Frizzled to the plasma membrane, thereby elevating its surface level. Importantly, a gain and loss of UBPY/USP8 function led to up‐ and down‐regulation, respectively, of canonical Wg/Wnt signalling. These results unveil a novel mechanism that regulates the cellular responsiveness to Wg/Wnt by controlling the cell surface level of Frizzled.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, two closely related serpentine receptors, Frizzled (Fz) and D-Frizzled2 (Fz2) are able to act as receptors for the secreted Wnt peptide, Wingless (Wg). In addition to transducing the Wg signal, Fz (but not Fz2) is able to transduce a second, unidentified signal that mediates planar polarity. Much attention has been focused on the structure of the N-termini of the Fz-class receptors and their role in ligand binding. Experiments using techniques of high-level expression have suggested a role for the C-termini in specifying which of the two second messenger systems the receptors are able to activate (M. Boutros, J. Mihaly, T. Bouwmeeste and M. Mlodzik (2000). Science 288, 1825-1828). We argue here that experiments involving high level expression of the receptors cannot be adequately interpreted and we have tested the ability of the receptors and chimeric forms when driven at moderate levels to rescue loss of function of the fz and fz2 genes. Under these conditions we find that all receptors tested will function as Wg receptors, but only a subset show the ability to rescue the polarity pathway. The presence of this subset implies that the N terminus is necessary but not sufficient and suggests that the ability to transduce the polarity signal is widely distributed throughout the protein.  相似文献   

Body structures of Drosophila develop through transient developmental units, termed parasegments, with boundaries lying between the adjacent expression domains of wingless and engrailed. Parasegments are transformed into the morphologically distinct segments that remain fixed. Segment borders are established adjacent and posterior to each engrailed domain. They are marked by single rows of stripe expressing cells that develop into epidermal muscle attachment sites. We show that the positioning of these cells is achieved through repression of Hedgehog signal transduction by Wingless signaling at the parasegment boundary. The nuclear mediators of the two signaling pathways, Cubitus interruptus and Pangolin, function as activator and symmetry-breaking repressor of stripe expression, respectively.  相似文献   

Notch, a cell surface receptor, is required for producing different types of cells during development of Drosophila melanogaster. Notch activates expression of one set of genes in response to ligand Delta and another set of genes in response to ligand Wingless. The means by which Notch initiates these different intracellular activities was examined in this study. Cultured cells expressing Notch were treated with Delta or Wingless, and the effect on Notch was examined by Western blotting. Treatment of cells with Delta resulted in accumulation of approximately 120-kDa Notch intracellular domain molecules in the cytoplasmic fraction. This form of Notch did not accumulate in cells treated with Wingless, but the approximately 350-kDa full-length Notch molecules accumulated. These results indicate that N responds differently to binding by Delta and Wingless, and suggest that although the Delta signal is transduced by the Notch intracellular domain released from the plasma membrane, the Wingless signal is transduced by the Notch intracellular domain associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Wnt-induced signaling via beta-catenin plays crucial roles in animal development and tumorigenesis. Both a seven-transmembrane protein in the Frizzled family and a single transmembrane protein in the LRP family (LDL-receptor-related protein 5/6 or Arrow) are essential for efficiently transducing a signal from Wnt, an extracellular ligand, to an intracellular pathway that stabilizes beta-catenin by interfering with its rate of destruction. However, the molecular mechanism by which these two types of membrane receptors synergize to transmit the Wnt signal is not known. We have used mutant and chimeric forms of Frizzled, LRP and Wnt proteins, small inhibitory RNAs, and assays for beta-catenin-mediated signaling and protein localization in Drosophila S2 cells and mammalian 293 cells to study transmission of a Wnt signal across the plasma membrane. Our findings are consistent with a mechanism by which Wnt protein binds to the extracellular domains of both LRP and Frizzled receptors, forming membrane-associated hetero-oligomers that interact with both Disheveled (via the intracellular portions of Frizzled) and Axin (via the intracellular domain of LRP). This model takes into account several observations reported here: the identification of intracellular residues of Frizzled required for beta-catenin signaling and for recruitment of Dvl to the plasma membrane; evidence that Wnt3A binds to the ectodomains of LRP and Frizzled; and demonstrations that a requirement for Wnt ligand can be abrogated by chimeric receptors that allow formation of Frizzled-LRP hetero-oligomers. In addition, the beta-catenin signaling mediated by ectopic expression of LRP is not dependent on Disheveled or Wnt, but can also be augmented by oligomerization of LRP receptors.  相似文献   

Extracellular Wnt ligands and their receptors of the Frizzled family control cell fate, proliferation, and polarity during metazoan development. Frizzled signaling modulates target gene expression through a beta-catenin-dependent pathway, functions to establish planar cell polarity in Drosophila epithelia, and activates convergent extension movements and intracellular Ca(2+) signaling in frog and fish embryos. Here, we report that a Frizzled receptor, Xenopus Frizzled 8 (Xfz8), activates c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) and triggers rapid apoptotic cell death in gastrulating Xenopus embryos. This activity of Xfz8 required the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor and was blocked by a dominant inhibitor of JNK. Moreover, the cytoplasmic tail of Xfz8 targeted to the membrane was sufficient for activation of JNK and apoptosis. The apoptotic signaling was shared by a specific subset of Frizzled receptors, was inhibited by Wnt5a, and occurred in a Dishevelled- and T cell factor (TCF)-independent manner. Thus, our experiments identify a novel Frizzled-dependent signaling pathway, which involves JNK and differs from the beta-catenin-dependent and convergent extension pathways.  相似文献   

J P Vincent  P H O'Farrell 《Cell》1992,68(5):923-931
In Drosophila embryos, boundaries of lineage restriction separate groups of cells, or compartments. Engrailed is essential for specification of the posterior compartment of each segment, and its expression is thought to mark this compartment. Using a new photo-activatable lineage tracer, we followed the progeny of single embryonic cells marked at the blastoderm stage. No clones straddled the anterior edges of engrailed stripes (the parasegment border). However, posterior cells of each stripe lose engrailed expression, producing mixed clones. We suggest that stable expression of engrailed by cells at the anterior edge of the stripe reflects, not cell-intrinsic mechanisms, but proximity to cells that produce Wingless, an extracellular signal needed for maintenance of engrailed expression. If control of posterior cell fate parallels control of engrailed expression, cell fate is initially responsive to cell environment and cell fate determination is a later event.  相似文献   

The Frizzled (Fz) protein in Drosophila is a bifunctional receptor that acts through a GTPase pathway in planar polarity signaling and as a receptor for Wingless (Wg) using the canonical Wnt pathway. We found that the ligand-binding domain (CRD) of Fz has an approximately 10-fold lower affinity for Wg than the CRD of DFz2, a Wg receptor without polarity activity. When the Fz CRD is replaced by the high-affinity CRD of DFz2, the resulting chimeric protein gains Wg signaling activity, yet also retains polarity signaling activity. In contrast, the reciprocal exchange of the Fz CRD onto DFz2 is not sufficient to confer polarity activity to DFz2. This suggests that Fz has an intrinsic capacity for polarity signaling and that high-affinity interaction with Wg couples it to the Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Chung S  Kim S  Yoon J  Adler PN  Yim J 《Genetics》2007,176(2):891-903
Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling is mediated by the serpentine receptor Frizzled (Fz) and transduced by Dishevelled (Dsh). Wingless (Wg) signaling utilizes Drosophila Frizzled 2 (DFz2) as a receptor and also requires Dsh for transducing signals to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in many developmental contexts. Distinct pathways are activated downstream of Dsh in Wg- and Fz-signaling pathways. Recently, a number of genes, which have essential roles as downstream components of PCP signaling, have been identified in Drosophila. They include the small GTPase RhoA/Rho1, its downstream effector Drosophila rho-associated kinase (Drok), and a number of genes such as inturned (in) and fuzzy (fy), whose biochemical functions are unclear. RhoA and Drok provide a link from Fz/Dsh signaling to the modulation of actin cytoskeleton. Here we report the identification of the novel gene target of wingless (tow) by enhancer trap screening. tow expression is negatively regulated by Wg signaling in wing imaginal discs, and the balance between tow and the Drok pathway regulates wing-hair morphogenesis. A loss-of-function mutation in tow does not result in a distinct phenotype. Genetic interaction and gain-of-function studies provide evidence that Tow acts downstream of Fz/Dsh and plays a role in restricting the number of hairs that wing cells form.  相似文献   

In Drosophila embryos, segment boundaries form at the posterior edge of each stripe of engrailed expression. We have used an HRP-CD2 transgene to follow by transmission electron microscopy the cell shape changes that accompany boundary formation. The first change is a loosening of cell contact at the apical side of cells on either side of the incipient boundary. Then, the engrailed-expressing cells flanking the boundary undergo apical constriction, move inwards and adopt a bottle morphology. Eventually, grooves regress, first on the ventral side, then laterally. We noted that groove formation and regression are contemporaneous with germ band retraction and shortening, respectively, suggesting that these rearrangements could also contribute to groove morphology. The cellular changes accompanying groove formation require that Hedgehog signalling be activated, and, as a result, a target of Ci expressed, at the posterior of each boundary (obvious targets like stripe and rhomboid appear not to be involved). In addition, Engrailed must be expressed at the anterior side of each boundary, even if Hedgehog signalling is artificially maintained. Thus, there are distinct genetic requirements on either side of the boundary. In addition, Wingless signalling at the anterior of the domains of engrailed (and hedgehog) expression represses groove formation and thus ensures that segment boundaries form only at the posterior.  相似文献   

J. A. Kassis 《Genetics》1994,136(3):1025-1038
We have previously shown that a 2-kb fragment of engrailed DNA can suppress expression of a linked marker gene, white, in the P element vector CaSpeR. This suppression is dependent on the presence of two copies of engrailed DNA-containing P elements (P[en]) in proximity in the Drosophila genome (either in cis or in trans). In this study, the 2-kb fragment was dissected and found to contain three fragments of DNA which could mediate white suppression [called ``pairing-sensitive sites' (PS)]. A PS site was also identified in regulatory DNA from the Drosophila escargot gene. The eye colors of six different P[en] insertions in the escargot gene suggest an interaction between P[en]-encoded and genome-encoded PS sites. I hypothesize that white gene expression from P[en] is repressed by the formation of a protein complex which is initiated at the engrailed PS sites and also requires interactions with flanking genomic DNA. Genes were sought which influence the function of PS sites. Mutations in some Polycomb and trithorax group genes were found to affect the eye color from some P[en] insertion sites. However, different mutations affected expression from different P[en] insertion sites and no one mutation was found to affect expression from all P[en] insertion sites examined. These results suggest that white expression from P[en] is not directly regulated by members of the Polycomb and trithorax group genes, but in some cases can be influenced by them. I propose that engrailed PS sites normally act to promote interactions between distantly located engrailed regulatory sites and the engrailed promoter.  相似文献   

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