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Oxidative modification of contractile proteins is thought to be a key factor in muscle weakness observed in many pathophysiological conditions. In particular, peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), a potent short-lived oxidant, is a likely candidate responsible for this contractile dysfunction. In this study ONOO(-) or 3-morpholinosydnonimine (Sin-1, a ONOO(-) donor) was applied to rat skinned muscle fibers to characterize the effects on contractile properties. Both ONOO(-) and Sin-1 exposure markedly reduced maximum force in slow-twitch fibers but had much less effect in fast-twitch fibers. The rate of isometric force development was also reduced without change in the number of active cross bridges. Sin-1 exposure caused a disproportionately large decrease in Ca(2+) sensitivity, evidently due to coproduction of superoxide, as it was prevented by Tempol, a superoxide dismutase mimetic. The decline in maximum force with Sin-1 and ONOO(-) treatments could be partially reversed by DTT, provided it was applied before the fiber was activated. Reversal by DTT indicates that the decrease in maximum force was due at least in part to oxidation of cysteine residues. Ascorbate caused similar reversal, further suggesting that the cysteine residues had undergone S-nitrosylation. The reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity, however, was not reversed by either DTT or ascorbate. Western blot analysis showed cross-linking of myosin heavy chain (MHC) I, appearing as larger protein complexes after ONOO(-) exposure. The findings suggest that ONOO(-) initially decreases maximum force primarily by oxidation of cysteine residues on the myosin heads, and that the accompanying decrease in Ca(2+) sensitivity is likely due to other, less reversible actions of hydroxyl or related radicals.  相似文献   

The effects ofphosphorylation status on Ca2+release and Ca2+ removal werestudied in fast-twitch flexor digitorum brevis and slow-twitch soleusskeletal muscle fibers enzymatically isolated from wild-type andphospholamban knockout (PLBko) mice. In all fibers the adenosine3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-dependent protein kinase (PKA)inhibitor H-89 decreased the peak amplitude of the intracellularCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]) transient fora single action potential, and the PKA activator dibutyryl adenosine3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (DBcAMP) reversed this effect,indicating modulation of Ca2+release by phosphorylation status in all fibers. H-89 decreased thedecay rate constant of the[Ca2+] transient andDBcAMP reversed this effect only in phospholamban-expressing fibers(wild-type soleus), indicating modulation ofCa2+ removal only in the presenceof phospholamban. A high basal level of PKA phosphorylation in soleusfibers maintained under our control conditions was indicated bythe lack of effect of direct application of DBcAMP onCa2+ release orCa2+ removal in wild-type or PLBkosoleus fibers and was confirmed by analysis of phospholamban fromwild-type soleus fibers.


Skeletal muscle glycogen is an essential energy substrate for muscular activity. The biochemical properties of the enzymes involved in de novo synthesis of glycogen were analysed in two types of rabbit skeletal muscle fiber (fast- and slow-twitch). Glycogen concentration was higher in fast-twitch muscle than in slow-twitch muscle, but the latter contained many more small intermediate-acceptor molecules that could act as glycogen synthase substrates. The enzymes involved in de novo synthesis of glycogen in fast-twitch muscle were strongly stimulated by Glc-6-P, but those in slow-twitch muscle were not.  相似文献   

Summary Male Wistar rats were made hypothyroid or hyperthyroid over a period of six weeks, by administration of carbimazole or triiodothyronine (T3). Serial frozen sections of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle were stained histochemically for myosin ATPase, succinic dehydrogenase and phosphorylase. Muscle fibres were classified as either slow twitch oxidative (SO), fast twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG) or fast twitch glycolytic (FG). In addition the activities of phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase (PFK), fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (FDP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), hexokinase, citrate synthetase, cytochrome oxidase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) and 5-AMP aminohydrolase were measured in both muscles.Increasing plasma levels of T3 are associated with marked alterations in the fibre type populations in both muscles. In the soleus there is conversion of SO to FOG fibres while in the EDL, FG fibres are converted to FOG fibres. The quantitative changes in metabolic enzyme activity however, are in the main restricted to the soleus. Increased T3 levels result in an increased capacity for the aerobic metabolism of both fat and carbohydrate and an increase in anaerobic glycolytic activity in the soleus muscle which parallels the change in fibre types. However, the extent of these increases cannot be explained solely on this basis and there is also an overall increase in aerobic activity in all fibres including slow oxidative ones. It is concluded that the effects of thyroid hormone on muscle phenotype and respiratory capacity involve both primary and secondary sites of action and the possible mechanisms are discussed.Abbreviations EDL extensor digitorum longus - FDP fructose-1,6-diphosphatase - FG fast twitch glycolytic - FOG fast twitch oxidative glycolytic - HAD 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - PFK phosphofructokinase - SO slow twitch oxidative - T 3 triiodothyronine - T 4 thyroxine  相似文献   

The rat soleus (SOL) or medial gastrocnemius (MG) were chronically overloaded by removing their major synergists bilaterally. After 12-14 wks the overloaded SOL (OS) and overloaded MG (OMG) muscles had approximately 50% greater cross-sectional areas (CSA) than the controls. Maximum twitch (Pt) and tetanic (Po) tensions were approximately 46% larger in the OS compared with the normal SOL. The OMG produced 10 and 37% higher Pt and Po, respectively. Specific tension (Po/CSA) was not altered in either group (P greater than 0.05). Contraction times and half-relaxation times were unchanged. Myofibrillar and myosin ATPase specific activities indicated a shift toward that resembling a slower muscle in both the OS and the red portion but not the white portion of the OMG. Generally, markers of glycogen metabolism were reduced (P less than 0.05) in the same muscle areas that showed reduced ATPase activity. These biochemical results were consistent with the apparent histochemical conversion of fibers from fast-twitch, glycolytic----fast-twitch, oxidative-glycolytic----slow-twitch, oxidative types in these muscle areas. These results suggest that overloading either a fast- or slow-twitch plantarflexor results in an increase in muscle mass and maximum tension and in metabolic shifts that generally resemble those observed in a slower muscle. Further, the degree of adaptation appears to be related to the initial fiber type composition of the muscle and/or of the muscle region.  相似文献   

The myosin lattice spacing of single intact muscle fibers of the frog, Rana temporaria, was studied in Ringer's solution (standard osmolarity 230 mOsm) and hyper- and hypotonic salines (1.4 and 0.8 times standard osmolarity respectively) in the relaxed state, during "fixed end" tetani, and during shortening, using synchrotron radiation. At standard tonicity, a tetanus was associated with an initial brief lattice expansion (and a small amount of sarcomere shortening), followed by a slow compression (unaccompanied by sarcomere length changes). In hypertonic saline (myosin lattice compressed by 8.1%), these spacing changes were suppressed, in hypotonic saline (lattice spacing increased by 7.5%), they were enhanced. During unloaded shortening of activated fibers, a rapid lattice expansion occurred at all tonicities, but became larger as tonicity was reduced. This expansion was caused in part by the change in length of the preparation, but also by a recoil of a stressed radial compliance associated with axial force. The lattice spacing during unloaded shortening was equal to or occasionally greater than predicted for a relaxed fiber at that sarcomere length, indicating that the lattice compression associated with activation is rapidly reversed upon loss of axial force. Lattice recompression occurred upon termination of shortening under standard and hypotonic conditions, but was almost absent under hypertonic conditions. These observations indicate that axial cross-bridge tension is associated with a compressive radial force in intact muscle fibers at full overlap; however, this radial force exhibits a much greater sensitivity to lattice spacing than does the axial force.  相似文献   

To investigate the variations of oxidation-reduction status of fast- and slow-twitch muscles during intense contractions, we performed in situ NADH laser fluorimetry during 25-s tetanus in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and in soleus (SOL) muscles of eight Sprague-Dawley rats anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. At base line the compensated NADH fluorescence (F0) was not significantly different between EDL and SOL. In EDL, tetanic stimulation induced an increase of F0, which rapidly reached a plateau that was 124% over the base-line value and stable until the end of the stimulation. In SOL, after an initial shouldering there was a continuous increase of F0 until the end of tetanus, reaching 275% of the base-line value. After the stimulation the initial rate of recovery was significantly faster in SOL than in EDL. We conclude that during and after intense contraction the variation of NADH content vs. time can be evaluated by in situ NADH laser fluorimetry in different muscle types. This nondestructive method can be helpful to differentiate in situ the various physiological or pathological oxidative capabilities of skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Fast-twitch and slow-twitch rat skeletal muscles producedissimilar contractures with caffeine. We used digital imagingmicroscopy to monitor Ca2+ (withfluo 3-acetoxymethyl ester) and sarcomere motion in intact, unrestrained rat muscle fibers to study this difference. Changes inCa2+ in individual fibers weremarkedly different from average responses of a population. All fibersshowed discrete, nonpropagated, local Ca2+ transients occurring randomlyin spots about one sarcomere apart. Caffeine increased localCa2+ transients and sarcomeremotion initially at 4 mM in soleus and 8 mM in extensor digitorumlongus (EDL; ~23°C). Ca2+release subsequently adapted or inactivated; this was surmounted byhigher doses. Motion also adapted but was not surmounted. Prolonged exposure to caffeine evidently suppressed myofilament interaction inboth types of fiber. In EDL fibers, 16 mM caffeine moderately increasedlocal Ca2+ transients. In soleusfibers, 16 mM caffeine greatly increased Ca2+ release and producedpropagated waves of Ca2+(~1.5-2.5 µm/s). Ca2+waves in slow-twitch fibers reflect the caffeine-sensitive mechanism ofCa2+-inducedCa2+ release. Fast-twitch fiberspossibly lack this mechanism, which could account for their lowersensitivity to caffeine.


Besides their clinical uses, anabolic steroids (AASs) are self-administered by athletes to improve muscle mass and sports performance. The biological basis for their presumed effectiveness at suprapharmacological doses, however, remains uncertain. Since the expression of high levels of some stress proteins (HSPs) has been associated with an increased tolerance to stress and chronic exercise up-regulates HSP72 in skeletal muscle, this investigation was aimed at testing whether the administration of suprapharmacological doses of AASs, either alone or in conjunction with chronic exercise, induced changes in HSP72. Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an estrene derivative, but not stanozolol (ST), a derivative of the androstane series, up-regulated the levels of HSP72 and changed the proportions of various charge variants of the cytosolic HSP70s in sedentary and exercise-trained rats, exclusively in fast-twitch fibres. Since the expression of HSP73-levels in skeletal muscle was dependent on gender but not on muscle type, and that of HSP72-levels was muscle type specific but gender-independent, ND effects on cytosolic HSP70s could not be explained solely by a functional relationship with sex steroids. The reported results indicate that, by up-regulating the expression levels of HSP72 in fast-twitch fibres, nandrolone decanoate could contribute to improving the tolerance of skeletal muscle to high-intensity training.  相似文献   

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