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长江江豚的无线电跟踪研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用无线电跟踪技术对生活在长江故道中的江豚进行了跟踪,较好地解决了无背鳍豚类的无线电信标的无损伤固定和淡水环境中信标的自动脱落两个技术关键。跟踪结果理想。  相似文献   

The ability of a finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) to discriminate the material and size of a target by echolocation was investigated. The porpoise was required to choose a standard target of a 15-mm diameter solid steel cylinder from two stimuli, a standard and a comparison target, presented simultaneously. The porpoise could distinguish a standard cylinder from acrylic resin and brass targets, but had difficulties distinguishing it from an aluminum cylinder. In size discrimination, the porpoise could distinguish the standard from 12-, 18-, and 20-mm diameter cylinders, but had difficulties distinguishing it from a 14-mm diameter cylinder. Echo measurements suggest that the porpoise is able to detect: (1) time difference between two echo highlights to within approximately 1 μS, (2) frequency shifts of approximately 7 kHz in a broadband echo having a peak frequency of nearly 140 kHz, (3) time-separation pitch of approximately 30 kHz, and (4) target strength differences of approximately 1 dB.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the coastal waters of western Kyushu, Japan, a total of 97 incidentally taken or stranded finless porpoises, Neophocaena phocaenoides , was collected for studying age, growth and reproduction. An additional 17 specimens from the Inland Sea were used for a comparison of life history. Mean neonatal body length was 78.2 cm. Both males and females grew to around 140 cm by 5 yr of age. The maximum body lengths of males and females in western Kyushu were 174.5 cm and 165.0 cm, respectively, which were smaller than those recorded in other Japanese waters. Females probably attain sexual maturity at ages of 6–9 yr and at body lengths of 135–145 cm. Males probably mature sexually at ages of 4–6 yr, at body lengths of 135–140 cm and at weight of testis of 40–150 g. The lack of females aged 5–6 yr and males aged 4–5 yr precluded firm conclusions on ages at sexual maturity. Parturition in western Kyushu was estimated to be prolonged from autumn to spring, whereas in the Inland Sea and Pacific waters it was restricted from spring to summer with a peak in April. These geographical differences and available information on distribution implies that the finless porpoises in western Kyushu constitute a local population.  相似文献   

长江江豚微卫星DNA分离的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发物种特异性微卫星标记,本文采用一种改良的快速微卫星分离法(FIASCO)从长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)的基因组中筛选得到72条微卫星DNA序列。根据重复单元的排列特点,完美型、非完美型及复合型序列所占的比例分别为58.3%、22.2%和19.5%。选择其中30条序列设计PCR扩增引物,并用12个随机选择的长江江豚样品进行多态性筛选。初步结果表明其中14对引物的扩增产物稳定并且具有多态性;在每个座位上获得2-13个等位基因,平均等位基因数为5.87个;14个微卫星座位的平均观察杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.560和0.709。本研究获得了长江江豚的第一批物种特异性微卫星座位及其扩增引物,这些微卫星标记将在后续的保护遗传学研究中发挥重要作用。    相似文献   

Development, sexual dimorphism, and individual variation were examined in the skeleton of the finless porpoise in the coastal waters of western Kyushu, Japan. Skulls ceased growing by 4 yr. Postcranial skeletons ceased increasing in size at an age older than 11 yr. The finless porpoise was estimated to attain cranial maturity by 4 yr and physical maturity at 14–23 yr. Sexual dimorphism was not detectable in most of the cranial characters but was detected in more than half of the postcranial characters. Females tended to show larger values of postcranial characters. The shape of the pelvic bone was obviously different between males and females. Thus, a discriminant function was proposed to determine sex using measurements of this bone. Individual variation was greatest in the feeding apparatus such as length of the rostrum, and least in the braincase.  相似文献   

人工饲养环境下长江江豚的行为谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对行为的定义和描述是定量开展行为学研究的前提与基础。通过对人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为的观察、记录和分析,定义和描述了长江江豚近40种行为。在此基础上,初步构建了人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为学研究所必需的行为谱,由活跃的水面行为、玩耍、索食、社群行为、性行为、休息、摩擦、杂类八个类别组成。文中对某些行为可能具有的生物学意义进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

中国水域江豚种群遗传变异的研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
杨光  周开亚 《动物学报》1997,43(4):411-419
运用PCR产物的银染测序技术,测定了中国水域江豚长江豚长江种群、黄海种群和南海种群共12头个休的2个长度分别为317bp和245bp的mtDNA控制区序列,并以此分析了江豚种遗传变异。结果表明:中国水域江豚各种群的控制区序列所定义的单倍型互不相同,无共有的单保型。以2个mtDNA控制区片段的核苷酸序旬,以及把2个片段合并后产生的较大片段的序列,用MEGA软件中的UPGMA法构建的系统树把江豚聚类为  相似文献   

中国水域瓶鼻海豚的mtDNA控制区序列变异性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
季国庆  杨光  刘珊  周开亚 《动物学报》2002,48(4):487-493
测定了30头中国水域瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops sp.)mtDNA控制区5′端424bp的序列,结合已发表的中国水域其它瓶鼻海豚的mtDNA控制区序列,共发现54个变异位点,定义了37种单元型。中国水域瓶鼻海豚的两个形态型之间没有共享单元型,且具有8个鉴别位点。基于最大似然法和邻接法的系统发生分析均把单元型聚类为分别代表两个形态型的支系。形态型之间的核苷酸歧异度为5.58%,超过了其它海豚类种间的序列歧异水平,支持把这两个形态型划分为两个独立的种,即T.truncatus和T.aduncus的观点。虽然两种瓶鼻海豚的分布区在台湾海峡一带出现重叠,但相互之间缺乏基因流动,提示两者可能已出现了显著的生殖隔离。  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区序列对光裸方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus,1766)的2个养殖群体(营盘YP、竹林ZL)和4个野生群体(防城港FC、钦州QZ、大冠沙DG和越南海防YN)的91个个体进行遗传差异分析,研究光裸方格星虫养殖和野生群体的遗传变异情况。结果显示:获得的514 bp DNA序列中,野生与养殖群体的多态性位点数分别为82和60,均显示出对AT的偏倚性。共定义85个单倍型,共享单倍型4个,其中共享单倍型Hap5为原始单倍型,营盘群体均为独享单倍型。各群体的单倍型多样性(Hd)相同,野生群体的平均核苷酸多样性(Pi)(0.01531)略高于养殖群体(0.01514),6个群体的遗传多样性水平依次为YN > YP > QZ > FC > ZL > DG。各群体间的遗传分化并不显著(P>0.05),光裸方格星虫的遗传变异主要来自群体内个体间(99.08%),同时未发现明显的地理谱系结构。研究表明,光裸方格星虫野生群体的遗传多样性水平总体略高于养殖群体;滩涂底播养殖方式较池塘养殖更利于维持光裸方格星虫遗传多样性;各群体间不存在显著的遗传分化,养殖群体正逐渐积累遗传变异,但尚未足够以形成其独立的遗传结构。  相似文献   

江西鄱阳湖是长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)的重要栖息地, 湖中栖息着约400 头江豚。多年的观察表明, 船舶交通是鄱阳湖中江豚面临的重要威胁之一。为了评估船舶通行对长江江豚发声行为的影响,尤其是了解船舶通行期间及其前后江豚的发声和行为特征, 作者于2007 年6 月27 日—7 月1 日在江西鄱阳湖湖口水域采用固定被动声学系统, 即安装在监测点(29°42′38″ N, 116°11′11″ E)的一套水下声学数据记录系统, 对周边通行船舶的水下噪声及江豚声纳信号脉冲事件进行了定点监测和记录, 并对所记录的数据进行了定量和统计分析。在整个监测的109h 中, 声学记录仪共记录到船舶494 艘, 江豚声纳脉冲串信号13413个。船舶出现与江豚出现存在弱的负相关关系(r = -0.029, N = 6550, P Z = -0.370, P> 0.05); 当有船舶经过时, 江豚的发声频次显著降低(Z = -10.050, P Z = -0.275, P> 0.05; Z = -0.119, P> 0.05); 船舶通行之前和之后, 江豚的发声频次、脉冲串持续时间、脉冲间间隔的差异性均不显著(χ2= 5.255, P> 0.05; χ2= 3.511, P> 0.05; χ2= 5.155, P>0.05); 在船舶经过时, 江豚对游动方向没有明显的选择性(χ2= 0.861, P> 0.05)。基于分析结果推测, 在狭窄水域中江豚躲避船舶干扰通常采取“临时性”策略, 而非长距离逃避。由于鄱阳湖湖口水域水道相对狭窄, 尽管研究的结果表明江豚对船舶有一定的敏感反应, 但是在相对狭窄的水域中, 江豚躲避船舶的行为难以充分表现。另外, 江豚对该水域中高密度航行船舶的噪声可能存在一定的“适应性”, 导致当遭遇船舶时, 江豚的声行为反应不十分强烈。因此, 建议有必要在不同尺度的水体中采用声学数据记录仪继续开展类似的观察,以进一步了解江豚对船舶的行为响应, 尤其是观察江豚躲避船舶的行为及发声特征    相似文献   

江豚和白鳍豚雄性生殖系统的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王克雄  刘仁俊 《兽类学报》1998,18(1):68-70,59

为探讨松江鲈(Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel)线粒体控制区特征及其群体遗传结构, 研究测定分析了中国和日本沿海共8个群体的线粒体控制区序列, 分析了其结构特征, 识别出终止序列区(ETAS)、中央保守区(CD)和保守序列区(CSB)的特征序列。遗传多样性分析结果显示: 69个松江鲈个体共检测到47个单倍型, 呈现出核苷酸多样性(0.0079)较低和单倍型多样性(0.978)较高的特点。单倍型邻接关系树和单倍型网络关系图均显示松江鲈分为中国和日本两大世系。遗传分化系数(Fst)和分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果表明, 松江鲈中国群体和日本群体之间存在的遗传差异较显著, 中国沿海各群体之间亦存在着一定程度的遗传差异, 该分化主要由历史环境变动、当代环境因素和自身生态习性等原因造成。  相似文献   

长江江豚锌、铜、铅、镉和砷的摄入与累积   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据室内饲养的3头长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)食物鲫(Carassius auratus)中锌(Zn)、铜 (Cu)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)的浓度值和饲养记录,推算出了饲养条件下江豚这些微量元素每日及每周估计摄入 量的范围。必需元素的需求方面与世界卫生组织/联合国粮农组织(WHO/FAO)提出的人暂定每周耐受摄人量 (PTWI)相类似,可是毒性较强的元素Cd、As、Pb的摄入量大大高于人体的PTWI。对湖北天鹅洲故道收集到的一头 江豚的10种组织、器官的研究发现,摄入后的Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd、As显示出有组织、器官选择性累积的倾向。这可能主 要与鲸类组织、器官对相应的元素有特殊的要求相关。本研究的结果还显示出有必要建立饲养鲸类动物食物安全 管理规范以控制食源污染。更深入地研究各组织、器官中微量元素与生命机能的关系,应该是鲸类动物微量元素 的营养化学和生态毒理学发展的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

测定了来自四川和宁夏两个种群的岩羊Pseudois nayaur共10个个体的线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因全序列(1140 bp),分析了碱基组成和变异情况以及核苷酸序列差异,计算了岩羊种群的核苷酸多样性,采用简约法和距离矩阵法构建了不同的分子系统树,得到了相似的拓扑结构,从分子水平初步探讨了岩羊不同种群的遗传结构.结果显示:岩羊整个群体的遗传多态性较高,四川种群的遗传变异水平较宁夏种群的高;同时,四川种群岩羊个体之间的平均序列差异为2.15,宁夏种群岩羊个体之间的平均序列差异为0.71,四川种群和宁夏种群之间的序列差异为2.61,这反映了四川种群和宁夏种群种群内的差异以及四川种群和宁夏种群种群间的差异都属于个体间的变化;然而四川种群的个体11(Si11)与该种群内的其它个体的平均序列差异和平均Kimura两参数距离远高于它与宁夏种群个体间的相应数值,存在着较为明显的分歧.形成这一现象的原因可能要涉及到岩羊在中国的地理演化和扩散问题.  相似文献   

极边扁咽齿鱼Platypharodon extremus是黄河上游的特有鱼类,近年来由于过度捕捞、环境变迁等因素,其资源量剧减,种群处于濒危状态。研究中采集了分布于黄河上游的3个种群(n=107),基于线粒体DNA控制区695bp序列,共检测到101个可变位点,占总分析位点的14.5%,其中58个为简约信息位点。3种群共界定了87个单倍型,种群平均单倍型多样性h=0.995,核苷酸多样性π=0.0129。结果表明,极边扁咽齿鱼的种群遗传多样性水平较高。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,3群体间总遗传分化系数Fst=0.0528,群体间尚未有显著的遗传分化。系统发生树显示3种群的单倍型混合分布,各进化枝之间分歧度很低,没有形成明显的单倍型组,也没有显示出单倍型与地理位置的对应关系。3个群体共享1个单倍型(Hap31),推测它们来自于共同的祖先。歧点分布和Fu’Fs中性检测显示极边扁咽齿鱼并未经历种群扩张。  相似文献   

长吻(鱼危)(Leiocassis longirostris)是中国土著珍稀鱼类。近年来, 由于江河水利工程、环境污染及人类生产活动已经对江河的渔业资源造成了难以逆转的破坏, 长吻(鱼危)的渔业资源已逐渐枯竭。目前, 长吻(鱼危)在四川、广东等地实现适度规模养殖。以四川眉山、湖北石首和安徽淮南3个人工养殖长吻(鱼危)群体及4个长江野生长吻(鱼危)群体(重庆段、武汉段、安庆段和南京段)为实验材料, 利用线粒体DNA (mtDNA)控制区序列作为分子标记对135个个体的遗传结构进行了分析。结果表明, 在790 bp 的同源序列中, 长吻(鱼危) 3个养殖种群共检测到变异位点27个, 占全部序列的3.42%, 66个个体共检测到18种单倍型; 在野生群体中, 69个个体共检测到35个变异位点和36个单倍型, 长吻(鱼危)野生群体平均单倍型多样性和平均核苷酸多样性(Hd=0.9736±0.0070, Pi=0.0087±0.0015)高于长吻(鱼危)养殖群体(Hd=0.8867±0.0013, Pi=0.0056±0.0013); 群体间的遗传分化水平较低(Fst值为0.0014—0.1125)。采用邻接法(NJ法)和统计简约原理对所有单倍型进行系统发育树和统计简约网状图的构建, 结果表明: 各群体内的个体均不能分别构成独立的分支, 而是相互交叉聚在一起。分析结果表明, 长吻(鱼危)养殖群体与野生群体之间的基因交流充分, 未出现遗传分化, 但相对长吻(鱼危)野生群体, 长吻(鱼危)养殖种群多态性偏低。  相似文献   

To clarify phylogenetic relationships of Bryde's whales, we examined the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b gene in 33 animals: 12 from offshore waters of the western North Pacific, five from off the Solomon Islands, and 16 from the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi in southwestern Japan. For reference purposes, homologous sequences from four Balaenoptera species including four Bryde's whales collected in the eastern Indian Ocean were added. We found whales from the three sampling areas to be genetically distinct. The control region sequences suggested that the whales from the three areas separate at higher than the populational level from one another. The cytochrome b data indicated that genetic differences between whales off the Solomon Islands and animals in the other two areas are equivalent to values found among recognized Balaenoptera species, although such a relationship was not observed between the other two areas. We conclude that whales in the East China Sea and coastal waters of Kochi separate from Bryde's whales in offshore waters of the western North Pacific at higher than the populational level but lower than the specific level (i. e., at the subspecific level) and that whales off the Solomon Islands do not belong genetically to the Bryde's whale as previously recognized.  相似文献   

This is the first report to explore the fine‐scale diversity, population genetic structure, and biogeography of a typical planktonic microbe in Japanese and Korean coastal waters and also to try to detect the impact of natural and human‐assisted dispersals on the genetic structure and gene flow in a toxic dinoflagellate species. Here we present the genetic analysis of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech populations from 10 sites along the Japanese and Korean coasts. We used nine microsatellite loci, which varied widely in number of alleles and gene diversity across populations. The analysis revealed that Nei's genetic distance correlated significantly with geographic distance in pair‐wise comparisons, and that there was genetic differentiation in about half of 45 pair‐wise populations. These results clearly indicate genetic isolation among populations according to geographic distance and restricted gene flow via natural dispersal through tidal currents among the populations. On the other hand, high P‐values in Fisher's combined test were detected in five pair‐wise populations, suggesting similar genetic structure and a close genetic relationship between the populations. These findings suggest that the genetic structure of Japanese A. tamarense populations has been disturbed, possibly by human‐assisted dispersal, which has resulted in gene flow between geographically separated populations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated DNA fingerprinting as a tool for estimating population genetic diversity and differentiation by comparing minisatellite variation in island and mainland populations of silvereyes (Aves: Zosterops lateralis). Three populations with different recent histories were compared: (1) Heron Island and neighboring islands, colonized 3000 to 4000 yr ago; (2) Lady Elliot Island, colonized within the past two decades; and (3) an adjacent mainland population, which presumably has existed for thousands of years. The degree of genetic variability within the three populations reflected both their size and the time since their colonization. Minisatellite diversity was highest in the mainland population, intermediate in the Capricorn Island group (which was shown to represent a single admixture), and lowest in the Lady Elliot Island population, possibly because of a recent population bottleneck during colonization. Mean band sharing between any two populations was less than the mean within either of those populations, and four fingerprint bands common to island birds were rare or absent in the fingerprints of mainland birds. In the absence of significant gene flow between the mainland and the islands, the populations have apparently become distinct at minisatellite loci, as evidenced by differences in both allelic diversity and in the frequencies of specific fragments. Within the Heron Island population, cohort analyses demonstrated the temporal stability of the fingerprint profile over 6 yr. This study demonstrates that length polymorphisms at minisatellite loci may be stable enough over time to retain information about recent historical and demographic effects on the relative genetic variability and differentiation of small, closely related populations.  相似文献   

Several species of the diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Consumption of fish and shellfish that have accumulated this potent excitotoxin has resulted in severe illness and even death in humans, marine mammals, and seabirds. Pseudo‐nitzschia pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle is a cosmopolitan diatom commonly occurring in the waters of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and the eastern North Atlantic, including the North Sea. However, genetic and physiological relationships among populations throughout this large geographic distribution have not been assessed. Population genetic parameters (e.g., Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, linkage equilibrium, FST) calculated for P. pungens collected from the Juan de Fuca eddy region in the PNW indicated the presence of two distinct groups that were more divergent from each other than either was from a P. pungens sample from the North Sea. Geographic heterogeneity was also detected within each of the two PNW groups. These results suggested that the populations of P. pungens recently mixed in the Juan de Fuca eddy region (a seasonally retentive feature off the coasts of Washington State, USA, and Vancouver Island, Canada) but did not exchange genetic material by sexual reproduction. Alternatively, these two groups may be cryptic (morphologically identical, but reproductively isolated) species. Identifying cryptic diversity in Pseudo‐nitzschia is important for bloom prediction and aiding the identification of molecular markers that can be used for rapid detection assay development.  相似文献   

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