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We investigated inter- and intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the ectomycorrhizal fungal genus Leccinum section Scabra. Species of this section are exclusively associated with Betula and occur throughout the Northern Hemisphere. We compared the phylogenetic relationships of arctic, alpine, boreal and temperate accessions of section Scabra based on DNA sequences of the single-copy nuclear gene Gapdh and the multiple-copy nuclear region 5.8S-ITS2. Exclusively arctic lineages were not detected in species that occur both in arctic-alpine or boreal regions, except in L. rotundifoliae that was restricted to cold climates. L. scabrum and L. holopus showed an intercontinental phylogeographic pattern, and L. variicolor showed a pattern unrelated to geographical distribution. Molecular clock estimates indicated that L. rotundifoliae is as old as other species in section Scabra. Individual gene trees suggest that interspecific hybridisation occurred several times in the evolution of section Scabra.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed from SSR-enriched genome libraries for the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor. Seven markers were single-locus and amplified unambiguously in L. bicolor. The seven SSR markers were further characterized using an array of 15 L. bicolor strains representative of diverse origins worldwide. The observed number of alleles per locus varied from 5–9 and the values of observed heterozygosity from 0.167 to 0.667. The seven SSR loci could be amplified from DNA extracted from root tips of L. bicolor inoculated pine seedlings. All the L. bicolor ectomycorrhizas analysed exhibited the same SSR multi-locus profile as that detected for the UAMH8232 inoculant strain. The set of markers described represents a potent tool for the monitoring of introduced strains of L. bicolor and for molecular ecology applications.  相似文献   

The corticioid basidiomycete Peniophorella praetermissa has long been regarded as a morphologically variable species complex. An ITS-based phylogenetic study based on a worldwide sampling was carried out using parsimony and Bayesian inference. The resulting trees feature three major clades, further divided into well-supported subclades. These could be considered as distinct species, a contention that is further supported by crossing test data. Only two out of the eight phylogenetic lineages identified can be distinctly morphologically characterized: P. odontiaeformis and P. subpraetermissa. P. odontiaeformis is an odontioid species with a paleotropical distribution whereas the taxa in the remaining subclades have smooth basidiomata and are distributed in temperate areas. P. subpraetermissa is known only from the type collection and is distinguished microscopically by its reddish brown apically encrustated cystidia. Taxa in the remaining subclades are impossible to distinguish from each other morphologically, and therefore, are viewed as a species complex, P. praetermissa s. lat. One of the subclades, which is widely distributed but restricted to the Northern hemisphere, is proposed to represent P. praetermissa s. str. An epitype is selected from the same area as the holotype, among the specimens studied here. However, the geographically most widespread clade with many representatives from both hemispheres is here referred to as P. pertenuis, a taxon that was previously considered a synonym to P. praetermissa.  相似文献   

One of the key hypotheses of paleoceanography is that planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies record reasonably stable and homogeneous oceanographic and climatic characteristics over their geographic and stratigraphic ranges. The discovery of numerous genetically-defined cryptic species challenges the morphospecies concept in planktonic foraminifera and paleoceanographic interpretations based on them. Here, we present a combined genetic and biometric analysis of Orbulina universa specimens in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Our study is based on shells retained after DNA extractions. On those genotyped shells, we perform biometric analyses (shell size and thickness, inner porosity and pore surface distribution). Our genetic data confirm the presence of three cryptic species of O. universa in the world ocean, whose distributions are primarily correlated to the productivity of the surface waters. The Mediterranean species of O. universa is most abundant in the vertically mixed and nutrient-rich areas of the low to mid-latitudes, whereas the Caribbean and Sargasso species occur in stratified and oligotrophic subtropical waters. Our biometric data show no correlation between shell size and inner porosity within each cryptic species of O. universa. Combining Principal Component Analyses with MANOVAs performed on shell pore surface distribution, we demonstrate that the three different cryptic species are characterized by significant morphological differentiation. The Caribbean species typically exhibits large pores and higher porosity values, while the Mediterranean and Sargasso species are characterized by smaller pore areas and shell porosity. A model based upon pore surface distribution correctly assigns 60% to 90% of the specimens to their corresponding genotype. Although the inner shell surface of the Sargasso species resembles that of the Mediterranean species, our model demonstrates that the pore surface distributions of these two cryptic species can be distinguished. Finally, the Sargasso species exhibits significantly thinner shells than the two other cryptic species.  相似文献   

Cordyceps sinensis is a reputed medicinal fungus growing parasitically on buried larvae of ghost moths in Asian high-altitude grassland ecosystems. We have analysed the intraspecific ITS nrDNA (ITS1, 5.8S gene, ITS2) variation among 71 sequences of C. sinensis available in EMBL/Genbank. The ITS sequences, submitted to Bayesian ML analyses, were distributed into five groups, referred to as A–E. Nine of the sequences (groups D and E) grouped with distantly related hypocrealean/clavicipitalean taxa and are interpreted as sequences erroneously accessioned under wrong taxon names. The remaining 62 sequences constituted three highly supported clades (groups A–C), that may represent cryptic (phylogenetic) species currently ascribed to C. sinensis. A remarkably high sequence divergence occurred in the 5.8S gene between the three groups. Sequences of groups B and C showed accelerated substitution rates and high AT nucleotide bias. We hypothesize that the accelerated evolution and AT bias have been caused by a shift in life historical attributes or ecology. We also suggest that the recorded differences in medicinal effects among C. sinensis populations may be attributed to the existence of genetically differentiated chemotypes in this morphotaxon.  相似文献   

Downy mildew is probably the most widespread and potentially destructive global disease of spinach (Spinacia oleracea). The causal agent of downy mildew disease on various plants of Chenopodiaceae, including spinach, is regarded as a single species, Peronospora farinosa. In the present study, the ITS rDNA sequence and morphological data demonstrated that P. farinosa from S. oleracea is distinct from downy mildew of other chenopodiaceous hosts. Fifty-eight spinach specimens were collected or loaned from 17 countries of Asia, Europe, Oceania, North and South America, which all formed a distinct monophyletic group. No intercontinental genetic variation of the ITS rDNA within Peronospora accessions causing spinach downy mildew disease was found. Phylogenetic trees supported recognition of Peronospora from spinach as a separate species. Microscopic examination also revealed morphological differences between Peronospora specimens from Spinacia and P. farinosa s. lat. specimens from Atriplex, Bassia, Beta, and Chenopodium. Consequently, the name Peronospora effusa should be reinstated for the downy mildew fungus found on spinach. Here, a specimen of the original collections of Peronospora effusa is designated as lectotype.  相似文献   

Identification of species within the boletoid genus Xerocomus has relied heavily upon the macromorphological features of the basidiomes. However, the phenotypic plasticity of these features has resulted in considerable confusion over the delimitation of taxa. In this study, we examined collections attributed to the X. subtomentosus complex in Europe using morphological and rDNA–ITS sequence data. In total, 45 European collections from a wide range of geographical areas and ecological conditions were included in the study. In spite of detecting considerable genetic variation, even within individual basidiomes of X. subtomentosus, molecular data, spore size, flesh colour, and the colour of the basal mycelium allow for the recognition of four distinct taxa: two correspond to X. subtomentosus (13 collections) and X. ferrugineus (20); one X. chrysonemus sp. nov. (10), to date only found in the UK, is described as new; and the existence of another taxon (two; Italy and UK) is noted but left undescribed owing to lack of material. Eight collections from North America were also included in the study, from which two taxa with a close affinity to X. ferrugineus were recognised.  相似文献   

Phyllactinia is a unique genus within the Erysiphales (Ascomycota) having a partly endo-parasitic nature of the mycelium within the host plant tissues. We constructed phylogenetic trees for the genus Phyllactinia and its allied genera based on a total of 120 nucleotide sequences of the 28S rDNA and ITS regions to discuss their phylogenetic relationships with special references to host plants, biogeography, evolutionary dating, and taxonomy. The analysis of the Erysiphales confirmed the monophyly of the endo-parasitic genera, i.e. Leveillula, Phyllactinia, and Pleochaeta. Phyllactinia specimens used in this study were divided into six distinctive groups and three subgroups. Interestingly, Leveillula, an obligately endo-parasitic genus of the Erysiphales, grouped together with Phyllactinia, although this was not significantly supported by the Kishino–Hasegawa and Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests. This suggests that the evolution within this group of fungi occurred from partial endo-parasitism to obligate endo-parasitism. The host range of Phyllactinia is mostly confined to woody plants, especially deciduous trees. Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, and Rosaceae may have close connections to the divergence of the groups and subgroups of Phyllactinia concerned. Most of these plant families are known as major members of the boreotropical flora of the Tertiary, which suggests an early Tertiary origin of this genus. A comparison of the phylogenies of hosts and parasites revealed that host range expansion at higher taxonomic levels (higher than family level) is independent of the phylogeny of plants. Conversely, host range expansions in lower taxonomic levels (infrafamilial or infrageneric) tend to occur within a single family or genus. An estimation of the evolutionary timing using a molecular clock approach suggested that Phyllactinia split from Pleochaeta about 60 M years ago (Ma) in the early Tertiary and divergence of the six major clades of Phyllactinia occurred between 5 and 40 Ma during the Oligocene and Miocene. Divergence within the major clades and within Leveillula occurred maybe from more than 5 Ma onwards during the Pliocene and Quaternary. This is the first comprehensive phylogenetic study of Phyllactinia and other endo-parasitic genera of the Erysiphales.  相似文献   

通过对地卷属地衣形态和化学的研究,并结合核基因ITS序列的系统发育分析,报道了采自中国西北地区地卷属的1个中国新记录种——芽片地卷(新拟)。它的典型特征是沿着地衣体边缘或地衣体上表面裂隙具有大量的薄片状phyllidia,且常常覆有粉霜。地衣体上表面的边缘具有白色绒毛,下表面具有丛生假根,而且假根在边缘为白色,逐渐向中心变为深色。该研究提供了该种的详细描述,并与近缘种进行了细致的讨论。  相似文献   

Seven new calochroid and fulvoid species of Cortinarius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe seven new European species of Cortinarius. All species are based on analyses of morphological and DNA sequence data. They all belong to a well-supported clade comprising most species traditionally treated in Cortinarius subgenus Phlegmacium sections Fulvi and Calochroi (i.e. the/Calochroi clade). All taxa are either fulvoid (containing anthraquinoid pigments) or calochroid (without these pigments). Morphological and ecological data are presented for all species and compared with similar species. A dichotomous key is presented for C. calochrous and similar species, including all six newly described calochroid species. The calochroid species C. albertii, C. chailluzii, C. cisticola, C. sancti-felicis, C. selandicus and C. vesterholtii spp. nov., and the fulvoid species C. langeorum sp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

Two species associated with the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex, G. circinata (the cause of pitch canker in pines) and G. subglutinans (avirulent on pine), were found to have limited interfertility in hybrid crosses. MAT idiomorphs, polymorphisms in the histone H3 gene, vegetative compatibility, and virulence phenotypes were used to verify recombination. The MAT idiomorphs appeared to be assorting independently, but the histone H3 haplotype was disproportionately represented by that of the G. subglutinans parent. Ninety-eight percent (45/46) of the progeny tested were vegetatively incompatible with both parents. All F1 progeny were avirulent to pine, but a wide range of virulence was restored through a backcross to the virulent parent (G. circinata). Attempts at hybrid crosses using other isolate combinations were rarely successful (1/26). This limited interfertility supports retention of G. circinata and G. subglutinans as separate species, but offers opportunities to characterize the inheritance of virulence to pine.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)各物种间的系统发育关系,该属现有有效描述种的gyrB,sodrpoB基因的部分序列被测定,结合16S rRNA基因,对拟诺卡氏菌属进行了系统发育重建。研究发现拟诺卡氏菌属gyrB,sodrpoB基因的平均相似性分别为87.7%、87.3%和94.1%,而16S rRNA基因的平均相似性则达到96.65%,3个看家基因均比16S rRNA具有更高的分歧度。比较基于不同基因的系统树发现,由gyrB基因得到的系统树拓扑结构与16S rRNA得到的结构在亚群上基本一致。因此,gyrB基因在拟诺卡氏菌属的系统分类上比16S rRNA基因更具优越性。  相似文献   

Detached leaf disc bioassays were conducted against cucumber powdery mildew and three species of aphid with three entomopathogenic species of Lecanicillium; Lecanicillium longisporum (Vertalec®), Lecanicillium attenuatum (CS625), and an unidentified isolate (DAOM198499). The three Lecanicillium species had high virulence against the aphids Myzus persicae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Aulacorthum solani with the exception of DAOM 198499, which demonstrated reduced virulence to A. solani with an LT50 of 6.4 days. Otherwise, LT50 ranged between two and four days. Suspensions of conidia and blastospores of the Lecanicillium species were also applied onto 15 mm leaf discs dissected from cucumber plants previously inoculated with Sphaerotheca fuliginea. Powdery mildew did not develop when the Lecanicillium applications were made one and eight days after S. fuliginea inoculations. When Lecanicillium was applied to highly infected leaf discs 11 and 15 days after S. fuliginea inoculation, the application suppressed subsequent production of S. fuliginea spores as compared to the controls. These results suggest the potential of a dual role for Lecanicillium spp. as microbial control agents against aphids and powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Speciation in Pyricularia inferred from multilocus phylogenetic analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyricularia isolates from various host plants were subjected to a multilocus phylogenetic analysis based on rDNA-ITS, actin, β-tubulin, and calmodulin loci. A combined gene tree resolved seven groups with 100 % BS support, suggesting that they are monophyletic groups supported concordantly by all four loci. By incorporating biological and morphological species criteria, each of the seven groups was considered to be a current species. However, phylogenetic relationships among these species were unresolved in the single-gene trees and in the combined tree. Furthermore, the transition from concordance to conflict occurred more than once in the combined gene tree. They were interpreted by assuming that Pyricularia has evolved through repeated species radiation. The transition point other than the current species limit was considered to be the limit of the former species.  相似文献   

This review discusses DNA-based methods used for identification of yeasts. Nuclear DNA reassociation was the first quantitative molecular method employed for recognition of yeast species and has provided a baseline for interpretation of other molecular comparisons. Among these, gene sequencing is the most definitive method, with ribosomal RNA gene sequences providing the preponderance of available data. Multigene analyses that include the sequences of protein encoding genes are being increasingly developed to provide a more definitive resolution of species. A number of rapid identification methods, such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE), and flow cytometry, which are based on species-specific gene sequences, are available for use in diagnostic laboratories.  相似文献   

The lichen-forming order Lichinales, generally characterized by prototunicate asci and the development of thalli with cyanobacteria, has recently been recognized as a separate class of ascomycetes, Lichinomycetes, as a result of molecular phylogenetic studies. As alkali and water-soluble (F1SS) polysaccharides reflect phylogeny in other ascomycetes, a polysaccharide from Lichina pygmaea and L. confinis was purified and characterized to investigate whether these F1SS compounds in the Lichinomycetes were distinctive. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and chemical analyses revealed this as a galactomannan comprising a repeating unit consisting of an α-(1→6)-mannan backbone, mainly substituted by single α-galactofuranose residues at the O-2- or the O-2,4- positions linked to a small mannan core. With the exception of the trisubstituted mannopyranose residues previously described in polysaccharides from other lichens belonging to orders now placed in Lecanoromycetes, the structure of this galactomannan most closely resembles those found in several members of the Onygenales in Eurotiomycetes. Our polysaccharide data support molecular studies showing that Lichina species are remote from Lecanoromycetes as the galactofuranose residues are in the α-configuration. That the Lichinomycetes were part of an ancestral lichenized group can not be established from the present data because the extracted polysaccharide does not have the galactofuranose residue in the β configuration; however, the data does suggest that an ancestor of the Lichinomycetes contained a mannan and was part of an early radiation in the ascomycetes.  相似文献   

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