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Best release of Alternaria alternata protoplasts was obtained when 20 h old mycelia were incubated in a hydrolytic enzyme mixture of Novozym 234, Driselase, and β -glucuronidase. Numbers of nuclei/protoplast varied but generally decreased with increased time of incubation. While salts, were better osmotic stabilizers for protoplast release, sucrose and sugar alcohols were better for regeneration.  相似文献   

Two diketopiperazine derivatives, altenarizines A (1) and B (2), and a new glucosyl sesterterpene, 24-α-d-glucosyl-(−)-terpestacin (3), together with two known phytotoxic sesterterpenes, (−)-terpestacin (4) and fusaproliferin (5), were isolated from the fermentation broth of an endophytic fungus Alternaria alternata, which was obtained from the fresh root of Ceratostigma griffithii. Structures of all the isolates were identified by spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

The fungus, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler Strain 501, has been evaluated as a bioherbicide for control of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng., but the biology of the pathogen–host interaction and the optimal environmental conditions for disease development and effective weed control are unknown. Disease development of A. alternata Strain 501 mycelia on E. adenophorum was assessed under several factors including pathogen inoculum concentration, plant age, dew period duration, post-dew temperature, storage temperature and duration. The minimum inoculum concentration required to kill E. adenophorum seedlings was 3.2×106 mycelial fragment mL?1. E. adenophorum seedlings at the four-leaf-pair stage were more susceptible than the older plants, especially those at the older than seven-leaf-pair stage. With a dew period of at least 14 h, 100% mortality occurred. The optimal post-dew temperature for disease development was 18–25°C. Storage at <4°C maintained the infectivity of A. alternata strain 501 mycelia on E. adenophorum longer. Using light and scanning electron microscopy to examine the infection process of A. alternata Strain 501 mycelia, it was shown that the time from initiation to completion of infection with mycelia was much shorter (14 h) than with conidia (72 h). It was further shown that mycelial infection occurred predominately through direct penetration at intercellular junctions, while conidial infection occurred predominately through stomatal penetration. This suggests that mycelia are more suitable as infection propagules for A. alternata strain 501 in a bioherbicide for the control of E. adenophorum.  相似文献   

Abstract A β-glucosidase from centrifugated autolyzed cultures of Alternaria alternata has been purified 71 times by Sephadex G-200, CM-Biogel A and DEAE-Biogel A successively. The enzyme is a glycoprotein with 16% sugar and a M r of 160 000, formed by two subunits of 60 000 and 80 000. The enzyme has optimum pH of 5 units and optimum reaction temperature of 50°C, being stable in a pH range of 3–8 and 0 to 60°C. The enzyme hydrolyzes different substrates showing maximum affinity and maximum hydrolysis velocity on cellobiose. The β-glucosidase is inhibited by gluconolactone but not by 10 mM glucose.  相似文献   

A mutant of Alternaria alternata excreted enhanced levels of carboxymethylcellulase and particularly beta-glucosidase when grown in cellulose liquid media. Both enzymes were purified two- to four-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration, and the kinetic data showed K(m) values of 16.64 mg/ml of culture fluid for carboxymethylcellulase and 0.14 mM p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-glucoside and 0.81 mM cellobiose for beta-glucosidase at pH 5. Carboxymethylcellulase and extracellular beta-glucosidase functioned optimally at pH 5 to 6 and 4.5 to 5 and at temperatures of 55 to 60 and 70 to 75 degrees C, respectively. Both temperature optima and thermostability of beta-glucosidase were among the highest ever reported for the same enzyme excreted from cellulase and beta-glucosidase hyperproducing microorganisms.  相似文献   

Our previous observation that host plant extracts induce production and secretion of mannitol in the tobacco pathogen Alternaria alternata suggested that, like their animal counterparts, plant pathogenic fungi might produce the reactive oxygen quencher mannitol as a means of suppressing reactive oxygen-mediated plant defenses. The concurrent discovery that pathogen attack induced mannitol dehydrogenase (MTD) expression in the non-mannitol-containing host tobacco suggested that plants, unlike animals, might be able to counter this fungal suppressive mechanism by catabolizing mannitol of fungal origin. To test this hypothesis, transgenic tobacco plants constitutively expressing a celery Mtd cDNA were produced and evaluated for potential changes in resistance to both mannitol- and non-mannitol-secreting pathogens. Constitutive expression of the MTD transgene was found to confer significantly enhanced resistance to A. alternata, but not to the non-mannitol-secreting fungal pathogen Cercospora nicotianae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that MTD plays a role in resistance to mannitol-secreting fungal plant pathogens.  相似文献   

The bonding of the bound-phenolic acids present in three lignin preparations isolated from wheat straw where determined. p-Coumaric acid was mainly ester-linked whereas 35–75% of the recovered ferulic acid was ether-linked to milled straw lignin or enzyme lignin. Ferulic acid ethers accounted for 1.1% dry wt of alkali extracted lignin and might explain the high solubility of Gramineae lignins in soda. Isolated lignins were associated to hemicelluloses, principally arabinoglucuronoxylans. The possible existence of ferulic acid cross-links between lignin and arabinoglucuronoxylans is discussed.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Alternaria alternata contains seven pathogenic variants (pathotypes), which produce different host-specific toxins and cause diseases on different plants. The strawberry pathotype produces host-specific AF-toxin and causes Alternaria black spot of strawberry. This pathotype is also pathogenic to Japanese pear cultivars susceptible to the Japanese pear pathotype that produces AK-toxin. The strawberry pathotype produces two related molecular species, AF-toxins I and II: toxin I is toxic to both strawberry and pear, and toxin II is toxic only to pear. Previously, we isolated a cosmid clone pcAFT-1 from the strawberry pathotype that contains three genes involved in AF-toxin biosynthesis. Here, we have identified a new gene, designated AFTS1, from pcAFT-1. AFTS1 encodes a protein with similarity to enzymes of the aldo-ketoreductase superfamily. Targeted mutation of AFTS1 diminished the host range of the strawberry pathotype: Delta aftS1 mutants were pathogenic to pear, but not to strawberry, as is the Japanese pear pathotype. These mutants were found to produce AF-toxin II, but not AF-toxin I. These data represent a novel example of how the host range of a plant pathogenic fungus can be restricted by modification of secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Alternaria brassicicola is a fungal pathogen of many agriculturally important cruciferous crops. Cyclobrassinin hydrolase (CH) is an enzyme produced by A. brassicicola that catalyzes the transformation of the cruciferous phytoalexin cyclobrassinin into S-methyl[(2-sulfanyl-1H-indolyl-3)methyl]carbamothioate. The purification and characterization of CH was performed using a four-step chromatography method. SDS–PAGE and gel exclusion chromatography indicated that CH is a tetrameric protein with molecular mass of 330 kDa. Sequence analysis and chemical modification of CH with selective reagents suggested that the enzyme mediates hydrolysis of cyclobrassinin using a catalytic amino acid triad. Enzyme kinetic studies using cyclobrassinin and 1-methylcyclobrassinin as substrates revealed that CH displayed positive substrate cooperativity. Investigation of the effect of nine phytoalexins and two derivatives on the activity of CH indicated that six compounds displayed inhibitory activity: brassilexin, 1-methylbrassilexin, dioxibrassinin, camalexin, brassicanal A and sinalexin. The enzyme kinetics of CH strongly suggested that brassilexin and 1-methylbrassilexin are noncompetitive inhibitors of CH activity, and that camalexin is a competitive inhibitor while dioxibrassinin inhibits CH through a mixed mechanism. The phytoalexin brassilexin is the most effective inhibitor of CH (Ki = 32 ± 9 μM). These results suggest that crops able to accumulate higher concentration of brassilexin would display higher resistance levels to the fungus.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) was used to measure the amount and distribution of genetic variability in populations of the Japanese pear pathotype of Alternaria alternata on both micro- and macrogeographical scales. A total of 322 isolates were obtained from 13 areas in Aichi, Gifu, and Tottori Prefectures in central and western Japan. The restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed that the pathogen populations contained at least eight rDNA variants. The eight variant types differed in the lengths and in the presence of the restriction sites in spacer DNA outside the coding regions for rRNAs. A total of 271 isolates were classified into the eight types. The remaining 51 isolates were determined to have mixed rDNA types. Single pear fields typically contained two to five types of rDNA variants. The frequencies of rDNA variants in 11 populations in Tottori Prefecture were compared; in this prefecture orchards containing the susceptible pear are common. Except for one collection site, there were no significant differences in the composition of the rDNA variants among the populations. This suggests that dispersal of inocula has occurred frequently in Tottori Prefecture. In contrast, significantly different distributions were observed in the three prefectures, indicating that gene flow between prefectures might be limited by geographical isolation. DNA fingerprints resulting from hybridization with a moderately repetitive DNA sequence of the fungus revealed greater genetic variability and geographical differences in genetic population structure even within the same rDNA type.  相似文献   

Agro-industrial by-products are a potential source of added-value phenolic acids with promising applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Here two purified feruloyl esterases from Aspergillus niger, FAEA and FAEB were tested for their ability to release phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid from coffee pulp, apple marc and wheat straw. Their hydrolysis activity was evaluated and compared with their action on maize bran and sugar beet pulp. The specificity of both enzymes against natural and synthetic substrates was evaluated; particular attention was paid to quinic esters and lignin monomers. The efficiency of both enzymes on model substrates was studied. We show the ability of these enzymes to hydrolyze quinic esters and ester linkages between phenolic acids and lignin monomer.  相似文献   

Allergies affect almost 25% of the population in industrialized countries. Alternaria alternata is known to be a significant source of aeroallergens and sensitization to this mold is a risk factor for the development of wheezing, asthma, and atopic dermatitis. Diagnosis and treatment of allergies requires the production of large amounts of pure and well defined protein. Yarrowia lipolytica, a non-pathogenic ascomycete able to secrete high levels of enzymes that can grow in inexpensive substrates, has been considered a useful host for heterologous gene expression. In the present work, we have developed two vectors for expressing Alt a 1, the most relevant A. alternata allergen, in Y. lipolytica. One vector is autosomal and one is integrative. With both systems, rAlt a 1 was secreted into the culture medium. The immunological characteristics of the purified recombinant allergen were determined by IgE-blot using sera from 42 A. alternata-allergic patients. We have carried out ELISA-inhibition experiments using sera from four patients to compare the IgE-binding capacity of natural and recombinant allergens. Our results show that Y. lipolytica is able to produce a recombinant Alt a 1 which is immunochemically equivalent to the natural counterpart and could be used for immunotherapy and diagnostics.  相似文献   

An assessment of 27 mutant tomato lines from four countries (Germany, USA, Russia, Bulgaria) was carried out for resistance to five Alternaria alternata strains under conditions of the South of Russia. Five strains of the A. alternata fungus were isolated from naturally infected plants selected in five agroclimatic zones of Krasnodar Krai: Central - strain 1, Western - strain 6, North - strain 11, South Foothill - strain 12, Chernomorskaya - strain 13. The assessment was carried out in the field during 2018–2020, in a greenhouse and under the laboratory conditions three times for each studied strain. In the field, the plants were treated every year with a spore suspension of A. alternata strain 1. Mutant lines obtained from the United States: 868, 663, 533, 544 and 898 showed the greatest resistance to Alternaria in 2018–2020, the lesion of which averaged 4.5–8.0% over three years. 13 mutant lines: 17, 40, 688, 722 (Germany), 311, 394, 418, 542, 728, 743, 917 (USA), 322 (Russia), 159 (Bulgaria) showed average resistance with the development of the disease 10.2–24.9% over three years of the research. Mutant lines 743, 663, 868, 544 obtained from the USA possessed relatively high resistance to all the studied strains under greenhouse conditions; moreover, no signs of damage with strains 1 and 11 were observed on Mo 868, signs of damage by strain 11 of A. alternata were not observed on Mo 743. Under laboratory conditions, mutant lines 663, 743, 868, obtained from the United States, were most resistant. Mo 663 showed resistance to strains 1, 13; line 743 - to strains 11, 12; line 868 - to strains 1, 11. There was a predominantly positive correlation between the results of field, greenhouse and laboratory assessments, which indicates a strong connection between them and the possibility of using these methods to assess the resistance of tomato samples to Alternaria independently of each other.  相似文献   

Interactions of Apple and the Alternaria alternata Apple Pathotype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apple is one of the most cultivated tree fruits worldwide, and is susceptible to many diseases. Understanding the interactions between the host and pathogen is critical in implementing disease management strategies and developing resistant cultivars. This review provides an update on the interactions of apple with Alternaria alternata apple pathotype, which causes Alternaria blotch, with a brief history about the discovery of the disease and pathogen and its damage and epidemiology. The focus of the review is placed on the physiological and genetic response of the host to pathogen infection, including resistance and susceptibility, and the molecular markers associated with them. Of the response of the pathogen to the host, the emphasis is placed on the role of the selective toxins on pathogenicity and their genetic controls and regulations. The review ends with a perspective on future directions in the research on the apple-A. alternata pathosystem in the era of genomics and post genomics, particularly on how to identify candidate genes from both host and pathogen for potential genetic engineering for disease resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Alternaria alternata is of major significance as a food and feed contaminant and is able to produce a range of mycotoxins that may elicit adverse effects in both animals and humans. We describe the isolation and characterization of five microsatellite markers for studying A. alternata. Marker polymorphism was screened in 64 isolates of A. alternata. The number of alleles per locus ranged from eight to 24, and allelic diversity ranged from 0.425 to 0.882. These markers will be useful in the study of relationships and population genetics amongst isolates of A. alternata.  相似文献   

Mycoherbicides are specialty biotechnology products which employ the use of fungi or fungal metabolites as non-chemical alternatives, thereby reducing the input of harmful chemicals to control noxious weeds. The present communication emphasises the potential of an indigenous isolate of Alternaria alternata ITCC 4896 as a mycoherbicide for the global weed Parthenium hysterophorus. Of the various spore concentrations tested by in vitro detached leaf bioassay, 1 × 106 spores/ml was the most effective, inducing 89.2% leaf area damage on the seventh day and was further tested by the whole plant bioassay. Both in vitro detached leaf assay and whole plant bioassay exhibited a similar trend in disease development, exhibiting 50% damage at 96 hours post-treatment. However, 100% mortality was observed in the whole plant bioassay on the seventh day. This is the very first report on the bioweedicidal potential of Alternaria alternata ITCC 4896 (LC#508) for use as a mycoherbicide for Parthenium hysterophorus.  相似文献   

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