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The effects of ultrasound morphology, vascularity, and follicular-fluid hormones of the preovulatory follicle on oocyte recovery rate and on follicle and oocyte maturity rates were studied for 60 spontaneous and solitary preovulatory follicles in mares. An ovulation-inducing dose of hCG was given when the follicle was >or=32 mm (Hour 0), and a procedure for oocyte recovery was done 30 h later (Hour 30). Between Hours 0 and 30, diameter of the follicle increased less and circulating estradiol (E2) concentrations decreased more in groups with successful versus nonsuccessful oocyte recovery and in groups with mature versus immature recovered oocytes, as indicated by significant interactions of group and hour. Significant differences in blood-flow end points between groups were not detected. At Hour 30, the frequency of granulosa serration, an indicator of impending ovulation, was higher (P < 0.001), and the number and expansion of granulosa cells in the lavaging fluid, indicators of follicle maturity, were greater in the oocyte-recovery group and in the oocyte-mature group. Follicular-fluid concentrations of E2, progesterone, and free insulin-like growth factor (IGF) 1 were not different between the oocyte-recovery and -nonrecovery groups. Concentration of progesterone was significantly greater, and E2 and free IGF1 were less in the oocyte-mature than in the immature groups. Results indicated that the post-hCG oocyte-recovery and oocyte-maturity rates were positively affected by follicle maturity. Greater follicular-fluid progesterone and lower E2 and free IGF concentrations were associated temporally with maturation of the oocyte but not with maturation of the follicle.  相似文献   

A total of 334 first-service lactating cows in natural estrus were used in the study. Semen was deposited into the uterine body of 174 cows and deep into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the side of impending ovulation of 160 cows. In both groups, insemination was performed within the interval of 50 to 100 d postpartum at 8 to 15 h after estrus detection and after preovulatory follicle palpation. Pregnancy rates were determined by palpation per rectum 50 d post insemination. The pregnancy rate was higher (P < 0.05) for deep uterine horn insemination (70.62%) than for uterine body insemination (60.34%).  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected and follicle diameters were determined daily beginning on Day 12 (Day 0 = ovulation) in 35 interovulatory intervals (IOIs) in heifers. A minor follicular wave with maximal diameter (6.0 ± 0.3 mm) on Day −4 was detected in six of seven IOIs that were scanned for follicles 4 mm or greater. The number of IOIs with a CV-identified minor FSH surge toward the end of the IOI was greater (P < 0.03) in two-wave IOIs (10/17) than in three-wave IOIs (4/18). The 17 two-wave IOIs were used for study of the temporal relationships among preovulatory follicle, FSH, LH, and estradiol. Daily growth rate of the preovulatory follicle was maximum on Days −11 to −7, minimum (P < 0.05) on Days −7 to −4, and increased (resurged, P < 0.05) on Days −4 to −3. A transient increase in FSH was maximum on mean Day −4, and the peak of a minor FSH surge occurred on Day −4.5 ± 0.2. Concentration of LH and estradiol increased between Days −5 and −4. Results demonstrated resurgence of the preovulatory follicle apparently for the first time in any species. Resurgence seemed more related temporally to the minor FSH surge than to the LH increase, but further study is needed. Results supported the novel hypotheses that a minor FSH surge near the end of the IOI is temporally associated with (1) the emergence of a minor follicular wave and (2) the resurgence in growth rate of the preovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic evaluation of the preovulatory follicle in the mare   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ultrasonically visible characteristics of preovulatory follicles in mares which single ovulated were studied daily for 79 preovulatory periods in 40 mares. The preovulatory follicle became the largest follicle in the ovary from which ovulation later occurred six or more days before ovulation in 65 of 79 (82%) preovulatory periods; the mean was day -7 (range, day -14 to day -4). The increase in mean diameter of the preovulatory follicle was linear (R(2)=99.5%) over day -7 (29.4 +/- 0.8 mm) to day -1 (45.2 +/- 0.5 mm; growth rate, 2.7 mm/day). Follicles which double-ovulated were smaller (P<0.05) on day -1 (36 +/- 1.6 mm; n=12 follicles). Preovulatory follicles exhibited a pronounced change in shape from a spherical to a conical or pear-shaped structure in 84% of the preovulatory periods. Remaining follicles retained a spherical shape. Scores representing thickness of the follicular wall increased (P<0.05) as the interval to ovulation decreased. There was no significant difference among days in mean gray-scale value of the follicular wall or in echogenicity of the follicular fluid. Although diameter and shape of the follicle and thickness of the follicular wall changed during the preovulatory period, no reliable ultrasonically visible predictor of impending ovulation was found.  相似文献   

In the preovulatory follicle, the LH surge stimulates progesterone production, reduces estradiol synthesis, and scales up the permeability of the blood-follicle barrier. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the extent of these changes is correlated with the levels of estradiol, estradiol esters, and cholesteryl esters in the follicular fluid. The follicular levels of progesterone, estradiol, estradiol linoleate, cholesterol, and cholesteryl linoleate were measured by HPLC. The estradiol linoleate/estradiol ratio, which reflects the efficiency of in vivo estradiol esterification, and the cholesteryl linoleate/cholesterol ratio were calculated and found negatively correlated. The estradiol level was positively correlated with the cholesteryl linoleate/cholesterol ratio while negatively correlated with the estradiol linoleate/estradiol ratio. The in vitro activity of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, the enzyme esterifying both cholesterol and estradiol, was assayed by incubating the fluid with labeled substrates. This activity was not correlated with either the estradiol linoleate/estradiol or the cholesteryl linoleate/cholesterol ratio. The enzyme K(m) and V(max) values were lower with estradiol than with cholesterol. Higher estradiol linoleate/estradiol ratios and lower cholesteryl linoleate/cholesterol ratios were associated with higher level of Haptoglobin penetration into the follicle. This level, which was determined by ELISA, was found increased with increased progesterone concentration and, therefore, used as a marker of the LH-stimulated permeability of the blood-follicle barrier. Our data suggest that early preovulatory follicles contain more cholesteryl esters and less estradiol esters than follicles closer to ovulation.  相似文献   

Concentrations of circulating hormones after Day 14 (Day 0 = ovulation) were determined daily in 87 interovulatory intervals (IOIs) in heifers. The IOIs were grouped into four permutations according to an ipsilateral (Ipsi) or contralateral (Contra) relationship between the CL and the preovulatory follicle and two (2W) or three (3W) follicular waves per IOI. The number of IOIs per group differed (P < 0.005) from equality among the Ipsi-2W (n = 27), Contra-2W (n = 31), Ipsi-3W (n = 9), and Contra-3W (n = 20) groups. A continuous decrease in progesterone (luteolysis) began later (P < 0.05) in the Contra-3W group (Day 18.0 ± 0.4) than in each of the Ipsi-2W (15.4 ± 0.2), Contra-2W (15.6 ± 0.2), and Ipsi-3W (16.2 ± 0.5) groups. Concentrations of LH and estradiol began to increase near the beginning of luteolysis in each group. A minor FSH surge that did not stimulate a major follicular wave developed in about 50% of the IOIs in each group, except that none were detected in the Ipsi-3W group. The minor FSH surge reached a peak about 4 days before ovulation and several days after wave 3 had emerged. The hypothesis that luteolysis begins earliest in two-wave IOIs, intermediate in three-wave IOIs with an ipsilateral CL/follicle relationship, and latest in three-wave IOIs with a contralateral relationship was supported. The hypothesis that a minor FSH surge occurs most frequently in association with three follicular waves was not supported.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of Nitromifene citrate (CI 628), an antiestrogen, and Flutamide, an antiandrogen, on the ultrastructure and viability of the preovulatory follicle and granulosa cells were examined both in vivo and in vitro. In vivo administration of either antihormone induced degeneration within the granulosa cells. In some of the affected granulosa cells, the nuclear material was condensed while the cytoplasm and associated organelles were unaltered. In others, the density of the cytoplasm was reduced, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum was dilated but the nucleus remained unaltered. In vitro, either antihormone reduced granulosa-cell viability but the granulosa cells were twenty times more sensitive to CI 628 than to Flutamide. In addition, exposure to CI 628 induced nuclear condensation without affecting the cytoplasm, while Flutamide induced the deterioration of the cytoplasm without altering the nucleus. These observations suggest that: (1) both estrogen and androgens control the viability of the granulosa cells and thereby the follicle, (2) the action of estrogen and androgen is mediated through receptors within the granulosa cells since these antihormones prevent the nuclear uptake of their respective hormone, (3) the granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles appear to be more dependent on estrogen than on androgen, and (4) each steroid appears to have a specific role in maintaining the granulosa cell; estrogens control the integrity of the nucleus while androgens preserve the cytoplasmic organization of the granulosa cell.The authors are indebted to Dr. Neri of Schering AG for donating the Flutamide and to Dr. Westland of Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis for providing CI-628  相似文献   

The hemodynamics of the developing CL and the future dominant follicle (DF) was studied in 22 heifers during wave 1 on Days 0 to 5 (Day 0 = ovulation). Color-Doppler ultrasonography was used to determine the resistance index (RI) at the most prominent Doppler signal in an ovarian arterial branch before entry into the ovary; a decrease in RI indicates a downstream increase in vascular perfusion. The RI for each of four intraovarian patterns averaged over days was different (P < 0.05) from each of the other patterns as follows: DF–CL (DF and CL in the same ovary), 0.52 ± 0.02; CL alone, 0.60 ± 0.01; DF alone, 0.67 ± 0.01; neither DF nor CL, 0.78 ± 0.01. The differences in RI among intraovarian patterns began on Day 0 or 1, indicating that the extent of vascular perfusion on Days 0 to 5 for the various patterns may have been influenced by events that occurred before ovulation. The percentage of the DF wall with color-flow signals was greater (P < 0.05) in the DF–CL pattern than in the DF pattern on each of Days 2 to 5 and was greater (P < 0.0001) in the DF–CL pattern when the DF was adjacent to the CL (40.2 ± 2.0%) than when separated (24.5 ± 1.9%). Dimensions of DF (P < 0.01) and CL (P < 0.02) were greater when adjacent to each other. The results supported the hypotheses for wave 1 that (1) vascular perfusion is greater for the DF–CL intraovarian pattern than for the DF or CL pattern and (2) the extent of blood-flow Doppler signals in the wall of the developing DF is greater for the DF–CL pattern than for the DF pattern. Our preferred interpretation is that a change in vascular perfusion of the CL is accompanied by a similar change in perfusion of the DF when the two structures are in the same ovary especially adjacent.  相似文献   

The diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) of wave 1 was studied on Days 9 to 17 (Day 0 = ovulation) in a survey of the ipsilateral and contralateral relationships between the location of the DF and CL, and number of follicular waves per interovulatory interval (IOI). For contralateral relationships, regardless of number of waves the diameter of the DF of wave 1 decreased (P < 0.03) between Days 11 and 13 when referenced to the follicle–CL relationship of wave 1 and decreased (P < 0.008) between Days 9 and 11 when referenced to the preovulatory follicle (PF)–CL relationship. For wave 2 in two-wave IOIs, the CL ovary of ipsilateral relationships had more (P < 0.05) follicles that reached at least 6 mm than the non-CL ovary. In three-wave IOIs, frequency of IOIs with the DF in the CL ovary was greater (P < 0.02) for wave 2 than for wave 3. In wave 3, the preovulatory and the largest subordinate follicles were located more frequently (P < 0.005) in the contralateral ovary. Ovulation in two-wave IOIs occurred more frequently (P < 0.0009) from the right ovary. In three-wave IOIs with a contralateral relationship ovulation occurred more frequently (P < 0.003) from the left ovary; a negative intraovarian effect of the CL on location of the PF may account for more ovulations from the left ovary and a reported greater frequency of the contralateral relationship. The hypothesis was supported that the ipsilateral versus contralateral relationship between the PF and CL is affected by the DF–CL relationship during the previous follicular waves and by the number and identity of waves per IOI.  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the effects of elevated blood urea concentrations on: (i) the response to superovulation, fertilisation rate, and early embryonic development in beef heifers, and (ii) embryo survival from days 7 to 35 of gestation. In Experiment 1, heifers (18-24 months) were allocated at random (n=20 per treatment) to one of the following diets: (i) ad libitum grass silage plus 5kg commercial beef concentrates per day (controls); (ii) ad libitum grass silage plus 5kg concentrates and 250g feed grade urea per day (HE/HU); or (iii) ad libitum wheaten straw plus 250g feed grade urea and 50g vitamin/mineral mix per day (LE/HU). Serum urea concentrations were monitored throughout the experiment. Oestrus in heifers was synchronised using an intravaginal releasing device (CIDR(?), InterAg, New Zealand). Oestrus was detected and in vitro produced blastocysts (day 7, morphological grades 1 and 2) were transferred to the heifers 7 days later (19 days after start of treatment diets). The heifers were maintained on the dietary treatments for a further 28 days, when pregnancy status was determined by transrectal ultrasonography. Detected pregnancies were terminated using 15mg luprostiol and recycled for Experiment 2. In Experiment 2, following a 14-day dietary rest period, the heifers were re-allocated at random to the three dietary treatments above. Heifers were treated with a CIDR for 8 days and 15mg luprostiol was given 12h before pessary withdrawal. They received 144mg pFSH (Folltropin(?)-V, Vetrepharm, Canada) given as 8 injections over 4 days commencing on day 6 of CIDR/dietary treatment. Heifers were artificially inseminated 48h after progesterone pessary withdrawal using commercial semen of proven fertility by a competent inseminator. The heifers were maintained on their diets until slaughter, 3 days post insemination when corpora lutea numbers were determined and embryos were recovered and cell numbers determined visually. Serum urea concentrations were greater in heifers on LE/HU than in those on HE/HU diets, which in turn were greater than controls (7.1±0.5, 4.9±0.3 and 3.2±0.1mmol/L, respectively; P<0.05). There was no effect of diet type on pregnancy rate at day 35 (42%, 47% and 46%) and on the number of corpora lutea following superovulation (5.2±0.8, 5.8±1.5 and 6.8±1.1) for heifers on control, HE/HU and LE/HU diets, respectively. The total number of embryos recovered per heifer was not different between the three groups (2.7±0.6, 3.4±1.1 and 4.8±0.8 for heifers on control, HE/HU and LE/HU diets, respectively; P>0.05), but the number of embryos with 8 or more cells at recovery was greater in heifers on LE/HU than on control diets (3.4±0.8 compared with 1.0±0.3; P<0.05). However the percentage of embryos recovered with 8 or more cells was not different between groups (70.0±13.3, 86.9±7.2 and 76.5±7.9%, for heifers on control, HE/HU and LE/HU diets respectively). Fertilisation rate, expressed as the proportion of embryos with more than one cell at recovery relative to the total number of embryos recovered, was less in the heifers on the control diet than in the other two dietary treatments (61.3±11.8, 92.0±3.5 and 86.8±5.4% for heifers on control, HE/HU and LE/HU diets, respectively; P<0.05). Deleterious effects of urea on reproduction were not found, suggesting that adverse effects of urea are likely to take place at the early oocyte development stage prior to ovulation or fertilisation following an increase in protein intake.  相似文献   

Twenty-one heifers were synchronized with PGF(2) alpha and 22 heifers were stimulated with FSH-P in decreasing doses and synchronized with PGF(2) alpha. The beginning of LH rise was observed to be 47.6+/-14.0 h and 35.9+/-1.3 h (P < 0.05) and the peak of LH rise was observed at 53.8 +/- 13.4 h and 40.14+/-1.4 h (P < 0.05) after the luteolyticum administration in the synchronized and superovulated group respectively. The beginning of LH rise was observed 6.9+/-6.7 h and 4.8+/-2.6 h (P < 0.05) and the LH peak was observed 11.8+/-7.7 h and 8.3+/-3.2 h (P < 0.05) after the frist symptoms of oestrus in the synchronized and superovulated group respectively. Ovulation was not observed in stimulated heifers in the period of 23-25 h after the preovulatory LH rise. Compact cumulus oophorus was seen at 30.5%, expanded at 67.0 and partial at 2.5% during this interval of 23-25h. Within this same interval 26.9%, 51.3% and 21.8% oocytes without perivitelline space, with perivitelline space and with extruded first polar body were aspirated respectively. It may be concluded from the reported results that to recover fully mature oocytes for in vitro fertilization, it will be necessary to monitor the preovulatory period of the donor cow in great detail.  相似文献   

The avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method and antisera to purified porcine relaxin were used to localize relaxin in sections of follicles from pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG)/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-primed pigs during preovulatory development. Prepubertal pigs were treated i.m. with PMSG (750 IU) and 72 h later with hCG (500 IU) to induce follicular development and ovulation. Follicles were collected from untreated gilts or from gilts 24, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, or 108 h after PMSG treatment. Light immunostaining in the theca interna was observed early in follicular development, at 48 and 60 h post-PMSG. At 72 h post-PMSG, relaxin immunostaining in the theca interna of the preovulatory follicle was more intense. After hCG treatment, the intense thecal immunostaining persisted and was apparent 84 and 96 h after PMSG. At about 6 h prior to expected ovulation (108 h post-PMSG), there was thinning of the follicle wall and a reduction in relaxin immunostaining in the theca interna. Immunoactive relaxin was not detected in follicles from untreated gilts, follicles 24 h post-PMSG, small healthy or atretic follicles, or in granulosa cells, theca externa or ovarian stroma, at any of the time points studied. These studies support the hypothesis that the theca interna is the primary source of follicular relaxin and provide further evidence for a paracrine role for relaxin in the ovulatory process.  相似文献   

Summary In the hen's follicle processes from the zona granulosa cells extend into the zona radiata. The terminal plasma membrane of these processes has a total thickness of around 160 Å and consists of five layers. Small granules spaced at regular intervals are attached to the cytoplasmic aspect of the inner layer by short stalks. In the 2 mm and 7 mm follicles the plasma membrane of the ovum facing the specialised terminal membranes has a striated appearance and shows a regular arrangement of granules attached by stalks to both its inner and outer aspects. The terminal and striated membranes are separated by an interval although there are areas of closer contact. In the 15 mm and 35 mm pre-ovulatory follicles the plasma membrane round the whole surface of the ovum is now typical striated membrane with bristles and attached granules. No explanation can be given at present of the function of the terminal membranes of the granulosa processes. They may indicate some change in the permeability permitting the intercellular diffusion of particles. It is suggested that the striated ovum plasma membrane is associated with the adsorption and transport of substances into the ovum for yolk synthesis.  相似文献   

The Caspian breed of horses is believed to be the direct descendant of the earliest equine animals. Some special characteristics of Caspian horse differentiate this breed of horses from other breeds. In the current study the ultrasonically observed characteristics of a preovulatory dominant follicle and the lengths of estrus, diestrus as well as some related parameters were studied during 42 interovulatory intervals in 11 healthy Caspian mares. The preovulatory dominant follicle deviated from subordinate follicles and became the largest follicle in the ovaries at Day −8.7±0.53 (Day 0=ovulation). Every mare was a single ovulator with ovulations more frequent from the left ovary than from the right (65% versus 35%). Mean length of estrus, diestrus, and interovulatory interval were 8.3±0.86, 13.8±0.59, and 22.1±0.40 days, respectively. The time interval from ovulation until the time in which the mares were no longer in estrus was 1.9±0.42 days.  相似文献   

Diameter of follicles was determined every 12 hours and progesterone (P4), FSH, and LH concentrations were determined every 6 hours from Day 12 (Day 0 = ovulation) to the ovulation at the end of the interovulatory interval (IOI). Groups were assigned on the basis of an ipsilateral (Ipsi) versus contralateral (Contra) relationship between the preovulatory follicle and CL and two follicular waves (2W) versus three waves (3W) per IOI. Numbers of IOIs were Ipsi-2W (n = 6), Ipsi-3W (n = 6), and Contra-3W (n = 8). Normalization to the end of luteolysis (day that P4 was closest to 1.0 ng/mL) indicated for the first time that concentrations of P4 and FSH were greater (P < 0.05) in 3W IOIs than in 2W IOIs for the 3 days before the beginning of a P4 decrease. The beginning of a P4 decrease occurred about 5 days and 6 hours after emergence of the preovulatory wave at 6 mm in 2W and 3W IOIs, respectively. On the day of diameter deviation between the future dominant and largest subordinate follicles in wave 3 of 3W IOIs, the future dominant follicle had the following characteristics: (1) distribution of diameters differed (P < 0.01) from unimodality; (2) diameter was greater (P < 0.05) in the Contra-3W group (9.8 ± 0.4 mm) than in the Ipsi-3W group (8.8 ± 0.3 mm); (3) diameter was similar to the diameter at the beginning of the P4 decrease (9.6 ± 0.9 mm); and (4) diameter was as small or smaller than diameter of the largest subordinate in seven of 14 heifers compared with zero of seven heifers in wave 2 of 2W IOIs. The differences involving deviation may be related to a reported greater frequency of the Contra-3W group than Ipsi-3W group. Results supported the hypothesis that emergence of the ovulatory wave occurs well before the beginning of luteolysis in 2W IOIs and near the beginning of luteolysis in 3W IOIs.  相似文献   

Around the time of luteal regression in monovular species a single dominant follicle, which will eventually ovulate, is selected from the population of antral follicles. The dominant follicle is characterized by its progressive increase in diameter due to increase in antral fluid volume as well as an increased number of granulosa cells. The crucial factor in the continued development of the dominant follicle is its ability to synthesize oestradiol under the influence of LH and FSH. In the sheep FSH secretion continues throughout the luteal phase while LH is suppressed. Thus development of large antral follicles continues so that when luteal regression occurs and LH secretion increases the final stages of development of the pre-antral follicle occur within 3 days. In the human, however, both FSH and LH are suppressed during the luteal phase and only rise when the levels of progesterone and oestradiol fall a few days before menstruation. This rise in FSH and LH which occurs at this time stimulates the further development of a small antral follicle (1-2 mm diameter). Within 7 days the favoured follicle establishes dominance over the other asynchronously developing follicles probably by inhibiting the secretion of FSH. As in the sheep, once aromatase enzyme(s) has been fully activated the dominant follicle is able to utilize the increased androgen precursor produced by the theca under LH stimulation.  相似文献   

Follicular Wave 1 and 2 and the associated FSH Surge 1 and 2 were used to designate the first two waves and surges of the interovulatory interval in two experiments in heifers. In experiment 1, a group with early (group E, N = 9) and late (group L, N = 5) development of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 were used as natural models to study FSH/follicle coupling. The day of wave emergence and the day of deviation in diameters between the two largest follicles were not different between groups. Emergence of Wave 2 and maximal FSH concentration in Surge 2 was approximately 1 day later (P < 0.03) in group L. Diameter of the dominant follicle of wave 1 (13.8 ± 0.3 mm vs. 12.0 ± 0.3 mm) and FSH concentrations in Surge 2 (0.29 ± 0.02 ng/mL vs. 0.21 ± 0.03 ng/mL) were first greater (P < 0.05) in group E than in group L at 4 and 5 days, respectively, after wave emergence. In experiment 2, treatment with estradiol (N = 8) when the dominant follicle of Wave 1 was ≥11 mm (Hour 0) resulted in a decrease (P < 0.02) in FSH and slower (P < 0.05) growth rate of the follicle between Hours 0 and 4. Results supported the following hypotheses: (1) the FSH surge that stimulates emergence of a follicular wave is associated with final growth of the dominant follicle of the previous anovulatory wave; and (2) suppression of FSH Surge 2 when the dominant follicle of Wave 1 is ≥11 mm is associated with a decrease in diameter. It is concluded for the first time that two-way FSH/follicle coupling in heifers continues during final growth of the dominant follicle of Wave 1 and that Surge 2 is the FSH source.  相似文献   

Prepubertal crossbred beef heifers were injected (i.v.) with 50 micrograms bovine LH every 2 h for 48 h (first injection at 0 h). At 28 h, number and diameter of ovarian follicles were determined by ultrasonic scanning, and unilateral removal of either the ovary bearing the largest follicle (Group UL, N = 5) or the opposite ovary (Group UO, N = 4) was performed; control animals remained intact (Group I, N = 5). Blood samples were taken every 2 h (starting at 0 h) for a 60-h period to assess concentrations of gonadotrophins and oestradiol. Preovulatory-like surges of LH occurred in 0/5, 4/4 and 5/5 heifers for Groups UL, UO and I respectively; the time of the LH surge did not differ between animals in Groups I and UO (mean = 40 h). FSH in Group UL heifers rose to a plateau immediately after unilateral ovariectomy; this pattern was not observed in the other two groups (P less than 0.01). The area under the curve for FSH was significantly different (P less than 0.05) among groups after 28 h. Preovulatory-like surges of FSH occurred coincidently with those of LH, except for one Group I heifer. An increase in the concentrations of oestradiol between 0 and 28 h was detected in all animals. Profiles of oestradiol during this period did not differ between heifers that had an LH surge (Group UO and I) and those that did not (Group UL).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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