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Sucrose unloading and sink activity were examined in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) overexpression sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS; EC Like the leaves, the fruit of the transformed tomato plants had elevated (2.4-fold) SPS activity. SPS over-expression in tomato fruit did not significantly change acid invertase, and only slightly reduced ADPglc ppase activity, but enhanced sucrose synthase activity by 27%. More importantly, the amount of sucrose unloaded into the fruit was considerably increased. Using [3H]- (fructosyl)-sucrose in in vitro unloading experiments with harvested 20-d-old fruit, 70% more sucrose was unloaded into the transformed fruits compared to the untransformed controls. Furthermore, the turnover of the sucrose unloaded into the fruit of transformed plants was 60% higher than that observed in the untransformed controls. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SPS overexpression increases the sink strength of transformed tomato fruit.  相似文献   

Vassey TL 《Plant physiology》1988,88(3):540-542
The extractable activity of sucrose phosphate synthase was determined in etiolated seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) following treatments of changing light quality. A 30-minute illumination of 30 microeinsteins per square meter per second white light produced a three-fold increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity at 2 hours postillumination when compared to seedlings maintained in total darkness. Etiolated maize seedlings treated with 3.6 microeinsteins per square meter per second of red and far-red light showed a 50% increase and a 50% decrease in sucrose phosphate synthase activity, respectively, when compared to etiolated maize seedlings treated with white light. Maize seedlings exposed for 30 minutes to red followed by 30 minutes to far-red showed an initial increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity followed by a rapid decrease to control level. Neither soybean or sugar beet sucrose phosphate synthase responded to the 30-minute illumination of white light. Phytochrome is involved in sucrose phosphate synthase regulation in maize, whereas it is not responsible for changes in sucrose phosphate synthase activity in soybean or sugar beet.  相似文献   

Sucrose and starch concentration, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity in leaves, and long distance transport were studied in maize seedlings treated with moderate chilling (14 °C/12 °C - day/night). Two inbred lines were tested: chilling-tolerant KW1074 and chilling-sensitive CM109. Seedlings were grown in phytotrone on water nutrient until the 4-th leaf appearance. The estimations were done on fully developed 2-nd leaf. Six days after the temperature was lowered, leaves of line KW 1074 plants contained 5-fold more sucrose and starch than the control ones. The same treatment of CM 109 seedlings resulted in accumulation of sucrose and starch by 2-fold and 8.5-fold, respectively. As the result of chilling-treatment, 14C assimilation rate (Pa), transport speed in the leaf blade (TS1) and along the plant (TSm) decreased by about 50 % in both lines. On the other hand, time necessary for radiolabel movement into the phloem loading region (AT) increased strongly, especially in chilling-sensitive line CM 109. It was also noted, that the radioactivity exported from leaves (R1) and imported by roots (Rm) decreased in line CM 109, and increased slightly in line KW 1074. The activity of SPS extracted from leaves of both lines decreased by about 3.3 when temperature was lowered form 30°C to 10°C. There was no effect of 6 day treatment of chilling on SPS activity. Changes in sucrose and starch concentration, SPS activity as well as differences in transport parameters observed in KW1074 and CM109 seedlings at moderate low temperatures are discussed in terms of mechanism of maize chilling-sensitivity.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether sucrose synthase (SuSy) was phosphorylated in the elongation zone of maize (Zea mays L.) leaves. The approximately 90-kD subunit of SuSy was 32P-labeled on seryl residue(s) when excised shoots were fed [32P]orthophosphate. Both isoforms of SuSy (the SS1 and SS2 proteins) were phosphorylated in vivo, and tryptic peptide-mapping analysis suggested a single, similar phosphorylation site in both proteins. A combination of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and automated Edman sequencing analysis unequivocally identified the phosphorylation site in the maize SS2 protein as serine-15. This site was phosphorylated in vitro by endogenous protein kinase(s) in a strictly Ca(2+)-dependent manner. A synthetic peptide, based on the phosphorylation site sequence, was used to identify and partially purify an endogenous Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase(s) from the maize leaf elongation zone and expanding spinach leaves. Phosphorylation of SuSy in vitro selectively activates the cleavage reaction by increasing the apparent affinity of the enzyme for sucrose and UDP, suggesting that phosphorylation may be of regulatory significance. Conservation of the phosphorylation site, and the sequences surrounding it, among plant species suggests that phosphorylation of SuSy may be widespread, if not universal, in plants.  相似文献   

To unravel the roles of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.), we reduced its activity in transgenic muskmelon plants by an antisense approach. For this purpose, an 830 bp cDNA fragment of muskmelon sucrose phosphate synthase was expressed in antisense orientation behind the 35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus. The phenotype of the antisense plants clearly differed from that of control plants. The transgenic plant leaves were markedly smaller, and the plant height and stem diameter were obviously shorter and thinner. Transmission electron microscope observation revealed that the membrane degradation of chloroplast happened in transgenic leaves and the numbers of grana and grana lamella in the chloroplast were significantly less, suggesting that the slow growth and weaker phenotype of transgenic plants may be due to the damage of the chloroplast ultrastructure, which in turn results in the decrease of the net photosynthetic rate. The sucrose concentration and levels of sucrose phosphate synthase decreased in transgenic mature fruit, and the fruit size was smaller than the control fruit. Together, our results suggest that sucrose phosphate synthase may play an important role in regulating the muskmelon plant growth and fruit development.  相似文献   

Isolation and sequencing of tomato fruit sucrose synthase cDNA.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
F Wang  A G Smith    M L Brenner 《Plant physiology》1993,103(4):1463-1464

S Haq  W Z Hassid 《Plant physiology》1965,40(4):591-594

To better understand the mechanism of sugar unloading and sugar concentration in hexose- and sucrose-accumulating tomato fruits (Lycopersicon chmielewskii and L. esculentum, respectively) and to determine the causes of the late accumulation of sucrose present in sucrose-accumulating tomato fruits, the assimilation of [3H](fructosyl)-sucrose was studied. Key enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism were also assayed. The results demonstrated that the low level of sucrose present in young fruits accumulates directly without undergoing hydrolysis, suggesting a symplastic pathway for sucrose unloading. By contrast, the large quantity of the sucrose present in ripe sucrose-accumulating fruits originates from hydrolysis and resynthesis, suggesting an apoplastic pathway for sucrose unloading. The increase in sucrose level observed in sucrose-accumulating fruits is associated with a gradual decline in invertase activity and an increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity. This latter enzyme seems to play a key biochemical role in the accumulation of sucrose and the establishment of a high sugar content in tomato fruits.  相似文献   

Levels of activity of the sucrose catabolizing enzymes, acid invertase (EC and sucrose synthase (EC, were measured during development of new leaves of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Shamouti. Soluble acid invertase showed a peak activity of 32 nkat (g fresh weight)−1 at ca 60% of full leaf expansion and rapidly declined toward and after full expansion. There was no concomitant increase in an insoluble form of the enzyme. Sucrose synthase activity, measured in the synthesis direction, declined from 33% of full leaf expansion [10 nkat (g fresh weight)−1] 10, and following, full expansion. Highest sucrose synthase activity, measured in the cleavage direction, was 6 nkat (g fresh weight)−1 and showed little change during development. Acid invertase has a Km of 5 m M for sucrose, while sucrose synthase had a Km of 118 m M for sucrose. Changes in acid invertase activity correlated with changes in the reducing sugar:sucrose ratio. These results suggest that soluble acid invertase activity is the primary enzyme responsible for sucrose catabolism in the expanding Citrus leaf. Changes in leaf expansion rate and invertase activity did not correlate positively with changes in endogenous free IAA level, as determined by enzyme linked immunoassay.  相似文献   

The in vivo amounts of UDPG, UTP, UDP and UMP, metabolites known to influence the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS), were measured throughout 5 hr incubations of scutellum slices in fructose or water, i.e. under conditions of sucrose synthesis or breakdown. Cytosolic concentrations were estimated assuming that these metabolites were confined to the cytosol. Within the estimated in vivo concentration ranges, UDPG, UTP and UDP had little effect on the in vitro SS activity, but glucose (100 mM) inhibited SS in the synthesis direction by 63–70% and in the breakdown direction by 86–93%. Glucose inhibition of SS was considerably less when saturating levels of substrates were used. Sucrose did not inhibit SS. It is concluded that during germination the glucose produced from starch breakdown in the maize endosperm enters the scutellum and inhibits SS, preventing a futile cycle and limiting SS participation in sucrose synthesis.  相似文献   

Current concepts of the factors determining sink strength and the subsequent regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in tomato fruit are based upon an understanding of the relative roles of sucrose synthase, sucrose phosphate synthase and invertase, derived from studies in mutants and transformed plants. These enzymes participate in at least four futile cycles that involve sugar transport between the cytosol, vacuole and apoplast. Key reactions are (1) the continuous rapid degradation of sucrose in the cytosol by sucrose synthase (SuSy), (2) sucrose re-synthesis via either SuSy or sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), (3) sucrose hydrolysis in the vacuole or apoplast by acid invertase, (4) subsequent transport of hexoses to the cytosol where they are once more converted into sucrose, and (5) rapid synthesis and breakdown of starch in the amyloplast. In this way futile cycles of sucrose/hexose interchange govern fruit sugar content and composition. The major function of the high and constant invertase activity in red tomato fruit is, therefore, to maintain high cellular hexose concentrations, the hydrolysis of sucrose in the vacuole and in the intercellular space allowing more efficient storage of sugar in these compartments. Vacuolar sugar storage may be important in sustaining fruit cell growth at times when less sucrose is available for the sink organs because of exhaustion of the carbohydrate pools in source leaves.  相似文献   

The different growth responses under salinity in relation to the carbon partitioning and sucrose metabolism in both sink and source organs have been studied in a salt-tolerant (cv. Pera) and in a salt-sensitive (cv. Volgogradskij) tomato genotype ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). After 3 weeks of salinization, the plant dry weight was reduced by 12–34% in cv. Pera and by 45–58% in cv. Volgogradskij. Photosynthesis was positively correlated to plant growth in cv. Pera but not in cv. Volgogradskij. In this salt-sensitive genotype, both photosynthesis and growth were negatively correlated with fructose, glucose and sucrose accumulation in both mature and young leaves, suggesting a blockage in their use for growth. The transient accumulation of sucrose and hexoses in the young leaves of cv. Pera was linked to increases in all soluble sucrolytic activities, mainly acid invertase (EC and sucrose synthase (EC, which was related to sink activity and growth capacity. The sucrose-phosphate synthase activity (EC was related to the ability of mature leaves to regulate assimilate production, accumulation and export. The salt-tolerant cv. Pera accumulated a higher amount of total carbohydrates, but cv. Volgogradskij showed the highest soluble fraction under salinity. The carbohydrate availability and the photosynthetic rate do not seem to be the first limiting factors for plant growth under saline conditions, but the different behavior observed in both genotypes concerning the distribution and use of photoassimilates could help to explain their different salt-tolerance degrees.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) activities were detected both in the soluble and the membrane fraction of various tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) organs, using a synthetic peptide mimicking the serine 11 phosphorylation site of a tomato sucrose synthase (SS, EC isoform as substrate. The levels of membrane and soluble Ser-CDPK activities were differentially regulated during fruit development. The membrane Ser-CDPK activity was maximal in young fruit but decreased as the fruit developed, suggesting a specific role during fruit growth. Using an in gel assay with purified tomato SS as substrate, we showed that partially purified soluble and membrane Ser-CDPK preparations both contained a SS-kinase polypeptide of 55 kDa. The membrane and soluble Ser-CDPK activities were largely inactivated in the absence of calcium or when MgCl(2) was replaced by MnCl(2). Both soluble and membrane Ser-CDPK activities were very sensitive to staurosporine. Using Fe(III)-immobilized metal chromatography to determine the apparent phosphorylation status of the enzyme in vivo, we showed that soluble SS was largely dephosphorylated in fruits fed EGTA or staurosporine, compared to fruits fed water or sucrose. Moreover, the level of SS increased by about two-fold in the membrane fraction of fruits fed the Ser-CDPK inhibitors, compared to the control. The level of SS protein in the membrane and soluble fractions of tomato fruit was developmentally regulated, the membrane form being specifically detected in actively growing fruits. Together, our results suggest that a mechanism involving protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and/or calcium would in part control the association of SS isoforms with membranes in developing tomato fruit.  相似文献   

The inhibition patterns of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on sucrose phosphate synthase activity in the presence and absence of the allosteric activator glucose-6-P was studied, as well as the effects of phosphoglucoisomerase on fructose-6-P saturation kinetics with and without Pi. In the presence of 5 millimolar glucose-6-P, Pi was a partial competitive inhibitor with respect to both substrates, fructose-6-P and uridine diphosphate glucose. In the absence of glucose-6-P, the inhibition patterns were more complex, apparently because of the interaction of Pi at the activation site as well as the catalytic site. In addition, substrate activation by uridine diphosphate glucose was observed in the absence of effectors. The results suggested that Pi antagonizes glucose-6-P activation of sucrose phosphate synthase by competing with the activator for binding to the modifier site.

The fructose-6-P saturation kinetics were hyperbolic in the absence of phosphoglucoisomerase activity, but became sigmoidal by the addition of excess phosphoglucoisomerase. The sigmoidicity persisted in the presence of Pi, but sucrose phosphate synthase activity was decreased. The apparent sigmoidal response may represent the physiological response of sucrose phosphate synthase to a change in hexose-P concentration because sucrose phosphate synthase operates in the cytosol in the presence of high activities of phosphoglucoisomerase. Thus, the enzymic production of an activator from a substrate represents a unique mechanism for generating sigmoidal enzyme kinetics.


Prior data indicated that enhanced availability of sucrose, a major product of photosynthesis in source leaves and the carbon source for secondary wall cellulose synthesis in fiber sinks, might improve fiber quality under abiotic stress conditions. To test this hypothesis, a family of transgenic cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum cv. Coker 312 elite) was produced that over-expressed spinach sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) because of its role in regulation of sucrose synthesis in photosynthetic and heterotrophic tissues. A family of 12 independent transgenic lines was characterized in terms of foreign gene insertion, expression of spinach SPS, production of spinach SPS protein, and development of enhanced extractable V max SPS activity in leaf and fiber. Lines with the highest V max SPS activity were further characterized in terms of carbon partitioning and fiber quality compared to wild-type and transgenic null controls. Leaves of transgenic SPS over-expressing lines showed higher sucrose:starch ratio and partitioning of 14C to sucrose in preference to starch. In two growth chamber experiments with cool nights, ambient CO2 concentration, and limited light below the canopy, the transgenic line with the highest SPS activity in leaf and fiber had higher fiber micronaire and maturity ratio associated with greater thickness of the cellulosic secondary wall.  相似文献   

Summary Data on changes of apparent activities of enzymes involved in sucrose metabolism of developing spruce needles are presented. Extractable activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, sucrose synthesis), and sucrose synthase (SS) and acid invertase (both sucrolysis) were determined in small volumes using a novel microplate reader system which combined high rates of activity with good reproducibility and high sample throughput. During a developmental period of up to 18 months after bud break characteristic changes in SPS and SS occurred. During the first 4 months of needle development SS declined while SPS increased which is indicative of a transition from net import to net export of photoassimilates (sink/source transition). After needle maturation both enzymes exhibited parallel annual changes with increasing rates towards autumn, which was mirrored by the pool sizes of sucrose (possibly due to the acquisition of frost hardiness). Acid invertase activity was comparable to that of SS but showed only marginal seasonal changes. Approximately 70% of its total activity was found to be soluble.  相似文献   

The gene sus1 from Solanum tuberosum L. encoding for sucrose synthase 1 was cloned into the plasmid pDR195 under the control of the PMA1 promotor. After transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 22574d sus1 was constitutively expressed giving a specific activity of 0.3Umg(-1) protein in the crude extract. A one-step purification by Q-Sepharose resulted in an 14-fold purified enzyme preparation in 74% yield. SuSy1 was subsequently purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography and characterized for its utilization in synthesizing different nucleotide sugars and sucrose analogues. The kinetic constants for the cleavage and synthesis reaction were determined: K(m) (UDP) 4microM; K(iS) (UDP) 0.11mM; K(m) (sucrose) 91.6mM; K(m) (UDP-Glc) 0.5mM; K(iS) (UDP-Glc) 2.3mM; K(m) (D-fructose) 2.1mM; K(iS) (D-fructose) 35.9mM. Different nucleoside diphosphates as well as different donor substrate were accepted as follows: UDP>dTDP>ADP>CDP>GDP in the cleavage reaction and UDP-Glc>dTDP-Glc>ADP-Glc>CDP-Glc in the synthesis reaction. SuSy1 shows also a broad acceptance of D- and L-ketoses and D- and L-aldoses. The acceptance of aldoses was deduced from the binding of the inhibitor 5-deoxy-D-fructose (K(i) 0.3mM), an analogue of the natural substrate D-fructopyranoside. The broad substrate spectrum renders SuSy1 from potato a versatile biocatalyst for carbohydrate engineering.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in sucrose phosphate synthase activity in leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were conducted to identify and compare diurnal changes in sucrose phosphate synthase (EC activity in leaves of different species, and the effect of nitrogen nutrition on the rhythm in soybean [ Glycine max (L). Merr] leaves. In recently expanded corn ( Zea mays L.) leaves, a single peak of enzyme activity was observed at the beginning of the photoperiod. A similar pattern was observed in older corn leaves, but activities (leaf fresh weight basis) were lower. In recently expanded pea ( Pisum sativum L.) and soybean leaves, two peaks of sucrose phosphate synthase activity were observed over a 24-h light:dark period, one at the beginning and one at the end of the photoperiod. A similar pattern was observed in older soybean leaves, but activities were generally lower and the amplitude of the changes was reduced. In a separate experiment, soybean plants were grown in the greenhouse with either 2 or 10 m M nitrate. The high-N plants had higher rates of photosynthesis and translocation, and greater activities of sucrose phosphate synthase in leaf extracts, compared to low-N plants. Over both experiments with soybeans, changes in sucrose phosphate synthase activity during the photoperiod were closely aligned with changes in translocation rate.  相似文献   

Summary A developing maize leaf grows by the activity of a basal meristematic region and an adjacent elongating zone, resulting in a morphological and functional gradient along the leaf. We have used this system to detect the spatial and temporal expression of an enzyme, sucrose synthase, which plays a pivotal role in the sucrose import-export transition which occurs along a monocotyledon leaf. Immunogold labeling was used to detect the cellular and sub-cellular distribution of sucrose synthase (SS) at the electron microscopical level; the protein was visualized using a polyclonal antiserum on embedded tissue sections. Immunolabel was observed in the cytosol of dividing meristematic cells, expanding cells of the elongation zone, and in differentiating cells of young photosynthetic tissue. In fully differentiated leaf tissue, however, the protein was no longer immuno-detectable in photosynthetic cells, but was present in the guard and subsidiary cells of stomata and in companion cells within the phloem tissue of vascular bundles. The tissue- and cell-specific localization of sucrose synthase changes along the growing leaf as a function of the developmental state and the associated need for sucrose import or export.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane fractions were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) endosperms and etiolated kernels to investigate the possible membrane location of the sucrose synthase (SS) protein. Endosperms from seedlings at both 12 and 21 days after pollination (DAP), representing early and mid-developmental stages, were used, in addition to etiolated leaf and elongation zones from seedlings. Plasma membrane fractions were isolated from this material using differential centrifugation and aqueous two-phase partitioning. The plasma membrane-enriched fraction obtained was then analyzed for the presence of sucrose synthase using protein blots and activity measurements. Both isozymes SS1 and SS2, encoded by the lociSh1 andSus1, respectively, were detected in the plasma membrane-enriched fraction using polyclonal and monoclonal antisera to SS1 and SS2 isozymes. In addition, measurements of sucrose synthase activity in plasma membrane fractions of endosperm revealed high levels of specific activity. The sucrose synthase enzyme is tightly associated with the membrane, as shown by Triton X-100 treatment of the plasma membrane-enriched fraction. It is noteworthy that the gene products of bothSh1 andSus1 were detectable as both soluble and plasma membrane-associated forms.  相似文献   

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