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郑穗平  周婉冰 《生物学杂志》1997,14(4):13-15,26
革兰氏阴性细菌细胞分泌工程的研究与应用郑穗平周婉冰(华南理工大学生物工程系,广州,510641)利用微生物表达合成和生成外源蛋白的基因工程技术日益展现出广泛的应用前景。近来对革兰氏阴性细菌(以下简称G-菌)的分泌途径有大量的报道,已构建相当多G-菌尤...  相似文献   

细菌Ⅴ型分泌系统研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已知革兰阴性(G-)细菌的分泌系统至少有5种类型,即Ⅰ~Ⅴ型。其中Ⅴ型分泌系统为G-菌外膜通道转运蛋白系统中最大的一个家族,该系统又称自主转运蛋白系统,它首先通过Sec依赖的分泌通路跨内膜转运,到达外周质间隙后,又通过自身的C端在外膜上形成一个β折叠桶实现跨外膜转运。Ⅴ型分泌系统的分泌装置最为单一,且该系统分泌的蛋白在跨外膜转运过程中似乎不需要能量和辅助因子(蛋白)的参与。随着对运用Ⅴ型分泌系统在G-菌表面展示异源性多肽/蛋白质的深入研究,该系统在生物技术领域已展示出巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

蛋白质分泌系统是细菌与外界交流的重要工具。革兰氏阴性细菌的Ⅵ型蛋白分泌系统(T6SS)可以转运分泌蛋白至细菌和真核细胞内,在菌间竞争中发挥重要作用,是细菌的一种重要的生存适应性武器。分泌蛋白主要包括起到运载作用的结构蛋白和有细胞毒性的效应蛋白这两类。本文主要从效应蛋白的视角讨论T6SS如何识别并转运效应蛋白的作用机理,回顾了以VgrG和PAAR为端部载体蛋白的转运途径、依赖端部运输的效应蛋白、T6SS伴侣蛋白等重要发现的背景和过程,并综述了T6SS分泌途径的新进展。  相似文献   

革兰氏阴性细菌的外膜由脂多糖、磷脂、外膜蛋白和脂蛋白等成分组成,是细菌抵御外界有害物质的首要物理屏障,与细菌致病性和耐药性密切相关.外膜各组分依赖特定的系统进行跨膜转运,包括脂多糖转运系统(lipopolysaccharide transport, Lpt)、脂质不对称维持系统(maintenance of lipid asymmetry, Mla)、β-桶状装配机器(β-barrel assembly machinery,Bam)以及脂蛋白定位系统(localization of lipoprotein,Lol).这些系统能够保证细菌外膜的完整与稳定,被视为维持细菌生命活动的"命门".因此,本文系统地综述革兰氏阴性细菌外膜主要成分的跨膜转运系统结构与功能,并对其未来研究方向进行展望,为新型靶向抗菌类药物研发提供新的思路.  相似文献   

IX型分泌系统(Type IX Secretion System,T9SS)是一种最新发现的存在于许多革兰氏阴性细菌中的分泌系统。T9SS参与细菌的毒力和滑行运动及复杂生物聚合物的降解过程。近年来,与T9SS相关的研究一直都是微生物学领域关注的热点。本文就T9SS的发现、组成与结构、分泌机制及调控机制等方面的研究进展进行综述,以期为进一步解析细菌的T9SS提供新的思路。  相似文献   

罗宇  牛建军  柏卜鸾  王岱 《微生物学通报》2019,46(11):3124-3132
自提出三型分泌系统的概念以来,相关分子机制的研究让人们对其有了更深入的了解。与依赖信号肽分泌途径形成鲜明对比的是,蛋白通过细菌三型分泌系统分泌或者转运时没有可识别的保守信号序列。近期对三型分泌蛋白的研究发现了多种可以引导其分泌的分泌信号。本文分别介绍了细菌三型分泌系统的种类,分泌系统分泌蛋白的种类,并着重阐述了分泌信号的分子特性及其机制,以期为新型抗菌药物的研发提供新的思路。  相似文献   

孙思  牛建军  王岱 《微生物学报》2017,57(10):1452-1460
三型分泌系统(Type 3 secretion system,T3SS)作为存在于革兰氏阴性菌中的分泌系统之一,对革兰氏阴性菌的致病有重要作用。T3SS的致病作用体现在T3SS能直接将效应蛋白转运至宿主细胞,进而通过效应蛋白调控细胞的一系列通路,促进细菌定殖于细胞。而效应蛋白的转运受到两方面因素的调控,一方面是效应蛋白本身的信号序列,另一方面是T3SS相关蛋白的辅助。本文围绕近年来T3SS的构成、效应蛋白转运机制方面的最新进展进行概要综述。  相似文献   

细菌Ⅲ型分泌系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王健  赵立平 《生命的化学》2001,21(2):147-149
1 .细菌分泌机制概述致病细菌和宿主细胞相互作用的特点是将致病因子定位到细菌表面或分泌到胞外。虽然其分泌的细菌蛋白质数量和种类都很多且具有范围很广的作用 (包括蛋白质水解、溶血、细胞毒性、蛋白质的磷酸化和去磷酸化 ) ,但是只存在几种途径把这些蛋白质从细菌的细胞质运输到胞外。在革兰氏阴性细菌中已发现四种蛋白质分泌途径 ,称为I、II、III、IV型分泌机制。另外 ,第五种大分子分泌途径和质粒的接合转移有关。根癌农杆菌T DNA的转移 ,百日咳杆菌毒素的分泌 ,称之为V型分泌 ,这方面的研究很少[1] 。II型和IV型是…  相似文献   

细菌通过其分泌系统将特定的效应蛋白输送到外界环境或进入靶细胞中,从而在细菌和宿主、细菌和微生物群落的相互作用中占据适应性优势。Ⅵ型分泌系统(The type VI secretion system,T6SS)是革兰氏阴性菌中广泛存在的大分子分泌装置,其结构和功能类似于可收缩的噬菌体尾针样,通过细胞间直接接触将细菌各种酶或毒素效应蛋白转运到原核和真核生物中,从而介导细菌间竞争以及对宿主的致病过程。有些效应蛋白还可通过非接触依赖的方式进入胞外环境来帮助细菌获取稀缺金属离子,并且它们对应激条件下细胞内金属稳态的维持至关重要。这篇综述总结了Ⅵ型分泌系统的结构、组装及其分泌的效应蛋白,并重点阐述了Ⅵ型分泌系统在多种金属离子转运机制中作用的研究进展,有助于理解T6SS在细菌间相互作用和细菌感染过程中发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

细菌分泌系统(bacterial secretion systems)是一类存在于细菌细胞膜上的大分子复合物,是结构复杂的跨膜分子机器,可为多种细菌的效应物提供分泌途径。目前已经发现了9种细菌分泌系统,即T1SS~T9SS,在细菌的生存及致病力方面发挥着重要作用。随着X射线晶体学(X-ray crystallography)、核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)及冷冻电镜(cryo-electron microscopy,Cryo-EM)等技术手段的发展与应用,这些大分子复合物的三维结构也得到了一定程度的解析,极大增强了人类对于细菌分泌系统转运底物复杂机制的理解。因此,本文结合近年来关于细菌T1SS~T9SS的研究进展,对各分泌系统的结构信息进行了系统整合,总结了这些分泌系统的分子作用机制,并对其未来的发展方向进行了展望,以期为与细菌蛋白质分泌相关的致病、耐药、环境适应性等机制的研究奠定理论基础,为进一步开发以分泌系统结构为基础的小分子抑菌物质提供精准的三维靶标。  相似文献   

The type III secretion system among Gram-negative bacteria is known to deliver effectors into host cell to interfere with host cellular processes. The type III secretion system in Yersina, Pseudomonas and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli have been well documented to be involved in the bacterial pathogenicity. The existence of type III secretion system has been demonstrated in neuropathogenic E. coli K1 strains. Here, it is observed that the deletion mutant of type III secretion system in E. coli strain EC10 exhibited defects in the invasion and intracellular survival in Acanthamoeba castellanii (a keratitis isolate) compared to its parent strain. Next, it was determined whether type III secretion system plays a role in E. coli K1 survival inside Acanthamoeba during the encystment process. Using encystment assays, our findings revealed that the type III secretion system-deletion mutant exhibited significantly reduced survival inside Acanthamoeba cysts compared with its parent strain, EC10 (P < 0.01). This is the first demonstration that the type III secretion system plays an important role in E. coli interactions with Acanthamoeba. A complete understanding of how amoebae harbor bacterial pathogens will help design strategies against E. coli transmission to the susceptible hosts.  相似文献   

The secretion of alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) and peculiarities of biogenesis of the cell envelope were studied in Escherichia coli strains HD30/pHD102 and HDL11 with controlled synthesis of the anionic phospholipids, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. Inactivation of the pgsA gene responsible for the synthesis of anionic phospholipids or changes in the regulation of its expression by an environmental factor caused changes in the metabolism and composition of membrane phospholipids, which resulted in a decrease in the secretion of alkaline phosphatase through the cytoplasmic membrane and an increase in PhoA secretion from the periplasm into the culture medium. An increase was observed in exopolysaccharide secretion, as well as a decrease in the contents of the outer membrane lipopolysaccharides and lipopolyproteins, which determine its barrier properties. The results obtained show that anionic phospholipids play a significant role in protein secretion and are probably involved in the interrelation between protein secretion and biogenesis of cell envelope components.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2005, pp. 179–184.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Anisimova, Badyakina, Vasileva, Nesmeyanova.  相似文献   

EspB of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 is one of the type III proteins, categorized as translocators, that are secreted in abundance. To define the secretion determinants, different fragments of EspB were fused in recombinant proteins and the proteins secreted into media analyzed by Western blot. The results indicated that the C-terminal 30 residues of EspB were dispensable for secretion whereas the N-terminal first 117 residues played a major role. However, this N-terminal segment alone was not sufficient to confer the secretion. To acquire basic activity, the EspB fusion protein had to contain the N-terminal segment and another segment consisting of either residues 118–190 or residues 191–282. It is possible that the N-terminal region may act as the primary component of the secretion signal while other determinants help to maintain a conformation of EspB favorable for secretion. However, alternative mechanisms cannot be completely excluded. Not withstanding this, the signal for the type III secretion of EspB is apparently distinct from those previously described for the secretion of effector proteins such as Yops in Yersinia.  相似文献   

In the secretion of polypeptides from Gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane constitutes a specific barrier which has to be circumvented. In the majority of systems, secretion is two-step process, with initial export to the periplasm involving an N-terminal signal sequence. Transport across the outer membrane then involves a variable number of ancillary polypeptides including both periplasmic and outer membrane. While such ancillary proteins are probably specific for each secreted protein, the mechanism of movement across the outer membrane is unknown. In contrast to these systems, secretion of theE. coli hemolysin (HlyA) has several distinctive features. These include a novel targeting signal located within the last 50 or so C-terminal amino acids, the absence of any periplasmic intermediates in transfer, and a specific membrane-bound translocator, HlyB, with important mammalian homologues such as P-glycoprotein (Mdr) and the cystic fibrosis protein. In this review we discuss the nature of the HlyA targeting signal, the structure and function of HlyB, and the probability that HlyA is secreted directly to the medium through a trans-envelope complex composed of HlyB and HlyD.  相似文献   

革兰氏阴性菌脂多糖运输系统的构成及作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫婷  刘马峰  程安春 《微生物学报》2018,58(9):1521-1530
革兰氏阴性菌包含有两层组分不同的膜结构——内膜和外膜,对大多数革兰氏阴性菌而言,脂多糖(lipopolysaccharides,LPS)是其外膜上最主要的脂质成分,锚定在外膜小叶(the outer leaflet of the OM)上,是革兰氏阴性菌固有免疫的重要组成部分。脂多糖运输系统(lipopolysaccharide transport system,Lpt)将胞内装配完整的LPS正确装配到外膜,使得与脂多糖相关的阻渗、有机溶剂耐受性、疏水性抗生素耐受性、膜通透性等功能得以实现。该运输系统的正确作用主要依赖7个不同的脂多糖运输蛋白(Lpt ABCDEFG)协同完成,整个系统贯穿细菌内膜至外膜,由内膜上ABC转运体复合物Lpt B2FG、胞质内转运协同蛋白Lpt A/C及被许多学者称作脂多糖运输的"命门"的外膜蛋白复合物Lpt DE共同构成。本文就革兰氏阴性菌脂多糖的具体结构功能进行简介,进而综述脂多糖运输系统的7个蛋白的构成和作用机制,以期为进一步研究该系统中每个蛋白的功能提供理论基础及参考。  相似文献   

Charnley M  Moir AJ  Douglas CW  Haycock JW 《Peptides》2008,29(6):1004-1009
The melanocortin peptides alpha-MSH, Lys-Pro-Val and Lys-Pro-D-Val are known to be potent anti-inflammatory agents; however their role as antibacterial peptides is less clear. The aim of this study was to determine whether these peptides displayed antibacterial properties, and specifically whether the Lys-Pro-D-Val tripeptide was more potent than Lys-Pro-Val, consistent with their anti-inflammatory actions. alpha-MSH, Ac-Lys-Pro-D-Val-NH2 and Ac-Lys-Pro-Val-NH2 were found to be antibacterial against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) over a broad range of concentrations compared to a control peptide, Ac-Ala-Ala-Ala-NH2. However, the relative potency of alpha-MSH, Ac-Lys-Pro-D-Val-NH2, Ac-Lys-Pro-Val-NH2 did not differ. Furthermore, it was found that the cationic charge on the lysine residue was not required for activity as a variant peptide Ac-Ala-Pro-D-Val-NH2 was also antibacterial. We therefore describe a novel X-Pro-D/L-Val peptide sequence with similarity to the short melanocortin peptides, which possess antibacterial activity. The combined anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action of such peptides may also have potential value therapeutically.  相似文献   

对硝基苯酚对细菌产生持留菌的影响及其相关机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究对硝基苯酚(PNP)对大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌产生持留菌的影响,并对转录组进行分析,阐明对硝基苯酚影响持留菌形成的相关机制。【方法】采用氧氟沙星抗生素探究对硝基苯酚对细菌产生持留菌的影响,并通过检测细菌自溶情况和呼吸抑制剂羰酰氰氯苯腙(CCCP)对持留菌比例的影响,然后通过转录组分析其相关基因的表达,最后通过实时荧光定量PCR和反义核酸进行相关功能基因的验证。【结果】PNP可以通过抑制大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌的呼吸作用使其产生持留菌的比例增加,PNP不同浓度、作用不同时间和作用不同生长时期的菌体都会影响细菌产生持留菌的比例。PNP和呼吸抑制剂CCCP均能够抑制2个菌体的自溶情况,包括溶解氧含量的变化、蛋白质降解情况、细胞尺寸的变化和RNA完整性。转录组分析和实时荧光定量PCR实验结果表明加入PNP后,cyo A、app C两个基因在大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌中的表达量均显著下降,再通过反义核酸抑制cyo A、app C的表达发现持留菌的比例和原始菌株相比均有所增加。【结论】PNP可以通过抑制细胞呼吸作用来增加细菌产生持留菌的比例。  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a conserved ribonucleoprotein complex that binds to targeting sequences in nascent secretory and membrane proteins. The SRP guides these proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane in prokaryotes and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in eukaryotes via an interaction with its cognate receptor. The E. coli SRP is relatively small and is currently used as a model for fundamental and applied studies on translation-linked protein targeting. In this review recent advances in our understanding of the structure and function of the E. coli SRP and its receptor are discussed. In particular, the interplay between the SRP pathway and other targeting routes, the role of guanine nucleotides in cycling of the SRP and the substrate specificity of the SRP are highlighted  相似文献   

Secretion of Escherichia coli hemolysin is mediated by a sec-independent pathway which requires the products of at least three genes, hlyB, hlyD and tolC. Two regions of HlyD were studied. The first region (region A), consisting of the 33-amino acid, C-terminal part of the HlyD protein, is predicted to form a potential helix-loop-helix structure. This sequence is conserved among HlyD analogues of similar transport systems of other bacterial species. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the amino acids Leu475, Glu477 and Arg478 of this region are essential for HlyD function. The last amino acid of HlyD, Arg478, is possibly involved in the release of the HlyA protein, since cells bearing a hlyD gene mutant at this position produce similar amounts of HlyA to the wild-type strain, but most of the protein remains cell-associated. Competition experiments between wild-type and mutant HlyD proteins indicate that region A interacts directly with a component of the secretion apparatus. The second region of HIyD (region B), located between amino acids Leul27 and Leu170, is highly homologous to the otherwise unrelated outer membrane protein TolC. Deletion of this region abolishes secretion of hemolysin. This sequence of HlyD also seems to interact with a component of the hemolysin secretion machinery since a hybrid HIyD protein carrying the corresponding TolC sequence, although inactive in the transport of HlyA, is able to displace wild-type HlyD from the secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

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