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Relationships between the movement patterns of free-ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) and the abundance and distribution of foods in their home range were examined. During an 18-month field study, the ranging of one group of G. gorilla beringei was recorded on a 250 × 250 m grid system, from which measurements of frequency and duration of use, travel rate, and rate of revisitation of each quadrangle by the group were derived. Food items were sampled in selected quadrangles throughout the home range and various measures of food abundance, frequency and diversity were calculated. Analyses based on both spatial and temporal variation in food availability give supporting evidence for the prediction that mountain gorilla ranging patterns are influenced by the distribution and abundance of foods. Quality of food appears to be an important factor, as shown in analyses of yearly patterns and monthly changes in ranging. The gorillas studied spent more time in the higher quality areas of their home range, responded to a correlate of decreasing food abundance by increasing their rate of travel and area used, and revisited regions more frequently when the renewal rate of foods was clearly greater. Each of their foraging tactics can be explained as serving to increase the efficiency of harvesting foods.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that western lowland gorillas incorporate much more fruit into their diet than Virunga mountain gorillas do. Very little is known, however, about how the frugivorous behavior of western gorillas influences their daily ranging behavior, which may ultimately affect social factors such as group size and structure. I examined the influence of diet and the spatiotemporal availability of plant foods on the foraging effort of nonhabituated western lowland gorilla groups during 17 months at Bai Hoköu in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic. I determined diet from indirect methods and gorilla plant food availability and spatial distribution from phenology and line transects. Daily path length gives an estimate of foraging effort and was the distance paced, following fresh gorilla trails, from morning to evening nest sites. The availability and distribution of fruit and its consumption by gorillas varied seasonally. When concentrating on fruits, gorillas traveled significantly farther (mean = 3.1 km/day) than when their diet consisted mostly of nonfruit vegetation, such as leaves and woody pith, stems, and bark (mean = 2.1 km/day). The amount of herbaceous vegetation in the diet did not vary seasonally and did not influence daily path length. The best environmental predictor of foraging effort was fruit density, or a measure combining both density and spatial pattern: coefficient of dispersion. In addition, when fruit patches were small, path length tended to increase but not significantly. Compared with results of other studies, gorillas at Bai Hoköu travel farther (mean = 2.6 km/day) than gorillas in Gabon (mean = 1.7 km/day) and five times farther than mountain gorillas in the Virungas (mean = 0.5 km/day). Increased foraging effort of gorillas in this region, especially during the fruiting season, may have profound effects on group size and structure.  相似文献   

The ranging patterns of western gorillas have been described in relation to their more frugivorous diet as compared to mountain gorillas. However, the lack of data from habituated groups prevents a full understanding of their ranging behavior and its implications for western gorilla social behavior. Unhabituated gorillas often flee from approaching researchers, possibly resulting in longer daily ranges and home range expansions and/or shifts. I report on the influence of habituation on the ranging patterns of a western gorilla group. I analyzed progress in habituation through changes in gorilla reactions, displayed upon detecting the observers. I measured daily path length and home range while following the group's trails and monitored diet via fecal analyses and direct observations. During the study period, habituation progressed and the gorillas increasingly ignored the arrival of observers. As a result, daily path lengths were longer during the early stages of habituation, when the gorillas were avoiding observers. There was no range expansion or shift, though the measure is more difficult to investigate, being subject to error due to variation in sample size. We recorded seasonal changes in the consumption of fruit by gorillas, but no direct effect on ranging patterns is detectable with the data available, which is likely a consequence of the combined effect of habituation and seasonality on group movements. The findings are not only important for understanding the extent of human influence while conducting research on wild gorillas but also suggest the need for caution when interpreting results from non-habituated gorillas.  相似文献   

Mountain gorillas are highly folivorous. Food is abundant and perennially available in much of their habitat. Still, limited research has shown that single gorilla groups heavily used areas where food biomass and quality were relatively high and where they met daily nutritional needs with relatively low foraging effort. Also, ecological factors influenced solitary males less than groups with females. Long-term data on habitat use by multiple mountain gorilla social units and more extensive data on variation in food distribution, presented here, confirm that food distribution influences areal occupation densities across groups and over time. These data also confirm the group/solitary male distinction and show that food distribution became more important for one male once he acquired females. Groups used 25 km 2 , and inter-annual home range and core area overlap was often low. Annual home range and core area size varied considerably within groups and across years. It bore no simple relationship to group size and estimated group biomass. Core areas were biased samples of total home ranges and were relatively good foraging areas. One group abruptly shifted its home range in response to male mating competition. Home ranges of two others expanded from 1981 to 1987, though at a decreasing rate. Data on one such group, which varied considerably in size, are consistent with arguments that costs of scramble competition are low except in unusually large groups. Low site fidelity, low scramble costs, and high home range overlap should decrease the ecological costs of female transfer.  相似文献   

The distribution of resources is a crucial determinant of animals' space use (e.g., daily travel distance, monthly home range size, and revisitation patterns). We examined how variation in ecological parameters affected variability in space use patterns of western lowland gorillas, Gorilla gorilla gorilla. They are an interesting species for investigating this topic because key components of their diet are nonfruit items (herbaceous vegetation and tree leaves) that occur at low density and are sparsely distributed, and fruits, which show high spatiotemporal variation in availability. We estimated how availability of nonfruit foods and fruit, frugivory (proportion of feeding time consuming fruit), and swamps in areas used by the gorillas influenced daily travel distance, monthly home range size, and revisit frequency to grid cells in the home range of one habituated gorilla group in Loango National Park, Gabon. Using location data from 2015 to 2018, we found that the gorillas decreased their daily travel distance as both the density of nonfruit foods and the proportion of swamps in areas used increased. Daily travel distances were shorter when both frugivory and availability of fruit were higher, yet, daily travel distances were longer when availability of fruit was low but frugivory was still high. Furthermore, monthly home range size increased as frugivory increased and monthly revisit frequencies to an area increased as fruit availability of an area increased. In conclusion, the availability of both nonfruit and fruit influenced the gorillas' space use patterns. Gorillas decreased foraging effort when food availability was high but were willing to incur increasing foraging costs to feed on fruit when availability was low. This study highlights how animals have to adjust their space use with changing resource availability and it emphasizes the value of examining multiple parameters of space use.  相似文献   

We analysed intra-specific variation in the social organization of gorillas and ecological and social factors influencing them, based on recent data on diet, day journey length, home range size, group size and proportion of multi-male groups in three subspecies [western lowland gorillas (WLG); eastern lowland gorillas (ELG); mountain gorillas (MG)]. Median group size was similar across subspecies and across habitats, but the extraordinarily large group including >30 gorillas was only found in habitat with dense terrestrial herbaceous vegetation. Within-group competition may determine the upper limit of group size in frugivorous WLGs and ELGs in lowland habitats with scarce undergrowth. A frugivorous diet may be a causal factor of subgrouping in multi-male groups of WLGs and ELGs, while a folivorous diet may prevent subgrouping in multi-male groups of MGs. Social factors, rather than ecological factors, may play an important role in the formation of multi-male groups and their cohesiveness in MGs. High gregariousness of female gorillas and their prolonged association with a protector male are explained by their vulnerability to both infanticide (MGs) and predators (ELGs). Comparison of long-term changes in group composition and individual movements between ELGs in Kahuzi and MGs in the Virungas suggest that the occurrence of infanticide may promote kin-male association within a group. Threat of infanticide may stimulate MG females to transfer into multi-male groups to seek reliable protection and maturing MG males to stay in their natal groups after maturity. By contrast, the absence of infanticide may facilitate ELG females to associate with infants and other females at transfer and ELG males to establish large groups in a short period by taking females from their natal groups, by luring females from neighbouring groups, or by takeover of a widow group after the death of its leading male. These conditions may prevent ELG and WLG maturing males from remaining to reproduce in their natal groups and possibly result in a rare occurrence of multi-male groups in their habitats. Similar reproductive features of MG and ELG females suggest both female strategies have been adaptive in their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Data are presented here on the feeding ecology of wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) which were observed for approximately 2,400 hours over a 17-month period in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda. Aspects of the relationship between the composition, diversity, and temporal consistency of the gorillas' diet and spatial and temporal variability in food distribution patterns are described. Mountain gorillas are folivores that show considerable specialization on plant parts, species and families. This pattern is facilitated by the general richness of their habitat. Their environment is heterogeneous, and spatial variability in food distribution is more pronounced than temporal variability. The gorillas rely almost completely on perennially available foliage of herbs and vines. Their diet varies little in association with seasonal factors but varies markedly in space in association with variability in the vegetational composition of the habitat. Individuals in the main study group shared basically similar patterns of food choice. Different groups also shared a similar general pattern, although there were differences in detail that apparently resulted largely from vegetational contrasts between home ranges. The gorillas' behavioral responses to environmental complexity lend general support to recent ideas concerning the evolution of their social system.  相似文献   

Many factors influence the evolution of primate grouping patterns, including phylogeny, demographic and life-history variables, and ecological factors such as access to food, predation pressure, and avoidance of infanticide. The interaction between these factors determines social organization.1 Because western lowland and mountain gorillas differ so dramatically in their habitats and foraging strategies, they provide a valuable opportunity to assess how changes in ecology influence this balance. Mountain gorillas live in high-altitude montane forests, are herbivorous, and live in stable and cohesive groups. Western lowland gorillas live in lowland rainforest and are much more frugivorous than mountain gorillas. It is not yet clear to what extent incorporating significant quantities of fruit in the diet influences western lowland gorilla sociality because they have been studied much less than have mountain gorillas. However, what is known about their behavior hints that there may also be considerable differences in their social organization, including changes in group size and cohesion and in the frequency and type of intergroup encounters. Gorillas thus provide a unique opportunity to reevaluate proposed models of ecological influences on social organization in African apes.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Variation in male dispersal and behavior patterns are components of intraspecific differences in social systems. A comparison of male behavior in different social settings can be useful for determining which behavioral mechanisms contribute to variability in social systems. Two heterosexual multimale groups and one all-male group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) were observed for over 1100 h at the Karisoke Research Centre, Rwanda. Data on proximity patterns, dominance relationships, aggression, agonistic interventions, affiliation, and homosexual behavior were compared among the males in these groups to examine the influence of female presence, sex ratio, group size, and kinship on male—male interactions. Males in the all-male group stayed closer together, affiliated more, exhibited more homosexual behavior, and were more aggressive toward each other than males in heterosexual groups. However, the males in heterosexual groups showed more wounding and more consistent dominance relationships. Kinship did not influence male-male relationships in the all-male group. The males in the heterosexual groups rarely interacted with one another; they may actively avoid close proximity to reduce aggression. Results suggest that the variable social system of mountain gorillas may be more strongly influenced by demographic factors, male-female social relationships, and male-male competition for mates than by any benefits of male-male relationships.  相似文献   

Understanding the principles that underly primate social evolution depends on integrated analysis of data on behavioral ecology, demography, life history tactics, and social organization. In this paper, data on the behavioral ecology of gorillas are reviewed and comparisons made among the three subspecies. Gorillas are selective feeders; and, their patterns of food choice are consistent with models of feeding by large generalist herbivores. They rely heavily on terrestrial herbaceous vegetation, which provides an abundant supply of densely distributed food. Availability of this food varies little in space and time; and, gorilla foraging activity can maintain its productivity. The level of frugivory and the extent of seasonal variation in diet and habitat use vary among and within populations. Low variability in food distribution patterns makes cooperative defense of foraging areas not worthwhile; but, it also means that ecological costs associated with gregariousness are low. However, demographic and life history data on mountain gorillas show that these costs may be sufficient to reduce female reproductive success as group size increases. Advantages to being with high quality males apparently can outweigh these costs. The implications of these data for the evolution of the mountain gorilla social system, and the possible roles of male protection, predation, and female/female competition in this regard, are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of ecological (diet, swamp use, and rainfall) and social (intergroup interaction rate) factors on ranging behavior in one group of western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) during a 16-month study. Relative to mountain gorillas, western gorillas live in habitats with reduced herb densities, more readily available fruit (from seasonal and rare fruit trees), and, at some sites, localized large open clearings (swamps and "bais"). Ranging behavior reflects these ecological differences. The daily path length (DPL) of western gorillas was longer (mean=2,014 m) than that of mountain gorillas, and was largely related to fruit acquisition. Swamp use occurred frequently (27% of days) and incurred a 50% increase in DPL, and 77% of the variation in monthly frequency of swamp use was explained by ripe fruit availability within the swamp, and not by the absence of resources outside the swamp. The annual home-range size was 15.4 km2. The western gorilla group foraged in larger areas each month, and reused them more frequently and consistently through time compared to mountain gorillas. In contrast to mountain gorillas, intergroup encounters occurred at least four times more frequently, were usually calm rather than aggressive, and had no consistent effect on DPL or monthly range size for one group of western gorillas. High genetic relatedness among at least some neighboring males [Bradley et al., Current Biology, in press] may help to explain these results, and raises intriguing questions about western gorilla social relationships.  相似文献   

To clarify the advantages of solitary life in gorilla males, a lone silverback mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei) was studied for nine months in the natural habitat of the Virunga volcanoes. While the time budget for each activity and daily activity cycle were similar to those of groups, his daily journey distance and ranging patterns differed from those of groups. His movements were little influenced by the distribution and abundance of foods, which strongly influence the movements of groups. He notably increased his day journey distances when he encountered neighboring groups. He persistently followed the groups for days and went out of his usual range area. These encounters shifted his monthly range from his natal group's range to that of other groups. When the silverbacks of the encountered groups noticed his presence, they usually gave hoots and chest-beats and sometimes fought violently with him, while females and immatures did not show positive responses towards him. Lone males could have more chance to contact females and to lure them away from their groups than silverbacks within groups. The lone male stage, accompanied by frequent contacts with different groups, probably provides maturing males with useful knowledge of neighboring groups and areas.  相似文献   

We compared day-journey length and daily diets of solitary male gorillas in lowland versus highland habitats. Solitary males in tropical forests of Zaire tend to travel longer distances, to visit more types of vegetation, and to consume more kinds of food than a solitary male mountain gorilla in the Virunga Volcanoes did. The number of feeding sites per day is larger and the mean distance between feeding sites is far longer for the former than the latter. These observations may reflect differences in food breadth and availability between highland and lowland habitats. The herbaceous plants that are eaten by mountain gorillas are densely and evenly distributed in the higher montane forest of the Virungas, where gorillas need not cover long distances to search for food. In contrast, herbaceous plants are scarce in primary and ancient secondary forests of lowland habitats, where gorillas travel long distances and eat various fruits and insects. The patchy and unpredictable distribution of foods may extend the distances over which gorillas search for food in the lowland habitat. However, solitary males showed a prominent reduction in day-journey length and changed their choices of food during the nonfruiting season (the long rainy and dry seasons) in the lowland habitats. This strategy may have developed during the Pleistocene and may have enabled them to enlarge their ranges to the higher montane forests, where fruits are sparse throughout the year.  相似文献   

The ranging and grouping patterns of a gorilla group were studied during 27 months from 1990–1992 at the Bai Hokou study site, Central African Republic. The study group ranged far daily (average = 2.3 km/day) and had a large home range (22.9 km2), relative to mountain gorillas, and ranging patterns differed between years. During 1990–1992, the bimale study group foraged less cohesively and had more flexible grouping patterns than mountain gorillas. The study group sometimes split into two distinct foraging subgroups, each led by a silverback, and these subgroups occasionally slept apart (mean = 950 m apart). Lowland gorillas rely on many of the same fruit resources as sympatric chimpanzees, and under certain demographic situations gorillas, like sympatric chimpanzees, may adapt their foraging group size to reduce intragroup feeding competition. However, the fiber content of the lowland gorilla diet likely relaxes constraints on foraging party size and facilitates group cohesion relative to chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol. 43:111–133, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seed dispersers, like white‐handed gibbons (Hylobates lar), can display wide inter‐group variability in response to distribution and abundance of resources in their habitat. In different home ranges, they can modify their movement patterns along with the shape and scale of seed shadow produced. However, the effect of inter‐group variability on the destination of dispersed seeds is still poorly explained. In this study, we evaluate how seed dispersal patterns of this arboreal territorial frugivore varies between two neighboring groups, one inhabiting high quality evergreen forest and one inhabiting low quality mosaic forest. We predicted a difference in seed dispersal distance between the two groups (longer in the poor quality forest). We hypothesized that this difference would be explained by differences in home range size, daily path length, and ranging tortuosity. After 6 months of data collection, the evergreen group had a smaller home range (12.4 ha) than the mosaic group (20.9 ha), significantly longer daily path lengths (1507 m vs. 1114 m respectively) and greater tortuosity (39.1 vs. 16.1 respectively). Using gut passage times and displacement rates, we estimated the median seed dispersal distance as 163 m for the evergreen group (high quality forest) and of 116 m for the mosaic group (low quality forest). This contradiction with our initial prediction can be explained in term of social context, resource distribution, and habitat quality. Our results indicate that gibbons are dispersers of seeds between habitats and that dispersal distances provided by gibbons are influenced by a range of factors, including habitat and social context.  相似文献   

Mountain, western, and Grauer's gorillas exhibit broad differences in ecological patterns with western gorillas eating more fruit and having larger home ranges than their largely folivorous counterparts in the Virunga Volcanoes. We studied the home range and frugivory patterns of one group of Gorilla beringei beringei in the little-studied population of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, to compare with other populations and to investigate whether there was any relationship between patterns of frugivory and home range size. During the 3-year study, the gorillas ate 16 species of fruit on 27% of observation days. There was high variability in frugivory among the 3 years and no consistent seasonal pattern. Annual home range size was ca. 21 km2 for Years 1 and 2, and it increased dramatically to 40 km2 in Year 3. Home range size varied considerable between months and seasons, but there is no clear relationship between occurrence of fruit-eating and home range size. The group exhibited more fruit-eating and a larger home range size those ofthe gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes. Their home range size is comparable to that of western gorillas, though Bwindi gorillas consumed less fruit. Home range size and utilization by all gorillas probably depends on a complex relationship between the distribution and abundance of both fruit and herbaceous vegetation and social factors such as male mating tactics.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that both ecological and social factors influence mountain gorilla habitat use. New data on habitat use by a male gorilla and by a group confirm that male mating competition influences short- and long-term habitat use patterns, and show that its influence can supersede that of ecological factors on a long-term basis. When solitary, the male regularly approached and sometimes followed groups. His monthly home range size and equitability of home range use were directly proportional to the number of such interactions per month. His relationships with other groups became more conservative after he gained females, and, contrary to expectations based on metabolic needs, he used a much smaller area. The group considered here gradually expanded its home range and shifted its areas of intensive use throughout a three-year period. It then made a complete home range shift after three dramatic interactions, during which it was temporarily fragmented and two females emigrated. The group shared its home range with many other social units; overlap with most of these decreased after the shift. The degree of overlap and the lack of site fidelity by males and their groups support the argument that transfer is not ecologically costly to mountain gorilla females.  相似文献   

Life-history traits and ecological conditions have an important influence on primate social systems. Most of what we know about the life-history patterns and social structure of gorillas comes from studies of eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei sp.), which live under dramatically different ecological conditions compared to western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla sp.). In this paper we present new data on western gorilla social structure and life histories from four study sites, and make comparisons with eastern gorilla populations. Data were obtained from two study sites with gorilla groups undergoing the habituation process (Lossi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Bai Hokou, Central African Republic) and two "bai" studies (Maya Nord and Mbeli Bai, Republic of Congo). The size and structure of these groups were similar to those seen in eastern gorillas. However, differences in the occurrence of various group transitions (group formations, changes between one-male and multimale composition, and group disintegrations) exist, and western gorillas notably exhibit much higher rates of male emigration and correspondingly fewer multimale groups compared to mountain gorillas. Certain phenomena have been observed only rarely, including predation by leopards. The preliminary data show no significant differences in birth rates between western gorillas and mountain gorillas. The ecological variability across gorilla habitats likely explains the flexibility in the social system of gorillas, but we need more information on the social relationships and ecology of western gorillas to elucidate the causes for the similarities and differences between western and eastern gorillas on the levels of individuals, social groups, and population dynamics.  相似文献   

The per capita home range area of Japanese macaques,Macaca fuscata, is significantly smaller in evergreen forest than in deciduous forest, though a corresponding difference in food resource utilization patterns has never been described. The present study compared the home range utilization pattern of Japanese macaques living in two habitats: the Yakushima population inhabits an evergreen forest, while the Kinkazan population inhabits a deciduous forest. We found that in the Yakushima population, (1) food density was higher; (2) inter-feeding bout sites distance was shorter; (3) daily travel distance was shorter; (4) home range size was smaller; and (5) the unit value of the main home range was higher, than in the Kinkazan population. Yakushima groups utilized a small home range area intensively, compared to Kinkazan groups. We also found that a Yakushima group shared 24% of its main home range with neighboring groups, though a Kinkazan group shared only 10% with other groups. It is supposed that food distribution affects daily ranging pattern, and ultimately the social relationships between groups in Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

Differences in distribution and density between gorillas and chimpanzees are reconsidered with special reference to population structure. Both ecological and social factors influencing population structure are compared between species and between habitats within species. Gorillas and chimpanzees respond differently to a decline in food quality, such as fruit scarcity: gorillas change diet and decrease range, while chimpanzees do not change diet but may expand range. These responses result in different effects on their grouping patterns. For gorillas the dispersed distribution and reduction of range size decreases the rate of inter-unit encounters and female transfer. The concentration of social units increases the rate of aggressive contact between units and stimulates female transfer. Social units of gorillas may crowd or disperse in order to attain the optimal density. This tendency may result in similar densities of gorillas across habitats. By contrast, the distribution patterns or range size may not affect inter-unit relationships of chimpanzees. Within a single unit-group, various reproductive strategies are adopted by both sexes. Independent travel of females and flexible grouping patterns enable them to survive at very low density in extraordinary large ranges. Density and inter-unit relationships are good criteria for a healthy population of gorillas, while the size of unit-group and inter-individual relationships are good criteria for chimpanzees. Conservation planners should consider these differences for sympatric and allopatric survival in these species.  相似文献   

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