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When there is a temporal trade‐off between mating effort and parental care, theoretical models predict that intense sexual selection on males leads to reduced paternal care. Thus, high‐quality males should invest more in mating effort because they have higher chances of acquiring mates, whereas low‐quality males should bias their investment towards parental care. Once paternal care has evolved, offspring value should also influence males’ decisions to invest in offspring attendance. Here, we performed a manipulation under field conditions to investigate the factors that influence male allocation in either mating effort or parental care. We predicted that facultative paternal care in the harem‐holding harvestman Serracutisoma proximum would be negatively influenced by male attractiveness and positively influenced by offspring value. We found that attractive males were less likely to engage in egg attendance and that the higher the perceived paternity, the higher the caring frequency. Finally, egg mortality was not related to caring frequency by males, but predation pressure was much lower than that recorded in previous studies with the same population. Thus, the benefits of facultative male care may be conditional to temporal variation in the intensity of egg predation. In conclusion, males adjust their investment in either territory defence or egg attendance according to their recent mating history and perceived paternity. Our findings suggest that exclusive paternal care can evolve from facultative paternal care only if the trade‐off between mating effort and parental care is circumvented.  相似文献   

Variability in litter size and the concept of optimality are central to our current understanding of parental investment patterns and life histories. A fundamental component of most models of optimum litter size is an apparently inescapable trade-off between litter size and size of offspring. Most previous models of litter size have focused on the evolution of an optimum litter size rather than variability in litter size. Because variability provides the raw material from which numerous optimal litter sizes are fashioned to meet prevailing conditions, approaches that specifically address adaptive patterns of variability might provide new insights into the evolution of litter size. A model based on a non-linear relationship between total parental effort and litter size reduces trade-offs between offspring size and offspring number to simple reproductive economics, and illustrates how litter size variability might be predictable under certain environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cryptic genetic variation plays an important role in the emergence of disease and evolutionary responses to environmental change. Focusing on parental care behavior, we discuss three mechanisms by which behavior can affect the accumulation and release of cryptic genetic variation. We illustrate how these hypotheses might be tested with preliminary data from Onthophagus dung beetles, which provide indirect parental care by provisioning their offspring with dung and sheltering them underground. The environmental stress hypothesis states that parental care reduces selection intensity on novel mutations when increased parental care results in a less stressful offspring environment. A review of recent literature, coupled with an irradiation experiment in beetles, suggests this mechanism may operate in some situations, but depends on the types of mutations under consideration. The relaxed selection hypothesis states that genes expressed in low care environments should be under weakened selection because their phenotypic manifestations are exposed to selection less frequently, and thus are prone to mutation accumulation. If parental care is reduced, for instance due to population-wide environmental changes, such cryptic variation may exert phenotypic effects, becoming exposed to selection. There is substantial theory in support of this hypothesis, and comparisons between beetle populations that differ in parental care behavior further support this idea. Finally, the compensation hypothesis states that organisms with direct parental care may be able to respond to cues or signals from offspring and compensate for genetic variants. We highlight the extensive discussion of this hypothesis with respect to medical care and genetic load in humans and explore invertebrate systems that may constitute powerful models for further inquiry. In summary, several mechanisms exist by which care behavior may shape the accumulation and release of cryptic genetic variation, thereby affecting the potential emergence of diseases and the rate and direction of evolutionary responses to novel environments.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that iteroparous animals adaptively partition reproductive effort between current and future reproduction. When rearing costs of current offspring exceed the potential benefits, parental care should be terminated and deferred toward future reproduction. We tested two related predictions that follow from life history theory: (a) parents should be sensitive to offspring viability and withhold parental care if offspring survival probability drops and future reproductive opportunities are likely, and (b) parents should be less sensitive to offspring survival probability when future reproduction is unlikely and maximize parental care late in life. The wolf spider, Pardosa milvina, demonstrates extensive parental care; however, they may also abandon or cannibalize their egg sacs. We tested the effects of egg sac damage and production of a previous egg sac on egg sac abandonment and cannibalism decisions. Among four egg sac groups (1st egg sac intact, 1st egg sac damaged, 2nd egg sac intact, 2nd egg sac damaged), we daily monitored egg sac abandonment and cannibalism and measured differences in egg sac searching, protection, and grooming among removed and damaged egg sacs (N = 116 with 1st egg sac and 88 with 2nd egg sac). Females with first egg sacs abandoned and cannibalized damaged egg sacs significantly more compared to unmanipulated egg sacs; however, females with second egg sacs were insensitive to egg sac damage. Females also spent significantly more time protecting second egg sacs compared to first egg sacs and groomed damaged egg sacs significantly more than undamaged. These results support the general predictions of life history theory that indicate that abandonment and cannibalism should decrease with diminished future reproductive potential and that parents should be less sensitive to indicators of offspring survival probability late in life.  相似文献   

Members of breeding groups face conflicts over parental effort when balancing antipredatory vigilance and feeding. Empirical evidence has shown disparate responses to manipulations of parental effort. We develop a model in which we determine the evolutionarily stable effort of partners given their body conditions, allowing the benefits of shared care to be unevenly divided, and we test this model's predictions with data on common eiders (Somateria mollissima). Eiders show uniparental female care; females may share brood rearing, or they may tend alone, and their body condition at hatching of the young shows large environmentally induced variation. The model predicts that parental effort (vigilance) in a coalition is lower than when tending alone, controlling for parental condition; this prediction is supported by the data. The parental effort in a coalition should be positively correlated with body condition, and this prediction is also supported. Finally, parental effort should increase when partner condition decreases and vice versa; this prediction is partially supported. The Nash bargaining game may provide promising avenues by which to determine the precise settlement of reproductive skew and effort between coalition partners in the future.  相似文献   

Knowledge of how genetic effects arising from parental care influence the evolution of offspring traits comes almost exclusively from studies of maternal care. However, males provide care in some taxa, and often this care differs from females in quality or quantity. If variation in paternal care is genetically based then, like maternal care and maternal effects, paternal effects may have important consequences for the evolution of offspring traits via indirect genetic effects (IGEs). IGEs and direct–indirect genetic covariances associated with parental care can contribute substantially to total heritability and influence predictions about how traits respond to selection. It is unknown, however, if the magnitude and sign of parental effects arising from fathers are the same as those arising from mothers. We used a reciprocal cross‐fostering experiment to quantify environmental and genetic effects of paternal care on offspring performance in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. We found that IGEs were substantial and direct–indirect genetic covariances were negative. Combined, these patterns led to low total heritabilities for offspring performance traits. Thus, under paternal care, offspring performance traits are unlikely to evolve in response to selection, and variation in these traits will be maintained in the population despite potentially strong selection on these traits. These patterns are similar to those generated by maternal care, indicating that the genetic effects of care on offspring performance are independent of the caregiver's sex.  相似文献   

Models of optimal parental care predict that parental investment should depend on offspring value or the effect parental care has on offspring benefits. Few studies have examined the effect of external factors that influence offspring survival and the cost of care. In this study on the Florida flagfish (Jordanella floridae), a species with male parental care, we examined whether environmentally induced changes in care result from changes in egg requirements or in parental costs. We manipulated salinity and temperature, as these factors are known to affect the metabolic rate in both eggs and parents. We predicted that if the change in care behavior is determined by costs to the male then it should be paralleled by changes in non‐egg‐directed behavior. Conversely, if egg‐directed behavior changes independently of other behavior it would suggest that behavior is determined primarily by egg requirements. In addition we examined patterns of mating success under the assumption that if male care is affected by environmental factors then female preferences may change accordingly. Males decreased egg‐directed behavior (fanning and cleaning of eggs) at high salinity. Non‐egg‐directed behavior was unaffected by salinity. Temperature had no effects on behavior. Thus, we conclude that changes in egg demands are primarily responsible for the observed results. Successful males were bigger and more aggressive. This suggests that male dominance was an important determinant of male mating success. Unsuccessful males showed significantly more variation in number of red stripes with respect to salinity than successful males. Unsuccessful males may be less able to regulate color expression under varying environmental conditions, in which case color may be an indicator of male quality. We replicated the experiment early and late in the season. Males did not change their effort in care over the season. However, care (fanning) in the absence of eggs increased towards the end of the season. Since pre‐mating fanning was positively correlated to a male’s eventual mating success we conclude that males increased their effort to attract mates late in the season.  相似文献   

A model which defines fitness in terms of the intrinsic rate of increase of phenotypes is used to analyse which life cycles are appropriate to which ecological circumstances. The following predictions are made for asexual animals and those sexual animals producing on average more than one daughter per brood. If there are no behavioural or physiological interactions between variables, then number of offspring per breeding should be maximized, survival until first/next breeding should be maximized, and time to first/next breeding should be minimized. If interactions occur such that altering one life-cycle variable affects another, then there are trade-offs between variables and the optimum trade-off will maximize fitness.Number of offspring per breeding will generally affect adult survivorship until next breeding. Given certain reasonable assumptions about this trade-off, high juvenile survivorship selects towards semelparity (many offspring per brood), low juvenile survivorship selects towards iteroparity (few offspring per brood). If juvenile survival depends on adult feeding, as in altricial birds, then juvenile survivorship declines as clutch size is increased. Optimal clutch size maximizes the number of surviving offspring per brood.Two trade-offs involve parental care. If parents guard their offspring they should take more risks if brood size is larger. The amount that parents feed their offspring should depend on how effective feeding is in enhancing growth. Growth may also be enhanced by taking risks, in juveniles or adults. The extent of risk-taking should depend on how effective risk-taking is in enhancing growth.If the number of offspring per brood is related to growing conditions for offspring, the prediction is that more offspring per brood should be produced if growing conditions for offspring are better. If the adult can protect the offspring, for example by encapsulating them, the amount of protection provided should depend on how effective the protection is in increasing offspring survivorship.  相似文献   

The intensity of biotic interactions varies around the world, in such a way that mortality risk imposed by natural enemies is usually higher in the tropics. A major role of offspring attendance is protection against natural enemies, so the benefits of this behaviour should be higher in tropical regions. We tested this macroecological prediction with a meta‐regression of field experiments in which the mortality of guarded and unguarded broods was compared in arthropods. Mortality of unguarded broods was higher, and parental care was more beneficial, in warmer, less seasonal environments. Moreover, in these same environments, additional lines of defence further reduced offspring mortality, implying that offspring attendance alone is not enough to deter natural enemies in tropical regions. These results help to explain the high frequency of parental care among tropical species and how biotic interactions influence the occurrence of parental care over large geographic scales. Finally, our findings reveal that additional lines of defences – an oftentimes neglected component of parental care – have an important effect on the covariation between the benefits of parental care and the climate‐mediated mortality risk imposed by natural enemies.  相似文献   

Summary Using a model that allows the mean and variance of investment by parents in offspring to evolve in response to change in degree of temporal environmental variation, this paper shows that both parental investment parameters should increase with increases in temporal variation. If offspring receiving greater parental investment are viable over a broader range of environmental conditions, then increased temporal environmental variation can select for increases in parental investment. The variance in parental investment also may increase with increases in temporal variation, but there is a threshold level of temporal variation that must be exceeded before variance in parental investment is adaptive. Thus phenotypic variance in parental investment is not adaptive in all temporally varying environments. Further, increased overlap among generations reduces the expected effects of temporal variation on the mean and variance in parental investment. Thus a negative correlation between length of reproductive life and both measures of investment is expected. There is support for the predictions of this model in some animal groups, but not among plants. Possible reasons for the lack of support among plants are discussed and directions for future research aimed at distinguishing adaptive and maladaptive phenotypic variance in parental investment are suggested.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms by which animals resolve conflicts of interest is the key to understanding the basis of cooperation in social species. Conflict over reproductive portioning is the critical type of conflict among cooperative breeders. The costly young model represents an important, but underappreciated, idea about how an individual's intrinsic condition and cost of reproduction should affect the resolution of conflict over the distribution of reproduction within a cooperatively breeding group. However, dominant control in various forms and fixed parental care (offspring fitness dependent solely on total brood size) are assumed in previous versions of costly young models. Here, we develop a general costly young model by relaxing the restrictive assumptions of existing models. Our results show that (1) when the complete-control assumption is relaxed, the costly young model behaves very differently from the original model, and (2) when the fixed parental care assumption is relaxed, the costly young-costly care model displays similar predictions to the tug-of-war model, although the underlying mechanisms causing these similar patterns are different. These results, we believe, help simplify the seemingly divergent predictions of different reproductive skew models and highlight the importance of studying the group members' intrinsic conditions, costs of producing young, and costs of parental care for understanding breeding conflict resolution in cooperatively breeding animals.  相似文献   

Propagule size is an important maternal effect on offspring fitness and phenotype in birds and other oviparous animals. The performance of propagules often increases with size, but a fluctuating environment may introduce temporal variation in the optimal phenotype. Understanding these mechanisms will provide novel insights into the eco‐evolutionary dynamics of life history strategies in parental reproductive investment. We investigated the interaction between propagule size (measured as egg volume) and environmental conditions on offspring mortality and phenotype in a Norwegian house sparrow population. Increased propagule size reduced offspring mortality in early life, with more pronounced effects under heavy precipitation. However, the optimal propagule size for low offspring mortality until recruitment shifted from large to small as temperature increased. Propagule size had no significant effect on fledgling body mass and tarsus length. These results reveal a potential for eco‐evolutionary dynamics in propagule size, as populations adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions. The ultimate outcome of this dynamic process will also depend on variation in parental fitness and tradeoffs with other life‐history traits, particularly clutch size.  相似文献   

Differential allocation occurs when individuals adjust their reproductive investment based on their partner''s traits. However, it remains unknown whether animals differentially allocate based on their partner''s past experiences with predation risk. If animals can detect a potential mate''s experience with predators, this might inform them about the stress level of their potential mate, the likelihood of parental effects in offspring and/or the dangers present in the environment. Using threespined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we examined whether a female''s previous experience with being chased by a model predator while yolking eggs affects male mating effort and offspring care. Males displayed fewer conspicuous courtship behaviours towards females that had experienced predation risk in the past compared with unexposed females. This differential allocation extended to how males cared for the resulting offspring of these matings: fathers provided less parental care to offspring of females that had experienced predation risk in the past. Our results show for the first time, to our knowledge, that variation among females in their predator encounters can contribute to behavioural variation among males in courtship and parental care, even when males themselves do not encounter a predator. These results, together with previous findings, suggest that maternal predator exposure can influence offspring development both directly and indirectly, through how it affects father care.  相似文献   

Summary We use contemporary life history theory to analyze parental decisions concerned with the defense of offspring, and with the provisioning of offspring in the presence of risk. In achieving the optimal level of parental investment, the parent faces a tradeoff between present and future reproductive success. Our models, which are based on stochastic dynamic programming, lead to predictions of the following kind: (i) offspring will be defended more vigorously as they grow older; (ii) long-lived species will accept fewer risks in caring for offspring than short-lived species; (iii) parents living in permanently riskier environments will defend their offspring more vigorously than parents in less risky environments; (iv) however, temporary increases in risk will result in temporarily less vigorous defense and provisioning of offspring. The models also show that parents and their offspring have different conceptions of the optimal level of parental investment. The flexibility of our modeling approach as a method of analyzing facultative behavior is also emphasized. Finally, we apply the methods of this paper to analyze fledging behavior of Atlantic puffins.  相似文献   

Consistent inter‐individual variation in behaviour over time and across contexts has been reported for a wide variety of animals, a phenomenon commonly referred to as personality. As behavioural patterns develop inside families, rearing conditions could have lasting effects on the expression of adult personality. In species with parental care, conflicts among family members impose selection on parental and offspring behaviour through coadaptation. Here, we argue that the interplay between the evolution of personality traits (i.e. boldness, exploration, activity, aggressiveness and sociability) expressed outside the family context and the specialized behaviours expressed inside families (i.e. offspring begging behaviour and parental response to offspring solicitations) can have important evolutionary consequences. Personality differences between parents may relate to the typically observed variation in the way they respond to offspring demand, and dependent offspring may already express personality differences, which may relate to the way they communicate with their parents and siblings. However, there has been little research on how personality relates to parental and offspring behaviours. Future research should thus focus on how and why personality may be related to the specialized parent and offspring behaviour that evolved as adaptations to family life.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, sexual conflict occurs because the benefit of care depends on the total amount of care provided by the two parents while the cost of care depends on each parent's own contribution. Asynchronous hatching may play a role in mediating the resolution of this conflict over parental care. The sexual conflict hypothesis for the evolution of asynchronous hatching suggests that females adjust hatching patterns in order to increase male parental effort relative to female effort. We tested this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides by setting up experimental broods with three different hatching patterns: synchronous, asynchronous and highly asynchronous broods. As predicted, we found that males provided care for longer in asynchronous broods whereas the opposite was true of females. However, we did not find any benefit to females of reducing their duration of care in terms of increased lifespan or reduced mass loss during breeding. We found substantial negative effects of hatching asynchrony on offspring fitness as larval mass was lower and fewer larvae survived to dispersal in highly asynchronous broods compared to synchronous or asynchronous broods. Our results suggest that, even though females can increase male parental effort by hatching their broods more asynchronously, females pay a substantial cost from doing so in terms of reducing offspring growth and survival. Thus, females should be under selection to produce a hatching pattern that provides the best possible trade‐off between the benefits of increased male parental effort and the costs due to reduced offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Broad geographic patterns in egg and clutch mass are poorly described, and potential causes of variation remain largely unexamined. We describe interspecific variation in avian egg and clutch mass within and among diverse geographic regions and explore hypotheses related to allometry, clutch size, nest predation, adult mortality, and parental care as correlates and possible explanations of variation. We studied 74 species of Passeriformes at four latitudes on three continents: the north temperate United States, tropical Venezuela, subtropical Argentina, and south temperate South Africa. Egg and clutch mass increased with adult body mass in all locations, but differed among locations for the same body mass, demonstrating that egg and clutch mass have evolved to some extent independent of body mass among regions. A major portion of egg mass variation was explained by an inverse relationship with clutch size within and among regions, as predicted by life-history theory. However, clutch size did not explain all geographic differences in egg mass; eggs were smallest in South Africa despite small clutch sizes. These small eggs might be explained by high nest predation rates in South Africa; life-history theory predicts reduced reproductive effort under high risk of offspring mortality. This prediction was supported for clutch mass, which was inversely related to nest predation but not for egg mass. Nevertheless, clutch mass variation was not fully explained by nest predation, possibly reflecting interacting effects of adult mortality. Tests of the possible effects of nest predation on egg mass were compromised by limited power and by counterposing direct and indirect effects. Finally, components of parental investment, defined as effort per offspring, might be expected to positively coevolve. Indeed, egg mass, but not clutch mass, was greater in species that shared incubation by males and females compared with species in which only females incubate eggs. However, egg and clutch mass were not related to effort of parental care as measured by incubation attentiveness. Ecological and life-history correlates of egg and clutch mass variation found here follow from theory, but possible evolutionary causes deserve further study.  相似文献   

Nest-building Hymenoptera have been a major testing ground for theories of parental investment and sex allocation. Investment has usually been estimated by the likely costs of offspring provisioning, ignoring other aspects of parental care. Using three experimental treatments, we estimated the costs of egg-laying and provisioning separately under field conditions in a digger wasp Ammophila pubescens. In one treatment, we increased the provisioning effort required per offspring by removing alternate prey items as they were brought to the nest. In two other treatments, we reduced parental effort by either preventing females from provisioning alternate nests or preventing them from both ovipositing and provisioning. Our results indicate that both egg-laying and provisioning represent significant costs of reproduction, expressed as differences in productivity but not survival. A trade-off-based model suggests that other components of parental care such as nest initiation may also represent significant costs. Costs of egg production and nest initiation are probably similar for male and female offspring, so that taking them into account leads to a less male-biased expected sex ratio. Mothers compensated only partially for prey removal in terms of the total provisions they gave to individual offspring.  相似文献   

Previous models have predicted that when mortality increases with age, older individuals should invest more of their resources in reproduction and produce less dispersive offspring, as both their future reproductive value and their prospect of competing with their own sib decline. Those models assumed stable population sizes. We here study for the first time the evolution of age‐specific reproductive effort and of age‐specific offspring dispersal rate in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization dynamics and juvenile dispersal. Our model explores the evolutionary consequences of disequilibrium in the age structure of individuals in local populations, generated by disturbances. Life‐history decisions are then shaped both by changes with age in individual performances, and by changes in ecological conditions, as young and old individuals do not live on average in the same environments. Lower juvenile dispersal favours the evolution of higher reproductive effort in young adults in a metapopulation with extinction‐recolonization compared with a well‐mixed population. Contrary to previous predictions for stable structured populations, we find that offspring dispersal should generally increase with maternal age. This is because young individuals, who are overrepresented in recently colonized populations, should allocate more to reproduction and less to dispersal as a strategy to exploit abundant recruitment opportunities in such populations.  相似文献   

Parental investment decisions depend on multiple factors, including the extent that parental care benefits offspring. Humans should show reduced parental effort in environments where parenting cannot improve offspring survival. Data from the standard cross-cultural sample are used to test this prediction. The results show that maternal care was inversely associated with famine and warfare, and also showed a quadratic association with pathogen stress, increasing as pathogen stress increased to moderate levels, but decreasing at higher levels. Age at weaning showed a similar quadratic relation with pathogens. The curvilinear associations between parental effort and pathogen stress may reflect that the saturation point of parental care is a function of environmental hazards. Paternal involvement was also inversely related to pathogen stress. The association between pathogens and paternal involvement was partially mediated by polygyny. In sum, maternal and paternal care appears to have somewhat different relations with environmental hazards, presumably owing to sex-specific tradeoffs in reproductive effort.  相似文献   

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