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In anurans with axillary amplexus, males may be unable to handle females much different in body size from them due to physical limitation. Such mechanical constraint during the grasping processes is thought to be one of the proximate mechanisms leading to pairs to form size-assortively. Using a pairing experiment, the purpose of this study was to test this prediction for a temperate frog (Rana chensinensis) wherein some size-assortative matings occur in natural populations. We found a reduced probability of pairing success as the difference between sexes. When one female was much larger than one male that attempted to grasp her, she tended to dislodge aggressively him, suggesting a role of mechanical constraint in facilitating female choice against small-sized mates. By contrast, when the male was much larger than the female, he often failed to grasp her effectively or remain her in amplexus for longer, indicating the restriction of mechanical constraint to male pairing attempts and to female preference for large-sized mates.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):205-210
Two alternative reproductive tactics (amplexus and spermatophore transfer interference) and three sexual interference tactics (spermatophore transfer interference, pseudofemale behaviour, amplexus interference) are described for male red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. The two reproductive tactics yield equal insemination rates for males displaying these behaviours. The three sexual interference tactics decrease the potential fitness of amplectic males either directly, by displacing them from receptive females and/or duping them into fruitless spermatophore depositions, or indirectly, by increasing the time spent in amplexus with no concomitant increase in probability of successful insemination.  相似文献   

R. Marquez    P. Verrell 《Journal of Zoology》1991,225(1):125-139
Sexual encounters were staged in the laboratory among hormonally-primed Iberian midwife toads, Alytes cisternasii . In this species, pairing and fertilization are terrestrial. The male cares for the developing embryos on land, carrying them twined around his hind limbs until they hatch into tadpoles which he releases into water; his investment in the offspring then ends. The courtship of A. cisternasii can be divided into a pre- and post-ovulatory phase. An encounter is initiated when the female approaches the male and is clasped by him in inguinal amplexus. Both the male and the female produce vocalizations during the period prior to the initiation of amplexus. During amplexus, only the female vocalizes, changing her call to one that is of lower intensity, longer duration and more regularly emitted than before. During inguinal amplexus, the male engages in bouts of intense pedalling and gentle rocking behaviour, each bout being initiated when the female repositions herself beneath him. Rocking and pedalling cease when the female ovulates, at which time she exhibits a posture that we call Unkenkrampf. Ovulation occurs at this time, and is followed by sperm release by the male (seen as a series of lateral compressions of his body). After sperm release, the male moves forwards to engage the female in cervical amplexus and then manoeuvres his hind limbs such that the egg string becomes tangled around his ankles. The female may exhibit additional episodes of Unkenkrampf during this period, but these are not accompanied by further egg release. Episodes of Unkenkrampf (without ovulation) also may occur after the male dismounts from the female. Similar behaviour patterns to those observed in the laboratory are seen in natural populations of A. cisternasii . We compare and contrast our observations of A. cisternasii with those of other authors for this species and also for the common midwife toad, A. obstericans .  相似文献   

The mating behaviour and male mating success of Hyla ebraccata were examined over three study periods. Mated males were larger than unmated males on a significant number of nights and for one of the three study periods. In field observations of pair formation, female behaviour was consistent with choice of large males: females moved freely through the chorus, remaining within 10 cm of males larger than the nightly mean, before the male initiated amplexus. In 27% (n = 3) of these observations, males chased and fought over the female. However, the females removed two of these three males from amplexus, suggesting that females can also exercise choice after amplexus. There was a significant negative correlation between male size and dominant frequency of the primary note, indicating that the male's advertisement call contained size-related information. Comparisons of the size of mated and unmated males suggest that two factors may have affected the degree to which female choice influenced male mating success. First, the distance between calling males may have limited the opportunity for females to express a mating preference. Secondly, an increase in mean and a decrease in the variance of male size in one of the three study periods also may have limited the ability of females to express a preference for large males.  相似文献   

Males of the calopterygid damselfly Hetaerina vulnerata remain with their mates after copulating with them. The species exhibits two unusual features of post-copulatory mate guarding. First, a male will often leave his territory to accompany a female in tandem on a search for oviposition sites elsewhere. Second, a male will perch near his ovipositing female even though she completely submerges when egg-laying and cannot be captured and mated by another male while she is underwater. These activities carry two potential costs: (1) a male may miss other receptive females while guarding one mate and (2) he may lose his territory to an interloper while he is absent. These costs were low, however, because territorial males secured only one mating per 3.6 days on average. Moreover, 23 times out of 26, territorial males reclaimed their plots quickly after being away for 30–60 min. The gain from postcopulatory guarding came from being present to recapture a female should she fly up from the water after rejecting an oviposition site. There was a 40% chance that a female would leave one site to search for another during an oviposition bout. If the male were not present, his mate would be captured and mated by another individual (no female ever selected an oviposition site without being carried to it by a male). Her new partner would fertilize the remaining eggs in the female's clutch (if sperm precedence occurs in this species). The total number of eggs fertilized by a male will be affected by how well he prevents any one mate from copulating again before she lays her entire clutch and the total number of receptive females he captures. The variation in the degree of mate guarding by male odonates seems to be the evolutionary outcome of differences in fitness gains derived from these two competing activities in different ecological settings.  相似文献   

In anuran amphibians, multiple males amplexing a single female to fertilise her eggs has been found for less than 25 species, whereas matings without amplexus are known for less than five species. Here we provide a new example of simultaneous polyandry with multiple males not engaged in amplexus, in Feirana taihangnicus, a stream-dwelling, explosive breeder endemic to central China. Laboratory experiments showed that when one female was kept with one male in a vessel with elevated, flat stones, the female stood on her head with her swollen cloaca against the undersurface of the stone substrate to lay eggs (clutch size ranged from 371 to 533, n = 7 females). Then, 10–102 min after oviposition began, the male stood on his head and released sperm over the eggs distributed as a single layer on the stone surfaces. It took about 3 h for the female to finish oviposition and for the male to finish fertilisation. On average, 96% of eggs were fertilised. In natural oviposition habitats, stream sections with slow flowing, we observed that 1 up to 15 males (8.7 ± 6.6, n = 6 cases), none in amplexus, participated in fertilising the eggs deposited by a single female. Evolutionary implications of this unusual reproductive strategy remain to be explored.  相似文献   

Mating duration is a reproductive behaviour that can impact fertilization efficiency and offspring number. Previous studies of factors influencing the evolution of mating duration have focused on the potential role of internal sperm competition as an underlying source of selection; most of these studies have been on invertebrates. For vertebrates with external fertilization, such as fishes and frogs, the sources of selection acting on mating duration remain largely unknown due, in part, to the difficulty of observing complete mating behaviours in natural conditions. In this field study, we monitored breeding activity in a population of the territorial olive frog, Rana adenopleura, to identify factors that affect the duration of amplexus. Compared with most other frogs, amplexus was short, lasting less than 11 min on average, which included about 8 min of pre-oviposition activity followed by 3 min of oviposition. We evaluated the relationship between amplexus duration and seven variables: male body size, male condition, operational sex ratio (OSR), population size, clutch size, territory size, and the coverage of submerged vegetation in a male’s territory. We also investigated the influence of these same variables, along with amplexus duration, on fertilization rate. Amplexus duration was positively related with clutch size and the degree of male-bias in the nightly OSR. Fertilization rate was directly related to male body size and inversely related to amplexus duration. Agonistic interactions between males in amplexus and intruding, unpaired males were frequent. These interactions often resulted in mating failure, prolonged amplexus duration, and reduced fertilization rates. Together, the pattern of our findings indicates short amplexus duration in this species may be an adaptive reproductive strategy whereby males attempt to reduce the risks of mating and fertilization failures and territory loss resulting from male-male competition.  相似文献   

Kinship is commonly inferred from behaviour in primate field studies, but the validity of such inferences has not yet been documented. A comparison of the relationships of six three-year-old yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) females with 14 adult females showed that when a juvenile's mother was living she could easily be identified from behavioural data. The most useful behaviour in this context was Presenting For Grooming. When the mother was not living, however, the juvenile compensated by forming a strong relationship with a less closely related or unrelated adult female. If compensation also occurs in other populations and other species, past attempts to infer kinship from behaviour have probably included a few cases in which a female was incorrectly identified as a juvenile's mother. Multivariate statistical techniques revealed differences between mother-daughter relationships and strong relationships based on compensation among other individuals. These differences involved comparisons of the frequencies of certain behaviours (frequency of Grooming by adult versus frequency of Grooming by juvenile, frequency of Grooming versus frequency of aggression) as well as the magnitudes of frequencies (amount of Grooming, number of Interventions).  相似文献   

Observations on three naturally-occurring courtships of Hepialus show that sexual behaviour in these moths is similar to that of butterflies, with the male pursuing the female in flight and mating with her after she alights. Although the female appears to solicit courtship by flying past a hovering male, and although the male becomes flaccid immediately after copulation, it is not true that the female flies directly at the male and knocks him out of the air, as is widely held by moth-collectors.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):398-402
When an unpaired male red-spotted newt encounters a male and female engaged in amplexus courtship, he attempts to displace the amplectant male, or ‘owner’, by wrestling with him. In this study, it was found that the amount of time an intruding male invests in wrestling is determined by both the size of the female, which seems to be a reliable indicator of her fecundity, and the length of the intruder relative to the owner. In 90% of all wrestling encounters observed, the owner retained the female. Successful displacement was rare and occurred only in encounters in which the intruder was at least as long as the owner. Similar contest behaviour in other amphibians is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Large numbers of males of the bee Centris pallida Fox have been observed patrolling areas in which females are emerging. Males locate specific sites at which a buried bee is about to emerge and dig down to meet the other individual, male or female. If it is a female, mating is initiated when she scrambles into the excavation pit created by the male. Males fight intensely with one another for possession of digging sites and for unburied virgin females. Experiments indicate that males locate conspecifics beneath the surface on the basis of extremely non-specific olfactory cues; they are capable of locating buried honey bees and other insects. The evolution of digging behaviour is traced to selection favouring males that are first to reach a virgin female which will mate just once in her lifetime. A number of examples are given of other insects that have evolved similar abilities, apparently in response to similar selection pressures.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of male disruptive behaviour on female mate choice and male mating success in the great snipe, Gallinago media, a lekking bird. Harassment from neighbouring males, a widespread behaviour in lekking animals, was the most prevalent cause of females leaving a male territory. Several lines of evidence show that females did not prefer to mate with males able to protect them from harassment. Males that obtained mating success were no less likely to suffer disruptions and females were no less likely to be disrupted when with their preferred male. Females returned to the male they later mated with, despite being repeatedly chased away by neighbours. The probability that an individual female returned and solicited mating from a male was 15 times higher for the male she was chased away from compared to the neighbour that chased her away. Females returned as often or more to the territory owner after being disrupted, compared to after leaving the territory without being harassed. Our results suggest that female great snipes are extremely choosy, but also that females do not gain direct benefits (harassment avoidance) by mating with certain males. Females appear to have neither direct nor indirect preferences for dominance that could give them such benefits: females appeared choosy despite, not because of, harassment. If females gain indirect benefits (genetically superior offspring) by being choosy, this is also likely to be unrelated to any dominance among males.  相似文献   

Mate recognition and location in Cicadellidae is mediated exclusively via substrate-borne vibrational signals. In the present study we investigated vibrational signals and mate searching behaviour of the leafhopper Aphrodes makarovi. We studied mating behaviour and exchange of vibrational signals between live insects and in playback experiments. Males emitted long and complex calling signals composed of several sections. Female reply was long and always overlapped the end of the male call. The exchange of male and female vibrational signals was a complex and dynamic interaction during which both partners modified their signals according to partner’s reply. The duration of female reply was influenced by the duration of the male call to which she was responding, while the duration of male call was influenced by the duration of the previous female reply. Such relationship suggests the role of sexual selection in the evolution of male vibrational signals.  相似文献   

Mate choice copying has been documented extensively in the laboratory with almost no supporting data available from studies in the wild. We investigated male and female mate choice copying in a wild population of the sailfin molly, a species that shows copying in the laboratory. We set up two upside-down plastic tanks in a river, with two jars of water on each tank. In male mate choice trials we placed a female in one jar and a male in the other on one tank and a female in one jar on the other tank, leaving the last jar empty. In female mate choice trials we presented a male and a female on one tank and a male and an empty jar on the other. Males preferred to associate with a female adjacent to a male rather than a lone female and females preferred to associate with a male adjacent to a female rather than a lone male. In two controls for shoaling behaviour we presented two males on one side of the set-up and one male on the other or two females versus one female. These controls showed that shoaling behaviour could not explain the male and female preference. Thus both sexes of the sailfin molly show mate choice copying in the wild, much as they do in laboratory studies. At least in this species, mate choice copying is not a laboratory artefact. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of Triturus cristatus is described. The first stage of sexual behaviour consists of an orientation phase in which the male approaches the female, sniffs her and moves in front of and perpendicular to her. The second stage is a prolonged period of static display with two different tail movements, called Fan and Lash, in 13.8 ± 1.3 bouts (x? ± SE) with intervals of 10.5 ± 0.3 s between bouts. Each bout contains 6.7 ± 0.3 regular Fan beats at a frequency of 0.5–0.8 Hz. This Fanning provides olfactory and mechanical stimulation to the female. 15% of bouts also contain a violent Lash, in which the male rapidly slaps the female's flank. Some Lashes are used to stop the female when she tries to move away. In the third stage of the sexual sequence, the male turns away, Creeps for 6.7 ± 0.3 s (x? ± SE) and then Quivers his tail. A receptive female follows and touches his tail, and the male deposits a spermatophore and then turns to one side with his tail folded along his flank in a position called Brake. The female now approaches again and the male steps away sideways in a movement called Rebrake. After several Rebrakes the male stops, the female touches his tail and the spermatophore may now be picked up in her cloaca. This sequence can be repeated several times during one encounter. This behaviour is discussed in relation to previous studies of courtship in this genus.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of four species of pill-millipedes under genus Arthrosphaera Pocock (Arthrosphaera dalyi Pocock and Arthrosphaera disticta Pocock, Arthrosphaera fumosa Pocock and Arthrosphaera magna Attems) endemic to the Western Ghats of Southern India was analyzed in mesocosms. Stridulation is a classical communication signal in males as well as females for mate selection. Conglobation (or volvation) is a mechanism of defence to protect from disturbance or avoid predation. If male touches female or vice versa they conglobate. To avoid disparity among individuals of the same species, volvating pill-millipedes evolved stridulation behaviour for communication. The male broadcasts appropriate signal to female through stridulation to advertise its interest in mating. The females test the male’s fitness by conglobation and suitable male uncoils the partner through stridulation signals. Male with its pygidium successfully uncoils the female and attains suitable orientation for courtship. Male pairs with female ventro–ventro contact in opposite direction to deposit sperm into the vulva of female. The duration of mating varies from species to species and usually a lapse from 3 to 30 min. Vibration generated by stridulation is species-specific and its perception mechanism in pill-millipedes is yet to be clearly understood. Present study emphasized the structure of stridulatory organs, mechanism of stridulation and pattern of mating behaviour in four species of pill-millipedes.  相似文献   

Yu TL  Lu X 《Zoological science》2010,27(11):856-860
The large-male mating advantage and size-assortative mating are two different size-based patterns, which deviate from random mating in toads. These two pairing patterns may arise due to female choice, male-male competition, male choice, or a combination of these. This study investigated the mating system of Minshan's toad (Bufo minshanicus) from three populations along an altitudinal gradient during two breeding reasons in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Our study shows that males found in amplexus with females were larger on average than non-amplectant males in two sites with higher operational sex ratios. Similarly, in those sites, males and females found in amplexus maintained an optimal size ratio. These data suggest that male-male competition leads to size-assortative mating in the lack of mate choice (female and male mate choice) by Minshan's toad, as larger males performed higher frequencies for taking-over other low quality ones with amplectant females.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is common in animals, and female sexual cannibalism represents an extreme form of sexual conflict. Males in many species have evolved a variety of strategies to circumvent or decrease the risk of female sexual cannibalism. Opportunistic mating, by which a male mates with a female when she is disturbed or when she is feeding or undertaking moulting, is one of such kinds of strategies, and widely occurs in many animals, especially in spiders. However, whether the occurrence of male opportunistic mating depends on the intensity of female sexual cannibalism remains largely unexplored. We predicted a positive correlation between them. In this study, we tested this prediction by performing a series of mating trials in the laboratory using 3 species of web-building spiders with different intensities of female sexual cannibalism: Nephila pilipes, Nephilengys malabarensis, and Parasteatoda tepidariorum. We found that the occurrence of male opportunistic mating was positively, though not statistically significantly, correlated with the intensity of female sexual cannibalism, thus supporting our hypothesis. All together, we provide evidence that male opportunistic mating may have evolved to respond to the selection pressure posed by female sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of learning is supported by studies showing its positive effects on mating behaviour, but they rarely go beyond fertilization success. Here we studied how learning contributes to qualitative reproductive investment, by testing the hypothesis that mating in the context that predicts male appearance has positive effects on female reproductive investment compared with unsignalled mating. Using Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), we found that effects of mating in the context predicting mating opportunity depend on female body condition and receptivity, while the outcome of unexpected mating depends on male behaviour. In particular, among females mated with the familiar male in the context predicting that he will appear, female condition positively affected the number of fertilized eggs and egg mass and more receptive females tended to produce more sons. Additionally, conditioned females laid heavier eggs for daughters than for sons. In contrast, in females that were mated unexpectedly and with a novel male, the number of fertilized eggs was highly dependent on male behaviour and was negatively related to maternal body condition. Egg mass was not related to body condition, and there were no indications of sex allocation. This is, to our knowledge, the first study demonstrating how female body condition and behaviour interact with the context of mating in shaping maternal reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Mate choice by females may be influenced by both advertizing traits of males, and behaviour of other females. Here, a simple genetic and behavioural model studies the advantages of mate‐choice copying. From a genetic point of view, a female preferring to copy others’ mate choice adopts a prudent strategy, because her offspring will inherit the same alleles from their father as the other young in the population. The model predicts that a female should copy others’ mate‐choice, unless she encounters a relatively more attractive male than the one she has observed mating, and the attractiveness of the male reflects his genotype. For low or moderate reliability of male signalling, mate‐copying is always predicted, even if the newcoming male is more attractive than the first male. This effect is attenuated, however, when the number of females that have already chosen the first male increases.  相似文献   

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