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In mid-Atlantic salt marshes, reproductively active male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, use a single greatly enlarged major claw as both a weapon to defend specialized breeding burrows from other males and an ornament to attract females for mating. During the summer breeding season, females strongly prefer to mate with males controlling burrows in open areas high on the shore. Food availability decreases while temperature and desiccation stress increase with increasing shore height, suggesting that the timing and location of fiddler crab mating activity may result in a potential trade-off between reproductive success and physiological condition for male crabs. We compared thermal preferences in laboratory choice experiments to body temperatures of models and living crabs in the field and found that from the perspective of a fiddler crab, the thermal environment of the mating area is quite harsh relative to other marsh microhabitats. High temperatures significantly constrained fiddler crab activity on the marsh surface, a disadvantage heightened by strongly reduced food availability in the breeding area. Nevertheless, when the chance of successfully acquiring a mate was high, males accepted a higher body temperature (and concomitantly higher metabolic and water loss rates) than when the chances of mating were low. Likewise, experimentally lowering costs by adding food and reducing thermal stress in situ increased fiddler crab waving display levels significantly. Our data suggest that fiddler crabs can mitigate potential life history trade-offs by tuning their behavior in response to the magnitude of both energetic and non-energetic costs and benefits.  相似文献   

1. General accounts of the natural history and behaviour of fiddler crabs suggest there exist two broad mating patterns in the genus. Most western and Indo-Pacific species mate on the surface of intertidal substrates near burrows females defend. The sexes associate only briefly during courtship and mating. In contrast, males of many American species court from and defend burrows to which females come for mating. Copulation occurs underground in burrows plugged at the surface; the sexes usually remain together for at least several hours. Here we summarize and contrast recent detailed field studies of the mating systems of U. pugilator, an American species, and U. vocans, a species widely distributed in the western and Indo-Pacific. We indicate how differences in the breeding ecology of these two species may account for basic differences in modes of sexual selection leading to the two broad mating patterns in the genus. 2. U. pugilator burrows in protected sandy substrates in the upper intertidal and supratidal zone. During ebb tide, nonbreeding crabs leave burrows they occupy during high tide to forage on food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone. Reproductively active males remain in the burrow zone where they fight for and defend burrows from which they court. Large males win most fights for burrows and tend to defend burrows high on the elevation gradient, especially during periods with relatively high tides. Females usually approach and descend the burrows of several males before choosing their mates by remaining in males' burrows. Males remain underground with their mates for 1–3 days until after they oviposit their eggs. Some males then emerge and leave their burrows while others sequester their mates in the chambers where mating and oviposition has occurred, dig new chambers and resume courtship, perhaps attracting additional females. In either case, females remain underground for approximately 2 weeks, finally emerging to release their planktonic larvae. Burrows that do not collapse due to tidal inundation or flooding by groundwater are best for breeding and usually are located relatively high on the elevation gradient. Females choose mates indirectly by preferring to breed in burrows that will remain intact while they oviposit and incubate their eggs. Large males mate more often than small males because they are better able to defend burrows at locations females prefer to breed. The mating system of U. pugilator may be classified as resource-defence polygyny. 3. U. vocans burrows in open muddy substrates in the mid- to lower intertidal zone. At a site near Chunda Bay, Australia, where the reproductive behaviour of this species has been studied in depth, both sexes feed near burrows they defend. Females tend to occupy their burrows for longer periods and move shorter distances than do males. Mating occurs on the surface near the burrows that females defend. Females accept both resident and wandering males as mates. They show no preference for mating with larger males. Female choice may be based on other male morphological or behavioural characteristics. Females oviposit their eggs either while on the surface or in their burrows. They produce relatively small clutches and are active on the surface throughout their breeding periods. Males fight both their neighbours and wandering males. Large males tend to win fights and defend burrows in areas where large females, which produce relatively many eggs, are most dense. Such areas may offer greater protection from predators than areas occupied by smaller females. Small males mate about as often as large males but may father fewer larvae. The mating system of U. vocans is resource-free and promiscuous. 4. The mating systems of U. pugilator and U. vocans differ fundamentally in that female U. pugilator require access to a specific microenvironment to breed successfully, while female U. vocans do not. We suggest this difference occurs because of contrasts in clutch sizes and the mobility and movement patterns of feeding females. Female U. pugilator produce relatively large clutches and probably experience more intense selection from factors that can cause egg loss and mortality than do U. oocans, which produce clutches of sufficiently small volume to be protected by their abdominal flaps. Hence, the range of suitable breeding environments for U. pugilator is small compared to that for U. vocans. In addition, U. pugilator burrows in areas that are relatively food-poor, leading to daily migrations to and from food-rich substrates in the lower intertidal zone, preventing female defence of an area suitable for both breeding and feeding. U. vocans, however, burrows in areas sufficiently rich to support feeding, leading to relatively low female mobility and defence of burrows that are also suitable breeding sites. 5. Adaptive radiation of the genus Uca in the Americas is manifest by trends toward smaller adult size, higher population densities, more frequent microgeographic sympatry and increased terrestriality, compared to species in the western and Indo-Pacific regions. We outline the general features of the selection mechanisms tying each of these trends to the evolution of resource—defence mating systems. Intraspecific variation in the courtship behaviour and site of mating in U. lactea and U. vocans supports our contention that resourse—defence behaviour tends to occur at high population densities. Additional data are needed to evaluate the other hypotheses critically.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs show two different mating modes: either females search and crabs mate underground in male burrows, or males search and crabs mate on the surface near female burrows. We explored the relationship between crab density, body size, the searching behavior of both sexes, and the occurrence of both mating modes in the fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis. We found that crabs change their mating mode depending on their size and crab density. Crabs mated mostly on the surface at low densities, and underground at high densities. The proportion of wandering receptive females but not courting males accounted for the variation in mating modes. This suggests that whether crabs mate underground (or on the surface) is determined by the presence (or absence) of searching females. We found that the change in the mating mode affected the level of assortative mating; males mating underground were bigger than those mating on the surface, suggesting active female choice. Given that fiddler crabs experience multiple reproductive cycles, they are prone to showing behavioral plasticity in their mating strategy whenever the payoffs of using different mating modes differ between reproductive events. Our results suggest that the incorporation of different levels of environmental variability may be important in theoretical models aimed at improving our understanding of the evolution of alternative mating tactics and strategies.  相似文献   

Non-biological ornamentation is found in the nests and burrows of different kinds of animals. We evaluated here whether sand hoods constructed by male fiddler crabs (Uca leptodactyla) are one of the signals used by males to attract females during courtship. We observed females when they were walking among the males, and we quantified the proportion of females that visited male burrows with and without ornamentation and the choice to stay in a male’s burrow. Females visited more burrows with hoods than burrows without hoods, and they chose significantly more builder males. Male investment in ornamentation nevertheless decreased when the proportion of females increased in the area. Male investment was not correlated with the proportion of non-builder males nearby, but was positively correlated with overall density. The density sex ratio, however, was more male-biased in high-density than in low-density areas suggesting that even if building attracts females, the function could be related to male competition for mates.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between sex, size and colour in the little studied Australian endemic semaphore crab, Heloecius cordiformis, and related it to the crabs' social system with the aim of identifying the potential signalling function of claw colour.Equal sampling of crabs from all size classes revealed a strong relationship between sex, size and claw colour. Purple-clawed males were larger and had larger claws than pink-, orange- or green-clawed males. Male claws showed positive allometric growth: relative to body size, purple-clawed males had larger claws. The largest females had pink claws; the few with purple claws were no larger than immature green-clawed crabs. Female claws grow isometrically with the body so the relative claw size did not differ among the female colour classes. Quantitative measurements of claw colour revealed spectral differences between these subjectively described colours. The purple claws typical of large males also contrasted more strongly against the mudflat background than the other colours.Heloecius copulate outside female-owned burrows and probably within male-owned burrows. The male's waving display, in which both claws are raised and lowered, may feature in both mating strategies: as a territorial display and to attract wandering females. Large males are competitively superior so size, and potentially colour, are important in territorial disputes and may also feature in mate choice.  相似文献   

Male Uca beebei court and attract females into burrows they defend on muddy sand flats in the intertidal zone on the Pacific coast of the tropical Americas. Mating, oviposition and incubation (breeding) occur underground in males' burrows. Some courting males build mud pillars (2 cm high) at the entrance of their burrow. The purpose of this field study was to assess the role of pillars in competitive courtship signaling among males. I studied the effect of pillars on female behavior by recording the responses of wandering females to courtship from males resident at burrows with and without pillars. I also caught females, released them individually in a circular arena with an equal number of empty burrows with and without pillars around its circumference, and chased the females with a simulated avian predator. Females moved to burrows of both types more often when they were courted (82%) than when they were chased (67%). Receptive females were attracted to the burrows of the males that courted them significantly more often (97%) when these burrows had pillars than when they lacked pillars (66%). However, once females entered males' burrows they were equally likely to remain, mate and breed in both types of burrows. Females also more often moved to burrows with pillars (66%) than to burrows without pillars when they ran from the simulated predator. Both male courtship displays and pillars probably provide cues females use to locate males' burrows. The visual similarity between pillars and a display courting males give immediately before they enter their burrows suggests that pillars are icons of the display. The effect of pillars on female behavior, the timing of pillar building relative to when females choose mates, and contrasts in the behavior of males that do and those that do not build pillars suggest that pillar building has evolved due to competition among males to attract females into their burrows.  相似文献   

The roles of sediment characteristics and the pattern of recruitment in influencing the abundance of the fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis on Argentinean mudflats were evaluated. The density of adult crabs showed a patchy distribution related to the sediment thickness (depth at which a layer of fossil shells are buried), but the density of juvenile crabs was not coupled with the density of adult crabs. In a field experiment, fossil shells were removed and the density of crabs significantly increased, which demonstrates that the presence of the layer of shells is a structure that may hinder the establishment of burrows. The density of crabs was related to sediment thickness, sediment torque and organic matter content. The importance of each of these variables was different for adult and juvenile crabs, indicating that the distribution of adult crabs may be caused by mechanisms affecting adult crabs themselves and is not established by the recruitment pattern. Moreover, in a field experiment, the density of juveniles decreased when adult crabs were added, and increased when adult crabs were removed.The morphology of burrows was related to sediment characteristics. Burrows were deeper, longer and more voluminous when sediment thickness was high. The volume of burrows decreased with increasing sediment torque. These results suggest that the morphology of burrows is related to the space available and the ease with which sediment it can be excavated. However, an important amount of variability remained unexplained, suggesting the presence of additional environmental variables or behavioural plasticity not considered by this study. Together, these results demonstrate that the spatial heterogeneity in the environmental factors can be translated to a spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of fiddler crabs.  相似文献   

Factors leading to the separation of mating behaviours were investigated in the sand-bubbler crab, Scopimera globosa. The crabs mated on the surface (surface copulation, SC) and underground (UC). UC males were large (old) whilst SC males were small (young). Burrowless females bred in the UC males' burrows. These females accepted UC in exchange for access to a burrow. UC occurred much more frequently than SC in the burrow area in which females oviposited. Most SC occurred in the water-saturated area affording a rich diet. SC was accepted by most large and small females in both areas and most UC by small females in the burrow area. SC was an alternative to UC for males in that there was a size dependence between types of copulation. These two mating behaviours involved different degrees of interaction with neighbouring males. Males attempting to carry a female to their burrows for UC were more often disturbed by other males than were males attempting SC. In the interaction for both UC and SC, larger males were likely to resist the disturbances. UC males needed their own burrows, but these burrows were not enlarged before mating. UC males have a higher paternity of eggs than SC males, because SC males' sperm is often displaced by other males. Thus, UC was a behaviour with relatively higher costs and benefits for male crabs than SC behaviour. Alternative mating behaviours in male S. globosa are conditional, and explained by intrasexual interactions and a male life history strategy with a trade-off between growth and reproduction. It is not likely that the size dependence of male mating behaviour is caused by mate preference of females for UC males in the burrow area.  相似文献   

Individuals can express boldness in their readiness to resume courtship signaling following a perceived threat. The degree of boldness that is selectively favored depends on the magnitude of costs and benefits that may vary across time and space. We examined within‐ and between‐individual variation in the boldness of courting male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, across an entire breeding season at a South Carolina (USA) salt marsh where courtship is restricted to supratidal embankments. Boldness was assessed by the time to re‐emergence and the number of re‐emergences of males who were purposely startled into their breeding burrows once every 3 min for a total of five times. The two measures of boldness were significantly positively correlated. Courting males are on average bolder when their density is high and when tidal conditions correspond to peaks in the number of females moving over the embankment surface. Time to re‐emergence increases with successive startles although some males consistently re‐emerge faster than others. Large males are not bolder than small males. When male density is high, nearest neighbors frequently re‐emerge at the same time, suggesting that males cue on the responses of other nearby males, perhaps by assessing substrate vibration. This may reduce the chance of losing a potential mate to a local competitor.  相似文献   

The activity pattern of intertidal crabs is influenced by factors that usually change rhythmically following tidal and/or diel cycles, and is often associated with the use of refuges. The movement activity of the burrowing crab Neohelice granulata was compared among three populations from SW Atlantic coastal areas where they face different tidal regimes, water salinities, substrata and biological factors. At each site, we examined the seasonal activity of the crabs (individuals collected in pitfall traps) in two types of habitat: mudflat and salt marsh. The working hypothesis is that the activity would vary according to the diverse environmental conditions encountered at geographical and local scales. Crab activity varied between sites and seasons showing to be more intense when habitats were covered by water. The most active groups were large males, followed by large non-ovigerous females. Ovigerous females were almost inactive. Most crabs were near or inside burrows at low tides in Mar Chiquita and Bahía Blanca, but they were active at both low and high tides in San Antonio during spring and summer. N. granulata were active in a wide range of temperatures: from 10 to 37 °C at low tides and at temperatures as low as 2 °C when covered by water. Differences of activity between mudflat and salt marsh varied among sites depending on flooding frequencies. Movement activity of N. granulata varied both in space and in time; crabs move under very different abiotic conditions (e.g., low or high tide, daylight or night, low and high temperature) and their movement may also be prevented or elicited by biotic conditions like burrow complexity, food quality and predation pressure. The wide set of conditions under which N. granulata can be active may explain why this is the only semiterrestrial crab inhabiting latitudes higher than 40°S in South America.  相似文献   

The interplay between a receiver's sensory system and a sender's courtship signals is fundamental to the operation of sexual selection. Male courtship signals that match a female receiver's preexisting perceptual biases can be favored yet the message they communicate is not always clear. Do they simply beacon the male's location or also indicate his quality? We explored this question in a species of fiddler crab Uca terpsichores that courts under elevated predation risk and that mates and breeds underground in the safety of males' burrows. Sexually receptive females leave their own burrows and are thereby exposed to avian predators as they sequentially approach several courting males before they choose one. Males court by waving their single greatly enlarge claw and sometimes by building a sand hood next to their burrow entrance. Hoods are attractive because they elicit a risk‐reducing orientation behavior in females, and it has been suggested that claw waving may also serve primarily to orient the female to the male. If the wave communicates male quality, then females should discriminate mates on the basis of variation in elements of the wave, as has been shown for other fiddler crabs. Alternatively, variation in elements of the claw waving display may have little effect on the display's utility as a beacon of the location of the male and his burrow. We filmed courting males and females under natural conditions as females responded to claw waving and chose mates. Analysis of the fine‐scale courtship elements between the males that females rejected and those they chose revealed no differences. When predation risk during courtship is high, males' courtship displays may serve primarily to guide females to safe mating and breeding sites and not as indicators of male quality apart from their roles as beacons.  相似文献   

The enlarged (major) claw of male fiddler crabs is used in contestsover breeding burrows and is waved to attract females. We recentlydiscovered that males of the red-jointed fiddler crab, Uca minax,also use the claw to kill smaller-sized fiddler crabs, U. pugnaxand U. pugilator, with which they co-occur in Atlantic coastsalt marshes. Large U. minax males use walking legs or the enlargedclaw to capture prey feeding on moist sand flats. On sand flats,small U. minax males and females are much less common than largemales, suggesting that large males move onto sand flats to seekprey. Males of prey species use the major claw against attackingpredators and, consequently, are more likely than females toescape. In laboratory experiments, large U. minax males weremore likely to attack and kill small-clawed males and femalesthan large-clawed males, consistent with a preference for morevulnerable, less threatening prey. The size of the major clawis a positive allometric function of body size. The allometricfunction varies little among species. Also, the mechanical advantageand indices of closing speed and closing force of the majorclaw, when corrected for body size, are not consistently greaterin U. minax relative to prey species. Thus, predation by U.minax males may reflect the opportunity afforded by larger bodysize and positive allometric growth, which result in a majorclaw that is more massive than the prey it is directed against.  相似文献   

The fiddler crab, Uca beebei, lives in individually defended burrows, in mixed-sex colonies on intertidal mud flats. Avian predation is common, especially of crabs unable to escape into burrows. Mating pairs form in two ways. Females either mate on the surface at their burrow entrance (''surface mating'') or leave their own burrow and sequentially enter and leave (''sample'') courting males'' burrows, before staying in one to mate underground (''burrow mating''). We tested whether perceived predation risk affects the relative frequency of these mating modes. We first observed mating under natural levels of predation during one biweekly, semi-lunar cycle. We then experimentally increased the perceived predation risk by attracting grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus) to each half of the study site in two successive biweekly cycles. In each experimental cycle, crabs were significantly less likely to mate on the side with more birds. Moreover, on the side with elevated predation risk, the number of females leaving burrows to sample was greatly reduced relative to the number of females that surface-mated. Males waved less and built fewer mud pillars, which attract females, when birds were present. We discuss several plausible proximate explanations for these results and the effect of changes in predation regime on sexual selection.  相似文献   

Describe reproductive behavior and mating system of the clown goby from field observations. Clown gobies exhibit a loosely haremic mating system. Pairs construct burrows at the base of cattails, the roots of which provide structural support and a spawning substrate. Larger males monopolize multiple burrows, each with an individual female. After spawning, males camouflage burrow entrances with sand and females brood developing young for 4 days. Males continue to guard the covered nests in 50% of observed brooding periods. Burrows are also used as shelter from predators. Both sexes confront intruders but only males exhibit a distinct color response to juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, the most significant predator. The male color response appeared to mimic the color of adult blue crabs, a known predator of juvenile crabs, perhaps acting as a deterrent. The presence of the predatory blue crab may require one parent to perform deterrent displays, promoting female care in this mating system.  相似文献   

Denson K. McLain  Ann E. Pratt 《Oikos》2010,119(3):508-513
Males of the sand fiddler crab Uca pugilator possess a greatly enlarged claw that is used as a weapon in ritualized contests for control of breeding burrows and is waved to attract females to breeding burrows. Approximately 5400 crabs were collected along the Atlantic coast of North America at 14 localities, all of which had both beach and salt marsh habitats. Five measurements were made on each claw. Principal components analysis was used to generate a single measure of claw size from the seven correlated measures and scores of the claw. Carapace width was measured to index body size. Claw size was greater in beach than marsh habitats, controlling for body size. However, body size did not differ by habitat type. Claw size was also greater in laboratory‐reared males receiving more food, suggesting that differential access to food could influence habitat‐associated differences in claw size. Chlorophyll a concentration and total organic content, reflecting, respectively, the abundance of benthic algae and other food, were greater in beach than marsh habitats. Moreover, feeding opportunities were greater in the wetter beach habitat because crabs there, but not in marsh habitat, can feed at breeding burrows. Adult fiddler crabs continue to molt and grow in both body and claw size as they age. Energetic investment in the claw relative to the body is plastic. It appears that the availability of food can affect the amount of energy invested in the claw.  相似文献   

Male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, wave a claw to attract females to a breeding burrow. The effect of claw size on the likelihood of attracting mate-seeking females is little studied although in some other species females preferentially approach larger males. We used paired mirrors to reflect different sized images of the same male in a South Carolina (USA) back-beach habitat. Use of mirrors controlled for waving rate (but not velocity), waving motion, claw color, and claw shape. Female choice was attributed to instances in which a female contacted one of two mirrors. Paired mirrors were inclined toward one another in an arena defined by blinds and containing a single male. Two reflections of the male were visible to females moving approximately 50 cm toward the mirrors. The male was behind a small internal blind and not directly visible. In one-half of the trials, a non-magnifying mirror was placed at the bottom of mirrors so that only the elevated claw was magnified. Thus, body and burrow size and apparent distance were controlled. Receptive females preferred the larger reflection whether or not the body of the male was magnified, suggesting the importance of claw size. Non-receptive females did not exercise a choice. Control arenas, without a male, rarely attracted females. The results suggest that females choose on the basis of claw size. Selection on females may favor response to larger-clawed males because use of the claw in contests between males over burrows maintains the honesty of claw size as a signal of burrow quality.  相似文献   

We describe the mating behaviour of males of Centris (Paracentris) burgdorfi, a solitary, univoltine bee, with a wide distribution in Brazil. We also describe the unusual sleeping sites of males and females. The study was performed during two breeding seasons, in northeastern Brazil, where the species nests in aggregations in petrified dunes. Data on mating behaviour were collected through direct observations of the bees at the nesting-emergence site. Males compete intensely for virgin females in the morning, sometimes killing rivals. The high competition for females near the nesting site makes that the male has to take the female to another place to get genital contact. In the evening, males do not use plants to spend the night, instead they aggregate in sleeping clusters inside old burrows in the nesting-emergence area while females sleep in groups on plants that provide the floral oil used in nest construction.  相似文献   

Do predator-prey ‘waiting games’ where prey hide from potential predators have inherently unstable evolutionary outcomes, making it impossible to generate quantitative predictions about hiding times? Fiddler crabs, Uca lactea perplexa, respond to potential predators by retreating into their burrows. Time inside the burrow during unprovoked retreats during normal activity provides a ‘null model’ to test whether sex, tidal cycle and body size affect hiding time from potential predators. Using experimentally created predator-like stimuli we found that males hid for significantly longer than females, and larger crabs of both sexes also hid for longer. This differs from burrow use during unprovoked retreats, suggesting hiding time varies depending on the potential risk of predation on re-emergence. If risk prior to hiding predicts risk on emergence, the closer the proximity of a predator-like stimulus when first encountered the longer crabs should hide. We confirmed this experimentally (stimuli at 0.5 versus 2.5 m). Finally, we tested whether males hide for longer when a predator-like stimulus approaches them directly rather than tangentially. None of three pairwise comparisons was statistically significant, but crabs hid less as the angle of approach became more tangential. These results suggest prey can use stimuli prior to hiding to predict predation risk on re-emergence, but studies on predators are required to test this claim. Finally, theoretical models must explain why hiding time has a lognormal distribution and low variance such that a predator can predict when most prey will re-emerge. For example, 95% of crabs re-emerged within 2.3 min of hiding. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The effects of males, field, and laboratory conditions on the receptivity of females were tested in the New Zealand purple rock crab Hemigrapsus sexdentatus. Onset and duration of female receptivity is of interest because it influences the time available for mating and therefore the operational sex ratio (OSR), male-male competition, and the extent of sperm competition. Females were receptive once a year for a short time prior to oviposition. The breeding season was highly synchronised and lasted for about 3 weeks (from the end of March to mid-April; southern autumn), after which, almost all females carried eggs. We found few receptive females in the field (0% to 4.9%) during the breeding season despite a large number of crabs examined (935 in 1999 and 555 in 2000), suggesting that females are receptive for less than a day. The onset of the breeding season was the same for the wild crabs and those held in field cages, but the duration of receptivity increased to several days for caged females. The onset of the breeding season of females in the laboratory was earlier compared to females in the field and had, overall, a longer breeding season. Females isolated from males stayed receptive significantly longer (5.5 days) than females caged with males (3.3 days), suggesting that the duration of female receptivity is adjusted according to the presence or absence of males. Our results suggest that females have some control over their receptivity in relation to male presence, and this could influence the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Brood size and other life-history traits of females affect male investment in mating. Female Uca tetragonon, producing relatively small broods, were attracted to the burrows of males for underground mating (UM) while carrying eggs. Most UM females released larvae and ovulated new broods during the pairing, averaging 3.9 days. While a female was incubating one brood, another brood was developing within the ovaries because the females were feeding adequately during incubation. These findings suggest that in U. tetragonon, a small-brood species, females increase the total number of broods produced by breeding continually. In contrast, in large-brood species, feeding by ovigerous females is relatively brief and not enough to prepare the next brood during incubation, inducing temporal separation between incubation and brood production. Unlike females in other ocypodids where females with large broods remain in the breeding burrows of males, most female U. tetragonon left the male after UM. Wandering in female U. tetragonon after the pairs separate may occur because their small broods are adequately protected by an abdominal flap. Relative brood size probably determines the vulnerability of the incubated broods to the females' surface behavior. Hence, male reproductive success in large-brood species may decrease greatly if males expel their mates after ovulation, although this is not necessarily so in small-brood species. Whether the male drives away the female or not may depend on which behavior within either small- or large-brood species yields the greater male reproductive success. In U. tetragonon some females extruded eggs in their own burrows after surface mating as well as in males' burrows after UM. It was unclear whether females chose a male with a larger burrow as an UM mate unlike several large-brood species. Burrows of both UM males and ovigerous females in U. tetragonon were relatively smaller than those in some large-brood species, indicating that incubation of small broods does not require large burrows. Rather than benefits of UM by female choice, wandering resulting from intersexual conflict, and sperm competition may explain why some females mate in males' burrows in this small-brood species.  相似文献   

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