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We investigated the electrolocation performance of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, in novel and familiar environments. By selectively interfering with the fish's sensory input, we determined the sensory channels necessary for navigation and orientation. The fish's task was to locate a circular aperture (diameter: 64 mm) in a wall dividing a 200–1 aquarium into two equal compartments. To assess the fish's performance, we measured (1) the time it took the fish to locate the aperture, (2) the height at which it contacted the divider, (3) its electric organ discharge rate, and (4) the frequency of divider crossings. In the first experiment (novel environment), 50 naive G. petersii assigned to five groups of 10 fish each (intact, blind, electrically “silent,” blind and “silent,” and shamoperated animals) were tested with the aperture presented randomly in one of three positions (aperture center: 7.6, 17.7, 27.8 cm from the bottom). In a novel environment, G. petersii depend on active electrolocation. Despite the changing aperture position, over the 15 trials, fish with a functioning electric organ found the aperture, whereas those without one did not. The electric organ discharge rate was inversely correlated with the amount of time spent searching for the aperture. In a second experiment (familiar environment) 20 intact fish learned the position of a fixed aperture. When we subsequently denervated the electric organ in 10 of these animals, their performance did not differ significantly from that of their conspecifics. Thus, once the fish were familiar with the aperture's position, they no longer depended on active electrolocation. We interpret and discuss this behavior as evidence for a “central expectation” and discuss its possible role in electronavigation.  相似文献   

We investigated the electric organ discharge (EOD) activity of the mormyrid fish Brienomyrus niger during social encounters. The fish were contained in porous ceramic shelters and tested alone and in pairs in an experimental tank designed to restrict communication to the electrosensory modality. We moved one fish toward and away from a stationary conspecific, beginning at a distance known to be outside the range of communication (250 cm). Baseline EOD activity was recorded prior to interaction and categorized as ‘variable’, ‘regular’, and ‘scallop’. When moved closer together, the fish modulated this baseline activity in four ways: (1) At 100–130 cm apart, the stationary fish emitted a maximum of sudden EOD rate increases which defined the outer limit of its communication range. (The associated Electric Field Gradient was 1 μV/cm). (2) Long EOD cessations, which we called social silence, lasted from 5–130 s and occurred most frequently when the fish were 36 to 55 cm apart (EFG: 100 μV/cm). The duration of social silence was negatively correlated (r = ? 0.862) with the responding fish's size, and was independent of the partner's sex and size. Fish whose EOD baseline pattern was ‘scallop’ were least likely to fall electrically silent, and those that were categorized as ‘regular’ or ‘variable’ were most likely to cease discharging. (3) Within electrolocation range, fish ‘regularized’ their EOD activity while the partner was ‘silent’ (EFG: 1 mV/cm). (4) Following long EOD cessations the fish resumed discharging with characteristic EOD rebound patterns. The possible ethological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Brown ghost knife fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, produce a continuous electric organ discharge (EOD) that they use for communication. While interacting aggressively, males also emit brief EOD modulations termed chirps. The simplicity of this behaior and its underlying neural circuitry has made it an important model system in neuroethology. Chirping is typically assayed by confining a fish in a tube (‘chirp chamber’) and presenting it with sine wave electrical stimuli that partially mimic EODs of other fish. We presented male fish with progressively more realistic social stimuli to examine whether some of the stimulus complexities during dyadic interaction influence the production of chirps. In a chirp chamber, fish chirped less to a recording of an EOD containing chirps than to a recording of an EOD alone and to sine wave stimuli. Free‐swimming fish chirped more to stimulus fish than to sine wave stimuli presented through electrodes. Fish chirped more when interacting directly than when interacting across a perforated barrier. Together, these studies demonstrate that the presence of chirps, electric field complexity, and/or non‐electric social stimuli are important in eliciting chirp production in brown ghosts.  相似文献   

The electric organ discharges (EODs) of Marcusenius senegalensis, a West African freshwater fish, are bipolar pulses of short duration (220 ± SE 13 μs). In males (n = 10; 10.1–13.1 cm standard length — which is around the size of getting mature), the duration of EOD pulses was of significantly greater variance than in females (n = 9; 9.8–12.8 cm standard length). Male EODs also showed a tendency for a longer duration than female EODs. Groups of three as well as of 14 M. senegalensis formed temporary schools in a ‘naturally’ equipped 720-1 tank. While swimming slowly in a loose school during their nocturnal active phase, fish discharged in irregular long-short-long inter-EOD interval patterns. Near neighbours displayed a tendency to discharge in intervals of similar duration (nearest neighbour distance < 1/2 fish length). On removal of a plastic partition that had separated a pair of fish for at least 3 days, mutual threat displays followed by fighting were observed. During threatening, the fish alternated regularly between bursts of a high discharge rate and short discharge breaks; the rate of change was 4/s. The subdominant animal in a group of two was attacked frequently and often ceased discharging when the dominant fish approached. Courtship behaviour involving gonadally mature fish was accompanied by high-discharge-rate displays with intervals of constant duration in both fish, and the reciprocal display of ‘preferred’ EOD latencies in the 12 ms range. The results demonstrate electric communication by distinct inter-discharge interval patterns in the social behaviour of this mormyrid fish.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):333-339
We investigated group cohesion in four species of African weakly electric fish (Brienomyrus niger, Gnathonemus petersii, Marcusenius cyprinoides and Pollimyrus isidori). The attraction among members of the same and different species served as the criterion for species recognition. To identify possible mechanisms underlying this ability, conspecifics were allowed to interact through a wide-meshed plastic screen with either a pair of confined conspecifics or a pair from a related species. Members of each of the four test species were optimally attracted to their own kind, but also responded selectively to the presence of the other species. These interspecific interactions ranged from attraction to avoidance. The difference in the fish's preference to aggregate in inter- and intraspecific interactions pointed to species-specific social cues that facilitate group cohesion in mormyrid fish. Since all four species respond to each other's electric organ discharge with changes in their own discharge rate, species recognition cannot be merely a function of electroreceptor characteristics but must involve the integration of electroreceptive and other sensory cues.  相似文献   

A characteristic electric organ discharge display in social encounters between mormyrid fish is a temporary discharge cessation. Using this response, we have investigated the useful range of electrocommunication under different water conductivity conditions in the mormyrid Brienomyrus niger. An individual fish was confined to a porous ceramic shelter tube and moved from a starting distance of 380 cm toward a similarly confined conspecific until discharge, cessation occurred. The moved fish was subsequently returned to its original, position. Water conductivity affects the peak-to-peak source voltage of the electric organ and the sensitivity of the fish's electroreceptors. Within a range of 10 to 36 000 μS/cm, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the electric organ discharge declined as a power function. At 120 μS/cm, the amplitude was 50%, and at 300μS/cm, 30% of the 10 μS/cm value. The interfish distance at which discharge cessation occurred and the associated electric field gradients were dependent on water conductivity and upon the spatial orientation of the two fish (end-to-end or parallel orientations of their shelter tubes). The respective ranges were from 135 cm and 0.02 mV/cm at 52 μS/cm (parallel orientation) to 22 cm and 0.36 mV/cm at 678 μS/cm (end-to-end orientation). When the data for both tube orientations were combined, the relationship between water conductivity (x) and the distance at which discharge cessation occurred (y) could be expressed by a power function, y=K·xa (with K=102.97 and a=?0.56). When an electrically ‘silent’ fish was moved away from its conspecific, a discharge resumption in the form of a high-frequency rebound occasionally effected changes in the other fish's discharge activity at distances up to 157 cm (with an associated electric, field gradient of 0.01 mV/cm under the lowest conductivity condition).  相似文献   

Wright D  Krause J 《Nature protocols》2006,1(4):1828-1831
This protocol details a method for constructing and using both a holding tank and a test tank to assess the shoaling tendency of zebrafish and other teleosts. The test tank consists of a central compartment with two side compartments, one of which contains a shoal of stimulus fish. The focal fish is released and the amount of time spent associating with the stimulus shoal is recorded over a 10-min period. A holding tank enables individual fish to be accurately retested with a minimum of stress. Testing takes around 15 min per fish.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish, Gathonemus niger, discharged with a frequency of 4 to 8 Hz during the day and 10 to 16 Hz during the night. The frequency of superimposed burst discharges (32 to 56 Hz) was independent of diurnal factors. The variation of the electric organ discharge frequency during the day was investigated in response to controlled electric stimulus patterns: (a) A free running stimulus frequency of 4 Hz, simulating the resting frequency of another fish, and different stimulus intensities, simulating different distances between two fish. (b) Free running frequencies of 4, 8, 16, …, 128 Hz and two particular stimulus intensities. (c) Discharge coupled stimuli (each discharge triggered an electric stimulus with a fixed delay) and different stimulus intensities.All three kinds of stimuli elicited defined and predictable response discharge patterns supporting the assumption that an electric fish would respond to a particular discharge pattern of another fish also in a similar and predictable manner. Low stimulus intensities (0·04 to 0·2 mV per cm) caused cessation of the discharge activity, a ‘hiding’ or ‘listening’ response. The discharge rate increased linearly with the logarithm of the stimulus intensity. The fish was particularly sensitive to stimulus frequencies which simulated its burst activity (32 to 56 Hz). Discharge coupled stimuli showed that the fish responded to about eight times lower stimulus intensities if the stimulus occurred between two discharges (15 to 30 m-s after the fish's discharge) than if the stimulus occurred within or immediately after the discharge. All suprathreshold stimuli elicited a typical discharge pattern: The irregular resting discharge activity became significantly regular. The degree of regularity was even improved during maintained stimulation. The regularisation of the discharge activity is thought to be involved in the fish's electrolocating system whereas frequency variations are considered as being involved in both the locating system and as communication signals among weakly electric fish.  相似文献   

Female communication behaviors are often overlooked by researchers in favor of male behaviors, which are usually more overt and easier to elicit. Very little is known about female electrocommunication behaviors in brown ghost knifefish, a weakly electric wavetype Gymnotiform fish. Most behavioral studies have focused on males, and fish are usually restrained and played a stimulus near their own electric organ discharge frequency to evoke chirps (abrupt short-term frequency rises) or the jamming avoidance response. Our study focuses on categorizing and describing spontaneous and evoked electric organ discharge modulations in free-swimming female fish that were either electrically coupled to tanks containing a conspecific (male or female), or left isolated. Cluster analysis of signals produced under isolated and social conditions revealed three categories of rises: short rise, medium rise and long rise; and one category of frequency decrease (dip). Females produce significantly more short rises when electrically coupled to tanks containing lower-frequency females, and produce more long rises when electrically coupled to tanks containing males. Short rises may have an intrasexual aggressive function, while long rises may serve as an advertisement of status or reproductive condition in intersexual interactions.  相似文献   

Interactions among animals can result in complex sensory signals containing a variety of socially relevant information, including the number, identity, and relative motion of conspecifics. How the spatiotemporal properties of such evolving naturalistic signals are encoded is a key question in sensory neuroscience. Here, we present results from experiments and modeling that address this issue in the context of the electric sense, which combines the spatial aspects of vision and touch, with the temporal aspects of audition. Wave-type electric fish, such as the brown ghost knifefish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, used in this study, are uniquely identified by the frequency of their electric organ discharge (EOD). Multiple beat frequencies arise from the superposition of the EODs of each fish. We record the natural electrical signals near the skin of a "receiving" fish that are produced by stationary and freely swimming conspecifics. Using spectral analysis, we find that the primary beats, and the secondary beats between them ("beats of beats"), can be greatly influenced by fish swimming; the resulting motion produces low-frequency envelopes that broaden all the beat peaks and reshape the "noise floor". We assess the consequences of this motion on sensory coding using a model electroreceptor. We show that the primary and secondary beats are encoded in the afferent spike train, but that motion acts to degrade this encoding. We also simulate the response of a realistic population of receptors, and find that it can encode the motion envelope well, primarily due to the receptors with lower firing rates. We discuss the implications of our results for the identification of conspecifics through specific beat frequencies and its possible hindrance by active swimming.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the response to environmental challenges depends partly on innate reaction norms, partly on experience-based cognitive/emotional evaluations that individuals make of the situation. The goal of this study was to investigate whether pre-existing differences in behaviour predict the outcome of such assessment of environmental cues, using a conditioned place preference/avoidance (CPP/CPA) paradigm. A comparative vertebrate model (European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax) was used, and ninety juvenile individuals were initially screened for behavioural reactivity using a net restraining test. Thereafter each individual was tested in a choice tank using net chasing as aversive stimulus or exposure to familiar conspecifics as appetitive stimulus in the preferred or non preferred side respectively (called hereafter stimulation side). Locomotor behaviour (i.e. time spent, distance travelled and swimming speed in each tank side) of each individual was recorded and analysed with video software. The results showed that fish which were previously exposed to appetitive stimulus increased significantly the time spent on the stimulation side, while aversive stimulus led to a strong decrease in time spent on the stimulation side. Moreover, this study showed clearly that proactive fish were characterised by a stronger preference for the social stimulus and when placed in a putative aversive environment showed a lower physiological stress responses than reactive fish. In conclusion, this study showed for the first time in sea bass, that the CPP/CPA paradigm can be used to assess the valence (positive vs. negative) that fish attribute to different stimuli and that individual behavioural traits is predictive of how stimuli are perceived and thus of the magnitude of preference or avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

In gregarious species, social interactions maintain group cohesion and the associated adaptive values of group living. The understanding of mechanisms leading to group cohesion is essential for understanding the collective dynamics of groups and the spatio-temporal distribution of organisms in environment. In this view, social aggregation in terrestrial isopods represents an interesting model due to its recurrence both in the field and in the laboratory. In this study, and under a perturbation context, we experimentally tested the stability of groups of woodlice according to group size and time spent in group. Our results indicate that the response to the disturbance of groups decreases with increases in these two variables. Models neglecting social effects cannot reproduce experimental data, attesting that cohesion of aggregation in terrestrial isopods is partly governed by a social effect. In particular, models involving calmed and excited individuals and a social transition between these two behavioural states more accurately reproduced our experimental data. Therefore, we concluded that group cohesion (and collective response to stimulus) in terrestrial isopods is governed by a transitory resting state under the influence of density of conspecifics and time spent in group. Lastly, we discuss the nature of direct or indirect interactions possibly implicated.  相似文献   

This paper is the first detailed analysis of situation-specific temporal patterning of electric organ discharges (EODs) in a strong electric fish. Using a resident-intruder paradigm EODs were recorded during interactions between dyads composed of Malapterurus electricus (Gmelin) and four different types of fish: (1) conspecifics; (2) large prey-type mid-water fish, goldfish ( Carassius auratus , Linnaeus 1758) and tilapia ( Oreochromis melanotheron , Rüppel, 1852); (3) a sympatric competitor, Polypterus palmas (Ayres 1850) and (4) a larger, threatening catfish, Clarias sp.
An analysis of the EODs emitted showed that in the presence of conspecifics the average EOD volley consisted of a single long-duration, low frequency train of EODs. The presence of the midwater fish (goldfish and Tilapia) elicited volleys consisting of two short trains, and P. palmas elicited long duration volleys with two trains and long inter-train intervals. Finally, an attacking Clarias resulted on average in volleys consisting of two high-frequency trains of EODs. With nonconspecific partner species resident electric catfish emitted volleys with more pulses, more trains that were longer in duration and higher in frequency than the EODs in volleys emitted by intruder electric catfish with the same species stimulus fish.  相似文献   

群体成员大小差异对不同生境鲤科鱼类集群行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究群体成员大小差异对不同喜好生境鱼类集群行为特征的影响, 实验分别以鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象, 比较分析4尾等大小(E)和不等大小(2大2小, NE)实验鱼群体的自发游泳速度、空间分布以及对恐吓刺激反应等集群行为参数的差异。结果显示: (1)和鳊相比, 中华倒刺鲃有更高的自发游泳速度、速度同步性和排列方向的极性, 但二者对恐吓刺激的反应率及反应的协调一致性相似; (2)当群体成员大小出现差异时, 两种鱼群体排列方向的极性不受影响, 且大小个体成员间的速度及其同步性均没有差异, 但整体的速度同步性与等大小群体相比有所下降; (3)个体间距离数据显示, 个体大小差异不会影响两种鱼群体的凝聚力; (4)群体成员在两种鱼群中偏好位置不同, 当群体成员大小不同时, 大个体成员更偏好占据领头鱼位置; (5)群体成员大小的差异导致两种鱼对刺激的反应率下降。研究表明: 中华倒刺鲃具有更高的活跃性、更好的群体运动的协调性, 可能与其流水生境相关; 当群体成员大小出现差异时, 成员不分大小在整体上协调运动的速度和方向, 并保持群体有较高的凝聚力, 但两种鱼类自发游泳速度调整策略截然不同(鳊大小个体速度妥协趋同, 而中华倒刺鲃低速个体速度提高); 群体成员大小差异导致鱼群对恐吓刺激的反应率有所下降, 可能原因包括体形差异导致的社会因素造成敏锐性下降、信息交流效率受阻和(或)集群收益代价出现分化影响一致决策的形成等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply a real time activity-dependent protocol to study how freely swimming weakly electric fish produce and process the timing of their own electric signals. Specifically, we address this study in the elephant fish, Gnathonemus petersii, an animal that uses weak discharges to locate obstacles or food while navigating, as well as for electro-communication with conspecifics. To investigate how the inter pulse intervals vary in response to external stimuli, we compare the response to a simple closed-loop stimulation protocol and the signals generated without electrical stimulation. The activity-dependent stimulation protocol explores different stimulus delivery delays relative to the fish’s own electric discharges. We show that there is a critical time delay in this closed-loop interaction, as the largest changes in inter pulse intervals occur when the stimulation delay is below 100 ms. We also discuss the implications of these findings in the context of information processing in weakly electric fish.  相似文献   

Observations of the behavioural responses of near-shore marine scavengers to fish carrion were made at two depths (1–2 m, 16–18 m). Gobies and juvenile whelks were the most numerous scavengers, but appeared to consume little biomass. The first scavengers to appear at carrion (seconds/minutes) were swimming forms, later (minutes) joined by fast-moving, crawling portunid crabs. Large scavengers (crabs/starfish/catsharks) arrived after tens of minutes/hours. Scavengers were ‘direct feeders’ on the bait (crabs and some fish) or ‘indirect feeders’ (gobies and whelks) on scraps generated by direct feeders. Scavengers spent little time in aggression. While fish spent relatively low proportions of their time feeding (e.g. Lipophrys pholis: 2.2–15.8%), crabs fed almost continuously (e.g. Carcinus maenas: 97.8–99.3%) before leaving baits. Crab presence depressed fish feeding. Crabs were wasteful feeders that macerated the baits, generating scraps for indirect feeders and attracting more scavengers. Large scavengers consumed most bait.  相似文献   

The electric organ discharges (EODs) of pairs of weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, were simultaneously recorded to study the significance of the EODs as communication signals. In a 400-litre tank a larger fish (12 to 15 cm) was passively moved within a shelter tube toward a smaller specimen (6 to 9 cm), either in steps or a continuous move. The movement was stopped at that distance when at least one fish significantly lowered or ceased its EOD activity. From this ‘threshold interfish distance’ the spatial range of a ‘communication field’ was found to extend about 30 cm from the fish. At threshold distances an EOD frequency increase caused a temporary EOD activity cessation in the second fish. The spontaneous irregular EOD pattern of the fish displaying the increased EOD rate changed into a regular one with almost equal time intervals between fish pulses.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms and functions of shoal choice in relation to nutritional state in the zebrafish. Single fish that had been well fed or food deprived for 2 days were presented with a choice between two stimulus shoals. Food-deprived test fish showed a significant preference for well-fed stimulus fish over food-deprived ones whereas well-fed test fish did not exhibit any significant preference. Subsequent experiments showed that food-deprived test fish had a significantly higher foraging success in shoals consisting of well-fed individuals than in ones that comprised food-deprived fish. No difference in the locomotory behaviour of food-deprived and well-fed stimulus fish was found with respect to the proportion of time spent swimming (as opposed to being motionless), the proportion of time spent in the upper part of the test tank and the number of sharp turns. However, body weight, stomach width (measured directly behind the pectoral girdle) and ventro-dorsal height significantly decreased over a 48-h food-deprivation period. The potential use of the latter factors for the recognition of food-deprived individuals is discussed. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The data presented support the hypothesis that the flow field supplies the stimulus to the lateral line organ (LLO) in blind cave fish (Anoptichthys jordani). Two basic predictions from the theoretical analysis of the flow field were confirmed: (i) individual blind cave fish prefer particular swimming velocities, (ii) the velocity preferred depends on the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the fish, i.e. the smaller the CSA the higher the swimming velocity. This relationship was found also in experimentally blinded fish of other species. Furthermore, when placed in unfamiliar surroundings, blind cave fish swim at higher velocities than in familiar surroundings for a certain habituation period. The boundary layer which surrounds the fish attenuates the amplitude of the hydrodynamic stimulus because of its damping properties. Computations of the current velocity distribution within the boundary layer indicate that the stimulus for freestanding neuromasts is considerable even during swimming in open water.  相似文献   

Four different swimming behaviours of the backswimmer, Anisops deanei, each characterized by a different angular position of the metathoracic legs and speed, are described along with the effect of water temperature and density on (1) the number of each behaviour exhibited and (2) total time spent swimming, per unit time. Generally, as density increased the swimming activity in each behaviour decreased while as temperature increased swimming activity increased. The direction of the effects were the same when total time spent swimming per unit time was examined. Nearest neighbour analysis showed that A. deanei form obvious aggregations in laboratory tanks as density increases, and this effect remains significant at least to the third neighbour. Density had a significant effect on neighbour distances whereas temperature did not. It was hypothesized that the primary function of these aggregations, which are also commonly observed in the field, is an anti-predator behaviour. Laboratory experiments using models of a common sit-and-wait predator of A. deanei, showed that although the encounter rate increased with both water temperature and density the observed encounter rate at the higher densities was significantly less than expected with a random distribution of prey. It is suggested that this defence effect would also exist with more mobile predators like fish.  相似文献   

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