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Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Chloride deicing salt stress usually coincides with the event of freeze–thaw, and the short-term adaptation of Dongmu-70 Secale cereale L. seedlings to...  相似文献   

β-1,3-glucan is a major component of fungal cell walls with various biological activities, including effects on the production of inflammatory mediators in vivo and in vitro. However, few reports have examined its influence on the fungal cell itself. In this study, the influences of β-1,3-glucan on the growth and cell wall structure of fungi was examined. Aspergillus fumigatus was cultured with a synthetic medium, C-limiting medium, in the presence or absence of β-1,3-glucan. Hyphal growth was promoted in liquid and solid-cultures by adding β-1,3-glucan. Glucose and dextran did not induce growth. The influence on cell wall structure of the β-glucan-added cultures was examined by enzymolysis and NMR spectroscopy and the amount of β-1,3-glucan found to be changed. β-1,3-glucan has been widely detected in the environment. In this study, it was demonstrated that β-1,3-glucan causes promotion of the growth, and a change in the cell wall architecture, of Aspergillus. Unregulated distribution of β-1,3-glucan would be strongly related to the incidence of infectious diseases and allergy caused by Aspergillus spp.  相似文献   

The effect of individual rye chromosomes on the induction of callus and the character of its regenerating capacity was studied with cultured immature embryos of wheat–rye (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Saratovskaya 29–Secale cereale L. cv. Onokhoiskaya) substitution lines. The genotypic diversity of the substitution lines proved to significantly affect variation of parameters characterizing the major types of callus cultures, that is, frequencies of embryogenic calli, which are capable of shoot regeneration, and of morphogenic calli, which produce root structures. Functioning in the genotypic background of common wheat cultivar Saratovskaya 29, chromosomes 2R and 3R of rye cultivar Onokhoiskaya stimulated significantly the induction of embryogenic callus highly capable of shoot regeneration. Rye chromosome 2R present in place of chromosome 2D in the common wheat genome suppressed the induction of callus producing root structures. Rye chromosomes 1R and 6R suppressed the induction of embryogenic callus capable of shoot regeneration.  相似文献   

Life in earth: the impact of GM plants on soil ecology?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of changes incurred by agricultural biotechnology has led to concern regarding soil ecosystems and, rightly or wrongly, this has focused on the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops. Soils are key resources, with essential roles in supporting ecosystems and maintaining environmental quality and productivity. The complexity of soils presents difficulties to their inclusion in the risk assessment process conducted for all GM plants. However, a combined approach, informed by both soil ecology and soil quality perspectives, that considers the impacts of GM crops in the context of conventional agricultural practices can provide a regulatory framework to ensure the protection of soils without being overly restrictive.  相似文献   

季节性干旱驱动亚热带森林的碳积累 本研究旨在表明处于南亚热带的鼎湖山生物圈保护区的干旱频率和强度正在增加,并说明季节性干旱对亚热带森林碳积累的影响。这是为了应对全球气候变化导致的干旱加剧所带来的威胁开展的一项研究。我们使干旱指数(标准化降水指数、标准降水蒸散发指数、降水距平百分率及自校准帕尔默干旱指数)准确确定干旱期和降水量增加期。此后,将2003至2014年(12年)监测采集的实测涡动通量和土壤含水量数据在干旱期和湿润期之间进行比较,以确定干旱对生态系统碳积累的影响。在本研究所选择的12年期间,干旱的发生时间约占比20%,最强干旱事件和严重程度发生于2012至2013年。研究期间的年平均降水量和气温分别为1404.57 ± 43.2 mm和22.65 ± 0.1 °C,与30年记录(1990–2020)相比较,年降水量减少量可达523 mm,而气温则增加了2.55 °C。与全球针对大多数森林生态系统研究所发表的数据呈相反趋势,处于中国南亚热带区域的鼎湖山生物圈保护区在60%的干旱期内所监测的森林生态系统记录到显著的碳积累趋势,说明季节性干旱驱动了森林的碳积累。  相似文献   

Hybrid rye breeding and seed production is based on the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)-inducing Pampa (P)-cytoplasm. For restoring male fertility in the hybrids, dominant, nuclear restorer genes are necessary. However, current pollinator lines are only partial restorers. Effective restorers were recently detected in the German inbred line L18 and in materials originating from the Argentinian rye cultivar Pico Gentario and an Iranian primitive rye accession called IRAN IX. F2 populations were developed for each of these three restorer sources to map the responsible genes by means of RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers. For this purpose, homo- and heterologous DNA probes were used leading to 101 polymorphic marker loci in total. For phenotypic evaluation, 100 to 134 randomly chosen plants from each of the populations were cloned and grown at two or three locations with two plants each. Segregation ratios of pollen fertility in the F2 populations with L18 and IRAN IX were in accordance with a monogenic dominant inheritance. The segregation pattern for Pico Gentario indicated complementary gene action. Major dominant restorer genes were detected on chromosomes 1RS (L18) and 4RL (Pico Gentario, IRAN IX). The gene on 1RS explained 54% of the phenotypic variation and that on 4 RL 59% and 68% in the Pico Gentario and IRAN IX populations, respectively. Additionally, three minor genes from L18 were identified on chromosomes 3RL, 4RL and 5R. In the Pico Gentario population, a dominant modifier gene contributed by the female parent was found on chromosome 6R. This gene significantly enhanced the expression of the major restorer gene but on its own was not able to restore any degree of fertility. The map-distances between the major restorer loci and at least one flanking marker were small in all three F2 populations (5–6 cM). In Pico Gentario an unfavorable linkage exists between the major restorer gene and a QTL for plant height. Since highly effective restorers are scarce in actual breeding populations, the major restorer genes detected on chromosomes 1 RS and 4RL should be introgressed into actual restorer lines. This is facilitated by using the closely linked molecular markers described. Received: 10 February 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   

 There is strong evidence indicating that gene flow from transgenic B. napus into weedy wild relatives is inevitable following commercial release. Research should now focus on the transmission, stability, and impact of transgene expression after the initial hybridization event. The present study investigated the transfer of a phosphinothricin-tolerance transgene by inter-specific hybridization between B. rapa and two transgenic B. napus lines. The expression of the transgene was monitored in the F1 hybrids and in subsequent backcross generations. The transgene was transmitted relatively easily into the F1 hybrids and retained activity. Large differences in the transmission frequency of the transgene were noted between offspring of the two transgenic lines during backcrossing. The most plausible explanation of these results is that the line showing least transmission during backcrossing contains a transgene integrated into a C-genome chromosome. Approximately 10% of offspring retained the tolerant trait in the BC3 and BC4 generations. The implications of these findings for the stable introgression of transgenes carried on one of the chromosomes of the C-genome from B. napus and into B. rapa are briefly discussed. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Summary Sesquiterpene lactone glaucolide-A from Vernonia, incorporated in the rearing diets of five species of Lepidoptera, significantly reduced the rate of growth of larvae of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania; fall armyworm, S. frugiperda; and yellowstriped armyworm, S. ornithogalli. Quantitative feeding tests demonstrated that decreased feeding levels and reduced growth resulted from ingestion of a sesquiterpene lactone. Ingestion of glaucolide-A increased the number of days to pupation in four of the species. In the southern armyworm, it significantly reduced pupal weight. Glaucolide-A decidedly reduced percentage of survival of southern and fall armyworms. Yellow woollybear, Diacrisia virginica, and cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, larvae were essentially uneffected by the ingestion of the sesquiterpene lactone. Sesquiterpene lactones adversely affect growth rate and survival of certain insects that feed upon plants containing them. They apparently function as defensive products, screening out a portion of the potential herbivores.Vernonieae: Compositae  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The mean annual Zn content of the sperm storage organs (uterus and epididymis) in Myotis velifer and M. lucifugus is two to three times higher than in corresponding tissues of other mammals.
  • 2.2. The content of Zn in the sperm storage organs and male accessory glands has an annual cyclic pattern. Significant increases are recorded at prehibernation insemination (September) and posthibernation conception (April/May).
  • 3.3. Zinc is present in the storage organs of bats throughout the spermatozoa storage phase of the reproductive cycle.
  • 4.4. Zinc, due to its regulatory effects on spermatozoa (maturation, metabolism, motility) may be important in sperm storage in hibernating bats.



Resistance to anti-malarial drugs hampers control efforts and increases the risk of morbidity and mortality from malaria. The efficacy of standard therapies for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria was assessed in Chumkiri, Kampot Province, Cambodia.


One hundred fifty-one subjects with uncomplicated falciparum malaria received directly observed therapy with 12 mg/kg artesunate (over three days) and 25 mg/kg mefloquine, up to a maximum dose of 600 mg artesunate/1,000 mg mefloquine. One hundred nine subjects with uncomplicated vivax malaria received a total of 25 mg/kg chloroquine, up to a maximum dose of 1,500 mg, over three days. Subjects were followed for 42 days or until recurrent parasitaemia was observed. For P. falciparum infected subjects, PCR genotyping of msp1, msp2, and glurp was used to distinguish treatment failures from new infections. Treatment failure rates at days 28 and 42 were analyzed using both per protocol and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Real Time PCR was used to measure the copy number of the pfmdr1 gene and standard 48-hour isotopic hypoxanthine incorporation assays were used to measure IC50 for anti-malarial drugs.


Among P. falciparum infected subjects, 47.0% were still parasitemic on day 2 and 11.3% on day 3. The PCR corrected treatment failure rates determined by survival analysis at 28 and 42 days were 13.1% and 18.8%, respectively. Treatment failure was associated with increased pfmdr1 copy number, higher initial parasitaemia, higher mefloquine IC50, and longer time to parasite clearance. One P. falciparum isolate, from a treatment failure, had markedly elevated IC50 for both mefloquine (130 nM) and artesunate (6.7 nM). Among P. vivax infected subjects, 42.1% suffered recurrent P. vivax parasitaemia. None acquired new P. falciparum infection.


The results suggest that artesunate-mefloquine combination therapy is beginning to fail in southern Cambodia and that resistance is not confined to the provinces at the Thai-Cambodian border. It is unclear whether the treatment failures are due solely to mefloquine resistance or to artesunate resistance as well. The findings of delayed clearance times and elevated artesunate IC50 suggest that artesunate resistance may be emerging on a background of mefloquine resistance.  相似文献   

Aims: Recent studies have shown that artificial addition of biochar is an effective way to mitigate atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. However, it is still unclear how biochar addition influences soil respiration in Phyllostachys edulis forests of subtropical China. Our objectives were to examine the effects of biochar addition on the dynamics of soil respiration, soil temperature, soil moisture, and the cumulative soil carbon emission, and to determine the relationships of soil respiration with soil temperature and moisture. Methods: We conducted a two-year biochar addition experiment in a subtropical P. edulis forest from 2014.05 to 2016.04. The study site is located in the Miaoshanwu Nature Reserve in Fuyang district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, in southern China. The biochar addition treatments included: control (CK, no biochar addition), low rate of biochar addition (LB, 5 t·hm-2), medium rate of biochar addition (MB, 10 t·hm-2), and high rate of biochar addition (HB, 20 t·hm-2). Soil respiration was measured by using a LI-8100 soil CO2 efflux system. Important findings: Soil respiration was significantly reduced by biochar addition, and exhibited an apparent seasonal pattern, with the maximum occurring in June or July (except LB in one of the replicated stand) and the minimum in January or February. There were significant differences in soil respiration between the CK and the treatments. Annual mean soil respiration rate in the CK, LB, MB and HB were 3.32, 2.66, 3.04 and 3.24 μmol·m-2·s-1, respectively. Compared with CK, soil respiration rate was 2.33%-54.72% lower in the LB, 1.28%-44.21% lower in the MB, and 0.09%-39.22% lower in the HB. The soil moisture content was increased by 0.97%-75.58% in LB, 0.87%-48.18% in MB, and 0.68%-74.73% in HB, respectively, compared with CK. Soil respiration exhibited a significant exponential relationship with soil temperature and a significant linear relationship with combination of soil temperature and moisture at the depth of 5 cm; no significant relationship was found between soil respiration and soil moisture alone. The temperature sensitivity (Q10) value was reduced in LB and HB. Annual accumulative soil carbon emission in the LB, MB and HB was reduced by 7.98%-35.09%, 1.48%-20.63%, and -4.71%-7.68%, respectively. Biochar addition significantly reduced soil carbon emission and soil temperature sensitivity, highlighting its role in mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) deficiency in wheat under rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation is an important problem in most rice-growing areas in China. A field survey, field trials and a soil column experiment were conducted to determine the relationship between Mn leaching and distribution in soil profiles and paddy rice cultivation and the effects of Mn distribution in soil profiles on wheat growth and its response to Mn fertilization. At five field sites surveyed, total Mn and active Mn concentrations in the topsoil layers under rice–wheat rotations were only 42% and 11%, respectively, of those under systems without paddy rice. Both total and available Mn increased with soil depth in soils with rice–wheat rotations, showing significant spatial variability of Mn in the soil profile. Manganese leaching was the main pathway for Mn loss in coarse-textured soil with high pH, while excessive Mn uptake was the main pathway for Mn loss in clay-textured and acid soil. When Mn was deficient in the topsoil, sufficient Mn in the subsoil contributed to better growth and Mn nutrition of wheat but insufficient Mn in the subsoil resulted in Mn deficiency in wheat.  相似文献   

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