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Summary Freeze-fracture electron microscopy has been used in conjunction with the antibiotic filipin to investigate possible differences in the distribution of sterols in ciliary and somatic cell membranes of scallop and mussel gill epithelial cells. Contrary to previous reports, we find that filipin-sterol lesions can occur among the strands of the ciliary necklace but they are partially excluded from the smooth neck region above the necklace where the membrane is tightly apposed to the axonemal microtubules. No obvious differences in filipin-sterol lesions occur in the membranes of mussel gill cilia of varying mechanical sensitivity. Although abundant in the apical plasma membrane, filipin-sterol complexes are rare within the membranes of microvilli. Filipin-sterol lesions form outside the loosely parallel particle strands of septate junctions, sometimes increasing their relative orderliness. At sufficiently high density, filipin-sterol protrusions within the plasma membrane result in mass aggregation of gap junctions, possibly through recruitment of unorganized connexons.  相似文献   

Summary Pre- and post-embedding techniques were used to investigate the ultrastructural binding of a range of lectins to the haemocytes of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Direct and indirect labelling procedures were employed using colloidal gold and ferritin-labelled lectins, or biotinylated lectins followed by gold-labelled streptavidin. Cell surface receptors were present for lectins from Helix pomatia (HPA), Helix aspersa (HAA), Triticum vulgaris (WGA) and Tetragonolobus purpureas (TPA). Double labelling of haemocytes with HPA and WGA demonstrated binding sites for both lectins on the plasma membrane of the majority of haemocytes. Endocytosis of colloidal gold-labelled HPA was observed for unfixed haemocytes. Three classes of haemocyte were identified by use of morphological criteria: hyalinocytes; granulocytes containing small granules; and granulocytes containing large granules. Lectin binding showed the small granules of the granulocytes to be HPA-positive and the large granules of the granulocytes to be WGA-positive. The WGA-positive granules demonstrated a differential pattern of binding according to granule size. Binding sites for the lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) were not demonstrated on the cell surface, but did show an affinity for the heterochromatin region of the nucleus in post-embedding protocols.  相似文献   

Summary Studies in Mytilus edulis have indicated that immunoregulatory activities comoparable to those in vertebrates also exist in invertebrates. Mytilus immunocytes resemble cells of the vertebrate monocyte/macrophage lineage and are activated by similar substances. We searched for differential effects of opioids on these cells in comparison with those of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in order to determine if different subpopulations of immunoactive hemocytes are involved. We showed that Mytilus immunocytes respond to LPS in a fashion similar to that in vertebrate granulocytes by flattening, and increasing in cellular perimeter and mobility, that LPS administered in vivo results in a lowering of the number of free hemocytes that can be obtained from the animal, and that distinct immunoactive cell populations seem to exist since apparently different subsets of cells react when exposed to LPS or opioids and the opioid antagonist naloxone.  相似文献   

Characterization of mussel gill cells in vivo and in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mussel gill cells are attractive models in ecotoxicological studies because gills are the first uptake site for many toxicants in the aquatic environment; gill cells are thus often affected by exposure to pollutants. Our aim was to characterize mussel gill cells in vivo and in vitro by using morphological, histochemical and functional end-points. In paraffin sections stained with haematoxylin–eosin, three zones were distinguished in the long central gill filaments: frontal, intermediate and abfrontal. Various types of ciliated cells were present in the frontal zone, and both ciliated and non-ciliated cells were found in the abfrontal zone. The intermediate zone was comprised of flattened endothelial cells. Lipofuscin granules occurred in the three zones in variable amounts, depending on the specimen. Haemocytes were found in the haemolymph sinus of gill filaments. Mucocytes were identified in both frontal and abfrontal zones by means of periodic acid Schiff-alcian blue (PAS-AB) staining. In cryostat sections, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was mainly found in ciliated cells, whereas neutral lipids and acid-phosphatase-reactive lysosomes were present in all portions of the gill filament, mostly being related to lipofuscin granules. In mussels exposed to 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine in vivo, proliferating cells were scattered throughout the gill filament. Gill cells (typically 2×107 cells/ml per mussel; 95% viability) were isolated by dissociation with dispase. Gill cell suspensions were heterogeneous: 58% were ciliated epithelial cells (positive for SDH), 42% were non-ciliated cells (including epithelial cells and haemocytes), 2.3% were mucocytes (positive for PAS-AB) and 4.25% were haemocytes (able to phagocytose neutral red-stained zymosan). Gill cell cultures were maintained up to 18 days without changing the culture medium, viability decreasing below 50% at day 18. Primary cultures of mussel gill cells might therefore be useful models for the in vitro assessment of xenobiotic impacts on coastal and estuarine ecosystems.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project AMB99-0324), by the Basque Government through the Cooperation Fund Aquitaine/Euskadi 2001, by the University of the Basque Country through a grant to Consolidated Research Groups and by the European Commission (BEEP project, contract no. EVK3-CT2000-00025). Amagoia Gómez-Mendikute is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.  相似文献   

Television microscope and original image treatment system were used for monitoring and recording the ciliary activity (beat frequency) of gill ciliated epithelia of the mussel Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia) and of the rat tracheal ciliated epithelia in response to the following prooxidants: H2O2, Fe+2, Fe+2 + ascorbic acid and NADP-H + ADP + Fe+2. Mussel ciliated cells proved to be more sensitive to the influence of the prooxidants than rat cells. The reactions of ciliated epithelial cells of mollusks and rats to the inducers of lipid peroxidation were not similar to behavioral responses of these cells under the action of low-dose ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Summary The aluminium-formaldehyde (ALFA) histofluorescence method was used to study the innervation of the gill of the marine bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis and the results were contrasted with those obtained with the standard formaldehyde-induced-fluorescence (FIF) method. The ALFA method produced more fluorescing structures than the FIF method, thus revealing fine branches of the branchial nerve running beneath the gill epithelium which previously remained undetected. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the ALFA histofluorescence method in the study of marine invertebrates.This study was supported in part by Grants 1506RR08171 from NIMH and 5T32GM07641 from the MARC Program of NIGMS. I wish to thank E. Aiello for thoughtful discussions of the work  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the intrinsic innervation of the anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) in Mytilus edulis L. were continued at the ultrastructural level. Electron micrographs show nerve processes ensheathed by glio-interstitial cells running between muscle fibers. The glio-interstitial cells may represent all the types of osmiophilic cells previously described by the light microscopic ZIO technique in the anterior byssal retractor muscle.  相似文献   

The results demonstrate the first attempt to determine metallothionein turnover in the whole soft tissues of mussels Mytilus edulis exposed to cadmium. Half-lives for metallothionein and cadmium are 25 and 300 days, respectively. As metallothionein degrades the released cadmium induces further synthesis of the protein, to which the metal becomes resequestered. The slow metallothionein turnover rates (compared with mammals) and the lack of significant cadmium excretion testify to the relatively stable nature of the cadmium-metallothionein complex in these invertebrates and supports the view of a detoxifying role for metallothionein in the mussels.  相似文献   

Summary Monoamine-containing elements in the intestines of Bivalvia and Polychaeta species have been found by use of histochemical fluorescence methods according to Falck and Furness. Catecholamine-containing perikarya and fibers are seen within the epithelium and subepithelial layers of the midgut of the bivalves Mytilus edulis, Mya arenaria, Arctica islandica, as well as the polychaete Harmothoe imbricata. In addition, intraepithelial cell bodies and fibers containing serotonin-like substance are present in Mytilus edulis. Results obtained with the Furness method, applied earlier to vertebrates, correlate with those obtained with the Falck method.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) living in estuaries have to cope with varying concentrations of suspended sand. Sand flowing through the inhalant siphons comes into the infrabranchial chamber. The inhalant siphon can be partially closed by the branchial membrane. As a result the inward flow decreases, and suspended sand sinks and can be eliminated. Experiments with mussels from three ecologically different locations showed about the same response of the branchial membrane on contact with suspended sand. The presence and function of the branchial membrane appears to be an adaptation of mussels to their estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Summary The main iron-binding protein in the hepatopancreas of the musselMytilus edulis, which had been previously iron-loaded by exposure to carbonyl iron (spheres of elemental iron less than 5 m diameter), has been isolated to electrophoretic purity and identified as ferritin. This ferritin hasM r, of 480000, pI of 4.7–5.0 and is composed of two subunits,M r 18500 andM r 24600. Under the electron microscope, it appears as electron-dense iron cores of average diameter 5 nm surrounded by a polypeptide shell to a final average overall diameter of 11 nm. The purified protein contains, on average, 200 iron atoms/molecule protein. On immunodiffusion,M. edulis hepatopancreas ferritin gives a partial cross-reaction with antiserum to horse spleen ferritin and lamprey (Geotria australis) liver ferritin but does not react with antiserum to chiton (Acanthopleura hirtosa) haemolymph ferritin.  相似文献   

Widdows  John  Donkin  Peter 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):455-461
The rationale for the use of combined tissue residue chemistry and physiological energetics measurements of Mytilus edulis in the assessment and monitoring of environmental pollution is outlined. Laboratory derived relationships between the concentration of toxicants in tissues and sublethal responses (eg. feeding, respiration and growth rate) provide a toxicological database for the interpretation of physiological responses measured in the field. The role of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR's) in establishing tissue concentration-effect relationships for organic contaminants is discussed. The application of this approach is illustrated with reference to two field studies, a monitoring programme in the Shetlands and a practical biological effects workshop in Oslo.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural evidence has been found for the presence of polypeptide hormone-producing cells in the gut of Ciona intestinalis L. and Mytilus edulis L. which do not appear to have been described before. Due to their localization and ultrastructural characteristics, it is suggested that the cells in Mytilus edulis probably produce an insulin-like substance and that some of these cells in Ciona intestinalis may produce 5-HT (5-Hydroxytryptamine). In each species only one granulated cell type can be observed. The granules, which are electron dense and membrane bound, also show a halo. The average diameter of the granules is 100–200 nm for Ciona and 200–400 nm for Mytilus.I thank Mr. G. Bargsten, M.A., Dept. of Marine Zoology, University of Kiel, for the supply of the animals  相似文献   

Gap junction-enriched fractions were prepared from larvae of the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens using the NaOH procedure in the presence or absence of protease inhibitors and were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and EM immunocytochemistry. Protease inhibitor fractions contained a 48-kDa protein in addition to the 10 proteins in fractions with and without inhibitors. Three polyclonal antibodies were used as probes for gap junction plaques and proteins: R16, against an 40-kDa candidate gap junction protein from Drosophila melanogaster; R17, against the 40-kDa candidate gap junction protein from H. virescens; and R18AP, an affinity purified antibody against a consensus sequence of N-terminal amino acids 2–21 of the H. virescens 40-kDa protein. R16, R17, and R18AP stain the 40- and 48-kDa proteins, R16 and R18AP stain a 64-kDa protein, and R16 stains an 30-kDa protein in the absence of inhibitors. Inclusion of protease inhibitors had no effect on gap junction ultrastructure. R16 and R17 label gap junction plaques in crude membrane and NaOH fractions, whereas R18AP exhibits only a low level of reactivity with gap junctions in crude membrane fractions and none with gap junctions in NaOH fractions. The results show that the 30-, 40-, 48- and 64-kDa proteins are immunologically related and are associated with gap junctions in H. virescens, the N-terminus of the 40-kDa protein is relatively inaccessible or easily lost, and the 48-kDa protein is protease-sensitive.  相似文献   

Latent beta-glucuronidase and glucosaminidase activities have been demonstrated in small cytoplasmic particles, which may possibly be primary lysosomes, as well as some larger granules of the digestive cells of the common mussel. Latency was indicated by increased staining of these structures following incubation in buffer at pH 4.5 at 37 degrees C. The exposure of mussels to temperatures of 25-28 degrees C over a period of four days induced a significant decrease in the latency of lysosomal glucosaminidase. Thermal death produced labilization of lysosomes although selective release of hydrolase activity was indicated by the differential latency of glucosaminidase and glucuronidase. The injection of hydrocortisone induced a significant increase in latency in stressed animals, indicating that the stress response involved changes in structure and function of membranes.  相似文献   

One of the most effective techniques for evaluating stress is the analysis of developmental stability, measured by stochastic variation based particularly on fluctuating asymmetry, i.e. a variance in random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry. However, the application of morphological methods is only possible when an organism lives under testing conditions during a significant part of its ontogenesis. Contrary to morphological characters, behavior can change very fast. Consequently, methods based on behavioural characters may have advantages over more traditional approaches. In this study we describe the technique of assessing stochastic variation, using not morphological, but behavioural characters. To measure stochastic variation of behavioural response, we assessed the stability of the isolation reaction of blue musselMytilus edulis at regular changes of salinity. With increasing temperature from +12°C to +20°C stochastic variation of the isolation reaction increased, which is a common response to change of environmental conditions. In this way, we have developed a method of assessing stochastic variation of behavioural response in molluscs. This method may find a great range of applications, because its usage does not require keeping animals in tested conditions for a long time.  相似文献   

As biological basis for the monitoring programme for the commercially exploited stock(s) of mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in the Danish Wadden Sea, samples of mussels have been collected regularly since 1986, both from sub-tidal and inter-tidal mussel beds. These samples are the basis for the estimation of total biomass. They also provide data on size frequency distributions, which have been analysed for cohort identification resulting in length at age data, which again have been used for estimating parameters (L and K) for the von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE) as well as mortality parameters. By applying these in the Beverton & Holt model, estimates of average biomass and annual production (P) of the mussels have been obtained together with possible fisheries yields from the beds. The growth and mortality parameters and the figures for annual production and P/B are compared with figures from other investigations. These analyses have been the basis for annual assessments of the mussel stocks, which again are used in the current management of mussel fishery in the Danish Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

Prins  T. C.  Smaal  A. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):413-429
The fluxes of particulate and dissolved material between bivalve beds and the water column in the Oosterschelde estuary have been measured in situ with a Benthic Ecosystem Tunnel. On mussel beds uptake of POC, PON and POP was observed. POC and PON fluxes showed a significant positive correlation, and the average C:N ratio of the fluxes was 9.4. There was a high release of phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and silicate from the mussel bed into the water column. The effluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate showed a significant correlation, with an average N:P ratio of 16.5. A comparison of the in situ measurements with individual nutrient excretion rates showed that excretion by the mussels contributed 31–85% to the total phosphate flux from the mussel bed. Ammonium excretion by the mussels accounted for 17–94% of the ammonium flux from the mussel bed. The mussels did not excrete silicate or nitrate. Mineralization of biodeposition on the mussel bed was probably the main source of the regenerated nutrients.From the in situ observations net budgets of N, P and Si for the mussel bed were calculated. A comparison between the uptake of particulate organic N and the release of dissolved inorganic N (ammonium + nitrate) showed that little N is retained by the mussel bed, and suggested that denitrification is a minor process in the mussel bed sediment. On average, only 2/3 of the particulate organic P, taken up by the mussel bed, was recycled as phosphate. A net Si uptake was observed during phytoplankton blooms, and a net release dominated during autumn. It is concluded that mussel beds increase the mineralization rate of phytoplankton and affect nutrient ratios in the water column. A comparison of N regeneration by mussels in the central part of the Oosterschelde estuary with model estimates of total N remineralization showed that mussels play a major role in the recycling of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell renewal in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lmk) digestive gland and stomach was investigated by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunohistochemistry. Mussels were exposed to 4 mg BrdU/l seawater continuously. Starting at 6 h after treatment, samples were collected every 2 h for 2 days and BrdU labelling was estimated by direct counting at the light microscope, with values being noted per thousand BrdU-positive cells. BrdU-positive reaction was observed in the nuclei of digestive, basophilic, duct and stomach cells, and in haemocytes. Cell renewal in digestive diverticula was synchronised following a circatidal pattern: BrdU labelling increased during low tide and decreased during high tide. Clearcut mitotic figures were identified in digestive cells, thereby confirming that mature cell types proliferate, in agreement with results from immunohistochemistry for proliferating cell nuclear antigen and BrdU. Epithelial cell renewal in the stomach also appeared to be synchronised.This investigation was funded by the Basque Government (GVPI95-36 and GVP99-1) and by a grant to Consolidated Research Groups (UPV/EHU)  相似文献   

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