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Rotation of fluorescent probes localized within lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of the steady state polarization of fluorescence from perylene and 9-vinylanthracene embedded in bilayer membranes were performed as a function of temperature. Similar measurements were made when these probes were dissolved in hydrocarbons as model solvents. The effects of cholesterol and n-alkyl alcohol additions to bilayers and head group variation were also examined. Results were expressed in terms of the average rotation rates of the probes.At 25°C, the calculated rotation rate for perylene in egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was 275 × 106 sec?1 as compared to 2400 × 106 sec?1 for perylene in n-hexadecane. However, the activation energies for probe rotation in both environments was about 7 kcal/mole suggesting similar rotational diffusion mechanisms. Membrane microviscosity evaluations were performed according to a recently published scheme and an assessment of this method of viscosity estimation was given. The presence of an approximately equimolar amount of cholesterol impeded probe rotation (90 × 106 sec?1 at 25°C) and reduced the activation energy (4.9 kcal/mole) for probe rotation. In contrast, addition of n-alkyl alcohols to the vesicle suspension acted to increase probe rotation rates, an indication of fluidization of the membranes. This is in accord with spin label and cation permeability data for similar membranes.It was concluded that this method of probing can adequately report changes in membrane dynamic structure when these changes occur uniformly over the membrane surface. The interpretation is less clear when structural changes occur only in patches or domains of the membrane thereby producing a non-uniform surface distribution of probes.  相似文献   

Summary We present a quantitative theory that relates the fluorescence intensityvs. temperature (I vs. T) profile of a fluorescent-labeled two-component lipid bilayer to the phase diagram of the bilayer and the partition coefficientK of the fluorophore between fluid and solid phases of the bilayer. We show how the theory can be used to evaluateK from experimentalI vs. T profiles and the appropriate phase diagrams as well as to understand the different shapes ofI vs. T profiles obtained with particular fluorophores and phase diagrams. Using calculatedI vs. T graphs, we discuss the meaning of parameters, such as midpoint of the phase transition and onset and termination of a transition, which are often used to characterize phase transitions on the basis of fluorescence intensityvs. temperature profiles.  相似文献   

Kinetics and thermodynamics of the binding of a fluorescent lipid amphiphile, Rhodamine Green(TM)-tetradecylamide (RG-C(14:0)), to bovine serum albumin were characterized in an equilibrium titration and by stopped-flow fluorimetry. The binding equilibrium of RG-C(14:0) to albumin was then used to reduce its concentration in the aqueous phase to a value below its critical micelle concentration. Under these conditions, the only two species of RG-C(14:0) in the system were the monomer in aqueous solution in equilibrium with the protein-bound species. After previous determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for association of RG-C(14:0) with albumin, the kinetics of insertion of the amphiphile into and desorption off lipid bilayer membranes in different phases (solid, liquid-ordered, and liquid-disordered phases, presented as large unilamellar vesicles) were studied by stopped-flow fluorimetry at 30 degrees C. Insertion and desorption rate constants for association of the RG-C(14:0) monomer with the lipid bilayers were used to obtain lipid/water equilibrium partition coefficients for this fluorescent amphiphile. The direct measurement of these partition coefficients is shown to provide a new method for the indirect determination of the equilibrium partition coefficient of similar molecules between two defined lipid phases if they coexist in the same membrane.  相似文献   

Anion-induced fluorescence quenching of lipid probes incorporated into the liposomal membrane was used to study the binding of anions to the lipid membrane. Lipid derivatives bearing nonpolar fluorophore located either in the proximity of the polar headgroups (anthrylvinyl-labelled phosphatidylcholine, ApPC; methyl 4-pyrenylbutyrate, MPB) or in the polar region (rhodamine 19 oleyl ester, OR19) of the bilayer were used as probes. The binding of iodide to the bilayers of different compositions was studied. Based on the anion-induced quenching of the fluorescence, the isotherm of adsorption of the quencher (iodide) to the membrane was plotted. For anions, which are non-quenchers or weak quenchers (thiocyanate, perchlorate or trichloroacetate), the binding parameters were obtained from the data of the competitive displacement of iodide by these anions. The association constants of the anion binding to the bilayer (Ka) were determined for the stoichiometry of 1 ion/1 lipid and also for the case of independent anion binding. At the physiological concentration of the salt, which does not bind noticeably to the membrane (150 mM NaCl), anion binding could be satisfactorily described by the Langmuir isotherm. The approach applied here offers new possibilities for the studies of ion-membrane interactions using fluorescent probes.  相似文献   

Hydration and fluidity of lipid bilayers in different phase states were studied using fluorescent probes selectively located at the interface. The probe of hydration was a recently developed 3-hydroxyflavone derivative, which is highly sensitive to the environment, whereas the probe of fluidity was the diphenylhexatriene derivative, 1-[4-(trimethylamino)phenyl]-6-phenylhexa-1,3,5-triene. By variation of the cholesterol content and temperature in large unilamellar vesicles composed of sphingomyelin or dipalmitoylphosphatidlycholine, we generated different phases: gel, liquid ordered (raft), liquid crystalline, and liquid disordered (considered as liquid crystalline phase with cholesterol). For these four phases, the hydration increases in the following order: liquid ordered < gel approximately liquid disordered < liquid crystalline. The membrane fluidity shows a somewhat different trend, namely liquid ordered approximately gel < liquid disordered < liquid crystalline. Thus, gel and liquid ordered phases exhibit similar fluidity, whereas the last phase is significantly less hydrated. We expect that cholesterol due to its specific H-bonding interactions with lipids and its ability to fill the voids in lipid bilayers expels efficiently water molecules from the highly ordered gel phase to form the liquid ordered phase. In this study, the liquid ordered (raft) and gel phases are for the first time clearly distinguished by their strong difference in hydration.  相似文献   

Binding of the lipophilic probe merocyanine 540 to artificial bilayers was assessed by measuring the enhancement of fluorescence which results when dye enters the hydrophobic environment of the membrane. Titration of a constant amount of dye with increasing amounts of vesicles revealed that much more dye binds to multilamellar and 1000-Å, unilamellar vesicles which are in the fluid-phase state than to comparable vesicles which are in the gel-phase state. Incorporation of cholesterol into fluid-phase vesicles at levels of greater than 20 mol% reduced dye binding, whereas cholesterol had no effect at any concentration when incorporated into gel-phase vesicles. Sonicated 200–300-Å unilamellar gel-phase vesicles, which because of their reduced radius of curvature resemble fluid-phase bilayers in their more widely spaced exterior leaflet lipids, bound more dye than 1000-Å unilameilar gel-phase vesicles constructed from the same lipid. These results suggest that merocyanine 540 is able to sense the degree of lipid packing of bilayers and inserts preferentially into bilayers whose lipids are more widely spaced.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy with nitroxide spin probes was used as a method to probe the liposome microenvironments. The effective microviscosities have been determined from the calibration of the ESR spectra of the probes in solvent mixtures of known viscosities. In the first time, by measuring ESR order parameter (S) and correlation time (tau(c)) of stearic spin probes, we have been able to quantify the value of effective microviscosity at different depths inside the liposome membrane. At room temperature, local microviscosities measured in dimyristoyl-l-alpha phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) liposome membrane at the different depths of 7.8, 16.95, and 27.7 A were 222.53, 64.09, and 62.56 cP, respectively. In the gel state (10 degrees C), those microviscosity values increased to 472.56, 370.61, and 243.37 cP. In a second time, we have applied this technique to determine the modifications in membrane microviscosity induced by 2,6-diisopropyl phenol (propofol; PPF), an anaesthetic agent extensively used in clinical practice. Propofol is characterized by a unique phenolic structure, absent in the other conventional anaesthetics. Indeed, given its lipophilic property, propofol is presumed to penetrate into and interact with membrane lipids and hence to induce changes in membrane fluidity. Incorporation of propofol into dimyristoyl-l-alpha phosphatidylcholine liposomes above the phase-transition temperature (23.9 degrees C) did not change microviscosity. At 10 degrees C, an increase of propofol concentration from 0 to 1.0 x 10(-2) M for a constant lipid concentration mainly induced a decrease in microviscosity. This fluidity effect of propofol has been qualitatively confirmed using merocyanine 540 (MC540) as lipid packing probe. Above 10(-2) M propofol, no further decrease in microviscosity was observed, and the microviscosity at the studied depths (7.8, 16.95, and 27.7 A) amounted 260.21, 123.87, and 102.27 cP, respectively. The concentration 10(-2) M was identified as the saturation limit of propofol in dimyristoyl-l-alpha phosphatidylcholine liposomes.  相似文献   

Molecular relaxation fluorescence methods were applied to analyze the nature and characteristic times of motions of amphiphilic molecules absorbed in the polar region of a phospholipid bilayer. The fluorescence probes 2-toluidinonaphthalene-6-sulfonate and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate in egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles were studied. The methods of edge excitation fluorescence red shifts, nanosecond time-resolved spectroscopy, fluorescence quenching by hydrophilic and hydrophobic quenchers and emission wavelength dependence of polarization were used. The structural (dipolar) relaxation is shown to be a very rapid (subnanosecond) process. The observed nanosecond phenomena are related to translational movement of the chromophore itself towards a more polar environment and its rotation. The polar surface area of the phospholipid membrane appears to be a highly mobile liquid-like system.  相似文献   

Properties of individual ionic channels formed by polyene antibiotic Amphotericin B were studied on brain phospholipid membranes containing cholesterol. The ionic channels have a closed state and an open one (with conductance of about 6.5 pS in 2 M KCl). The conductance value of an open channel is independent of cholesterol concentration in the membrane and of pH in the range from 3.5 to 8.0. The voltage-current characteristics of a single channel are superlinear. Zero current potential value in the case of different KCl concentrations in the two solutions indicates preferential but not ideal anionic selectivity of a single channel. Channel conductivity grows as the electrolyte concentration is increased and tends to a limiting value at high concentrations. A simple model having only one site for an ion was shown to represent satisfactorily an open channel behaviour under different conditions. An individual ionic channel performs a large number of transitions between the open and closed states during its life-time of several minutes. Rate constants of these transitions depend on the kind and concentration of salt in aqueous solutions. The switching system functioning is not influenced by an ion situated inside the pore.  相似文献   

Treatment of human erythrocyte membranes with active forms of chlorine (hypochlorous acid and chloramine T) resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of the membrane Na(+), K(+)- and Mg(2+)-ATPases. Membrane protein thiol group oxidation was consistent with inactivation of enzymes and preceded oxidation of tryptophan residues and chloramine formation. Erythrocyte exposure to hypochlorous acid led to complex changes of cell membrane rigidity and cell morphological transformations: cell swelling, echinocyte formation, and haemolysis. The inhibition of ion pump ATPases of human erythrocyte membranes may be due to direct oxidation of essential residues of enzyme (thiol groups) and structural rearrangement of the membrane.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence spectroscopy, calorimetry and ESR the interactions of the phenothiazine derivative 2-trifluoromethyl-10-(4-[methylsulfonylamid]buthyl)-phenothiazine (FPhMS) with lipids were studied. Calorimetry showed biphasic effect of FPhMS on main phase transition of DPPC. At molar ratios up to 0.06 drug induced decrease of transition temperature and enthalpy, while at higher concentrations it caused subsequent increase of these parameters. For all concentrations studied we observed gradual broadening of transition peaks. Fluorescence polarization revealed that in FPhMS/lipid mixtures, order in bilayers is decreased in the gel state and increased in the liquid crystalline state. ESR experiment showed that at molar ratio of 0.06, FPhMS reduces the mobility of spin probes located in both polar and hydrophobic regions. Comparing observed effects with those reported for cholesterol/lipid mixtures, we conclude that at higher concentrations FPhMS presumably induces a new mode of bilayer packing. This structure is less co-operative than an unperturbed bilayer, but locally the mobility of lipid molecules is decreased.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the spectroscopic responses to membrane potential are examined for a series of dyes based on the 4-(p-aminostyryl)-1-pyridinium chromophore. An apparatus using an oxidized cholesterol hemispherical bilayer and phase-sensitive detection provides response spectra in either transmission or fluorescence excitation modes. All the probes with good binding properties display biphasic response spectra that are similar in both shape and magnitude. Detailed analysis of the response spectra allows all the previously discovered mechanisms for extrinsic potential sensitive molecular probes, which require a change in the probe's chemical environment, to be ruled out. The data are consistent with an electrochromic mechanism. Polarized fluorescence intensities from the membrane-bound probes indicate that the chromophore is optimally oriented for an electrochromic response.  相似文献   

The rotational behavior of a set of n-(9-anthroyloxy) fatty acid fluorescent probes is examined in two liquid paraffins and in liposomes composed of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. As has been observed with other membrane fluorescent probes (Hare, F., and Lussan, C. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 467, 262-272), the degree of fluorescence depolarization for a given solvent viscosity is dependent on the solvent standard employed. In addition, when the anthroyloxy group is in the terminal position of the acyl chain, it has more rotational freedom than when it is conjugated to positions 6, 9, or 12 where the rotational motion of the fluorophore is similar. When incorporated into lipid bilayers, values of fluorescence polarization reflect the gradient of "fluidity" which extends from the surface to the center of the membrane. The nature of this polarization gradient is discussed in relation to the intrinsic differences between the probes and the anisotropic rotations responsible for depolarization.  相似文献   

The interaction of poly- and monoclonal antibodies against the L-chain of human Ig with Burkitt lymphoma EB-3 cells was studied using a fluorescent lipid probe, anthrylvinyl-labelled sphingomyelin, incorporated into the cell plasma membrane. Binding of the antibodies to Ig receptors on the surface was shown to induce changes in the fluorescence polarization of the probe. The high sensitivity of the method allows one to detect less than 100 antibody molecules per cell. The possibility of using cells or liposomes carrying antigens and fluorescent lipids for the determination of antibodies in solution is discussed.  相似文献   

We have calculated the average value of the order parameter of a spin labelled lipid hydrocarbon chain in a DMPC bilayer containing a concentration c, of glycophorin, for a temperature above the main lipid phase transition temperature. We use the results of differential scanning calorimetry together with the results of other calculations to evaluate the parameters involved. To determine the orientation of the spin label, which is located near the glyceride backbone, we use the rotation isomeric model of hydrocarbon chains and allow for rocking and rotation of the chain. Our results are in good agreement with recent measurements and enable us to say that between about 200 and 1300 lipid molecules can be under the large glycophorin polar group ‘umbrella’ depending upon its conformation. In the case where this polar group adopts a ‘pancake’ conformation with about 1300 lipid molecules under it, we find that about 750–800 of them are perturbed and experience a reduced effective lateral pressure. We have calculated the average order parameter of a diphenylhexatriene (DPH) molecule under the same conditions as above, using the parameters determined there. We have used this calculation to predict the value of r that should be observed as a function of glycophorin concentration at T = 30°C. The predicted curve displays an unusual shape not observed in other lipid-protein bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

We synthesized and evaluated a series of acidic fluorescent pH probes exhibiting robust pH dependence, high sensitivity and photostability, and excellent cell membrane permeability. Titration analyses indicated that probe 3 could increase its fluorescence intensity 800-fold between pH 8.0 and 4.1. Additionally, its pK(a) value is optimal for intracellular probing of acidic organelles. Fluorescent imaging of HepG2 and Hela cells further revealed that probe 3 demonstrates outstanding capacity for monitoring of intracellular [H(+)] levels. The easily accessible terminal alkyne/azido function groups of these probes offer the possibility of rapidly constructing sensor molecule libraries using 'click' chemistry.  相似文献   

The decrease in fluorescence of conjugated polyenic acyl chains is used as a sensitive assay for lipid peroxidation. The fatty acid cis-trans-trans-cis-9,11,13, 15-octadecatetraenoic acid (cis-parinaric acid) is introduced into liposomal membranes as free fatty acid or, by using the PC specific transfer protein from bovine liver, as 1-palmitoyl-2-cis-parinaroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. The peroxidation process as monitored by the decrease in fluorescence intensity is compared with other peroxidation assay systems. Applications of the new assay system are discussed.  相似文献   

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