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The rich fauna of Late Devonian (Late Frasnian) siliceous sponges from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland is composed of 15 species and 11 genera. Both astylospongid demosponges (lithistids) and hexactinosan hexactinellids are present. The following new genera and/or species are proposed: D regulara Rigby and Pisera sp. nov., Jazwicella media Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astyloscyphia irregularia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., A. turbinata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Astylotuba modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoregulara cupula Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleoramospongia bifurcata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Cordiospongia conica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Paleocraticularia elongata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P gigantia Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Polonospongiadevonica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., P fistulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., Urnospongia modica Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov., and Conicospongia annulata Rigby and Pisera gen. et sp. nov. The investigated fauna contains the youngest astylospongiids known and the oldest well-preserved, and most diversified Palaeozoic hexactinosans. The sponge fauna constituted a significant element of a brachiopod-coral-sponge assemblage that inhabited a deep slope of the local Dyminy Reef structure, during its final phase of growth, in a clearly hemipelagic setting. This fauna is limited to the intrashelf depression within an incipiently drowned carbonate platform.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - A new dipnoan genus and species Anchidipterus dariae Krupina, gen. et sp. nov. (Dipteridae) is described based on a lower jaw specimen from the Famennian (Upper Devonian)...  相似文献   

Non-calcified algal remains were collected from the lower Famennian deposits at the Kowala quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. Each specimen is represented solely by vegetative organs. On the basis of the material collected, a new algal genus and species has been formally erected. Vittella dixii nov. gen., nov. sp. (Order ?Bryopsidales) includes thalli consisting of long bundles of hair-like filament structures arranged in parallel fashion to the thallus length. Some other algal remains are regarded as Inocaulis-like forms. They possess long, flat blades with entire margins, and are ornamented with very dense, hair-like projections. The rest of the specimens found so far has been illustrated and tentatively classified as probably belonging to either Bryopsidales or Dasycladales algae. The exceptional preservation of the non-calcified algal thalli investigated suggests that special taphonomic conditions have prevailed during sedimentation of the lower part of the Famennian Kowala section. These may have involved rather rapid burial in oxygen-restricted (dysoxic and anoxic) sea-bottom environment, inhibiting the activities of scavengers and bioturbators, as well as oxidative degradation. The preservation of the algae, together with sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the host rocks indicate that they rather represent parautochthonous assemblage, buried close to their natural habitat.  相似文献   

Rosellinia desmazieresii was found for the first time on a tree of Scots pine. It occurred on a dying tree in a mixed Scots pine-oak plantation in Poland. The fungus girdled the base of the trunk, where perithecia were produced abundantly. The fungus was evidently the cause of the tree's poor growth and ultimate death.  相似文献   

Robert Metz 《Ichnos》2013,20(4):190-193
Offshore marine deposits of hemipelagic dark-gray shales comprising the Middle Devonian Mahantango Formation have yielded the first evidence of the trace fossil Paleodictyon from Pennsylvania. Paleodictyon occurs in conjunction with a diversity of largely deposit-feeding trace fossils belonging to the Cruziana ichnofacies, and documents another example of a shallower-water occurrence of this ichnofossil in Paleozoic rocks.  相似文献   

Fossil wood of the Winteraceae from the Upper Cretaceous sedimentsof James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula, is described herefor the first time. The specimen is characterized by the absenceof vessels, rays of two distinct sizes and tracheids with one–threerows of circular bordered pits, mainly on the radial walls,grading to horizontally elongate and scalariform. Despite anatomicalconformity to the family Winteraceae, the fossil wood is notidentical to any one extant genus and therefore has been assignedto the fossil organ genus Winteroxylon Gottwald with which thefossil shows greatest similarity. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Antarctica, Cretaceous, angiosperm, wood, anatomy, Winteraceae, Winteroxylon, fossil, palaeoclimate  相似文献   

Calcitic and pyritic pseudomorphs of originally siliceous monaxonic sclerites (predominantly heloclone-like monocrepid desmas) have been found entrapped within calcareous skeletons of alveolitid favositids identified as Squameoalveolites fornicatus (SchlÜter 1889) derived from Lower and Middle Devonian (Emsian and Eifelian) deposits of central Poland. The sclerites are arranged in a system of subvertical tracts forming a loose palisade along the midwall of skeletal tubes. Poorly preserved remnants of such palisades correspond to the so-called »median line« or »median suture« of typical favositids. The finding supports the hypothesis of poriferan affinity of favositid Tabulata and indicates that these common Palaeozoic fossils cannot be longer classified as Cnidaria. They should, on the basis of the sclerites, be regarded as remnants of monaxial and/or sublithistid demosponges, which - like the members of modern and fossil demosponges called sclerosponges or coralline sponges - had the ability to produce a basally secreted calcareous skeleton in addition to siliceous sclerites.  相似文献   

In the clastic Genesee Group of the Catskill delta, lateral changes of the fauna are believed to reflect onshore-offshore physicochemical gradients. A shoreward increase of infauna is interpreted as adaptation to increased environmental stress. Free immobile taxa were concentrated offshore, while vagile forms, presumably able to cope with shifting substrata, are dominant nearshore. A shorewards replacement of brachiopods by bivalves reflects the eurytopy and infaunal habits of the bivalves.
In Gencsee time, progradation was first rapid, then slow. The sequence is reversed in the superjacent Sonyea Group and the accompanying reversal of faunal patterns is strong evidence of faunal control by the rate of progradation. This indicates the hazardous nature of attempts to trace 'community evolutioneditor' using only a few studies from each period.  相似文献   

Rhacophyton from the Upper Devonian of West Virginia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new species of Rhacophyton, R. ceratangium , is described from Upper Devonian rocks of West Virginia, U.S.A.; this is synonymous with R. incertum (Dawson) Krausel and Weyland but reasons are cited to indicate that the latter species name is not appropriate.
The collections include: stems up to 2 cm in diameter bearing bipinnate, non-laminate vegetative fronds; abundant well preserved fertile fronds that show clearly the distinctive morphology of their sterile and fertile pinnae; fragments of axes with woody tissues petrified.
The sporangia are particularly distinctive with their long slender tip; they dehisced longitudinally and contained several hundred spores; all available evidence indicates that the plant was homosporous. All petrified axes have a slender bar-shaped strand of primary wood swollen at either end and surrounded by strongly developed secondary wood consisting of scalariform tracheids and rays.
R. ceratangium is closely related to the Belgian R. zygopteroides Leelercq. A comparison with other Devonian and Carboniferous pteridophytes suggests that Rhacophyton is probably a primitive member of the Progymnospermopsida or immediately ancestral to that group.  相似文献   

Marine benthic communities in the Upper Devonian of New York   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four distinctive benthic communities occur in the mid-shelf deltaic deposits of the Upper Devonian Sonyea Group: the Bellerophon Community, dominated by herbivorous gastropods and deposit-feeding bivalves; the Prodrtctella Community, dominated by brachiopods with adaptations for life on muddy substrata; the Cypricardella Community, dominated by bivalves and brachiopods with a variety of adaptations; and the Rhipidomella Community, dominated by brachiopods adapted for life on sandy substrata. The geographic and stratigraphic occurrence of the communities suggest that their distribution was controlled by two principal sets of environmental variables: (1) onshore to offshore gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and sedimentary substrata, and (2) rate of delta progradation. A change in the rate of delta build-out during mid-Sonyea time led to a dramatic change in onshore to offshore community patterns. The change suggests that great care must be used in constructing generalized community models for longer intervals of Paleozoic time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a checklist for standardized assessment of soft tissue preservation in human mummies based on whole-body computed tomography examinations, and to add a scoring system to facilitate quantitative comparison of mummies. Computed tomography examinations of 23 mummies from the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Sicily (17 adults, 6 children; 17 anthropogenically and 6 naturally mummified) and 7 mummies from the crypt of the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit of Vilnius, Lithuania (5 adults, 2 children; all naturally mummified) were used to develop the checklist following previously published guidelines. The scoring system was developed by assigning equal scores for checkpoints with equivalent quality. The checklist was evaluated by intra- and inter-observer reliability. The finalized checklist was applied to compare the groups of anthropogenically and naturally mummified bodies. The finalized checklist contains 97 checkpoints and was divided into two main categories, “A. Soft Tissues of Head and Musculoskeletal System” and “B. Organs and Organ Systems”, each including various subcategories. The complete checklist had an intra-observer reliability of 98% and an inter-observer reliability of 93%. Statistical comparison revealed significantly higher values in anthropogenically compared to naturally mummified bodies for the total score and for three subcategories. In conclusion, the developed checklist allows for a standardized assessment and documentation of soft tissue preservation in whole-body computed tomography examinations of human mummies. The scoring system facilitates a quantitative comparison of the soft tissue preservation status between single mummies or mummy collections.  相似文献   

The conodont succession in the Upper Devonian facially different sections of northeastern European Russia (Chernyshev Ridge, Subpolar and Polar Urals, Pai-Khoi) are studied. The sections are subdivided and correlated taking into account the global standards for stages. The Frasnian Montagne Noire zonation (Klapper, 1989) is used for the first time for northeastern European Russia; the authors correlated this zonation with the scale of Ziegler and Sandberg (1990). Famennian deposits are subdivided using scale of Ziegler and Sandberg (1984) and miospore zonation. The age of local geological units (formations) is specified; the formations of different regions of northeastern European Russia are correlated to each other and to the regional subdivisions of EEP and Southern Urals. A total of 93 species of Ancyrodella, Mesotaxis, Palmatolepis, Polygnathus, and Zieglerina are described. Two new species Ctenopolygnathus parallelus sp. nov. and Polygnathus masonae sp. nov. are distinguished and five species are described in the open nomenclature. Special chapter is devoted to the phylomorphogenesis of Ancyrodella.  相似文献   

Lower Devonian strata from the drill cores from Poland have yielded new Heterostraci material. One ventral shield of Toombsaspis (Traquairaspididae, Phialaspidinae) discovered in the Białopole IG-1 drill core, and a fragment of dorsal shield of cf. Paraliliaspis (Cyathaspididae, Anglaspidinae) with the impressions of internal structures from Ciepielów IG-1 are described and provide new information on paleogeographic disparity of these groups.  相似文献   

Consumption of raw or inadequately processed marine fish may result in anisakidosis – a zoonotic disease caused by larvae of the parasitic nematodes of the family Anisakidae (anisakiasis when caused by members of the genus Anisakis (Nematoda: Anisakidae)), commonly found in a variety of marine fish species all over the world. Most cases of anisakidosis have been detected in the residents of Japan and South Korea, which results from the tradition of eating raw and semi-raw fish dishes. However, the disease is now increasingly often diagnosed in other parts of the world, including Europe (mainly in Spain and Italy). In Poland, no cases of human infection with anisakid nematodes have been detected so far. In this study, we report the first case of gastric anisakiasis in Poland, in a 59-year-old female patient, after eating raw Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The parasite was identified as the third-stage larva of Anisakis simplex sensu stricto on the basis of morphology and molecular analysis. The larva was still alive and causing pain until it was removed, which occurred more than 5 weeks after infection. The described case prove that anisakiasis should be considered as a potential cause of gastrointestinal tract ailments following the consumption of seafood in countries where no cases of this zoonosis have been reported to date.  相似文献   

The first finds of Upper Devonian radiolarians in cherty rocks of the Akbasay Formation, Zeravshan-Gissar mountainous area, are reported. Nineteen species of spherical and spiny forms were identified and assigned to 8 genera. Finds of co-occurring conodonts and radiolarians enabled the refinement of the proposed age of radiolarian associations.  相似文献   

An anatomically preserved lycopsid, Lobodendron fanwanensegen. et sp. nov. Liu, Wang, Xue & Meng, is described from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. The fossil plant bears slender, dichotomously branched axes. The vascular strand consists of solid terete primary xylem and lobed secondary xylem, which implies the result from the activity of possibly discontinuous cambium. The new plant has character combinations that do not conform to any branches in the canopy of the tree-lycopsids known previously, but resemble those of the basal part of some pseudoherbaceous lycopsids. This new plant may exemplify a Late Devonian lycopsid with a pseudoherbaceous growth habit.  相似文献   

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