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Nearly a century ago, cell biologists postulated that the chromosomal aberrations blighting cancer cells might be caused by a mysterious organelle-the centrosome-that had only just been discovered. For years, however, this enigmatic structure was neglected in oncologic investigations and has only recently reemerged as a key suspect in tumorigenesis. A majority of cancer cells, unlike healthy cells, possess an amplified centrosome complement, which they manage to coalesce neatly at two spindle poles during mitosis. This clustering mechanism permits the cell to form a pseudo-bipolar mitotic spindle for segregation of sister chromatids. On rare occasions this mechanism fails, resulting in declustered centrosomes and the assembly of a multipolar spindle. Spindle multipolarity consigns the cell to an almost certain fate of mitotic arrest or death. The catastrophic nature of multipolarity has attracted efforts to develop drugs that can induce declustering in cancer cells. Such chemotherapeutics would theoretically spare healthy cells, whose normal centrosome complement should preclude multipolar spindle formation. In search of the 'Holy Grail' of nontoxic, cancer cell-selective, and superiorly efficacious chemotherapy, research is underway to elucidate the underpinnings of centrosome clustering mechanisms. Here, we detail the progress made towards that end, highlighting seminal work and suggesting directions for future research, aimed at demystifying this riddling cellular tactic and exploiting it for chemotherapeutic purposes. We also propose a model to highlight the integral role of microtubule dynamicity and the delicate balance of forces on which cancer cells rely for effective centrosome clustering. Finally, we provide insights regarding how perturbation of this balance may pave an inroad for inducing lethal centrosome dispersal and death selectively in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Sexually selected male courtship displays often involve multiple behavioural and physical traits, but little is known about the function of different traits in mate choice. Here, we examine female courtship behaviours to learn how male traits interact to influence female mating decisions. In satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus), successful males give highly aggressive, intense behavioural displays without startling females. Males do this by modulating their displays in response to female crouching, which signals the display intensity that females will tolerate without being startled. Females typically visit multiple males for multiple courtships before choosing a mate, and females show differing tolerance for intense displays during their first courtship with each male. We test three hypotheses that may explain this: (i) familiarity with the courting male; (ii) the order of the courtship in mate-searching; and (iii) the attractiveness of the courting male. We found that females are more tolerant of intense displays during first courtships with attractive males; this increased female tolerance may allow attractive males to give higher intensity courtship displays that further enhance their attractiveness. We then examined why this is so, finding evidence that females are less likely to be startled by males with better physical displays (bower decorations), and this reduced startling then contributes to male courtship success. This role of physical displays in facilitating behavioural displays suggests a novel mechanism by which multiple physical and behavioural traits may influence female choice.  相似文献   

《Bioresource technology》2000,71(3):261-266
The experimental results of semi-continuous tests of anaerobic digestion of confectionery industry wastewater, carried out at different residence times and organic loads in an upflow anaerobic filter, are presented and discussed. Giving COD removals higher than 80% under the whole range of conditions tested, the anaerobic filter demonstrated not only a great ability of biomass to adapt itself to a new carbon source but also an excellent capability to deal with organic load fluctuations and to utilise dilute feeds. Sampling at different filter heights demonstrated that the biogas development ensured mixing within the filter and that most of the organic substances were utilised at the bottom of the reactor, especially when very dilute wastewater was fed. The results of this work could be taken as a starting basis for scaling-up the process to the industrial scale.  相似文献   

Air-side stripping without a prior solid–liquid phase separation step is a feasible and promising process to control ammonia concentration in thermophilic digesters. During the process, part of the anaerobic biomass is exposed to high temperature, high pH and aerobic conditions. However, there are no studies assessing the effects of those harsh conditions on the microbial communities of thermophilic digesters. To fill this knowledge gap, the microbiomes of two thermophilic digesters (55°C), fed with a mixture of pig manure and nitrogen-rich co-substrates, were investigated under different organic loading rates (OLR: 1.1–5.2 g COD l−1 day−1), ammonia concentrations (0.2–1.5 g free ammonia nitrogen l−1) and stripping frequencies (3–5 times per week). The bacterial communities were dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla, while the predominant methanogens were Methanosarcina sp archaea. Increasing co-substrate fraction, OLR and free ammonia nitrogen (FAN) favoured the presence of genera Ruminiclostridium, Clostridium and Tepidimicrobium and of hydrogenotrophic methanogens, mainly Methanoculleus archaea. The data indicated that the use of air-side stripping did not adversely affect thermophilic microbial communities, but indirectly modulated them by controlling FAN concentrations in the digester. These results demonstrate the viability at microbial community level of air side-stream stripping process as an adequate technology for the ammonia control during anaerobic co-digestion of nitrogen-rich substrates.  相似文献   

Fault detection filter design for an anaerobic digestion process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a Fault Detection and Isolation observer based method has been applied to biological wastewater treatment process. The method is designed with a dynamic model and the observer is determined using the eigenstructure assignment approach. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated for both detection and isolation of an actuator and a sensor failure using experimental data from a pilot scale anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of an industrial wine distillery vinasses.  相似文献   

The mixing of the anaerobic digester contents significantly influences the efficiency of this operation; in particular, hydraulic dead zones are extremely detrimental to the reaction kinetics involved in anaerobic digestion. An analysis of the relative importance of thermal fluid movement in the digester to those caused by fluid inflow and outflow is presented. As an example, these principles are applied to a digester at the South Bend Wastewater Treatment Plant. Experimental measurements, which have general applicability for the measurement of digester mixing volume, confirm the theoretical conjectures. Various types of optimizations can be attempted on this mixing operation. One such optimization applied to gas lift mixers, as employed in the South Bend Treatment Plant, is illustrated.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is increasingly being used to treat wastes from many sources because of its manifold advantages over aerobic treatment, e.g. low sludge production and low energy requirements. However, anaerobic digestion is sensitive to toxicants, and a wide range of compounds can inhibit the process and cause upset or failure. Substantial research has been carried out over the years to identify specific inhibitors/toxicants, and their mechanism of toxicity in anaerobic digestion. In this review we present a detailed and critical summary of research on the inhibition of anaerobic processes by specific organic toxicants (e.g., chlorophenols, halogenated aliphatics and long chain fatty acids), inorganic toxicants (e.g., ammonia, sulfide and heavy metals) and in particular, nanomaterials, focusing on the mechanism of their inhibition/toxicity. A better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind inhibition/toxicity will enhance the wider application of anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

Biobutanol: an attractive biofuel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biofuels are an attractive means to prevent a further increase of carbon dioxide emissions. Currently, gasoline is blended with ethanol at various percentages. However, butanol has several advantages over ethanol, such as higher energy content, lower water absorption, better blending ability, and use in conventional combustion engines without modification. Like ethanol, it can be produced fermentatively or petrochemically. Current crude oil prices render the biotechnological process economic again. The best-studied bacterium to perform a butanol fermentation is Clostridium acetobutylicum. Its genome has been sequenced, and the regulation of solvent formation is under intensive investigation. This opens the possibility to engineer recombinant strains with superior biobutanol-producing ability.  相似文献   

Even though ammonia is an essential nutrient for bacterial growth, it may inhibit methanogenesis during anaerobic digestion process if it is available at high concentrations. Therefore, ammonia is regarded as a potential inhibitor during anaerobic digestion, particularly when dealing with complex type of substrates such as manure or the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). Ammonia is produced through biological degradation of nitrogenous matter. Ammonium ion (NH4+) and free ammonia (NH3) are the two principal forms of inorganic ammonia nitrogen. Both forms can directly and indirectly cause inhibition in an anaerobic digestion system. Particularly, free ammonia (FAN) is a powerful inhibitor in an anaerobic digester above threshold concentrations. Process inhibition is related to the particular characteristics of the substrate to be anaerobically digested, pH, process temperature (mesophilic or thermophilic), type of the seed sludge (inoculum), the reactor configuration and to the concentrations of ammonium and ammonia. In this paper, ammonia inhibition in anaerobic digestion systems and the recovery efforts after inhibition are discussed. Furthermore, the impacts of ammonia inhibition on the microbial population available in anaerobic digesters, namely bacteria and Archaea, are also evaluated in detail.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of cheese whey wastewaters (CW) was investigated in a system consisting of an ecological pretreatment followed by upflow anaerobic filter (UAF). The pretreatment was conducted to solve the inhibition problems during anaerobic treatment of CW caused by the amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and to avoid the major problems of clogging in the reactor. The optimized ecological pretreatment of diluted CW induce removal yields of 50% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 60% of total suspended solids (TSS) after acidification by Lactobacillus paracasei at 32 degrees C during 20 h and neutralization with lime. The pretreated CW was used to feed UAF (35 degrees C). The effects of organic loading rate (OLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the pretreated CW anaerobic degradation were examined. The average total COD removals achieved was 80-90%. The performance of the reactor was depressed by increasing the COD concentration to 20 g/l (OLR = 4 gCOD/ld) and the COD removal efficiency was reduced to 72%. Significant methane yield (280 l/kg COD removal) was obtained at an HRT of 2 days.  相似文献   

Inhibition of anaerobic digestion process: a review   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Anaerobic digestion is an attractive waste treatment practice in which both pollution control and energy recovery can be achieved. Many agricultural and industrial wastes are ideal candidates for anaerobic digestion because they contain high levels of easily biodegradable materials. Problems such as low methane yield and process instability are often encountered in anaerobic digestion, preventing this technique from being widely applied. A wide variety of inhibitory substances are the primary cause of anaerobic digester upset or failure since they are present in substantial concentrations in wastes. Considerable research efforts have been made to identify the mechanism and the controlling factors of inhibition. This review provides a detailed summary of the research conducted on the inhibition of anaerobic processes. The inhibitors commonly present in anaerobic digesters include ammonia, sulfide, light metal ions, heavy metals, and organics. Due to the difference in anaerobic inocula, waste composition, and experimental methods and conditions, literature results on inhibition caused by specific toxicants vary widely. Co-digestion with other waste, adaptation of microorganisms to inhibitory substances, and incorporation of methods to remove or counteract toxicants before anaerobic digestion can significantly improve the waste treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

Electrolysis-enhanced anaerobic digestion of wastewater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study demonstrates enhanced methane production from wastewater in laboratory-scale anaerobic reactors equipped with electrodes for water electrolysis. The electrodes were installed in the reactor sludge bed and a voltage of 2.8-3.5 V was applied resulting in a continuous supply of oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen created micro-aerobic conditions, which facilitated hydrolysis of synthetic wastewater and reduced the release of hydrogen sulfide to the biogas. A portion of the hydrogen produced electrolytically escaped to the biogas improving its combustion properties, while another part was converted to methane by hydrogenotrophic methanogens, increasing the net methane production. The presence of oxygen in the biogas was minimized by limiting the applied voltage. At a volumetric energy consumption of 0.2-0.3 Wh/LR, successful treatment of both low and high strength synthetic wastewaters was demonstrated. Methane production was increased by 10-25% and reactor stability was improved in comparison to a conventional anaerobic reactor.  相似文献   

Summary An anaerobic hybrid reactor was used in the anaerobic treatment of an acidic petrochemical effluent. An organic loading rate of 20.04 kg COD/(m3d) at a HRT of 17 hours was obtained with a volatile fatty acid removal of 91%, and COD removal of 84%. A final reactor effluent containing 44 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 12.3 mg/l PO4-P was produced.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of pathogens in anaerobic digesters has been studied in a laboratory model system in which glucose-nutrient broth cultures of genetically-defined strains ofEscherichia coli received additions of fatty acids at concentrations similar to those attained during anaerobic treatment of farm wastes. Marked concentration-dependent inhibition of growth was observed for both antibiotic resistant and sensitive strains, and the effects increased with increasing chain lengths up to C8. Survival of enteric organisms during anaerobic digestion may be limited by fatty acid toxicity.  相似文献   

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