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Insect pollination improves the yield and quality of many crops, yet there is increasing evidence of insufficient insect pollinators limiting crop production. Effective Integrated Crop Pollination (ICP) involves adaptable, targeted and cost-effective management of crop pollination and encourages the use of both wild and managed pollinators where appropriate. In this study we investigate how the addition of honeybee hives affects the community of insects visiting oilseed rape, and if hive number and location affect pollinator foraging and oilseed rape pollination in order to provide evidence for effective ICP. We found that introducing hives increased overall flower visitor numbers and altered the pollinator community, which became dominated by honeybees. Furthermore a greater number of hives did not increase bee numbers significantly but did result in honeybees foraging further into fields. The timing of surveys and proximity to the field edge influenced different pollinators in different ways and represents an example of spatial and temporal complementarity. For example dipteran flower visitor numbers declined away from the field edge whereas honeybees peaked at intermediate distances into the field. Furthermore, no significant effects of survey round on wild bees overall was observed but honeybee numbers were relatively lower during peak flowering and dipteran abundance was greater in later survey rounds. Thus combining diverse wild pollinators and managed species for crop pollination buffers spatial and temporal variation in flower visitation. However we found no effect of insect pollination on seed set or yield of oilseed rape in our trial, highlighting the critical need to understand crop demand for insect pollination before investments are made in managing pollination services.  相似文献   

Pollinator diversity and crop pollination services are at risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steffan-Dewenter I  Potts SG  Packer L 《Trends in ecology & evolution》2005,20(12):651-2; author reply 652-3

The expansion of pollinator-dependent crops, especially in the developing world, together with reports of worldwide pollinator declines, raises concern of possible yield gaps. Farmers directly reliant on pollination services for food supply often live in regions where our knowledge of pollination services is poor. In a manipulative experiment replicated at 23 sites across an Ethiopian agricultural landscape, we found poor pollination services and severe pollen limitation in a common oil crop. With supplementary pollination, the yield increased on average by 91%. Despite the heterogeneous agricultural matrix, we found a low bee abundance, which may explain poor pollination services. The variation in pollen limitation was unrelated to surrounding forest cover, local bee richness and bee abundance. While practices that commonly increase pollinators (restricted pesticide use, flower strips) are an integral part of the landscape, these elements are apparently insufficient. Management to increase pollination services is therefore in need of urgent investigation.  相似文献   

Crop pollination by animals is an essential ecosystem service. Among animal-pollinated crops, distylous plants strongly depend on animal pollination. In distylous pollination systems, pollinator species are usually limited, although flowers of some distylous plants are visited by diverse animals. We studied the pollination biology of common buckwheat ( Fagopyrum esculentum ), a distylous crop mainly pollinated by honeybees and visited by many insect species, to evaluate the effects of non-honeybee species on pollination services. We focused on insects smaller than honeybees to determine their contribution to pollination. We applied pollination treatments with bags of coarse mesh to exclude flower visits by honeybees and larger insects and compared the seed set of bagged plants with that of untreated plants for pin and thrum flower morphs. We found a great reduction of seed set only in bagged pin flowers. We also confirmed that small insects, including ants, bees, wasps and flies, carried pin-morph pollen. These small insects transfer pollen from the short anthers of pin flowers to the short styles of thrum flowers, leading to sufficient seed set in thrum flowers. Consequently, small, non-honeybee insects have the potential to maintain at least half of the yield of this honeybee-dependent distylous crop.  相似文献   

Honey bees and wild bees provide critical pollination services to agricultural ecosystems; however, the relative contributions of different bee taxa are not well understood. The natural habitats surrounding farmland support food and nesting resources for wild bees and therefore play an important role in the maintenance of crop pollination. In this study, we selected Cucurbita pepo L. (squash) as a model crop to investigate the relative importance of honey bees and bumblebees in pollinating the crop. Thirteen fields, which were surrounded by a gradient of natural habitat, were investigated on the Yunnan‐Guizhou Plateau in China. We measured the visit densities of honey bees and bumblebees, the number of pollen grains deposited in a single visit by the two bee taxa, as well as the overall pollen grains deposited on stigmas during a flowering day, and then used Bayesian inference to decouple the pollen grains deposited by either the honey bees or the bumblebees. Compared with honey bees, bumblebees deposited a higher number of pollen grains on stigmas in a single visit, but had a lower visit density than honey bees. Meanwhile, the bumblebee visit density increased along the proportion of natural habitat, while the honey bee visit density was not affected by the surrounding natural habitat. Data simulations using Bayesian inference showed that on a flowering day, the number of pollen grains deposited by bumblebees increased with the proportion of natural habitat in the surrounding landscape, but the number of pollen grains deposited by honey bees did not. Moreover, the total numbers of pollen grains deposited by honey bees or bumblebees alone were all below 2000 (the critical level to satisfy the pollination requirement of this crop). Pollen calculations demonstrated that the number of pollen grains deposited by the two bee taxa was greater than 2000 in fields surrounded by more than 13% natural habitat (grasslands and forests). The results revealed that bumblebees ensured C. pepo pollination in combination with honey bees in the highland agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pollination improves the yield of most crop species and contributes to one-third of global crop production, but comprehensive benefits including crop quality are still unknown. Hence, pollination is underestimated by international policies, which is particularly alarming in times of agricultural intensification and diminishing pollination services. In this study, exclusion experiments with strawberries showed bee pollination to improve fruit quality, quantity and market value compared with wind and self-pollination. Bee-pollinated fruits were heavier, had less malformations and reached higher commercial grades. They had increased redness and reduced sugar–acid–ratios and were firmer, thus improving the commercially important shelf life. Longer shelf life reduced fruit loss by at least 11%. This is accounting for 0.32 billion US$ of the 1.44 billion US$ provided by bee pollination to the total value of 2.90 billion US$ made with strawberry selling in the European Union 2009. The fruit quality and yield effects are driven by the pollination-mediated production of hormonal growth regulators, which occur in several pollination-dependent crops. Thus, our comprehensive findings should be transferable to a wide range of crops and demonstrate bee pollination to be a hitherto underestimated but vital and economically important determinant of fruit quality.  相似文献   

Global economies depend on the use of fossil-fuel-based polymers with 360–400 million metric tons of synthetic polymers being produced per year. Unfortunately, an estimated 60% of the global production is disposed into the environment. Within this framework, microbiologists have tried to identify plastic-active enzymes over the past decade. Until now, this research has largely failed to deliver functional biocatalysts acting on the commodity polymers such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinylchloride (PVC), ether-based polyurethane (PUR), polyamide (PA), polystyrene (PS) and synthetic rubber (SR). However, few enzymes are known to act on low-density and low-crystalline (amorphous) polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and ester-based PUR. These above-mentioned polymers represent >95% of all synthetic plastics produced. Therefore, the main challenge microbiologists are currently facing is in finding polymer-active enzymes targeting the majority of fossil-fuel-based plastics. However, identifying plastic-active enzymes either to implement them in biotechnological processes or to understand their potential role in nature is an emerging research field. The application of these enzymes is still in its infancy. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on microbial plastic-active enzymes, their global distribution and potential impact on plastic degradation in industrial processes and nature. We further outline major challenges in finding novel plastic-active enzymes, optimizing known ones by synthetic approaches and problems arising through falsely annotated and unfiltered use of database entries. Finally, we highlight potential biotechnological applications and possible re- and upcycling concepts using microorganisms.  相似文献   

Many insect species can contribute to crop pollination; however, most growers remain highly dependent on the managed honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) for this service. The European Blue Blow Fly Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy, 1830 is one species with potential use as a pollinator. It occurs worldwide and is easy to rear. Caged trials conducted within a hybrid carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed crop found C. vicina to be an effective pollinator. Seed yield (number and weight) from field‐grown carrot plants caged with C. vicina, but excluding all other large flower visitors (body width > 3 mm), was similar to seed yield from uncaged plants in the presence of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and other insects. In contrast, caged plants without C. vicina produced 10‐fold less seed. Under open field conditions, C. vicina spent an average of 71.0 s per umbel compared to 54.4 s for honey bees; however, under caged conditions, C. vicina spent more time on average per umbel (128.9 s). Counts of C. vicina and honey bees on umbels outside of cages and C. vicina inside cages found that honey bees were most abundant on days with maximum temperature > 25°C, while C. vicina was more abundant on cooler days around 20°C. C. vicina may therefore be a useful pollinator of crops grown in isolation cages for plant breeding purposes as well as in open fields when climatic conditions are less favourable for optimal honey bee activity.  相似文献   

The yield of many agricultural crops depends on pollination services provided by wild and managed bees, many of which are experiencing declines due to factors such as reductions in floral resources. Thus, improving pollinator habitat on farmlands using management strategies like planting wildflower strips is vital for wild bee conservation and sustainable crop pollination. Yet, few studies have examined whether and at what spatial scales wildflower strips enhance crop pollination and yields, and most research has been conducted in large-scale commercial agriculture. Therefore, we investigated the effects of wildflower strips on crop pollination on small, diversified farms (i.e., those growing a variety of crop species) where wild bee diversity and abundance is predicted to be comparatively high. Over three years, on four diversified farms in Montana USA, we tested the hypothesis that distance (20, 60, and 180 m) of crops from native perennial wildflower strips planted alongside crop fields affected wild bee visitation, pollination, and yields of squash and sunflower crop plants. We found that distance to wildflower strips did not affect bee visitation or pollination in crops. Squash yield was pollen-limited in the growing season prior to wildflower strip establishment, and in one of the two years after wildflower strip establishment, but proximity to wildflower strips did not influence the magnitude of pollen limitation. Sunflower seed production was not pollen-limited in any year. Our findings demonstrate that even on diverse farms with wildflower strips and a demonstrated high diversity of bees, some crops do not necessarily receive maximum pollination, regardless of distance from the wildflower strips. However, the value of wildflower strips for supporting wild bee diversity, and other ecological or economic benefits, needs consideration for a full understanding of this pollinator habitat management strategy.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to hamper crop production due to precipitation deficits and warmer temperatures inducing both water stress and increasing herbivory due to more abundant insect pests. Consequently, crop yields will be impacted simultaneously by abiotic and biotic stressors. Extensive yield losses due to such climate change stressors might, however, be mitigated by ecosystem services such as insect pollination. We examined the single and combined effects of water stress, insect herbivory and insect pollination on faba bean yield components and above‐ and belowground plant biomass under realistic field conditions. We used rainout shelters to simulate a scenario in line with climate change projections, with adequate water supply at sowing followed by a long period without precipitation. This induced a gradually increasing water stress, culminating around crop flowering and yield formation. We found that gradually increasing water stress combined with insect herbivory by aphids interactively shaped yield in faba beans. Individually, aphid herbivory reduced yield by 79% and water stress reduced yield by 52%. However, the combined effect of water stress and aphid herbivory reduced yield less (84%) than the sum of the individual stressor effects. In contrast, insect pollination increased yield by 68% independently of water availability and insect herbivory. Our results suggest that yield losses can be greatly reduced when both water stress and insect herbivory are reduced simultaneously. In contrast, reducing only one stressor has negligible benefits on yield as long as the crop is suffering from the other stressor. We call for further exploration of interactions among ecosystem services and biotic and abiotic stressors that simulate realistic conditions under climate change.  相似文献   

The South American lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a crop plant of the Andes of Ecuador and Colombia, pollinated by South American bumblebees, such as, Bombus atratus Franklin. The cultivation of lulo outside of its native range, for example in European glasshouses, requires the presence of efficient pollinators to enable high fruit set and yield. Until now, the suitability of Bombus terrestris L., native to Europe and commonly used in agriculture, has been untested for this purpose. In this study, the pollen‐collecting behaviour of B. terrestris when visiting lulo flowers was investigated. It was shown that B. terrestris adopted the lulo as a pollen source, and on average visited three flowers per minute, had five buzzing events per stay and foraged for 15 s on a single flower, independently of the previous number of visits and level of bruising to the anthers. The pollination efficiency of five different treatments was evaluated: (i) exclusion of bees, (ii) single and (iii) multiple visits of B. terrestris, (iv) self‐ and (v) cross‐pollination by hand. The results clearly demonstrated that, for fruit set, pollination is crucial. It was also found that lulo flowers can be successfully self‐pollinated, but give 25% fewer fruit set compared with pollination via multiple bumblebee visits, or cross‐pollination by hand. Fruit set, seed set and fruit size were as high with pollination by B. terrestris as with cross‐pollination by hand, indicating that this bumblebee is an appropriate pollinator for lulo. However, B. terrestris was conspicuously less effective when a flower was visited only once. Therefore, when growing lulos commercially, multiple bumblebee visits should be encouraged, but it is likely that the behaviour of B. terrestris would ensure this anyway. Our results indicate that B. terrestris is a suitable and efficient pollinator for the production of lulo fruits.  相似文献   

Manipulations of the interactions between plants and their floral visitors remain the most successful path to an understanding of floral traits, which may have been shaped by both herbivores and pollinators. By using genetic tools in combination with old-fashioned field work the dual protective/advertisement functions of floral traits are being realized. The distinction between wanted and unwanted floral visitors is blurring, and plants with specialized pollination systems are being found capable of using alternative pollinators if the specialized pollinators fail to perform.  相似文献   

俞孔坚 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8733-8745
农民利用千百年积累的生态智慧,通过简单而有效的方法,用最少的投入,实现大面积的改变,营造可持续的、源于自然而又高于自然的地球表面景观。文章探讨了如何重新发掘农民道法自然的生态智慧,进行大面积水生态修复的理念、方法和案例。基于作者及其团队20多年的研究和实践,提出了“传统生态智慧-模式提炼-增强设计-运行检测(POE)-模块技术-现代生态修复工程”的研究和实践路径,将传统农耕生态智慧进行了增强设计,形成了模块化的当代生态工程技术,用于大面积国土生态修复,尤其是以水为核心的生态过程与景观的生态修复,在全国200多个城市的山水林田湖草生态修复工程中进行实践并得到检验。  相似文献   

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment distinguishes between supporting, regulating, provisioning, and cultural ecosystem services. We focus on three services, namely the provision of timber, the regulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and the supporting service of bee pollination for coffee production. Possible trade-offs between the different ecosystem services might result in a reduced attractiveness of afforestation projects when taking pollination services into account. We found that economic losses due to a limited reduction of tree density of a Cordia alliodora plantation can be overcompensated by generating pollination services to adjacent coffee agroforestry systems. Thus, for moderate silvicultural interventions such trade-offs do not necessarily occur. Including additional ecosystem services such as biological pest control or seed dispersal, which are also associated with the enhanced functional biodiversity in less dense tree plantations, might further emphasize the hump-shaped relationship between tree density and forest revenues.  相似文献   

Evolutionarily labile responses to a signal of aggressive intent   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Males of many swordtail species possess vertical bar pigment patterns that are used both in courtship and agonistic interactions. Expression of the bars may function as a conventional threat signal during conflicts with rival males; bars intensify at the onset of aggression and fade in the subordinate male at contest's end. We used mirror image stimulation and bar manipulations to compare the aggressive responses of the males of four swordtail species to their barred and barless images. We found that having a response to the bars is tightly linked to having genes for bars, while the nature of the response the bars evoked varied across species. Specifically, we report the first known instance where closely related species exhibited differing and contradictory responses to a signal of aggressive motivation. Demonstrating that a signal conveys the same information across species (aggressive intent) while the response to that information has changed among species suggests that the nature of the responses are more evolutionarily labile than the signal.  相似文献   

Managing ecosystem services is critical to human survival, yet we do not know how large natural areas must be to support these services. We investigated how crop pollination services provided by native, unmanaged, bee communities varied on organic and conventional farms situated along a gradient of isolation from natural habitat. Pollination services from native bees were significantly, positively related to the proportion of upland natural habitat in the vicinity of farm sites, but not to any other factor studied, including farm type, insecticide usage, field size and honeybee abundance. The scale of this relationship matched bee foraging ranges. Stability and predictability of pollination services also increased with increasing natural habitat area. This strong relationship between natural habitat area and pollination services was robust over space and time, allowing prediction of the area needed to produce a given level of pollination services by wild bees within this landscape.  相似文献   

Insect pollination and pest control are pivotal functions sustaining global food production. However, they have mostly been studied in isolation and how they interactively shape crop yield remains largely unexplored. Using controlled field experiments, we found strong synergistic effects of insect pollination and simulated pest control on yield quantity and quality. Their joint effect increased yield by 23%, with synergistic effects contributing 10%, while their single contributions were 7% and 6%, respectively. The potential economic benefit for a farmer from the synergistic effects (12%) was 1.8 times greater than their individual contributions (7% each). We show that the principal underlying mechanism was a pronounced pest-induced reduction in flower lifetime, resulting in a strong reduction in the number of pollinator visits a flower receives during its lifetime. Our findings highlight the importance of non-additive interactions among ecosystem services (ES) when valuating, mapping or predicting them and reveal fundamental implications for ecosystem management and policy aimed at maximizing ES for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

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