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We sought to examine interactions of the prion protein (PrPC) with monoaminergic systems due to: the role of PrPC in both Prion and Alzheimer diseases, which include clinical depression among their symptoms, the implication of monoamines in depression, and the hypothesis that PrPC serves as a scaffold for signaling systems. To that effect we compared both behavior and monoaminergic markers in wild type (WT) and PrPC-null (PrP−/−) mice. PrP−/− mice performed poorly when compared with WT in forced swimming, tail suspension, and novelty suppressed feeding tests, typical of depressive-like behavior, but not in the control open field nor rotarod motor tests; cyclic AMP responses to stimulation of D1 receptors by dopamine was selectively impaired in PrP−/− mice, and responses to serotonin, but not to norepinephrine, also differed between genotypes. Contents of dopamine, tyrosine hydroxylase, and the 5-HT5A serotonin receptor were increased in the cerebral cortex of PrP−/−, as compared with WT mice. Microscopic colocalization, as well as binding in overlay assays were found of PrPC with both the 5HT5A and D1, but not D4 receptors. The data are consistent with the scaffolding of monoaminergic signaling modules by PrPC, and may help understand the pathogenesis of clinical depression and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Smad3基因对剔除小鼠血清酶活性的影响。方法 采用荷兰半自动生化分析仪对 35日龄、70日龄、6月龄的三种不同基因型的小鼠的ALP、AST、ALT、CK、LDH L进行测定。结果 纯合型小鼠各项指标较野生型高 ,且表现出ALP随着年龄的增长而降低 ;AST、ALT、CK、LDH L随着年龄的增长而增高。结论 Smad3基因的剔除对小鼠的血清酶活性有一定的影响 ,为该小鼠的进一步研究提供基础。  相似文献   

1. Prion protein (PrPC) is a host-encoded glycoprotein constitutively expressed on the neuronal cell surface. Accumulation of its protease-resistant isoform is closely related to pathologic changes and prion propagation in the brain tissue of a series of prion diseases. However, the physiological role of PrPC remains to be elucidated.2. After long-term observation, we noted impaired motor coordination and loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells in the aged mice homozygous for a disrupted PrP gene, a finding which strongly suggests that PrPC plays a role in the long-term survival of Purkinje cells.3. We also describe the resistance of the PrP null mice to the prion, indicating the requirement of PrPC for both the development of prion diseases and the prion propagation.  相似文献   

Prions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae show a surprising degree of interdependence. Specifically, the rate of appearance of the [PSI+] prion, which is thought to be an important mechanism to respond to changing environmental conditions, is greatly increased by another prion, [RNQ+]. While the domains of the Rnq1 protein important for formation of the [RNQ+] prion have been defined, the specific residues required remain unknown. Furthermore, residues in Rnq1p that mediate the interaction between [PSI+] and [RNQ+] are unknown. To identify residues important for prion protein interactions, we created a mutant library of Rnq1p clones in the context of a chimera that serves as proxy for [RNQ+] aggregates. Several of the mutant Rnq1p proteins showed structural differences in the aggregates they formed, as revealed by semi-denaturing detergent agarose gel electrophoresis. Additionally, several of the mutants showed a striking defect in the ability to promote [PSI+] induction. These data indicate that the mutants formed strain variants of [RNQ+]. By dissecting the mutations in the isolated clones, we found five single mutations that caused [PSI+] induction defects, S223P, F184S, Q239R, N297S, and Q298R. These are the first specific mutations characterized in Rnq1p that alter [PSI+] induction. Additionally, we have identified a region important for the propagation of certain strain variants of [RNQ+]. Deletion of this region (amino acids 284-317) affected propagation of the high variant but not medium or low [RNQ+] strain variants. Furthermore, when the low [RNQ+] strain variant was propagated by Δ284-317, [PSI+] induction was greatly increased. These data suggest that this region is important in defining the structure of the [RNQ+] strain variants. These data are consistent with a model of [PSI+] induction caused by physical interactions between Rnq1p and Sup35p.  相似文献   

朊病毒病是一种由朊病毒侵染动物神经系统并引发神经退行性症状的传染性疾病。朊病毒是由正常朊蛋白PrP^C通过构象转化形成具蛋白酶抗性的异常朊蛋白PrP^Se的病原微生物。最新研究表明,朊蛋白通过构象转变形成新的功能分子的现象在生物界中普遍存在,并与正常生物功能密切相关。通过研究类朊蛋白现象可以有助于揭示朊病毒感染机制以及深化对生物遗传多样性的了解。  相似文献   

Lectins are proteins capable of reversible binding to the carbohydrates in glycoconjugates that can regulate many physiological and pathological events. Galectin-1, a β-galactoside-binding lectin, is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and exhibits neuroprotective functions. Additionally, lectins isolated from plants have demonstrated beneficial action in the CNS. One example is a lectin with mannose-glucose affinity purified from Canavalia brasiliensis seeds, ConBr, which displays neuroprotective and antidepressant activity. On the other hand, the effects of the galactose-binding lectin isolated from Vatairea macrocarpa seeds (VML) on the CNS are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to verify if VML is able to alter neural function by evaluating signaling enzymes, glial and inflammatory proteins in adult mice hippocampus, as well as behavioral parameters. VML administered by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v) route increased the immobility time in the forced swimming test (FST) 60 min after its injection through a carbohydrate recognition domain-dependent mechanism. Furthermore, under the same conditions, VML caused an enhancement of COX-2, GFAP and S100B levels in mouse hippocampus. However, phosphorylation of Akt, GSK-3β and mitogen-activated protein kinases named ERK1/2, JNK1/2/3 and p38MAPK, was not changed by VML. The results reported here suggest that VML may trigger neuroinflammatory response in mouse hippocampus and exhibit a depressive-like activity. Taken together, our findings indicate a dual role for galactose binding lectins in the modulation of CNS function.  相似文献   

Despite overwhelming evidence implicating the prion protein (PrP) in prion disease pathogenesis, the normal function of this cell surface glycoprotein remains unclear. In previous reports we demonstrated that PrP mediates cellular iron uptake and transport, and aggregation of PrP to the disease causing PrP-scrapie (PrPSc) form results in imbalance of iron homeostasis in prion disease affected human and animal brains. Here, we show that selective deletion of PrP in transgenic mice (PrPKO) alters systemic iron homeostasis as reflected in hematological parameters and levels of total iron and iron regulatory proteins in the plasma, liver, spleen, and brain of PrPKO mice relative to matched wild type controls. Introduction of radiolabeled iron (59FeCl3) to Wt and PrPKO mice by gastric gavage reveals inefficient transport of 59Fe from the duodenum to the blood stream, an early abortive spike of erythropoiesis in the long bones and spleen, and eventual decreased 59Fe content in red blood cells and all major organs of PrPKO mice relative to Wt controls. The iron deficient phenotype of PrPKO mice is reversed by expressing Wt PrP in the PrPKO background, demonstrating a functional role for PrP in iron uptake and transport. Since iron is required for essential metabolic processes and is also potentially toxic if mismanaged, these results suggest that loss of normal function of PrP due to aggregation to the PrPSc form induces imbalance of brain iron homeostasis, resulting in disease associated neurotoxicity.  相似文献   



Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative disorders characterized by misfolding and aggregation of the normal prion protein PrPC. Little is known about the details of the structural rearrangement of physiological PrPC into a still-elusive disease-associated conformation termed PrPSc. Increasing evidence suggests that the amino-terminal octapeptide sequences of PrP (huPrP, residues 59–89), though not essential, play a role in modulating prion replication and disease presentation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we report that trypsin digestion of PrPSc from variant and sporadic human CJD results in a disease-specific trypsin-resistant PrPSc fragment including amino acids ∼49–231, thus preserving important epitopes such as the octapeptide domain for biochemical examination. Our immunodetection analyses reveal that several epitopes buried in this region of PrPSc are exposed in PrPC.


We conclude that the octapeptide region undergoes a previously unrecognized conformational transition in the formation of PrPSc. This phenomenon may be relevant to the mechanism by which the amino terminus of PrPC participates in PrPSc conversion, and may also be exploited for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Atypical scrapie or Nor98 has been identified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that is clearly distinguishable from classical scrapie and BSE, notably regarding the biochemical features of the protease-resistant prion protein PrPres and the genetic factors involved in susceptibility to the disease. In this study we transmitted the disease from a series of 12 French atypical scrapie isolates in a transgenic mouse model (TgOvPrP4) overexpressing in the brain ∼0.25, 1.5 or 6× the levels of the PrPARQ ovine prion protein under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter. We used an approach based on serum PrPc measurements that appeared to reflect the different PrPc expression levels in the central nervous system. We found that transmission of atypical scrapie, much more than in classical scrapie or BSE, was strongly influenced by the PrPc expression levels of TgOvPrP4 inoculated mice. Whereas TgOvPrP4 mice overexpressing ∼6× the normal PrPc level died after a survival periods of 400 days, those with ∼1.5× the normal PrPc level died at around 700 days. The transmission of atypical scrapie in TgOvPrP4 mouse line was also strongly influenced by the prnp genotypes of the animal source of atypical scrapie. Isolates carrying the AF141RQ or AHQ alleles, associated with increased disease susceptibility in the natural host, showed a higher transmissibility in TgOvPrP4 mice. The biochemical analysis of PrPres in TgOvPrP4 mouse brains showed a fully conserved pattern, compared to that in the natural host, with three distinct PrPres products. Our results throw light on the transmission features of atypical scrapie and suggest that the risk of transmission is intrinsically lower than that of classical scrapie or BSE, especially in relation to the expression level of the prion protein.  相似文献   

何凤田 《生命的化学》2001,21(6):445-447
近年来 ,关于朊病毒 (Prion ,PrP)的结构与功能以及相关疾病的研究倍受关注。正常朊病毒 (PrPc)是一类高度保守的糖蛋白 ,其广泛表达于脊椎动物 ,其与神经系统功能的维持、淋巴细胞信号转导、核酸代谢等有关 ;当其发生构象改变后可变成致病性朊病毒(PrPSc)。PrPSc可引起包括疯牛病在内的一系列致死性神经变性疾病 (统称为Prion病 )。1 .PrPc 的化学结构PrPc 以一个糖基磷脂酰肌醇 (GPI)锚定于细胞膜 ,GPI锚被唾液酸修饰 ,其作用是允许PrPc 在胞膜磷脂双层中活动 ,从而使蛋白质从一个细胞易位…  相似文献   

We recently identified a novel germinal center GTPase, SLIP-GC, that localizes to replication factories in B cells and that, when reduced, induces DNA breaks in lymphoma B cell lines in an activation-induced deaminase (AID)-dependent manner. Herein, we generated mice deficient in SLIP-GC and examined the impact of SLIP-GC deficiency in immunoglobulin hypermutation and class switch recombination, both AID-dependent mechanisms. SLIP-GC-deficient mice experienced a substantial increase in mutations at G:C base pairs at the region downstream of JH4 in the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. This change was reflected in the overall mutation frequency, and it was associated with an increase in transitions from G:C base pairs, a hallmark of AID-mediated deamination during replication. In addition, G:C transitions at non-immunoglobulin loci also increased in these mice. Given the intracellular localization of SLIP-GC to sites of replicating DNA, these results suggest that SLIP-GC protects replicating DNA from AID-mediated deamination of cytosines in both strands.  相似文献   



The recent West Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks in developed countries, including Europe and the United States, have been associated with significantly higher neuropathology incidence and mortality rate than previously documented. The changing epidemiology, the constant risk of (re-)emergence of more virulent WNV strains, and the lack of effective human antiviral therapy or vaccines makes understanding the pathogenesis of severe disease a priority. Thus, to gain insight into the pathophysiological processes in severe WNV infection, a kinetic analysis of protein expression profiles in the brain of WNV-infected mice was conducted using samples prior to and after the onset of clinical symptoms.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To this end, 2D-DIGE and gel-free iTRAQ labeling approaches were combined, followed by protein identification by mass spectrometry. Using these quantitative proteomic approaches, a set of 148 proteins with modified abundance was identified. The bioinformatics analysis (Ingenuity Pathway Analysis) of each protein dataset originating from the different time-point comparisons revealed that four major functions were altered during the course of WNV-infection in mouse brain tissue: i) modification of cytoskeleton maintenance associated with virus circulation; ii) deregulation of the protein ubiquitination pathway; iii) modulation of the inflammatory response; and iv) alteration of neurological development and neuronal cell death. The differential regulation of selected host protein candidates as being representative of these biological processes were validated by western blotting using an original fluorescence-based method.


This study provides novel insights into the in vivo kinetic host reactions against WNV infection and the pathophysiologic processes involved, according to clinical symptoms. This work offers useful clues for anti-viral research and further evaluation of early biomarkers for the diagnosis and prevention of severe neurological disease caused by WNV.  相似文献   

The prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease of humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy, involve the aberrant metabolism and accumulation of prion protein PrP. There are three contradictory hypotheses about evolution of prion protein gene PRNP. Population genetic studies have proposed that PRNP could be under balancing selection, strong purifying selection, or mainly positive selection. We made use of the maximum likelihood tests for detection of positive selection at the amino acid level and present availability of PRNP coding sequences to contribute to these disagreements. Positive selection could occur at amino acids residing in active sites, and at amino acids involved in protein-protein interactions. Thus we tested a hypothesis that positive selection at the amino acid level in PrP might have taken place in human and related species from the superordinal group Euarchonta, as well as in bovine and related species from the superordinal clade Laurasiatheria. Our study and the present experimental evidences indicate that positive selection at the amino acid level might have taken place in the PrP signal sequences and conformationally plastic PrP regions, as well as at the protein X binding sites. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Prof. Vera Gamulin passed away.  相似文献   

朊病毒是不含核酸的一种蛋白质感染颗粒,感染宿主后可诱导细胞固有的同类朊蛋白(PrPC)构象改变、转化成具有蛋白酶抗性的致病性朊粒蛋白(PrPSc),导致可传播性海绵状脑病的发生.PrPC既作为朊病毒复制和疾病发生的分子基础,又是正常的细胞膜蛋白,作为细胞信号转导的参与者调控多条信号通路.因此,揭示PrPC在各条信号途径中发挥的作用将有助于深入了解PrPC的生理功能,进一步理解疾病发生发展过程,为今后的诊断治疗奠定基础.  相似文献   



The α2-antiplasmin (α2AP) protein is known to be a principal physiological inhibitor of plasmin, and is expressed in various part of the brain, including the hippocampus, cortex, hypothalamus and cerebellum, thus suggesting a potential role for α2AP in brain functions. However, the involvement of α2AP in brain functions is currently unclear.


The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of the deletion of the α2AP gene on the behavior of mice.


The motor function was examined by the wire hang test and rotarod test. To evaluate the cognitive function, a repeated rotarod test, Y-maze test, Morris water maze test, passive or shuttle avoidance test and fear conditioning test were performed. An open field test, dark/light transition test or tail suspension test was performed to determine the involvement of α2AP in anxiety or depression-like behavior.

Results and Conclusions

The α2AP knockout (α2AP−/−) mice exhibited impaired motor function compared with α2AP+/+ mice. The α2AP−/− mice also exhibited impairments in motor learning, working memory, spatial memory and fear conditioning memory. Furthermore, the deletion of α2AP induced anxiety-like behavior, and caused an anti-depression-like effect in tail suspension. Therefore, our findings suggest that α2AP is a crucial mediator of motor function, cognitive function, anxiety-like behavior and depression-like behavior, providing new insights into the role of α2AP in the brain functions.  相似文献   

哺乳动物中蛋白质折叠异常与朊病毒病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾捷 《生命的化学》2001,21(1):59-63
在过去的两年中 ,有关朊病毒 (prion)蛋白结构的最新NMR数据不断扩展 ,这主要是在仓鼠和人体蛋白质中取得的。另外 ,两种朊病毒蛋白的折叠动力学机制亦被阐明。目前已经得到几种朊病毒的样品 ,它们可以在溶液中采取不同的构象。近来所做的有关朊病毒蛋白链分子基础的研究工作进一步巩固了蛋白质独自致病的假说。通过对最小蛋白质片断的辨认 ,疾病与结构的相互关系的研究也取得了重要进展。1 .引言在 2 5种被确证为由动物组织中变性蛋白质沉积而引起的病症中 ,只有传染性海绵状脑病 (TSEs)会产生传染性物质。可能朊病毒疾病最独…  相似文献   

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